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Andrea Gray - Colbert County - January 2023

Published by TheCoolPublisher, 2023-01-10 19:10:22

Description: Andrea Gray - Colbert County - January 2023


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Hey! This Paper Belongs To: TM Colbert County’s Fun Family Newspaper - January 2023 15 YEARS in the Shoals The Age of All About Dinosaurs Din osaurs Game Day Party Ideas Animals that Descended from Dinosaurs What's It Like To Be ... A Radio Show Host, Author & Journalist - Jelia Coleman-Hepner? Christmas Coloring Contest Winners For more fun and games, visit the Kidsville News! Website at January 2023 Kidsville News! 1

Hi, Kids! H“tfTtWahduoaaohErInernspntiiivndasDaeslpdhdeWigsxyeil“nvwnKsosporCiooinihNlltctdolalrs,haece,hensliarte”dnfenvIwueJart”ier“hlabuhllcsHYbfgaeotrleteeeuropeeaiwreoNrkaaphrsbepenaterbsieinrhassutivniwcevd”treoeofomeslnrdoalbrooa.eoeytneer!inmsatgsdDddolrtedvi(iineaktsnoCsiptnrein.carrorhaindoeeenebCeopvotssmornsaelfaiea.ucesrr.ocrntan!nfevAtfwIriaWoevtoyrftthuedohreuheasrae-yreetttyyeopwh”eoaotu,wderroughuarioosn!tehneir)urhdofoatlgeoedadsmwvihcfnarsse?eolc.uerstthyirtI.enithRooshmfaewueHeftetaayeeeadptsdodrridperianuoirnponmaicobyifbotlbinseiyyoshakoarauiebetunucepsuhltgruaylr“teas,rpdsAodn,idriodrienceinlstoeggteadoihusstamasendpairateadeininoutnsnderro,tdassobnaooooubcfutreetsaae.nnlalseAttaisnirmglaye. Until next time, Animals that Descended from Dinosaurs Dinosaurs roamed this Earth over 65 million years ago, so you Sea Turtles would think there aren’t too many animals related to them. Sea turtles are often called “cousins” of dinosaurs. They developed However, this is far from the truth. Many modern-day animals are alongside dinosaurs, emerging as a distinct type descendants of dinosaurs. Let’s look at a few dinosaur relatives. of turtle about 110 million years ago. The seven species of sea turtle still around today Chickens have ancient origins, but the most impressive The king of dinosaurs, or the T-Rex, shares a turtle of all time is probably the Archelon. surprising amount of DNA with the modern-day About 80 million years ago, the Archelon was over four meters chicken. Birds are commonly thought to be the long and almost five meters wide from flipper to flipper. only animals today that are direct descendants of Today, the leatherback sea turtle is its closest living relative. dinosaurs. When compared to several other species, the collagen levels in dinosaurs were closer to that Sharks of chickens and ostriches than any other animal. The earliest sharks first emerged around 450 million years ago, with modern sharks appearing about 100 million years ago. Crocodiles Today’s sharks are descended from relatives that swam alongside Dinosaurs were reptiles, a group that also includes dinosaurs in prehistoric times. The largest predator of all time was turtles, crocodiles and snakes. Although they a Megalodon shark, reaching up to 20 meters in length and 103 split off early on, dinosaurs and these animals tons in weight. It lived just after the share common ancestors. Modern crocodiles and dinosaurs 23 million years ago and alligators are almost unchanged from their ancient became extinct 2.6 million years ago. ancestors of the Cretaceous Period, meaning animals practically identical to the ones you can see today existed alongside dinosaurs. birds%20are%20commonly,the%20world%20has%20ever%20known 2 Kidsville News! January 2023

This Page Brought To You By: The Age of Dinosaurs If you think alligators resemble dinosaurs, you’re right. They Cretaceous period. The Jurassic Period witnessed the breakup of do! In fact, dinosaurs, alligators and crocodiles share the same Pangea, which formed Gondwana in the south and Laurasia in the ancestor — the archosaurs of the long-ago Triassic Period. You north. are in luck if you are interested in different dinosaurs and the times during which they lived. You’re about to learn all about The Cretaceous Period was when dinosaurs attained their them! maximum diversity. The longest period of the Mesozoic Era was also during the Cretaceous, when the Earth began to assume The Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods were all a part of something resembling its modern form. At that time, life was the Mesozoic era, otherwise known as the age of dinosaurs. The dominated not by mammals but by terrestrial, marine and avian extremely lengthy period saw the development of dinosaurs, reptiles and even ancestral sharks. Scientists theorize that 65 marine reptiles, fish, mammals, flying animals and an enormous million years ago, a meteor impact killed most of the vegetation range of plant life. The biggest dinosaurs didn’t exist until the the herbivorous dinosaurs ate at the end of the Cretaceous Period, Cretaceous period, which started over 100 million years after the causing them to die out. As a result, the carnivorous dinosaurs start of the age of dinosaurs. that ate the herbivores died out. The Triassic Period was the chapter of the age of dinosaurs that was the most notable for the expansion of the archosaurs into pterosaurs, crocodiles and the earliest dinosaurs, as well as the evolution of therapsids into the first true mammals. During the Triassic Period, all of the planet’s continents were one big continent called Pangaea, surrounded by the super ocean Panthalassa. The Triassic/Jurassic extinction witnessed the demise of various marine reptiles, including large amphibians and certain branches of archosaurs. The Jurassic Period was when the first gigantic sauropod and theropod dinosaurs appeared on Earth, a big difference from their slender, human-sized ancestors of the preceding Triassic period. The first prehistoric birds may have evolved by the end of the Jurassic period, though the evidence is still limited. Still, the fact is that the dinosaur diversity reached its peak in the ensuing January 2023 Kidsville News! 3

Character McMatters! Answers On Page 23 With the FREE purchase of a Cookie! Happy Meal! at McDonald’s of Colbert County & Russellville Expires 1/31/23 Come Dynomite Out & Dinosaur Games Play Dinosaurs are one of the world’s greatest mysteries. Everything Pin the Tail on we know about them is from fossils. People have come up with the Dinosaur dinosaur games to learn about these prehistoric creatures. Let’s You will need a seek the facts that hide within these games! large dinosaur poster or drawing hung on the wall for this game. Each participant Frozen Fossil gets a dinosaur tail cut out with blu-tack or sticky tape attached. You’ll need plastic dinosaur toys and a few other objects for Every kid gets a turn to be blindfolded and attempts to pin the this game. A couple of days before you play the game, take a dinosaur tail closest to the actual tail on the poster. Each player large plastic container and add the toy before freezing. You could should spin around a few times before their turn to make it more use paddle pop sticks, kitchen utensils, or other non-dangerous challenging. digging tools when it’s time to play. Once the large block of ice is removed, everybody can dig in. Dinosaur Egg Hunt If you want to play this game, you would first ask an adult to fill Hot Dinosaur Egg some plastic Easter eggs with small dinosaur trinkets, candies, This game is like “hot potato.” Everyone participating must sit in and toys. You would then let the adult hide the eggs around the a circle, and one player is given a large, filled water balloon, egg, yard or house, and every participant can hunt for the eggs. If there or ball. Once the music starts, that’s when you pass the egg round. is a wide range of ages playing, the adult might want to designate Once the music stops, the person holding the egg is extinct – out a specific color to each seeker so everyone ends up with a fair of the game. You keep playing until it’s one person left. share of eggs and is encouraged to use teamwork. 4 Kidsville News! January 2023

Fossils and the Facts They Provide What would you do if one day while you were playing eggs and feathers. outside digging for buried treasure, you came across a dinosaur bone? People get paid to search for • Paleontologists’ work helps us understand the life span and dinosaur bones or fossils worldwide. Paleontologists are the ones cause of death for living creatures. responsible for carrying out this task. Let’s dig deeper into the subject of fossils. • Petrification is a process in which matter that has been living is exposed to minerals over a long period and turns into a • Fossils are relics of ancient animals and plants or traces or stony substance. imprints of living things from many years ago. • Petrification can save hard and soft parts and slowly replaces • Over 1000 species of dinosaurs have been named, and the list the living material with silica, calcite or pyrite, forming a continues to grow as new fossils are discovered. rock-like fossil. • Dinosaur fossils have been around for a long time in human • Some organisms are surrounded in amber, a hardened form of history, but it wasn’t until the early 19th century that they tree sap. Here, paleontologists usually find pieces of insects or were formally recognized as the dinosaurs we know today. plants. • Paleontology is a combination of biology and geology that • Most animals don’t fossilize; most decay to the point we examines life forms that existed millions of years ago. know nothing about them. • Paleontologists gather information from fossilized bones, • Paleontologists estimate that only a small percentage of the footprints, stomach stones, feces, internal organs, soft tissues, dinosaurs that ever lived have been or will be fossils. Hidden Picture Puzzles Answers on Page 23 January 2023 Kidsville News! 5

Local History If you said, “Yes,” you are absolutely right! Therefore, if the statement is not true and can be proven to be false, it must be Written by Billy Warren fiction, right? Yes! Did You Know? So, then, a “historical fact” is a statement (or a story) that can be proven through documents such as newspapers, property Historical Fact And Historical Fiction deeds, census reports, etc. which are on file in libraries, museums, private collections of important papers, computer Look carefully at the title for this month’s column: “Historical databases, etc. Fact and Historical Fiction.” Do you know the difference between fact and fiction? Let’s see if you do. If a statement is Okay so far? Good! Well, now, what do you suppose is meant true and can be proven to be true, it is a fact. Is that correct? by the term, “historical fiction”? If something is either fact or fiction, how is it possible to have historical fiction? Here’s the answer: Let’s say that a writer is really interested in the American Civil War which took place from 1861 to 1865. He or she has studied that war very carefully and knows lots of details about it. One day, the writer says, “Since I know a great deal about the Civil War, I think it would be interesting to develop an imaginary story about four young people (two each from separate families) who lived through that war. The story could include how hard it was at times to find food, how sad the young people were when their older brothers went away to fight in the battles, how these four young people had to grow up quickly and care for their mothers and their younger brothers and sisters because their fathers were also away in battles.” Details continued to develop in the writer’s mind until, one day, he or she began to make notes, to hook sentences and paragraphs together and, before very long, a fascinating story had taken shape. It began, you see, with many historical facts which the author already knew. Knowing these facts – and perhaps others which the author learned along the way – set the stage for an imaginary story based on them. The eventual result? A very interesting work of historical fiction! SOMETHING TO DO: Look at the three images accompanying this month’s column. All three are from local postcards: a. Image #1 is a photograph of downtown Florence, Alabama, near Wilson Park. It was mailed in 1912 to Miss Catherine Boyd in Newton HigShlOanMdsE, TMHasIsNacGhuTsOettDs.O: b. Im1.aUgesi#n2gias arepfehroetnogceraspohuorcfea: portion of Seventh Street in downtao.wWnrSitheeaffiberlide,fAdleafbinamitiao.nItowf aths emtaeirlmed, i“nci1v9il2w8 ator.”Mrs. Lloyd T. Everett in Silver Springs, Maryland. c. Imb.aIgne t#h3eisAampehrioctaongrCapivhilofWaapr o(r1t8io6n1-o1f8M65a)i,nthSetrreetwienre dowtnwtoowfonrTcuescfuigmhbtina,gAelaacbhamoath. eItr.wWashmatailsetdhienn1a9m08etgoivMenissto KaththereisneetFwioshfeorricnesC?olumbus, Ohio. Now, choose one of the three and write an imaginary message to eithce.rNMamisse CthaethtewrioneGBenoeyrdalosrwMhros.mLeltoyind REvicehremttoonrdM, iss Katherine Fisher. You might descriptions of the buildings or houses or the creeks or the Tennessee River that the writer would have seen while visiting in Florence, Sheffield or Tuscumbia. Or you might write about interesting people that the writer met while visiting. Just remember… you are writing on a postcard, so you have limited space. Choose your words well so your brief writing can still be interesting to the person receiving it. Good luck! 6 Kidsville News! January 2023

Colbert County’s Send It Hey Kids! Truman again. I want Fun family Newspaper YOUR ORIGINAL ART WORK, LETTERS & POEMS! We may print 219 W. Tennessee St. Florence, AL 35630 them in a later issue or use them on our website! Just have your 256-764-4268 parents fill out this form and send it with your work to: EDITOR & PUBLISHER Kidsville News! • 219 W. Tennessee St. • Florence, AL 35630 Thomas V. Magazzu [email protected] KIDSVILLE COORDINATOR Andrea L. Gray [email protected] GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Andrea L. Gray Russell Roden ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES Name Age Sadonna Magazzu Heather Ridinger ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS Dr. David R. Curott Lee Freeman Billy Ray Warren Patricia J. Weaver Address City KIDSVILLE NEWS! PRODUCED BY Merrigold Publications NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, State Zip School MERRIGOLD PUBLICATIONS School Library Bill Bowman Other? Where did you get your copy of Kidsville News!? NATIONAL EDITOR Your Signature (This is my own work) Crissy Neville [email protected] Send your drawing in color and on UNLINED PAPER EDITORIAL INTERN Chaye Burns Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature (Permission) ILLUSTRATOR CAN NOT PRINT WITHOUT THIS SIGNATURE Cover & Truman - Dan Nelson KIDSVILLENEWS LITERACY & EDUCATION FOUNDATION [email protected] ©Copyright 2023 Merrigold Publications, All Rights Reserved. Truman is a service mark of Kidsville News! Inc., and the Kidsville News! logo is a registered trademark of Kidsville News! Inc. No part of this issue of Kidsville News! may be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without permission of the publisher or the copyright holder. Neither participating advertisers nor the publishers will be responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints, or typographical errors. The publishers reserve the right to edit any submitted material. Kidsville News! Inc. is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, or other material. Children’s submissions should include name, address, telephone number, and permission to publish signed by a parent or guardian. Product Printed by TN Valley Media Florence, AL Gee Thanks! Kidsville News!-in- Education Sponsors for helping to provide Kidsville News! to Colbert Kids K-6th.   QZVFFHGX January 2023 Kidsville News! 7

This Page Brought To You By: ?? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ?? ?? What’s it Like to Be? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? A Radio Show Host, Author & Journalist - Jelia Coleman-Hepner Please share your Describe a typical name, profession, day on your job. and details about your job with our A typical day on readers. the job is first looking up relevant stories or My name is Jelia trending topics. On my Coleman-Hepner; radio show, I like to tell I am an author and my audience about the radio personality from issues, events, politics, Fayetteville. I currently local news and celebrity have a career as a radio gossip that is out there. personality for stations After that, I review Magic 106.9 and 92.1 my show’s music and Choice FM in Raleigh. ensure no issues or In addition, I am a problems exist. I also journalist contributing look in our system to to various publications, see if there are any liners, which are promotion events, to mention including the Fayetteville Press newspaper and magazines. With or discuss. For example, the radio station currently has a text-to- my passion for writing, I recently released a book called Give God win contest where our listeners can win a cash prize of $25,000. your Broken Pieces, a 30-day devotional. So, I mention that throughout the show to tell people how to win When and why did you decide on this career path? money and remind them not to text while driving. After that, I get With my radio career, I fell into it by chance. During my time on the air for my radio show. at Fayetteville State University, I was required to complete an internship to earn a degree in mass communications. As an intern Please share a career highlight or special story, if possible. for Beasley media group, I had the opportunity to job shadow One of my career highlights was a story I covered working as a several radio personalities. They trained me on how to operate news reporter for the Fayetteville Observer. I reported on a Fort the soundboards, create music logs, write promotions and more. Bragg family with a 7-year-old daughter who was dying of cancer. Eventually, the company had a job opening at the WZFX Foxy The doctors told her parents that she was not expected to live until 99.1 station for a weekend radio personality. I decided to apply and December of that year. Since her favorite holiday was Christmas, was hired because of the dedication and hard work I put forth as an the neighborhood where the family lived had a Christmas parade intern. in October for her. Each neighbor adorned their house and even Regarding my career in journalism, this field has always been my some vehicles with Christmas decorations. That story touched me first love. I began writing in journals at age 10, and this passion because it showed a community coming together to give this little deepened as I pursued my education and started writing for the girl her dying wish and support her parents. college newspaper. After graduating, I obtained a job with the city What are some pros and cons of your work? newspaper as a news reporter. From this positive experience, I Meeting new people, especially celebrities, is one perk of my job. returned to school to earn an advanced degree in journalism. I love connecting with individuals because I am very social, so that What training or education did you obtain to enter this has always been my favorite part. Saying “no” is a challenge I have field? faced throughout my career. Trying to get the job done and help For both fields, I give full credit to the college Fayetteville others can sometimes exhaust me or place me in specific binds. State University, where I received the opportunities and training I What would you like others to know about pursuing a needed to have a career in radio and journalism. At this institution, career? I received my bachelor’s and master’s degrees. The on-the-job I recommend the readers follow their desires. Whether becoming training as a college intern was also valuable. an entrepreneur, writing a book or creating a podcast is the goal, don't let fear overtake your thoughts and go for it! 8 Kidsville News! January 2023

This Page Brought To You By Answers on Page 23 Color In The Triceratops After You Connect The Dots! January 2023 Kidsville News! 9

Thank You Friends! First Southern Bank Ekklesia Preschool & Child Development Center Excel Computer Services Alabama Metal Art Florence 256-767-3337 Those listed here also help Simpson’s Collision Repair Patterson, Prince and Associates, PC us produce and distribute this Parents’ Choice Award- Florence • Sheffield • Killen 475 S. Seminary St., Florence Winning Newspaper FREE to 256-766-8915 all local school children! Odem and Odem, Attorneys 210 W. Tennessee St., Florence CHRISTMAS Coloring Contest McDonald’s 2 0 2 2 W I N N E R Sin Colbert County & Russellville We had hundreds of creative entries! A Special Thanks To Everyone for taking part in our 2022 Christmas Coloring Contest! Top 3 Winners In Each Age Group Pictured To The Left Receive: Happy Meal 8-10 5-7 2-4 from McDonald’s in Colbert Co. & Russellville 1st Kimberlee Hester 2nd Noah Burns 3rd Cain Ritchie 4 - Tuscumbia 3 - Muscle Shoals 2 - Florence Truman Stuffed Animal & Kidsville News! Pens from Courier Journal If You Have Not 1s7t Myles Clark 2nd Maddie Kate James 3rd Jerimiah Thompson Already... - Sheffield 6 - Florence 5 - Sheffield The 9 Winners Pictured To The Right May Pick Up Their Prizes At The Courier Journal 219 W. Tennessee St., Florence HONORABLE MENTIONS: 2-4 Age Group: Ann Tyler Alexander, Elisha Risner, Magnolia Hamm, Skylar Grace Willis, Ripken Broadfoot, Anastasia Conner, Austin Comer, Avery Almon, Hannah Edwards. 11s0t- TNoywlanHCorreteokn Avery Rhodes 3rd Skyler Matthew 2nd9 - Florence 8 - Florence 5-7 Age Group: Emma Jeffreys, Kailyn Jackson, Kal Roger, Layla Risner, Ophelia Benson, Ava Landers, Gracelyn Kelley-Albright, Elora Francisco. Long, Evelyn Malone, Brayden 8-10 Age Group: Braelyn Cook, Izzy Jackson, Zoey Hensley, Mikala, Atcheson, Maykala Johnson, Brylee Thornton, Hattie Baskins, Jack Malone, Serenity Purity, Harper Balentine, Zoe Lancaster, Pryagi Shukal, Reyliegh- Malone, Joshua Salinas, Lauren Belle Cooper, Brayden White. Zeigler, Rosa Leigh Robertson, Harper Nix, Adleyn Comer, Issac 10 Kidsville News! January 2023

INTRODUCING Explorer Rewards Cole Now members ages 5-14 can track savings and redeem rewards online. With Member since 2013 all kinds of rewards to explore—such as zoos, ball parks, water parks, and museums—this new program makes it easier than ever for kids to save money, earn rewards, and start exploring. ª 1. What do you call a happy babyAnswers: Why asrhe eeleepp?hants to wrinkly? Have you ever tried1. A merry little lamb. to iron one? 23.. BAecpaoousceh tshemyoocwhh.ip the cream and beat the eggs Wh2y. wIyfaoysuothucearbldlrooitog?mkliastseetso yscohuo,olw? hItaotvdeor-swept! WWhh3aa.ttWiksinthhdyeoasftrrceohnibcgkaeesknteiasrnstihmmeafeluiannnnt?iheests?eAa?cMomusesdeil-s!4. I have a lot of problems. he4n.! What did one math book say to the Whatodtohyeorumcaalltha sbeoagoukl?l that lives by the bay? A bagel! What color do cats prefer? Purr-ple What does a triceratops sit on? Its tricera-bottom! What is a sleeping dinosaur? A dino-snore! What kind of pizza do dogs eat? Pup-eroni pizza! How do you help a baby astronaut fall asleep? You rock-et! January 2023 Kidsville News! 11

12 Kidsville News! Hello! Sponsor this Want Your ARTWORK page... Or Your POETRY here? and reach all Shoals Send it to us. area students in We’ll print it in K-6th grade, parents, a future issue. and their teachers Fill OutotnhepaSgeend7!It form in this award-winning fun, family newspaper. Please call Tom at Your Name Your Age Your City 256-740-4701 for more information. February 20J1a9nuary January

2023February 2019 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 12 3 4 567 New Year’s 10 11 12 13 14 Day 89 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Holiday School is Out 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 Notes: Kidsville News! 13

This Page Brought To You By Book Reviews for Kids By Andrea Horosko Let’s begin the New Year with three interesting books! For beginning readers: text, the smiling characters show and tell the facts and traditions Maisy’s Chinese New Year surrounding this very important Asian holiday, including the by Lucy Cousins folk tale behind the 12-year Chinese zodiac. This book is part 24 pages, ages 3-7 yrs. of a series of Maisy First Experiences Books, all written and Copyright 2020 illustrated by Lucy Cousins. In other adventures, Maisy goes to a wedding, has a wobbly tooth, learns to swim and flies on Maisy the mouse is getting ready to a plane; Cousins has written 21 different books in the series, celebrate the Chinese New Year with so far. They all are fun to read, easy to read and full of good food, friends, decorations, presents and information for curious young minds! a special lucky color. With plenty of bright colors and a simple Easy-to-read chapter book: marshmallows — you name it, he will King & Kayla and the Case of the Gold Ring probably say it is his favorite thing. by Dori Hillestad Butler, illustrated by Nancy Myers King leads the case through several 47 pages, ages 7-9 yrs. false starts, but fortunately Kayla also Copyright 2021 has some human friends who add some sanity to the story. In the end, King King (a dog) and Kayla (a human) work together to solve proves to be a necessary member of the mysteries in this series of easy-to-read chapter books. The team as he helps to solve the mystery Case of the Gold Ring is perfect for January since it is solved and finds the missing gold ring. If you on a snowy winter day. The best thing about the King & like this book, you should check out the Kayla mysteries is that they are narrated by King, a smart dog other King & Kayla mysteries — seven detective who is also very funny. For example, everything in all. he encounters is his “favorite” thing — snow, liver treats, Picture book for older readers: killed in 1926. Now, you might think this is a good thing, but no, it’s The Wolves of Yellowstone: A Rewilding not. Without the wolves of Yellowstone, the elk population increased Story by Catherine Barr, illustrated by and ate all the plants. Without the plants, the bird population left for Jenni Desmond better nesting homes and so on. Mother Nature was upset. So, in 48 pages, ages 7-12 years 1995, 14 Canadian wolves were captured and brought to Yellowstone. This nonfiction, neatly illustrated book. It tells the story of those first Copyright 2021 wolves: how they survived, hunted, reproduced and carried on shifting This is a magnificent book for both children the balance of nature and bringing it back to Yellowstone. You will learn how the return of the wolves positively affected all the animal and adults. It tells the true story of what and plant populations, mammals, birds, amphibians, trees, grasses, happens when Mother Nature is challenged. In wildflowers; it is truly is a circle of life. 1872, Yellowstone became the first National Park in the United States. It was and still is an amazing place full of natural beauty and wildlife. But, due to fear and over hunting, the last wolf of Yellowstone was Andrea Horosko still remembers the moment as a child when she joyfully exclaimed, “I can read!” In adulthood, she happily followed her Army husband around the world, raised her family and spent 26 years as a teacher and school librarian. Now retired, she continues to share the joy of reading. 14 Kidsville News! January 2023

Excellent Service, Expert Advice Game Day Party Ideas Football season has been in full swing for several months 1909 Florence Blvd., Florence, AL 35630 and will soon culminate in the (across from Hobby Lobby) game of all games in early February, the 256-767-3337 Super Bowl. Watching the action on the field is exciting, but game day experiences Florence • Sheffield • Killen can be enhanced by festivities with friends or family. When cooking, for Football parties can take enjoyment of the safety, always get help game to the next level and be enhanced with from an adult first. each game that occurs on the road to the playoffs. The following are some ways to score touchdowns when hosting game day gatherings. Create A Diy Football Field Table Cover Head to the nearest party store and purchase green craft paper or a plastic tablecloth. Stretch it over the expanse of the table you need to cover and secure it underneath with tape or clips. Use white tape or ribbon to mark off the field yard markings and utilize white stick-on numerals to enhance the yard line measurements. Such a festive table can double the perfect playing field for table-top football. Decorate A Drink Station Dress up your cooler with team colors and logos. Make a goalpost out of PVC piping to add a little whimsy to the design. Create Game-Inspired Foods Football-shaped foods, from mini meatloaf to calzones to cookies to doughnuts, will make the event even more fun. Invest in a football- shaped cookie cutter to cut just about everything, from sliced cheeses to sandwiches, pie crusts, into that pigskin shape. Set Up Games Of Chance Guessing on the outcomes of the quarters is a tradition for many people who participate in football parties. However, this isn’t for everyone. Party hosts can come up with other clever ideas to give people chances to win prizes. Purchase inexpensive gift cards to local coffee shops, sporting goods retailers or supermarkets. Give out raffle tickets to all in attendance. Each time the team scores, pick a raffle ticket out of a bag or bucket. The called number gets a prize. Consider A Tailgate Theme Evoke the feelings of a true stadium tailgate by hosting the party outdoors in the neighborhood. Each home can have its station in the driveway, with party goers walking from home to home to load up on snacks and talk about the game. Game day is a great time to get together with fellow fans, friends and family. January 2023 Kidsville News! 15

A History of the Florence-Lauderdale Public KL i b r a r y P a r t I : T h e L a d i e s L i b r a r y By Lee Freeman, Florence-Lauderdale Public Library, Local History - Genealogy Department It’s hard to believe that on December 10th 2022, the Florence- hall building, an arch way having been cut between the two, and Lauderdale Public Library celebrated its 20th year in our “new” both are filled with the best literature.” building. In late May of 1901 the Ladies Library moved upstairs to the The library has a long history, stretching all the way back to the second floor of City Hall, into Judge W. J. Wood’s old law offices year 1885—over 140 years ago. The local schools and colleges while the Florence Fire Department occupied the rooms formerly had libraries, some companies had libraries for their employees used by the library. By March of 1902 the library had relocated to (the Florence Wagon Factory had one by 1903), and many ordinary the first floor. citizens had their own personal home libraries. There were also In the meantime, the Southern Library Association of Knoxville, bookstores, such as JR Price’s Florence Book Store (very active Tennessee, established a “Circulating Library” in the drugstore of during the 1870s and 1880s). By the 1890s Florence had a Young Dr. James Burtwell on Court Street, in February of 1896. Men’s Christian Association, or YMCA, which had its own library. The Circulating Library was a subscription library and But there was no centrally-located public library where anyone memberships cost $2 per year; for each one hundred members the could go to check out books. That year of 1885, Mrs. Amanda Sherrod, wife of US senator and Alabama legislator William C. Sherrod assembled a group of ladies who thought Florence needed a public library. They quickly formed a group called the Ladies Library Association and began plans to establish a library, which opened in November of 1885. Their first—of several—locations, was one of the The first home (1885-ca.1898) of the Ladies The second home (ca. 1898-1903) of the Ladies academy rooms of the Presbyterian Library the Presbyterian Female Synodical Library, built in 1891 as Florence’s City Hall, Female Synodical College, which College academy building, the site of the current but by 1903 the Jefferson Hotel. John McKinley Federal Post Office Building had been established in 1855 and employee parking lot in downtown Florence. closed in late 1899; upon closing the Synodical College donated all of its library books to the Ladies Library. Southern Library Association would supply two hundred books, Apparently the office of library director rotated each month, with new titles to be rotated in every four months. with a different lady of the association serving in that capacity. By Nothing further is known of the Circulating Library or how long July of 1889 the Ladies Library was open on Thursday afternoons it was open. between five and six pm. Over the years several of the ladies would In September of 1896 the Ladies Library Association, the ladies serve as librarians with Miss Bunny Smith being the first known of the Confederate Memorial Association and the officers of librarian in 1889. The Ladies Library was a subscription library, Florence’s YMCA attempted to establish a library by combining with an annual fee of one dollar per year for a “ticket”. Seventh the Ladies Library with the Florence YMCA library, which and eighth grade students of the Robert M. Patton School were was named the Confederate Memorial Library, in memory of allowed to check out books on Friday afternoons. Florence’s Confederate dead. This library was designed to feature Local citizens donated books and money with fundraisers also a selection of books on the causes and history of the Civil War as being routinely held to raise money. The result was that by 1898 well as plaques inscribed with the names of Lauderdale County the Ladies Library boasted two thousand volumes in is collection. soldiers—apparently both Union and Confederate—who served At some point between November of 1897 and January, 1898, in the conflict. the Ladies Library Association had relocated to the first floor However though money was raised, books collected (several of City Hall on the southwest corner of West Tennessee and thousand YMCA books were given to the Ladies Library in trust), “Intelligence Row” (so-called because of the law offices on this and officers appointed, it appears that the Confederate Memorial street). Construction on this building was completed in 1891. Library never really got off the ground. Entrance to the Library was via a set of stairs on the Tennessee Next month: Part II. Street side of the building. On November 10, 1899, the Florence Herald noted that the Library, “Now occupies two nicely furnished rooms in the city 16 Kidsville News! January 2023

Knowledge Power TM Submitted By Patricia J. Weaver The View Student Questionnaire Soaring Into 2023 Mail, bring by or email us YOUR PHOTO & your answers! Name Grade School Fax # 256-760-9618 Email: [email protected] Mail: 219 W. Tennessee Street • Florence, AL 35630 What is your favorite...... Author? Outdoor Activity? Meal to eat - breakfast, lunch or dinner? 1. What bird soars in the skies over North America and can Subject in school? CANNOT reach the weight of 13 pounds? Movie? PRINT A. Pigeon B. Hawk C. Eagle D. Buzzard Do you like to help others? WITHOUT 2. This object that soars was invented by the Montgolfier PHOTO brothers in 1782 and can be seen anywhere in the United States. What is it? Have you ever been hiking on a trail? A. Remote control airplane B. Kite C. Baseball D. Hot air balloon Have you ever ridden in a convertible car? 3. This daredevil soared over many objects between 1965 Have you ever met your great-grandparents? and 1980. He suffered more than 433 bone fractures in his career, thereby earning an entry in the Guinness Book of Have you ever been a patient in a hospital? World Records as the survivor of “most bones broken in a lifetime”. Who was it? Do you speak another language? A. Evel Knievel B. John Stapp C. Martin Strel D. Lewis Gordon Pugh Do you know how to water ski or snow ski? 4. If you want to soar with nature try the white water Do you like going to the pet store? challenge. What is this? A. Knee boarding B. Water Skiing C. Rafting Do you like to read aloud? D. Snorkeling MUST HAVE 5. What newspaper reporter super hero soared though the air PERMISSION to save people? TO PRINT Parent/Guardian Permission A. Batman B. Superman C. Captain America D. The Hulk I give Kidsville News! permission to print my CHILD’S PHOTO & opinion on 6. NASCAR drivers soar around the track, who holds the any questions listed above. I do realize my child’s first name, school and grade could record for the fastest speed? A. Bill Elliott B. Geoffrey Bodine C. Jeff Gordon be printed in this publication. I have enclosed or emailed my CHILD’S PHOTO. D. Kyle Busch Answers On Pg. 23 Parent/Guardian SIGNATURE Date Kidsville News! 17 January 2023

HE Family-friendly Resolutions to Pursue Together Families can enjoy plenty of resolutions together. Undertaking goals as a family unit can create accountability that keeps everyone on track. Here are some resolutions to think about making right now. • Eating healthier meals together can move everyone’s health in the right direction. Start by adding a fruit or vegetable to every meal and try whole grains or a new grain, like quinoa. Small changes can add up to big gains and healthy results. • Transform negative thinking patterns into positive ones. The family can keep gratitude journals, highlighting things they are grateful for or actions that make each person proud. • Collectively aim to get more sleep each night. This goal may be achieved by turning electronics off earlier each night and spending an hour or two before bed engaged in lighthearted conversation or stress-busting activities like reading books. • Plan for screen-free family time each day. Make this goal a priority so everyone can engage without distractions from social media, work, friends and other digital activities. Herbivores vs. Carnivores During the age of dinosaurs, various types of dinosaurs roamed weight up to 16 tons. This dinosaur roamed around North America, the Earth. The creature were different in many ways, yet similar specifically the areas we now call in others. The main distinguishing feature that separated dinosaurs Canada and the United States. was diet. Who ate what? Come find out! Stegosaurus The meat-eating dinosaurs are carnivores, while the plant-eating The Stegosaurus was a herbivore dinosaurs are herbivores. Some dinosaurs ate both and were believed to have eaten mosses, omnivores. ferns, horsetails, cycads, conifers or fruits. The Stegosaurus didn’t Megalosaurus have many teeth. It only had a toothless beak at the front of its The Megalosaurus was a horrendous mouth and small teeth in its cheeks. To help him digest his food, predator that was almost 29.5 feet the Stegosaurus probably swallowed stones. The stones would have long, twice as high as a double-decker moved about inside its stomach, and the rough edges would help bus. This dinosaur had powerful jaws break up the plants the dinosaur had eaten. and sharp teeth, perfect for ripping through his prey’s thick skins and devouring huge chunks of flesh. Triceratops His teeth were serrated – meaning they were zig zag-shaped along Triceratops were herbivores who grazed in large herds together the edge, saw-like and able to slice through flesh easily. and had nose horns used for defense. Nine meters in length and weighing five tons, Triceratops lived in the upland forests of North Tyrannosaurus Rex The Tyrannosaurus Rex or T-Rex is America. Some Triceratopses had knobs of bone on their neck frills, probably the most well-known dinosaur a defensive attribute. to exist. This dinosaur was a carnivorous predator and the largest apex predator of the dinosaur era. Estimates put the length of a T-Rex up to 42 feet and the 18 Kidsville News! January 2023

The TM View Local kids their answers to let us know.... our questions DoGoYOtoUpawgea1n7t to be here? and fill out... Your answer The TM View Your Name School Grade YOUR PHOTO HERE HELP! Truman Lost His Hat! Maybe you can help him find it & WIN A PLUSH MINI- TRUMAN OR PUPPET!* Somewhere in this Kidsville News! is Truman’s small red hat! This hat will not be on Truman. Find only his red hat! Send us the form below for a chance to win! od, *Subject to TLthhaesetnnmaemxotneitsohsf’ustehheoafwt KwiniadnssevorisnllwepiaNlgleebwe1s4i!n. availability. uld December Winners of a Mini-Truman Levi White Archer Forsythe of Killen of Muscle Shoals her Pick yours up at the Courier Journal Office 219 W. Tennessee St., Florence Email to [email protected] Or Mail entry to us by Jan. 20 one Hat on pg. _________ Your Name ve mail to: Address Kidsville News! Town 219 W. Tennessee St. School Phone Florence, AL 35630 January 2023 Kidsville News! 19

ParenTown’s KidSmart - Interesting Facts about Martin Luther King, Jr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was one of the most influential figures of sociology a year later. the 21st century. His tireless activism during the Civil Rights Movement • King survived an attack years of the 1950s and 1960s improved the lives of millions of people, and his tragic assassination on April 4, 1968, marked one of the darkest days in before his assassination. King American history. was attacked during a book signing event in Harlem in King’s oratory prowess is well-documented. Individuals across 1958. His assailant, Izola the globe are familiar with his “I Have a Dream” speech, which King Curry, was ultimately deemed delivered during the March on Washington. Less familiar are some other mentally incompetent to notable facts about the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. stand trial. Though the attack • If he were alive today, Martin Luther King, Jr. would still be years did not kill him, King had to undergo intensive emergency away from his 100th birthday. King was assassinated in 1968, when surgery and was hospitalized he was not yet 40 years old. Born in Atlanta in 1929, King could very for several weeks. much still be alive today and would have celebrated his 93rd birthday • Conspiracy theories surround on January 15, 2022. King’s assassination. King’s • King was an extraordinarily gifted student. At an age when many assassin, James Earl Ray, was students were preparing to enter their sophomore or junior year of found guilty and sentenced to high school, King began his freshman year of college at Morehouse 99 years in prison. Authorities, College. King enrolled at Morehouse when he was 15 after the school including the United States opened enrollment to junior high students to overcome a dip in Department of Justice, concluded Ray, a career criminal, acted alone. enrollment related to World War II. King passed the entrance exam However, some, including surviving members of King’s family, and enrolled in the fall of 1944. believed his assassination was part of a conspiracy. • King was ordained as a minister prior to graduating from Morehouse. • Despite his tragic assassination in 1968, Martin Luther King, Jr., left The Baptist ministry was something of a family business for the his mark on the world. That legacy is even more remarkable when Kings, as Martin Luther King, Jr.’s father, grandfather and great considering the unique twists and turns King’s life took prior to his grandfather were all Baptist ministers. However, King did not initially death. intend to follow that path. He ultimately changed course and entered the ministry at age 18, graduating from Morehouse with a degree in a period we call an ice age. As dinosaurs were thought to be cold-blooded, it would have been hard for them to cope with such cold conditions. For example, if large parts of the planet were covered in ice, then little or no plants would survive for herbivorous dinosaurs to eat. A very severe ice age could have altered climates and frozen waters so dinosaurs could not weather the conditions, slowly making them die out. This theory has been largely discarded for one simple reason: scientists have Understanding not found any evidence of an ice age occurring during the life of the dinosaurs. Competition From Other Animals - Fossils of small mammals Extinction have been found from 65 million years ago. Another extinction theory is that these small Cretaceous Period animals started to compete with dinosaurs, stealing and eating dinosaur eggs. However, no one is sure whether mammals caused the extinction If we were here roughly 100 million years ago, we would have of dinosaurs or if they thrived because dinosaurs were no longer around any longer. roamed the streets alongside dinosaurs. Do you ever wonder what Volcano Theory - Massive volcanic activity occurred 63-67 million happened to the T-Rex or Velociraptor? Multiple theories suggest years ago, particularly on the Deccan Plateau in western India. Such what could have happened to them. To learn more, keep reading. action would have caused a massive change in climate problematic Asteroid Impact - A massive asteroid hit the Earth on the Yucatan for dinosaur survival. Peninsula in Mexico about 65 million years ago. The meteor’s Gradual Extinction - The number of dinosaurs declined throughout crater is 180 km from rim to rim, and scientists have figured out the Cretaceous Period. Maybe several factors contributed to their that the asteroid must have been 10 km across. It is suggested that eventual extinction, and they died out. Dinosaur extinction is a big the impact would have caused extensive damage, including a giant mystery, because while dinosaurs died out at this time, many species dust cloud leading to massive climate changes. Such an event would survived, including similar animal types like crocodiles. have destroyed many Cretaceous Period plants and animals. Ice Age Theory - Every so often, the Earth cools down into 20 Kidsville News! January 2023

MATHTIME 1) How many dinosaurs do you 2) The Tuttle family went to Sci-zone see? How many tails are there? and bought passes for each show. How many eyes do these dino- They spent exactly $20.00. saurs have? How many passes could they buy? For which shows? Answer: $4.00 Planetarium ___ dinosaurs $3.00 Holograms $6.00 Dinosaurs ___ tails ___ eyes Answers On Page 23 ParenTown’s KidShape - The Basics of Pickleball A court sport is sweeping the nation, and it isn’t tennis or How is pickleball played? basketball. According to the Sports & Fitness Industry Association, An extensive list of the rules of pickleball can be found at https:// 4.8 million people played pickleball in 2021, marking a nearly 15% growth in the total number of players from the year prior. A game is typically played to 11 points, and a team must win by Data from the SFIA suggests pickleball is popular among people two. Tournament games may be played to 15 or 21, and a team must of all ages. Total participation among players between ages: six and win by two. 17 (21%), 18 and 34 (29%) and 35 and 54 (20%) is significant, 55 and 64 (12%) and players 65 and older also are well represented Does pickleball utilize referees? (18%). Recreational games of pickleball can rely on the honor system much like pick-up games of other sports do. However, USA As the popularity of pickleball grows, now is a great time to Pickleball™ notes that referees and line judges are important explore the basics of this game that’s become a go-to pastime for so components of tournament play. More information about coming many people. a pickleball referee can be found at involved/pickleball-officiating/. What is pickleball? USA Pickleball™ notes that pickleball combines many elements Why should I play pickleball? of tennis, badminton and ping-pong. The game is played with a Players enjoy the game of pickleball for a multitude of reasons, paddle and a plastic ball with holes and can be played both indoors including the thrill of competition, the chance to socialize and the and outdoors on a badminton-sized court with a slightly modified opportunity to exercise outside of a gym or home fitness center. tennis net. Much like tennis, pickleball can be played in a single But many play the game because they find it fun. Pickleball has (one-on-one) or doubles (two-on-two) format. experienced a notable spike in popularity How long has pickleball been played? in recent years. More Despite a recent and meteoric spike in popularity, pickleball information about the has been around since 1965. The brainchild of three fathers from game and how to get Bainbridge Island (which is just a brief ferry ride away from Seattle), involved is available at the game was invented as a means of entertaining bored children. https://usapickleball. It has since evolved from those roots and become a wildly popular org. game across both the United States and Canada, and the game has even begun to spread into Europe and Asia. January 2023 Kidsville News! 21

Animal Ages longer than humans. Notice in the table, the Giant Sea Sponge Have you ever wondered how old lives at least 2300 years and it is a very simple multi-celled some animals get? For example animal. my two dogs died when they were There are 360 officially recognized dog breeds and each 13 years old yet my father lived 88 breed has a specific average lifespan. This table lists some of them. years. You People sometimes say 1 dog year is equivalent to 7 human years. might guess that The chart below is a better guide. the life spans “Dogs lives are too short. Their only fault, really” -- Agnes Sligh Turnbull -- depend upon © 2023 Dr. David R. Curott, UNA Professor Emeritus how advanced or developed is a species. A human is much more mentally developed than a dog or elephant. Surprisingly that would be a bad guess because many species live, on the average, 22 Kidsville News! January 2023

? Do you know about... a Mountain Lion vs. a Cougar THOMAS W. They are the same! JOEL R. McCUTCHEON HAMNER There are almost as many names for the cougar as there are actual cougars remaining in the world. Also knows as pumas, catamounts, or panthers, they only live in North and South America. There are several subspecies, but all its many nicknames refer to Puma concolor. CALL US 256-333-5000 2210 Helton Drive, Florence “No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.” ANSWERS Knowledge MATHTIME Power Laptop 1) ANSWER: 2) 5 passes: 2 Planetarium, Answers: Keyboard 3 dinosaurs 2 Hologram, 1 Dinosaur. 3 tails Most students will use guess 1. C 6 eyes and check, branches on a 2. D tree or charts. 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A These answers only for the Colbert County Issue January 2023 Kidsville News! 23

We hope your holidays were Merry & Bright! Enjoy these decorations that were set up at our Cox Blvd. location. 24 Kidsville News! January 2023 Welcoming New Patients All Insurance and Cash Payments Accepted

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