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Home Explore Andrea Gray - Lauderdale County - MARCH 2019

Andrea Gray - Lauderdale County - MARCH 2019

Published by TheCoolPublisher, 2019-03-06 12:02:25

Description: Andrea Gray - Lauderdale County - MARCH 2019


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CCoo--SSppoonnssoorreedd BByy:: Hey! This Paper Belongs To: TM Lauderdale County’s Fun Family Newspaper - March 2019 OOuurr AAmmaazziinngg EEaarrtthh WWhhaatt''ss IItt LLiikkee TToo BBee AA WWiillddllaanndd TTrruusstteeee?? TTyyppeess ooff VVoollccaannooeess aanndd GGeeyysseerrss WWhheerree IInn TThhee WWoorrlldd IIss HHaawwaaiiii?? 33 FFuunn WWaayyss FFaammiilliieess CCaann GGeett FFiitt TTooggeetthheerr For more fun and games, visit the Kidsville News! Website at March 2019 Kidsville News! 1

Hi, Kids! t“othCuhVeoWraynotnple.ceelaaacTlninctvhoeiheoietsnswosd,mno.o”rogeaknesLn.tyehstaa,eomrrnwbsaelzaoaibwnntgoaduokptfhelfoatatnhseetsltoep.odarkimiIfnfgaaaestmnrdeasonrsermcueeretlesiheobeyvfeeofuttopwhcareeuelersscnesoaiunotdrhlyeet.mhkninoagwnsd how Earthquakes are the main topic in “Around the World.” Learn about big ones, small ones and why they happen. In “Wildville,” we talk about extreme living — in geothermal habitats! We have a lot in store for you this month. Read on. Hidden Picture Puzzles Answers on Pg. 23 2 Kidsville News! March 2019

This Page Brought To You By: Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, United States The Earth is made of five different layers. occurs in the ground. be as hot as 450 degrees Fahrenheit. The top and thinnest layer is called the In hot springs, the water sits at the surface crust. Under the crust is the mantle. The of the Earth’s crust. The temperature of hot Volcanoes mantle is made of hot, molten rock. springs vary. Some are safe for people to Volcanoes are places where the Earth’s Sometimes the Earth’s crust has cracks, swim in, and others are so hot they are too crust is broken. Magma from within the and things really heat up! This is called dangerous to touch. earth makes its way through to the surface. volcanic activity. These eruptions can be very dangerous. Geysers are a type of hot spring, but not Some eruptions are so violent they spray Geysers and Hot Springs the kind you would want to swim in. Water hot magma and super-heated rocks all Geysers and hot springs are types of is heated by magma under the Earth’s crust, around the surrounding areas. Some volcanic activity. They happen when but what makes a geyser special is that the eruptions are much slower, and magma magma — that hot, molten rock under the water erupts from the spring and shoots slowly leaks from the volcano. Earth’s crust — heats water that naturally steam and water into the air. Geysers can March 2019 Kidsville News! 3

Proud Sponsor of This Page What are geothermal ecosystems? animals can use. Just as on land, the ocean floor has mountains and valleys. • The very first hydrothermal vent was discovered by Robert These features are created, as they are on land, when the tectonic plates of Earth’s crust move and shift. In the ocean, these Ballard in 1977. geothermal activities can create something called a hydrothermal • He found the vent 8,000 feet under the water in the vent. These are areas where Earth’s magma (liquid rock) that has seeped into the ocean floor heats the cold sea water. The hot Galapagos Rift off the coast of South America. water is pushed out of vents or cracks in the sea floor. • Since 1977, vents have been found all over the globe, and 800 Normally on the ocean floor, the water is cold because it is new animal species have been discovered. too deep for sunlight to reach it. Hydrothermal vents are special • Most of the life living near the vents are microbes, but the because the water that comes out of them is very hot and full of chemicals and nutrients. The heat and nutrients in the water billions of microbes are necessary to support larger animals near these vents let some special animals survive on the sea floor as well. where other sea life could not survive. • Scientist have found crabs, shrimp, tube worms and • Water around hydrothermal vents can be 750 degrees octopuses living near hydrothermal vents. Since the first vent was discovered, scientists have been excited to Fahrenheit. search for and explore new hydrothermal vents. The ecosystems • The life around hydrothermal vents includes microbes. that grow around these vents are unique. The animals that live in • Microbes eat the chemicals that come out of the vents. these extreme conditions can teach us a lot about life and how it • Microbes turn these chemicals into compounds that other might have looked millions of years ago. Pacific Ring of Fire 2004 Expedition. NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration; Dr. Bob Embley, NOAA PMEL, Chief Scientist. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons An earthquake Days to is when an remember area of Earth’s crust in March suddenly starts to shake. This shaking MARCH 17 Saint Patrick’s Day is caused by seismic is a celebration of Irish history and waves — energy tradition. It honors the patron saint that travels through of Ireland. Saint Patrick brought Earth’s layers. Christianity to Ireland in the 400s. The Earth’s crust is broken up into large pieces called Today, there are more than 34 tectonic plates. These plates push against each other and million Americans of Irish descent. store large amounts of energy. When the plates suddenly That is more than eight times the shift or slip, they release the stored energy. This is what population of Ireland! creates seismic waves and earthquakes. Most earthquakes happen around the edges of tectonic plates where they • 50,000 earthquakes are measured every year. MARCH 20 We celebrate bump and hit the edges of other plates. • Only 100 a year cause significant damage. Earth Day to make us all more Earthquakes cannot be predicted, but they can be • Seismology is the study of earthquakes. aware of the planet, how we treat measured. Scientists use a tool called the Richter scale • The largest earthquake ever recorded happened in it and how we use its resources. to measure earthquakes. The Richter scale was created In 1971, United Nations General by two seismologists, scientists who study earthquakes, 1960 in Valdivia, Chile. Secretary General U Thant signed a in 1935. The scientists were Charles F. Richter and Beno • It is called the Great Chilean Earthquake. proclamation making Earth Day an Gutenberg. • It lasted 10 minutes and registered as a 9.4-9.6 on official day of observation. The Richter scale is important because it lets people and scientists compare how strong earthquakes are. the Richter scale. Modern seismologists have changed the Richter scale a • It is estimated that an earthquake measuring 11 on little since 1935 to make it more accurate. The scale starts at 1. These earthquakes are so small that most people the Richter scale would split the earth in two. don’t feel them. There are more than 100,000 of these micro earthquakes every year. The largest earthquakes are eight and higher. These are called “great” earthquakes and are very dangerous. There are usually fewer than three in a year, but they can destroy entire towns. 4 Kidsville News! March 2019

Excellent Service, Expert Advice HELP! Truman Lost His Hat! Maybe you can help him find it & WIN A PLUSH MINI- TRUMAN OR PUPPET!* Somewhere in this Kidsville News! is Truman’s small red hat! 1909 Florence Blvd., Florence, AL 35630 This hat will not be on Truman. (across from Hobby Lobby) Find only his red hat! Send us the 256-767-3337 form below for a chance to win! TtLhhaeesntnamemxotenisotshfu’tsehheoafwtKiwnidanssevroislnlwepiNallgebwee5si!.n The Professor Says To Spread The Word! *Subject to availability. “Shop Smarter!” February Winners of a Mini-Truman Isabel Hester Riley Lovell of Florence of Town Creek If you really want to know what you’re getting, get it from someone local. No passwords, security Pick yours up at the Courier Journal Office 219 W. Tennessee St., Florence risks, or outrageous shipping fees to worry about. Email to [email protected], And it’s safer, faster, more reliable, and less Mail or bring entry to us by Mar. 22 expensive! 219 W. Tennessee Street Hat on pg. _________ Your Name Buy Local, Florence mail to: Address Sell Local Kidsville News! Town 256-764-4268 219 W. Tennessee St. School Florence, AL 35630 Phone Picture this — it has been raining all day these deaths could be prevented, as almost away most cars, and two feet of rushing water while you were at school. You know this half of these fatalities occur in vehicles. So can carry away bigger vehicles like SUVs and because outside recess was cancelled. You remember, if you’re riding in a vehicle and pickup trucks. That’s probably the length of are not looking forward to the bus ride home the driver is thinking about driving through your baseball bat. It is never safe to drive or because it is likely to be wet, cold and soggy flooded waters, speak up and say: walk into flood waters. If you are walking or from all the wet kids waiting for the bus to Turn Around, Don’t Drown! riding your bike home from school and come arrive at school. Unfortunately, you are one to water flowing over the road or bike path, of the last drop offs. You are thinking in the It only takes 6 inches of fast-moving water Turn Around, Don’t Drown! back of your mind about having to cross a few to knock over an adult, let alone a child. Six creeks to get home, and you have seen them inches is not very deep; it’s maybe up to your Kidsville News! 5 full before from the rain. The bus comes to a shins or about the width of your iPad or tablet. halt at a creek out of its banks where water is Twelve inches (one foot), or about the width flowing over the road. Your bus stop is just of a basketball, of rushing water can carry around the corner, and the bus driver seems to be thinking to himself what his next move should be. What do you do? Just wait and see what he decides? Your life might be in danger if he crosses that water. The road underneath the flowing water may not be intact, or maybe the water is deeper than expected. You speak up and ask him to please turn around and find another route. Thankfully, he takes your advice and radios into the dispatch about the delay of taking a different route home. Every year in the United States, more than 100 people lose their lives from flooding. This puts flooding as the top thunderstorm-related hazard for deaths. The tragic part is most of March 2019

Kidsville News!-In- Gee Thanks! Education Sponsors for helping to provide Kidsville News! to Lauderdale Kids K-6th. FLORENCE UTILITIES Friends of Kidsville News! • SIMPSON’S AUTO GLASS & WRECKER SERVICE • MIKE RANDALL, REALTOR® • McCUTCHEON & HAMNER, P.C. • EXCEL COMPUTER SERVICES • WILLIAM A. McCLANAHAN, D.M.D. FQLuanZufdVaemFrdiFlayleHNGCewoXusnptayp’esr Send It Hey Kids! Truman again. I want YOUR ORIGINAL ART 219 W. Tennessee St. Florence, AL 35630 WORK, LETTERS & POEMS! We may print 256-764-4268 them in a later issue or use them on our website! Just have your parents fill out this form and send it with your work to: EDITOR & PUBLISHER Thomas V. Magazzu [email protected] Kidsville News! • 219 W. Tennessee St. • Florence, AL 35630 KIDSVILLE COORDINATOR Andrea L. Gray [email protected] GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Russell Roden Jim Allen Gwyn Jones ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES Name Age Judy Cox Sadonna Magazzu ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS Dr. David R. Curott Lee Freeman Richard C. Sheridan Billy Ray Warren Patricia J. Weaver Address City KIDSVILLE NEWS! PRODUCED BY State Zip School Merrigold Publications NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, Where did you get your copy of Kidsville News!? School Library MERRIGOLD PUBLICATIONS Other? Bill Bowman NATIONAL EDITOR Your Signature (This is my own work) March 2019 Stephanie Crider [email protected] Send your drawing in color and on UNLINED PAPER ILLUSTRATOR Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature (Permission) Cover & Truman - Dan Nelson CAN NOT PRINT WITHOUT THIS SIGNATURE KIDSVILLENEWS LITERACY & EDUCATION FOUNDATION [email protected] ©Copyright 2019 Merrigold Publications, All Rights Reserved. Truman is a service mark of Kidsville News! Inc., and the Kidsville News! logo is a registered trademark of Kidsville News! Inc. No part of this issue of Kidsville News! may be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without permission of the publisher or the copyright holder. Neither participating advertisers nor the publishers will be responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints, or typographical errors. The publishers reserve the right to edit any submitted material. Kidsville News! Inc. is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, or other material. Children’s submissions should include name, address, telephone number, and permission to publish signed by a parent or guardian. Product Printed by TN Valley Media Florence, AL 6 Kidsville News!

Local History Written by Billy Warren bridges take us places; they connect and unite us. In short, they simply make life more pleasant in a wide variety of ways. Did You Know? SOMETHING TO DO: 1. Keep a written record for ONE WEEK. In it, make a list of: The Value of Bridges a. The number of bridges you cross on your way to and from school. (Remember, bridges cross rivers, creeks, streams, chasms and roads.) Of course, everyone knows what we mean when we use b. The number of bridges you cross in your regular travels – to ball the word “bridge.” But let’s look at the dictionary definition games, to church, to the grocery store, etc. Try to imagine how much which is “a structure spanning and time you save in one week because these providing passage over a river, chasm bridges exist. or road. Simply put, a bridge helps us to get from point “A” to point 2. Using a reference source, write a brief “B” without having to swim or ride definition of these terms: in a boat or ferry to get from one a. Spanning side of a river to the opposite side. Or to get across a chasm without having to climb down one side and b. Chasm up the opposite side. Or circle round and round or up and down a road in order to continue on a trip. (This c. Interstate highway type of bridge, common on interstate highways, is known as an “overpass” or an “underpass.”) d. Commerce Because the Shoals area has the beautiful Tennessee River and is blessed with many streams, creeks and Photo By: Joy Willow e. Ferry chasms of various sizes, both Colbert and Lauderdale Counties have lots of bridges. All of them are important because they add greatly to the lives and comfort of everyone in the two f. Pedestrian counties. From the very earliest settlers in the Shoals, there was a recognition that, though the Tennessee River is magnificent, an efficient way to get back and forth across it was badly Recycle Plastic Bottles needed. So, in 1840, local people were really excited to have an & Jugs actual bridge. For more than 20 years, this fine bridge served its purpose well; then, during the Civil War, it was destroyed by Union troops. However, local citizens rallied after the war ended, and the bridge was rebuilt. Steel & Aluminum Cardboard Cans This grand old bridge could accommodate vehicles of all types: trains, streetcars and pedestrians. Children who lived in South Florence, a thriving community at the Colbert County end of the bridge, could walk across the bridge to and from Patton Elementary School on College Street in Florence on the Lauderdale County end. Miss Maud Lindsay, who had the first free public kindergarten in the State of Alabama, could All Kinds of Paper ride the streetcar each morning from her home in Sheffield NO FOOD to the kindergarten in east Florence and back home each afternoon. Sad to say, it is no longer useable as a bridge but is maintained for its historic value. In 1925, people of the Shoals rejoiced because a second bridge connecting the two counties opened. It was the roadway NO MONSTERS atop Wilson Dam – which is still in use today. To have a new, sturdy bridge was like a dream come true for both local citizens and visitors. NO GLASS Then, in 1938, a third bridge opened as a toll bridge – though the toll fee was stopped within two years. (See the photograph above.) Named in honor of Edward A. O’Neal of Florence who was an officer in the Civil War and, later, elected Governor of City of Florence Recycling Center Alabama, this bridge was ideally located because it connected the centers of commerce in Colbert and Lauderdale Counties. Finally, just a few years ago, the Patton Island Bridge was officially opened. After a few years, it was renamed the Singing River Bridge. It is already highly travelled and offers an alternate way to move between the two counties. So, bridges are not barriers or dividers. Quite the opposite, 256-760-6495 March 2019 Kidsville News! 7

MATHTIME Draw the line of symmetry for each of these shapes. If all clothes with and all clothes with buttons were here, zippers were here, what would go in the middle? Answers On Page 23 Come Out & Play Hawaii is famous for its parties known as luaus. celebrations were also religious and had some strict When people think of luaus, they often picture roasted rules. For example, men and women had to eat pig and hula dancing, but these traditional feasts have separately. There were also specific foods that only men a long and rich history for the native people of Hawaii or tribal chiefs could eat. King Kamehameha II changed and other Polynesian countries. these rules in 1819. He publicly ate with women Before luaus, there were large celebratory feasts and broke some of the traditions associated with the called aha’aina. These were celebrations for the celebration. His actions redefined the celebratory feasts luau entire village and took place after big events like a and made the modern-day luau into an event where war, victory, births or launching a new canoe. These everyone is welcome to enjoy the celebration. • Luaus are large celebrations with food, dancing luaus. © Frank Schulenburg - own work and games for the whole village. • One traditional Hawaiian game is called Ulu • Luaus can take days to prepare for, and people Maika. It is similar to bowling. often stay to eat and have fun for hours. • To play, two wooden stakes are placed in the • Traditionally, diners sit on mats made of woven ground 6 inches apart and 15 feet away from the leaves and eat with their hands instead of using players. spoons and forks. • Players score points by rolling a stone or ball between the two stakes. • Hawaiian kings often threw luaus to celebrate. • Players alternate throwing the stone or ball. The These royal parties were huge and could have person with the most points after 10 turns is the thousands of people attending the feast. winner. • The balls are usually thrown underhanded. • One traditional food eaten at luaus is Kalua • To make it easier or harder, players can move pig. To make this, whole pigs are roasted in an closer or farther from the stakes. underground oven called an imu. • The largest luau was held in 1847 and was hosted by King Kamehameha III. March 2019 • 271 pigs, 3,125 salted fish, 4,000 taro plants and 2,245 coconuts were needed to feed the crowd. • Games are a popular form of entertainment at 8 Kidsville News!

Where in the World Is ... ? The Hawaiian Islands are a chain of islands in the Pacific Ocean. The first people to live on these islands were the Polynesians. They sailed 2,000 miles across the ocean from the Marquesas Islands in canoes to the Hawaiian Islands in 400 C.E. For years, local tribes and their kings lived and fought over land on the islands. In 1810, King Kamehameha conquered all of the rulers on the islands and united them into one kingdom. • The first European to see the Hawaiian Islands was James Cook in 1778. • Hawaii became a U.S. territory in 1898. • It became the 50th state in 1959. • The population of Hawaii is 1,431,603. • The biggest city in the state is Honolulu. • Hawaii is the world’s largest island chain. • Hawaii is made of 132 islands, but people only live on seven of them. • The islands people live on are Hawaii, Maui, Molokai, Oahu, Kauai and Niihau. • Hawaii is also called the Big Island. • The state flower is the yellow hibiscus. • There are two official languages: English and Hawaiian. • The Hawaiian Islands have hundreds of unique The Hawaiian Islands are volcanic. They were created when magma broke through Earth’s crust. The magma cooled when it touched the sea water and animal and plant species. • The volcanic soil makes it incredibly rich with nutrients. hardened into rock. Eventually, the cooled magma built up enough to rise • Hawaii still celebrates King Kamehameha Day. It is on June 11. above sea level and create an island. There are still active volcanoes in Hawaii. • Hawaii means “Homeland” or “Place of the Gods.” The most active is Kilauea; it is on the Big Island. It has been constantly erupting for 30 years. It spews enough lava that it makes the island 40 acres bigger every year. Kauai County, United States Knowledge Power Submitted By Patricia J. Weaver Answers Pg. 23 History Is Everywhere War? A. Pope’s Tavern B. Larimore See how much you know about the North Alabama area. House C. Wesleyan Hall D. Forks of Cypress 1. The Sweetwater Mansion was home to which Alabama Governor? A. Edward A. O’Neal B. Robert M. Patton 5. On the 4th weekend in October C. Hugh McVay D. Robert B. Lindsey you can find magicians, belly dancers and damsels in long gowns 2. Tom Hendrix’s Wall is a memorial to his great, great at what event? grandmother; a Euchee Indian named Te-lah-nay. What A. W.C. Handy Festival B. Helen Keller Festival events in her life has Mr. Hendrix honored with the wall? C. Renaissance Faire D. Arts Alive A. Her beautiful pottery and 6. The annual Trail of Tears Motorcycle Ride is the third Saturday rugs B. Her stories about her in September. In what year was the first ride? tribe C. Her journey on the A. 1980 B. 1987 C. 1994 D. 1998 Trail of Tears to Oklahoma and her determination to return to 7. What is the name of the play that is performed every year Alabama D. Her medicines during the Helen Keller Festival? and healing ability A. Miracles Can Happen B. The Miracle Worker C. A Miracle a Day D. Just one Miracle 3. The “Father of the Blues” was born in Florence, Alabama. Who is he? A. Ray Charles B. Fats Domino C. Bo Diddley D. W. C. Handy 4. What building located in Florence served as a hospital for both Confederates and Union wounded during the Civil March 2019 Kidsville News! 9

Atomic Number are in the center (nucleus) of an atom; both being about 1,800 times more massive than the electron. Protons have a positive All the material you see, feel, taste, smell, electrical charge and electrons a negative charge so the protons and touch is made of atoms. Atoms often attract (pull on) the electrons which are outside the nucleus sort combine with other atoms to make different of “orbiting” around the nucleus. Each of the 92 elements has a kinds of materials, but all materials are made of different number of protons in its nucleus; in other words, the one or more of 92 types of atoms. The early Greek number of protons in a nucleus determines what kind of element philosophers (thinkers) wondered what would happen if you cut it is. For example Hydrogen has 1 proton so its atomic number is 1, Helium has 2 so its atomic number is 2, Lithium has 3, and something, a chunk of gold for example, into two pieces, then so forth up to the heaviest natural element Uranium which has 92 protons so Uranium has atomic number 92. The number of divided it again and again. Could you continue to always divide protons is called the “atomic number”. the gold into smaller pieces or would you finally reach a point In High School Chemistry one learns that a Russian chemistry professor Dmitri Mendeleev, about 150 years ago, arranged where the next division would end up with something else? the elements in a table, now called the “Periodic Table”. He arranged all known elements according to weight and where Chemists had determined, in the 19th century, that there were there were blanks in his table, he was able 92 types of “stuff”. But scientists were even arguing at the turn of to successfully predict new elements that were the century (1900) whether fundamental chunks of matter (atoms) unknown at that time. Then quantum theory existed. Einstein, in one of his famous papers of 1905, described in the 1920s explained why each element had an experiment that finally proved the existence of “atoms”. Then its particular physical properties. in the early years of the 20th century, physicists learned more With the invention secrets of atoms: how big they were, what they were made of, of nuclear reactors how they behaved and why only 92 natural types of atoms make and particle accelerators (“atom smashers”) in the 20th century, physicists were able to add more particles to the nucleus and up our Earth. What determines “atomic number”, and what is an create new elements like atomic number 93 Neptunium, and atomic number 94 Plutonium. The 25 heaviest chemical elements, atom? “transuranium elements”, are man-made; however, these new elements are unstable (radioactive) and decay into other lighter An atom is made elements. The United Nations has declared 2019 to be the International Year of the Periodic Table saying it was “one of of three building the most significant achievements in science”. blocks: protons, “If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.” - Laura Wilder- electrons, and usually © 2019 Dr. David R. Curott, UNA Professor Emeritus neutrons. Atoms are unbelievably small. If an atom was the size of your hand, you would be the size of our planet Earth. To illustrate this another way; your body is made up of about 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. atoms. That’s a lot. If you counted each atom in your body, counting 1 every second, it would take you 30 billion years to count each one (that’s more than the age of the entire universe). Protons and neutrons are the most massive (heaviest) and 10 Kidsville News! March 2019

Baseball Bird Break Bugs Cool Flower Green Kid Picnic Sunshine Tree Warm What’s the Difference? There are 8 THINGS that are different in these two pictures. Di erences: 1) Collar color 2) Leaves and branch missing o of stick 3) Color of spots 4) Markings on ears Answers5) Shadow color 6) Circle/Background di erent color 7) Back foot misssing 8) Eye color on Page 23 March 2019 Kidsville News! 11

12 Kidsville News! Hello! Sponsor this Want Your ARTWORK page... Or Your POETRY here? and reach all Shoals Send it to us. area students in We’ll print it in K-6th grade, parents, a future issue. and their teachers Fill Out in this award-winning the fun, family newspaper. Alicia Smallwood 7 Florence Send It Please call Tom at 256-740-4701 form on page for more information. 6! February 2019March 2

2019 February 2019 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 12 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Lauderdale Florence City County Schools Schools 1/2 Day Early No School for Dismissal Students for Students 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Kidsville News! 13 Lauderdale County Schools SPRING BREAK Vectors © Florence City Schools SPRING BREAK

Ty Cobb Played For Sheffield Early In His Career by Richard Sheridan ([email protected]) The Ty Cobb Museum in Royston, Georgia recently Little is known about the Sheffield semi-pro baseball teams. requested help from the Sheffield Public Library to The Southern Railway System sponsored a popular team called confirm that the Major League Hall of Fame outfielder the Southern Rails in the late 1920s. “Heinie” Manush and his once played for the Sheffield Tri-City Boys, a semi-pro brothers, of Tuscumbia, played for the Rails before he moved team. Fortunately, Betty on to the major league, but Dyar, researcher in the Moses further research is needed History Room, pulled up an to compile the full story of in article in The Sheffield baseball in the Shoals area. Standard, dated July 23, The assistance of Betty 1904, about a game with Dyar at the library and Wesley Chattanooga. Frick of the Ty Cobb Museum The fact that Cobb played is appreciated. Local historian here came to light recently Joel Mize, whose family when a cache of letters moved to Alabama from from Cobb to his friend and Royston, is closely related to former teammate, Erwin Cobb but was not aware that Manley, were found in an Tyrus had played here. old trunk owned by someone in Manley’s family. In a Ty Cobb letter, dated July 21, 1904, at Decatur, Alabama, Cobb wrote, “I am hitting nearly .500 since I have been at Sheffield.” He continued,“I am making $65 per month and all expenses which is equal to $80 per.” He went on to advise Manley not to come to Sheffield as the team had four pitchers already. Cobb was only 17 that summer but had already played for the Royston Reds, the Anniston Steelers, and other teams. In those early days, he was known by his given name Tyrus Cobb. As he left home to play for Anniston at $50 per month, his father said, “Don’t come home a failure!” Sheffield easily defeated Chattanooga in a three game series played at home as reported in The Sheffield Standard of July 23, 1904. The article said that “Cobb’s fielding was of a high order” in the first game and that he stole two bases in the third game. Cobb wrote on the 21st that he and his teammates were in Decatur for another series of three games before going to Knoxville and then Chattanooga for more games. Cobb played for Sheffield for only a few weeks in the summer of 1904. A year later, his contract was sold to the American League’s Detroit Tigers for $750 (equivalent to $20,914 today). Ty went on to become one of America’s top players of all time. He died at age 74 in 1961 and his memory is preserved at the Ty Cobb Museum in his hometown of Royston, GA. A Broncosaurus 14 Kidsville News! March 2019

Louis Rosenbaum and Rosenbaum Theaters By Lee Freeman, Florence-Lauderdale Public Library, Local History - Genealogy Department I still remember as an to the Martin theater chain (the Martin Theater was built in eight year-old kid walking Florence about 1975 and is now a supermarket in the Big Lots out of the Shoals Theater shopping center on Florence Boulevard; I saw lots of good one night in 1977 after films there, too like The Empire Strikes Back and Dragonslayer. seeing Star Wars. In It later became a theater which showed movies for $1). particular, I remember my On Saturday, July 2, 1938 the dad saying “that was the Florence Times reported on the “Kid Comedy,” a movie using nearest nothing I’ve ever local children between three and 12 years,” and noted that “large seen in my life!” Then I number” of local kids “have already been cast to try for parts remember thinking, did we Top left, the Princess Theatre, on East in Florence and Sheffield.” Mr. just see the same movie? Tennessee Street in 1935; Top right, the William D. Patton had set up Because I thought, and Majestic Theatre on Court St., in the casting offices in the lobbies of still do, that Star Wars is 1950s; Bottom R, Louis Rosenbaum the Princess and Ritz Theatres one of the greatest movies and western star Gene Autry at the and rehearsals were set to of all time. But if a movie Princess theater, 1939. start the following Tuesday at the Princess at 10 am, with didn’t have John Wayne the first rehearsal in Sheffield scheduled to take place at 2 pm or Gary Cooper in it my at the Sheffield Hotel and in Tuscumbia at 4 pm at the Cardiff Hotel. Production was scheduled to dad wouldn’t like it (my mom and my brother loved it.). start the following week, with the movie to premiere in the theaters of the Tri-Cities shortly after it was completed. Right now I don’t We saw Star Wars at the Shoals Theater. The Shoals was a great know when or if this children’s movie was ever completed or shown locally. old movie theater which opened on October 21, 1948, having been In January of 1933 the local theaters showed newsreels (this was before CNN, Fox, and MSNBC; you actually went to the movies to built by Mr. Louis Rosenbuam (1887-1962). When it opened, the watch the news) of President-Elect Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first (two hour) inspection tour of the Muscle Shoals. Shoals had 1300 seats, modern air conditioning, heavy carpeting, Two of the biggest promotional events ever held in Florence up to that time consisted of Hollywood western stars Gene Autry and and luxurious gold curtains. It was also the first theater in the South Roy Rogers (my dad’s two favorites) each making appearances at the Princess Theatre in 1939; Roy Rogers appeared on June 30, and to install Ideal Slide-Back Seats and it was the fourth-largest theater the next month, on July 18, Gene Autry appeared. The day after his appearance at the Princess Gene went out to Camp Westmoreland in the state. When it opened in 1948 movies were still in black and and presented all of the Scouts with Gene Autry sweatshirts, which were manufactured in Florence by the Gardiner-Warring Knitting white, switching to color in the 1960s. Before it closed in 1980 I saw Mill. Mr. Jewett Flagg, manager of the mill accompanied Mr. Autry and Mr. Rosenbaum to Camp Westmoreland. lots of good films as a kid at the Shoals. About twenty years ago it Nowadays Rosenbaum Theatres is just a memory, albeit a fond one, for many older folks who saw movies at one or more of their was completely restored and is now owned by the Shoals Theater, local theaters however the Rosenbaum name itself still continues through the Frank Lloyd Wright Rosenbaum Home, on Riverview a local theater group which produces plays there. A replica of the Drive in Florence, which Stanley and Anna had built for their son Stanley in 1939, which is now a museum, and through their son original neon sign was added to the building just a few years ago. Alvin, who in 2017 moved back to Florence and has just published a book on the history of the Muscle Shoals. Louis and Anna Rosenbaum and their son Stanley came to Florence in 1918 from Wyoming by way of Little Rock, Arkansas. Louis managed movie theaters, which at that time were relatively new. While the Rosenbaums were still in Arkansas Louis built the Princess Theatre in Florence for an estimated cost of $120,000, a very large sum in 1919. The Princess also provided minstrel and vaudeville shows where traveling performers sang, danced and did comedy routines. By November of 1919 the Rosenbaums were living in Florence and were respected by everyone in town. A member of the Jewish faith, Mr. Rosenbaum was responsible for the Jewish synagogue moving from Sheffield to Florence in the 1950s and Mr. Rosenbaum was known by locals as a very generous man who did many great things for the town, such as helping First Methodist Church avoid foreclosure by the banks in 1937. By 1928, in partnership with the Sudekum brothers, Tony and Harry, of Nashville, in a company known as Muscle Shoals Theatres., Inc., Rosenbaum also leased the Majestic Theater in Florence, the Palace Theatre in Sheffield, the Strand in Tuscumbia, the Ritz in Athens, and was preparing to build the Ritz Theatre in Sheffield (it, too has been restored and hosts plays). In 1942 Mr. Rosenbaum had bought Muscle Shoals Theatres, Inc. from the Sudekums and by 1960 the company was known as Rosenbaum Theatres, still operated in the Tri-Cities and Athens, but had shrunk from nine theatres to five, and in that year sold out March 2019 Kidsville News! 15

What's it like to be a ... When did you know you wanted to be a Wildland Trustee, firefighter? MEGAN I learned about wildland firefighting when I graduated high school, and SAYLORS? that it was something I could do during the summers to help pay for college. I originally thought I was going to be a doctor, but the more summers I spent fighting forest fires, the more realized I really liked it. It was exciting and challenging. The job took me to beautiful places deep in the wilderness that I would have never known about. I was hooked. What is something you love about your job? There is so much I love about my job, but what I really love the most is learning. When I first started, it was about learning how to fight fires and about how weather, terrain and vegetation affect fire behavior. I learned how to work on fire engines. I learned how to rappel out of helicopters. Later on, it became learning about how fire is a natural part of the environment and that not all forest fires were bad. I learned they can be good for the forest, helping new plants sprout and creating habitat for animals. And now it’s about learning to teach and leading others in fighting fires. There is always something new to learn. Plus I get to be outside a lot, and my job brings me to places all across the country from Alaska to Florida. What is something that is challenging about your job? My job can be really challenging at times. Sometimes fires happen on mountain sides, and we have to hike to them carrying all our gear — heavy back packs that hold our fire shelters, food for the day and all the water we need to drink. We also carry hand tools called pulaskis (similar to an ax and pick combined) and shovels because you don’t put out wildland fires like you do a house fire. Forest fires tend to be too big or too remote to use hoses with water to put them out. Instead, we remove all the plants like grass, brush and trees — essentially building a trail around the fire — so the fire has nothing left to burn, and it stops the fire from progressing. Sometimes it’s quick and easy. Other times, it takes a lot of people, and we need to get help from helicopters and air tankers. What do you wish everyone knew about fire safety? Even though many forest fires are started by lightning, many more are started by people. Human-caused fires are not always intentional. They are often caused accidentally by unattended camp fires, improper equipment use and debris burning. I wish more folks would visit to learn about preventing human-caused fires, especially about how to have a campfire safely and how to properly extinguish it. How are women making a difference in the firefighting field? Women, just like people in general, come in all shapes and sizes. As more women become wildland firefighters, it shows how you don’t have to have big muscles to do the job well. It takes all sorts of different people to make a successful firefighting team. Having a variety of people working to manage forest fires means there’s a lot more ideas; the more different the people, the more different the ideas. And having all those different ideas means we can be more successful, and women are a vital part of that diversity. 16 Kidsville News! March 2019

Coloring Corner National School Breakfast Week begins March 2. What’s your favorite breakfast? Write a sentence about it and color the picture. Mike Randall, REALTOR® Associate Broker 256.366.9779 [email protected] Florence • Sheffield • Killen Truman Truman’s Outrigger SailingTricky Picture Sailing has been an important part of human discovery for thousands of years. More than 3,000 years ago, people from Southeast Asia used canoes to travel hundreds of miles across the ocean Find these to the islands of Samoa and Tonga, which are located in the South Pacific Ocean. Those ancient items! people made new homes and came to be called the Polynesian people. The Polynesians continued to use canoes and sailing to explore and settle new lands. They traveled as far as Hawaii and New Zealand. Visit our Web site at Canoes and sailing are still an important part of the culture in the Pacific Islands. for the solution and more fun and games! • A special type of canoe was used by ancient • This is called a two-hulled design or double Polynesians to travel long distances over the canoe. It gives the canoes more stability in ocean. These were called voyaging canoes. rough waters. • These canoes are made of two long wooden • The double canoe design also made the single canoes connected by wooden or rope voyaging canoes stable and strong enough structures with large sails. to be able to carry very heavy loads. • Each canoe was called a hull. The • Voyaging canoes could be as long as 50-60 pieces connecting the hulls were called feet. • Each hull was carved from the trunk of a crossbeams. • Each boat could hold 24 people, food, single tree. livestock and plants. Creating traditional canoes is important to Polynesian culture. Hawaiian craftsmen use local plants to create these boats that can travel long distances across the open ocean. Making all the pieces of these voyaging canoes is a complicated process, but the knowledge has been passed down for generations. Every piece of the canoe has to be made by hand using local resources, and it can take a very long time. For example, ropes and cords are often made from plants like coconut trees. Just making one coconut cord can take more than three weeks and involves soaking the fibers, beating them with wooden mallets and tightly braiding them so the ropes can be used to secure things on the canoe. March 2019 Kidsville News! 17

The TM View Local kids What is your favorite let us know.... vacation place? Legoland Do tYoOpUagwean2t1toanbdefilhl eouret.?.. Charlie Go Forest Hills DoWn’tefTo’Srlhglteeuut ysdoeuerynpohtoutQor!sWuienecsaKnt’iTtMiodpVrnsinvinetiwalwliteihroNeuteawp hso!to. 1st Grade Hello! Attention Kids 6723 & Teachers Too! /,77(5 This is Truman <RXU6KRDOV From Kidsville News! I WANT YOUR STUDENTS’ ORIGINAL ARTWORK OR POEMS TO BE PRINTED ON PAGE 12 IN Kidsville News! ’s Send ItKWtipdhaserOvmeilnlReitnsNKafe,liwallts!oeLurtEistAsThduNideTsErWofEEsrosrRumsSH•eaYet2nhyd1Oe&9smKUeWinodR.dPnsTOoi!teuOTnrwErnRiweutMsehmIsbeSyGaseoint!uISeratN!g.wJWao•AuiersnkFtL.mlohtIraoaAey:wvnecaRpeynr,ToitnuAtrL <RXU&KRLFH per 35630 L 35630 Age EGRwSyn Jones Name City eUveTILvuEbiSch IBLBUeielTlFyOrWReeSamrraenn Address School Library ver Zip School Your Artwork March 2019 Or Poem Fh1r8ehKasJhhiKpduhfiaAdssohasrvtiSrvnhreiimlfd!ln,lAleietljolMuNonNoserueptwPtgawsSLu!gts aeehE! rendP7i“ldFaeSonaOfesIsnettiRdhg!hinMIsativt”e,A Better WikaeyA RTBoaeBtntedetratelWlr,aGyraTdoeB2s5e! 6t-t2e7r8G-2r3a4d2es!DaeRphNc@nhTunek@sLysAtdhcphAalyhtdtcpiatAepitdenIilir-iseearnOpIlahEofr.iultTsodaoeatrTlockepbethOlteTkanknTbetriteDesrtPtvhR,rihWsmsmtsioaiOrienransOsmesredE,inr,iMoNfddivgiAgnsoetaaenttewiwnslsrshvthetel,rsRasaashineRSlatnaplitiEnbpwdiufEmdeliaswltvevrealsghFswhnvpnliregthotRNtmaonnehisotierDfLirNsvsvsutheOrrlokaNdatslshsoisotoTtesteKrnlfnte,i,unliIeeesvoepIuieieeeovooeuoerwaUewretecTksevaTrnrMiacrnknlraaoouensaslerntweonmo,punsdul!,kkh.loswdmyoiilse,ooTiRsbtdcswllriDieNagrnRNdgtotiedsrd.riepoporttuoomoarscscfsautahaApnl,.hamdvsvAasAxpi.retafemoawlseiiihuolceho.tailrslnsiAeypluarlgCfhcinsoimeoedorTcrakunnxceatiydvaiohoenbNa,nNiEmpmsetyaSlpel.lliIcehmrgepne.eiealmac.eerRsrtrOlppqwwCrncgcemhlctesrUueosekggiishosee&o,ebasihatu!i!trroNirdasoptmlmlsvsresIheaiTcmdmsit.nsntiireenwhriuciohreTigNcneaei.naeendeef.iyhnniadsiielrdegiele’idtlvsicnsnotUrgenisiachtoaetnnecrlltsosnbfleryosctsgxedso.shx,iseroorpo;wviSWluatsysytwtmueeooptetyn.gtiepdsleYrhrltiphdPNesarsaashesonoio.onPe,inlicctafdixAftanuunalhrtrreynoayNnoseernSrexnoggthwasdfoAesidrerhiseSesrsleodnendl,.twterpcifesty.oiopDxgrdsera’rclospnariyatphdmayehanygracolebttebyonrostrcvuueaohcucnaraesrghueedreGytnessebgmuakt,jumoseoocicrnoarc(Cntfbtei.aTehvorcsdrdTAdeoewadhppyridhlfyioiesiusoNruSasi…ttxpanuussolneitegkrdudio’a,nsssiiteNrnnedcy.od,smSofOypiygoyTnuoaorwtfPnudARrKrweaIidBowN(sreiPvkneTti)gltrleemCiWnrilNsOuW•csenIboiQsowaaTluZeonvasyre!r)Hl!iv,r?aieTaOtcgdohene,,eFdU•iCBusnAll,TlouyefaNfbnotStirOcZOtdoTUrea!entWbesHNh’rstlneueeLlGId•derIIeaN?NSrTnNduoattsiEoLTdniSorDmsgHen•gIpsi-EPSnrTG!oceAR-vShrhNmePoEHooEtACAwmlw-ORoBLowneTaTAtlswretOaeUtLu.cdctRettlSsRuCro®-!b•urgEzriFrrtniarucedguteoelusCrmiionnn•gsjI.OSuucnAolsTtntTamYuet/6oiA-t/o0oOuCn-ror9Tnir0HnTe-eOndgosc.atnm.ey.Peser!e!p Here Your Name

When cooking, for safety, Do you know about... always get help from an Stop, Look and Listen? Kid sville Kitchen adult first. Kids, remember the law in Alabama about railroads is that we stop at railroad tracks and we look Whip up waffles the whole family both ways and we use our ears to listen for trains. Trains can enjoy are very heavy and extremely hard to stop. Sometimes While the dinner table might be where families catch up and share it takes a mile or more for stories of their day, breaking bread at breakfast time can be just a train to stop. Because as enjoyable. That’s especially true when families take the time they can’t stop when they to create homemade breakfasts, such as the following recipe for see you, it’s important that “Orange Whole-Wheat Waffles with Yogurt and Fresh Berries” you see the train by always from Susie Cushner’s “Sunday Brunch” (Chronicle Books). following the rule to STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN. THOMAS W. JOEL R. McCUTCHEON HAMNER CALL US 256-333-5000 2210 Helton Drive, Florence “No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.” Makes about 6 5- to 6-inch waffles; Serves 4 to 6 ORANGE WHOLE- YOGURT TOPPING Proudly Ser ving Families in the WHEAT WAFFLES 1 cup Greek-style yogurt Shoals area with compassionate care 21⁄4 cups white whole-wheat (see note) in a family-oriented setting. flour 4 teaspoons honey 3 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon grated orange Offering a Wide Range of general 2 teaspoons baking zest, packed and cosmetic services. powder Fresh raspberries, strawberries 1⁄4 teaspoon salt or blueberries, for garnish 11⁄4 cups whole milk 1⁄2 cup freshly squeezed orange juice 2 eggs, separated 5 teaspoons packed, grated orange zest 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and slightly cooled 1. For the Orange Whole-Wheat Waffles: Preheat a waffle iron (and, if you plan to Daniel H. Almon D.M.D. William A. McClanahan, D.M.D., hold the waffles until serving time, preheat the oven to 200 F). William A. McClanahan, D.M.D. 2. In a large serving bowl, stir together the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. In 2461 Helton Drive • Florence another bowl, whisk together the milk, orange juice, egg yolks and orange zest. 256-767-7141 In a third bowl, beat the egg whites until firm, but not stiff. mcclanahandentistr 3. Make a well in the dry ingredients and pour in the milk mixture, blending No representation is made that the quality of the dental services to be performed is greater than the quality of dental services gently only until the ingredients are combined. Add the butter in a slow stream, performed by other dentists. continuing to blend until the butter is incorporated. Gently fold in the egg whites. 4. For the yogurt topping: In a small serving bowl, whisk together the yogurt, honey and orange zest. 5. Pour 1⁄2 cup of the batter (or more, depending on the size of your waffle iron) onto the waffle iron and, using a metal spatula or table knife, spread the batter to within 1⁄2 inch of the edge. Close the cover and cook approximately 3 minutes, or until crisp and golden brown. (If your waffles aren’t crisp, even after a “ready” signal has sounded, continue to cook them, watching carefully, until crisp and golden. If not serving immediately, place the waffles in a single layer on a baking sheet in the preheated oven while you finish with the remaining batter.) 6. Serve the waffles topped with a generous dollop of the yogurt mixture and garnish with some berries. Note: Nonfat as well as reduced- to whole-fat varieties of Greek yogurt work in this recipe. March 2019 Kidsville News! 19

A Section Especially for Parents Kidsville News Inc., Truman and James Patterson’s READKIDDOREAD.COM are pleased to partner on this page to help you discover books that kids you love are sure to love. 20 Kidsville News! March 2019

TM The View Student Questionnaire Mail, bring by or email us YOUR PHOTO & your answers! Name G Fraaxd#e 256-76 0-961S8chooElm ail: ki dsville @cour ierjourn Mail: 219 W. Tennessee Street • Florence, AL 35630 What is your favorite...... Author? Holiday? Team? Cartoon? CANNOT Have you ever ridden a horse? PRINT Are you a good listener? WITHOUT PHOTO What does a cowboy do? According to Oldways, a Did You Have you ever ridden in a convertible car? nonprofit organization that Have you ever played in the snow? helps people rediscover and KNOW? embrace shared cultural eating traditions, traditional meals in What is something you have learned to do lately? Africa varied depending on where on the continent one Do you like to drink water? might be. In Central Africa, Oldways notes that traditional What does being a leader mean to you? meals were often based on hearty vegetable soups and What is instrumental music? stews that were poured over boiled and mashed tubers or Do you like to read aloud? grains. In Eastern Africa, the main features of traditional Source site © https:// MUST HAVE meals were whole grains and commons.wikimedia. PERMISSION vegetables such as cabbage, org/wiki/File:Ugandan_ TO PRINT Parent/Guardian Permission kale and maize. In places like traditional_meal.jpg Ethiopia and Somalia, flat- I give Kidsville News! permission to print my CHILD’S PHOTO & opinion on breads play a significant role A rich Ugandan traditional meal of Sima/Ugali in traditional meals. Meals (cooked white mealie meal) with Chapati (thin any questions listed above. I do realize my child’s first name, school and grade could were based on these breads rounded roti), Matoke (mashed green bananas), and beans, such as lentils, sugar beans, mboga (green vegetables) and goat be printed in this publication. I have enclosed or emailed my CHILD’S PHOTO. fava beans and chickpeas and meat steamed in and served in a bowl wrapped served with spices. Beans were around green banana leaves. Parent/Guardian SIGNATURE Date eaten throughout Africa, and Oldways notes that they were Kidsville News! 21 often pounded into a powder for bean pastes. March 2019

ParenTown’s KidSmart The internet is a valuable tool that can benefit kids in the classroom and IOS beyond. But as parents know, the internet also can be a danger to youngsters. The iOS is an operating system for mobile devices manufactured by Apple. The Screen Time function on iOS devices allows parents to restrict the use of As hard as parents may try to govern their childrens’ internet usage, kids’ and downloading of certain apps, including those built-in on iOS devices. Parents curiosity often compels them to go online when parents aren’t keeping watch. can specify which websites their children are allowed to visit, preventing them Parental controls are a great way to protect youngsters while they’re online. from visiting sites that kids should not see. Screen Time also allows parents to Setting up such controls may vary depending on the type of devices kids use, block purchases made through iTunes, ensuring kids won’t run rampant spending and the following guide can help parents whose children use popular Android, money on music, television shows and music. Amazon Fire and iOS devices. Parental controls can help parents’ monitor their youngsters’ tablet usage and ANDROID protect them from visiting websites designed for adults. The parental controls on Android devices allow moms and dads to restrict access to various types of content, including television shows and movies, games and apps. The Family Link app, which can be downloaded through the Google Play store, enables parents to track their kids’ online usage and even set up limits on how much time they can spend online each day, as well as monitor the location of the device and when it is on. When using the Family Link app, parents will need to create a separate Google account for their children. AMAZON FIRE Amazon Fire is another popular, user-friendly tablet that many children use. Each Fire device comes with FreeTime built-in. FreeTime bans advertisements and restricts purchases so kids cannot spend mom and dad’s money without permission. In addition, FreeTime allows parents to restrict content, ensuring kids will only be able to see content approved by their parents. Adults also can set up time restrictions to limit the amount of time their kids spend online, and they can even prevent access to certain activities, including video games. ParenTown’s KidShape The buddy system is widely used to help men and body. Routine cardiovascular exercise has been linked women get in shape. Friends can encourage their to reduced risk for heart disease and other ailments. In workout partners to get off the couch on days when their addition, a 2009 study from researchers in South Korea motivation might be waning, and partners can return that found that hip hop dancing can boost mood and lower favor when the roles are reversed. And the benefits of the stress. buddy system are not exclusive to adults, as families can rely on it to make sure moms, dads and kids each get the 2. Schedule daily exercise time. exercise they need. Parents and their children are as busy as ever, so it makes sense to schedule family exercise time just like According to the Centers for Disease Control and you schedule family meals or outings to the museum. Prevention, ongoing exercise can help people of all Kids who compete in sports may already get enough ages control their weight, improve their mental health physical activity each day. The CDC recommends and mood and reduce their risk for various diseases, children participate in at least 60 minutes of physical including heart disease and type 2 diabetes. And the activity each day, so kids who aren’t playing sports can benefits may go beyond those normally associated with spend an hour each day sweating alongside mom and exercise, particularly for young people. A 2009 analysis dad. of the fitness records of 1.2 million Swedish men born 3. Walk after dinner. between 1950 and 1976 found that the more exercise they Families who routinely dine together can delay doing had during adolescence, the more likely they were to be the dishes to walk off their meals. A walk around the professionally successful as adults. neighborhood after dinner provides solid family time, but it’s also a great way to stay healthy. A 2017 study Getting fit as a family can be easy. The following are from researchers at the University of Warwick that just a few ways parents and their children can get in shape was published in the International Journal of Obesity together. found that people who took 15,000 or more steps each day tended to have healthy body mass indexes, 1. Start dancing. or BMIs. That’s an important benefit, as an unhealthy Dancing isn’t just a fun activity; it’s also a very healthy BMI is often a characteristic of obesity. one. While dancing might often be categorized as a Getting fit as a family can be fun and pay long-term recreational activity, such a categorization overlooks the dividends for parents and children alike. many health benefits of cutting a rug. Dancing is a great cardiovascular exercise that works multiple parts of the 22 Kidsville News! March 2019

INTRODUCING Explorer Rewards Cole Now members ages 5-14 can track savings and redeem rewards online. With Member since 2013 all kinds of rewards to explore—such as zoos, ball parks, water parks, and museums—this new program makes it easier than ever for kids to save money, earn rewards, and start exploring. ª ANSWERS MATHTIME Students’ understanding of symmetry is evident in this example as well as their ability to draw the appropriate line. Clothes with buttons and zippers. Identifying attributes can be a powerful tool to help students make logical distinctions between and among ideas and concepts in mathematics. String circles, yarn circles, or hula hoops make it easy for children to see and manipulate objects during sorting activities. What’s the Difference? Di erences: 1) Collar color 2) Leaves and branch missing o of stick 3) Color of spots 4) Markings on ears 5) Shadow color 6) Circle/Background di erent color 7) Back foot misssing 8) Eye color PKnoowwleedgre Cabbage Answers: 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. B March 2019 Kidsville News! 23

Seasonal Allergies Are Coming! Springtime is around the corner. Unfortunately, with spring comes seasonal allergies. This can also be called “hay fever”. Why does this happen in the spring? Spring is the time of year when trees, grasses, and weeds release tiny particles into the air to fertilize other plants. What are “seasonal allergies”? People can be allergic to one or more types of pollen or mold. People with these allergies are likely to have increased symptoms when this happens. What are the symptoms and signs? These can include: -sneezing -itchy nose and/or throat -nasal congestion -clear, runny nose -coughing -itchy, water, and/or red eyes How do I know if I have seasonal allergies? Talk with an adult about seeing a healthcare provider to determine if you have allergies. How are they treated? How can I keep from sneezing? One way to lessen allergy symptoms is to keep your windows closed and stay inside when pollen counts are high. It’s also a great idea to wash your hands, shower, and/or change clothes after playing outside. Medications can also help ease allergy symptoms.Talk to an adult about the right kind of allergy medication for you! Brought to you by your friends at: 1300 S. Montgomery Ave. | Sheffield, AL | 256-386-4196 24 Kidsville News! March 2019

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