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Home Explore brand book

brand book

Published by vterehov, 2021-02-05 14:07:23

Description: brand book


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brand book 2021 1


\"Freedom suppressed and again regained bites with keener fangs than freedom never endangered\". Cicero

contents brand vision and values........................6 logo.....................................................10 grafic language..................................18

ui kit..............................................26 printed materials..........................36 digital materials...........................42

brand vision and values 66

Brand vision forced to stay home for several months. Brand was developed in 2020, year of global pandemic, to Going into virtual space help world society continue to become an opportunity to live a life full of impressions, pass much more easier at a emotions and travel the world, qurantine, communicate and even if it can be possible only travel with friends and family, in virtual space. regardless of where exactly they are located on the globe. The idea of virtual trip, offered by VR FREEDOM was received with great excitement all over the world by people, who where 7


Brand values • freedom - VR FREEDOM is a way to feel free, even when airports are closed • simple - we offer our service for everyone, so using is very simple • virtual - of course our servise is built in a virtual space 9

logo 10

The logo consists of letters \"VR\", which mean Virtual Reality. And a word \"freedom\", together it means Virtual Reality Freedom. The logo colors are black and white. White is applied on a dark background, and black - on light. Below are the prorortions of the logo ( pages 14-15 ), and its application on the backgrounds ( pages 16-17). 11



Proportions of logo 14

10 mm 30 mm 15 mm 40 mm 20 mm 45 mm 15

Incorrect application of logo 16

Application logo on the background 17

grafic language 18

patern 19

colors Background color palette #748BA0 # DFF0F2 #A3D9EA CMYK: 58, 36, 26, 8 CMYK: 15, 0, 6, 0 CMYK: 40, 0, 9, 0 RGB: 116, 139, 160 RGB: 223, 240, 242 RGB: 163, 217, 234 20

Logo color palette White Black #161111 CMYK: 75, 72, 61, 88 RGB: 22, 17, 17 21

tipografiya Font for live text Now our team consists of several dozen developers working from all over the world and it keeps growing. Now our team consists of several dozen developers working from all over the world and it keeps growing. Heebo, Relular min 12 pt max 36 pt 22

Font for title Choose your trip Choose your trip Krungthep, Relular min 14 pt max 80 pt 23



ui kit 26

favicon 27


menues 29

buttons on off 30


icons 32

form 33



printed materials 36






digital materials 42







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