Marketing and Selling on InternetMarketing on the Internet involves onlineadvertising to reach out to potential customers.It requires creativity like designing,development and technical aspects like marketingand advertising. Affiliate marketing, emailmarketing, search engine marketing andinteractive advertising are all different facetsof Internet marketing. It also includes sales,public relations, information management andcustomer service. Ever since the advent ofInternet, it is widely used for all kind of
purposes. Among the advantages of Internet, somehelps in doing business, shopping, etc, from thecomfort of the house. According to a research, aquarter of the Internet users shop online. It hasalso helped grow electronic commerce and Internetmarketing is a part of electronic commerce.Direct marketing techniques like radio andtelevision commercials, mails, and newslettersare the inspirations for Internet marketing,which involves direct response marketingstrategies and is rapidly growing.Business-to-business, also known as B2B, andbusiness-to-consumer, also known as B2C, are thetwo business models to which Internet marketingcan be linked. B2C companies were the first tostart when Internet marketing originated. Theyare companies that sell directly to the customers.B2B companies are meant to do business with eachother.Websites built for Internet marketing are
slightly different than others. There arepeer-to-peer modeled websites which are used toexchange products and services between each other.Other is name-your-price, where the customershave to specify their price range that they canspend and select products that fall in that pricerange. is an example of such awebsite. is a website which is basedon find-the-best-price model, where customerscan find the lowest prices. Last are onlineauctions sites, where items are bid. isan example.The companies who use Internet marketing are atan advantage. They donot need to put in hugeamounts of energy and time in Internet Marketinglike other traditional methods. With the help ofonly few resources national and internationalmarkets can be reached. Because of very lowinvestment, even small businesses are turning toonline marketing. Websites and blogs have beendeveloped for this purpose. Internet marketing is
advantageous in the sense that the data is easilyavailable on the Internet. Newsletters can bedirectly sent to customers and if it doesn 抰contain the information they are looking for,they can search for information about the productonline, make a decision and purchase it onlineitself.One of the factors that hinder the growth ofonline marketing is delayed loading of the page.The web pages that take a lot of time to downloadtest the patience of the consumer. To add to that,if the businesses design complex web pages withlots of graphics and animations, it will slow downthe speed even more. Another minus point of onlinemarketing is that the customers cannot feel,taste, smell or try products in order to make agood decision. To over come this, some of theonline stores have created liberal returnpolicies with the help of which the customersatisfaction is guaranteed.
Another biggest threat of online shopping isidentity theft. Paying online using credit cards,e-checks are susceptible to hackers andinformation can be stolen and used. Many hackersand websites have been caught who were involvedin buying and selling of personal information.Most of the websites have taken measures andincorporated good security on their websites. Oneof the best methods is encryption. When the datais being transferred between two computers; thereis a possibility of a hacker intercepting it. Sothe data is changed by applying some encryptionalgorithm and is sent through the network and uponreceiving, the decryption algorithm is applied tobring back the data to its original form.Online selling is influencing all kinds ofbusinesses like banking, advertising, music, etc.Instead of going to a store for buying cassettesand CDs, music can be bought online. Banktransactions like depositing, withdrawing,transferring funds, and paying bills are all
performed online. Billions of dollars areinvested every year in online advertising alone.PPPPPWord Count 681
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