Hey! This Paper Belongs To: TM Colbert County’s Fun Family Newspaper - March 2022 15 YEARS in the Shoals tChaellWoifld Curious Creatures, Real or Myth? Wildville - The Wildebeest In Search of Bigfoot What's It Like to be a Sports Photographer? Donna Ford Fun Activities to Enjoy This Spring FFoorr mmoorree ffuunn aanndd ggaammeess,, vviissiitt tthhee KKiiddssvviillllee NNeewwss!! WWeebbssiittee aatt KidsvilleNews.com/colbert March 2022 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 1
Hi, Kids! saofolBKotneafniFafESmcihiUdacAagdrnvteHoerrmeIofndsreinuopnorFmtaevnedbrslngeiivaoallsaao?aleyloctyhtcaeboknmhtothutink.oDemysuenhreedNux—oeoierWsttocfutevwckeoasraewifiw,hItnidatnrsrtokthsedoizeegcyMymrh!nkenryaiaonnlteiaafdrtdaswaotthLi,onxehn,nhwtoerdtaefdseecmhsMloptdfhyyesebroharbwaaoohtriaetbNoinuxusiaybertcloygrdroyeo.ehkskshseeuonsyoeaiw’ma!wbsktssaulivaiif,elesoIrloemMid!leedrnnntlwWls,sao.ohdtit“otinleh.hnhgCdAhrasaeiooioenntAsncrrfosrnegddhercduniamrssetahmeiihlotrortofacolphf,tieathotfnkuhhecyilides“nyhoeAteoSCganieWsrufmiMwcossrernrom,dii!shaaitlt”tcMecdaerhxIolajrnaebrn?aunedTnOehiesxtasrdoahIiatupemte,tdfitdtlduhnahaf.,rrlgideosimeameebnsBaoyrrnpsssoyn,udrsArtyadtteefieottoorrscPsahhtteuwhlcbaeihigwa.?isecatbeneeyolluWdoetlbn”mro,nhustyrsoiohtwi,fhylsnudariMyotttoswuhhamToo’ushnlurfefitinaecgsredssuu,iatptwopweahrryoe! ad The Wildebeest The wildebeest is an African animal are born. also called a gnu. It is a large-hoofed Scientific Classification • After the females mammal in the Bovidae family of two species: the blue wildebeest or Kingdom Animalia have given birth, the brindled gnu, Connochaetes taurinus, Subphylum Vertebrata breeding season begins. and the black wildebeest or white- Class Mammalia The dominant males mark off and tailed gnu, Connochaetaes gnou. We Order Artiodactyla defend some territory with their feces here at Kidsville News! are just wild Family Bovidae and scent about wildebeest! Let’s learn more. Genus Connochaetes • Wildebeests are valuable to the African environment. Their feces • They are grass eaters in the same fertilize the ground, and their trampling family as antelope, deer and goats. turns over the earth for growth. As prey, When grass is not growing or found, they migrate to find food. they also provide food for predators, like lions and hyenas. • About 1.5 million animals move in herds from the grasslands to the • All common wildebeests have a woods in May. In November, they short neck, a deep chest, high shoulders, move back, when there is grass in the thin legs and cow-like horns and vary in plains in summer. color from purplish gray to dark brown. Standing 4.6–4.9 feet tall and weighing 500–600 • Common wildebeests are found in grasslands pounds, all common wildebeests have black throughout the southern half of Africa, markings on the forehead, mane, and tail. particularly on the continent’s eastern side. • Black wildebeests are much smaller than common wildebeests. Standing about 3.9 feet high • Black wildebeests are found only in the and weighing 330 pounds, black wildebeests are grasslands and shrublands of South Africa. dark brown to black, with a white tail and mane. The horns of both males and females are curved. • The females are referred to as cows or gnus. They birth calves in summer after an eight-month term. Calves follow their mothers soon after they https://kids.kiddle.co/ https://kids.britannica.com/kids/article/wildebeest/602322 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals 2 Kidsville News! March 2022
This Page Brought To You By: In Search of Bigfoot Is it a bird? Is it a plane? The descriptions of the Bigfoot, from (BFRO), which identifies itself as “the According to legend, if you are the North American northwest to Florida only scientific research organization not sure, it could be Bigfoot, also to Australia, are remarkably consistent. exploring the bigfoot/Sasquatch mystery,” known as Sasquatch, a thought-to-be ape- People claiming to have seen the beast- say this thing is an animal, probably a like creature said to inhabit the forests man say it is: primate, that exists today in very low and hills of North America. Many on this • taller than an average man, seven to population densities. In other words, continent say they have seen this giant, it is a creature of old that has survived scary creature. Is this wild thing real? eight feet in height; and evolved into something half human, • covered with long brown or auburn half beast. Others say it is a “cultural Wild, hairy humanoids have been phenomenon” kept alive today through a spotted throughout the world. Also hair or white hair in the case of the combination of the misidentification of known as Yeti, Skunk Ape and Yowie, Yeti; known animals, wishful thinking and fake the creatures resemble humans in shape. • smelly, with a strong, disgusting odor; reports — in other words, a big lie. They are the subject of myths and folklore • large footed, as evidenced by castings handed down by indigenous people, the of footprints; What do you think? distinct social and cultural groups native • loud, with a piercing, eerie howl; to the lands. Other people fascinated by • and distrustful and disliking of man. Could Bigfoot be real? the unknown like to talk and guess about their existence, too. In his article, “The Top 10 Most Mysterious Creatures of Modern Have you ever wondered if aliens and Times,” writer Stephen Wagner of https:// flying saucers are real? Well, it’s the www.liveabout.com/ states, “The vast same thing. But what can you think when number of sightings, many by highly something appears unexpectedly and reliable witnesses, gives Bigfoot the best vanishes just as mysteriously? Always, likelihood of being a real creature as yet you are bewildered and frightened. unknown to science.” Typically, no proof is left behind of what happened, either. Two trains of thought exist about what Bigfoot is. Some, like members of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization https://www.liveabout.com/most-mysterious-creatures-of-modern-times-2594695 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bigfoot March 2022 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 3
Where the Wild Things Are Tracking Fun Facts Match the Animals to Their Tracks Some mammals are diagonal walkers, moving their legs on opposite sides of the bear body, like foxes, bobcats, deer and moose. Weasels and otters are bounders, with deer their front feet landing together and the back feet landing behind or on top of the coyote front track. Hares and squirrels gallop, with their back feet landing in front of their front tracks. Winter Animal! Snowshoe Hare Lepus americanus Snowshoe hares are built for long winters. Their fur get thicker and turns white in winter to blend into their snowy habitat, and they have large feet for traveling on top of the snow. They are active all winter. bobcat beaver raccoon hare Answer Keys: This small carnivore has a long, thin www.exploringnature.org/db/ body but is a fierce predator. Its fur This carnivore leaves a track with no visible view/Kidsville-News-Activities turns white in the winter, which helps it toenails – because it retracts them. It is a Answers on Page 23 blend in with the snow. It is a ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 7,000 Pages of Science and Nature Activities for Kids Exploringnature.org 4 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals March 2022
The TM View Local kids Have you done let us know.... something nice for someone lately? Helped DoGoYOtoUpawgea1n6t to be here? someone up The and fill out... Lauren TM View Covenant Christian School 6th Grade Hello! Attention Kids & Teachers Too! This is Truman From Kidsville News! I WANT YOUR STUDENTS’ ORIGINAL ARTWORK OR POEMS TO BE PRINTED ON PAGE 12 IN Kidsville News! March 2022 Send It YOUR ORIGINAL ARTLauderdale County’s Hey Kids! Truman again. I want News! 5 www.kidsvillenAeFhwrehsKa.sJhchiopduhWfmaAssOohaRrv/tiSKrnhsre,imhlfd!Ln,lAEoeiTtlaTjolEMluRonNsSosru&eptPtgPawOSLuEgtsMaeeShE!!rendP7i“ldFaeSonaOfesIsnettiRdhg!hinMIsativt”e, YoYuOorurHrAePKNrroteieadwmmsoveriklleFun family Newspaper A BetterMWikaeyA RTBoaeBtntedetratelWlr,aGyraTdoeB2s5e! 6t-t2e7r8G-2r3a4d2es!TA2hR1no9umdDRsrWkaseBrisJecAaI..EiSAalDhVNlJTDKltlDLnDeaDu.AegSRBrip.arMdvcnTIiDNhvoGod©vsRmeTntyIbroaaCbtEOwidapaeAInerseyrIdrpuodOBACngourTkCts2eeuNbprLeaRmhtbemTibalypsuMerminso5.eIRlyrPRreAsapoeiLfizoPcThasiIsrOCrgo6sfdpSohkeezPLOhHCkss.nx.rtNunoprEir-tIsusosooooPa&cihnyNciiSd2S7CarWfeenSbgsMrrNdpAIsnnd0veidisetlnikrygevbl6kets1cutCsC•AedJhIihiusileder.iaA6rAurndokdletPwThcdP•r4rtlhNoleirvoheroIskiorrFfiwpaebOeWthniLRmibevolUt-uIrdLDcUyeDitoiwohlPNic•rsalkPbdle4h&IttRgOlolrdktoahbadlfdboiausaeOtSL8eBtplreSvls2iCEetnawrwilBeJelomEpeAoePhfAii@EtrnirNbNnssnr•[email protected]!gonTeOeblurtt.eNSl,LehllSaaJ@sulncnktwhniarmee8AkpoenUiPaNclIcIardeutnEiIocimegnnXUtsdDin.epcIDSncisemiaeNiSIuiethlirt!tLtsodcpkopfer•oocniLhwklgSldsngder.osSnonsdasWraIcOdnna,fEebimetHC@ieauneEuaIscrLiltTniyi,.ergtsstmdTtsAi!oco.mPnaydardHvoSrdfNrucbahtN@gEurir.pnnistCvaoImlAAbpaEtaEnCaeeociRtnteadyicNRirrsrkrTnTtaarE,larnieimrceileDidnhacahegdtEuanAtvItaoSeeERpeaLhN.eac@nhTulnnteikdiia@,sULsIayssAtrdhcphAartllyhtdtcpiyatvAyoevrGpitdeBnIjnRnilir-iseearnjosReOpILsnlahiTEofr.iou3altTisodaoeeoatrTleoTckepbethOlteBTkank,esnnTbetrittecDcesUretPtuvwehduR5,rihWsmtSrsOmtuisiroaiOrienrasnesOsmesrerdE,inIr,aigiMoNtfteddLuiv6grnfiAgonsoeta.arrelnttyewiTwnvslsrsehunvthetiel,arstRRasa3ashlineRnShlatnalpuliwtiEnnbtpocwdiufEmFSdeliaswtltyatvenvOrealstrgth0FswhdnvpnaEliregtsehotReNbotmaonlehnuehisotimeerDfLirrtNsvtsvsluit.heOJrrloW-kaNdatsRlshnvsloisotiSoTtnes.teuKrni:lfetnte,i,serunliIeooeescnpvoepIuieTieeeovvooheuoeerwaUewretd.aeceTeksSedvaTrnrMiacarnhhnkenlraafooutensawslerntwceeonmomo,puhnsdul!yafnEdestpNaekt.e-raOgtenanmenpieAhdtn.io,klkh.loswdumhyonireilse,onoTiRssbnitecdacswwtlalriDieNagrnRNdgtotiedsrd.retiepoportpttuoomcoarscscoofsaneuttsahaAphnl,.hRamdvsvAnasAxCpi.retahsfemoawlseeiiihsuoldpce:ho.uptailrslnsiAeypluarlgCfhcinsoimeoedoe/orTcprakunnxiceatlwiyl.dvasiohrow/enbNa,nNiEmpmsetryaSlncepel.lyliIclehwmrgeopne.eeiealmac.eeerRsrtrOlppaqwwCrnecogcemhlctesaarUueospoekggiishonsseet&o,ebanswihartu!i!trroNirdmasopstlmhlmlsvsrtesIhmeaiTcmldmsecit.nsntitireeanwhriucioahreTigNecnCeawei.snaaeeendeef.iyhnn/iadsiyiel7rde.ginrele’idtalvlsiscnsnooNtUirg.eeniKsiasc0IhttntoareftnnecltrlAoneltssooispnblflwterayosctsgxedpdrhetso.ishxc,isdehrtoorha,mpcoe;gewviSWhlsuatsuysyetwitmuedlereororpteegtveynees.gctiepemdsleYrrehrlteiihsphdPNeesarsasashesonloe/ido.enonnlPae,inli5cctafdixAfetsi,anruutmnatlhrtrre-ynnoayNnosseernSsrexnoggeNthwasdfoAeasidrerhiseSesfrsleoednendl,.twtelrpicifestyw.oiopDalxgrdsera’lrclotsspnariyatphdmay!oeehanygracoleubtrtebyonrostrcvuuetaohcucnairaesrghueesdreGytntessebgmAsuakt,jhumoseoociducrnoNarc(Cnitfbteid.eaTsehvoErcsdrdTArdeoeWwadhppyroifEdhlfyioiesiusoNsrruSaosi…ttxpansuussolnreiteugkrdudio’am,ZnsssisiteNrnnedcy•.ieod,spmSoafOypt2inygohydT1nuoe9aorwsmwtfPenWudwARnroKrw.edwnaIidBow.TNo(isrketiPevuknieTtidn)grwltrlnseemiwvCeitWnrisiehlNlsOuslWb•cseeenIbyoiQsnseowaaToluZSieoenvtasyure!rSc)Hwl!eiv,rr?hAatie!2TsaOtcmgo.d.wmsoJhW5enec,os,ei6FoUdo•ulik•iCoBkuse.rmnseAl3l,ceTloukFyetfa@N6fi/rbnoSmtaSlats6oihrOtcZOttdocmhTnrae.Uroaea!e9nhtoedWybes:ivCHNh’r7oBskatlnnaeueieo7eecLllrGtplId•delsrloI9eryIhyeraN?NaSrTkn,NoodiuoantentsmuiEoLATddnrtiSorrDmsaLgeHen•gIlspsil-Eh3PSnr.TG!occeAo5R-vShrohNmm6ePoEHAmooE3tACAewmlgw-O0RoBLseowneTaTA.tlscwrLetOaeUtLuo.icdctbRettlSmsRuCror®-!b•uragEzriFrrrtniarucyedguteoelusCrmiionnn•gsjI.OSuucnAolsTtntTamYuet/6oiA-t/o0oOuCn-ror9Tnir0HnTe-eOndgosKc.atnm.ey.Piesder!e!spville News! 5 uary 2016
Local History Written by Billy Warren 3. 3. Helen Keller’s home in Did You Know? Tuscumbia. As you no doubt know, There’s No Place Like Home Miss Keller is known throughout Have you watched the movie, “The Wizard of Oz”? If so, the world for you might remember the final scenes. Dorothy, the main her incredible character, is still in the Land of Oz, but she has learned that brainpower and the Wizard is a fake. So, how to get back to her home in her strong will that Kansas is now her main concern. Glinda the Good Witch gives Dorothy this advice: “Tap the heels of your shoes helped her overcome her deaf/blind condition. She has, together and repeat this sentence three times: ‘There’s no place indeed, inspired people all over the globe. like home.’” Dorothy follows her direction and immediately awakens in her bedroom in Kansas surrounded by her family 4. Wilson Dam that connects Colbert and Lauderdale and friends. She’s very happy to see them, of course, and she repeats once again, “There’s no place like home.” Counties. This dam is the second of nine dams on the Let’s pretend that you and your family have decided on a Tennessee River. The hydroelectric power that it began to “staycation” this year instead of a vacation. “Staycation” is a new word invented by officials in the tourist industry a generate in 1925 helped to provide electricity to the entire few years ago. It became especially popular in 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic arrived in America. When a family 4. Tennessee Valley. chooses a “staycation,” it is saying to the world, “We aren’t It also serves as a going to another city or state or country this year; we have chosen to stay locally. There are so many things to do and type of interstate places to visit and sights to see without having to leave the area.” highway as So, with all of that in mind, look carefully at the four raw materials photographs accompanying this month’s article. You will see: and goods are 1. 1.Themagnificent cliffs on the transported from Sheffield side of the Tennessee River. place to place When people visit the Shoals, they on its friendly are overwhelmed by the beauty and waterway. sheer ruggedness of these cliffs as With these four grand sites (and so many others, besides) to visit and enjoy, it’s little wonder that visitors come to the viewed from a boat in the Tennessee River or from McFarland Shoals from near and far to experience the area’s uniqueness Park in Florence. Specialists in Earth Science know that the – and local residents often choose a “staycation” instead of cliffs represent untold numbers of years for their formation. a vacation. SOMETHING TO DO: 1. Choose one of the four sites described above and write an advertisement for it. Make the advertisement so appealing that people reading it will really want to visit it. 2. Select a favorite local site of your own that is not one of the four described above. Write an advertisement that you think will make people want to visit it. 2. 2. The entry to the 3. Write a detailed paragraph in which you encourage people to choose a “staycation” over a vacation this year. beautiful campus You might talk about local things to do and sites to visit. And you might compare the expense between a vacation and at the University a “staycation.” You might even decide that there truly is “no place like home.” of North Alabama. 4. With a camera or smart phone in hand, ask an adult The grounds were to take you to the site that you have chosen to write about. Make a photograph to accompany your written description. designed by the landscape firm founded by the world-famous Frederick Law Olmsted, and each building on campus has been carefully designed to complement each other. 6 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals March 2022
Character McMatters! WfahlLlasetwpinrhheteaocnphapaaepunonsol? aWlwhaeyrseficnadn gyoolud? fouWryh-loyeuasfihrcoolunolvadenr’t? FREE With purchase of a Happy Meal In the dictionary You might press your luck Cookie He gets wet McDonald’s of Colbert County and Russellville Expires 03/31/22 Colbert County’s Send It Hey Kids! Truman again. I want Fun family Newspaper YOUR ORIGINAL ART WORK, LETTERS & POEMS! We may print 219 W. Tennessee St. Florence, AL 35630 them in a later issue or use them on our website! Just have your 256-764-4268 parents fill out this form and send it with your work to: EDITOR & PUBLISHER Kidsville News! • 219 W. Tennessee St. • Florence, AL 35630 Thomas V. Magazzu [email protected] KIDSVILLE COORDINATOR Andrea L. Gray [email protected] GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Andrea L. Gray Russell Roden Gwyn Jones ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES Name Age Sadonna Magazzu Heather Ridinger ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS Dr. David R. Curott Lee Freeman Billy Ray Warren Patricia J. Weaver Address City KIDSVILLE NEWS! PRODUCED BY State Zip School Merrigold Publications School Library NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, Other? MERRIGOLD PUBLICATIONS Where did you get your copy of Kidsville News!? Bill Bowman Your Signature (This is my own work) bbowmanupandcomingweekly.com Send your drawing in color and on UNLINED PAPER NATIONAL EDITOR Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature (Permission) Crissy Neville [email protected] CAN NOT PRINT WITHOUT THIS SIGNATURE ILLUSTRATOR Cover & Truman - Dan Nelson www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 7 KIDSVILLENEWS LITERACY & EDUCATION FOUNDATION www.kidsvillenewsfoundation.com [email protected] ©Copyright 2022 Merrigold Publications, All Rights Reserved. Truman is a service mark of Kidsville News! Inc., and the Kidsville News! logo is a registered trademark of Kidsville News! Inc. No part of this issue of Kidsville News! may be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without permission of the publisher or the copyright holder. Neither participating advertisers nor the publishers will be responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints, or typographical errors. The publishers reserve the right to edit any submitted material. Kidsville News! Inc. is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, or other material. Children’s submissions should include name, address, telephone number, and permission to publish signed by a parent or guardian. Product Printed by TN Valley Media Florence, AL March 2022
MATHTIME 1. Students lined up their dogs 2. Copy the drawing below using the black grid on the right. by weight at the Community’s Annual Dog Show. Bo was 76 pounds, Spot was 48 pounds, Lucky was 67 pounds and Hank was 58 pounds. Write the dog’s names in their proper places below. First Second Third Fourth Heaviest Lightest Answers On Page 23 Fun Games for the Backyard Come or Schoolyar d Red Light, Green Light Out & Play March brings springtime and warmer weather, so it’s time to get back outside To play this classic game, one child Blind Man’s to play! Here are some classic schoolyard becomes the “stoplight” and stands away Bluff games you can play with friends at recess or from the other kids with his or her back This simple game requires only a blindfold in your backyard. turned. The other kids who are playing stand and three or more players. in a line. When the stoplight says, “Green One person becomes the “seeker” and Mother May I Light,” everyone moves toward him or her. puts on the blindfold. One player spins the In this game, one child is chosen as the When the stoplight says, “Red Light,” all seeker around three or four times while the “mother” or “father” or “captain.” Everyone the kids moving must immediately stop. other players move away but must stop and else lines up at a distance away. Each Any child seen still moving by the stoplight stand firmly in place after a few seconds. person takes a turn asking the mother if (who turns around to see) must return to The seeker tries to tag the nonmoving they can move up, inching closer to the the beginning. A new round starts with players using his or her other senses. The mother, using a certain movement: the stoplight getting nonmoving players can duck away from the bunny hops, giant steps, twirls, baby tagged. seeker’s reach, but they can’t move their steps, etc. The request comes while feet! the mother has her back turned to the Have fun trying these classic games group and is not looking at them. Each with your friends, schoolmates or family person asking must first say, “Mother, members. may I …?” The mother either says “Yes, you may,” or “No, you may not, but instead, you may ….” The first person who reaches the mother wins and becomes the next mother. http://www.toyassociation.org/ https://www.playworks.org/game-library/red-light-green-light/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_man%27s_buff 8 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals March 2022
This Page Brought To You By What’s the Difference? There are 11 THINGS that are different in these pictures. e Di erences: 1) Color of Sun 2) Sky color 3) Mountain color 4) Walking stick 5) Tree color 123 & 6) Color of Grass 7) Color of shirt 8) Color of canteen 9) Rocks missing 10) Socks 11) Undershirt 456 Having trouble count- 24 ing them? Count the stems of the shamrocks and mark them with a marker or crayon as you count them. Answers www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 9 on Page 23 March 2022
Leprechauns H ave you seen a leprechaun? Fast, small and sneaky, the wee enough to find a leprechaun and capture him supernatural beings are part of Irish (or, in some stories, steal his magical ring, coin or amulet) can trade his freedom for his folklore and are known to upset the apple cart. treasure. Leprechauns are usually said to grant That means they like to get into mischief! Here’s the person three wishes but remember they are what we know about the culture of leprechauns not trusty fellows. from the history of Ireland. • Traditionally they wore red jackets, but the • According to folklore, leprechauns are said to modern image shows the creatures all in green. live alone, spending their days making shoes • Why green? No one is sure, but the most likely and playing tricks. reason is that green has been the national color • Some researchers say that the name of Ireland since 1642. leprechaun may be derived from the Irish term • Leprechauns are usually depicted as little leath bhrogan, meaning cobbler or shoemaker. bearded men wearing a green coat, hat, a belt • However, the Old Irish with a wide buckle, white socks and black word luchorpan means “little body.” buckled shoes. • They, of course, are also involved in hiding • The clothing of leprechauns is most like that pots of gold, being the tricksters they are, at of Irish immigrants to the United States in the the end of the rainbow. Why would they do early 19th Century. Elizabethan dress was still that, you ask? Well, if you had a pot of gold, common in Ireland at that time. would you want to share it? Each leprechaun • Belief in leprechauns and other fairies was is said to have his own pot of gold. once widespread across Ireland, also known • In Ireland, the little men are believed to be a as the Emerald Isle; real or not, they will type of fairy. continue to capture our imaginations and • According to Irish legends, people lucky interest today. https://www.livescience.comh/ ttpsh:/t/wtpwsw:/.l/iwvewscwien.bcer.ictoamn/nica.com/art/leprechaun https://www.britannica.com/art/leprechaun Real or Myth?Curious Creatures Selma in Norway’s Lake and leprechauns are Seljordsvatnet and “Champ” in likewise residents of the New York’s Lake Champlain woods but are believed to be quite human in among others. appearance, except for their size. They were While Bigfoot is the homegrown mystery Witnesses report the creature has often pictured as having their own miniature civilization, hidden mostly of North America — the continent flippers, a long neck, a horse-like head away from the human world. on which we live, home to America, and a humped back. If the animal does Elves and fairies were considered real in past cultures and familiar with their Canada and Mexico — other unknown exist, some suspect that it could be a kind rich folklore. It is March, a month when leprechauns and pots of gold at the ends of creatures are said to live in other parts of of plesiosaur from 66 million years ago. rainbows come to mind. May you have the luck of the Irish and see a wee leprechaun the world. Some are magical; others are However, scientists have disproved much or fairy or solve one of these mysteries puzzling humanity. terrifying. Are these things fact or fiction? of the evidence supporting the monster’s Read on to find out for yourself. existence and believe it to be a myth. The Loch Ness Monster of Scotland Elves and Fairies This creature, also called Nessie, is The stories of sneaky little people are undoubtedly the most well-known water as ancient as civilization itself and can be mystery. The movie Water Horse was found in virtually every culture on Earth. loosely based on the Celtic water horse Everyone has heard or read the legends which later became the labeled Loch Ness and tales (also called “fairy tales”) of Monster. elves, dwarfs, leprechauns and trolls from The creature is said to live in Loch (Lake) Europe and Scandinavia. They have been Ness in Scotland. but other deep, cold lakes the subject of dozens of children’s fairy around the world have their legendary tales, books, myths and tales. beasts: Chessie in the Chesapeake Bay, Fairies are said to be tiny beings with Storsie in Sweden’s Lake Storsjön, wings that reside in forests. Elves, dwarfs https://kids.britannica.com/students/article/Loch-Ness-monster/631551 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loch_Ness_Monster 10 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals March 2022
This Page Brought To You By fBooroKkidRsebvyiKewidss n By Ashleigh C. favorite genre of books to KIDS FIRST! Book Critic, Age 17 read, along with young adult al https://youtube/Zn7UrTf0lv8 books. If this is the case for you as well, you will equally en Fudge Fatale: enjoy this! Author D.G. Stern ds of The Marvelous Adventures is very specific that some of e the the information is a bit over- aun of Anna Belle the-top. Still, sometimes little s background context exists, Baker by day, secret resulting from it being part undercover detective by of a series. The names of Anna Belle 3.5 out of 5 stars night! Fudge Fatale: The the characters, such as Anna and recommend it for ages Marvelous Adventures of Belle and her feline assistant, 6 to 12. It is available as an Anna Belle is a chapter book Whiskers are common names ebook now, so look for it. that makes a perfect read that help give the reader a for young people looking familiarity. The best part for a simple and exciting is that the plot twists are adventure. phenomenal. Just following Anna Belle throughout this The story line follows a mystery is exciting to read. small-town baker, Anna You won’t want to place this Belle, who has a secret book down. While very few identity as the town’s illustrations are present, the undercover detective. Her drawings provided will help initial attempt to solve a guide your imagination in mystery of disappearing picturing the events as they items turns into a thrilling unfold. I especially love what adventure filled with action a strong female voice the and sweet treats. author gives Anna Belle. Mystery books are my This book promotes positive social behavior and encourages young people to think critically and to believe they can accomplish a goal, no matter how big it may seem. I give Fudge Fatale: The Marvelous Adventures of March 2022 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 11
12 Kidsville News! Hello! Sponsor this Want Your ARTWORK page... Or Your POETRY here? www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals and reach all Shoals Send it to us. area students in We’ll print it in K-6th grade, parents, a future issue. and their teachers Fill Out in this award-winning the fun, family newspaper. fSpoearngmdeoI7tn! Please call Tom at 256-740-4701 Kesleigh Long 7 Tuscumbia for more information. February 20M19arch 2 March
2022 February 2019 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 12345 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals 13 Daylight 14 15 16 17 18St. 19 Savings 23 Patrick’s Time Tuscumbia City Day Schools (No School Colbert County for Students) Schools (No School E-Learning Day for Students) 20 211st 22 24 25 26 Day of Spring 27 Tuscumbia City, Muscle Shoals City, Colbert County, Sheffield City & Covenant Christian Schools • Spring Break Mar. 21-25 28 29 30 31 Kidsville News! 13
March 14 – Pi Day to be very important to “mother nature”. Pi appears in many areas of science not In2009,theU.S.HouseofRepresentatives involving circles: P i Day is celebrated on March 14th around designated March 14th as National Pi Day. t h e world ( 3/14 because Pi is 3.14 when So what is Pi? Pi (pronounced “pie”) is expressed in only 3 digits). Pi Day should not be confused with Pi Approximation Day, which is celebrated on July 22nd since the best known number in the world apart the fraction 22/7 is commonly used to approximate π (22nd day from the single digits of 1 through 9. Pi can be of 7th month). simply defined as the circumference of a circle divided by the diameter. However that definition does not expose the many uses and properties of this number. We give it the name Pi and a symbol On Pi Day in 2019, a 10 year old Canadian π (a Greek p) because we can not write all of the actual number of boy named Alexander Jin recited the first digits. Pi is 3.1416 (rounding to 5 digits). When I was very young, 282 digits of Pi from memory. If that seems I recall being incorrectly told that Pi was 22 / 7 but 22 divided by incredible, it is reported that Chun Wang 7 = 3.1429 (rounding to 5 digits) so 22/7 agrees with Pi in only the recited 8148 digits of Pi from memory in 2017. first 3 digits. Actually mathematicians can now prove that Pi can That is astonishing! You might celebrate Pi never be expressed as a common fraction so mathematicians call it Day by seeing how many digits of Pi you can an irrational number. Throughout the ages, mathematicians have memorize. Have a contest with your friends! developed several different methods of calculating Pi. Because π is an irrational number, it cannot be expressed by a finite (countable) Albert Einstein lived in Princeton, New number of digits. Archimedes in 250 B.C. was able to determine Jersey for more than 20 years until his death that π was somewhere between 3.1408 and 3.1429 Then in the in 1955. His birthday also falls on March 14 Middle Ages around 1400 A.D. an Indian mathematician named so the town of Princeton celebrates Pi Day Madhava derived the first useful formula for π. He calculated Pi and Albert Einstein's birthday by having a to 10 decimal places: 3.1415926536 and that was an enormous task pie eating contest and recitation contests without today's fast computers. and there is often an Einstein look-alike This formula is called an infinite series because you keep adding contest too. Do you the terms on the right. Notice that each successive denominator is know anyone who the next higher odd number ( ... 3, 5, 7, 9, ...). The terms keep getting looks like Einstein? smaller so the result keeps getting closer So when Monday, and closer to the value of π. A mechanical March 14, rolls desk calculator in 1946 determined π to around, don't forget 620 decimal places. Three years later an to wish Albert a electronic calculator calculated Pi to 2037 \"Happy Pi Day\" decimal places. Computers got faster and and say to your best Pi was determined to over 62.8 trillion friend 3.14159265 places in the year 2021. …… (as many digits as you can remember) ! We don't “need” 62 trillion places but the calculation of π is a Numbers are fascinating ! good way to show off the capabilities of new computers. Pi appears © 2022 Dr. David R. Curott, UNA Professor Emeritus 14 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals March 2022
Enjoy Corned Beef and Cabbage This St. Patrick’s Dayorned beef and cabbage might not be a part of many people’s C menus throughout the year. But come March 17, it’s not uncommon to find people from all walks of When cooking, for life indulging in this beloved meal. March 17 marks the celebration of St. Patrick, the safety, always get help patron saint of Ireland. Over the years, the from an adult first. day has also become a celebration of the Emerald Isle. Such celebrations tend to feature corned beef and cabbage. The precise origins of the link between corned beef and St. Patrick’s Day are uncertain. Still, some historians say the corned beef enjoyed today can be traced to New York City’s Irish immigrant population in the 19th and 20th centuries, who popularized salted meat made from brisket that Jewish butchers then sold. Regardless of the authenticity of its link to Ireland, corned beef is delicious, and many modern Paddy’s Day celebrants wouldn’t think of going without it on March 17. Those who want to cook up their own can try this Corned Beef and Cabbage recipe from Arthur Schwartz’s New York City Food (Stewart, Tabori & Chang). CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE Ekklesia Preschool & Child Development Center Muscle Shoals Location Serves 6 to 8 New 103 BROAD ST. NON-TRADITIONAL HOURS: 4:30AM - 7PM Cook a whole brisket with For More Info: 256-314-1700 both sections together with all its fat. You can trim off the RegistRation Fee: $85 Alabama 3-5 YRs: fat after the meat cooked. An Ft: $128 Pt: $64 entire brisket and second-cut 0-3 YRs: High-Quality corned beef brisket are hard Full-time: $141 Pre-K student age: to find, but your supermarket Classrooms in Ft: $107 Pt: $53.50 should have first-cut corned PaRt-time: $70.50 all locations beef vacuum-packed in Ekklesia Day Care plastic. Choose the fattiest 401 W college St. florence piece in the case and treat it gently. 256-284-7705 You can cook the cabbage and potatoes in the same water as the corned beef. Because the other vegetables need to be cooked in water that simmers more than the meat, scoop out water from the corned beef pot and cook the vegetables in a separate pot or pots. 1 corned beef brisket, 4-5 pounds Ekklesia Preschool Child Center 7:30am-2:30pm 1 teaspoon pickling spices 3007 HatcH Blvd, SHeffield 1 head cabbage 256-314-1194 TUITION IS 2 pounds boiling potatoes FREE! 6 to 8 small carrots, parsnips, turnips — optional Place the corned beef in a pot that holds at least 5 quarts of water. Cover Florence • Sheffield • Killen completely with cold water. Place over high heat and bring to a simmer. As soon as bubbles start to break on the surface of the water, adjust the heat, so the water simmers very, very gently. With a slotted spoon, skim off the residue that accumulates on the surface. When the residue stops coming to the surface, add the pickling spices. Continue to cook, with bubbles just gently breaking on the surface, until tender for 3 to 4 hours. The meat can be safely held in its water for about 2 hours; reheat gently. Cook the vegetables until tender in separate pots of boiling water or, especially for the cabbage, use some of the water in which the corned beef was cooked. Slice the corned beef and serve with mustard and horseradish on a platter, surrounded with some vegetables or vegetables in a separate bowl. March 2022 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 15
TM Knowledge Power The View Submitted By Patricia J. Weaver Student Questionnaire Mail, bring by or email us Poisonous Snakes of Alabama YOUR PHOTO & your answers! There are only 56 species of snake native to Alabama but Name only 10 are poisonous. Grade School 1. What snake has the most toxic venom of any North American snake and should never be handled? This snake is Fax # 256-760-9618 Email: [email protected] often times mistaken for the scarlet king snake. Mail: 219 W. Tennessee Street • Florence, AL 35630 A. Eastern Coral Snake B. Eastern Ribbon Snake C. Eastern Hog-Nose Snake D. Eastern Indigo Snake What is your favorite...... Author? Subject in school? Gift you have received? CANNOT 2. What snake is the only venomous aquatic snake in North Movie? PRINT America? Thing that you did this summer? A. Brown Water Snake B. Glossy Crayfish Snake What does a veterinarian do? WITHOUT C. Midland Water snake D. Cottonmouth Snake PHOTO 3. What pit viper snake is only 24 inches long at maturity Do you watch America’s Funniest Home Videos On T.V.? and looks like a loblolly pine cone when it’s coiled? A. Timber Rattlesnake B. Pigmy Rattlesnake Have you ever ridden in a convertible car? C. Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake D. Canebrake Rattlesnake 4. What pit viper is the most common poisonous snake in Alabama? A. Black Pine Snake B. Northern Red-bellied Snake C. Copperhead Snake D. Corn Snake Have you ever met your great-grandparents? 5. What pit viper can be found in all 67 Alabama counties and is sometimes called a velvet-tailed rattler? What does the word talent mean to you? A. Timber Rattlesnake Do you speak another language? B. Western Diamondback Do you know how to water ski or snow ski? Rattlesnake C. Pigmy Do you like going to the pet store? Rattlesnake D. Eastern Do you like to read aloud? Diamondback Rattlesnake MUST HAVE PERMISSION 6. This pit TO PRINT Parent/Guardian Permission viper’s venom attacks blood, tissue and nervous system. Which poisonous snake am I? I give Kidsville News! permission to print my CHILD’S PHOTO & opinion on A. Copperhead B. Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake C. Eastern Cottonmouth Snake D. Florida Cottonmouth any questions listed above. I do realize my child’s first name, school and grade could Snake be printed in this publication. I have enclosed or emailed my CHILD’S PHOTO. Answers On Page 23 Parent/Guardian SIGNATURE Date 16 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals March 2022
Thank You Friends! First Southern Bank Odem and Odem, Attorneys Those listed here also help www.firstsouthern.com 210 W. Tennessee St. Florence us produce and distribute this Parents’ Choice Award- Godfather’s Pizza 1Life Neurology Center Winning Newspaper FREE to all local school children! Mall Rd. Florence 1919 Woodward Ave., Muscle Shoals Shoals Christian School Ekklesia Preschool Florence ShoalsChristian.org & Child Development Center Excel Computer Services Longrider Supply Co. Florence 256-767-3337 Feed, Seed, & Tack Simpson’s Collision Repair Cutting Edge Florence • Sheffield • Killen Lawncare & Landscaping, LLC YMCA of the Shoals www.ymcashoals.org Folktales are Fun March March 1, 1961 President John F. Kennedy established the Peace Corps, an organization sending young American volunteers to developing countries to assist with health care, education and other basic human needs. Do you know who Johnny Appleseed, March 3 Telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) was born in Paul Bunyan and his blue ox, Babe, or Daniel Edinburgh, Scotland. Bell and his father were Boone are? If you not only know these names involved in teaching deaf persons to speak. Bell but like reading about them, then you enjoy the developed an interest in the vibrating membrane types of literature known as folklore or folktales, to transmit sounds electrically. His very first including fables, fairy tales, tall tales, myths and sentence spoken on the newly invented telephone legends. on March 10, 1876, was to his assistant, “Mister Watson, come here, I want you.” Fables A fable is a story that often criticizes human and talking animals. Do you recognize March 10, 1862 The first issue of U.S. nature and uses animals or inanimate objects these fairy tales: Goldilocks and The government paper money —$5, $10 and $20 instead of humans. Fable writers make animals Three Bears, Cinderella, The Elves and bills — began circulation. or objects talk and act like people while still the Shoemaker or The Story of Aladdin looking like animals. These stories usually have (featured in Arabian Nights)? a moral — a life lesson — for the reader to March 17 Celebrated as Saint Patrick’s Day, learn. The author Aesop made fables famous. He an observance commemorating the patron saint wrote The Tortoise and the Hare, The Lion and Tall Tales of Ireland. the Mouse, The Boy who Cried Wolf and many These stories are hard to believe more. and stretch your imagination and believability, hence the name “tall tale.” March 24, 1989 One of the largest oil spills Fairy Tales They are greatly exaggerated and are in U.S. history occurred as the oil tanker Exxon Short stories featuring enchanted or magical also usually funny. Most tall tales were Valdez ran aground in Prince William Sound events and characters, fairy tales usually have a written about the American Frontier off Alaska, resulting in 11 million gallons of oil good versus evil plot with happy endings. These and the Wild West. The story of Paul leaking into the natural habitat for 45 miles. stories are filled with dragons, dwarfs, fairies Bunyan (and his blue ox, Babe) is a tall tale. Legends Myths A legend is a story handed down by tradition A myth is a story passed down from one and is considered true and historical but has generation to the next that explains a lot about never been proven. The stories take place in the world, why it is the way it is and how it human history and seem believable. King Arthur was created. Have you heard the story of King is an example of a legend, and so is Robin Hood. Midas, who had the “golden touch?” It’s an example of a myth. March 2022 https://kids.britannica.com/ https://kids.kiddle.co/Folklore Kidsville News! 17 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals
This Page Brought To You By: ?? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ?? ?? What’s it Like to Be? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? a Sports Photographer? Donna Ford Please share your name, Describe a typical day. profession and some details I start my day by making sure aboutyourjobwithourreaders. my equipment is ready for the My name is Donna Ford, and I am game I plan to shoot. I have a a sports photographer. I started checklist I go by before each out covering high school sports, match. I arrive at the event including football, volleyball, location 30 to 60 minutes before golf, tennis, baseball, softball the start of the game. I will spend and soccer. I currently work for two to three hours covering the Sandhills Community College in event and another two to three Pinehurst, North Carolina. I cover hours editing the images for volleyball, basketball and golf for publication. the college. What do you like best about your work? When and why did you I love working for the Sandhills decide on this career path? Community College Flyers. The players and coaches are great to While my son and daughter work with, and the games are fun played sports in school, to shoot. There are opportunities photography was a hobby to capture great pictures at for me. After they graduated every event. The atmosphere at from school, I decided to try it as sporting events is exciting, and a career. the crowd brings a lot of energy to the games. When I was offered a job as a What are some challenges freelance sports photographer you face? in 2009, I jumped at the Weather can cause issues for opportunity. I began working for events held outdoors. Rain, The Pilot newspaper in Southern heat and cold are all factors Pines, covering primarily high you deal with. Lighting is also school sports. That job led to tricky both for indoor and outdoor my current position as the sports games. photographer for Sandhills Are there any highlights of Community College Flyers. your profession you would What training or education like to share? did you obtain to enter I traveled to New York and this field? Minnesota with the men’s basketball team to cover I have attended workshops them competing in the national and read extensively on sports tournament four times over the photography and photo editing last nine years. The Flyers won programs. I continue to stay the National Junior College updated on my craft by reading Athletic Association Division III and attending workshops online. National Championship titles in 2012 and 2020. They were the The best way to grow as a only men’s team to win a national photographer is small community title in 2020 due to the outbreak photojournalism. I have been of the COVID-19 pandemic. blessed to be a part of a small community filled with various activities to cover. 18 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals March 2022
Hidden Picture P u z z l e s Answers on Page 23 Gee Thanks! Kidsville News!-in- Education Sponsors for helping to provide Kidsville News! to Colbert Kids K-6th. QZVFFHGX March 2022 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 19
Investigating a Possible Location for the old Pesthouse Cemetery, Part I By Lee Freeman, Florence-Lauderdale Public Library, Local History - Genealogy On of aldermen’s December minutes don’t 15, 1865, say whether Florence’s the Weakley board of family aldermen recovered (city council) or not but held a called presumably meeting they did. to discuss During the a serious February 1900 problem: outbreak the His Honor old cabin was the Mayor Above, Historical Marker at the intersection of apparently no stated that Waterloo and Wildwood Park Roads marking the longer being the board general location of the Pesthouse. Right, Entry in used and might was called the minutes of the Florence Board of Aldermen of have been torn together for January 2, 1866 authorizing the creation of Pesthouse. down. So, the the purpose city council of providing a ordered a Pest house for cases of Small Pox. A case of a Negro woman and series of several of her children has been reported to him as sick with the buildings to be Small Pox in [the] heart of our town. constructed at A massive global vaccination campaign in 1977 essentially put the site. an end to smallpox however vaccines for smallpox have existed One two-room building, each room 8x16, for use as the women’s for nearly two hundred years—the first one invented in 1796. ward. Regardless, smallpox was still a dreaded disease in 1865. On One one-room building, 12x14, designated men’s ward no. 1. average, three out of ten people infected with it died. One 16x20 tent designated men’s ward no. 2. Smallpox causes high fevers and a skin rash with raised lesions One 10x20 tent designated men’s ward no. 3. on the skin, which, even if treated often left scars. A “shed room” for cooking the patients’ meals. Throughout US history there have been several outbreaks of In the February, 1900 outbreak there were four cases of smallpox smallpox, with the last major epidemics occurring in Boston, MA but no deaths due to widespread vaccinations. In the May, 1901 between 1901 and 1903. On at least four occasions smallpox outbreak there were 34 cases and only 15 deaths, again, due to outbreaks swept Florence-Lauderdale—in 1865/1866, 1900, 1901 widespread vaccinations. Some of the folks who died in 1901 were and 1902, with the worst case apparently being in 1901. buried in the Florence City Cemetery. However the rest, many As we saw above the first case occurred in December of 1865. It of them from poor families, were buried in a special cemetery seems Mrs. Milly Weakley and her children contracted the disease. near the pesthouse created for that purpose. Exactly where this After a lengthy discussion Mayor William B. Wood and the other cemetery was located has been an issue for many years as the aldermen decided to create a pesthouse, short for “pestilence records don’t specify the precise location of either the pesthouse, house,” or quarantine camp, at the Vineyard, on the old Stewart or the cemetery. Springs Plantation, just outside Florence. That location in the Recently, some of the residents living on Cumberland Street in current Wildwood Park. West Florence said they knew the location of this cemetery. They The aldermen chose that location because it was far enough told local resident, Danny Mock. He is a history buff who drew a outside the city to prevent the spread of the disease but close couple of maps of the site which he gave to me along with stories enough that patients and supplies wouldn’t need to be transported told by the residents. To investigate, Dr. George Makowski of the very far. The city council moved an old slave cabin from the UNA History Dept. and myself, as members of the Lauderdale nearby Hood Plantation to the site to serve as the actual pesthouse. County Cemetery Rehabilitation Authority (LCCRA), went to the While they were ill the city aldermen authorized the town site to investigate. constable (chief of police) to buy food and supplies for Mrs. Next month I’ll share what we found. Weakley and her children at no cost to the Weakleys. The board 20 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals March 2022
Excellent Service, Expert Advice en’s 1909 Florence Blvd., Florence, AL 35630 on’t er (across from Hobby Lobby) ey 256-767-3337 www.ExcelAL.com ly The Professor Says To Spread The Word! he “Shop Smarter!” 1900 he If you really want to know what you’re getting, was get it from someone local. No passwords, security y no risks, or outrageous shipping fees to worry about. ng Sell Local ?www.courierjournal.net might And it’s safer, faster, more reliable, and less torn expensive! , the 219 W. Tennessee Street il Buy Local, 256-764-4268 Florence to be d at Answer On Page 23 men’s Random Facts for Kids! 1. • No word in the dictionary rhymes with the llpox word orange. 01 o • Your nose gets warmer when you lie. were y • It’s impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. s • Your heart beats about 115,000 times every day. use, THOMAS W. JOEL R. McCUTCHEON • It would only take one hour to drive to HAMNER space if you could go straight up in the air. in CALL US 256-333-5000 hey wa 2210 Helton Drive, Florence ries the www.MHatty.com e the “No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.” March 2022 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 21
ParenTown’s OR KidShape Fun Activities to Enjoy This Spring W ith its increased sunshine and warmer temperatures, spring is a beloved time of year. For those who live in their young. areas where the weather changes dramatically throughout A visit to an the year, spring can be a respite from the snow and also a area farm or petting zoo chance to enjoy the outdoors prior to the arrival of the muggy, hot days can be a great of summer. Families can create a bucket list of entertaining and perhaps way to catch educational spring activities. Those who want to try something new can a glimpse of explore these ideas. some of these • Check out a cherry blossom showcase. Cherry trees are popular adorable little and beautiful trees that flower in the spring. Their masses of pink babies as they and white blossoms are one of the first signals that winter has ended. enter and adapt Cherry tree varieties bloom over the course of several weeks, and to their new climate will dictate how early or late these trees will showcase their environments. spectacular flowers. Visit public gardens and other areas known for • Check out a small town. their dramatic cherry blossom displays. Have you heard about the Take a road trip to an out-of-the-way hamlet. Spend the entire day lovely cherry blossoms in our nation’s capital? there shopping, dining and supporting a small-town community. • Watch a sunrise or sunset. Take advantage of longer days by • Enjoy al fresco dining. While outdoor dining during the pandemic enjoying nature’s light show. Wake up extra early and start the day may have been done as a necessity, do not forget how it also can be with the sunrise. If you’re not a morning person, then wait until the a relaxing way to enjoy a meal. Find a restaurant with a particularly last of the amber and red streaks light the sky and watch the sun drop scenic backdrop and dine outdoors. below the horizon. • Visit a thrift shop or flea market. Spring cleaning can serve as • Fly a kite. A reason exists why the adage March goes in like a lion the catalyst for people to put items on sale. One person’s trash is and comes out like a lamb is so fitting. Early spring weather can be another person’s treasure. Spring can be a great time to shop for gusty and unpredictable. Take advantage of windy conditions by antiques as well. flying a kite by the coast or in an open field. • Go horseback riding. Enjoy the scenery on the back of a majestic • Head to a farm. Spring is not only about the rebirth of trees and mare or spectacular stallion. Spring is a perfect season to enjoy flowers, but also a prime time for various animals to give birth to various activities. HELP! Truman Lost His Hat! The official beginning of spring is a highly anticipated Maybe you can help him find it & day among people who can’t wait to put away their winter WIN A PLUSH MINI- coats and soak up some TRUMAN OR PUPPET!* warm sunlight. But the day of the spring equinox is just Somewhere in this Kidsville News! as worthy of celebration for is Truman’s small red hat! its uniqueness as it is for its symbolic connection with the This hat will not be on Truman. end of winter. Find only his red hat! Send us the According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, the sun form below for a chance to win! crosses the celestial equator going south on the spring equinox, sometimes referred to as the Òvernal *Subject to TLthhaesetnnmaemxotneitsohsf’ustehheoafwt KwiniadnssevorisnllwepiaNlgleebwe2s1i!n. equinox or the March equinox. Equinoxes (another one happens in availability. September each year) are the only two times a year that the sun rises due east and sets due west for everyone on Earth. As the sun passes February Winners of a Mini-Truman overhead on the equinox, the tilt of Earth is zero relative to the sun. That means that the planet’s axis neither points toward nor away from the Max Taylor Connor Gargis sun. of Florence of Tuscumbia Pick yours up at the Courier Journal Office 219 W. Tennessee St., Florence Though it’s understandable why so many people appreciate the spring equinox, which ushers in increasing sunlight hours and later sunsets, the Email to [email protected] day’s uniqueness makes it even more worthy of celebration. This year Or Mail entry to us by March 25 the spring equinox happens on Saturday, March 20 at 5:37 a.m. EDT in the northern hemisphere. Hat on pg. _________ Your Name Phone mail to: Address Kidsville News! Town 219 W. Tennessee St. School Florence, AL 35630 22 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals March 2022
INTRODUCING Explorer Rewards Cole Now members ages 5-14 can track savings and redeem rewards online. With Member since 2013 all kinds of rewards to explore—such as zoos, ball parks, water parks, and museums—this new program makes it easier than ever for kids to save money, earn rewards, and start exploring. ª listerhill.com/explorer ANSWERS MATHTIME 1. Bo (76), Lucky (67), Hank (58) and Spot (48) Helping students situate the dogs’ weights on a section of the number line is a good strategy for ordering a group of numbers. St. Patrick's Day 123 Knowledge Power 45 6 4 Answers: 21 1. A Some of the stems overlap. 2. D 3. B 2 4. C 5. A 6. B What’s the Difference? Di erences: 1) Color of Sun 2) Sky color 3) Mountain color 4) Walking stick 5) Tree color 6) Color of Grass 7) Color of shirt 8) Color of canteen 9) Rocks missing 10) Socks 11) Undershirt March 2022 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 23
Convenient Offices Eating Well and Located Across Exercising Go Together! Northwest Alabama Eating healthy and exercising helps your body grow, repair cells, build strong bones and keeps your body healthy. PULMONARY AND SLEEP MEDICINE Dr. Lynn Ridgeway - Matthew Montgomery - CRNP Do both in order to get and stay healthy. 342 Cox Blvd, Sheffield • 256-383-4473 INTERNAL MEDICINE A few helpful ways to stay healthy: Dr. Zaman Shah Hannah Hale - CRNP • Baylee Smith - CRNP • Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, and lean protein. 342 Cox Blvd, Sheffield • 256-383-4473 • Fresh fruit, cut-up vegetables, low-fat yogurt, Dr. Hameed Iqbal or cheese are great for snacks. 201 Rosa Lane, Florence • 256-275-3838 • Eat some grains (bread, cereal, rice, and pasta — whole grain FAMILY MEDICINE AND SPORT MEDICINE Dr. Carlos Liotta - Anita McDonald - CRNP is best of all!), but these should not be the 342 Cox Blvd, Sheffield • 256-383-4473 biggest part of your meal. SPORT MEDICINE AND ORTHOPEDICS • Try not to have too many fried foods, Dr. Paul Davis - Brooke Box - CRNP sweets, or soda. It’s okay to have these 1404 E. Avalon Ave., Suite A, Tuscumbia foods once in a while, but not every day. 256-381-5507 CARDIOLOGY • Turn off the computer, TV, smart phone, or game Dr. Paul Morris console and do something active 201 Rosa Lane, Florence • Put on music and dance around your living room. 256-460-5447 • 256-415-8567 • Play follow the leader, toss a ball or a beanbag GENERAL SURGERY back and forth, or take a walk in the park with Dr. Alan Billsby your friends or family. 500 N. Montgomery Ave., Sheffield • 256-386-5504 WOMEN’S HEALTH Welcoming Lisa Gamble - CRNP New 500 N. Montgomery Ave., Sheffield 256-386-5504 and Ford City Patients 14490 County Line Rd., Ste. A Muscle Shoals • 256-661-2138 All Insurance and Walk-ins Welcome Cash Payments Accepted FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. George Evans - Krysten Richardson - PA shoalsprimarycarellc.com 340 Cox Blvd, Sheffield • 256-383-4473 Dr. Brad Ginevan 340 Cox Blvd, Sheffield • 256-383-4473 Dr. Aaron W. Karr Amanda McGee - CRNP • Malea Robinson - CRNP 342 Cox Blvd, Sheffield • 256-383-4473 Dr. Darin Bowling - Mark Hodges - CRNP 342 Cox Blvd, Sheffield • 256-383-4473 Dr. Dorene Morris 1404 E. Avalon Ave., Suite A, Tuscumbia 256-381-5507 Dr. Javar Myatt-Jones 1404 E. Avalon Ave., Suite A, Tuscumbia 256-381-5507 Dr. Terence Hart 1404 E. Avalon Ave., Suite A. Tuscumbia 256-381-5507 Dr. Charles Hall 1404 E. Avalon Ave., Suite A, Tuscumbia 256-381-5507 Dr. Steve Norman (and Geriatric Care) 1404 E. Avalon Ave., Suite A. Tuscumbia 256-381-5507 LEXINGTON CLINIC Dr. Flora D. Kayfan - Leigh Smith - CRNP 11631 Hwy 101, Lexington • 256-229-6262 FORD CITY CLINIC Dr. Galen Kiser - Lisa Gamble - CRNP 14490 County Line Rd., Muscle Shoals 256-661-2138 CHEROKEE CLINIC Misty Maxwell - CRNP 1080 Second St., Cherokee • 256-359-4516 24 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals March 2022
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