Edition contains 8 pages EXCLUSIVE WEEKLY PICTORIAL EDITION $1 FRIDAY, JANUARY 8 - 14, 2016 c omplete pict orial rec ord of india ’s grea test devel opmets Armaan Foundation Chandigarh paid the Tribute to Lt Gen JFR Jacob The Hero Of 1971 War who Is No More ieutenant General Jacob Farj Rafael Jacob or just General JFR Jacob passed away in a Delhi hospi- Ltal on Wednesday. The 93-year-old war veteran is credited of leading India to victory against Pakistan in the 1971 war, resulting in the formation of Bangladesh thetributetothepast BECAUSE V CARE 4 U An initiative of Armaan Foundation Chandigarh www.thetributetothepast.com CHANDIGARH | HARYANA | HIMACHAL PRADESH | PUNJAB | JAMMU & KASHMIR | NEW DELHI | RAJASTHAN | INDIA Title Code: CHABIL00217 | Vol.II No.76 SWAMI VIVEKANANDA, AN INSPIRATION FOR ALL YOUTH ON THE OCCASSION OF THE BIRTH ANNIVERSARY OF SWAMI VIVEKANADA, PM MODI INAUGURATED THE NATIONAL YOUTH DAY VINAY MALIK said that Swami Viveka- its diversity but are united so abundantly youthful, that without peace, unity This is the heritage of our Chhattisgarh for progress lages. He urged the youth nanda, on the day of birth in one mantra, of serving should have objectives and harmony, develop- forefathers, the Prime in this direction despite to witness the launch of ment cannot have any Minister said, which ex- the “Start-up India” event the problem of Naxalism. and dreams which are Mother India. anniversary, was an inspi- T he Prime Minister, ration for all youth, and a solve had one day brought boundless. meaning. tends from Ved to Viveka- emphasised the impor- in Delhi on January 16th. The Prime Minister He said this united re- shining example of how The Prime Minister The Prime Minister However much we nanda, and Upanishad to Narendra Modi, delivered the inau- requirement, the Prime is today taking India to bour” and said it must be of concrete objectives for plished in a short time- Narendra Modi said tion, is one who works gural address for the Na- much could be accom- us independence, and said a youth, by defini- develop, peace is our first Upagrah. tance of “dignity of la- urged the youth to think tional Youth Day at Naya span. new heights. He said 125 towards his future goals, Minister said, adding that India’s objective is to inculcated among people. the years 2019 and 2022 Raipur, Chhattisgarh, via The Prime Minister crore people are united in unmindful of the past. that India has shown the give its youth the capabili- He said India’s objective – the 150th anniversary video-conferencing from said youth from different an objective of taking the The Prime Minister world, that a land of such ties and skills to make this for development should year of Mahatma Gandhi, Race Course Road. parts of India, assembled nation to new highs. He laid stress on harmony diversity, has a unique century an Indian centu- be to transform the lives and the 75th anniversary The Prime Minister in Chhattisgarh, represent said a nation which was and togetherness, saying spirit to stay together. ry. He praised the State of of the poor, and in the vil- of independence.
2 | thetributetothepast FRIDAY, JANUARY 8 - 14, 2016 thetributetothepast BETI ÂÆUæÙ·¤ôÅU ·ð¤ ÕãUæÙð BACHAO BETI PADHAO EDITORIAL ÎêâÚUæ Îæßæ ãUñ ¹éÎ Âæ·¤SçÌæÙ ·¤æÐ ¥´ÌÚUÚUæcÅþUèØ ×´¿ô´ ÂÚU BEYOND THE SßØ´ ·¤ô ¥æÌ´·¤ßæÎ âð ÂèçÇU¸Ì Îðàæ ·ð¤ M¤Â ×ð´ Âðàæ ·¤ÚUÙð ßæÜð Âæ·¤SçÌæÙ ·ð¤ çÜ° ¥æÁ ØãU âæçÕÌ ·¤ÚUÙæ âÕâð ÁM¤ÚUè ãUñ NEWS ç·¤ SçÍçÌØæ´ ßæSÌß ×ð´ ßñâè ãUè ãUñ´ Áñâæ ç·¤ ßãU Îæßæ ·¤ÚUÌæ ãUñÐ ÂÆUæÙ·¤ôÅU ãU×Üæ ÖæÚUÌ ·ð¤ âæÍ ·ê¤ÅUÙèçÌ·¤ â´Õ´Ï ÆUè·¤ ·¤ÚUÙð âð ÂãUÜð ¥æØæ °ðâæ ×ôÇU¸ ãUñ ÁãUæ´ ©Uâ·¤è ÙèØÌ çßàß çÕÚUæÎÚUè ·ð¤ âæ×Ùð ÂÚU¹è ÁæÙè ãUñÐ ØãU ×ôÇU¸, ØãU ÂêÚUæ ÚU€ÌÚU´çÁÌ ¥ŠØæØ ¥ÙæØæâ ¥æØæ ãUñ, §âð çܹÙð ×ð´ ·¤ô§ü àææâ·¤èØ áÇU÷Ø´˜æ àææç×Ü ÙãUè´ ãUñÐ §â ÕæÌ ·¤ô âæçÕÌ ·¤ÚUÙð âéÚðU‹¼ý Õæ¢âÜ ·¤æ ÎæÚUô×ÎæÚU ¥Õ Âæ·¤SçÌæÙ ·¤è Ùçßæüç¿Ì âÚU·¤æÚU ÂÚU ãUè ãUñÐ Áñàæ Øæ ·¤ô§ü ¥õÚU...ÖæÚUÌ ·ð¤ çßL¤h ãU×Üð ·¤ô ¥´Áæ× âð â×Ø ÁÕ ÂÆUæÙ·¤ôÅU ãU×Üð ·¤è ·¤§ü ÌãUð´ ÎðÙð ßæÜð ¥æÌ´·¤è »éÅUô´ ÂÚU ØçÎ ßãUæ´ ·¤è âÚU·¤æÚU ·¤æÚUüßæ§ü °ð ¥Öè ¹éÜÙè Õæ·¤è ãUñ´, çÙ‡ææüØ·¤ M¤Â âð ·¤ô§ü ÙãUè´ ·¤ÚUÌè Ìô Âæ·¤SçÌæÙ ×ð´ âÚU·¤æÚU ·¤è ·é¤âèü ·¤æ ÂæØæ ÕÙð ·¤ÅU÷ÅUÚUßæÎ, ¥æ§ü°â¥æ§ü, âðÙæ ¥õÚU ¥æÌ´·¤ßæÎ ·¤è ·¤ãUæçÙØô´ ÚUæØ ·¤æØ× ·¤ÚUÙæ ÁËÎÕæÁè ãUô â·¤Ìè ãUñÐ Üðç·¤Ù °·¤ âéçÙØôçÁÌ ¥æÌ´·¤è ×éçãU× ¥õÚU ·¤ô ÛæéÆUÜæÙæ ÙßæÁ àæÚUèȤ ·ð¤ çÜ° ×éàç·¤Ü ãUô Áæ°»æÐ BECAUSE v CARE 4 u ©Uâð çßÈ¤Ü ·¤ÚUÌð Ü´Õð âñ‹Ø ¥çÖØæÙ Ùð çÙçà¿Ì ãUè ·é¤ÀU âæ¹ Á×æÙæ Øæ ¥´ÌÚUÚUæcÅþUèØ ¥æÌ´·¤ ·¤è çßáÕðÜ Îæßô´ ÂÚU âßæÜ Ü»æ çΰ ãUñ´Ð çÖ‹Ù çÖ‹Ù Âÿæô´ mæÚUæ â×Ø- ·¤ãUÜæÙæ...ȤñâÜæ ¥Õ Âæ·¤SçÌæÙ ·¤ô ·¤ÚUÙæ ãUñÐ ÖæÚUÌ âð â×Ø ÂÚU ç·¤° ÁæÌð Øð Îæßð °ðâð ãUñ´ çÁ‹ãUð´ ÕÎÜè ÂçÚUSçÍçÌØô´ ¥æ ÚUãUè´ ÂécÅU âê¿Ùæ¥ô´ ·ð¤ ÕæÎ Öè ØçÎ ¥æÌ´ç·¤Øô´ ÂÚU ̈ÂÚUÌæ “CHILD WELFARE” - AN INITIATIVE OF ×𴠥ܻ ·¤âõÅUè ÂÚU ÂÚU¹æ ÁæÙæ ÁM¤ÚUè ãUñÐ çιæÌð ãUé° çÙ‡ææüØ·¤ ·¤æÚUüßæ§ü ÙãUè´ ·¤è ÁæÌè Ìô §â Îæßð ÂãUÜæ Îæßæ ãUñ ¥Öðl âéÚUÿææ ·¤æÐ ßæØéâðÙæ ·ð¤ ÂÆUæÙ·¤ôÅU ·¤æ €Øæ ×ÌÜÕ ç·¤ Âæ·¤SçÌæÙ ×ð´ ¥æÌ´·¤ßæÎ ·¤ô âÚU·¤æÚUè- ARMAAN FOUNDATION CHANDIGARH çÆU·¤æÙð ·¤ô ÖðÎÙð ßæÜè ØãU ¥æÌ´·¤è ·¤ÚUÌêÌ çÙçà¿Ì ãUè ¥Õ â´SÍæ»Ì àæãU ÙãUè´ ãUñ? 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Ìô ÙãUè´ »°! ©UÙ·ð¤ Âæâ âÅUè·¤ âê¿Ùæ°´ Íè´, ¥æÙð ·¤æ ÌØ ÖßcçØßæ‡æè ·¤æ Î× ÖÚU ÚUãUð ãUñ´Ð VOLUNTEERS ÚUæSÌæ Íæ ¥õÚU çÀUÂÙð ·¤è âéÚU€çáÌ Á»ãU Öè ÍèÐ €Øæ ØãU âÕ ¥ÌèÌ ·¤è ÕæÌ ãUô ¿é·ð¤ °ðâð SßÚUô´, Áô ¥ÂÙð ÖßcçØ ·ð¤ CAN CALL AT: ·ð¤ßÜ â´Øô» ãUñ! ÕæÚUð ×ð´ SßØ´ Öè ¥æàßSÌ ÙãUè´ ãUñ´, ÕæÌô´ ·¤ô âéÙÙæ ÆUè·¤ ãUñ 9814610007 âðÙæ ×ð´ ÖðçÎØô´ ·¤è °·¤ ·ð¤ ÕæÎ °·¤ ¹éÜÌè ÂÚUÌð´, âè×æ Üðç·¤Ù ©UÙ·ð¤ Îæßô´ ·ð¤ Öý× ×ð´ ¥æÙæ ÆUè·¤ ÙãUè´Ð ÖßcçØ ×ð´ 8567910007 ·¤è ÕæÇU¸ ·¤ô Õð×æÙè ÕÙæÌð Á´»Ü-ÂæÙè ·ð¤ ¹éÜð ÚUæSÌô´ ¥õÚU ÖæÚUÌ-Âæ·¤SçÌæÙ â´Õ´Ï ç·¤â Üè·¤ ÂÚU ¿Üð´»ð, ¥Öè ·¤ãUæ FOR Âæ·¤SçÌæÙ âè×æ âð ´ÁæÕ ×ð´ ÁæÚUè Ùàæð ·ð¤ ·¤æÚUôÕæÚU ·¤è Áèß´Ì ÙãUè´ Áæ â·¤Ìæ â·¤Ìæ! SUPPORT ·¤ãUæçÙØô´ ÂÚU §â ƒæÅUÙæ ·ð¤ ÕæÎ €Øæ ·¤ãUæ Áæ°! ÁæçãUÚU ãUñ, ÂÆUæÙ·¤ôÅU ·ð¤ ÕæM¤Î Ùð ·¤§ü Îæßô´ ·¤ô ÜãUêÜéãUæÙ ç·¤Øæ Registration No. 4291 of 2013 âñ‹Ø ÂçÚUâÚU ·¤è ÎèßæÚUô´ âð ÂÚUð ·¤ãUè´ ÖæÚUè âéÚUÿææ ¿ê·¤ ÚUãUè ãUñ...ÕÎÜð ãUæÜæÌ §‹ãUð´ çȤÚU âð ÂÚU¹ð´»ðÐ ÁËÎè ãUè ãU× âÕ·¤ô çÁâ·¤æ âèÏæ ÜæÖ ¥æÌ´ç·¤Øô´ ·¤ô ç×ÜæÐ ÂÌæ ¿Ü Áæ°»æ ç·¤ ç·¤â Îæßð ×ð´ ç·¤ÌÙè ÁæÙ ãUñÐ DONATE AT: SBI A/c No 32847932738, IFSC No SBI N 0000628 The “Times Now” Amazing Indians Awards 2016 VINAY MALIK that in India, most of the narra- achievers have been those, who tive has been built around the lives overcame personal hardships, or of those in power, or the ruling difficult circumstances, and yet he Prime Minister, Naren- class. Those who have struggled contributed to society. Reflecting dra Modi, gave away the and achieved noble objectives, or on Indian history and mythology, T“Times Now” Amazing served society, despite severe ob- the Prime Minister gave several il- Indians Awards 2016. The awards stacles and adversity, are rarely rec- lustrations from the Ramayana and were given in recognition of great ognized and celebrated, he added. Mahabharata, and recalled the Panj achievements in the face of adver- The Prime Minister said that today Pyaaras, and the brave Maratha sity. in India, a teacher who might have warriors who were part of Chha- Speaking on the occasion, the inspired hundreds of young chil- trapati Shivaji’s army. Prime Minister said the awardees dren to become responsible mem- The Prime Minister compli- were people whose life journey had bers of society, often remains un- mented Times Now for discover- been like a diamond, that passes noticed and unheard, while even a ing and presenting to the world at through great travails before being relatively junior political function- large, the awardees for the day, and recognized and acknowledged by ary is feted. said their work would inspire many the world at large. The Prime Minister said that others. He complimented the awar- The Prime Minister regretted the world over, most of the great dees for their achievements.
JANUARY 8 - 14, 2016, FRIDAY thetributetothepast | 3 National Voter’s Day is mark of the power of every individual vote - Dr Nasim Zaidi LIPIKA MODAK theme is ‘inclusive and qualitative of EVM and VVPAT machines, participation’ and slogan is that ‘no online kiosk for voters registration, voter should be left behind’. understanding various electoral he Chief Election Commis- The Chief Election Commis- processes through audio, video, sioner of India, Dr Nasim sioner of India along with Election Quiz contests, games. Many attrac- TZaidi said that National Commissioner, O P Rawat visited tive live models have been set up in Voters Day is mark of the power of all the State stalls, ECI stalls and the stall. Everyday various cultural every individual vote. After inau- the International Stalls including troupes would be presenting their gurating Matdaata Mahotsav 2016, that of Maldives, Nepal, Moldova, voter awareness programme. Dr Zaidi said that voters’ Participa- Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, Fiji and Additionally, there will be in- tion in the democratic and elector- Australia showcasing various com- formation and facilitation centers, al processes is integral to the suc- ponents and aspects of election mock polling station and a range cessful running of any democracy management. The inauguration of interactive activities. Multitude and the very basis of wholesome day witnessed a huge public foot- of activities like debates and dis- democratic elections. He reiterat- fall especially, the youth. cussions, music and dance, street ed that voter is the bedrock of the The event will host national ex- plays and games, quizzes and con- institution of democracy. Dr Zaidi hibition displaying the good prac- tests during the event aim to keep further added that Election Com- tices on various aspects of election up the spirit of festivity. Few EMB mission aspire to reach out to every management and also describe from other countries will also adult citizen of the country and the process of elections through share the best practices of their promote ethical and aware partic- interactive models, presentations countries. Resident Coordinator ipation in the electoral process. He and exhibits from different parts of Yuri Afanasiev UNDP and his agreed that this festival is an effort the country. Every State has been team, Election Management Bod- to initiate the process of collabo- provided a stall in which they will ies of Australia, Bangladesh, Fiji, ration for enhanced and quality show their unique geographical, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Nepal and participation in the elections. Mat- cultural and linguistic diversities Republic of Moldova and repre- daata Mahotsav 2016 marks com- and how they address their chal- sentatives from of States and UTs pletion of 5 successful events of the lenge and conduct the elections also participated in the Matdaata National Voters Day and launch of with perfections. All day activities Mahotsav which will culminate on the SVEEP programme. This year’s will include hands on experience 17th Jan 2016. The Chief Election Commissioner, Dr Nasim Zaidi visiting after inaugurating the “Matdaata Mahotsav, in New Delhi Preparations for Republic Day – 2016 THE TTTP NEWS SERVICE proved themselves, ready for sac- of the worship of Devi at the time rificing their lives in the name of of Chaitra Purnima. This festival holy soil of their motherland. is celebrated after the Holi. This bout 600 boys and girls Dalkhai is a famous folk dance dance is performed while holding are taking part in this of Sambalpur and Baragarh dis- sticks in their hands. The message Ayear’s Republic Day Cel- tricts of Western Odisha. Dalkhai of ‘Victory of Good over Evil’ is ebrations with three items from folk dance is mostly performed given through this dance. 155 Directorate of Education, Govt. by tribal young girls and boys of boys and girls of South Central of Delhi and one item from South these districts. The word Dalkhai Zone Cultural Centre, Nagpur Central Zone Cultural Centre, is addressed to the Goddess will take part in the dance pro- Nagpur. ‘Dalkhai’ and through this dance gramme. 160 students of Shiksha Bharti young girls pray to the goddess for Over the centuries, the holy Public School, Dwarka are pre- a suitable and handsome match Ganga, the elixir of life has nur- senting the colourful dance of for themselves. This dance de- tured the life in Indian Subcon- ‘Dharti Dhora Ree’ in which there picts the culture and tradition of tinent. In this modern era, the is a description of uniqueness of tribal girls. 140 girls of combined sacred Ganga has lost its pristine Rajasthan and the spirit of brav- schools (Sarvodaya Kanya Vidya- qualities due to ignorance, greed ery. The scholars and historians laya (SKV) No. 1 and 3 and Raj- and industrialisation. 150 boys have always praised the land of kiya Pratibha Vikas Vidyalaya), and girls of Army Public School, Rajasthan and its bravery. When- Gandhi Nagar, Delhi – 31 will Sadar Bazar, Delhi Cantt will ever there is an urge on country’s present this dance on Rajpath. present the everlasting sparkle of The Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha interacting with the NCC cadets, at the NCC Republic Day honour, dignity and pride, the The Songi Mukhawate dance the National river Ganga through Parade Camp 2016, in New Delhi brave soldiers of Rajasthan always of Maharastra is an integral part their depiction ‘Nirmal Ganga’. Facts about TB QUOTE OF THE WEEK Better than a thousand hollow 1. HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria kill 6 million words, is one word that people every year; nearly 2 million deaths are brings peace. caused by TB. - Buddha 2. TB is curable, but kills 5000 people every day. 3. TB is a leading killer among HIV-infected people with weakened immune systems; a quarter of a million TB deaths are HIV- to subscribe and advertise call associated — most of them in Africa. 4. Global TB incidence is still growing at 1% every +91 9814610007 +91 8567910007 year because of the rapid increase in Africa; intense control efforts are helping incidence fall or stabilize in other regions. thetributetothepast 5. 2 billion people — one third of the world’s population — are infected with TB bacilli, the microbes that cause TB. 1 in 10 people infected with TB bacilli will become sick with active TB in their lifetime; people with HIV are at a much greater risk. 6. TB is contagious and spreads through the air; if not treated, each person with active TB infects on average 10 to 15 people each year. 7. TB is a worldwide pandemic; though the Editor-in-Chief & Publisher: Vinay Malik * highest rates per capita are in Africa (29% of Edited and published by Vinay Malik for The Tribute To The Past, 2682, Sector 40/C, Chandigarh (UT) - 160040. all TB cases), half of all news cases are in 6 (Mailing address: 2682, Sector 40/C, Chandigarh (UT) - Asian countries — Bangladesh, China, India, 160040. Phone +91 9814610007, 8567910007). Indonesia, Pakistan and the Philippines. Printed at: M/s New PrintIndia Pvt Ltd, 8/4B, Industrial Area, Site No. 4, Sahibabad-201010, 8. Multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) is a form Ghaziabad (UP), +91 8699370707 of TB that does not respond to the standard *All rights reserved Website: www.thetributetothepast.com drug treatment. MDR-TB is present in Email: [email protected] virtually all 109 countries recently surveyed by Regd. Title No. - CHABIL00217 WHO and partners * Editor for purpose of PRB Act, 1867
4 | thetributetothepast FRIDAY, JANUARY 8 - 14, 2016 Saving lives in road accidents needs the support of the citizens, the NGOs and the media: Nitin Gadkari The Adviser to the Administrator, UT, Chandigarh, Vijay Dev alongwith senior officers reviewing the arrangemets for the French President, Francois Haollande visit at Capitol Complex, Chandigarh The Union Minister for Road Transport & Highways and Shipping, Nitin Gadkari addressing the National Meet of NGOs on Road Safety, in New Delhi THE TTP NEWS SERVICE several issues related to is a major priority for the pads for quick transfer the road and transport road safety like identifi- Ministry. 726 black spots of accident victims to sector. He said that the cation of accident black have identified across the hospitals and all busy government has decided nion Minister of spots, training and health country and Rs. 11,000 traffic corridors will have to implement Euro VI Road Transport check up of drivers and Crore have been ear- trauma centres along the standards for automo- U& Highways Ni- educating the general marked to address this highways. biles from April 1, 2020. tin Gadkari has called public including chil- problem. The minister an- The use of electric vehi- The Adviser to the Administrator, UT, Chandigarh, Vijay Dev alongwith senior officers upon the citizens and dren about road safety Throwing light on nounced that the road cles and of bio-diesel, bi- reviewing the arrangemets for the French President, Francois Haollande visit at Govt NGOs to participate in issues, where the NGOs other efforts of the Gov- safety campaign will not ogas, and ethanol as fuel Museum, Chandigarh the national campaign can play a vital role. He ernment to contain road be limited to only the is also being promoted. on Road Safety to create called upon the NGOs accidents, Gadkari said Road Safety Week but Gadkari also awareness about road to give their suggestions that the present system will continue throughout launched a Facebook safety issues in the coun- on issues related to road of issuing driving licens- the year. He said a train page on road safety, try. The Minister was ad- safety, and assured them es will soon be replaced will be run across the termed as Road Safety: dressing the Road Safety that the Ministry of Road by a transparent and country with exhibition Time for Action. The Forum 2016, the national Transport & Highways efficient computerized on road safety to create page will be a platform meet of NGOs on Road will take these up in a licensing system. He awareness on the subject. for discussion on vari- Safety, in New Delhi. suitable manner. He further informed that The minister also an- ous issues related to road Expressing concern over especially urged the or- driving schools are be- nounced that a scheme safety and the wide array 5 lakh road accidents ganizations to help the ing opened across the will be worked out to of work being done in in the country per year government in its ef- country to train drivers. provide NGOs working this area. in which about 1.4 lakh forts to identify accident Fitness of drivers is an- in the field of the road The Minister also people lose their lives, black spots across the other major concern that safety with Rs 3 lakh fi- gave prizes to winners of Gadkari said that con- country, so that the con- the Government will be nancial support. Awards a contest on films on road taining road accidents cerned authorities can be addressing. Gadkari said will also be instituted safety. Akshat Nangia of and saving lives is not asked to take remedial that over 3000 centres for the best performing New Delhi, Bablu Thom- possible by the govern- action to make the sites will be set up in rural NGOs. as of Trivandrum, Chi- ment alone - it needs the safe. Gadkari further areas to train drivers and Gadkari also empha- rag Acharya of Mumbai support of the citizens, informed that identifica- address fitness related sized that apart from and Raja Gopal Singh of the NGOs and the media tion of black spots and issues. He also said that road safety, the Minis- Ghaziabad got the first, in this regard. taking corrective action roadside amenities will try was also committed second, third and fourth The Adviser to the Administrator, UT, Chandigarh, Vijay Dev, Mayor, MCC, Aurun Sood Gadkari pointed out to make these sites safe be equipped with heli- to reducing pollution in prizes respectively. alongwith senior officers celebrating Lohri at Fragrance Garden, Sector-36, Chandigarh Lala Lajpat Rai – A Selfless Patriot THE TTP NEWS SERVICE India has decided to commemorate his 150th birth anniversary. Minis- try of Culture observes birth cente- r Mahesh Sharma, the Min- nary/125th/150th etc. anniversaries of ister of State for Culture great personalities of national impor- Dand Tourism (Independent tance and various activities are organ- charge) and Civil Aviation inaugurat- ized for a period of one year, he added. ed an Exhibition on Lala Lajpat Rai Dr Sharma said that Lala Lajpat entitled “Lala Lajpat Rai – A Selfless Rai Ji was greatly influenced by the Patriot” at a function to commem- Arya Samaj and its founder Swami orate “150th Birth Anniversary of Dayanand Saraswati and he fought Lala Lajpat Rai”. N K Sinha, Secretary, against many social evils, especially Ministry of Culture and senior officers Untouchability in society. of the Ministry were present on the He was a prolific author and wrote occasion. many books. He also founded and A puppet show performance based edited newspapers and journals. As- on the life and ideals of Lala Lajpat Rai saulted by the police while leading was also presented on the occasion. a demonstration against the Simon Addressing on the occasion, Dr Commission in Lahore on 30th Oc- Mahesh Sharma said that Lala Lajpat tober 1928, he succumbed to severe Rai Ji was a great patriot and man of injuries on 17th November 1928. The masses. He was a stalwart of freedom present generation should be indebted struggle who ranks among India’s to great freedom fighters like Lala Ji. most outstanding leaders. He was N K Sinha, Secretary, Ministry of popularly known as ‘Punjab Kesari’. Culture in his address said that Lala He was a prominent figure in pro- Lajpat Rai Ji was a great freedom tests against the Partition of Bengal fighter who along with Bipin Chandra and led the extremist wing of the Con- Pal and Bal Gangadhar Tilak formed a gress along with Bipin Chandra Pal trio of Lal-Bal –Pal. and Bal Gangadhar Tilak. The three He authored many books and ed- were affectionately called ‘Lal-Bal-Pal’. ited many journals which inspired the The Minister of State for Culture (Independent Charge), Tourism (Independent Charge) and Civil Aviation, Dr Mahesh Sharma addressing at a As a tribute to the recognition youths and public at large to take part in freedom struggle. function to Commemorate “150th Birth Anniversary of Lala Lajpat Rai”, in New Delhi of his sacrifices the Government of
JANUARY 8 - 14, 2016, FRIDAY thetributetothepast | 5 SOIL HEALTH CARD A TOOL FOR AGRI REVOLUTION NIRENDRA DEV years time span. Experts also talk about the impor- tance of genetic food cultivation calling griculture since ages is the for lot more variety in the land. The mainstay of the Indian pop- Agriculture ministry maintains that the ulation. The story of Indian emphasis should be to develop more Aagriculture has been a spec- and more pulses and green vegetables tacular one, with a global impact for its as this can bring in inherent resilience multi-functional success in generating in the land. According to renowned employment, livelihood, food, nutrition- expert and the ‘father of Green Revolu- al and ecological security. Agriculture tion’, M S Swaminathan, there is need to and allied activities contribute about 30 opt for wide range of crops cultivation. per cent to the gross domestic product of The awareness of soil health conditions India. The green revolution had herald- would only make these operations easi- ed the first round of changes. India is the er and more result oriented. The studies second largest producer of wheat, rice, of soil across the states also show that sugar, groundnut as also in production there’s need to promote alternate crops of cash crops like coffee, coconut and tea. like pulses, sunflower, bajra, or fodder India is now eyeing second Green and vegetables. Thus we realize that the Soil Health Energy Cooperation with enhanced investment in agriculture with Card mechanism definitely aims to help Revolution in eastern India. The need for herald some essential revolutionary twin focus on higher quality productivi- Japan will be defining feature of ty and welfare of farmers is rightly em- changes and salutary effect in country’s agricultural scene. There are actually phasized from time to time by the Prime many path-breaking initiatives associ- Minister Narendra Modi. ated with the scheme. Under this, the In the entire scenario, importantly our relationship: Piyush Goyal the Narendra Modi government has laid government can help farmers adopt crop diversification. emphasis on the awareness campaign Farmers would understand the fer- and enhanced agri-knowledge for the farming community. But besides the tility factor of the land better and can measures to improve minimum support be attracted towards value added newer SURENDER BAANSAL The Minister is on a visit to lifestyle and consumption of Generation, Super-Efficient price and assistance like improved irriga- crops. This would help reduction in risk Tokyo, Japan to attend the 8th electricity & petroleum prod- Appliances and LEDs, Ener- tion and rural electrification, the incum- in farming and also the cost of overall India-Japan Energy Dialogue ucts”, Goyal added. gy Efficient Petroleum Refin- bent NDA regime has laid emphasis on cultivation process would get reduced. iyush Goyal, Minister on 12-14 January 2016. He also Earlier during the day, Go- ing-Energy Audit refineries, the Soil Health Card Scheme. Some states are already issuing Soil of State (IC) for Power, invited Japanese companies “to yal attended three roundtable Energy Storage Technologies Launched by the central govern- Health Cards but, it was found that, there PCoal and New & Re- Come to India, Make in India conferences on Clean Coal and Smart Grids/Smart Meters ment in February 2015, the scheme is was no uniform norm for sampling, newable Energy, Government and Conserve Energy in India”. Technologies and Efficient are scheduled to take place be- tailor-made to issue ‘Soil card’ to farm- testing and distribution of Soil Health of India said, “energy cooper- Speaking on the occasion, Coal Based Power Generation, tween the Indian and Japanese ers which will carry crop-wise recom- Cards across the states. Taking a holistic ation with Japan will be defin- Goyal informed that USA & Super-Efficient Appliances companies on 13th & 14th Jan- mendations of nutrients and fertilizers view on these, the central government ing feature of our relationship”. Europe with just 10-12% of the & LEDs and Energy Efficient uary. required for the individual farms. This has thus rightly taken measures like Goyal was addressing Institute world’s populations have con- Petroleum Refining- Energy The themes were selected is aimed to help farmers to improve pro- launching of a Soil Health Card portal. of Energy Economics Japan tributed 50% of GHG emis- Audit in Refineries. He will based on India’s energy needs ductivity through judicious use of inputs. This would be useful for registration of in Tokyo and was received by sions while India contributes also participate in two round- and with a view to further In the words of the union Agricul- soil samples, recording test results of soil Masakazu Toyoda CEO, Insti- only 2.5% with 17% of popula- table conferences to be held on deepen the cooperation in ture Minister Radha Mohan Singh, this samples and generation of Soil Health tute of Energy Economics, Ja- tion. He demanded that devel- the theme of Energy Storage the energy sector between the path-breaking initiative would create a Card (SHC) along with Fertilizer Rec- pan (IEEJ). oped countries should support Technologies and Smart Grids/ two sides such that Japanese golden opportunity for the farmers to ommendations. Taking inspiration from the developing & emerging Smart Meters on Thursday. technology and capital can be improve the productivity of their crops “This is a single, generic, uniform, Japanese energy efficiency ef- economies with green tech, On the sidelines of the En- dovetailed with Indian high and also go for diversification. This will web based software accessed at the forts, Goyal said that Japan has low cost finance to keep our ergy Dialogue, five interactive skilled human resources and certainly contribute significantly to en- link www.soilhealth.dac.gov.in,” the Ag- 70-80% of lighting from LEDs, energy costs affordable. “Cli- sessions on relevant themes of “Make in India” to create win- suring food security of the country. riculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh we are targeting 100% LED mate justice demands that the Clean Coal Technologies and win situations bilaterally and Awareness of soil health position and said on the completion of one-year of penetration in India by 2019. developed world reassess its Efficient Coal Based Power beyond. the role of manures would help in higher office of the Modi government in May production of foodgrains in eastern In- 2015. dia too and this would help tackle the de- The official sources in the Agricul- cline in production in central and pen- ture ministry say that the Soil Health insular India. The growth in foodgrains, Card portal aims to generate and issue rice and wheat, from eastern India would Soil Health Cards based on either Soil provide an opportunity to procure and Test-Crop Response (STCR) formulae create foodgrain reserves locally. This developed by ICAR or General Fertiliz- would reduce the agricultural pressure er Recommendations provided by state on Punjab and Haryana as well. Governments. Essentially, the Soil Health Card The scheme has been approved for scheme is modeled on a successful pro- implementation during 12th Plan with gramme launched by Prime Minister an outlay of Rs.568.54 crore. For the Modi during his tenure as Chief Minister current year (2015-16) an allocation of Gujarat. of Rs.96.46 crore – only for the central In fact from 2003-04 itself, Gujarat government share-has been made. The has been the first state to introduce Soil scheme is to be otherwise implement- Health cards, according to government ed on 50:50 sharing pattern between sources, to initiate the scientific meas- Government of India and state Govern- The Union Home Minister, Rajnath Singh, the Union Minister for Urban Development, Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation and Parliamentary ures for Soil Health care. In Gujarat, over ments. Affairs, M Venkaiah Naidu, and the Union Minister for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Radha Mohan Singh, briefing the media on Cabinet 100 soil laboratories were set up and the In order to improve quality of soil Decisions, in New Delhi. The Secretary, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Siraj Hussain, and the Director General result of scheme was found quite sat- and ultimately for better nutrient values (M&C), Press Information Bureau, A P Frank Noronha, are also seen isfactory. To start with, the agriculture and higher yields, experts say while at income of Gujarat from Rs 14000 crore present, general fertilizer recommenda- in 2000-01 had gone up to staggeringly tions are followed by farmers for prima- high Rs 80,000 crore in 2010-11. ry nutrients, the secondary and micro In July 2015, the union Agriculture nutrients are often overlooked. “We have Minister Radha Mohan Singh said that often come across deficiency of nutrients for the first time, a massive agricultural like Sulphur, Zinc and Boron. This has population of 14 crore card holdings will become a limiting factor in increasing be covered once in a cycle of 3 years to food productivity. The Soil Health Card promote soil management practices and scheme will address these,” says Agricul- restore soil health. ture Radha Mohan Singh. To state a truism, this is a timely in- The government is effectively march- tervention as aggressive farming cou- ing in quite ambitiously for a grand suc- pled with absence of any concrete step cess of the Soil Health Card scheme and to bring new lands under cultivation proposes to ensure that all farmers in the has already affected yields and deprived country have their respective Soil Health farmlands of valuable nutrients. Experts Cards by the year 2017. In the first year and agri scientists have often said that a of NDA regime 2014-15, a sum of Rs 27 likely famine and drought stare various crore was sanctioned and in 2015-16, parts of India. there is an allocation of Rs 100 crore to Thus it goes without saying that if all the states to prepare soil health cards. The Ministry of Tourism launched the new skill initiative ‘Delivery Boys’ training programme’, on the occasion of “National Youth Day” to mark the necessary corrective steps are not taken, The writer is a Delhi based jour- Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekanand, in New Delhi there could be food shortage in next 10 nalist
6 | thetributetothepast FRIDAY, JANUARY 8 - 14, 2016 Each district to have at least one skill development centre by 2017: Naidu Haryana Chief Minister, Manohar Lal, and Industries Minister, Capt Abhimanyu, in a meeting with Chairman of Lotte, Korea, Dong-Bin Shin in New Delhi The Union Minister for Urban Development, Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation and Parliamentary Affairs, M Venkaiah Naidu addressing at the National Industry Conclave on Skills, organised by the Ministry of Skill Development& Entrepreneurship, coinciding with the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, in Mumbai. The Union Ministers Manohar Parrikar, Nitin Gadkari, Dharmendra Pradhan, Rajiv Pratap Rudy and the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Devendra Fadanavis are also seen THE TTP NEWS SERVICE the conclave, Union Ur- vocational skills, agri- imparting right skills for forward and adopt ITIs ban Development Minis- culture and allied activ- the youth and urged in- (Industrial Training In- ter Venkaiah Naidu said ities, craft and self-help dustry leaders to help in stitutes) across the coun- orporate India that skilling the youth groups. Naidu informed establishing at least one try. Haryana Chief Minister, Manohar Lal, presiding over the 47th meeting of Haryana has responded is the biggest challenge that six union ministers skill development centre Venakaih Naidu in- State Flood Control Board in Chandigarh Cpositively to the in India. He said the - Nitin Gadkari, Mano- in each of the districts of formed media persons Government’s call for number of vocationally har Parrikar Chaudhary India. “Youth are the fu- that almost all the corpo- playing a bigger role in trained people in India Rao Birender Singh, ture of our country, they rate leaders pledged their Union Home Minister chaired skill development. The is only 5.3%, as against Dharmendra Pradhan, have aspirations and we help in bridging the skill challenges and oppor- 70-90% in countries like Rajiv Pratap Rudy and have to come together to gap. He said the industry High Level Committee meeting tunities of skill devel- Japan, South Korea and himself held wide rang- fulfill their aspirations” requested the govern- opment in India were Western Europe. Naidu ing discussions with the he said. ment to establish central for central assistance to drought discussed elaborately at said, in the areas of skill captains of the industry Stating that private mechanism of certifica- the National Industry development we have seeking greater corporate sector employment and tion of skilled workers. affected Telangana Conclave on Skill held in to take care of school participation in skill de- self-employment are the They also demanded es- Mumbai. dropouts, college drop- velopment. future avenues for the tablishment of training Addressing a press outs, graduates and post The Minister stressed youth, Naidu asked the schools for the trainers, THE TTP NEWS SERVICE Mohan Singh, Union Home Secretary, conference at the end of graduates, engineering, on the importance of industrialists to come Naidu added. Rajiv Mehrishi, and senior officers of the Ministries of Home, Finance and he Union Home Minister, Ra- Agriculture attended the meeting. The Committee examined the pro- Stakeholders play effective role in ensuring safety on roads: Singh Tof the High Level Committee posal based on the report of the Cen- jnath Singh chaired a meeting (HLC) for Central Assistance to the tral Team which visited the drought draught affected Telangana. affected state of Telangana. The HLC The Union Minister for Finance, approved the assistance from the Na- Corporate Affairs and Information and tional Disaster Relief Fund (NDRF) in Broadcasting, Arun Jaitley, Minister for respect of Telangana to the tune of Rs Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Radha 791 crore. The Union Home Minister, Rajnath Singh along with the Union Minister for Road Transport & Highways and Shipping, Nitin Gadkari and the Union Minister for Science & Technology and Earth Sciences, Dr Harsh Vardhan flagging off the “Road Safety Walk”, in New Delhi THE TTP NEWS SERVICE about 1.4 lakh people lose up immediately. Gadkari Transport and Safety Bill present on the occasion. their lives, Singh said that also announced that Rs will be placed shortly be- A Road Safety Walk, there is a need for proper 11,000 Crore are being fore Parliament. He asked ‘Walkathon’ was also Haryana Chief Minister, Manohar Lal, addressing the press conference in Chandigarh. oad Safe- training of drivers before earmarked in the next people to take a resolve flagged off by the Minis- Haryana Agriculture Minister, O P Dhankar and BJP Haryana State Presidnet, ty Week’ was they are issued driving five years to fix black on road safety and bring ters from India Gate on Subhash Barala are also seen in the picture ‘Rlaunched by licenses. spots across the country. down road accidents by the occasion. It had been Union Home Minister In his address, Nitin Expressing concern 50% in next five years. organized by the Ministry Rajnath Singh at a func- Gadkari announced a over the way driving li- Speaking on the oc- in association with Delhi tion in New Delhi this number of measures to censes are issued, Gad- casion, Dr Harsh Vard- Police and Society for morning in the presence address the problem. He kari said that training han said that the issues Indian Automobile Man- of Union Minister of said that a website is be- schools are being opened of road safety and health ufactures (SIAM) to cre- Road Transport & High- ing launched to help in and computers will be safety are interlinked. He ate awareness about road ways and Shipping Nitin identifying black spots used for conducting driv- said that spirit of road safety among general Gadkari and Minister of where accidents take ing tests. He also empha- safety will have to be in- public and to solicit their Science & Technology place frequently. sized use of seat belts and culcated in every child. active participation in the and Earth Sciences Dr The people can send helmets and appealed the He also emphasized on a road safety movement. Harsh Vardhan. Speaking information about such people not to use mobile policy on design of speed The Road Safety Week on the occasion, Singh spots to the Ministry of phones while driving. breakers. is organized every year to called upon all stakehold- Road Transport & High- Gadkari added that air- Several members of create awareness among ers to play effective role in ways which will further bags will be made com- Parliament, Secretary general public to improve ensuring safety on roads. take up the issue with pulsory in every car. of Road Transport & the safety on road and to Expressing concern the concerned authori- Gadkari also an- Highways, Delhi Police give an opportunity to all Haryana Finance Minister, Capt Abhimanyu, and Transport Minister, Krishan Lal over about five lakh road ties. He added that the nounced that a Road Commissioner, cricketer stakeholders to contrib- Panwar, being apprised about the initiatives taken by the Police Department by accidents in the coun- work on ten black spots Safety Authority will be Gautam Gambhir and ute to the cause of road Additional Director General of Police, CID, Shatrujeet Singh Kapoor, during the third try every year in which in Delhi is being taken constituted and Road other senior officials were safety. Haryana State Road Safety Quiz Competition, 2015-16, at Panchkula
JANUARY 8 - 14, 2016, FRIDAY thetributetothepast | 7 Prepare students to become job- creators rather than job-seekers, says President to BIT Mesra THE TTP NEWS SERVICE plants for hand pumps and other learning can be replicated in oth- village water bodies, and by re-de- er institutions. These clubs can signing hospital bed servicing, tie up with innovation incubators he President of India, Pra- has provided the critical fruits of existing in technical institutions to nab Mukherjee inaugurat- technology to the poorest of the mentor and develop innovations Ted the Diamond Jubilee poor. He urged upon all of them to into viable products. It is necessary Celebrations of Birla Institute continue the thrust on socially re- to strengthen the chain between of Technology and addressed its sponsive projects through the me- innovators, technical institutions convocation ceremony at Ranchi, dium of research and technology. and financiers. Jharkhand. Let research in academic institu- The President said due to the Speaking on the occasion, the tions become relevant for those at facilitative environment that has President said India cannot lose the bottom of the socio-economic evolved, the youth today has a sight of fact that over 250 million pyramid! greater flair for entrepreneurship. people in the country languish at The President said to realize Many start-ups in India have be- subsistence level of poverty. The the productive potential of our come successful and shown the task of taking them out of poverty economy, it is necessary to provide path of progress to others. The may be daunting but possible. Our a head start to various innovation higher academic institutions have 24th edition of New Delhi World Book Fair inaugurated socio-economic progress has to be activities. For, it is innovation, a clear role to play in refining the tempered with a commitment to over and above capital and labour, entrepreneurial abilities of their by Union Minister of Human Resource Development equitable distribution of its fruits that is the deciding factor for en- students. Entrepreneurial stud- to all sections of our society, par- hanced production in an economy. ies can be taught as a course in ticularly the backward, less-privi- The youngsters of today are brim- our institutions. Other support LIPIKA MODAK shastra which shows how Indian come up with a new Navlekhan leged and the disadvantaged. ming with innovative ideas. They measures like the small industries history finds mention of the coun- series for young writers under the BIT Mesra has created many require a platform to give wings entrepreneurs’ park of BIT Mesra try’s relationship with China. She age of forty and has brought out 16 pioneers for social uplift in cities to their novel thoughts. The con- are needed to prepare students to e believe in Athithi hoped that both the countries will new titles. He also informed that and villages. Its alumni by design- cept of innovators’ clubs started in become job-creators rather than Devo Bhavaa and strengthen ties both on the cultur- the theme pavilion will display ing affordable water purification several central institutes of higher job-seekers. “Win our tradition al as well as knowledge front. books beginning from bhoj patra we worship our guests. We hope Irani appreciated efforts un- to ebooks and will also display an- that the people from the Guest of dertaken by the NBT to bring out cient scripts. Honour country, China will feel at 16 new titles under the Navlekhan Liu Zhenyou, eminent Chinese home in India,” said Smriti Zubin series and hoped that it would also author; Le Yucheng, Chinese Am- Irani, Union Minister of Human publish books in 22 major Indian bassador to India; and Vinay Sheel Resource Development, while languages. She also said that the Oberoi, Secretary, Department of welcoming China as the Guest of children from various states of In- Higher Education, Ministry of Hu- Honour country at the 24th edi- dia including Tamil Nadu, Kerala, man Resource Development also tion of New Delhi World Book Fair Manipur, Assam among others spoke on the occasion. at New Delhi to be held from 9 to with select photographers would Earlier, Dr Rita Chowdhury, 17 January 2016. The Fair is being be sent as shodh yatris to countries Director, NBT welcomed the organized by the National Book like Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Thailand, guests present on the occasion. She Trust, India in collaboration with Cambodia and their memoirs will hoped that through books, book- the India Trade Promotion Organ- be published in the form of books. lovers especially the young will get isation. Baldeo Bhai Sharma, Chair- an opportunity to connect with the Talking about the India-China man, NBT said that on the lines cultural heritage of India. relationship since ancient times, of inspiration from Smriti Zubin Later, Smriti Irani inaugurated she said that there is a mention Irani, the Minister of Human Re- the Theme Pavilion and the China The President, Pranab Mukherjee presenting the degree to a student at the Diamond Jubilee Celebration and the of Chinese silk dress in Artha- source Development, the Trust has pavilion at Pragati Maidan. Convocation of the Birla Institute of Technology, at Ranchi, Jharkhand. The Governor of Jharkhand, Draupadi Murmu and the Chief Minister of Jharkhand, Raghubar Das are also seen 174 wi-fi hotspots, 4 lakh next generation network connections to be provided in Maharashtra SURENDER BAANSAL Prasad informed that mobile oration with the Mumbai Police” phone connectivity has increased he added. to 100 crores and internet con- Dwelling on the performance nion Minister for Com- nectivity to 40 crores. “We will of the Postal Department, Ravi munication & Information strengthen Digital India for health, Shankar Prasad said the Gov- UTechnology, Ravi Shankar education, entertainment and ernment has asked India Post to Prasad asserted that connectivity ecommerce and to make India a become an active player in the e should be the utmost priority for truly empowered society” he as- commerce segment. The Minister making Digital India campaign serted. said that a CAG Survey of 8 states successful. Addressing a Press Announcing the road map for has concluded that the Speed Post Conference after taking a review improving connectivity in Maha- Service of India Post has been de- meeting of Departments under his rashtra, Ravi Shankar Prasad said clared the best courier service. He Ministry in Mumbai, Prasad said four (4) lakh connections under informed that the parcel revenue several steps are being taken to Next Generation Network (NGN) which registered a 2% decline in address the issues of connectivity will be made available in Mahar- 2013-14, registered 37% growth in including spread of broadband, wi- ashtra during the Financial Year 2014-15. It grew by 117% by De- fi and Next Generation Network 2016-17. NGN Service will be cember 2015. across the country. He also said available in Pune, Nagpur, Nashik, The Minister further said that 2500 Wi Fi hotspots will be set up Aurangabad, Kolhapur, Kalyan and India Post Payment Bank would by next fiscal. Nanded in Maharashtra and Goa, become operational by March 2017 WE ARE NOW IN Underlining the need for pro- which is also part of the Mahar- to extend access to formal banking moting inclusive growth, Ravi ashtra Telecom circle. NGN is a in rural areas. “India Post is getting Shankar Prasad announced that packet based network which pro- very good attention from across the the Government has planned to vides voice, data and other media world. Already 40 national and in- SECTORS set up BPOs in the form of Mo- services at high speed. ternational consortia have evinced fussil call centres across India with The Minister also announced interest to partner with the Postal 48,000 seats. Out of these, Mahar- that 174 Wi Fi hotspots will be Department for insurance delivery Chd - 34, 40 & 44 ashtra will have 35 call centres of installed in 58 cities across Maha- and other financial products. 3500 seats. “BPO Call Centres at rashtra. He said a new Mobile In- About Net Neutrality, the Min- small places and mofussil towns telligence Network will be set up in ister said “Telecom Regulatory will become the crux of digital In- Pune, which will facilitate pre-paid Authority of India” TRAI is con- Pkl - 11 dia” the Minister said. mobile service customers. sidering the entire nuances of net The Minister said ‘Digital India’ For Mumbai, Ravi Shankar neutrality, we have to await their is aimed at empowering the poor Prasad said, the MTNL is laying report. Thereafter, the Govern- and the underprivileged. “We want Optical fibre which aims to provide ment will take a structured view,” S.C.O. 1, Sector 11, Panchkula For wholesale order, contact: +91 9779647632 a small time tea-seller, a paanvala, a High Speed Broadband to 1 lakh He however asserted that Internet, Booth No. 45, Sector 34 C, Chandigarh FRANCHISE ALSO AVAILABLE carpenter to seek services through households in the city. “6,000 city being one of the finest creations of Booth No. 405, Sector 44 D, Chandigarh Contact: +91 9780460207, 8591452015 his mobile phones. That is the con- surveillance cameras will be in- human mind, should not remain cept of real ‘Digital India’. stalled at 1800 locations, in collab- the monopoly of few. Bring This Coupon To Get Special Discount From Our Outlets
Edition contains 8 pages EXCLUSIVE WEEKLY PICTORIAL EDITION $1 FRIDAY, january 8 - 14, 2015 Elections are in full swing for conducting the Panchayati Raj Institutions’ polls in a fair, free and transparent manner. Besides security personnel, 1,07,675 employees, 1,256 supervisors and 1,065 duty magistrates would be deputed on election duty. In all, 1,10,09,317 voters are eligible to cast their ballots out of which 59,04,696 are men and 51,04,621 are women thetributetothepast BECAUSE V CARE 4 U An initiative of Armaan Foundation Chandigarh www.thetributetothepast.com CHANDIGARH | HARYANA | HIMACHAL PRADESH | PUNJAB | JAMMU & KASHMIR | NEW DELHI | RAJASTHAN | INDIA Title Code: CHABIL00217 | Vol.II No.76 Business summit: Bengal gets VINAY MALIK Rs 2.5 lakh crore commitments est Bengal has secured investment commitments to the tune of at least ₹2,50,104 crore, Chief Minister, WMamata Banerjee said on Saturday. Speaking at the concluding day of the two-day Bengal Global Business Summit, Banerjee said dis- cussions were on for further investments in the State. “A rough estimate suggests that investment pro- posals received this year were to the tune of at least ₹250,104 crore. However, this figure may go up in the coming days as some discussions are under way,” she told mediapersons. According to Banerjee, the State has not consid- ered Central government projects and proposals of around ₹40,000 crore that are currently proposed or under way. “If we consider that, then, the amount will go up further,” the Chief Minister said. In the first edition of the summit, held in 2015, Bengal had secured investments to the tune of ₹243,000 crore; of which proposals worth ₹95,000 crore have materialised; and the remaining are under process. In 2017, the summit will be held on January 20-21. Sectoral investments Manufacturing and infrastructure remained the focus areas with proposals coming in to the tune of ₹116,000 crore. Power, IT and telecom and transport department remained the other big draws with the three account- ing for investments to the tune of ₹26,350 crore. Technical education remained another major gainer with proposals worth ₹2,000 crore. Investment proposals were also made in other sec- tors like travel and tourism, fisheries, healthcare and education among others. Big corporates The Union Minister for Finance, Corporate Amongst the major corporates which committed Affairs and Information & Broadcasting, to investments, Purnendu Chatterjee’s The Chatterjee Arun Jaitley, the Union Minister for Road Group was the top draw with a ₹22,000 crore refinery Transport & Highways and Shipping, project. Nitin Gadkari, the Union Minister for This apart, telecom majors like Reliance Jio and Railways, Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu, the Airtel too committed to investments. Other ma- Chief Minister of West Bengal, Mamata jor companies include Amity University, ITC Ltd, Banerjee, the Chief Minister of Delhi, Shriram Group, Mitsubishi Corporation, Ambuja Arvind Kejriwal and other dignitaries at Neotia and others. the inaugural session of the Bengal Global Logistics hub Business Summit 2016, in Kolkata The State Transport department, meanwhile, has entered into a MoU with the Calcutta Goods Trans- port Association to set up a logistics hub at Baidyaba- ti, some 40 km north of the city. Coming up over 150 acres of land, thehub will entail an estimated invest- ment of ₹5,000 crore. It will be completed in another four years. The State also entered into a MoU with China’s Zhongtong and Dedico Transport Pvt Ltd to set up a bus manufacturing unit at Andal. The ₹1,500 crore facility will come up at the industrial park of BAPL’s Aerotropolis project. Other agreements MoUs were also entered into with various skill de- velopment councils and Maruti Suzuki for technical training of local youths. German technology and ser- vices major Bosch and US tech giant Hewlett Packard also entered into agreements for various projects. While Bosch would on a pilot basis try out a traffic management app (mobile application), Hewlett Pack- ard would look to work on tele-medicines.
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