Hey! This Paper Belongs To: TM Lauderdale County’s Fun Family Newspaper - July 2019 TThhee TThhrreeee BBrraanncchheess ooff tthhee UU..SS.. GGoovveerrnnmmeenntt What's it Like to Be a Professional Mountain Guide? Wildville - Swiss Cows Where In The World Is Italy? Maximize Your Summer Vacation For more fun and games, visit the Kidsville News! Website at KidsvilleNews.com/lauderdale July 2019 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 1
Kidsville News!-In- Gee Thanks! Education Sponsors for helping to provide Kidsville News! to Lauderdale Kids K-6th. FLORENCE UTILITIES Friends of Kidsville News! • SIMPSON’S AUTO GLASS & WRECKER SERVICE • MIKE RANDALL, REALTOR® • McCUTCHEON & HAMNER, P.C. • EXCEL COMPUTER SERVICES • WILLIAM A. McCLANAHAN, D.M.D. HQeZlVloF!FHAGtXtention Kids & Teachers Too! This is Truman From Kidsville News! I WANT YOUR STUDENTS’ ORIGINAL ARTWORK OR POEMS TO BE PRINTED ON PAGE 12 IN Kidsville News! ’s Send ItKWtipdhaserOvmeilnlReitnsNKafe,liwallts!oeLurtEistAsThduNideTsErWofEEsrosrRumsSH•eaYet2nhyd1Oe&9smKUeWinodR.dPnsTOoi!teuOTnrwErnRiweutMsehmIsbeSyGaseoint!uISeratN!g.wJWao•AuiersnkFtL.mlohtIraoaAey:wvnecaRpeynr,ToitnuAtrL 35630 per Age L 35630 ErjRournal.net ArjToOurRnal.net EGRwSyn Jones Name City eUveTILvuEbiSch IBLBUeielTlFyOrWReeSamrraenn Address School Library ver Zip School Your Artwork July 2019 Or Poem Fh2rehKasKJhhiipduhdfaAsssohavrvtiSrinhreilmllfd!n,lAeeitljoNlMuonNeosrwueptPstgaw!S LugtsaeehE! rendP7i“ldFaeSonaOfesIsnettiRdhg!hinMIsativt”e,A BetterMWikaeyA RTBoaeBtntedetratelWlr,aGyraTdoeB2s5e! 6t-t2e7r8G-2r3a4d2es!DaeRphNc@nhTunek@sLysAtdhcphAalyhtdtcpiatAepitdenIilir-iseearnOpIlahEofr.iultTsodaoeatrTlockepbethOlteTkanknTbetriteDesrtPtvhR,rihWsmsmtsioaiOrienransOsmesredE,inr,iMoNfddivgiAgnsoetaaenttewiwnslsrshvthetel,rsRasaashineRSlatnaplitiEnbpwdiufEmdeliaswltvevrealsghFswhnvpnliregthotRNtmaonnehisotierDfLirNsvsvsutheOrrlokaNdatslshsoisotoTtesteKrnlftnte,i,unliIeeesvoepIuieieeeovooheuoerwaUewretecTksevaTrnrMiacrnknlraaoouensaslerntweonmoo,punsdul!yfEdestNaek.aOgtnanmenpeAhdn.io,kkh.loswdumyoiilse,ooTiRsbtdcswllriDieNagrnRNdgtotiedsrd.riepoportttuoomoarscscfsautahaApnl,.hamdvsvAasAxpi.retafemoawlseiiihuolpceho.tailrslnsiAeypluarlgCfhcinsoimeoedorTcrakunnxceatliydvaiohoenbNa,nNiEmpmsetyaSlpel.lliIcehmrgepne.eiealmac.eerRsrtrOlppqwwCrncgcemhlctesrUueosekggiishosee&o,ebasihatu!i!trroNirdasoptmlmlsvsresIheaiTcmdmsit.nsntiireenwhriuciohreTigNcneaei.naeendeef.iyhnniadsiielrdegiele’idtlvsicnsnotUrgenisiachtoaetnnecrlltsosnbfleryosctsgxedso.shxc,iseroorpo;wviSWluatsuysytwtmueeooptetyns.gtiepdsleYrhrlteiphdPNesarsaashesonoido.onPe,inlicctafdixAft,anuunalhrtrreynoayNnoseernSrexnoggthwasdfoAesidrerhiseSesrsleodnendl,.twterpcifesty.oiopDxgrdsera’rclospnariyatphdmayehanygracolebttebyonrostrcvuueaohcucnaraesrghueedreGytnessebgmuakt,jumoseoocicrnoarc(Cntfbtei.aTehvorcsdrdTAdeoewadhppyridhlfyioiesiusoNruSasi…ttxpanuussolneitegkrdudio’a,nsssiiteNrnnedcy.od,smSofOypiygoyTnuoaorwtfPnudARrKrweaIidBowN(sreiPvkneTti)gltrleemCiWnrilNsOuW•csenIboiQsowaaTluZeonvasyre!r)Hl!iv,r?aieTaOtcgdohene,,eFdU•iCBusnAll,TlouyefaNfbnotStirOcZOtdoTUrea!entWbesHNh’rstlneueeLlGId•derIIeaN?NSrTnNduoattsiEoLTdniSorDmsgHen•gIpsi-EPSnrTG!oceAR-vShrhNmePoEHooEtACAwmlw-ORoBLowneTaTAtlswretOaeUtLu.cdctRettlSsRuCro®-!b•urgEzriFrrtniarucedguteoelusCrmiionnn•gsjI.OSuucnAolsTtntTamYuet/6oiA-t/o0oOuCn-ror9Tnir0HnTe-eOndgosc.atnm.ey.Peser!e!p Here Your Name www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals
Hi, Kids! WltiiRmishvseoeeaOlarOoskldntescednheiat.ez“ets”eCoureuofoeprdfon.eftnaithTnerthCseehcheeitaednsiCtrteomtaehnrntaiRsanohal”ollgoremosPtelsinoeacttet,r.hfhkcapIiForntetieuidnnarnemdsltyNoorab,uoniekretuwaebstonswurcYtimhnthooahoierntttreskeheitesUoChpaf.aiewabtSrylyogost.,uoroaltvogdraeafoenIrnvi.dtnstemhirinaTennedlhmlne“getetpAohnevVtrtenehoadruastpnentpiemcndeoatwecpntoinlca.hertolekVutwinasathttokortigecyhesa.etnhoIwveCtearitryisy.toi1t /8 fmmtirtoaesErnaevyisenutnptrhoaeatisnhntthoti5aunhg4tgehsrmaeVara.tnand“tygCicasugalclaltneulullreprCieratiitusleyrsCet?oihssnenhrseoemcu.atsliCelo,dannsti”hnyetoTrauehlkeimasrVaaegabitmonieucatanhnyso.owamTrhemtieusortcfeihctaahrreet Until next month, Italy? Italy has a long history. Many peoples and empires have called the area home. Some of the first people to live in Italy were the Etruscans. They led https://www.britannica.com/topic/history-of-Italy competing kingdoms in central Italy from 5000 B.C. to the 4th century B.C. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-17433142 Greek colonies also flourished along the coast around 700 B.C. The next people https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/it.html to have power in Italy were the Romans. The Roman Empire lasted for 500 https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/explore/countries/italy/#italy-coliseum.jpg years. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Italy was made of many strong and wealthy city states. Italy became the united nation state that we know today in 1862. King Victor Emmanuel II united the area, which included the islands of Sardinia and Sicily. • Italy is a peninsula. That means that is surrounded by water on three sides. • The population is 61 million. • The official language is Italian. • German, French and Latin are also spoken in northern Italy. • The area is 116,346 square miles. • The currency is the Euro. • The capital is Rome. • Rome is also Italy’s biggest city. It has a population of 2.6 million. • There are two major mountain ranges in Italy: The Alps and Apennines. • The major rivers are the Po, Adige, Arno and Tiber. • Vatican City, the smallest nation in the world, is located in Rome. • Artists Leonardo DaVinci and Michelangelo were Italian. • The Italian flag is made of three colors: green, white and red. Green represents hope. White represents faith. Red represents charity. • Italy has 4,722 miles of coast and 70 islands. • The highest mountain in Italy is in the Alps. It is Mont Blanc, and it is 15,776 feet tall. • There are three active volcanoes in Italy. • They are Mt. Vesuvius, Mt. Etna and Mt. Stromboli. • The ancient volcanic eruptions make the soil in Italy very fertile. • Italy is famous for its food. Pizza, gelato, lasagna and mozzarella all come from Italy. • Four-fifths of Italy is covered in mountains and hills. • 50 million people visit Italy every year. • Italy has 51 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization World Heritage Sites. That is the most of any country in the world. • The first European country to use forks was Italy. July 2019 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 3
This Page Brought To You By: The three branches of government The government of the United States • It also has the power to declare war and are the Central Intelligence Agency, of America is divided into three must approve the president’s choices for Environmental Protection Agency and sections. These sections are called important positions like federal judges National Science Foundation. branches. They are the legislative branch, and the justices of the Supreme Court. the judicial branch and the executive • The judicial branch interprets the branch. Each branch has specific powers, • The executive branch carries out and meaning of laws. and no branch is more powerful than enforces laws. the other. This system was written into • The Supreme Court and other federal the Constitution to provide checks and • The president, vice president, courts make up the judicial branch. balances. Each branch makes sure that the independent agencies and executive others do not get too powerful. Instead, departments, including the department they must work together to govern the of defense, the department of education United States. and the department of labor, make up • The legislative branch makes laws. this branch. • The legislative branch includes the • A lot of work is done in the executive House of Representatives and the branch by the independent agencies and Senate. executive departments. • Some of the independent agencies that are part of the executive branch www.usa.gov/branches-of-government | bensguide.gpo.gov/a-what-are-branches | www.britannica.com/topic/Swiss-Guards 4 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals July 2019
Coloring Corner Celebrate National Dental Hygiene Month. Color in this picture and write a sentence about how you take care of your teeth. Truman Truman’s TM View Tricky about their opinions ThePicture and favorite things. Local kidsFind these items! Be sure to find let us know....Truman’s hat! Play more games at www.kidsvillenews.com. YOUR answer Do YOU want to be here? to a Kidsville View question Go to page 22 and fill out... on page 22 The TM View YOUR PHOTO YOUR Name HERE School Grade July 2019 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 5
Local History Written by Billy Warren she did keep it locked, she would, on certain occasions, open it for someone that she knew would appreciate her sharing a glimpse of the Did You Know? treasures inside it. And the person who was granted a look at each individual item did, indeed, consider it a real privilege. There would The Hope Chest be compliments all around as each piece was lifted gently from the chest and, just as gently, returned to it. Many young people have a “keeper box.” In it, they might What happened to the hope chest after the young lady married? have their favorite baseball and or football trading cards, small Was it discarded after it had served its original purpose? Absolutely not! Sometimes, it was left at the parents’ home for a younger sister souvenirs from their out-of-town trips, autographed photos to use as her own hope chest. Usually, though, it went to the home of the young bride, to be used as both a handsome piece of furniture from rock concerts, a rare $2.00 bill, etc. – whatever is most and a convenient storage unit. Perhaps there is one or more of these fine hope chests still owned by your family today. important to them. SOMETHING TO DO: Though you might know about a “keeper box” (and might 1. Choose one or two older members of your family (perhaps a grandparent or someone else in that generation) to interview. Ask own one yourself), have you ever heard of a “hope chest”? questions such as: a. Do you remember any young lady who had a hope chest (or For hundreds of years in Europe and other countries – and in cedar chest)? b. If so, did you ever see inside it? If you did, what did she keep in it? America as late as the 1950’s – young ladies in their teen years 2. Long before hope chests, young ladies were expected to have would acquire a wooden chest and make it their official hope a dowry. Using a reference source, write a brief paragraph about a dowry. chest. 3. What would you suggest that a young lady of today should put Usually, this chest was made of cedar, or at least lined with inside a hope chest? cedar, to make it safe from moths and other such insects which could damage its contents. In many cases, the young lady’s father or another family member skilled in woodworking would make the chest for her. If that wasn’t possible, she or her family would purchase one from a company that Water Wise manufactured them. Match the Water-Saving Tip to the Amount of Water Saved By far, the 1. Use a hose nozzle and turn leading company off the water while you wash your car or bike and save this in America from much water. 1912 forward was the Lane Company in Virginia. A Lane cedar chest was sturdily built and typically 2. You’ll save this much water polished well on if you time your shower to A. More than 50 gallons keep it under 5 minutes. the outside, free of a week 3. If you turn off the shower any decorations or B. Up to 80 gallons while you shampoo, how carvings – but it was many gallons will you save? every time evidently exactly what young ladies wanted. Because of the success of this company, the term “cedar chest” came to be used as often as the term “hope chest.” This well-known firm C. 4 gallons every produced hope chests by the thousands and shipped them all 4. Turn off the water while minute across America – including Florence, Muscle Shoals, Sheffield, you brush your teeth and D. More than 100 you’ll keep this much water Tuscumbia and all other sections of the Shoals. from going down the drain. gallons So, after a young lady acquired a hope chest, what did she 5. Use a broom instead of a E. Up to 1000 gallons place in it? In almost every case, she would carefully select hose to wash off driveways a month and sidewalks and save this items that would be useful during and after her wedding: much water. special pieces of clothing, tablecloths, towels, bed linens, quilts, accessories (such as carefully-chosen pieces of jewelry) for her wedding, a set of silver eating utensils, one or more favorite heirlooms, etc. Brought to you by: Did the young lady allow others to see the contents of her FLORENCE WATER DEPT. hope chest, or did she warn people to stay away from it? While Answers On Page 23 6 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals July 2019
MATHTIME How many squares are in the figure below? A digital clock shows either three _______ or four digits. At what time do the squares digits have the greatest sum? Answers On Page 23 Lauderdale County’s Send It Hey Kids! Truman again. I want Fun family Newspaper YOUR ORIGINAL ART WORK, LETTERS & POEMS! We may print 219 W. Tennessee St. Florence, AL 35630 them in a later issue or use them on our website! Just have your 256-764-4268 parents fill out this form and send it with your work to: EDITOR & PUBLISHER Kidsville News! • 219 W. Tennessee St. • Florence, AL 35630 Thomas V. Magazzu [email protected] KIDSVILLE COORDINATOR Andrea L. Gray [email protected] GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Russell Roden Jim Allen Gwyn Jones ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES Name Age Judy Cox Sadonna Magazzu ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS Dr. David R. Curott Lee Freeman Billy Ray Warren Patricia J. Weaver Address City KIDSVILLE NEWS! PRODUCED BY State Zip School Merrigold Publications Where did you get your copy of Kidsville News!? School Library NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, Other? MERRIGOLD PUBLICATIONS Your Signature (This is my own work) Bill Bowman Send your drawing in color and on UNLINED PAPER bbowmanupandcomingweekly.com Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature (Permission) NATIONAL EDITOR Stephanie Crider [email protected] CAN NOT PRINT WITHOUT THIS SIGNATURE ILLUSTRATOR www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 7 Cover & Truman - Dan Nelson KIDSVILLENEWS LITERACY & EDUCATION FOUNDATION www.kidsvillenewsfoundation.com [email protected] ©Copyright 2019 Merrigold Publications, All Rights Reserved. Truman is a service mark of Kidsville News! Inc., and the Kidsville News! logo is a registered trademark of Kidsville News! Inc. No part of this issue of Kidsville News! may be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without permission of the publisher or the copyright holder. Neither participating advertisers nor the publishers will be responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints, or typographical errors. The publishers reserve the right to edit any submitted material. Kidsville News! Inc. is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, or other material. Children’s submissions should include name, address, telephone number, and permission to publish signed by a parent or guardian. Product Printed by TN Valley Media Florence, AL July 2019
Switzerland is famous for its cheese. • Their milk is very high in fat, so it is Swiss cheese, as it is known in America, perfect for making cheese. is known as Emmenthaler in Switzerland. Emmenthaler is Switzerland’s oldest • Brown Swiss cows are not always cheese. It was created in 1293 in brown. They can also come in gray, Emmental Valley. The cheese is made tan or white. of cow’s milk and is known for having small and large holes running through • There are 7 million Brown Swiss it. In Switzerland, the cheese is made in cows in the world. large 220-pound wheels and is known for melting nicely. This makes it extremely • They are known for being very popular in Switzerland’s national dish, friendly. fondue. All of this amazing cheese is only possible thanks to the milk • In Switzerland, many cows spend produced by the Swiss cows. their summers (June to September) • There are 1.59 million cows in eating in meadows in the mountains Switzerland. and spend winters in the valleys. • The canton of Bern has the most cows: 320,581. • This means that the cows have to • Switzerland is known for a specific climb the alps on dirt trails every breed of cow: the Brown Swiss. summer. • This is the oldest breed of dairy cattle in the world. The very first brown • 270,000 cows make this trek every Swiss cattle lived in 4,000 B.C. year in Switzerland. • Cows typically weigh 1,500 pounds, and bulls weigh 2,500 pounds. • They climb 1,936 feet high over 10 • The cows produce milk until they are miles. animals.mom.me/brown-swiss-cattle-6172.html 15 years old and can produce 22,000 www.brownswissusa.com/Breed/BrownSwissBreed/BreedFacts/tabid/174/Default.aspx pounds of milk in their lifetime. • The trek is difficult, but the mountain www.swissinfo.ch/eng/business/milk-run_why-swiss-cows-climb-mountains/44380436 meadows are full of grasses and herbs for the cows to eat. • Eating the mountain grasses can change how the cows’ milk tastes and makes it richer in omega-3 fatty acids. • The milk of cows who spend the summer in the alpine meadows is more expensive than other milk. www.smithsonianmag.com/travel/the-cow-culture-of-switzerlands-berner-oberland-14995565/ theVatican City Days to Basilica was built. Vatican City is the smallest city- • It is the only country that is also state in the world. It is also the central a United Nations Educational, power of the Roman Catholic Church. Scientific and Cultural remember Located within the city of Rome in Organization Heritage Site. Italy, Vatican City has a long history • 100% of the city’s population is in July closely linked to the history of the Catholic. Catholic Church. Since St. Peter’s Basilica was built in 324 B.C., this • 5.5 million people visit the Vatican area of Italy has been a sacred space Museum every year. for Christians. For many years, • There are no hospitals in Vatican July 4, 1776, is the the Catholic Church and the Pope day the Continental controlled a large amount of land in City. Congress declared the central Italy called the Papal States. In • 2,000 people work in the city. 13 American colonies 1870, the Italian government claimed those lands, but in 1929, the Italian There are no prisons in the city. government compromised with the One of the most famous aspects of free from Britain. Many Catholic Church and established the Vatican is the Swiss Guard. They people consider it Vatican City as an independent nation are a group of Swiss soldiers that are America’s birthday. It’s under the control of the Roman in charge of protecting the Pope. The common to celebrate and Catholic Church. Swiss Guard were originally hired • Vatican City has a population of as mercenaries to protect the Pope in have cookouts and enjoy 1506. They are easy to find in Vatican fireworks displays on the 1,000 and an area of 110 acres. City because they have a distinct Fourth of July. • It is called an independent city- uniform. They wear colorful clothes Our neighbors to the state. in the Renaissance style, which are north celebrate on July • There is a 2-mile border around the oldest uniforms in continuous 1. It’s to commemorate use. There are specific requirements the city. to become a part of this elite group. the Constitution Act. • It is 1/8 the size of Central Park in Candidates must be unmarried Roman This is the legislation New York City. Catholic men between 19 and 30 years that consolidated three • The Pope lives in and rules the old, at least 5 feet and 8 inches tall Photo Credit colored flag Nicolas Raymond and have completed basic training in territories, creating the city. the Swiss Army. A popular nickname country we now know as • The languages of the city are for the Swiss Guard is “the world’s Canada. Italian and Latin. smallest army.” • The small country is named after Vatican Hills, where St. Peter’s 8 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals July 2019
What’s the Difference? There are 9 THINGS that are different in these two pictures. 1 23 4 56 1 6 Answers on Page 23 Happy 4th Di erences: 1) Background color 2) Paper boy’s shirt of July! color 3 )Hat color 4) Bike color 5) Bag with papers missing 6) Grass color 7) Driveway color 8) Front tire missing 9) No doors on house or garage July 2019 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 9
Mike Randall, REALTOR® Did You KNOW? Associate Broker Standing water is a common sight at 256.366.9779 many homes during summer. Rainstorms [email protected] may not last as long in summer as they mikerandallhomes.com do during other times of year, but the water they leave behind can still be The Professor Says To Spread The Word! harmful. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, “Shop Smarter!” standing water is a breeding ground for various microorganisms. When those If you really want to know what you’re getting, microorganisms become airborne, they can get it from someone local. No passwords, security be inhaled by men, women and children, risks, or outrageous shipping fees to worry about. potentially triggering allergic reactions. And it’s safer, faster, more reliable, and less expensive! In addition, the Centers for Disease 219 W. Tennessee Street Control and Prevention notes that studies Buy Local, Florence have indicated that female mosquitoes like Sell Local to lay their eggs in water that collects or is 256-764-4268 stored in man made containers. If it rains www.courierjournal.net and water covers mosquito eggs, the eggs can hatch and become adults in roughly one week. The CDC advises men and women to protect themselves from mosquitoes by walking their properties once per week, turning over, scrubbing and covering any containers that hold or may hold water. Vases, pets’ water bowls, flowerpot saucers, buckets and pool covers are just a handful of the items that can make attractive places for mosquitoes to lay their eggs. Come Out & Play Skiing is a popular tradition in many mass start and team. July 2019 countries that have long, snowy • In an individual competition, if a winters. Skiing is not just a fun pastime in countries like Norway and competitor misses a shot, 1 minute Sweden. Soldiers in these countries is added to his or her time. are trained to use skis as a fast way • Individual competitions are 12.4 to travel across the snow-covered miles for men and 9.3 for women. landscape. In 1767, the Norwegian • There are four firing sessions, and and Swedish ski units competed skiers are allowed 20 rounds of against each other in skiing and target ammunition. shooting. This was the very first • In sprinting competitions, the recorded biathlon. This competition courses are 6.2 miles for men and was fun and encouraged soldiers in 4.7 for women. their training. • There are only two shooting • Ull is the Norse god of skiing and sessions, and contestants can carry 10 rounds. hunting. • The biathlon was first in the winter • In a biathlon, competitors first ski Olympics in 1924. • It was originally called “military through a cross-country course patrol.” while carrying a rifle. • The first women’s biathlon • The rifles used are usually appeared in the Olympics in 1992. .22-caliber. • Olympic biathlons are individual, • Along the skiing course are five sprint, relay and pursuit races. targets placed 164 feet away from • The annual world championship for the trail. the biathlon was created in 1958 • The skiers must then shoot the by the Union Internationale de targets. Pentathlon Moderne et Biathlon. • There are six types of biathlons: individual, sprint, relay, pursuit, www.biathlon.be/rules.html 10 Kidsville News! www.britannica.com/sports/biathlon www.olympic.org/biathlon-equipment-and-history www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals
Answer on Pg. 23 ‘Merica Milkshake Servings: 2 INGREDIENTS 6 scoops vanilla ice cream 3 splashes of milk 2/3 c blueberries 5-7 strawberries whipped cream, optional INSTRUCTIONS In a blender, combine blueberries, 2 scoops of ice cream and a splash of milk. Blend until smooth. Add more milk if too thick. Pour into two separate glasses or dishes. Freeze for about 10 minutes. Add 2 scoops of vanilla and 1 splash of milk to blender and blend until smooth. Adjust milk if needed and then pour evenly on top of blueberry layer. Freeze for 10 minutes. Combine 2 scoops of ice cream and splash of milk along with strawberries to blender and blend until smooth. Pour on top of vanilla layer. Add whipped topping to garnish, admire your beautiful work and then get to sipping! Hidden Picture Puzzles Answers on Pg. 23 July 2019 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 11
12 Kidssvviillllee NNeewwss!! Want Your ARTWORK Hello! Sponsor this Or Your POETRY here? page... wwwww.kwid.ksvidilslveinlleewnse.cwosm.c/osmho/aslhsoals Send it to us. and reach all Shoals area students in We’ll print it in a future issue. K-6th grade, parents, and their teachers Fill Out the in this award-winning Send It form fun, family newspaper. on page 7! Your Name Your Age Your City Please call Tom at 256-740-4701 for more information. February 2J0uF1l9eybJu2rlu0ya12r9y0 JULY
y0J12u9l0y1920F1e9b ruary 2019 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY wwww.kwiwds.kvildlsevnilelewnse.cwosm.c/osmh/osahlos als 1 2 34 5 6 KKididsvsvililele NNeewwss!! 1133 Independence Day 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Vectors ©
What it is like to be ... Ryan Waters a professional mountain guide? Please tell our readers a little bit about the world. So I put in a lot of time learning mountains with various people that were yourself, including your name and from other people more experienced than hard in other ways. Sometimes the weather occupation. me and began to work as a mountaineering or the difficulty of the climbing route plays My name is Ryan Waters, and I have instructor. Eventually, this led me to start a a big part. several occupations that are all rolled into company, and it has been a great adventure What is your favorite thing about your one lifestyle at this point. First off, I am a ever since. job? professional mountain guide, and I own the What kind of training does it take to be The best thing is that I have followed my company called Mountain Professionals; a mountain climber? passion. That is the most important thing we take people all over the world on The best way is to start from the technical because even if you have rough days, you adventures to climb high mountains. I side of learning to rock climb. There are are still doing something you love, and it am also a professional mountain climber many basic skills you need that eventually never gets old. I also like that I get to travel and polar adventurer, so I do interesting get transferred to higher mountains, for part of my job. And I enjoy meeting expeditions to all the continents on Earth, and then there are a bunch of glaciated people from other countries. climbing high mountains. I also have skied mountain climbing skills to learn and What do you wish everyone knew about to both the North and South Poles. It is a practice. So, climbing with friends and mountain climbing and having fun in the great lifestyle in which I can travel to many others on many trips is the best way to outdoors? cool locations and go on journeys with gain skills. Then it is a matter of going to That it takes a little bit of time to learn my friends and also take clients to these more remote spots or higher mountains the proper skills, but anyone can get into adventures and make a living doing it. and slowly learning good judgment and the climbing and outdoors world by just When did you know you wanted to be a planning. getting out and going for it. Finding an mountain climber? What is the most challenging climb outdoor club locally or a climbing gym is a I was into rock climbing when I was you’ve had? great way to get involved and start meeting about 18 years old, and from the moment There have been several really hard trips, new friends to share adventures with. I started, I was hooked on being in the and they are all unique in their own way, wild places and specifically enjoying the but I would probably say that an attempt on mountains. After I worked for a while as K2 in Pakistan back in 2006 so far has been a geologist, I slowly but surely discovered the most challenging mountain. There are that I just had to go and pursue a career other lower peaks that are equally as hard, in the outdoor guiding industry so that I and I have had epic adventures on other could travel and go on expeditions around 14 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals July 2019
When cooking, for safety, Do you know about... always get help from an Checking It Twice? KitchenKidsville adult first. Two rounds of Celebrate the start of proofreading summer with a picnic catch 98 percent of the errors During this time of year, schedules become lax and meals often occur on-the-fly — and usually outdoors. in a book. When firing up the grill or packing picnic essentials, home chefs should consider which dishes they’ll serve alongside the main course. Of course, no summertime meal would be complete without a tasty potato salad in the mix. This recipe for “Potato Salad with Bacon and Parsley” from Allie Lewis Clapp, Lygeia Grace and Candy Gianetti’s “Real Simple: Easy, Delicious Home Cooking” (Time Home Entertainment) offers a tasty take on this classic dish. Potato Salad with Bacon THOMAS W. JOEL R. and Parsley McCUTCHEON HAMNER CALL US 256-333-5000 2210 Helton Drive, Florence www.MHatty.com “No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.” Serves 6 1 1⁄2 pounds new potatoes, about 15 Florence • Sheffield • Killen Kosher salt and black pepper 4 slices bacon Excellent Service, Expert Advice 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard 1 cup fresh, flat-leaf parsley, roughly chopped Place the potatoes in a pot with 1 teaspoon salt and enough water to 1909 Florence Blvd., Florence, AL 35630 cover and simmer until tender, 15 to 18 minutes. Drain and run under cold water to cool. Cut into quarters. (across from Hobby Lobby) Meanwhile, cook the bacon in a medium skillet over medium heat, 256-767-3337 stirring occasionally, until crisp, 6 to 8 minutes. Transfer to a paper www.ExcelAL.com towel-lined plate. Let cool, and then crumble. In a large bowl, whisk together the oil, vinegar, mustard, 3⁄4 teaspoon salt, and 1⁄4 teaspoon pepper. Add the potatoes, bacon and parsley and toss to combine. Tip: The potatoes can be cooked and tossed with the dressing and parsley up to 1 day in advance; refrigerate, covered. Bring to room temperature and add the bacon just before serving. July 2019 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 15
youtu.be/UGiz5bP_PnE the role his own and really gives a unique, colorful flair “Aladdin” is an enchanting retelling of the classic Disney to it. Smith’s performance is animated film. charismatic, energetic and, above all, fun. Naomi Scott Aladdin (Mena Massoud) is a streetwise thief living in is powerful as Princess Agrabah, stealing to survive with his monkey Abu. He has Jasmine. She does a lot a chance encounter with the princess of Agrabah, Jasmine of this film’s emotionally (Naomi Scott), disguised as a handmaid, and romance heavy lifting and has blossoms. While sneaking into the palace one day, he is amazing vocals. Mena seized by the nefarious Jafar (Narwan Kenzari), an advisor Massoud is likable and to the Sultan, who sends him to retrieve a powerful lamp relatable as Aladdin and has in the magical Cave of Wonders. Once he gets the lamp, a strong, comedic rapport Aladdin is granted three wishes by a mystical genie (Will with the Genie. Smith). Aladdin wishes to look like a prince so he can get closer to the princess, but he has to prove to her, and to Jafar is a weak antagonist himself, that he is worthy without truly being a prince. in this film. I think the character’s motivations are “Aladdin” keeps the best parts of the original while well-executed, but Marwan adding a few really awesome new things. None of these Kenzari’s overdone tweaks to the story feel like filler, but they feel like performance lacks the necessary changes that bring this story to life for a new qualities that make the audience. I really like that the characters Genie and character compelling. Jasmine get to do more. Jasmine, in particular, takes on a much more active role in this version. This is one of those films made to be seen on the big screen. From the sprawling landscape of Agrabah to the I love the performances in this film. Will Smith is magical, magnificent Cave of Wonders, the visuals of the measuring up against the pretty iconic voice performance land are excellent. Director Guy Ritchie mixes in some of Robin Williams as Genie in the previous film. He makes of his familiar trademarks with a lot of really colorful set pieces. Every musical number feels huge and well-made. From costumes to sets to cinematography, on a visual level, Aladdin is astonishing. I recommend Aladdin for ages 8 to 16, for some implied violence and scenes of peril, and give it 3.5 out of 5 stars. Aladdin is a feel-good summer movie and a magical ride well worth taking. 16 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals July 2019
Armistead Cemetery in Lauderdale County By Lee Freeman, Florence-Lauderdale Public Library, Local History - Genealogy Department Just off county road 200, the old Savannah Highway, sits an who have relatives buried there, in addition to local historian Mrs. African-American family cemetery known as the Armistead Milly Wright, whose family has lived on the historic Armstead Cemetery. It is the historical burial site of several local black plantation for forty years and has done extensive research on the families, among them the Armistead, Baker, Barnett, Crittendon, Armsteads and their slaves. A high point of our first day was members Duncan, McDaniel, Rhodes, Smith, Summerhill and Thompson of the LCCRA and the Smith and McDaniel families sharing a meal families. courtesy of Mr. Smith at Rosie’s Cantina. Mrs. Wright opened her This 125’ X 265’ square cemetery on Jackson Road was home to us all for lunch the second day and shared records from her historically also known as the Broadfoot Cemetery, as the Thomas extensive files. And on another of the days Mr. McDaniel bought Broadfoot family barbecue from at one time owned Bunyan’s Barbecue the surrounding for everyone (we property. The sure ate good on cemetery is now this job! Usually named Armistead LCCRA members Cemetery as just bring a sack former Armstead lunch.) slave Lewis As of this Armistead (1825- writing (June 24th) 1914), his wife a private reception “Bitcie” (Betsy) at the Florence- (1833-1911) and Lauderdale many of their Clockwise from top Left: Sign at Armistead Public Library is descendants are Cemetery; Dr. Makowski probing a planned for family buried here. possible unmarked burial at Armistead; and members of Mr. Richmond Duncan (1837-1913) who is the LCCRA on Tradition has buried at Armistead with members of his Friday, June 28th it that before the family; Armistead from the air. at which time Dr. Civil War it was George Makowski, the slave cemetery for the nearby chairman of Armstead (spelled the LCCRA variously with or and our official without an “I”) Plantation, and we know Mrs. Martha Armstead cartographer (map-maker) will present the official map and had a six year-old slave girl who died of consumption (tuberculosis) inventory of the site to members of the families. in May of 1860 however the oldest marked burial is that of Mrs. Ema The LCCRA was honored to assist these families in inventorying (Emma) Barnett who died August 15, 1889. Next to Mrs. Barnett and mapping their ancestral burying ground. We encourage everyone lies her husband Emanuel “Manuel” Barnett (1841-1934), a Civil to remember that cemeteries, even if old and unused, deserve our War veteran who served in Co. G, 55 US Colored Infantry. There respect, and are protected by state law. are veterans of other wars buried at Armistead as well, including World War I, World War II and Viet Nam. Hey Kids Send It! There are eighty-three marked burials and about fifty-odd Don’t Forget To unmarked burials. As of this writing we know the identities of at least twenty of the unmarked burials. As more research is done more names will undoubtedly be discovered. A group of descendants of the families buried here looks after the Send us YOUR cemetery, which is still used for burials. These devoted descendants have lovingly taken care of and landscaped the site over the past artwork or poems! twenty or so years. We will print yours This past June members of the Lauderdale County Cemetery in Kidsville News! RehabilitationAuthority (LCCRA for short) went out and inventoried the site over approximately four days. A student in UNA’s history dept., Josh Grigsby, led our group as a project. The LCCRA was See Page 7 to find out how! assisted by several members of the Smith and McDaniel families, July 2019 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 17
Did you know that the National Weather issued when the forecast weather conditions This means either the critical fire weather pattern Service provides forecasts for fire weather may result in extensive wildland fire or extreme is already ongoing or is imminent. During a Red conditions? There are typically three main fire behavior over the next few days. Typically, Flag Warning, fires can start and spread rapidly forecast parameters that meteorologists use to help they are issued for very dry, warm and windy as weather conditions are extremely dry, warm firefighters and other emergency personnel during conditions that are expected in the next 12 to 72 and windy. Plus, fuels are easily ignited, which wildfire season. They are relative humidity, which hours. This is the time you should gather your means anything that is flammable, such as trees, includes temperature; winds; and precipitation emergency items and remain aware of the latest grassland, and even buildings, can quickly catch chances — especially thunderstorms. fire weather news. Be prepared for evacuation, and fire. This is the time to follow your family’s fire if local officials order your community to evacuate, action plan because it will help keep you safe and Lightning and humans are the two main leave immediately! Do not return home unless allow firefighters to perform their job sufficiently. causes of wildfire. Each year, an average of officials have stated it is safe to do so. 10,143 lightning-caused fires occur, while 61,952 If you live in areas prone to wildfires, it is are human-caused fires! Prevention is key as A Red Flag Warning is the highest fire important to be prepared. A few things kids can humans account for about 90% of all wildfires. weather alert as incredibly dangerous fire weather do to help prepare their families and keep them Lightning typically burns 4.2 million acres each conditions are anticipated within the next 24 hours. safe from wildfires is to help put together an year compared to 2.7 million acres from fires started by emergency supply kit and know humans. Thus, it is important for where it is kept. Get familiar firefighters and land managers with your escape routes and to know the weather heading be sure the rest of your family toward a prone wildfire area. is aware of the plan of action. Most importantly, be aware of Two primary products are changing weather conditions issued by the National Weather and whether there’s a potential Service to alert the potential for for rapidly spreading wildfires. fire weather danger: View fire weather forecasts 1. Fire Weather Watch and current conditions at — Be Prepared weather.gov/fire 2. Red Flag Warning — Take Action A Fire Weather Watch is HELP! Truman Lost His Hat! Maybe you can help him find it & WIN A PLUSH MINI- TRUMAN OR PUPPET!* Somewhere in this Kidsville News! is Truman’s small red hat! This hat will not be on Truman. Find only his red hat! Send us the *Subject to form below for a chance to win! availability. TLthhaesetnnmaemxotneitsohsf’ustehheoafwt KwiniadnssevorisnllwepiaNlgleebwe1s1i!n. June Winners of a Mini-Truman Levi Jones Kharma Johnson of Florence of Town Creek Pick yours up at the Courier Journal Office 219 W. Tennessee St., Florence Email to [email protected], Mail or bring entry to us by July 31 Hat on pg. _________ Your Name Phone mail to: Address Kidsville News! Town 219 W. Tennessee St. School Florence, AL 35630 18 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals July 2019
to the International Space Station (ISS) whereas Apollo Moon Landings in 1969-1972 men traveled more than 200,000 miles “away” and then back. It was an incredible This month of July, 2019, we celebrate the feat considering their lack of the powerful 50th anniversary of the first manned landing computers that we have now. The “Saturn V” rocket required for on the Moon. That momentous event was followed by five more manned landings during this Apollo the following three years. mission had to be enormous and safe. President Kennedy announced to Congress on May 25,1961, that the goal of the United States would be to send an American safely to the Moon and back before the end of that decade. Within 8 years that goal was met. It was a mammoth undertaking Of the twelve people who have set foot on the Moon, Neil Armstrong was the first and Eugene Cernan was the last. During each of the six landings, a third astronaut remained in lunar orbit. requiring the best efforts of 400,000 scientists, engineers, and technicians. Over 800 pounds of lunar rock were brought back and these rocks were determined to be between 3 and 4½ billion years old and the rock compositions support the idea that the moon was formed when a huge body like an asteroid crashed into the Earth and “splattered” material off the Earth to form the Moon when the Earth was very young. You must keep this in perspective: although a half century ago I still say, ‘Shoot for the moon; you might get there.’ seems like “forever” to you, realize that we currently do not have - -Buzz Aldrin- - rockets or equipment to go to the Moon today. The farthest from the Earth mankind has traveled since 1972 is about 300 miles up © 2019 Dr. David R. Curott, UNA Professor Emeritus July 2019 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 19
A Section Especially for Parents Kidsville News Inc., Truman and James Patterson’s READKIDDOREAD.COM are pleased to partner on this page to help you discover books that kids you love are sure to love. 20 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals July 2019
Knowledge Power Submitted By Patricia J. Weaver Our National Heritage I found interesting facts that surprised me and made me 6. What is the official name of the Statue of Liberty? put on my thinking cap. See how many questions you A. The Statue of Liberty B. Liberty Enlightening the World know. Then see if your parents can get the right answer. C. New York’s jewel D. The U.S. Liberty 1. What was the nation’s first national monument? 7. Frances Bellamy wrote the Pledge of Allegiance on A. Devil’s Tower B. Yellowstone National Park September 8, 1892. What was the original text? C. The Everglades D. Shenandoah National Park A. The same as today B. “I pledge to my country, the United 2. Who carved the faces on Mount Rushmore States, it flag, and for what it stands.” C. “I pledge allegiance A. Leonardo da Vinci B. Thomas Jefferson to my Flag and the Republic for which is stands; one nation C. Abraham Lincoln D. Gutzon Borgium indivisible, with liberty and Justice for all.” D. “This 3. What is the inscription on the Tomb of the country is great, so I pledge to the flag, for it stands for liberty Unknown Solider in Arlington National Cemetery? and justice for all.” A. “Here is an unknown man who severed his country well.” B. “Here Rests in Honored Glory an Here are so websites to learn more about Mount American Soldier Known But to God.” C. “With Rushmore, The Statue of Liberty and National thanks, The American People” D. “Who are you?” Monuments. 4. How many stanzas does “The Star-Spangled http://www.nps.gov/stli/ Banner” have? (stanzas means verses) http://www.nps.gov/index.htm A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four http://www.nps.gov/moru/ 5. Who wrote “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”? Answers On Pg. 23 A. Emma Lazarus B. Benjamin Franklin C. George Washington D. Samuel Smith ParenTown’s KidSmart How to keep kids engaged over school breaks Children in North America will spend, on average, more than 900 hours attending school in a given year. The average school year in the United • ENCOURAGE READING. Set aside time for reading each day. All it States lasts 1,016 hours, the equivalent of 42 continuous days. According to the generally takes is 15 to 30 minutes of reading per day for kids to remember Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, many developed their vocabulary lessons and maintain their fluency and comprehension skills. countries begin their academic years in Children may enjoy picking their own books rather than having a required September and end them in June. Some, like reading list. Australia, feature four terms with two-week • KEEP A MATH BOOK HANDY. breaks in between each term. Others go to On long car trips or rainy days, children can school for most of the year — with various do a few math problems to keep their skills holiday breaks in between — and then get the sharp. This will help keep learning loss to a bulk of their time off during the summer. minimum. Math workbooks may be available As much time as kids spend in school, there at bookstores, or parents can look online or ask will be times when they are left to their own a teacher for a summer to-do packet. devices, and during these times it’s easy for • PLAN EDUCATIONAL TRIPS. them to forget classroom lessons. Sometimes Vacations and day trips can be fun, called “summer learning loss” or “summer entertaining and educational all at the same slide,” this forgetfulness sees many students time. Science centers, museums and living fail to retain all of their lessons over prolonged breaks from school. Studies indicate history locations can bring to life information that students score lower on standardized tests at the end of the summer compared learned in the classroom, even on family vacations. to their performance on the same tests at the beginning of summer. Anywhere from between one to three month’s worth of educational achievement can dissipate • LEARN AT CAMP. Many children attend camp for a portion of their school during prolonged breaks from the classroom. To help ensure that those hard-earned breaks. Look for camps that do not simply babysit children, but engage them lessons are not so easily forgotten, parents can help children remain intellectually through enrichment activities. engaged in various ways over school breaks. • STICK TO A SCHEDULE. Try to maintain a schedule similar to school, • TAKE A CLASS. Children and families can learn together by exploring new skills. Enroll in something educational and enjoyable, such as a music or dance with children waking at the same time each day and going to bed at similar class, a STEM seminar or something else that engages the mind and body. This hours. This will make it much easier to get back into a routine when a new gives everyone a chance to learn something new and have a great time together school year begins. as a family. Parents and educators can reduce lesson loss over school breaks by encouraging families to remain intellectually engaged in any way they can. July 2019 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 21
TM ParenTown’s KidShape The View Maximize Your Student Questionnaire Summer Vacation Mail, bring by or email us YOUR PHOTO & your answers! Summer can fly by. Because summer can sometimes seem to come and go in a flash, it’s important for everyone to make the most of this Name relaxing time of year. GFraaxd#e 256-76 0-961S8chooElm ail: ki dsville @cour ierjourn al.net Vacations from work and school are great ways to make summer memories, and the following are some ways to get even more out of Mail: 219 W. Tennessee Street • Florence, AL 35630 these relaxing breaks from the norm. What is your favorite...... • Disconnect for a few days. Truly disconnect from electronic devices for a period of time to give yourself a mental break. Stop Author? answering work emails, avoid social media and turn off reminders of things that do not need your attention while you are on vacation Holiday? or taking a break. Book? • Book a trip. It’s not the destination but the opportunity to step away from the norm that can help make a person feel like he or she Cartoon? CANNOT has truly gotten a break. Get away from your surroundings, if only Have you ever ridden a horse? PRINT for a weekend. Nearby resorts and water parks are great for short Are you a good listener? jaunts with the kids. WITHOUT PHOTO • Take a week off just to relax. Sometimes a person needs to recharge after going on vacation, as planning a trip and then the trip What does a cowboy do? itself can require a lot of work. Staycations, or devoting another week to just lounging around or catching up on tasks around the Have you ever ridden in a convertible car? house, can ease pressure. Then it’s possible to go back to work or school feeling even more recharged. Have you ever played in the snow? • Get out of the house or office. What’s the good of sunny skies and Have you ever PARTICIPATED IN a wedding? hot temperatures if you do not get to enjoy them? Make it a point to spend time outdoors every day. Go for a midday walk, sit in the Do you like to drink water? park after work lets out or throw the ball around with the kids in the backyard. Sunlight What does being a leader mean to you? can be great for the mind and body. What is instrumental music? Doctors with the Heliotherapy, Light, Do you like to read aloud? and Skin Research Center at Boston MUST HAVE University Medical PERMISSION Center say sunlight TO PRINT Parent/Guardian Permission triggers the release of serotonin and I give Kidsville News! permission to print my CHILD’S PHOTO & opinion on other hormones associated with any questions listed above. I do realize my child’s first name, school and grade could a good mood. Increased exposure be printed in this publication. I have enclosed or emailed my CHILD’S PHOTO. to sunlight also can regulate circadian Parent/Guardian SIGNATURE Date rhythms for better sleep. Sunlight can trigger the release of nitric oxide into blood vessels, helping to lower blood pressure. • Explore summer programs. Adults and children can try new skills and explore different talents this summer. Sign up for a camp or a class that runs several weeks. This will help stimulate the mind. • Visit friends and family. Now that schedules have loosened up, take the opportunity to increase time spent with friends or family members, whether they live close by or far away. Make it a point to reconnect with someone who has been out of touch. Summer is a great time of year to take vacations and reconnect with nature and loved ones. 22 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals July 2019
6723 Fun Facts About /,77(5 Teeth <RXU6KRDOV YOUR TOOTHBRUSH: Keeping <RXU&KRLFH your toothbrush wet encourages the bacteria on it to grow. Want a healthier toothbrush? Try keeping it dr y! BAD BREATH: Bad breath can have causes that aren’t due to underlying illness. Examples include poor dental hygiene, dehydration or recently eating certain foods like onions or garlic. TONGUE CLEANING: In addition to brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day you should also lightly brush your tongue to remove excess plaque and odor-causing bacteria. William A. McClanahan, D.M.D. 2461 Helton Drive • Florence 256-767-7141 mcclanahandentistr y.com Daniel H. Almon D.M.D. William A. McClanahan, D.M.D. No representation is made that the quality of the dental services to be performed is greater than the quality of dental services 1 2 3 performed by other dentists. ANSWERS 4 56 MATHTIME (9:59) At 9:59 the sum of the digits is 23. Students who answer 12:59 may 1 6 be assuming that the sum of any four numbers is greater than the sum of three numbers (10 squares) If students have never solved this type of problem, they will count the most obvious squares. It is helpful to count and tally squares by their size working from smallest to largest or largest to smallest. What’s the Difference? Water Wise Match tAhensWwaetresr:-S1a.v(iDng), T2i.p(Eto), t3h.e(AA)m, 4o.u(nCt)o, f5.W(aBt)er Saved Di erences: 1) Background color 2) Paper boy’s shirt 1. Use a hose nozzle and turn A. More than 50 gallons color 3 )Hat color 4) Bike color 5) Bag with papers missing 6) Grass color 7) Driveway color 8) Front tire off the water while you wash a week your car or bike and save this missing 9) No doors on house or garage much water. Knowledge2. You’ll save this much water if you time your shower to Powerkeep it under 5 minutes. Answers3. If you turn off the shower B. Up to 80 gallons while you shampoo, how many gallons will you save? every time 1. A C. 4 gallons every 2. D 4. Turn off the water while minute 3. B you brush your teeth and D. More than 100 you’ll keep this much water from going down the drain. gallons 4. D 5. Use a broom instead of a E. Up to 1000 gallons 5. D 6. B hose to wash off driveways a month and sidewalks and save this much water. 7. C Brought to you by: Berry Ice Cream FLORENCE WATER DEPT. Scoop Answers On Page 23 July 2019 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 23
INTRODUCING Explorer Rewards Cole Now members ages 5-14 can track savings and redeem rewards online. With Member since 2013 all kinds of rewards to explore—such as zoos, ball parks, water parks, and museums—this new program makes it easier than ever for kids to save money, earn rewards, and start exploring. ª listerhill.com/explorer Vatican City has an incredible collection of artistic masterpieces built, funded and collected over the centuries. The Vatican museums have more than 70,000 works of art, and the public can access 20,000 of them. There are 54 galleries total and 4.3 miles of halls and corridors in the museums. Millions of tourists visit the state every year to see the unique collection of artwork and historical artifacts. • The Sistine Chapel is one of the most sea-serpents sent by Athena and famous and beautiful chapels in the Poseidon killing Laocoön. world. It is famous for the fresco, “The • The Vatican museums also have Last Judgment, “ which was painted by Michelangelo. Michelangelo was some works created by Leonardo da a famous Renaissance painter. He Vinci. One of these famous pieces worked on this piece from 1508 to in the Pinacoteca is “St. Jerome.” 1512. The fresco focuses on scenes It was painted in 1482 and remains from the Old Testament of the Bible, unfinished. Art historians find like the story of Noah and the flood. this piece interesting because it’s • Raphael was another famous unfinished state shows a unique part of Renaissance painter. His work Da Vinci’s painting method. “Transfiguration” is considered the • One of the most popular places to visit most impressive work of his entire in the Vatican is St. Peter’s Basilica. career. It is in the Pinacoteca Vaticana. It is one of the largest churches in The painting shows Jesus performing the world. It is built on Vatican Hill, a miracle. where it is believed that St. Peter • The very first sculpture purchased was killed in 64 A.D. The original for the Vatican museums is called basilica was built in 349 A.D., and the “Laocoön and His Sons.” Pope Julius current building was rebuilt in 1626. II purchased it in 1506. Historians It took 120 years to rebuild, and it justfunfacts.com/interesting-facts-about-the-vatican-museums/ think the sculpture was created in 30- was designed by Donato Bramante, www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/09/vatican-paintings-anja-grebe_n_4380487.html 40 B.C. It is a marble statue showing Michelangelo, Carlo Maderno and theculturetrip.com/europe/italy/articles/10-masterpieces-in-vatican-city-you-need-to-see/ Gian Lorenzo Bernini. 24 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals July 2019
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