HEY! THIS PAPER BELONGS TO: ©© Effingham County’s Fun Family Newspaper • November 2018ART: IT’S IMPORTANTINSIDE: F REE•Kids moviereviews•CommunityCalendar•Puzzles & More!
I’m NOT scared of shots! Going to the doctor to get a shot doesn’t 3. You can distract yourself for a minute! If you’re nervoushave to be scary! Here’s what you need to about getting your shot, talk to your parents about somethingknow about shots so you can be brave at else. It will help keep you calm and take your mind off the shot.the doctor’s office: 4. Smile! It’s hard to be scared or nervous if you’re smiling. So 1. Shots are good for you! Shots are just a way to make sure even if you’re really scared about getting the shot, just keep smil-your body has the medicine it needs to help fight off diseases. The ing and it will help you be brave.small needle puts the medicine under your skin so your body canbuild up strength against diseases. 5. Talk to your parents! If you’re really scared, tell your par- ents about it before you go to the doctor. Maybe you want to hold 2. They don’t take long! When the doctor or nurse sticks you your parent’s hand while you are getting your shot, or bring a fa-with the needle it will hurt a little bit, but only for a minute and vorite toy or game to hold and look at. Work out a plan together.then the pain will go away. The next time you go to the doctor to get a shot, you can surprise your parents and the nurses by staying calm and being brave. 445599HHwwyy111199 SSoouutthh •• SSpringfield, GA ((991122)) 7754-6451 wwwwww..EEffffiinngghhaamHealth.orgPAGE 2 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! NOVEMBER 2018
A FUN FAMILY NEWSPAPER Hi, Kids! EDITOR iPndykaren“raaOoiCswIrw,unsdiFlneto–trughanorastna’hfttcalotkpehnCune.edsoooIatmwnspnwonoldaeemasscbtse?htfoi!aaoopu“vmrnrtCieegsoy.toib”tounynesuance,laelonbyrcotutdailmtornIacnuealwssow”esivtnulteewagm.ltakosaItsyn’icsnsadoatbtolhcoogeormurlweaotaasrnokiotdnermslgdmtaoefriaorstoy,krtfteh–othtehotohce.Luihnoosegualcdvsnk.redeDiststiiondokunfytoowun Truman “llaiWvsetHilIidcnaevvEileAulergy.o”oep.ueYeoavunedrcashenaevrneeaabdemmeanormraerooat?ubnModuetsitnnheceeimthtehinre. They [email protected] Have a Happy Thanksgiving, kids! Do you SALES & MARKETING want to know what I am thankful BArnigtytaenMi Hororiwsoelnl for? I’m thankful for you! bahmoowrreisllo@[email protected] Subscribe FREE online at www.kidsvillenews.com/Cumberland Christy Scroggs [email protected] Kim Dennis [email protected] PUBLISHER Bill Bowman [email protected] NATIONAL EDITOR Janice Butler [email protected] ASSOCIATE EDITOR Stephanie Crider [email protected] For advertising information, please call (912) 826-5012©Copyright 2008 Kidsville News! Inc., All Rights Reserved.Truman is a service mark of Kidsville News! Inc., and theKidsville News! logo is a registered trademark of KidsvilleNews! Inc. No part of this issue of Kidsville News! may bereproduced in whole or in part in any form without permis-sion of the publisher or the copyright holder. Neither par-ticipating advertisers nor the publishers will be responsible orliable for misinformation, misprints, or typographical errors.The publishers reserve the right to edit any submitted mate-rial. Kidsville News! Inc. is not responsible for unsolicitedmanuscripts, artwork, or other material. Children's submis-sions should include name, address, telephone number, andpermission to publish signed by a parent or guardian.Gee,Thanks! DKidNYOouW? The most popular electric car model of 2018 is the BAIC EC-Series. Manufactured in China, the BAIC EC- Series sold more than 15,000 units in January and February of 2018, unseating the Nissan Leaf as the most popular electric car across the globe. However, the Leaf remains popular as electric car buyers made it the second most popular electric car model in the world in the first few months of 2018. The Leaf also remains the best-selling electric car in the world since it was first introduced in 2010, a function of its performance as well as its widespread availability. For electric car buyers with some money to spend, the third most popular model of 2018, the Tesla Model S might do the job. Starting at around $75,000, the Model S can accelerate from zero to 60 miles per hour in less than three seconds, and its 100 kWh battery allows it to run 315 miles before needing to be recharged.NOVEMBER 2018 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! PAGE 3
H umans have been creating art for thousands of years, and technology has had a huge 3D PRINTING influence over the way that we create. To create cave paintings, early humans crushed up stones and colored clay. Egyptians and Greeks created paints from bee’s wax. One of the newest ways technology has changed art is the invention of the 3d printer. A 3d printer is a way to make an object based on a 3-dimensional digital model. Instead of printing the image on a piece of paper, these printers make objects by laying down thin layers of a material. Plastic and metal are some of the most common materials used. • Dr. Kodama made some of the first attempts at 3d printing in the 1980s. • Because the 3d printer is still so new that engineers, doctors and artists continue to explore all of the machine’s possibilities. • 3d printers cost as little as $1,000. • Some artists are using 3d printers that print with clay to create new pottery. • 3d printers can be used to create anything from miniature sculptures to entire rooms. • NASA also uses 3d printers. It allows astronauts to build specific tools in space. • Clothing has also been made by 3d printers. • Sugar can also be used in a 3d printer. In addition to making new art, 3d printers are used to protect and preserve older pieces of art. Some artifacts are incredibly delicate or in danger of being destroyed. Archeologists can work with scientists to create detailed 3d scans and then print exact replicas of the artifacts. These replicas allow researchers to preserve history and perform tests that could have damaged or destroyed the originals. It is not a perfect process, but this new technology could play an important role in how museums and historians preserve and explore art for future generations. www.sculpteo.com/blog/2016/12/14/the-history-of-3d-printing-3d-printing-technologies-from-the-80s-to-today www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/06/30/3d-printing-art_n_5534459.html 3dprintingindustry.com/3d-printing-basics-free-beginners-guide www.technewsworld.com/story/84608.html 3dprintingindustry.com/3d-printing-basics-free-beginners-guidePAGE 4 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! NOVEMBER 2018
Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: MammaliaOrder: RodentiaFamily: SciuridaeTribe: MarmotiniGenus: MarmotaSpecies: M. Marmot There are 15 species of marmot that can be found • BTTDFiTMl1TwAAcATHwsohhhhhaou5llduiahoapbeeeeeimnrsr-uirokrilmyyiiet2msneronblritiftlelnroe0ibllgobwuntmeiiigmthlvvnewiohamslshoteeeadprhoedhtihfsaiarbbeoei4mmuiybmintbrorbehirrtn0eErmusaeaetfoserefee0bronsamrrtutFoirtrmulhmntrsaorn-votastahreaF5souepawptdoewrilttao0fsraeItfriytsfieoaasdselfsNlnr0ruaitpanmterdyiint,epecnnoom.rmtatGmu.iku8Ohipgltaaniytdnhreelo-pegyeHcho1edtldytretei.atehtswgld0oethrrewA.lkleasrernpbaneofortit.easehlM.ruwufpdteoerbutrtphsiae,tarorl ysefnd.fkCbnrvrowmseoeomedeuOaegzma2iantneepkhrd-grognUen9e.3meeod7vugfrobNmsooeprotdrfirorsineenTyneeaucasgevMgnfotYbtrsehrdieinreenarts e.asoyenKyetiechnd.1htrdhoIevle0ayiDenolm5.pmdgtehSodatinephnuVeyereaunsgramtiItgerartLnoey.aidne.TLnsshd.Eis NwTtmaftadmAswpft2uhoheaeEhsvonr,eeoaeemt9eaameessdsWiiyynrtss0ggsarmatotattoaithoahhhhil0bhrrcveSoengamstserelsease.te.g!e3vus4or alaiIIwreulasr,sfnnw3yats0ovvmm’go4usm5iette0rmbvhheuams5rsi5tea0seeegluahlid4m.elzsdchgegtefgTreb0ehahawterhatrdwaeeahlolacgefelercfna,emihflwomerinyadmtgictaaamnhrstisuoeahsnmn.afesasmtpaarutsghtreesolrllnmaeee,ldrirnd.lseoegdts, all over the world, but each • species is unique. The alpine • marmot is native to the Alps • in Europe. They can be found • in France, Italy, Switzerland, • Germany, Austria and Slovenia. • marmots are small mammals • related to squirrels. They have • been living in the mountains • since the last Ice Age. They are • well adapted to living in harsh, • cold climates. They have special • claws for digging. They burrow into the cold ground and have PAGE 5 a thick layer of fur to keep them warm. To avoid the harshest weather, they hibernate.NOVEMBER 2018
Where in the World: F rance is a European country and one of the oldest nations in the • Today, the country is officially called the French Republic. world. Humans and early relatives of humans have lived in France • The capital is Paris. for almost 2 million years. Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons arrived • The population is 66,259,012. as early as 300,000 B.C. Humans migrated from central Europe, and • The official language is French. then Romans took control of the area in 51 B.C. The Romans called the • It is 210,026 square miles, which makes it the largest country area Gaul. France is named after the Germanic Franks who came to the in Europe. area, along with other tribes such as the Visigoths and Vandals, around • The major rivers are the Seine, Rhine and Rhone. • One fourth of France is covered in forest, and 50 percent is 400 A.D. when Rome started to collapse. covered in countryside or farmland. • France is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. More than 75 million people visit every year. • The nickname for Paris is “City of Lights.” • Paris has a population of 2.2 million people. • The motto is “Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite,” which means “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.” • Some of the most famous places to visit in Paris are the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Louvre, Versailles and the Arc de Triomphe. www.ancient.eu/Lascaux_Cave/ The Lascaux Cave is a very special place in France. The cave walls www.britannica.com/place/France have 600 of some of the most famous prehistoric cave paintings and www.bradshawfoundation.com/lascaux/ engravings in the world. These cave paintings have made the area a kids.nationalgeographic.com/explore/countries/france/#france-eiffel-tower.jpg UNESCO World Heritage Site. This means that the area is important to human history and should be carefully preserved and studied. Most of these paintings show animals. The paintings date to 1500 B.C., which is called the Upper Palaeolithic period. The cave was discovered in 1940 when four boys were looking for their lost dog. No one is sure what the paintings mean, but the caves give a unique look in to the lives of ancient humans.PAGE 6 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! NOVEMBER 2018
kcaP rehtaeWWovfeaatet'hnleotrsPduacdjkensaateilPdesu uoy erehw!tvnaPelefamsoemjtusttoeleacgveraaocefomvtma'neneotlwdthesrduenyjoaueussteaideidtlaePnsdudonu'tfoorygetetorfaevh! w tnemmoc a evael tsujD oyoulovetheweather?Areyouinterested National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) and is in participating in the science by taking displayed on a map that is accessible to everyone. observations? Well, citizen science may Meteorologists at the National Weather Service alsojustbeforyou!Citizenscienceisaformofopen utilizemPINGreportstohelpmaintainsituationalcollaboration in which anyone can take part awareness, especially during severe weather. Thein the scientific process to address real-world mPING system was deployed in 2012 and developedproblems.Youcanhelpbytakingreal-timeweather throughapartnershipbetweenNOAA/NSSL, kcaP observations,alertingofficialsaboutsevereorwinter theUniversityofOklahomaandtheCooperative Even though radar data gives forecasters a good idea of what is occurring, ground truth reports,esu uoy erehw tnemmoc a evael tsuj esaelPweatheroccurringwhereyouareandcontributingto InstituteforMesoscaleMeteorologicalStudies. such as from mPING, are critical to help protect life and property.NOAA research using an app on your phone. Citizenscienceinvolveseverydaypeopleandplaysavital Meteorologists across the United States also userole in protecting lives and property. radar imagery from the enhanced network of dual-pol radars. All National Weather ServiceMeteorological Phenomena Identification Near the radars have been upgraded with dual-pol, a MPING data are also used to improve weatherGround (mPING) is a project designed to collect technology that is sensitive to the horizontal and computer models, predict ground icing for roadweather information from the public through their vertical measurements of an object as well as its maintenance and aviation operations and predictsmart phone or mobile device with GPS location content (liquid water, ice or a mixture). Dual-pol the potential for in-flight icing. Many NWS forecastcapabilities. Using the free mPING app, anyone gives forecasters an estimate of the size and shape offices display the data on large monitors and usecan submit a weather observation anonymously. of an object, making it easier to tell the difference the reports to fine-tune their forecasts.The data immediately goes into a database at the between liquid and frozen types of precipitation. To learn more, visit mping.nssl.noaa.govNOVEMBER 2018 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! PAGE 9
NOVEMBER 2018 a powerful tool to help students make logical distinctions between and PAGE 10 among ideas and concepts in mathematics. String circles, yarn circles or hula hoops make it easy for children to see and manipulate objects during sorting activities. EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! Add five. The pattern shown in this chart is the addition of five to each number. Extensionsmight include giving other numbers and asking the student to apply the rule asking, “What number comes before if the rule gives us the number?” Rule: what would go in the middle? What is the rule? 6 and all clothes with If all clothes with 12 zippers were here, buttons were here, 11 20 17 50 25 55 MATHTIME
and how they reflected their societiesArcheologists and historians have a difficult job. • Cave art has been found in Indonesia from 35,400 NOV. 11 is Veterans Day. It’s They work to understand ancient civilizations, but years ago. One of these pieces of cave art is the a day to honor everyone who has usually the older the civilization, the less evidence oldest example of a hand stencil. served in the United States militaryand artifacts there are to work with. Ancient humans often • This ancient art is usually found in caves because the – Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard. Some peopleused tools made of products like wood, which doesn’t rock walls protect the art from being destroyed by the confuse Memorial Day, which is in May, with Veteran’s Day. Memorialsurvive hundreds of thousands of years. One thing that erosion and weather. Day honors people who died whilehas survived is cave paintings. The cave art is so important • Cave paintings can be found all over the world, serving in the military. Veterans Day honors everyone who has served inbecause it can show us how ancient humans thought in a anywhere early humans lived. the military – and many of them areway that can’t be shown with tools. No one is exactly sure • Early humans also used stone or flint tools to engrave still living!what the paintings are for, but they represent creativity, art into the hard walls of caves. NOV. 22 is Thanksgiving.an ability to learn from the past and an understanding • The oldest depicted animal is of a pig. It is in Thanksgiving started as a celebration to give thanks for the harvest. Today,of how symbols work. This sets ancient humans apart Indonesia. people still celebrate Thanksgiving with a lot of food and give thanks forfrom other animals. Scientists call this “higher order everything good in their lives. This year, in America, Thanksgiving is Nov.consciousness.” Animals are commonly depicted in cave paintings. Some 22. Many other countries celebrate• Animals are the most common things depicted in of the most common animals were cave lions, mammoths, similar holidays, including Canada, Liberia, the Caribbean Islands, cave art. woolly rhinoceroses and bears. These were large and Germany and Japan.• Stencils of human hands are also very common. dangerous animals. Archeologists believe that these• The oldest cave paintings in Europe are in France; symbols may have had to do with early religion because they are 32,000 years old. these animals were not what early humans usually hunted.• The oldest cave painting ever discovered is a red disk. It is 40,800 years old. www.britannica.com/art/cave-paintingwww.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/07/2/l_072_02.html www.smithsonianmag.com/history/journey-oldest-cave-paintings-world-180957685NOVEMBER 2018 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! PAGE 11
Jiya Patel Nala Rowland South Effingham Elementary South Effingham Elementary Jaden Floyd Julia WeatherfordSouth Effingham Elementary South Effingham Elementary Ryan Ellwood South Effingham Elementary Skylar Williamson South Effingham Elementary Zoey Brinson Ryleigh StillSouth Effingham Elementary South Effingham ElementarySUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 LEGO Club 4 p.m. Springfield Library
4 5 6 7 8 9 101118 Spin and String Art LEGO Club Kids Crafternoon Homeschool Hangout Family Game Day25 5 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 1 p.m. 3 p.m. Springfield Library Rincon Library Springfield Library Rincon Library Rincon Library 12 13 14 15 16 17 Homeschool Hangout Kids Crafternoon LEGO Club Family Game Day 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 3 p.m. Springfield Library Rincon Library Springfield Library Springfield Library 19 20 21 22 23 24 29 Spin and String Art LEGO Club Thanksgiving 5 p.m. 4 p.m. Holiday Rincon Library Rincon Library 30 Thanksgiving Holiday -- NO SCHOOL!! 26 27 28 STEAM 4 p.m. Rincon Library www
Become a sponsor and support education and literacy!Thanks to sponsors like you, Kidsville News! is available to educators, parents, andstudents in Effingham County FREE of charge. Our monthly publication is availableat libraries, schools, recreation centers, and businesses throughout the county.Parents and educators love Kidsville News!, because it’s about educationand literacy! Every edition contains activities that support: • Character-building • Math • Cultural Connections • Science • Social Studies • Language Skills CCoonntatcatcAt nBgryiettManoirHrisoown ealtl(9a1t2()981226)-5802162.5fo0r1m2otroe ilnefaorrnmmatioorne.. SSppeecicailalAAsssisgingmnmenetnt fofroSreApUteGmUbeSrT: : Draw us a picture of a funny Thanksgiving turkey! D(Deaedaldinlien:eN: oAvUemGbUeSrT1515)[email protected] 14 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! NOVEMBER 2018
T he Louvre was originally built • The Louvre’s collections grew by 5,000 • 8.8 million people visit every year. as a castle in 1190 by Phillippe • It houses 70,000 pieces of art. Auguste. He had it built pieces under Napoleon Bonaparte • There are 650,000 feet of gallery space.because he wanted to protect Paris because the French army took art and • The Louvre has 380,000 total pieces, butas France was about to go to war. archaeological items from the places thatWhen it was built, the Louvre was on it conquered. there are not all on display to the public.the outside of Paris, but the city grew,and now it is located near the center. • Much of the plundered art was returned • The “Mona Lisa,” by Leonardo da Vinci,Most of the French monarchs afterPhillippe II continued to expand the after Napoleon’s defeat in 1815. is only 21 inches x 30 inches. It is theLouvre and the royal art collection. most famous painting in the Louvre. It isCharles V turned the fortress into a • 1993 was the first time the entire Louvre protected by body guards and bullet-palace, and King Henri IV added proof glass.the Grande Galerie to house the was devoted to being a museum.royal art collection. During the French • In World War II, the Nazis used theRevolution, the Louvre palace was • The museum was officially created onturned into the Museum of the Louvre. Louvre to store all of their stolen art work. August 10, 1793.encyclopedia.kids.net.au/page/lo/Louvre • The Louvre has eight departments: Near • When it first opened, the museum hadwww.britannica.com/topic/Louvre-Museum Eastern Antiquities; Egyptian Antiquities; 500 paintings. Greek, Etruscan and Roman Antiquities;www.louvre.fr/en/histoirelouvres/history-louvre/periode-2 Islamic Art; Sculptures; Decorative Arts; • Today, it is one of the oldest and largest Paintings; and Prints and Drawings.www.history.com/this-day-in-history/louvre-museum-opens museums in the world.www.history.com/news/six-things-you-may-not-know-about-the-louvre • It takes 2,000 employees to maintain the museum and the artwork. © source image by Pipiten - FlickrNOVEMBER 2018 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! PAGE 15
Come Out & Play • To play there should be two teams. • Teams can be made of 1-3 players.O ne oftheoldest • Players also need six steel balls, traditions in human history is competing one small wooden ball and a largeto see who can throw or roll an outdoor space in which to play.object the closest to a marker.This type of game has been • The balls should be marked so thatplayed in the Mediterraneanfor centuries. In Italy it is called they can be told apart.bacci, and in France it is calledboules. Pétanque is a version • The best space to play is hard,of this tradition that dates backto around 1910. Jules LeNoir packed earth covered in sand orinvented this version after he gravel.was paralyzed from the waistdown. He was an excellent • Each team should claim three of theboules player, but he couldn’tplay the traditional versions of steel balls.the game in his wheel chair.He changed the rules a little • Team A should draw a circle in theand created Pétanque so thathe could continue to play. sand. This is called a le rond.labouleny.com/elite-petanque/article/introduction-to-petanque • All players must keep both feet inwww.playaboule.com/Simple_petanque_rules.aspx frenchly.us/how-to-play-petanque/ the le rond when they throw. • From the le rond, Team A should toss the wooden ball called the cochonnet. • The farther away they throw the cochonnet, the harder the game will be. • Team A then throws their boule towards the cochonnet. • Team B throws its boules and tries to place them closer to the cochonnet than the other team. • The team with the boule closest to the cochonnet gets a point. It also gets a point for every other boule they have closer to the wooden ball than the other teams closest boule. petanque.org/around_the_world/french_games.shtmlNOVEMBER 2018 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! PAGE 17
BEGINNER READS Olivia By Ian Falconer Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the For ages 3-7 Bed By Eileen Christelow The first captivating book about the For ages 0-6 piglet, Olivia, begins, \"This is Olivia. She is good at lots of things. She is very good \"One fell off and bumped his head. The at wearing people out. She even wears Mama called the doctor. The doctor herself out.\" Olivia trundles stoically said, ‘No more monkeys jumping on through her days, building a sand Empire the bed.’\" This one will be a bedtime State Building at the beach, dancing favorite unless you mind your toddlers instead of napping, and painting a jumping up and down, shaking their Jackson Pollock-style mural on the wall. index fingers gleefully, chanting, \"No more monkeys jumping on the bed.\" Pie By Sarah WeeksPAGETURNERS For ages 8 and Up Max Einstein: When Alice’s Aunt Polly, the pie queen, The Genius Experiment dies, little Alice is sure no one misses By James Patterson her as much as she does. Except maybe and Chris Grabenstein Aunt Polly’s ornery cat Lardo, whom she For ages 8-12 loved so much, she named him after her favorite shortening. Aunt Polly Twelve-year old Max Einstein is not swore by that shortening when making your typical genius. She hacks the her award-winning pie crusts. Alice’s computer system at NYU to attend mother says the recipe is worth millions classes and builds inventions to help and is anxious to get her hands on it. the homeless. But everything changes Apparently, other folks want it, too! when Max is recruited by a mysterious organization. Their mission: solve the The Fault in Our Stars world's toughest problems using By John Green science - with the help of a diverse For ages 13 and Up group of young geniuses from around the globe. Hazel Lancaster dropped out of school at 13 to concentrate on getting well. Now 16,ADVANCED READS she’s survived a diagnosis of stage IV thyroid cancer, but with collateral damage: Escaping from Houdini her lungs don’t work well. To please her By Kerri Maniscalco parents, she reluctantly agrees to attend a For ages 14 and up weekly support group with other teen cancer patients. It is there she meets Audrey Rose Wadsworth and her Augustus Waters, a former basketball partner-in-crime-investigator, Thomas player who’s lost a leg to cancer. Their Cresswell, are en route to New York to connection is instantaneous; both banter help solve another mystery. Embarking with razor-sharp wit as if it’s second nature. on a weeklong voyage across the Atlantic on the opulent RMS Etruria, they're delighted to discover a traveling troupe of circus performers and fortune tellers and a certain charismatic young escape artist entertaining the first-class passengers nightly.PAGE 18 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! NOVEMBER 2018
By Jane HouOstBonSEJoRnVeEs aTnHdEJeMssiOcaOSNtoller-Conrad This image shows some of the features you might see if you This year’s International Observe the Moon Night was on Oct. 20. closely observe the Moon. The stars represent the six Apollo On Oct. 20, the 11-day-old waxing gibbous moon rose in the late afternoon and set before dawn. Sunlight revealed most of the lunar surface, and the moon was visible all night long. landing sites on the Moon. Credit: NASA/GSFC/Arizona You could observe the Moon’s features whether you were observing with the unaided eye, State University (modified by NASA/JPL-Caltech) through binoculars or through a telescope. Here are a few of the moon’s features you might have seen on the evening of October 20:You can find out more about International Observe the Moon Sinus Iridum — Latin for “Bay of Rainbows” — is the little half circle visible on the western Night at moon.nasa.gov/observe. side of the moon near the lunar terminator — the line between light and dark. Another feature, the Jura Mountains, ring the moon’s western edge. You could see them catch the morning sun. Just south of the Sinus Iridum, you could see a large, flat plain called the Mare Imbrium. This feature is called a mare — Latin for “sea” — because early astronomers mistook it for a sea on moon’s surface. Because the moon was approaching full, the large craters Copernicus and Tycho also took center stage. Copernicus is 58 miles (93 kilometers) across. Although its impact crater rays — seen as lines leading out from the crater — are more visible at Full Moon, you could still see them on Oct. 20. Tycho, on the other hand, lies in a field of craters near the southern edge of the visible surface of the moon. At 53 miles (85 kilometers) across, it’s a little smaller than Copernicus. However, its massive ray system spans more than 932 miles (1500 kilometers)! And if you were very observant on the 20th, you could check off all six of the Apollo lunar landing site locations, too! In addition to the moon, we observed two meteor showers last month: the Orionids and the Southern Taurids. Although both had low rates of meteors, they were visible in the same part of the sky. The Orionids peaked on Oct. 21, but they were active from Oct. 16 to Oct. 30 from about 10 p.m. until 5 a.m. With the bright moonlight, you may have seen only five to 10 swift and faint Orionids per hour. If you saw a slow, bright meteor, that’s from the Taurid meteor shower. The Taurids radiate from the nearby constellation Taurus, the Bull. Taurids are active from Sept. 10 through Nov. 20, so you may have seen both a slow Taurid and a fast Orionid piercing your sky this month.NOVEMBER 2018 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! PAGE 19
Kidsville Kitchen Classic Reuben Sandwich The sandwich is the quintessential portable food Makes 4 sandwiches and one that has scores of incarnations. The modern concept of a sandwich that combines 1 pound sauerkraut meats, cheeses and vegetables between slices 2 tablespoons thousand island dressing of bread can be traced to 18th-century Europe. 8 slices of pumpernickel or dark rye bread The sandwich is purportedly named after John 1 pound corned beef, sliced thin Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich. Rumor has it 4 slices Swiss cheese that, around 1762, Montagu asked for meat to be Softened butter served between slices of bread so that he could dine without interrupting his gambling game. Others Drain, but do not rinse, the sauerkraut and combine soon ordered foods served “the same as Sandwich,” with thousand island dressing. Top four halves of the and the name has stuck ever since. bread with the sauerkraut mixture, then 4 ounces of Many people argue that there is no beating a corned beef, followed by 4 ounces of Swiss cheese. classic reuben when it comes to sandwiches. A Close with a second slice of bread. Spread the top reuben is made of corned beef that is piled high and bottom of the sandwich with soft butter. Grill and swiss cheese served on rye or pumpernickel on both sides until warmed through and the cheese bread. Sauerkraut and Russian dressing give this melts. Serve hot. sandwich its tangy kick. Enjoy a “Classic Reuben Sandwich,” courtesy of Classic Recipes from Boar’s Head®.PAGE 20 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! NOVEMBER 2018
Learning disabilities can make it difficult for kids KINDERGARTEN AND FIRST GRADE to reach their full potential. Such disabilities can Children in this age group who disappear when sometimes be hard to spot, and youngsters might it is time to read or complain about the difficulty of be hesitant to self-report symptoms or problems reading may do so because they are dealing with they’re experiencing out of shame or a fear of dyslexia. Another potential indicator is reading being seen as different from their classmates. errors that show no connection to the sounds of the Dyslexia, which the Child Mind® Institute notes letters on the page. For example, children who say is now part of the diagnosis “specific learning “puppy” when an illustration on a page is a dog. disorder,” an umbrella term that groups together Difficulty sounding out simple words like “cat” also reading, writing and math disorders, is one type of may indicate dyslexia. learning disability that can compromise students’ abilities to perform in the classroom. SECOND GRADE THROUGH HIGH SCHOOL The Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity notes Symptoms that appear during these years that the signs of dyslexia can appear as early as of a child’s life may include slow, awkward preschool. Such signs may differ depending on reading; trouble reading familiar words and often the age of the child, but parents can look for the compensating by making wild guesses because following ones that might indicate the presence the child cannot sound out the word; and an of dyslexia. unwillingness to read out loud. Kids in this age group who are dealing with dyslexia also may not PRESCHOOL have a strategy for reading new words. Preschool-aged children may exhibit various Children in this age group also may exhibit signs symptoms that may be indicative of dyslexia. of dyslexia through their speech. For example, Difficulty learning and remembering the names the Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity says of letters in the alphabet and an inability to some may search for a specific word only to end recognize letters in their own names are such up using a vague term, such as “stuff.” Hesitation symptoms. Children who mispronounce familiar when speaking and language peppered with words, continue to speak in “baby talk” and “um’s” is another potential indicator that a child experience trouble learning common nursery might be dyslexic. rhymes also may be experiencing dyslexia. The Dyslexia cannot be cured, but it can be Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity also notes overcome. Early screening, diagnosis and that dyslexia tends to run in families, so parents intervention can help young people become who had their own difficulties reading or spelling successful adults. More information is available at words should pay special attention to how their www.dyslexia.yale.edu. children handle these tasks.NOVEMBER 2018 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! PAGE 21
How to Foster Your Child’s Creativity Through Play Playtime is the perfect time to foster your children’s self-expression and creativity. Here are a few fun ideas to try at home. BUILD A FORT faCorhrctihlfdritoreemcntspgwiellhtotewonsb,thebelbayunciklodenetssrtsaruancndtdtohteheprerfect mthaatt’esrigaulsafroduinngdaatsheocrmeet t.rWeahsuerteheorrita’snaigcloaostlien the Nwcrieoldart.thiAvPecoahletil,dhoohnomcoeedtbhsurtaoilput,glkehi,dfrsoocrltea-bnpullaieldyt .itnhgeirisimaacglainssaictiownasyrutno get KARAOKE! Karaoke is not only a blast, it lets kids take center stage and pretend to be their favorite stars. Consider a karaoke machine built specifically for kids that’s packed with engaging content. For example, the new VTech Kidi Star Karaoke Machine features games, sound effects and voice effects for creative musical expression. Its Music Magic feature allows kids to turn down the main vocal track so they can be the star and works with MP3 files, streaming music services and karaoke videos, so there’s no limit to their inspiration. A recording feature with fun voice-changing effects gives kids an opportunity to hear their performance. Host a music theme night, birthday party or a special concert. With a disco light that ctwhiesetsri1n8g0anddeglareuegshfteorr,ckoidlosrcfualnligtruhltyeffefeecltlsikaentdheayu’dreieonncestsaoguen.ds such as applause, MWuasnict tMo taagkiectMheicsrhoopwhoonnet,hwehriocahdc?oCnnoencstisdteorMsoPm3etphlianygeprsoartnadblme,osbuiclehdaesvKicideisSatnadr kisidpiastcakre. d with games and voice effects. For more information, visit vtechkids.com/ GO EXPLORING With simple tools such as a camera, binoculars, magnifying glasses and a compass, kids can become daring explorers, making important discoveries in the backyard or a nearby park. With a notepad or digital diary, they can record their observations, create maps, take journal notes and more. At the end of the day, let them present their findings to you. Creative role play can help boost imagination and self-expression. Be sure playtime at your household includes plenty of opportunities for kids to shine.PAGE 22 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! NOVEMBER 2018
kicked out of his village by the where old fables are told. leader, The Stonekeeper. Migo is I like the silly beliefs that the banished because he told the Yeti village that he saw a monster called Yetis have, such as believing a Smallfoot. As you might the sun is a giant snail and that guess, a Smallfoot is a memories hold up mountains. human. Yetis believe that There are so many creative little humans are fairytale things like that throughout the creatures, but Migo saw whole movie, which really held one in real life. Nobody my attention. believes that Migo had a Smallfoot sighting. The music soundtrack is awesome! I’ve already Migo really did see downloaded it. The music is one a Smallfoot, though, of the best parts of the movie. and the movie follows“Smallfoot” is a really good him as he tries to This film is for everybody,animated movie with fun prove himself. At the especially kids like me whocharacters and some amazing same time, it shows the story of the are really into adventure. Isongs. I might even call it Smallfoot, whose name is Percy recommend it for ages 5 toa musical. (James Corden). Percy is a TV Host 18, as well as adults. I thinkThe story of Smallfoot is told who needs a big story to save his parents will like it. It has someby the many scenes and lots show from being cancelled. really funny humor and is like aof songs. There’s a Yeti named musical comedy delight.Migo (Channing Tatum), whois sweet and nice, but he gets I love the scenery in this film because it is all snowy. The story takes place in the Himalayas. I Photos: © Warner Bros found the story interesting because it Entertainment. All Rights takes place way up in the mountains ReservedNOVEMBER 2018 EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! PAGE 23
Anjali Sheobaran South Effingham Elementary Avery Ferry South Effingham Elementary Gerardo Vega Brinley Carling South Effingham Elementary South Effingham Elementary Hayden Gatewood Charles Daniel IIISouth Effingham Elementary South Effingham Elementary Camille Waters South Effingham Elementary Isaac Burford EFFINGHAM COUNTY KIDSVILLE NEWS! NOVEMBER 2018 South Effingham ElementaryPAGE 24
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