INDEX Note: Page numbers preceeded by f Circuit, nmf, 44,45 -- of the abdomen, f 87 indicate figures. Circumference, 112 -- innervation, histology, 14 Clinical cases, 89,155,227 - deep, I I A Coelenterates, 33 -- lata, f 73 Comparative palpation, 85, 152 -- cervical, f 134 Abbreviations, 6, 27, 28 Compensation -- posterior crural, f 145 Adductor sheath, 75, 115,194 - contralateral, 154 -- gluteal, f 219 Afferents, nociceptive, 44 - descending, 15 I , 96 -- anterior brachial, f 53 Agonist mf unit Contraindications to F M, 223 -- temporal, f 64 - antagonist, 30 Coupled forces, 61 -- thoracolumbar, f 114 Agonists, 45 Criss-cross fibres, 164 -- abdominal, f 207 Alternation of movement, 47 Cubitus or elbow, 28 - epimysial Amniotes, 34 Cyclostomes, 37,172 -- of the rectus abdominis, f 176 Anatomy Cyriax, 194,195, 198 -- of the pectoralis major, f 165 - of the mf unit, 23 -- of the deltoid, f 165 - of the mf sequence, 95 D -- antebrachial, f 125 - of the mf spiral, 161 -- of the erector spinae, f 114 Annelids, 33 Densification, 43,85 -- of triceps brachialis, f 97 Annulospiral terminations, 42 Dermatographism, 85 -- anterior crural, f 97 Antagonists, 45 Development locomotor, 178 -- of the soleus, f 145 Antemotion Diagonal Fascial compartment, 115 - of the mf unit, 54,63, 72 - motor, 166, 173 Fascial therapist, 131 - of the mf sequence, 124,133, 142 Dialogue with patient, 226 Fibres Arciform tract of fascia lata, 218 Digits - S-shaped, 207 Assessment - toes, 102 - alpha, gamma, 41 - movement, 85,152 - fingers, 101 - biarticular, 30 - palpation, 85,152 - collagen, 86 Assessment chart, 81,149, 221 E - cruciate, 177 Asterisks, 83, 152 - longitudinal, 38 Asynchronous motor activity, 185 Element - monoarticular muscular, 38 - coordinating, 9,42 Fibronectin, 155 B - uniting, 9,42 Fish, f 35 Epicranial fascia f, 64 Fluidity, restore 86 Ball bearings, 14 Epimysium, 14 Force Basal tension, I 19 Erector spinae, f 114 - explosive, 141 Basal tone, 112 Evaluatation, - pliometric, 141 Bicipital aponeurosis, 125 - of pain intensity, 84 - dynamic, 132 Branchial, 46, 54, 98 Evolution Fusion, 182 - of muscle spindles, 38 c - of segmentary independence, 37 G - of spatial perception, 108 Catabolites, 80, 155 - of mono and biarticular muscles, 107 GAGs, sulphate 155 Cavesson or halter-type system, 218 - of the upright position, 174 Gait patterns, 184 Cc - of motor schemes, 171 Gel to sol point, 86 - of fusion, 182 Expansions, quadriceps, 216 Genu valgus, 121 - cc an-Ia-cx, f 73, 215 Extra-articular rheumatism, 82 Grid, 85 - silent, 154 Extracellular matrix, 155 Ground substance, 16 Centre Extrarotation, 59, 69,78 - of coordination, 41 H - of perception, 45 - vectorial, 41 F High jump, 132 Centre of gravity, 117 Hill's model, 99 Chronology, 150 Fascia, Humerus, 28 - superficial, II Hyaluronic acid, 155
250 INDEX - of the lower leg, f 241 N Mesenchyme, 105 Hypaxial, 36 Metameres, 38 Names of directions, 27 Hypothesis, 84, 151, 223 M f spiral Neuroreceptors, 43 - ante-Iatero-caput, 206 Notochord,36 I - ante-Iatero-digiti, 20 I - ante-Iatero-pes, 216 o IIiotibial tract, 146 - ante-medio-pes, 218 Indications for FM, 222 - ante-medio-pollex, 199 Open kinetic chain, 131 Inflammation, 80 - retro-Iatera-caput, 209 Organs Inflammatory phase, 88 - retro-Iatero-pollex, 194 - of Ruffini, I I I Initials and abbreviations, 27 - retro-Iatero-pes, 212 - of Golgi, 46 Innervation of the fascia, 18 - retro-medio-digiti, 196 Orthogonal directions, 109, 163 lnternal dysfunctions, 223 - retro-medio-pes, 214 Orthogonal projections, liS Ischial tuberosity, 220 Mf unit of antemotion Jack-knife, 38 --- of the trunk, 63 p --- of the lower limb, 73 K --- of the upper limb, 54 Pain - of retromotion - re ferred, 43 Kinesiology, 52 --- of the trunk, 65 - previous, 150 Knee, 28,87, 220 --- of the lower limb, 74 - principal, 82 --- of the upper limb, 55 - concomitant, ISO L - of lateromotion Paraesthesia, 102 --- of the trunk, 67 Paravertebral, 114 Lateromotion --- of the lower limb, 76 Perceptive memory, I10 - of the foot, 76 --- of the upper limb, 57 Perimysium, 16 - of the scapula, 57 - of mediomotion Periosteal stimulation, 52 Lateromotion of the neck, 67 --- of the trunk, 66 Periosteum, 41 Latin terminology, 28 --- of the lower limb, 75 Peripheral motor organisation, 113 Leg, 141 --- of the upper limb, 56 Peripheral receptors, III Ligament - of extrarotation Pharyngeal arch, 37 - supraspinous, 179 --- of the trunk, 69 Physiology - interspinous, 179 --- of the lower limb, 78 - of the mf unit, 41 - annular, 194 --- of the upper limb, 59 - of the mf sequence, III - coccygeus, 136 - of intrarotation - of the mf spiral, 181 - inguinal, 138 --- of the trunk, 68 Plane - laciniate, 214 --- of the lower limb, 77 - frontal, 117 - nuchal, I17 --- of the upperlimb, 58 - horizzontal, I19 - sacrotuberous, 143 Monoarticular, 38 - sagittal, I 18 Lines of force, 194 Motor schemes, 164 Plasticity and malleability,79 Locomotion, 107 Motor units, 44 Points Locomotor apparatus, f 24 Muscle - acupuncture,188 Logo, 9 - abdomis rectus, f 176 - lUG, 188 Longitudinal septum, 36 - iliopsoas, f 73 - crossing, 189 Lumbar kyphosis, 120 - platysma, f 134 Postural alignment, 100 - trapezius, ascending part, f 134 Potential energy, 187 M - sartorius, f 73 Proprioception, 108 - soleus, f 145 Proteoglycans, 155 Malleable, 86 - infraspinatus, f 162 Pseudo-blockage,222 Mandible, 37 - extensor pollicis longus, f 197 Manipulation - tibialis anterior, f 97 R - data, hypothesis, 82, 151 - biceps brachialis, f 53 - treatment, 85,153, 224 - ilicostalis, f 114 Rabbit, fasciae f 12 - where and how it works, 154 - opponens digiti minimi, f 197 Reactions, 86 Mediomotion caput, 136,66 - pectoralis major, f 165 Reflexes Mediomotion of the knee, 144, 75 - deep,182 Meridians - gluteus maximus, J 219 Retinaculum - acupuncture, 71, 52 - inferior, 219 - principal, 183 Muscle spindles,41 - popliteus,214 - tendinomuscular, 190 Muscles - inferior extensor, f 219 - of the upper limb, f 239 - epaxial, 36 - extensor,of the carpus, f 197 - of the trunk, f 240 - facial, 64 - deep, 38 Muscular receptors, II I Myosepta, 37
INDEX 251 - of the abdominal wall, f 207 Site of the pain, 82 Trout, fascia of, f 35 - of the thoracolumbar fascia, 205 Somite, 37, 105 Trunk, 131, 203 - of the knee Rctro, 213 Spiral-form movements, 181 - of the thorax, 203 State of mind, 223 v - of the humerus, 194 Stress, 80,223 - of the foot, 2 I8 Stretch of muscle spindles, 45 Unidirectional, 23 Symmetry,34 Urodela, 34 s Synchronisation of forces, 177 v Semicircular canals, 109 T Sequence Vibration,166 - of ante,124,133,142 Transmission belts,164 - of retro, 126, 135, 143 Treatment, w - of medio, 127, 136, 144 - with the fingers f 229 - of latero, 128, 137, 146 - with the knuckles f 90 Walking, 177, 183 - of intra, 129,138,147 - with the elbow f 157,153 Winding up of Gto spiral,46 - of extra,130,139,148 - with the pisiform f 90 Silent point,154 Trigger points, 52 Finito di stampare nel mese di Aprile 2004 presso la Graphos Edition di Citta di Castello (PG) per conto della Piccin Nuova Libraria S.p.A. - Padova
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