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Home Explore embellish-flawless-thread-chart


Published by jennifer, 2022-07-25 18:46:08

Description: embellish-flawless-thread-chart


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fPoer r&SfmTeFhcaitenlTlehLDeretetateadriilns!g Embellish® Thread This beautiful high- sheen, micro-thin polyester thread is ideal for small lettering, embroidered lace and for creating intricate stitches with supreme clarity. Flawless Polyester 60 wt Thread

Embellish® 40wt Flawless Thread 1 EF0169 EF0219 EF0369 EF0310 EF0461 EF0483 EF0738 EF0171 EF0220 EF0371 EF0101 EF0172 EF0222 EF0373 EF0314 EF0464 EF0485 EF0778 EF0591 EF0261 EF2040 2 EF0593 EF0262 EF0391 EF0318 EF0465 EF0486 EF7785 EF0595 EF0265 EF0393 EF0102 EF1082 EF0228 EF0354 EF0131 EF0672 EF0501 EF0751 EF1013 EF0231 EF0357 3 EF1586 EF0233 EF0335 EF0135 EF0673 EF0503 EF0783 EF0161 EF0243 EF0361 EF0106 EF0165 EF0245 EF3652 EF0139 EF0676 EF0512 EF0785 EF0167 EF0259 EF0367 4 EF1900 EF0662 EF0652 EF0540 EF0809 EF1906 EF0151 EF1609 EF0663 EF0653 EF0542 EF0811 EF0531 5 EF0534 EF0665 EF6655 EF0546 EF0813 EF0537 EF0153 EF0630 EF0450 EF0571 EF0850 B 6 EF0632 EF0453 EF0560 EF0800 EF1545 EF0634 EF0455 EF0562 EF0801 7 EF0730 EF0900 EF0140 EF0720 EF0901 EF0013 8 This color-fast, polyester embroidery thread EF0006 will “open” embroidery designs so the detail EF0003 EF0143 will shine through. Use for line embroidery EF0733 EF0005 such as red-work, bean stitching and thread EF0734 9 sketching and see definition in the EF0735 H stitching like never before. EF0737 EF0147 An outstanding choice 120 or small lettering colors 10 and detail stitching. available! EF0155 C D E F G 11 EF0190 12 EF0198 13 EF0123 14 EF0126 15 EF0128 16 EF0700 17 EF0702 18 EF0703 A

Flawless Thread Swatch Index Embellish® 40wt Color No. Column Color No. Column Color No. Column Color No. Column Color No. Column Metallic Thread EF0003 17-H EF0172 3-B EF0371 2-D EF0571 10-G EF0738 1-H This beautiful thread produces exquisite stitching results. Embellish® metallic EF0005 18-H EF0190 11-A EF0373 3-D EF0591 4-B EF0751 4-H embroidery thread is manufactured with a unique process to eliminate thread EF0006 16-H EF0198 12-A EF0391 5-D EF0593 5-B EF0778 2-H breakage which has been so common with metallics in years past. Our thread EF0013 15-H EF0219 1-C EF0393 6-D EF0595 6-B EF0783 5-H features a polyester core, it is then wrapped in metal and then finished with mylar. EF0101 EF0220 2-C EF0450 10-F EF0630 10-E EF0785 6-H The result is smooth stitching and no need to use a specialty metallic needle! EF0102 1-A EF0222 3-C EF0453 11-F EF0632 11-E EF0800 11-H 10 colors available. EF0106 2-A EF0228 7-C EF0455 12-F EF0634 12-E EF0801 12-H EF0123 3-A EF0231 8-C EF0461 1-F EF0652 7-F EF0809 7-H G-4 G-44 EF0126 13-A EF0233 9-C EF0464 2-F EF0653 8-F EF0811 8-H EF0128 14-A EF0243 10-C EF0465 3-F EF0662 7-E EF0813 9-H G-33 G-45 EF0131 15-A EF0245 11-C EF0483 1-G EF0663 8-E EF0850 10-H EF0135 4-E EF0259 12-C EF0485 2-G EF0665 9-E EF0900 13-H G-37 G-46 EF0139 5-E EF0261 4-C EF0486 3-G EF0672 4-F EF0901 14-H EF0140 6-E EF0262 5-C EF0501 4-G EF0673 5-F EF1013 8-B G-38 G-47 EF0143 7-A EF0265 6-C EF0503 5-G EF0676 6-F EF1082 7-B EF0147 8-A EF0310 EF0512 6-G EF0700 16-A EF1545 6-A G-43 G-48 EF0151 9-A EF0314 1-E EF0531 16-B EF0702 17-A EF1586 9-B EF0153 4-A EF0318 2-E EF0534 17-B EF0703 18-A EF1609 15-B EF0155 5-A EF0335 3-E EF0537 18-B EF0720 EF1900 13-B EF0161 10-A EF0354 9-D EF0540 7-G EF0730 15-G EF1906 14-B EF0165 10-B EF0357 7-D EF0542 8-G EF0733 13-G EF2040 4-D EF0167 11-B EF0361 8-D EF0546 9-G EF0734 15-G EF3652 11-D EF0169 12-B EF0367 10-D EF0560 11-G EF0735 16-G EF6655 9-F EF0171 1-B EF0369 12-D EF0562 12-G EF0737 17-G EF7785 3-H 2-B 1-D 18-G

RNK Distributing • 2562 Western Ave. • Knoxville, TN 37921 Phone: (865) 549-5115 • Fax: (865) 549-5116 Toll Free (877) 331-0034 EFTC

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