CCoo--SSppoonnssoorreedd BByy:: Hey! This Paper Belongs To: TM Lauderdale County’s Fun Family Newspaper - June 2018 TThhee MMaann iinn tthhee MMoooonn WWiillddvviilllee -- FFiirreeffllyyss WWhhaatt''ss iitt LLiikkee ttoo WWoorrkk iinn aa PPllaanneettaarriiuumm?? CCoommee OOuutt && PPllaayy -- TThhee GGrreeaatt OOuuttddoooorrss Understanding the Phases of the MoonFFoorr mmoorree ffuunn aanndd ggaammeess,, vviissiitt tthhee KKiiddssvviillllee NNeewwss!! WWeebbssiittee aatt 2018 KidsvilleAL #15059|53092 News! 1
Gee Thanks! Kidsville News!-In- Education Sponsorsfor helping to provide Kidsville News! to Lauderdale Kids K-6th. AL #15059|53092 FLORENCE UTILITIES Friends of Kidsville News!• SIMPSON’S AUTO GLASS & WRECKER SERVICE • MIKE RANDALL, REALTOR® • McCUTCHEON & HAMNER, P.C. • EXCEL COMPUTER SERVICES KnQoZwVFFleHdGXge Power Submitted By Patricia J. Weaver Presidential Pets Answers on page 23 Which President do these pets belong with? A. Zachary Taylor B. Calvin Coolidge C. Franklin Delano Roosevelt D. Harry S. Truman 1. Millie and Ranger, Springer Spaniels, A. John F. Kennedy B. Ronald Reagan 7. Pauline Wayne, the last cow to live at the White House C. Lyndon B. Johnson D. George Bush A. Herbert Hoover B. William Harding C. William Taft D. Theodore Roosevelt2. Liberty, a Golden Retriever… 8. Macaroni, a ponyA. Richard Nixon B. Gerald Ford C. Bill Clinton A. George Washington B. Andrew JacksonD. Dwight D. Eisenhower C. Ulysses S. Grant D. John F. Kennedy3. Miss Beazley and Barney, Scottish Terriers…. 9. Heidi, a WeimaranerA. George W. Bush B. Harry S. Truman A. Dwight D. Eisenhower B. James Garfield C. Bill ClintonC. Ronald Reagan D. William Taft D. Glover Cleveland4. Bo, a Portuguese Water Dog…. 10. Rex, a Cavalier King Charles SpanielA. Bill Clinton B. George W. Bush C. Barack Obama A. Lyndon B. Johnson B. Calvin CoolidgeD. Theodore Roosevelt C. Ronald Reagan D. Herbert Hoover5. Old Ike, a tobacco chewing ram… Here are some websites to learn about other White House pets:A. William Taft B. Woodrow Wilson Dwight D Eisenhower D. Warren Harding Old Whitey, a horse…. bo-a-gift-_n_185930.html2 Kidsville News! June 2018
Hi, Kids! mssgekoocyIotdniajoouniwnssdnttifmhalioinpnsvddoerminttsogahunnemtcthommnfeolsoorotrotenkilEmlsaaaentra!dittohIns.tstheaseirspsepachciaolaosmltelyesolofoikufeft.utinhtL.eowTomhkhoeienongn“tCuahopnendnisneuhtcnootwistothntaeshr”etnsigthotd(ltfiaahviFndreeAdaessintrfohfaliinttienerahdrsetie’lfshsrtflehiaDeltatisSahghtyihmenicntrgoioskugmfIypeioeg.nnlMuoeoTrvrJoueehauutselnn)artiehnbeaianoi1ptnui7shptsth..yeaewYDFeaso“voarpWuentmenh’tciceielniadrarfgnv’losswirl.kllegeDeiaeIna”atdttryhsn!tieeosormcftfowiifusroiinernsaeh.tlaflolbyytoowhuutearthtacitth Your friend, Hidden Picture Puzzles Answers on Pg. 23June 2018 Kidsville News! 3
This Page Brought To You By: NEW WAXING FIRST WAXING FULL WANING LAST WANINGMOON CRESCENT QUARTER MOON GIBBOUS QUARTER CRESCENT GIBBOUS “What up, Lowest “WHAT IS Moon?” Tides GOING ON?” Highest “Man, I Tides Highest need to Tides visit Sun again. That guy is a trip.” “Wassup, Lowest When there is a full moon and it’s aligned Sun?” Tides with the earth and sun, the highest and The moon is the brightest and largest object in lowest tides are at their greatest.our night sky. The large rocky body is a third of thewidth of the earth and an average of 238,855 miles • The moon rotates at the same rate that it • These are called spring tides.away. The moon is beautiful, but it is also importantfor making the earth a great place for life. The revolves around the earth. • earth tilts on its axis. This tilt gives us the seasons.Without the moon, scientists believe that this tilt • This means that the same side of the • cycle. It means the moon is completelycould shift dramatically. This shift would drasticallychange the temperature on Earth, making it difficult moon faces the earth all the time. illuminated by the sun’s light.for life. • It takes the moon 27 earth days to • There is a waxing and a waning crescent. The moon also creates the tides. As the moonrotates around the earth, its gravity pulls on the complete an orbit around the earth. A crescent means that only a smalloceans. These tides are an important part of keepingthe oceans’ ecosystems healthy. Most large bodies • We can see the moon because it reflects fraction of the moon is lit.of water have a high tide, when the water is closerto the shore, and a low tide, when the water moves light from the sun. • The first quarter happens when half of thefarther from the shore. The moving water alsospreads nutrients around. • During the moon’s orbit around the earth, moon is lit. the amount of sunlight that reaches the • A gibbous is when more than one half, moon changes. The result is called the but less than the entire moon, is visible. phases of the moon. • The last quarter is when one half of the • During a new moon, the moon is not moon is illuminated, but it is decreasing. visible. • The order of the moon’s phases are new • A waxing moon means that the amount of moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, light hitting the moon increases. waxing gibbous, full moon, waning • A waning moon means that the amount of gibbous, last quarter and waning crescent. light hitting the moon decreases. • A blue moon is when there are two full • A full moon happens in the middle of the moons in a month. • Kidsville News! June 2018
Come Out & Play The great outdoorsMany studies have shown • Even though hiking can be an easy way to get • Let someone know where you are going and that spending time in some exercise and spend time with friends, it is when you plan to be back.nature is beneficial for mental still important to stay safe.and physical health. One of • If you are going on a longer hike, bring athe easiest ways to enjoy the • Some trails, especially ones near mountains, flashlight.outdoors is to hike or take a can be challenging. Make sure to check thewalk. Many areas have free difficulty of the trail before you start. It is good • If you don’t love hiking, there are many ways tohiking and walking trails to challenge yourself, but it is more important to make it more fun.through local parks. It can also be a great way to explore new • Scavenger hunts are very popular. Before youareas. A paved trail around the • Bring and drink plenty of water. start the hike, make a list of things that youlocal lake can be a great place • Wear shoes with good traction and ankle might find like something blue, a bench, a pineto spend time with friends, walk tree, a flower or a squirrel.the dog, exercise and relax. support. • Stay on the trail. • Record the things that you see. You could cross • Make sure you know where you’re going before them off the list or take a picture of them. you start. Bring a map. • The first person to find everything on the list Lauderdale County’s Send It Hey Kids! Truman again. I wantFun family Newspaper YOUR ORIGINAL ART WORK, LETTERS & POEMS! We may print219 W. Tennessee St. Florence, AL 35630 them in a later issue or use them on our website! Just have your 256-764-4268 parents fill out this form and send it with your work to: EDITOR & PUBLISHER Kidsville News! • 219 W. Tennessee St. • Florence, AL 35630Thomas V. Magazzu [email protected] KIDSVILLE COORDINATORAndrea L. Gray [email protected] GRAPHIC DESIGNERSRussell Roden Jim Allen Gwyn JonesADVERTISING EXECUTIVES Name Age Judy Cox Sadonna MagazzuADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORSDr. David R. Curott Lee FreemanBilly Warren Patricia J. Weaver Address City KIDSVILLE NEWS! PRODUCED BY Merrigold Publications State Zip School NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, School Library MERRIGOLD PUBLICATIONS Other? Bill Bowman NATIONAL EDITOR Where did you get your copy of Kidsville News!? Stephanie Crider [email protected] Your Signature (This is my own work) ILLUSTRATOR Send your drawing in color and on UNLINED PAPER Cover & Truman - Dan Nelson Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature (Permission) KIDSVILLENEWS LITERACY & EDUCATION FOUNDATION CAN NOT PRINT WITHOUT THIS SIGNATURE Kidsville News! 5 [email protected] ©Copyright 2018 Merrigold Publications, All Rights Reserved. Truman is a service mark of Kidsville News! Inc., and the Kidsville News! logo is a registered trademark of Kidsville News! Inc. No part of this issue of Kidsville News! may be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without permission of the publisher or the copyright holder. Neither participating advertisers nor the publishers will be responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints, or typographical errors. The publishers reserve the right to edit any submitted material. Kidsville News! Inc. is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, or other material. Children’s submissions should include name, address, telephone number, and permission to publish signed by a parent or guardian. Product Printed by The Tennessean, Nashville, TNJune 2018
Excellent Service, Expert Advice Sleep is Did You restorative 1909 Florence Blvd., Florence, AL 35630 and essential KNOW? for ensuring (across from Hobby Lobby) our minds and bodies 256-767-3337 operate at peak capacity.Mike Randall, REALTOR® But many kids are notAssociate Broker getting enough [email protected] According to WebMD, bedtimes have gradually become later as children must contend with social, family and school activities. This is especially true for older children. WebMD says that most 12-year-olds now go to bed around 9 p.m., getting an average of nine hours of sleep, even though 12 hours are ideal for kids who are 12. INTRODUCING Explorer Rewards Cole Now members ages 5-14 can track savings and redeem rewards online. With Member since 2013 all kinds of rewards to explore—such as zoos, ball parks, water parks, and museums—this new program makes it easier than ever for kids to save money, earn rewards, and start exploring. ª Kidsville News! June 2018
Where in the World is the ?The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is located in both North wanted to establish it as a national park but did not have the moneyCarolina and Tennessee. It protects and preserves some of the natural to purchase the land. Instead, private money was donated so that thebeauty of the Appalachian Mountains. This national park has a federal government could buy this land and preserve the forest. John D.unique history because it was difficult to create. Previously, parks Rockefeller donated $5 million, the U.S. Government added $2 million,were easily established on land that the federal government already and the rest of the money was donated by citizens of Tennessee andowned. However, this area was privately owned. People lived in North Carolina. The land was bought in sections; the park was officiallythese mountains, and the forest had been used for logging. Congress established.• It is the most visited national park in the United States. Trail.• 11.3 million tourists visited the park in 2016. • There are 200 species of birds, 67 mammal breeds, 67 species• It covers 522,419 acres. of fish, 39 species of reptiles, 43 species of amphibians and• There are 16 mountains and 12 popular water falls in the 17,000 types of insects.park. • 550 miles of the trails are open to horses.• They are called the Smoky Mountains because they are • Hiking and fishing are some of the most popular activities incovered in fog in the mornings. the park.• There are 80 historic buildings in the park. • The mountains are around 250 million years old.• The highest mountain in the park is Clingmans Dome. It is • Entrance is free, unlike many national parks.6,643 feet. • Cherokee Indians were some of the first to inhabit these• 10,000 species of plants and animals are known to live in the mountains.park. • The area was also used for logging.• There are 850 miles of trails and 70 miles of the Appalachian • The park has 2,115 miles of streams open for Image © photo credit: Thomas James Caldwell on flickr The TM ViewLocal kids What is alet us know.... billboard? A board with Do YOU want to be here? bills on it? Go to page 17 and fill out... The TM View Lily Grace Brooks Elementary 1st Grade *Please Note: The school and grade given, is when the question was answered.June 2018 Kidsville News! 7
Proud Sponsorof This Page Kingdom: Animalia Family: Lampyridae Phylum: Arthropoda Genus: Photinus Class: Insecta Species: P. pyralis Order: ColeopteraA firefly is a beetle common in many places two weeks at the end of May and beginning ofaround the world. In North America, the June, visitors can travel to the Great Smokycommon eastern firefly is found in grasslands, Mountains to see this incredible light display.forests and even in backyards. The average There are 18 other species of fireflies in thefirefly is 10-14mm long. During the day, they park, but only one lights up simultaneously.look like average dark brown beetles. They arespectacular at night. There are two chemicals • Fireflys are a firefly’s tail called luciferase and luciferin. • They love warm, humid areas near water.These chemicals mix in the beetle’s tail and • They are most active at dusk.produce a bright but cold light. Most species • There are thousands of firefly species thatuse their tails to attract mates. In most species, live all over the world.both male and female beetles glow. Firefly eggs • Many species of firefly are suffering due toglow as well. human activity.Most fireflies have a specific flash pattern to • The pesticides used in gardens,attract a mate. Each species has a specific and homes and farms can kill fireflies.unique pattern. Usually, each beetle flashes • They use their flashes to find mates. Theindividually, so it looks as if the flashes are lights are not as easy to see at night if thererandom. However, there is one species of firefly is a lot extra light, or light pollution, fromin North America called synchronous fireflies. homes and businesses in the area.They are unique because every firefly in the • Many fireflies don’t live very long as adults,area will flash at exactly the same time. For only 21 days. Around the Some scientists believe the moon was erase the craters. They will stay there, formed when something large collided unchanged, for millions of years. WORLD with a young Earth. A chunk came off • Astronauts and scientists use craters the earth and formed the moon about 4 billion years ago. When looking at the to map and navigate the moon. moon with the naked eye or a telescope, • For thousands of years, people have it is easy to see that it is covered in light and dark areas. The light areas are looked up at the moon and seen mountains, called highlands. The dark shapes in the highlands and mare. areas are the mare; this is Latin for seas. • In Japan, they see a rabbit making rice cakes. A lot of the moon’s geography is the • In India, people see handprints. result of meteor strikes and old volcanic • These shapes have inspired a lot of activity. There are so many obvious folklore. craters because the moon does not have • In North America, one of the most an atmosphere like Earth does. The common things to see is a face called earth’s atmosphere acts as protection. “the man in the moon.” Small rocks floating through space • According to scientists, the human that would hit Earth burn up on entry mind is specifically designed to look instead. The moon does not have an for patterns. atmosphere, so even the smallest rock • One of the most important things that can hit the moon and create a crater. the brain does every day is recognize The lack of atmosphere also means that faces, so it often finds faces in random there is no wind or water to erode and patterns and objects. Days to remember in 1. World Oceans Day is on June 18. This holiday is celebrated globally recognizes the value of Earth’s oceans. Oceans generate oxygen and the planet’s climate. 2. Father’s Day falls on June 17. It’s a day to honor fathers and father figures. 3. The Summer Solstice marks the official beginning of summer. This year, it falls on June 21. It’s the longest day of the year for those living in the northern hemisphere.8 Kidsville News! June 2018
This Page Brought To You By AL #15059|53092 Answers on Page 23 What’s the Difference? There are 9 things that are different in these two pictures. Coloring! Celebrate Healthy Vision Month. Color in this picture to create your own masterpiece! Di erences: 1) Background color 2) Color of dog 3) cat’s collar color 4) bird colors 5) Fish is missing back n 6) Fish eyeball missing 7) Color of sh’s water 8) Dog has no teeth 9) Color of catJune 2018 Kidsville News! 9
What's it like to be... a planetarium educator? SJheCePwnohrlnkaas ainltfstehetetyrarium MCeGeht hryenstta! Please tell our readers a little Why is this work important? What is your favorite thingbit about yourself. Space is all around us. It applies to about your job? everyone, and I think working in a place I love space and have been working with that can introduce people to space and Just talking to all the different peopleplanetariums since 2008. Right now, I’m get them excited to learn more is really – I love it when they get excited or havegetting my Ph.D. in planetarium education important. There are new things happening questions for me. My favorite was whenwhile also working at Liberty Science all the time – new technology, new space a 3-year-old came up to me and askedCenter (home of the Jennifer Chalsty missions – and everyone should know about me about dwarf planets. I was like, “ThisPlanetarium). it. is amazing! I’m so glad you’re already thinking about planets!” I’m also a drummer in a rock band! What do you do at the Jennifer What kind of training does it What is something fun aboutChalsty Planetarium? take to do your job? the planetarium that you can My job is planetarium educator, which I have a lot of experience volunteering share with our readers?means I present shows to families and in planetariums, and my background is instudents that visit LSC. I also design new earth and space science, astronomy and It’s huge – it’s the largest in theshows for school groups, making sure we education. But I’ve met a lot of planetarium Western hemisphere. It has a resolution ofhave great experiences for kids of all ages. educators who studied all kinds of different 88 million pixels, a lighting system thatPart of my job is to always be researching things. You don’t need to necessarily have a can produce over 281 trillion individualnew space news, so I get to look at cool degree in astronomy – just a passion for the colors and speakers capable of producingspace pictures all the time. stars! 30,000 watts of digital sound. We can take you on space flights, we can land on different planets. There are limitless possibilities of things we can do here.10 Kidsville News! June 2018
6723 Do you know what.../,77(5 flavor bubble gum <RXU6KRDOV is supposed to be? <RXU&KRLFH It is thought that the pink color of bubble gum would provide clues to the identity of the flavor, but it doesn’t. Bubble gum was invented in 1928 by Walter Diemer who was an accountant from Philadelphia. From the beginning, he colored his gum pink. Why? Because it was the only coloring he had at the time! Pink bubble gum is still the best seller. Joel Thomas McCutcheon & Hamner, Attorneys SERIOUS INJURY, SERIOUS REPRESENTATION 2210 Helton Drive, Florence 256-764-0112 Free initial consultation • No fee unless we collect for you. “No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.” MATHTIMEColor the figurewith the largestarea: Darrien is twice as old as his sister Kalynn. Kalynn’s age is 1/6 the age of her father. Their father, Ira is 30. How old are Darrien and Kalynn? Darrien KalynnJune 2018 Answers On Page 23 Kidsville News! 11
12 Kidsville News! Want Your ARTWORK Hello! Sponsor this Or Your POETRY here? Send it to us. and reach all Shoals area students in We’ll print it in a future issue. K-6th grade, parents, and their teachers Fill Out the in this award-winning Send It form fun, family newspaper. on page 5! Please call Tom at 256-740-4701 Elizabeth Collins 9 Florence for more information.June 2018 June 2 JUNE
2018 June 2018 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY NOTES: ARTS ALIVE Now Thru the 1 2 End of June 9 34 EXHIBIT The Shoals Artists Inside The Guild Exhibit Kennedy-Douglass Still Life Paintings Center for the Arts Upstairs Gallery Florence FREE Mon. - Fri. 9am-4pm Kennedy-Douglass Center for the Arts Florence FREE Now - June 8 Mon. - Fri. 9am-4pm 5 67 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Flag Day 17 18 19 20 21 Summer 22 23 Father's Day Begins 24 25 26 27 June 21-24 Helen Keller Festival - Tuscumbia, AL Spring Park - 28 29 30 helenkellerKidsville News! 13
“Isle of Dogs” “Isle of dogs as main characters, this is not a kids’ film. It’s really Dogs” is a geared toward pre-teens to adults. genius concept that only Wes I give Isle of Dogs 4 out of 5 stars. I recommend this Anderson film for Wes Anderson fans and those who like a good could conjure adventure featuring man’s best friend. Although this film misses the chance to develop really interesting ideas and up and characters, it is still fun and hilarious in all the right ways. makes for an enjoyable animated film with a quirky aesthetic. “Isle of Dogs” takes place 20 years from now in a futuristic Japan. Adisease spreading among dogs ravages Megasaki City, andthe mayor issues a decree that banishes all dogs to a vast,sickening wasteland called Trash Island. The film focuseson a pack of dogs that spend their days roaming, trying tostay alive among fierce competition. A young boy namedAtari crashes onto the island one day in search of his dog,and the pack decides to help him. Wes Anderson’s direction is excellent. He thrives in stop-motion animation because he can meticulously craft eachshot. His sometimes bizarre, yet charming style remainsresonant, despite it being a change of pace from the storieshe usually tells. “Isle of Dogs” is an homage to Japanesefilmmaking, especially the films of Akira Kurosawa, andrelies on Japanese language and culture to tell its story. My favorite character is Chief (Bryan Cranston). He is astray dog who goes through a moving transformation as hestarts off dreading the idea of having a master. But throughhis adventure with Atari, Chief starts to learn what it is tocare about people and open himself up to them. Cranstongives Chief a weariness that lets you know his characterhas been through a lot. I recommend this film for ages 11 to 18, due to someviolence involving dogs, some suggestive content andminor offensive language. Note that, despite animation and14 Kidsville News! June 2018
Wood has been an important • One specific style of block of wood and a woodworking is calledtool for humans for thousands pocket knife. whittling. • Softwoods like pine andof years. It is hard to know the • It can be confused with balsa are some of theexact history of humanity’s carving. However, easiest to work.relationship with wood because carving uses a knife, a • It is important to startwood rots and decomposes. chisel and a mallet to with a straight piece ofStone tools and metal tools create a sculpture from wood without any largelast much longer, so it is easier wood. knots. • Whittling uses a knife and • Cut with the grain of thefor archeologists to find them. a piece of wood to make wood.Historians do know that ancient • The first step is to trace an artistic creation.cultures around the world • It became popular in the the design onto the blocklike the Egyptian, Greeks, United States in 1865. of wood. • Ernest “Mooney” • It is very important toRomans and Chinese, all used Warther is one of the be safe while whittling.woodworking to create tools, most famous whittlers. Always cut away fromweapons, homes, furniture His work is preserved yourself. And make sureand decoration. Some of the in the Smithsonian there is a responsibleearliest examples of advanced Institution. grown up to supervisewoodworking come from Africa • Whittling was a popular you.5,000 years ago. Wooden tools past time for unemployed • Many whittlers also wearand furniture have also been men after the Civil War gloves for protection. • It is important to makefound preserved in ancient and World War I. • Men would use their sure your knife is sharpEgyptian tombs from 3100 pocketknives to whittle before starting to whittle.B.C. Early Chinese examples objects from wood thatof woodworking can be traced they found and tradeback to 720 B.C. Lu Ban was a the pieces for food andcarpenter at this time and was clothing. • Learning to whittle iscredited with being one of the easy. You just need acreators of woodworkingin China. Out & Play! Get your New Issue of Kidsville News! this summer July 5 at these great locations! Fun All Summer! Lauderdale Co. Colbert Co. Kidsville News! 15 • Children’s Museum • Cherokee Public Library of the Shoals • Colbert County Tourism • Helen Keller Hospital: • Florence-Lauderdale Public Library -Emergency Room -4th Floor- Pediatrics • Killen Public Library -1100 Building • Lexington Library -1120 Building • McDonald’s on • Helen Keller Public Library, Tuscumbia Florence Blvd. • Sheffield Public Library Cloverdale Rd. • Muscle Shoals • Rogersville Public Library Public Library • Shoney’s, Florence • YMCA of the Shoals • Courier Journal officeJune 2018
5 Chimps Are a Mile We have five senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. Using these,we SENSE the world aboutus. If you could not see, hear, smell, touch, Sound travels almost 20 times faster in steel so there is a folk tale about Native Americans putting their ear to the rail of a railroad to hearor taste, you would not know anything if a train was coming. The rail-sound of a distant train would reach them long before the air-sound would be heard.about your environment. Let’s look at oneof these: hearing. We hear because we cansense sound. What is sound? Well sound isa sort of vibration of the air that we cannotsee but our ears can detect. The air is madeup of little bits called molecules. Consider a loudspeaker emitting Sound needs a medium to travelmusic. The speaker is pushing those air molecules close together in in, like air or iron, but there is nosort of pulses and how often these pulses reach our ears (frequency) sound in the vacuum of space. Andetermines the pitch: high, medium, low. Although often taken for astronaut floating in space wouldgranted, the ear is a complex but marvelous instrument. The vibrating find it to be a very quiet experienceair enters the ear, vibrates the eardrum (a membrane) which vibrates if it weren’t for his radio.some bones which then excite nerves which send the information to the Many animals can hear frequencies that we humans can not hear. Dogs can hear frequencies twice as high as humans. Some people use special dog whistles to train dogs to the tones that only dogs can hear. Dolphins can hear even higher frequency sounds; almost 8 times higher than humans. These higher frequencies have very short wavelengths that allow the dolphins to use sound to locate objects in the water. The Navy uses even higher frequency sounds to locate objects (like submarines) under water. This is called SONAR which is short for SOund Navigation And Ranging. The next time you experience thunder and lightning, “count your chimpanzees” and remember “5 chimpanzees are a mile”!brain. When young, we normally hear sounds in the frequency range of Nature is understandable!20 to 20,000 Hertz (cycles per second) and then lose ability to hear the © 2018 Dr. David R. Curott, UNA Professor Emeritushigher frequencies as we age. Sound in air, at sea level, travels about 330 meters per second (740miles per hour). That means it takes about 5 seconds to travel a mile.During a storm with lightning, you should have noticed that you see theflash before you hear the thunder. The light (the flash) travels almost amillion times faster than the sound (thunder) so the flash reaches youalmost immediately but the thunder has a delay of 5 seconds for everymile it is distant from you. As a kid, I learned to count how manyseconds the thunder arrived after a flash. 5 seconds delay means 1mile away, 10 seconds indicates 2 miles, etc. I also learned to countseconds by counting “chimpanzees” out load: It takes about one secondto say “chimpanzee” so after the flash I count: “one chimpanzee, twochimpanzees, three chimpanzees, and so forth. If I counted 5 chimpanzees before hearing the thunder, then Iknew the lightning had struck about 1 mile away. So remember “FiveChimpanzees are a mile!”16 Kidsville News! June 2018
Kidsville Kitchen TMA quick, tasty weeknight meal The View Student QuestionnairePreparing weeknight meals can be tricky, as Mail, bring by or email usbusy men and women may want to save money YOUR PHOTO & your answers!and cook their own healthy foods but have little time to do soconsistently. But healthy, home-cooked meals need not take much Name time to prepare. The following low-calorie recipe for Crab Salad-Stuffed Tomatoes from “Weightwatchers: Cook It Fast” (St. G Fraaxd#e 256-76 0-961S8chooElm ail: ki dsville @cour ierjourn al.netMartin’s Griffin) can be whipped up in 20 minutes, making it anideal meal for time-strapped men and women who want to make Mail: 219 W. Tennessee Street • Florence, AL 35630meals at home without all the work that goes into more complexrecipes. What is your favorite...... Vacation place? Holiday? Place to eat? Cartoon? CANNOT Have you ever ridden a horse? PRINT What is a commercial? WITHOUT PHOTO What is a hero? Have you ever ridden in a convertible car?Crab Salad-Stuffed Have you ever played in the snow?Tomatoes1⁄3 cup orzo What is something you have learned to do lately?2 large tomatoes Do you like to drink water?1 cup crabmeat, picked over for pieces of shell What makes a good friend?1⁄3 cup chopped black or green olives What do you like to eat for breakfast?2 tablespoons crumbled reduced-fat feta cheese2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar1⁄8 teaspoon salt1⁄8 teaspoon black pepper1. Cook orzo according to package directions, omitting salt if desired. Do you like to read aloud? Drain and rinse under cold water; drain again. MUST HAVE2. Meanwhile, cut a thin slice off tops of tomatoes; reserve tops. Using PERMISSION spoon, carefully scoop out seeds and pulp; reserve for another use. TO PRINT Parent/Guardian Permission3. Gently toss together crabmeat, olives, feta, dill, vinegar, salt and I give Kidsville News! permission to print my CHILD’S PHOTO & opinion on pepper in medium bowl. Spoon crabmeat mixture evenly into tomato shells and cover with reserved tomato tops. any questions listed above. I do realize my child’s first name, school and grade could be printed in this publication. I have enclosed or emailed my CHILD’S PHOTO.4. Cook’s note: Scoop the seeds and pulp from the tomatoes into a Parent/Guardian SIGNATURE Date storage container. Cover and freeze up to 4 months and toss them into a soup or stew.June 2018 Kidsville News! 17
The Historic Hough CemeteryBy Lee Freeman, Florence-Lauderdale Public Library, Local History - Genealogy Department Out in a farmer’s field not very far from Boy Scout Camp Today the Mecke family owns the land surrounding the cemetery:Westmoreland lies the historic Hough Family Cemetery (there’s it sits under a grove of trees in Mr. Mecke’s large cow pasture.another cemetery with the same name near the Cox Creek Wal-Mart), the last resting place of several generations of Brannons, On January 10, 1864 Anthony Brannon enlisted in Co H, 111thHewitts, Browns and Houghs. Several months ago the Lauderdale USCT in Athens, Alabama, and served, as a cook, until 1866.County Cemetery Rehabilitation Authority or LCCRA for short, On his death in December of 1929, his daughter Carrie Brannonassisted descendants of these families in clearing out, inventorying ordered a nice military headstone from the US Government toand mapping this historic family cemetery, which for over 100 years mark his burial, which stone is still there, and in remarkably goodhas been owned by the nearby Bailey Springs African-Methodist condition, too. Several generations of descendants are buried here(AME) Church. with Anthony. We were contacted by Mrs. LaTina Harris (who now lives in The LCCRA came out over several Saturdays in February andTexas) on behalf of her family. They were planning a big family March of this year and worked with family members in clearingreunion and wanted to clean up/restore/inventory this historic off brush, probing for unmarked burials, and then mapping andAfrican-American cemetery, and we were excited to help. One inventorying each burial in the cemetery. Altogether we mappedreason being the fact that Civil War veteran Anthony Brannon approximately 35 unmarked burials and five marked burials. The(1836-1929), who served in Co H, 111th United States Colored earliest marked burial dates from 1885 while the latest dates fromTroops (USCT), who is the family progenitor (founder) is buried 1972.there; his great-grandson Joseph N. Brannon, Jr. (1935-1957) ofBtty C, 529th US Field Artillery is also buried there. We enjoyed working at this site, and especially appreciate all of the uncles and cousins who came out to help or lend moral support. Anthony Brannon was a son of Wilkens and Adline Brannon. We also really appreciated Mrs. Johnnie Dollerson’s chili whichAnthony was married three times, outliving each of his wives, and she made for everyone on one of the Saturdays.had several children. He was a trustee of the Bailey Springs AMEChurch which in April of 1886 purchased a 2 acre plot of ground to The Brannon and related families plan on having a big three-daybe used as a cemetery from Cornelius W. Smotherman and his wife. family reunion in June, which, among other things, will feature a tribute to Anthony and other family members who served their country in the US military.18 Kidsville News! Photos of the LCCRA’s workdays at Hough Cemetery, February and March, 2018. June 2018
Local History Written by Billy Warren historic districts in other cities in the Shoals, the districts in Florence add to both its connection with the past and its pathway into the Did You Know? future. How Is A Historic District Developed? SOMETHING TO DO: 1. Using a reference source, write a brief definition of each of these There are two types of historic districts in Alabama: terms: 1. Those that are listed on the Alabama Register of Historic Places in Montgomery, and a. District 2. Those that are listed on the National Register of Historic Places in Washington, D.C. b. Streetscape Because both types or historic districts are under the direction of the Alabama Historical Commission in Montgomery, the 2. Write a brief paragraph on either of these two topics: process for establishing them is the same. a. Why I Would Like to Live in a Historic District b. Why I Would Not Like to Live in a Historic District HERE IS HOW IT’S DONE: 1. Property owners in a neighborhood determine that most, 3. Sometimes, an individual house or building is listed on the National if not all, of their properties are at least 50 years old – which is Register without being part of a historic district. Go on-line to read the minimum age for a house or other building to be declared about these two; then write a brief description of each: “historic.” Further, the neighbors decide that they would like for their section of town to be known as a historic district. a. Barton Hall in Colbert County 2. Either someone in the neighborhood or someone outside the neighborhood who has worked on the development of b. Sweetwater Mansion in Lauderdale County historic districts agrees to lead the process. 3. An agreement is reached regarding the boundaries of the Energy Vampires district. Should the district begin at Street “A” and extend to Street “B” in one direction and from Street “X” to Street “Y” Energy Vampires don’t feed on blood—they in the other direction? drink up electricity, and they are VERY real. 4. A photographer is asked to make a black-and-white How can you get rid of the Energy picture of each house or building in the neighborhood, along Vampires? Here are some ideas to keep with a few photographs called “streetscapes” which capture them away: several houses in a single photograph. • Use a power strip with an on/ 5. The person leading the process obtains an application off switch to plug in a group of from the Alabama Historical Commission and completes it by items — for example, cell phone entering a brief description, including a brief history, of each and MP3 chargers. When you house or building. unplug a device from the charger, 6. The completed application, along with the photographs just flip the power switch off. described in #4 above, is mailed to the Alabama Historical • Use a power strip for your TV, video game Commission. If the neighborhood is to be listed on the Alabama system, DVD player, and stereo equipment. When Register of Historic Places, the completed application stops you’re done playing games or watching TV, turn in Montgomery; if it’s for the National Register of Historic the power strip off. Places, the people in Montgomery review the application and • A power strip is also great for items whose plugs are hard to send it on to Washington, D.C. reach. There’s no need to crawl under your desk to disconnect In Florence, there is one neighborhood, the East Florence all of your computer components when you can plug them all Historic District, that is listed on the Alabama Register of into one power strip. Historic Places and these ten (10) that are on the National • Don’t forget the garage! Power tools should be unplugged Register of Historic Places: until needed. For rechargeable items like cordless hand vacuums, pull the plug as soon as the battery is charged. 1. Cherry Street Historic District The best way to beat the Energy Vampires is to unplug 2. College Place Historic District anything that you can. Starve those vampires and you’ll save 3. Downtown Florence Historic District energy, reduce pollution, and save money. 4. Locust Street Historic District In just a few months, 5. McFarland Heights Historic District your family could save 6. Sannoner Historic District enough money to go see 7. Seminary-O’Neal Historic District a movie. Maybe Dracula CITY OF FLORENCE 8. Walnut Street Historic District will be playing! ELECTRICITY DEPT. 9. Wilson Park Historic District 10. Wood Avenue Historic District Together, there are more than 700 houses and buildings in Florence that are listed on the National Register. As is true ofJune 2018 Kidsville News! 19
A Section Especially for ParentsBEGINNER READS Buster Goes to Cowboy Camp Scooter in the Outside By Denise Fleming By Anne Bowen, illustrated by Abby For ages 3-7 Carter For ages 5-9 Buster's owner, Brown Shoes, is going away for the weekend, and Buster is Scooter is a plump yellow dog. He lives in none too happy to be dropped off at the suburbs with Lucy, and the highlight Sagebrush Kennels' Cowboy Camp. Red of his day is their walk. But when he and Boots (a man whom we only see from a Lucy get to THE CORNER, Lucy always dog's-eye view as blue pant bottoms tugs his leash, making Scooter turn and pointy red cowboy boots) greets around for home ... but Scooter wants to Buster with a great big cowboy “howdy,” explore beyond the corner. One morning, ties a jaunty blue bandana around Lucy forgets to close the door as she the dog's neck, and gives him the leaves for school, so Scooter decides to \"tenderfoot tour of the camp.” make his own foray into THE OUTSIDE.PAGETURNERS Tomorrow Girls: Behind the Gates By Eva Gray Tuck Everlasting For ages 9-12 By Natalie Babbitt For ages 8 and up This first book in the Tomorrow Girls series is the perfect book for a summer This magical tale about drinking from a camping trip! Although it is set in a spring of immortality centers on a futuristic world in the middle of a war, 10-year-old girl, Winnie Foster, who longs much of the content has more of an for freedom outside her parents’ old-fashioned feel. Best friends Louisa fenced-in yard. She wanders through the and Maddie are sent off to a boarding woods and comes across Jesse Tuck, a school where they will be “safe” from handsome young boy, who introduces her the war. Once there, they discover that to his family. Mae, Angus, Miles and Jesse the Country Manor School is not exactly let Winnie in on an extraordinary secret. wwhhaatt tthheeyy eexxppeecctteedd.. After drinking from the spring near their house, they never aged another day.ADVANCED READS One Crazy Summer Summerland By Rita Williams-Garcia By Michael Chabon For ages 10 and up For ages 11 and up Delphine has memories of her mother The day the Roosters face the Angels, the writing on walls and arguing with Papa, only people holding Ethan back from quit- but she is still stunned to reconnect ting for good are his father and the team's with her tall, no-nonsense, angry star, Jennifer T. (not Jennifer, or, worse, mother who may look like \"a colored Jenny, but always Jennifer T.). Sensing movie star,\" but makes it clear that she that the excitable, red-faced Coach Olaff- considers her daughter’s visit a huge sen will put him in soon because of the intrusion. \"Cecile was no kind of team's unusual lead, Ethan checks to make mother. Cecile didn't want us. Cecile sure no one's watching and then scampers was crazy.\" off. He trails the heels of a bushbaby – what was a bushbaby doing in Summer- land? – and stumbles upon a weird scene that is the first of many as Ethan is intro- duced to the four otherworlds.Kidsville News Inc., Truman and James Patterson’s READKIDDOREAD.COM are pleased to partner on this page to help you discover books that kids you love are sure to love.20 Kidsville News! June 2018
HELP! Truman Lost His Hat! Maybe you can help him find it & WIN A PLUSH MINI-TRUMAN OR PUPPET!* Somewhere in this Kidsville News! is Truman’s small red hat! This hat will not be on Truman. Find only his red hat! Send us the Florence • Sheffield • Killen*Subject to form below for a chance to win!availability. TLthhaesetnnmaemxotneitsohsf’ustehheoafwt KwiniadnssevorisnllwepiaNlgleebwe2s0i!n. Hey KidsMAY Winners of a Mini-Truman Send It! Don’t Forget ToRaeligh Pitts Kayden Roushof Florence of FlorencePick yours up at the Courier Journal Office 219 W. Tennessee St., Florence Send us YOUR art work, letters or poems! Email to [email protected], Mail or bring entry to us by June 25 We will print yours in Kidsville News!Hat on pg. _________ Your Name Phonemail to: Address See Page 5 to find out how!Kidsville News! Town219 W. Tennessee St. SchoolFlorence, AL 35630 $7900*FOR A LIMITED TIME! Monthly *BAacsteudalopnaayvmeerangt em2a5y0v0arsyq.. ft. house.Offer valid thru June 22, 2018 256-648-4893 AL #15059|53092June 2018 Kidsville News! 21
ParenTown’s KidSmartCommunication skills kids can learn An ability to communicate effectively is • Make conversations relevant. Allowa life skill that can serve a person well at any experiences that are happening around the familyage. Communicating well is considered so to shape conversations. Encourage curiosity andessential that the Boy Scouts of America introduce new themes and vocabulary. The moreeven require prospective Eagle Scouts to earn the child gets to experience, the more inclinedcommunication merit badges. It’s never too early he or she may be to discuss those help children become better communicators.From toddlerhood to grade school and beyond, • Modify communication methods.learning how to interact with others is necessary Some children may struggle to communicateat every stage. effectively. By working with speech/language pathologists and making the most of digital Developing communication takes time, but and other communication aids, parents makethere are various techniques to help kids become things easier for kids who are struggling tobetter communicators. communicate. • Great communication is a two-way process. • Ask for details. The organizationListening is often as important as speaking advises adults to focus on recallwhen communicating. Parents can help model and sequencing when speaking with children.good behavior by listening and letting children These skills are important and can be enhancedexpress themselves before offering their own when kids offer details. These techniquesopinions. can help children ultimately develop strong comprehension and writing skills. • Take turns in conversation. Rather thanspeaking at the same time or interrupting others, • Speak with others. Encourage children toeffective communicators take turns offering speak to their peers, adults and educators astheir thoughts. Listening to others can help much as possible to establish comfort in variousshape what the other person might say. communication settings. Doing so will help in the short- and long-term. • Speak regularly with one another. Initiateconversation frequently so that children become Communicating is an important componentaccustomed to speaking with adults and others. of school, home life and future employment.Chat about where you’re going when running Children who learn to communicate effectivelyerrands or discuss television plots during are in position to thrive in school and later incommercial breaks. life. ParenTown’s KidShape Strategies to get kids to exercise can capitalize on kids’ desire to be provide chances to exercise with Exercise is an important and sedentary as 60-year-olds. like mom and dad by exercising friends, as do organizations likecomponent of a healthy lifestyle. Getting kids to be more active in front of their children. Young the Boy Scouts of America and theThat’s not just true for adults children may not be ready to lift Girl Scouts of America. But evenbut for children and teenagers may be especially difficult for weights or run on the treadmill, inviting a child’s friend along on aas well. today’s parents, who must but parents can embrace kid- family hike or bike ride may make contend with the internet, social friendly exercises such as walking such activities more fun for kids. Parents concerned about their media, tablets, smartphones and and cycling. Invite kids along forkids living sedentary lives may have other distractions as they try to daily bike rides or go for family • Give gifts that encouragemore to worry about than they encourage their kids to unplug and walks around the neighborhood physical activity. Kids might wantknow. According to a 2017 study spend more time being physically after dinner. the latest device or video gamepublished in the journal Preventive active. But parents can try various for their birthdays, but parentsMedicine that analyzed data from strategies to get kids off the couch • Park the car. Kids don’t need to can also give gifts that encouragethe National Health and Nutrition and exercising. know they’re exercising in order to youngsters to be physically active.Examination survey from 2003- be more physically active. In lieu of Bicycles, rollerblades, ice skates2004 and 2005-2006, 19-year-olds • Set a positive example. Kids, driving to the bank or pharmacy, and sports equipment are just aspent as much time being inactive especially young children, often try parents can leave the car at home handful of potential gifts that may to emulate their parents. Parents and ride their bikes alongside their compel kids to exercise more. children when running errands. If possible, parents can walk Childhood obesity is a significant youngsters to and from school problem, with the 2015-2016 rather than driving them. NHANES reporting that 20.6 percent of youths between the ages • Choose friend-friendly activities. of 12 and 19 were obese. Getting Adults employ the buddy system kids off the couch and exercising as a means to motivate themselves more often can help reduce those to keep exercising, and that same figures and ensure healthier futures principle can apply to children, for kids of all ages. who might be more excited about physical activity if their friends are joining them. Team sports22 Kidsville News! June 2018
ANSWERSKnowledge Dandelion PuffPower What’s the Difference? Answers: 1. D Di erences: 1) Background color 2) Color of dog 2. B 3) cat’s collar color 4) bird colors 3. A 4. C 5) Fish is missing back n 6) Fish eyeball missing 5. B 7) Color of sh’s water 8) Dog has no teeth 6. A 9) Color of cat 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. C MATHWSpatial Visualization is the issue. Area, the amount of spaceenclosed by the figure and largest are key vocabulary words(Kalynn is 5 and Darrien is 10) This is a two-step problembut has easy computation. Students need to find a number thatis already known – the father’s age. Kalynn is 1/6 of 30 or 5 years old. It is easythen to figure that Darrien is twice as old as Kalynn –10 years old. Students needto be able to divide 30 into 6 equal parts to figure 1/6 if they do not know how todivide mentally.June 2018 Kidsville News! 23
Summer SafetyWater Safety• Make sure an adult is near whenever you are in or around water• Wear a properly fitted life jacket when on the waterHeat and Sun• Dress in loose, lightweight, light-colored clothing• Stay inside or in the shade during the hottest part of the day (10-2)• Use sunscreenInsects• Use insect repellent when outside• Stay clear of pools of standing water where insects gather. Have a Safe Summer! Brought to you by your friends at:1300 S. Montgomery Ave. • Sheffield, AL •256-386-4196 • www.helenkeller.com24 Kidsville News! June 2018
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