Hey! This Paper Belongs To: TM Lauderdale County’s Fun Family Newspaper - June 2022 15 YEARS in the Shoals AthlleAAbrotust An Eye for Art Let's Dance Artists Cultivate Culture Art Through Time Wildville - The Chameleon Five Great Cities For Art For more fun and games, visit the Kidsville News! Website at KidsvilleNews.com/lauderdale June 2022 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 1
Hi, Kids! dcdhkeWsaoeUfyoaaWnav“ublusoTvroCnoenocSenoyutehwtrdnhruhruouifeltlislattdithusimusnmna,msnu,anltsm?td”rkmapvaemyohcanneeanxobofrRealcoyrcdtutneyiyeownnhtCtapboadaoedtpeahoutuldertaidalr’nsumrasroybmeiinrptcihnyaeucsoveeoKiegaobtu,pxeucsiisuadlsoltsdttetapah.uohisustnawobmtteofvaronnihoniaioentulilstuewldnlftcv”hetJlg,gihhviesqaovulaeiNfiocusyefnrtetxicbliitosevexatcpharlueywkypilaaelirko2oolnesmnsygrenu1cortsde.reoewre.i,ueesmdllxaAmoednaoAaoruprrsocitnf.mesrflm-onedopeelfemccDatreeurhaihwpexsneotymrnaelpsaciioeactedsnseitoyunachlsageia.foteomamlikurlnsnafnsItpiewugonrdithnslactfaatrighekehdrc,nygi“aeoshnaydosWangymmgarfldrtaosfltmtrhoeehruooetrerearaitaarhcasericl?tmcrceereietnattressoaraiM.ie.ugvainviyrfgvnaimlti,oIttooahtWtibsiinmobirctetseaeteenheahtess“?shse,tao,rk,Cstier!iouoswIdctrnrno,eshptnbn.oforedesricisotodte,meiydorbonsuubsact,ydha”diorhfroieonel!wgad Artists Cultivate Culture G reat and famous artists have lived all famous abstract artist born in Impressionism is an outdoors over the world and 1866 in Russia. Abstract art style of painting that captures does not look like anything an impression of what the artist contributed to the cultures of recognizable, as it makes sees. their countries. As you learn changes to shape, form, color Grandma Moses, born in about the contributions of these and line. Kandinsky created 1860, was an artist whose creative individuals, see how unique circular artwork. real name was Anna Mary many names sound familar. Yayoi Kusama is a Japanese Robertson Moses. This Salvador Dali was a artist who works in sculpture, American folk artist did not famous Spanish artist whose painting, performance, video, start painting until she was 78 dreams inspired his paintings, fashion, poetry and writing. years old! Most of her works sculptures and films. This She is known as the “Princess were images of simple farm life dreamy style of art is called of Polka Dots” because of her and the rural countryside of her surrealism. polka dot-themed artwork. She home. M.C. Escher was a Dutch is one of the best-selling female Vincent van Gogh was born such as Georgia O’Keeffe, Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol graphic artist born in 1898 artists of all time. in the Netherlands in 1853. and countless others contributed to the culture of their who made mathematically Henri Matisse was a famous He is one of the world’s most hometowns and the world. inspired woodcuts, lithographs French painter born in 1869. As famous painters, but when and tessellation artwork. modern artist, he used vibrant he was alive, he was not very Tessellations are connected colors, repeating patterns famous at all. His most famous patterns made of repeating and flattened forms. He also paintings are titled “Starry shapes that cover a surface mastered cut-paper art. Night,” “The Bedroom,” complely without overlapping. Claude Monet was a French “Irises” and “Sunflowers.” Wassily Kandinsky was a artist of the impressionist style. Many more talented artists https://www.livescience.com/ https://littlebinsforlittlehands.comh/tatrptiss:t/-/fworw-kwid.sb/ritahnttnpisc:a//.wcowmw/.baritt/alenpnirceac.choamu/nbiographies/arts/painting 2 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals June 2022
Let’s D ance • performed by • The shag is Come is one • women. a popular Out & Dance! of the dance that performing The polka is Play arts and one a lively dance started in originally from Central Europe. the beach of the most Ballet originated towns of in Italy during fun art forms you can try. Why? Because you the 1500s. This North Carolina and South Carolina. beautiful dance get to move! form features • The square dance — a dance for four ballerinas that couples arranged in a square, with one Music is what gets dance started. Catchy tell stories couple on each side, facing the middle of music causes you to hum and clap. Your foot through the square — is danced worldwide. starts tapping. Your fingers start snapping. movement, with examples being “The Soon your whole body wants to move. People Nutcracker” and “Swan Lake.” • The jingle dress dance is a First Nations have used dance for thousands of years to and Native American women’s pow wow express thoughts and ideas, for exercise and Capoeira is an exciting, athletic Brazilian regalia and dance. for fun. Dance can tell stories and celebrate a dance that combines dance with martial special event such as independence, spring or arts. • The grass dance or Omaha dance is a style a good harvest. of modern Native American men’s pow Traditional Irish step dancing involves wow dancing. In some cultures, dance is a way of thanking • fast, high steps and bright costumes. a higher power or asking for fortune and • Hula is a Polynesian dance form prosperity. People dance at weddings, birthday Break dancing started in New York City accompanied by chant or song. It was parties and gala events. Costumes sometimes in the 1970s with African American and developed in the Hawaiian Islands by the accompany a dance, and some dancers wear • Puerto Rican teenagers. Polynesians who originally settled there. masks or face painting, too. Fun Facts About Dance • Dance exists all over the world; these are only • The centuries-old Bharata Natyam is a few examples. What type of dance do you like best? a traditional Indian religious dance https://easyscienceforkids.com/dance/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art_movement MATHTIME 1. Jason, Trini and Billy are arguing over who will be first, second and third in line for lunch. How many different ways can they line up? JT B Kidsville News! 3 1. COLOR THESE BEARS! 2. CUT THEM OUT! (WITH ADULT) Answers On Page 23 3. USE THEM TO SOLVE www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals THE QUESTION. June 2022
This Page Brought To You By: An Eye for Art Artis all around us. While the fine arts traditionally refer to drawing, painting, printmaking and sculpture, other art forms include music, dance, theater, writing, photography, crafts such as woodworking and weaving along with multimedia, which combine many together. For many young people, art is one of their favorite school subjects. However, art is not just a school subject. You can make, use, enjoy and appreciate art anywhere. Purposes Of Art Just as many art forms exist, art has many purposes. One use of art is function. For example, pottery and baskets function as containers. Clothing is worn, and quilts cover up at night. Prepared foods derive from culinary art. Artistic works may serve practical functions, like these, in addition to their value in helping people appreciate beauty. People make art to express historic symbols of family history. Artists can also use video, photographs, emotions and ideas, too. More paper, metal, plastic or even recycled than 100,000 years ago, people buried the Art allows people to be creative, as materials in their art. dead with beads or other objects. People individuals express themselves by their art. today still light candles in remembrance of Many take up art as a hobby, but countless Some artists exhibit their art in museums loved ones. Past and present, such objects individuals go into the arts for careers. or galleries. Other artists produce art for have helped mourners remember the dead. books, movies, commercials and websites. Have you ever drawn a picture to show how Art Mediums Visual artists additionally produce art for you were feeling? commercial packaging like cereal boxes and A long time ago, the first artists used ashes ice cream cartons. Art demonstrates culture and is a way to from fire, red clay or natural pigments share who you are, what you believe in and from plants for paint. Today’s art mediums No matter what form you like or process your family history. In the histories of many include oil paints, watercolor, chalk, pastel, you use, art is for everyone. cultures around the world, sculptures were pencils and pens. Graphic artists create their sometimes made as a tribute to a god or as a work digitally on computers good luck token. Coats of arms and flags are and tablets. 4 Kidsville News! https://easyscienceforkids.com/art/ June 2022 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals
Ekklesia Preschool & Child Development Center Muscle Shoals Location H unger is a global issue, but certain parts of the world are New 103 BROAD ST. significantly more vulnerable than others. According to the NON-TRADITIONAL HOURS: 4:30AM - 7PM global humanitarian organization World Vision, an estimated For More Info: 256-314-1700 22% of the population of sub-Saharan Africa is facing undernourishment due to lack of food. By contrast, less than 3% of the population of North RegistRation Fee: $85 Alabama 3-5 YRs: America and Europe are malnourished. Ft: $128 Pt: $64 Action Against Hunger notes that the threshold for food deprivation 0-3 YRs: High-Quality is fewer than 1,800 calories per day, which underscores how preventable Full-time: $141 Pre-K student age: global hunger and undernourishment is. In fact, Action Against Hunger Classrooms in Ft: $107 Pt: $53.50 indicates that more than enough PaRt-time: $70.50 all locations food is produced to feed the Ekklesia Day Care global population. Despite that, Ekklesia Preschool Child Center 7:30am-2:30pm 401 W college St. florence the number of undernourished 3007 HatcH Blvd, SHeffield people increased by an estimated 256-314-1194 TUITION IS 256-284-7705 161 million individuals between FREE! 2019 and 2020. Various factors, including conflict and Hey Kids Send It! the pandemic, contributed to that increase, which marked a Don’t Forget To heartbreaking turn of events after significant progress in Send us YOUR the fight against world hunger Artwork or poems! had been made between 2004 and 2019. Getting back on We will print yours that prepandemic track is not in Kidsville News! impossible, and individuals interested in learning more about See Page 7 to find out how! combatting world hunger can visit www.Actionagainsthunger.org. Hidden Picture P u z z l e s Answers on Page 23 June 2022 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 5
Gee Thanks! Kidsville News!-In- Education Sponsors for helping to provide Kidsville News! to Lauderdale Kids K-6th. FLORENCE UTILITIES QZVFFHGX The TM View Local kids their answers to let us know.... our questions DoGoYOtoUpawgea2n0t to be here? and fill out... Your Answer The TM View Your Name School Grade YOUR PHOTO HERE 6 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals June 2022
Facts About ? Earth THOMAS W. The Nile River is the largest river on Earth. It measures 4,160 JOEL R. McCUTCHEON miles in length. HAMNER Mt. Everest is the highest mountain on Earth. It’s peak is 29,035 feet above sea level. The Dead Sea is the lowest point on Earth. It is 1,380 feet below sea level. The Atlantic Ocean is the saltiest ocean of the major oceans. Earth is 93 million miles away from the sun. 80% of all life on Earth lives under the water. CALL US 256-333-5000 2210 Helton Drive, Florence www.MHatty.com “No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.” Lauderdale County’s Send It Hey Kids! Truman again. I want Fun family Newspaper YOUR ORIGINAL ART WORK, LETTERS & POEMS! We may print 219 W. Tennessee St. Florence, AL 35630 them in a later issue or use them on our website! Just have your 256-764-4268 parents fill out this form and send it with your work to: EDITOR & PUBLISHER Kidsville News! • 219 W. Tennessee St. • Florence, AL 35630 Thomas V. Magazzu [email protected] KIDSVILLE COORDINATOR Andrea L. Gray [email protected] GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Andrea L. Gray Russell Roden Gwyn Jones ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES Name Age Sadonna Magazzu Heather Ridinger ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS Dr. David R. Curott Lee Freeman Richard C. Sheridan Billy Ray Warren Patricia J. Weaver Address City KIDSVILLE NEWS! PRODUCED BY State Zip School Merrigold Publications NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, School Library MERRIGOLD PUBLICATIONS Other? Where did you get your copy of Kidsville News!? Bill Bowman bbowmanupandcomingweekly.com NATIONAL EDITOR Crissy Neville [email protected] ILLUSTRATOR Your Signature (This is my own work) Cover & Truman - Dan Nelson Send your drawing in color and on UNLINED PAPER KIDSVILLENEWS LITERACY & Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature (Permission) EDUCATION FOUNDATION CAN NOT PRINT WITHOUT THIS SIGNATURE www.kidsvillenewsfoundation.com [email protected] www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 7 ©Copyright 2022 Merrigold Publications, All Rights Reserved. Truman is a service mark of Kidsville News! Inc., and the Kidsville News! logo is a registered trademark of Kidsville News! Inc. No part of this issue of Kidsville News! may be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without permission of the publisher or the copyright holder. Neither participating advertisers nor the publishers will be responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints, or typographical errors. The publishers reserve the right to edit any submitted material. Kidsville News! Inc. is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, or other material. Children’s submissions should include name, address, telephone number, and permission to publish signed by a parent or guardian. Product Printed by TN Valley Media Florence, AL June 2022
Use the stepDDbyrrstaaepwwdireaactiHoHnsuutommdrammw aiinhnugmgbmbiinirrgdbdird in the box. Use the step by step directions to draw a hummingbird in the box. 8 Kidsville News! FREE shipping June 2022 for orFdRerEsEosfh$ip2p5inogr more. fUosreoCrdoeurpsonofC$o2d5e:oKr imdsovriell.e wwwU.seexCpoluoproinngCnoadteu: rKeid.osvrigll/estore www.exploringnature.org/store www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals
?? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ?? ?? What’s it Like to Be? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? A BEEKEEPER - Amy Kendrat? Please share with our trying until I was successful I love the rewards of my use chemical fertilizers and readers your name, profession and eventually was able to labor. It requires many hours burn their trash. I don’t think and some details about your collect honey and beeswax. of physical, muscle-building many people understand the job. My beekeeping really took off movements and lifting. I feel damage they can do to wildlife when we were home during the good when I’m done. However, with such practices. Another My name is Amy Kendrat, pandemic. there is always more work to be challenge is overcoming the and I am a beekeeper. As much done. fear the public has of bees. as I like opening up a hive and What training or education looking at bees, the majority did you obtain to enter After all that hot, sweaty, What would you like others of my work is in preparation. this field? physical work, I get to harvest to know about bees and First, I put on my bee suit and the best honey in the world. The beekeeping? light my smoker. While most While I do have a bachelor’s taste does not even resemble honeybees are calm, smoke degree in animal science, I only store-bought honey. I like to Bees collect pollen and nectar. is used to calm the bees when took one entomology class, bottle it and send it to family The pollen is used to make food going into their hive. Bees which is the study of insects. as Christmas gifts. I also make for their brood. They use the usually like a gentle touch, but I found the best training is beeswax candles and lip balms. nectar to make honey. They can sting if they feel they must local bee schools offered at need the honey to survive the protect the hive. I try to be the county and state levels. On a nice warm day, I can winter. Sometimes the bees in careful and go slow. I wear a I also try to keep learning take a break and watch the bees my hive make so much honey bee suit with a veil and gloves. by continuing my education as they come in from the field that I can take the extra. Honey We beekeepers try to make sure and also reading, watching gathering pollen and nectar. is heavier than water and sticky we breed calm bees to make the YouTube videos and talking to It’s like watching a miniature but is also deliciously sweet! job easier. If I take good care of others on social media about metropolitan airport in your the bees. the reward I receive is beekeeping. Last year I became backyard. Bees are having it really the honey! a certified beekeeper, the first rough right now. Try to find step to becoming a Master What are some challenges out what you can do to help When and why did you Beekeeper. I am studying you face? the honeybee. The choices you decide on this vocation? to become a Journeyman make now will affect how well beekeeper. I also learn from Every year I face the you eat in the future and how When I was a child, I was others by volunteering and by challenge of fighting much you will spend at the fascinated by watching the the mistakes I make. diseases, pests and the unsafe grocery store. Bees pollinate bees on flowers so I started environmental practices of about one of every three bites collecting bees. I bought my What do you like best about others. I use only organic you put in your mouth. first two hives in 2015 and kept your work? supplies that are still safe for bees, but my neighbors June 2022 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 9
Art Through Timert is found in every society around the world, a fact proven People rediscovered science, freeing true since the beginning of time. Some of the earliest artists up to paint other things outside Aexamples of art were sculptures, cave painting and rock art the realm of religion. Have you heard found dating from the Upper Paleolithic era, which according to of Michelangelo and Leonardo da science lasted from about 50,000–40,000 years ago until 10,000 years ago. Vinci? These men are famous artists of The timeline of art represents the past and the present time. • In ancient times, Egypt, India, China, Greece, this period. • Renaissance artists still painted Rome, Arabia and all the great civilizations had works and styles of art. religious pictures but began to paint mythological pictures, • European art in the Middle Ages, the period of time from 500 to 1400–1500 A.D., represented too. These artists also invented perspective where things in the people from the Bible in paintings, stained glass windows and mosaic tile floors and walls. distance look smaller than things close up in • In the early days of India and Tibet, painted the picture. This was new because in the Middle sculptures, dance and religious painting were Ages all subjects were painted close up the typical art mediums. • In the ancient times of China includes and overlapping. jade carving, bronze work, pottery, poetry, • The late 1800s brought many new painting calligraphy, music, painting, drama and fiction. Chinese artistic styles were named after the styles such as Classicism, Romanticism, Realism ruling dynasty. • The Renaissance, a term that means “rebirth,” and Impressionism. period in Europe followed the Middle Ages. • Art in the 1900s includes Expressionism, Fauvism, Cubism, Dadaism, Surrealism and Minimalism. • The present time is the 21st Century. Art in the 2000s includes digital art, computer graphics, new media art and more. • Art forms change and develop but never quite vanish. Though art today is often found on a screen, artists still create paintings and sculpture. https://kids.kiddle.co/Art Knowledge Power Submitted By Patricia J. Weaver Answers on Page 23 The Battle of the Little Bighorn Custer’s brother-in-law E. Comanche, a horse 1. What tribe of Indian attacked General George Armstrong Custer and the Seventh Cavalry at the Battle of the Little 6. What President of the United States sent troops to hunt down Bighorn? A. Cheyenne B. Lakota C. Blackfeet hostile Indians that were living off the reservation? D. Sioux E. All of the above A. Ulysses S. Grant B. Andrew Johnson C. Rutherford B. Hayes D. James A. Garfield E. Chester A. Arthur 2. Who were Major Marcus Reno and Captain Frederick Benteen? A. Survivors from the Battle B. Scouts 7. How many members of the Custer family died at the Little C. The officers under Custer’s command D. Messengers Bighorn? A. 3 B. 2 C. 1 D. 5 E. 7 E. Commanders murdered at the Battle of Rosebud 3. Who were the two main leaders of the Indian warriors? A. Black Elk and Geronimo B. Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse C. Lone Wolf and Squanto D. Red Cloud and Little Turtle E. Two Moons and Pontiac 4. What was the date of the Battle of the Little Bighorn? A. July 4, 1877 B. November 11,1875 C. June 25, 1876 D. January 1, 1874 E. March 10, 1878 5. There was one member of the Seventh Cavalry that “The Custer Fight” by Charles Marion Russell - painted in 1903 survived the battle at Little Bighorn, who was it? A. Private William O. Taylor B. Bloody Knife, a scout C. Fred Girard, civilian interpreter D. James Calhoun, 10 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals June 2022
This Page Brought To You By What’s the Difference? There are 7 THINGS that are different in these pictures. Di erences: 1) Glasses are missing 2) Pants 3) Shirts 4) No background 5) Keys missing from keybDoi aerdrences: 1) Glasses are missing 2) Pants 3) Shirts 4) No b 6) Color of Keyboard 7) Highlight in hair missing 6) Color of Keyboard 7) Highligh Answers on Page 23 1WHW.ohhWswaehrthde’esoaedtethipsded?ttohshmeeyaomorcteuueasstcniciasntaelslyeaacchthi?h?eAraItlpeswappvaeyevllbheineasg!rbkbyeeyes?! 2. IfInyotuher dpioagnok!isses you, what do you call it? 3. Why are bakers mean? 4. What did one math book say to the other math book? Answers: 1. A merry little lamb. 2. A pooch smooch. 3. Because they whip the 4. Icrheaavem aa lnodtboefatprtohbeleegmgs.s June 2022 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 11
12 Kidsville News! Want Your ARTWORK Hello! Sponsor this Or Your POETRY here? page... www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Send it to us. and reach all Shoals area students in We’ll print it in a future issue. K-6th grade, parents, and their teachers Fill OutotnhepaSgeend7!It form in this award-winning Your Name Your Age Your City fun, family newspaper. Please call Tom at 256-740-4701 for more information. February 201J9une 20 June Days to Remember In June: June 8 This is the birthday of American architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959). He designed about 1,000 structures and is considered the most influential architect of his time. June 14, 1777 John Adams introduced a resolution before Congress mandating a United States flag. This anniversary is celebrated each year in the U.S. as Flag Day. June 19 The day is now celebrated as Juneteenth to commemorate Emancipation and to recognize the struggle for freedom and equality of African Americans. On this date in 1865, an estimated 250,000 enslaved African Americans in Texas were freed. June 19 Father’s Day is a holiday that honors fatherhood and paternal bonds, as well as the influence of fathers in society. In the U.S., it falls on the second Sunday in June each year. June 21 In 2022, the June solstice occurs on Tuesday, June 21, marking the first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
022 February 2019 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 21 23 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals 12 13 Frank Lloyd Wright’s Birthday 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Flag Day 23 24 25 Father’s Day 21 22 Helen Keller Festival June 23-26, 2022 - Tuscumbia Juneteenth 1st Day of 29 Summer 30 26 27 28 Kidsville News! 13 Helen Keller Festival Tuscumbia
Guess Where This Is! By Lee Freeman, Florence-Lauderdale Public Library, Local History - Genealogy Department Following are several historical photos of locations in Florence. See if you can match up where and approximately when each one is/was. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ______ Florence Ice & Coal Company, East Florence, 1915. ______ Hardee’s Hamburgers, Seven Points, 1960s. ______ Corner Drugs, North Seminary St., 1950s. ______ Majestic Theater, Court St., 1950s. ______ Firestone Bldg, Cantrell Plaza, Corner of N. Court ______ WOWL Channel 15 sign, South Court St., 1960s. ______ Intelligence Row, now Short Court St., 1940s. & Hermitage Drive, 1959. ______ North Court, 1950s. ______ T. G. & Y. Store, Seven Points Shopping Center, 1970s. ______ Seven Points, 1960s. ______ Darby’s Shell Service Station, North Court, 1940s. ______Sullivan Drugstore, East Florence, 1903. ______ Burrell Normal School, West College St., 1904. ______ Lamar Furniture Co., North Court, 1940s. Answers on Page 23 14 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals June 2022
Thank You Friends! First Southern Bank Odem and Odem, Attorneys Those listed here also help www.firstsouthern.com 210 W. Tennessee St., Florence us produce and distribute this Parents’ Choice Award- Godfather’s Pizza 1Life Neurology Center Winning Newspaper FREE to all local school children! Mall Rd. Florence 1919 Woodward Ave., Muscle Shoals Shoals Christian School Ekklesia Preschool Florence ShoalsChristian.org & Child Development Center Excel Computer Services Longrider Supply Co. Florence 256-767-3337 Feed, Seed, & Tack Simpson’s Collision Repair Alabama Metal Art Florence • Sheffield • Killen AlabamaMetalArt.com YMCA of the Shoals Patterson, Prince and Associates, PC www.ymcashoals.org 475 S. Seminary St., Florence 256-766-8915 If an artist could pick any animal to be, most would choose Scientific Classification the chameleon. Why? Chameleons are among the most colorful creatures, that’s why! Kingdom: Animalia Chameleons are reptiles that are part of the iguana suborder. Phylum: Chordata These colorful lizards are known as one of the few animals that Class: Reptilia can change skin color. Most people think a chameleon can change Order: Squamata its color to match its surroundings, but this isn’t really true. Some Suborder: Iguania chameleons change colors to hide themselves; others change colors Family: Chamaeleonidae based on how they’re feeling. Chameleons have some of the most brilliant colors of any reptiles. They can have spots of orange, yellow, red, blue or green. Chameleons also have bumpy scales and fringe on their bodies. Where can you find these interesting reptiles? There are about 160 species living in Africa, Madagascar, Spain and Portugal, across south Asia and in Sri Lanka. They have been introduced to Hawaii, California and Florida and are found in warm habitats that vary from rain forest to desert conditions. Chameleons are good household pets in the right circumstances, but they aren’t the best choice for everyone. That’s because chameleons require an exact care regimen with a more hands-off approach. If you want a pet you can hold a lot, these creatures are not for you. Fun Facts About Chameleons • Chameleons can look at two different things at once due to their colors attract heat better than light ones. swiveling eyes. • Chameleons have a fast tongue that can stick out to 26 times • The largest ones grow to almost 2 feet long. The smallest one is the length of its body to catch insects. The tongue moves so fast smaller than your thumb! that it is a blur. • The panther chameleon changes its color to yellow or red when • Sick chameleons look pale in color. it’s angry. • Most chameleons lay eggs in a hole in the ground. Some • When a chameleon is cold, it will become darker in color. Dark incubate the eggs in their bodies and have live babies. June 2022 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 15
Local History Written by Billy Warren the Marne River, 56 miles from Did You Know? Paris, the capital city of France. A Shoals Area – France Connection It was the site of two major battles, Shoals area history is not always confined to Colbert and both bearing Lauderdale Counties in Alabama. Because local citizens travel the city’s name: (as do citizens everywhere), the connections with other parts of the Battle of the United States and the world are expanded over and over. Chateau-Thierry in 1914 during the Probably at no time are the expanded connections more Napoleonic Wars prominent than in times of war. When America becomes involved and the Battle in a war, Shoals area men and women in all five branches of the of Chateau- military (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard) are Thierry between likely to be sent to various parts of the world. the United States and Germany in During World War II, in which America was involved from 1918, which was 1941 to 1945, a local soldier was stationed in Chateau-Thierry, a turning point France, for a brief period of time: August 30 to September 5, of World War I. 1944. While there, he purchased a booklet of photographs of In appreciation the town. Look closely at the three photographs that accompany for the great help this month’s column; by doing so, you will see some of what the that Chateau- young soldier saw. Thierry received from America America was not at war with France; in fact, the two countries during World were allies. The soldier who purchased these pictures was there War I, the town to help protect France during war time. created a grand memorial and entitled it the “Chateau-Thierry American So, here is some interesting information about Chateau- Monument.” It is a major tourist attraction today. Thierry. It is in the Province of Champagne and is located on Unaware of it at the time, of course, the young soldier from the Shoals area was making history. His brief Water Wise period of military service in Chateau-Thierry, France, created a historical connection between the Shoals and an Match the Water-Saving Tip to the Amount of Water Saved interesting French city by the simple purchase of a booklet of photographs. 1. Use a hose nozzle and turn off the water while you wash your car or bike and save this much water. 2. You’ll save this much water A. More than 50 gallons SOMETHING TO DO: 1. Go on oline to find a map of France. Located Chateau- if you time your shower to a week Thierry. Is it north, south, east or west of Paris? keep it under 5 minutes. 2. While you’re on-line, google Chateau-Thierry B. Up to 80 gallons American Monument. Does it look like one of the three 3. If you turn off the shower photographs that accompany this month’s column? Write every time at least three sentences to describe the monument. while you shampoo, how many gallons will you save? 4. Turn off the water while C. 4 gallons every 3. Pretend that you are creating a booklet of photographs about the Shoals area. Make a list of five sites you would you brush your teeth and minute include. Be sure to consider the entire Shoals area, not just you’ll keep this much water the town in which you live. from going down the drain. D. More than 100 4. Using a reference source, write a brief definition of 5. Use a broom instead of a gallons each of these terms: hose to wash off driveways E. Up to 1000 gallons a. Prominent and sidewalks and save this b. Allies much water. a month c. Turning Poin Brought to you by: FLORENCE WATER DEPT. Answers On Page 23 16 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals June 2022
HELP! Truman Lost His Hat! Maybe you can help him find it & WIN A PLUSH MINI- TRUMAN OR PUPPET!* Somewhere in this Kidsville News! is Truman’s small red hat! This hat will not be on Truman. Find only his red hat! Send us the form below for a chance to win! *Subject to TtLhhaeesntnamemxotenisotshfu’tsehheoafwtKiwnidanssevroislnlwepiNallgebwee7si!.n availability. May Winners of a Mini-Truman Aubrielle Nix Trace Gargis of Florence of Muscle Shoals Pick yours up at the Courier Journal Office 219 W. Tennessee St., Florence Email to [email protected] Or Mail entry to us by June 24 Hat on pg. _________ Your Name Phone mail to: Address Kidsville News! Town 219 W. Tennessee St. School Florence, AL 35630 5 Great Cities for Art The top five cities in the world to view art in galleries or outside in public art displays or even through amazing works of architecture are Rome, Italy; Paris, France; Berlin, Germany; Valencia, Spain; and the Chinese special administrative region of Hong Kong in Asia. The United States city of New York comes in at the number six spot on this list by the world traveling writer at https://www.wildjunket.com. Rome, Italy Valencia, Spain While in Rome, the first can’t-miss art site is The Vatican Museum Spain’s third largest city is nicknamed the City of Arts and that features more than nine miles of galleries. People flock Sciences and is known for its unique buildings. How would you here to see Renaissance art and one of the world’s most famous like to see a building shaped like a whale skeleton, a giant eye masterpieces: Michelangelo’s frescoes in the Sistine Chapel. and a spacehelmet? Outdoor statues and museums are popular in Valencia. Paris, France The city of Paris is the location of the world’s largest and most Hong Kong famous art museum, The Louvre, which is filled with over 35,000 One famous art destination in Hong Kong is M+, a museum of masterpieces. The city has some of the most beautiful buildings visual culture in the West Kowloon Cultural District in Hong and bridges in the world, too, making it one of the top spots on the Kong, known as Asia’s art capital. Every year, the city attracts globe for art. thousands of art lovers worldwide for art fairs such as Art Basel Hong Kong, the Asia Contemporary Art Show, Art Central and the Berlin, Germany Affordable Art Fair. In the city of Berlin, visitors go to the Musee d’Orsay gallery, whose treasure trove includes impressionist and post-impressionist art. Berlin is not only home to hundreds of galleries and lots of street art, but also a district called Museum Island, which is home to five different art museums. https://www.wildjunket.com/artistic-cities-around-the-world/ https://theculturetrip.com/europe/articles/the-15-best-cities-in-the-world-for-art/ June 2022 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 17
This Page Brought To You By BfooroKkidRs ebvyiKewidss By Madeleine H., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 9 https://youtu.be/71tCxOVFvxM Francis at the and is easy to Beach follow. Do you love the beach? If so, Francis at the I like that Beach is the book for you. A great summer Francis takes read, this e-book will appeal to those beach a vacation lovers — like me — out there. Francis, an to rest from animated rat who is the main character, falls his hard into this category. The most appealing thing firefighting job. I also like that Fiona is about Francis at the Beach is how much respectful of the baby turtles by leaving Francis learns about and enjoys on his beach her porch light off. The vocabulary and trip at his sister Fiona’s house. I especially concepts are easy to understand. At first, enjoyed it when Francis discovers the conch the use of animated characters in a real-life shell; those shells are beautiful. setting didn’t make sense, but by the end, I liked it. This book is about Francis, a hardworking firefighter, who needs a rest and decides to The message of the book is that we visit his sister. Fiona is a lifeguard and lives need to treat our planet better, especially at the beach. He learns so many things about our beaches. Picking up plastic bottles to the seashore and ocean from his sister while recycle is important, or limiting the use of he has a very relaxing time. plastic. The story also encourages kids to be grateful and to appreciate a vacation. It This e-book is an easy read with interesting also talks about necessary professions such illustrations featuring cartoon characters in as lifeguard and firefighter live-action settings. Francis learns how to ride the surf, relax and take better care of the ocean Francis at the Beach is a great book for and its inhabitants. We can all take better care a fun escape to the beach. I give Francis at of our planet by recycling plastic the Beach 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 2 to 8. It’s a fun e-book that can be One part of the book I found confusing read by parents for little ones and older kids is when Frances takes the bus trip; it states can easily read it for themselves. that he will need to take two buses. Then, he falls asleep and still wakes up where he needs to be. Otherwise, the story moves along nicely 18 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals June 2022
What is a Heat Wave? While a heat wave may seem like the perfect excuse to go jump in a pool or run through First, remember to take it easy. Try to avoid exercising or doing strenuous a sprinkler, this weather condition can be activities outdoors. If you need to be outside, remember to drink plenty very dangerous. Although sounding less dramatic than of water and stay out of the sun as much as possible. You should also try a tornado or a hurricane, heat waves are actually the to wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothing and eat light, avoiding heavy deadliest weather phenomenon in the United States. So, foods or meats that will increase your body’s heat production. If you don’t what are heat waves, and how can we stay safe during a have access to air conditioning, find a friend who does or go to a public heat wave? place that has air-conditioning. Lastly, be very careful in cars, as they Basically, a heat wave is a period of unusually hot can heat up extremely quickly. Never spend time in a parked car with weather that lasts for two or more days in a given area. the windows rolled up, and make sure to be careful of metal objects, like To be considered a heat wave, the temperatures outside seatbelts, inside the car. Metal items can get very hot very fast. have to be much hotter than the usual or historical heat averages for that area. For this reason, the term “heat Stay cool this summer. wave” means different things in different places. For example, a few 95-degree days in Maine may be a heat wave, but temperatures in Death Valley would have to be well over 120 degrees to qualify as a heat wave. So, what causes a heat wave? Usually, heat waves form as a result of trapped air. As opposed to cycling around the globe, air can become trapped in one area. When it doesn’t move around, the air just keeps getting warmer and warmer — think of the air inside of a hot oven. What stops the air from moving? This stop usually happens because of high pressure systems. High pressure systems in the atmosphere force air downward. This sinking air acts like a lid to a jar, trapping the warm ground air in place. Without rising air, rain does not come, and nothing prevents the hot air from getting hotter. The result is a heat wave! Heat waves can be dangerous for everyone, but can be especially harmful to the elderly, very young children and people that don’t have access to air conditioning. As summer gets closer and temperatures start rising, it is important to know how to stay safe during a heat wave. Here are a few tips to help keep you cool. Fun All Summer! Get your New Issue of Kidsville News! this summer July & August at these great locations Lauderdale Co. Colbert Co. • Children’s Museum • Cherokee Public Library of the Shoals • Colbert County Tourism • Helen Keller Public • Florence-Lauderdale Public Library Library, Tuscumbia • Sheffield Public Library • Killen Public Library • Muscle Shoals • Lexington Library • McDonald’s on Public Library • McDonald’s Florence Blvd. & Cloverdale Rd. • Rogersville Public Library • YMCA of the Shoals • Courier Journal office And Some Ekklesia Summer Food Locations Online Page Flip versions available for each county at kidsvillenews.com/lauderdale and kidsvillenews.com/colbert June 2022 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 19
TM ParenTown’s KidSmart The View Unique Ways to Honor Dad Student Questionnaire this Father’s Day Mail, bring by or email us YOUR PHOTO & your answers! Father’s Day is a day many Name families look forward to. Though its history might not go Grade School back as far as many religious or government-designated Fax # 256-760-9618 Email: [email protected] holidays, Father’s Day is a Mail: 219 W. Tennessee Street • Florence, AL 35630 tradition in many households. What is your favorite...... Father’s Day is celebrated on Author? the third Sunday in June in the United States, Canada and also Subject in school? in the United Kingdom. While Father’s Day might trace its Gift you have received? origins to the United States, the holiday is celebrated Movie? CANNOT across the globe, including Thing that you did this summer? PRINT in Argentina, Greece, India, What do you like best about P.E.? Singapore and New Zealand. WITHOUT PHOTO Fathers often receive gifts from their spouses and children on Father’s Day. What to give the dad who seemingly has it all leaves many people Do you watch America’s Funniest Home Videos On T.V.? scratching their heads in the weeks preceding Father’s Day. People who find themselves in such situations can think outside the Have you ever ridden in a convertible car? box and look for ways to honor their fathers this year. The following are some unique ways to honor Dad this Father’s Day. Travel Have you ever met your great-grandparents? Dad may be pleasantly surprised by a stroll down Memory Lane. Plan a day trip or weekend excursion to Dad’s hometown, visiting all his old haunts, including the house he grew up in, and allow What does the word talent mean to you? him to serve as a tour guide. This can be a great way for Dad to share stories and for his family to learn a little more about the old man. Other great places to visit include Dad’s college campus or his ancestral homeland. Do you speak another language? Highlight Reel In the months preceding Father’s Day, do some covert digging through family photo albums to create a This Is Your Life highlight Do you know how to water ski or snow ski? reel for Dad. Go back as far as possible, even looking through Dad’s baby photos if you can find them. This might require a collaborative effort, requiring the whole family to work together, but that can Do you like going to the pet store? make for an enjoyable way for families to spend time together and see how Dad became the man he is today. Present the finished product at a family dinner on Father’s Day. Do you like to read aloud? Make a List Another unique way to honor Dad is to compile a list of the many MUST HAVE ways you are and will always be grateful for having him as a father. PERMISSION Adults honoring their fathers can cite specific examples they recall TO PRINT Parent/Guardian Permission from childhood and young adulthood when Dad went above and beyond or served as a sounding board or shoulder to cry on. This is I give Kidsville News! permission to print my CHILD’S PHOTO & opinion on a great way to honor Dad and let him know all those sacrifices and any questions listed above. I do realize my child’s first name, school and grade could be printed in this publication. I have enclosed or emailed my CHILD’S PHOTO. special moments are still appreciated and will never be forgotten. Parent/Guardian SIGNATURE Date Father’s Day is a chance to honor Dad, and the way you choose to do so can be as unique as the man himself. 20 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals June 2022
d Simple Whole Roasted Chicken S imple whole roasted chicken is an unbelievably juicy and tender dish that makes for a beautiful centerpiece, perhaps for your Father’s Day table this June. Juicy and tender When cooking, for chicken falls off the bone and will leave safety, always get help your entire family satisfied. Enjoy from an adult first. this recipe for Simple Whole Roasted Chicken by the Abundance of Flavor food blogger, Kalin Williams. Ingredients 1 lemon halved 1 whole chicken 4-5 sprigs of fresh thyme salt as needed 2 teaspoons pepper 1 onion sliced 2 tablespoon olive oil Excellent Service, Expert Advice Instructions 1909 Florence Blvd., Florence, AL 35630 Allow 24 hours before cooking the chicken to add an even layer of salt, about 1-2 teaspoons, to the dish; next, cover and refrigerate. (across from Hobby Lobby) Preheat the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit and bring the chicken up to room temperature on the counter. 256-767-3337 Place half of the onion, lemon and thyme in the bottom of the www.ExcelAL.com pan. Place the other half of the onion, lemon and thyme in the cavity of the chicken. Florence • Sheffield • Killen Set the chicken in the pan with the breasts up. Pour olive oil over the chicken and sprinkle pepper and a little more salt. Cook undisturbed for 30 minutes. Then lower the heat to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and baste the chicken. Continue cooking for 30- 40 more minutes or until the juices run clear. June 2022 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 21
A World Without Electricity wire to the ground. He did not realize he did a VERY dangerous thing Can you imagine a world without because the spark could electricity? Well that’s easy. Just watch any have easily killed him. movie with a story taking place before 1850. But by conducting such No cars, no planes, no radio or TV, no electric experiments, he was the lights or movies, no internet, and certainly no cell first to determine there phones just to mention a few. Can you think of are two kind of electrical anything else? How would we explore space and properties. He called one go to the Moon without electrical controls and kind “positive” and the radios and computers? other kind “negative”. The way people live has changed radically in So today we talk about the past 150 years. When I was young, one and a atomic particles half centuries seemed like “forever”, but now that having “positive” or I have lived over half that time, I realize we are “negative” charges, only speaking about a few generations. Actually, or no charge, and my father grew up before planes and automobiles. that language was People back then used horses, bicycles, trains invented by old Ben. (sometimes boats), or legs to travel between Around our towns. In just 3 or 4 generations, the “world” has Civil War times, dramatically changed. I claim that none of this (1865), a Scottish would have been possible before electricity was scientist showed understood and exploited.As soon as the properties that electricity and of electricity were discovered, inventive people magnetism could started to figure out ways to use it. One of the first produce “Electro-magnetic” waves. About 20 years later a German uses was to transmit power. Instead of having scientist Heinrich Hertz demonstrated a to haul coal, crude radio transmitter and receiver. An oil, or wood Italian, Guglielmo Marconi, developed many miles to a radio for communication. The 20th heat homes, century enjoyed broadcasts of radio ways were and, later, television. Notice how it took d e v e l o p e d scientists from many countries to make to transmit progress. power long Now the 21st distances to century has seen the homes and ubiquitous (ever-present) use of cell phones factories over which receive and send information by radio wires strung waves. on tall poles or towers. First, houses were lit by electric lights And computers have changed society in thanks to the prolific (productive) inventor Thomas Alva Edison. so many ways. They are electronic marvels. He invented the first successful light bulb. I know the discovery of electricity has influenced so much of my life. What would your life be like if electricity had never been discovered? How would you travel? How would you hear music? How would you wash clothes? How would you communicate? How do doctors use electricity? What would you use for computers? We ask again: What would your life be like without electricity? Benjamin Franklin is famous, in part, for his early experiments We take for granted electricity, water, even concerts. with electricity. You may have heard that he flew a kite in a Count your blessings. - Damian Marley - thunderstorm and he saw a spark jump from the bottom of the kite © 2022 Dr. David R. Curott, UNA Professor Emeritus 22 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals June 2022
INTRODUCING Explorer Rewards Cole Now members ages 5-14 can track savings and redeem rewards online. With Member since 2013 all kinds of rewards to explore—such as zoos, ball parks, water parks, and museums—this new program makes it easier than ever for kids to save money, earn rewards, and start exploring. ª listerhill.com/explorer ANSWERS Guess Where This Is! MATHTIME 14. Florence Ice & Coal Company, East Florence 1. (6 different ways) Students 3. Corner Drugs, North Seminary St. may act out this problem or use 13. Firestone Bldg, Cantrell Plaza, manipulatives such as teddy bear 10. T. G. & Y. Store, Seven Points Shopping Center counters (one red, one blue, one 11. Darby’s Shell Service Station, N. Court green) to represent the three students. They should 2. Burrell Normal School keep a table or chart to record their results. 6. Lamar Furniture Co., N. Court 8. Hardee’s Hamburgers, Seven Points 5. Majestic Theater, Court St. 1. WOWL Channel 15 Sign, South Court St. 9. Intelligence Row, Now Short Court St.. 12. North Court, 1950s. 4. Seven Points, 1960s. 7. Sullivan Drugstore, East Florence, 1903 Nature Water Wise Knowledge Water WiseMother Power Match the Water-Saving Tip to the Amount of Water Saved Answers: 1. Use a hose nozzle and turn 1. E off the water while you wash 2. C 3. B 1. UMseaatchohsetnhoezzWle aantdetru-SrnavingmyoTuuicprhcawtroaotAertrhb.nie3kse.Awa(mnAdeo)srau,svn4:et.t1ho(.isCf(W)D, a)5,t.e2(r.BS()aEv)e, d 4. C off the water while you wash 5. E 6. A your car or bike and save this 2. You’ll save this much water 7. D much water. if you time your shower to keep it under 5 minutes. A. More than 50 gallons a week 2. You’ll save this much water ikfeyeopuittiumnedyeor u5rmshino3wuw.hteeilIrsef.tyyooouu tsuhranmopfof oth, ehosAhwo.wMeorre than 50 gallons B. Up to 80 gallons many gallons will you save?a week every time Surfing Wave3. If you turn off the shower 4yBo..ueTUubvperrnurtyosoht8fifym0otehugeratlwleoaenttsehrawnhdile C. 4 gallons every What’s the Difference? Curlwhile you shampoo, how minute Di erences: 1) Glasses are missing 2) Pants 3) Shirts 4) No background 5) Keys missing from keyboard many gallons will you save? 6) Color of Keyboard 7) Highlight in hair missing D. More than 100 you’ll keep this much water gallons from going down the drain. 4. Turn off the water while C. 4 gallons every you brush your teeth and minute June 2022 you’ll keep this much 5w.aUtesre a broom instead of a E. Up to 10w00wgallwons.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 23 from going down thehdorsaeint.o wash off driveways a month and sidewalks aDnd. Msaovereththisan 100 much water. gallons 5. Use a broom instead of a hose to wash off driveways and sidewalks and save this E. UpBrtooug1h0t t0o0yoguablylo: ns much water. FLOaRmEoNnCthE WATER DEPT. Answers On Page 23
Convenient Offices Be Sun Located Across Savvy! Northwest Alabama PULMONARY AND SLEEP MEDICINE Dr. Lynn Ridgeway - Matthew Montgomery - CRNP 342 Cox Blvd, Sheffield • 256-383-4473 INTERNAL MEDICINE Dr. Zaman Shah Hannah Hale - CRNP • Baylee Smith - CRNP 342 Cox Blvd, Sheffield • 256-383-4473 Dr. Hameed Iqbal With summer comes fun times outside, 201 Rosa Lane, Florence • 256-275-3838 but you should be aware of FAMILY MEDICINE AND SPORT MEDICINE Dr. Carlos Liotta - Anita McDonald - CRNP 342 Cox Blvd, Sheffield • 256-383-4473 the sun whenever outdoors. SPORT MEDICINE AND ORTHOPEDICS Dr. Paul Davis - Brooke Box - CRNP A sunburn is skin damage 1404 E. Avalon Ave., Suite A, Tuscumbia from the sun’s ultraviolet 256-381-5507 CARDIOLOGY (UV) rays. Sunburns Dr. Paul Morris can be painful, so take 201 Rosa Lane, Florence 256-460-5447 • 256-415-8567 GENERAL SURGERY Dr. Alan Billsby precautions! 500 N. Montgomery Ave., Sheffield • 256-386-5504 WOMEN’S HEALTH • Be aware of the time of day. You are more Lisa Gamble - CRNP 500 N. Montgomery Ave., Sheffield likely to get sunburn between 10am and 4pm 256-386-5504 and Ford City 14490 County Line Rd., Ste. A, Muscle Shoals • Water can reflect the sun 256-661-2138 • Walk-ins Welcome ray’s and cause sunburns. FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. George Evans - Krysten Richardson - PA Make sure you take extra 340 Cox Blvd, Sheffield • 256-383-4473 precautions at pools and Dr. Brad Ginevan 340 Cox Blvd, Sheffield • 256-383-4473 around lakes or ponds. Dr. Aaron W. Karr • Protect you skin! Use Amanda McGee - CRNP • Malea Robinson - CRNP 342 Cox Blvd, Sheffield • 256-383-4473 sunscreen and wear clothing Dr. Darin Bowling - Mark Hodges - CRNP that covers your skin! 342 Cox Blvd, Sheffield • 256-383-4473 • Don’t stay in the sun too long. Take breaks! Dr. Dorene Morris 1404 E. Avalon Ave., Suite A, Tuscumbia 256-381-5507 Dr. Javar Myatt-Jones 1404 E. Avalon Ave., Suite A, Tuscumbia 256-381-5507 Dr. Terence Hart 1404 E. Avalon Ave., Suite A. Tuscumbia 256-381-5507 Stay Safe! Dr. Charles Hall 1404 E. Avalon Ave., Suite A, Tuscumbia 256-381-5507 Dr. Steve Norman (and Geriatric Care) 1404 E. Avalon Ave., Suite A. Tuscumbia 256-381-5507 Dr. Reid Melson 2122 Helton Dr., Florence • 256-415-8680 Dr. Rameen Hashemiyoon 2122 Helton Dr., Florence • 256-415-8680 LEXINGTON CLINIC Welcoming Dr. Flora D. Kayfan - Julie Archer - CRNP New 11631 Hwy 101, Lexington • 256-229-6262 FORD CITY CLINIC Patients Dr. Galen Kiser - Lisa Gamble - CRNP 14490 County Line Rd., Muscle Shoals 256-661-2138 All Insurance and CHEROKEE CLINIC Cash Payments Accepted Misty Maxwell - CRNP shoalsprimarycarellc.com 1080 Second St., Cherokee • 256-359-4516 24 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals June 2022
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