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Home Explore SEE my City Project

SEE my City Project

Published by sonia.zat, 2020-10-07 04:37:49

Description: SEE my City Project


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The Light of the City SEE my City Project September 2020 Sophmore Studio 1 | Parsons Product Design | Instructor Erika Doering


Project Challenge Students will visit a public space and document “open observations” of activity, aesthetics, mood, visitors and occupants and so on. They will gather observations in great volumes from a full range of their sensory per- spectives. Researching this place’s history over time through today, creating a historical timeline or some form of sharing findings will deepen the student’s understanding of what this site represents. Through the documenting and assessing of their observations and collected notes, they will identify many opportunities for design and then sketch 100s of fast concepts for design solutions. Individual students will share their re- sults with each other as they work during and between classes. And when possible, sit in on classes at other participating universities to see the different cultural impacts and challenges. In addition, students can take part in pre-recorded lectures by participating faculty and learn how these professors from around the world approach a problem, and thus how their own design considerations and methods could be expanded.

Project Statement My goal of this project is to bring the citizens in the city of Ningxia together. There had been changes to the relationship between the citizens, especially the Muslim and the Chinese. The Chinese citizens in the city are very fond of their unique diversity and mix of religion. However, the city government sees this as an issue, with the Muslim culture being too over spoken in the city. As a result, they reconstructed the park that was originally for the cultural conference between the Islamic countries and China. Not only rebuild the Islam- ic buildings, but also erased all descriptions of the Islamic art and artifacts. The tension between the Muslim citizens and the government grew stronger day by day, though no one speaks of it publicly, everyone knows about it. Therefore, by using an abandon building, I decide to create, design, and construct an installation, a landmark, a symbolic sculpture, for the city of Ningxia, to ease the tension, and to ultimately reunite the two side of the conflict.

Project Highligths The process of this project is unforgettable. I traveled to the Ningxia Province and stayed in the city of Yinch- uan for three days. And during these three days, I learned a lot about the city itself, the citizens, the culture, as well as the historical conflict between the two religions and power. It was definitely challenging to think of a final decision for this project, since the conflict and time is always inconsistent and unpredictable. It was ideal to think of a media and method to create something that can adapt to this moving flow of the city. Which is accomplished by the use of light and projection. Where the video projected on to the twin towers, which are located in the center of the city and next to the cultural road, everyone in the city and near will be able to see it. It represent the people who are living in the city as well as the invisible tension in the city. It changes, it grows, and it merges. It is a ultimate project of the city itself as well as the two religions living to- gether.

Project Conclusion It was definitely difficult to think of something that can ease the tension between two religions in a small city. During the progress, I kept getting stuck on my chain of thought, and looking for a better way of approach- ing the issue. But, as I move along, my concerns become invisible. I broadened up my perspective in order to perceive new things and ideas. In the end I was able to work around the challenges and get to my final desti- nation. If I were to do this project again, I would like to spend more time brainstorming instead of rushing to a final decision. It will definitely help me to have a more well-rounded project.

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