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Effingham_KVN June 2018

Published by TheCoolPublisher, 2018-06-05 09:00:57

Description: Effingham_KVN June 2018


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HEY! THIS PAPER BELONGS TO: ©©Effingham County’s Fun Family Newspaper • June 2018INSIDE: UNDERSTANDING THE PHASES OF THE MOON•Kids moviereviews•CommunityCalendar•Puzzles & More!F REE

I’m NOT scared of shots! Going to the doctor to get a shot doesn’t 3. You can distract yourself for a minute! If you’re nervoushave to be scary! Here’s what you need to about getting your shot, talk to your parents about somethingknow about shots so you can be brave at else. It will help keep you calm and take your mind off the shot.the doctor’s office: 4. Smile! It’s hard to be scared or nervous if you’re smiling. So 1. Shots are good for you! Shots are just a way to make sure even if you’re really scared about getting the shot, just keep smil-your body has the medicine it needs to help fight off diseases. The ing and it will help you be brave.small needle puts the medicine under your skin so your body canbuild up strength against diseases. 5. Talk to your parents! If you’re really scared, tell your par- ents about it before you go to the doctor. Maybe you want to hold 2. They don’t take long! When the doctor or nurse sticks you your parent’s hand while you are getting your shot, or bring a fa-with the needle it will hurt a little bit, but only for a minute and vorite toy or game to hold and look at. Work out a plan together.then the pain will go away. The next time you go to the doctor to get a shot, you can surprise your parents and the nurses by staying calm and being brave. 445599HHwwyy111199 SSoouutthh •• SSpringfield, GA ((991122)) 7754-6451 wwwwww..EEffffiinngghhaamHealth.orgPAGE 2 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! JUNE 2018

A FUN FAMILY NEWSPAPER Hi, Kids! EDITOR ffiiYoftngfimh“oiirtrrnuoeFeCggeuotraAfieoefeorlogIlctyntinshnnjtoeatuaotehentohsnhsaitredrealhtaat’snwlohcseplneltdot)lawriDiipialsgogvitithhnvyrnaehhnhcneoyitstyaFotnsswh”masuonumigekisptusmdonhtyeeIho.r“remtteceWlaTnohhdrothe’eneuiaamsvJoeridtudbletSmnDrdoiinesomnmfvoaaoetiuhnaiienbotyolsthidl1n!!soekneiia7idtsIy”num.a(eegtsifMsaDmonpavswencpdneoetpcohadotencntohuesirnici’otfmrnnartasiiltnraogtalteraee.lossknrlfil.ylnilktcinawIessfotldto.iseiakmiorsaoetneEtffthsuihatoeneirwsurtthptohai.s.heLwlaanoolsaotltehtoktcsheifhneofsgufuntunh.pesTthaerts Truman [email protected] Subscribe FREE online at SALES & MARKETING BArnigtytaenMi Hororiwsoelnl bahmoowrreisllo@[email protected] Christy Scroggs [email protected] Kim Dennis [email protected] PUBLISHER Bill Bowman [email protected] NATIONAL EDITOR Janice Butler [email protected] ASSOCIATE EDITOR Stephanie Crider [email protected] For advertising information, please call (912) 826-5012©Copyright 2008 Kidsville News! Inc., All Rights Reserved.Truman is a service mark of Kidsville News! Inc., and theKidsville News! logo is a registered trademark of KidsvilleNews! Inc. No part of this issue of Kidsville News! may bereproduced in whole or in part in any form without permis-sion of the publisher or the copyright holder. Neither par-ticipating advertisers nor the publishers will be responsible orliable for misinformation, misprints, or typographical errors.The publishers reserve the right to edit any submitted mate-rial. Kidsville News! Inc. is not responsible for unsolicitedmanuscripts, artwork, or other material. Children's submis-sions should include name, address, telephone number, andpermission to publish signed by a parent or guardian. Gee,Thanks! DKidNYOouW? Sleep is restorative and essential for ensuring our minds and bodies operate at peak capacity. But many kids are not getting enough sleep. According to WebMD, bedtimes have gradually become later as children must contend with social, family and school activities. This is especially true for older children. WebMD says that most 12-year-olds now go to bed around 9 p.m., getting an average of nine hours of sleep, even though 12 hours are ideal for kids who are 12.JUNE 2018 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! PAGE 3

NEW MOON WAXING FIRST QUARTER WAXING FULL MOON WANING LAST QUARTER WANING CRESCENT GIBBOUS Lowest GIBBOUS CRESCENT tides “What up, “WHAT “Man, I Moon?” Highest THE HECK need to tides IS GOING visit Sun again. ON!??” That Highest guy is a tides trip.” “Wassup, When there is a full moon and it’s Sun?” aligned with the earth and sun, the highest and lowest tides are Lowest tides at their greatest. These are called spring tides. The moon is the brightest and largest object in our night • The moon rotates at the same rate that it • A full moon happens in the middle of the sky. The large rocky body is a third of the width of the revolves around the earth. cycle. It means the moon is completely earth and an average of 238,855 miles away. The moon illuminated by the sun’s light. is beautiful, but it is also important for making the earth a • This means that the same side of the moon great place for life. The earth tilts on its axis. This tilt gives faces the earth all the time. • There is a waxing and a waning crescent. A us the seasons. Without the moon, scientists believe that crescent means that only a small fraction of this tilt could shift dramatically. This shift would drastically • It takes the moon 27 earth days to complete an the moon is lit. change the temperature on Earth, making it difficult for life. orbit around the earth. The moon also creates the tides. As the moon rotates • The first quarter happens when half of the around the earth, its gravity pulls on the oceans. These • We can see the moon because it reflects light moon is lit. tides are an important part of keeping the oceans’ from the sun. ecosystems healthy. Most large bodies of water have a • A gibbous is when more than one half, but high tide, when the water is closer to the shore, and a low • During the moon’s orbit around the earth, less than the entire moon, is visible. tide, when the water moves farther from the shore. The the amount of sunlight that reaches the moon moving water also spreads nutrients around. changes. The result is called the phases of • The last quarter is when one half of the moon the moon. is illuminated, but it is decreasing. • During a new moon, the moon is not visible. • The order of the moon’s phases are new • A waxing moon means that the amount of moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, last light hitting the moon increases. quarter and waning crescent. • A waning moon means that the amount of • A blue moon is when there are two full moons light hitting the moon decreases. in a month. 4 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! JUNE 2018

Kingdom: Animalia Family: Lampyridae Phylum: Arthropoda Genus: Photinus Class: Insecta Species: P. pyralis Order: Coleoptera A firefly is a beetle common in many places around the Most fireflies have a specific flash pattern to attract a world. In North America, the common eastern firefly mate. Each species has a specific and unique pattern. is found in grasslands, forests and even in backyards. Usually, each beetle flashes individually, so it looks The average firefly is 10-14mm long. During the as if the flashes are random. However, there is one day, they look like average dark brown beetles. They species of firefly in North America called synchronous are spectacular at night. There are two chemicals in fireflies. They are unique because every firefly in a firefly’s tail called luciferase and luciferin. These the area will flash at exactly the same time. For two chemicals mix in the beetle’s tail and produce a bright weeks at the end of May and beginning of June, but cold light. Most species use their tails to attract visitors can travel to the Great Smoky Mountains to mates. In most species, both male and female beetles see this incredible light display. There are 18 other glow. Firefly eggs glow as well. species of fireflies in the park, but only one lights up simultaneously. • Fireflys are carnivorous. • The pesticides used in gardens, homes and farms • They love warm, humid areas near water. can kill fireflies. • They are most active at dusk. • They use their flashes to find mates. The lights • There are thousands of firefly species that live all are not as easy to see at night if there is a lot over the world. extra light, or light pollution, from homes and • Many species of firefly are suffering due to businesses in the area. • Many fireflies don’t live very long as adults, only human activity. 21 days. 2018 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! PAGE 5

Where in the World: The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is located in both North Carolina and as a national park but did not have the money to purchase the land. Instead, private Tennessee. It protects and preserves some of the natural beauty of the Appalachian money was donated so that the federal government could buy this land and preserve Mountains. This national park has a unique history because it was difficult to create. the forest. John D. Rockefeller donated $5 million, the U.S. Government added Previously, parks were easily established on land that the federal government $2 million, and the rest of the money was donated by citizens of Tennessee and already owned. However, this area was privately owned. People lived in these North Carolina. The land was bought in sections; the park was officially established mountains, and the forest had been used for logging. Congress wanted to establish it in 1934. • It is the most visited national park in the United States. • There are 200 species of birds, 67 mammal breeds, • 11.3 million tourists visited the park in 2016. 67 species of fish, 39 species of reptiles, 43 species • It covers 522,419 acres. of amphibians and 17,000 types of insects. • There are 16 mountains and 12 popular water falls • 550 miles of the trails are open to horses. in the park. • Hiking and fishing are some of the most popular • They are called the Smoky Mountains because they activities in the park. are covered in fog in the mornings. • The mountains are around 250 million years old. • There are 80 historic buildings in the park. • Entrance is free, unlike many national parks. • The highest mountain in the park is Clingmans Dome. • Cherokee Indians were some of the first to inhabit It is 6,643 feet. these mountains. • 10,000 species of plants and animals are known to • The area was also used for logging. live in the park. • The park has 2,115 miles of streams open for fishing. • There are 850 miles of trails and 70 miles of the Appalachian Trail. Image © photo credit: Thomas James Caldwell on flickrPAGE 6 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! JUNE 2018

What’s it like to be... Chrysta Ghent!ShJePewonlraknsnaitfetheetrarCiuhmal.sty Meet Please tell our readers a little bit Why is this work important? What is your favorite thing about about yourself. your job? Space is all around us. It applies to everyone, and I I love space and have been working with think working in a place that can introduce people Just talking to all the different people – I love it planetariums since 2008. Right now, I’m getting my to space and get them excited to learn more is really when they get excited or have questions for me. My Ph.D. in planetarium education while also working important. There are new things happening all the favorite was when a 3-year-old came up to me and at Liberty Science Center (home of the Jennifer time – new technology, new space missions – and asked me about dwarf planets. I was like, “This is Chalsty Planetarium). everyone should know about it. amazing! I’m so glad you’re already thinking about planets!” I’m also a drummer in a rock band! What kind of training does it take to do your job? What is something fun about the What do you do at the Jennifer planetarium that you can share Chalsty Planetarium? I have a lot of experience volunteering in with our readers? planetariums, and my background is in earth and My job is planetarium educator, which means I space science, astronomy and education. But I’ve It’s huge – it’s the largest in the Western present shows to families and students that visit met a lot of planetarium educators who studied hemisphere. It has a resolution of 88 million LSC. I also design new shows for school groups, all kinds of different things. You don’t need to pixels, a lighting system that can produce over 281 making sure we have great experiences for kids of necessarily have a degree in astronomy – just a trillion individual colors and speakers capable of all ages. Part of my job is to always be researching passion for the stars! producing 30,000 watts of digital sound. We can new space news, so I get to look at cool space take you on space flights, we can land on different pictures all the time. planets. There are limitless possibilities of things we can do here.JUNE 2018 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! PAGE 7

Coloring! Celebrate Healthy Vision Month. Color in this picture to create your own masterpiece! A: 40PAGE 8 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! JUNE 2018

Did you know that if killed, but hundreds of others Here is how to keep yourself safe from you hear thunder, you are permanently injured. lightning: are in danger? Don’t Summer is the most •When you hear thunder, even a distantbe fooled by blue skies. If you dangerous season for rumble, know lightning is likely within striking distance. Lightning threats can extend 10hear thunder, lightning is close lightning. Most fatalities occur miles from the storm! You should go to a safeenough to strike you or any in June, July and August. place immediately including a house, large building or a car with a metal roof to protectnearby object. There are about All thunderstorms produce you from lightning. Remember, “When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors.”25 million lightning strikes in lightning and are dangerous. In •If you are deaf or hard of hearing, go If you’re deaf or hard of hearing, then rememberthe United States each year. the United States, in an average inside as soon as you see a flash of lightning, “See A Flash? Dash Inside!” If you can see a flash ofWhile lightning is fascinating year, lightning kills about the even if it seems far away. When you are lightning, there is a chance you’re within striking distance and should go inside watch, it’s important to same number of people as inside, stay away from windows and doors,remember that lightning is tornadoes and more people and do not touch anything that is plugged You can find more facts about lightning andalso very dangerous. Each year than hurricanes. Did you also into an electrical outlet. Do not use a corded lightning safety at NOAA’s Lightning Safetyin the United States, more know that 64 percent of all telephone, but cell phones are safe. Web Site 400 people are struck lightning fatalities result from •Stay away from sinks and do not take a shower or bath during a lightning. On average, outdoor recreation? A large •Don’t go back outside until 30 minutes afterbetween 55 and 60 people are portion of these are from water the last sound of thunder. activities and sports.JUNE 2018 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! PAGE 9

JUNE 2018 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! PAGE 10 (Kalynn is 5 and Darrien is 10) This is a two-step problem but has easy computation. Students Spatial Visualization is the need to find a number that is already known – the father’s age. Kalynn is 1/6 of 30 or 5 years old. issue. Area, the amount of spaceIt is easy then to figure that Darrien is twice as old as Kalynn –10 years old. Students need to be able enclosed by the figure and largest to divide 30 into 6 equal parts to figure 1/6 if they do not know how to divide mentally. are key vocabulary words Darrien is twice as old as his sister Kalynn. Kalynn’s age is 1/6 the age of her father. Theirfather, Ira is 30. How old are Darrien and Kalynn? Darrien Kalynn Color the figure with the largest area: MATHTIME

WAroOunRd LthDe Some scientists believe the moon was • Astronauts and scientists use craters to formed when something large collided with a young Earth. A chunk came off the earth and map and navigate the moon. formed the moon about 4 billion years ago. When looking at the moon with the naked • For thousands of years, people have eye or a telescope, it is easy to see that it is covered in light and dark areas. The light looked up at the moon and seen shapes areas are mountains, called highlands. The dark areas are the mare; this is Latin for seas. in the highlands and mare. A lot of the moon’s geography is the result of meteor strikes and old volcanic activity. • In Japan, they see a rabbit making There are so many obvious craters because the moon does not have an atmosphere like rice cakes. Earth does. The earth’s atmosphere acts as protection. Small rocks floating through space • In India, people see handprints. that would hit Earth burn up on entry instead. • These shapes have inspired a lot of The moon does not have an atmosphere, so even the smallest rock can hit the moon and folklore. create a crater. The lack of atmosphere also means that there is no wind or water to erode • In North America, one of the most and erase the craters. They will stay there, unchanged, for millions of years. common things to see is a face called “the man in the moon.” • According to scientists, the human mind is specifically designed to look for patterns. • One of the most important things that the brain does every day is recognize faces, so it often finds faces in random patterns and objects. Days to remember in June 1. World Oceans Day is on June 18. This holiday is celebrated globally and recognizes the value of Earth’s oceans. Oceans generate oxygen and regulate the planet’s climate. 1. Father’s Day falls on June 17. It’s a day to honor fathers and father figures. 1. The Summer Solstice marks the official beginning of summer. This year, it falls on June 21. It’s the longest day of the year for those living in the northern hemisphere. 2018 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! PAGE 11

Coloring fun!SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 Summer Reading Summer Reading Kickoff Party, Kickoff Party, 10 a.m. 2 p.m. Rincon Library Springfield Library

3 4 5 6 78 9 Splash in the Coloring Break BINGO Sound Wave Art Stop Motion Movie Family Game Time Boro is open 11 a.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. Makers 10 a.m. every day until Springfield Library Springfield Library Rincon Library 3 p.m. Rincon Library Springfield Library August! Rockin’ Crafts 16 11 a.m. Springfield Library Family Game Time 10 a.m.10 11 12 13 14 15 Springfield Library1724 LEGO Club LEGO Club LEGO Blind Build Curious Moon 23 4 p.m. 4 p.m. Springfield 4 p.m. Puppets Rincon Library Rincon Library 10:30 a.m. Rockin’ Coloring Coloring Break Rockin’ Crafts Springfield Library 10 a.m. 11 a.m. 11 a.m. Stop Motion Movie Rincon Library Springfield Library Springfield Library Makers 3 p.m. 30 Springfield Library Collaborative Art 18 19 20 21 22 3 p.m. Springfield Library Charlie Hope’s Kazoo Concert Helping Hands Charlie Hope’s Songs 4 p.m. 4 p.m. Songs 4 p.m. Springfield Library Rincon Library 10:30 a.m. Rincon Library Rockin’ Crafts Springfield Library Coloring Break 11 a.m. Stop Motion Movie 11 a.m. Springfield Library Makers, 3 p.m. Springfield Library Premier at 5 p.m. Springfield Library 25 26 27 28 29 Fiddlin’ Dan Cherry Pie & Cupcake Wars Cupcake Wars 4 p.m. Fireworks 4 p.m. 4 p.m. Rincon Library 4 p.m. Rincon Library Springfield Library Coloring Break Springfield Library Rockin’ Crafts 11 a.m. 11 a.m. Springfield Library Springfield Library www

Become a sponsor and support education and literacy!Thanks to sponsors like you, Kidsville News! is available to educators, parents, andstudents in Effingham County FREE of charge. Our monthly publication is availableat libraries, schools, recreation centers, and businesses throughout the county.Parents and educators love Kidsville News!, because it’s about educationand literacy! Every edition contains activities that support: • Character-building • Math • Cultural Connections • Science • Social Studies • Language Skills CCoonntatcatcAt nBgryiettManoirHrisoown ealtl(9a1t2()981226)-5802162.5fo0r1m2otroe ilnefaorrnmmatioorne.. SSppeecicailalAAsssisgingmnmenetnt fofrorAMUGayU: ST: Draw us a picture of what you want to do while school is out! (DeaDdelaindeli:nAe:UJuGnUeS1T5 15)[email protected] 14 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! JUNE 2018



ComeOut&Play Hide & Seek Hide and seek has been popular for many years. Children all over the world play a version of this game under different names. One of the earliest recorded versions of the game is 2nd-century Greek. It was called apodidraskinda. In modern Greece, the game is called kryfto. In Spain the game is called el escondite. Just about every country has its own name for its version of the game. That is why it is so important for all players to agree on the rules before the game starts. • There must be at least two players, but there is no limit to how many players can participate. • One player must be “it.” • Players must then decide on the limits of the game. These limits should make sure that the game is fair. • Some examples of limits might be “no hiding in the bedroom” or “no locking doors.” • The next step is for the “it” player to close his or her eyes and count out loud. • This time can vary, but a good amount to wait is 30 seconds. During this time, the other players should all go hide as quickly and quietly as possible. • After he or she is finished counting, the “it” player must yell, “ready or not, here I come!” and try to find all of the other players. • The hiding players can switch spots. • If all players are found, the “it” player wins. • If the “it” player gives up, he or she should yell, “Olly, olly oxen free!” • Any hidden players should then come out. They win. • The last hidden player to come out should be the next “it” player. • In some variations, the hiding players can run to a designated safe zone. • If they reach the safe zone before the “it” player tags them, they play a second round. • If the “it” player finds or tags them, they are out. • The last safe or hidden player wins. 2018 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! PAGE 17

that banishes all dogs to a vast, culture to tell its story. sickening wasteland called My favorite character is Chief Trash Island. The film focuses (Bryan Cranston). He is a stray on a pack of dogs that spend dog who goes through a moving their days roaming, transformation as he starts off trying to stay alive dreading the idea of having a among fierce master. But through his adventure competition. A with Atari, Chief starts to learn young boy named what it is to care about people Atari crashes onto and open himself up to them. the island one day Cranston gives Chief a weariness in search of his that lets you know his character dog, and the pack has been through a lot. decides to help I recommend this film for ages him. 11 to 18, due to some violence Wes involving dogs, some suggestive Anderson’s content and minor offensive language. Note that, despite direction is animation and dogs as main excellent. “Isle of Dogs” is a genius He thrives in stop-motion characters, this is not a kids’ film. concept that only Wes It’s really geared toward pre-teens Anderson could conjure up animation because he can and makes for an enjoyable meticulously craft each shot. to adults. animated film with a quirky His sometimes bizarre, yet I give Isle of Dogs 4 out of 5 stars. aesthetic. I recommend this film for Wes charming style remains Anderson fans and those who “Isle of Dogs” takes place resonant, despite it being a 20 years from now in a change of pace from the stories like a good adventure featuring futuristic Japan. A disease he usually tells. “Isle of Dogs” man’s best friend. Although spreading among dogs is an homage to Japanese this film misses the chance to ravages Megasaki City, and filmmaking, especially the films develop really interesting ideas the mayor issues a decree of Akira Kurosawa, and relies and characters, it is still fun and on Japanese language and hilarious in all the right ways.PAGE 18 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! JUNE 2018

WHAT’S IT LIKE INSIDE MARS? By Jessica Stoller-Conrad An artist’s illustration showing a possible inner structure of Mars. Image credit: NASA/JPL-CaltechMars is Earth’s neighbor in the solar system. NASA’s robotic Jamie Hodgesexplorers have visited our neighbor quite a few times. Byorbiting, landing and roving on the Red Planet, we’ve learned so South Effingham Elementarymuch about Martian canyons, volcanoes, rocks and soil. However,we still don’t know exactly what Mars is like on the inside. This information could give Jett Hinelyscientists some important clues about how Mars and the rest of our solar system formed. South Effingham ElementaryThis spring, NASA is launching a new mission to study the inside of Mars. It’s calledMars InSight. InSight — short for Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Alex MilesGeodesy and Heat Transport — is a lander. When InSight lands on Mars later this year,it won’t drive around on the surface of Mars like a rover does. Instead, InSight will land, South Effingham Elementaryplace instruments on the ground nearby and begin collecting information. Photo by Christopher MorseJust like a doctor uses instruments to understand what’s going on inside your body, PAGE 19InSight will use three science instruments to figure out what’s going on inside Mars.One of these instruments is called a seismometer. On Earth, scientists use seismometers tostudy the vibrations that happen during earthquakes. InSight’s seismometer will measurethe vibrations of earthquakes on Mars — known as marsquakes. We know that on Earth,different materials vibrate in different ways. By studying the vibrations from marsquakes,scientists hope to figure out what materials are found inside Mars.InSight will also carry a heat probe that will take the temperature on Mars. The heatprobe will dig almost 16 feet below Mars’ surface. After it burrows into the ground, theheat probe will measure the heat coming from the interior of Mars. These measurementscan also help us understand where Mars’ heat comes from in the first place. Thisinformation will help scientists figure out how Mars formed and if it’s made from the samestuff as Earth and the Moon.Scientists know that the very center of Mars, called the core, is made of iron. But whatelse is in there? InSight has an instrument called the Rotation and Interior StructureExperiment, or RISE, that will hopefully help us to find out.Although the InSight lander stays in one spot on Mars, Mars wobbles around as it orbitsthe sun. RISE will keep track of InSight’s location so that scientists will have a way tomeasure these wobbles. This information will help determine what materials are in Mars’core and whether the core is liquid or solid.InSight will collect tons of information about what Mars is like under the surface. Oneday, these new details from InSight will help us understand more about how planets likeMars — and our home, Earth — came to be. Visit to For more information about explore space and Earth science! earthquakes and marsquakes, visit: 2018 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS!

Kidsville KitchenA quick, tastyweeknight meal Preparing weeknight meals can be tricky, as busy men and women may want to save money and cook their own healthy foods but have little time to do so consistently. But healthy, home- cooked meals need not take much time to prepare. The following low-calorie recipe for Crab Salad-Stuffed Tomatoes from “Weightwatchers: Cook It Fast” (St. Martin’s Griffin) can be whipped up in 20 minutes, making it an ideal meal for time-strapped men and women who want to make meals at home without all the work that goes into more complex recipes. Taylor Merchant South Effingham ElementaryCrab Salad-Stuffed Tomatoes Rowan Long 1⁄3 cup orzo 2 large tomatoes South Effingham Elementary 1 cup crabmeat, picked over for pieces of shell 1⁄3 cup chopped black or green olives John Clark 2 tablespoons crumbled reduced-fat feta cheese 2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill South Effingham Elementary 2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar 1⁄8 teaspoon salt 1⁄8 teaspoon black pepper 1. Cook orzo according to package directions, omitting salt if desired. Drain and rinse under cold water; drain again. 2. Meanwhile, cut a thin slice off tops of tomatoes; reserve tops. Using spoon, carefully scoop out seeds and pulp; reserve for another use. 3. Gently toss together crabmeat, olives, feta, dill, vinegar, salt and pepper in medium bowl. Spoon crabmeat mixture evenly into tomato shells and cover with reserved tomato tops. 4. Cook’s note: Scoop the seeds and pulp from the tomatoes into a storage container. Cover and freeze up to 4 months and toss them into a soup or stew.PAGE 20 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! JUNE 2018

Communication skills kids can learnAn ability to communicate effectively is a life • Make conversations relevant. Allowskill that can serve a person well at any age. experiences that are happening around the familyCommunicating well is considered so essential to shape conversations. Encourage curiosity andthat the Boy Scouts of America even require introduce new themes and vocabulary. The moreprospective Eagle Scouts to earn communication the child gets to experience, the more inclined hemerit badges. It’s never too early to help or she may be to discuss those experiences.children become better communicators. Fromtoddlerhood to grade school and beyond, • Modify communication methods. Somelearning how to interact with others is necessary children may struggle to communicate every stage. By working with speech/language pathologists and making the most of digital and otherDeveloping communication takes time, but there communication aids, parents make things easierare various techniques to help kids become better for kids who are struggling to communicate.communicators. • Ask for details. The organization• Great communication is a two-way advises adults to focus on recallprocess. Listening is often as important as and sequencing when speaking with children.speaking when communicating. Parents can help These skills are important and can be enhancedmodel good behavior by listening and letting when kids offer details. These techniqueschildren express themselves before offering their can help children ultimately develop strongown opinions. comprehension and writing skills.• Take turns in conversation. Rather than • Speak with others. Encourage children tospeaking at the same time or interrupting others, speak to their peers, adults and educators aseffective communicators take turns offering their much as possible to establish comfort in variousthoughts. Listening to others can help shape what communication settings. Doing so will help in thethe other person might say. short- and long-term.• Speak regularly with one another. Initiate Communicating is an important componentconversation frequently so that children become of school, home life and future employment.accustomed to speaking with adults and others. Children who learn to communicate effectivelyChat about where you’re going when running are in position to thrive in school and later in life.errands or discuss television plots duringcommercial breaks.JUNE 2018 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! PAGE 21

Strategiestogetkidstoexercise spend more time being physically active. But parents can try various strategies to get kids off the couch and exercising. • Set a positive example. Kids, children, who might be more excited especially young children, often try about physical activity if their friends to emulate their parents. Parents can are joining them. Team sports provide capitalize on kids’ desire to be like chances to exercise with friends, as do mom and dad by exercising in front of organizations like the Boy Scouts of their children. Young children may not America and the Girl Scouts of America. be ready to lift weights or run on the But even inviting a child’s friend along treadmill, but parents can embrace kid- on a family hike or bike ride may make friendly exercises such as walking and such activities more fun for kids. cycling. Invite kids along for daily bike • Give gifts that encourage rides or go for family walks around the physical activity. Kids might want the neighborhood after dinner. latest device or video game for their Exercise is an important component of Examination survey from 2003-2004 • Park the car. Kids don’t need to birthdays, but parents can also give a healthy lifestyle. That’s not just true for and 2005-2006, 19-year-olds spent know they’re exercising in order to be gifts that encourage youngsters to be adults but for children and teenagers as much time being inactive and more physically active. In lieu of driving physically active. Bicycles, rollerblades, as well. sedentary as 60-year-olds. to the bank or pharmacy, parents can ice skates and sports equipment are Parents concerned about their kids Getting kids to be more active may be leave the car at home and ride their just a handful of potential gifts that may living sedentary lives may have more to especially difficult for today’s parents, bikes alongside their children when compel kids to exercise more. worry about than they know. According who must contend with the internet, to a 2017 study published in the journal social media, tablets, smartphones running errands. If possible, parents Childhood obesity is a significant Preventive Medicine that analyzed data and other distractions as they try to can walk youngsters to and from school problem, with the 2015-2016 from the National Health and Nutrition encourage their kids to unplug and rather than driving them. NHANES reporting that 20.6 percent • Choose friend-friendly of youths between the ages of 12 and activities. Adults employ the buddy 19 were obese. Getting kids off the system as a means to motivate couch and exercising more often can themselves to keep exercising, and help reduce those figures and ensure that same principle can apply to healthier futures for kids of all ages.PAGE 22 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! JUNE 2018

BEGINNER READS Buster Goes to Cowboy Camp Scooter in the Outside By Denise Fleming By Anne Bowen, illustrated by Abby For ages 3-7 Carter For ages 5-9 Buster's owner, Brown Shoes, is going away for the weekend, and Buster is Scooter is a plump yellow dog. He lives in none too happy to be dropped off at the suburbs with Lucy, and the highlight Sagebrush Kennels' Cowboy Camp. Red of his day is their walk. But when he and Boots (a man whom we only see from a Lucy get to THE CORNER, Lucy always dog's-eye view as blue pant bottoms tugs his leash, making Scooter turn and pointy red cowboy boots) greets around for home ... but Scooter wants to Buster with a great big cowboy “howdy,” explore beyond the corner. One morning, ties a jaunty blue bandana around Lucy forgets to close the door as she the dog's neck, and gives him the leaves for school, so Scooter decides to \"tenderfoot tour of the camp.” make his own foray into THE OUTSIDE.PAGETURNERS Tomorrow Girls: Behind the Gates By Eva Gray Tuck Everlasting For ages 9-12 By Natalie Babbitt For ages 8 and up This first book in the Tomorrow Girls series is the perfect book for a summer This magical tale about drinking from a camping trip! Although it is set in a spring of immortality centers on a futuristic world in the middle of a war, 10-year-old girl, Winnie Foster, who longs much of the content has more of an for freedom outside her parents’ old-fashioned feel. Best friends Louisa fenced-in yard. She wanders through the and Maddie are sent off to a boarding woods and comes across Jesse Tuck, a school where they will be “safe” from handsome young boy, who introduces her the war. Once there, they discover that to his family. Mae, Angus, Miles and Jesse the Country Manor School is not exactly let Winnie in on an extraordinary secret. what they expected. After drinking from the spring near their house, they never aged another day. Summerland By Michael ChabonADVANCED READS For ages 11 and up One Crazy Summer The day the Roosters face the Angels, the By Rita Williams-Garcia only people holding Ethan back from quit- For ages 10 and up ting for good are his father and the team's star, Jennifer T. (not Jennifer, or, worse, Delphine has memories of her mother Jenny, but always Jennifer T.). Sensing writing on walls and arguing with Papa, that the excitable, red-faced Coach Olaff- but she is still stunned to reconnect sen will put him in soon because of the with her tall, no-nonsense, angry team's unusual lead, Ethan checks to make mother who may look like \"a colored sure no one's watching and then scampers movie star,\" but makes it clear that she off. He trails the heels of a bushbaby – considers her daughter’s visit a huge what was a bushbaby doing in Summer- intrusion. \"Cecile was no kind of land? – and stumbles upon a weird scene mother. Cecile didn't want us. Cecile that is the first of many as Ethan is intro- was crazy.\" duced to the four otherworlds.JUNE 2018 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! PAGE 23

Drew Walker South Effingham Elementary Kaliah Edmonndson South Effingham Elementary Jacob McNicoll wSeWhnadetth’udiyssolysouuovmu’rermedteurorap.sw..etienog!s South Effingham Elementary Brooklyn Hughes South Effingham ElementaryPAGE 24 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! JUNE 2018

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