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Home Explore Essential Grammar in Use 4th Edition by R. Murphy

Essential Grammar in Use 4th Edition by R. Murphy

Published by Kirti chauhan, 2021-12-26 07:20:11

Description: Essential Grammar in Use 4th Edition by R. Murphy


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Additional exercises List of exercises: 1-2 am/is/are Un ts 1-2 3 present continuous Un ts 3-4 4 present simple Un ts 5-7 5-7 present simple, am/is/are and have (got) Un ts 1-2, 5 - 7 ,9 8-9 present continuous and present simple Un ts 3-8 10-13 was/were and past simple Un ts 10-12 14 past simple and past continuous Un ts 11-14 15 present and past Un ts 3-14 16-18 present perfect Un ts 15-19 19-22 present perfect and past simple Un ts 18-20 23 present, past and present perfect Un ts 3-20 24-27 passive Un ts 21-22 28 future Un ts 25-28 29 past, present and future Un ts 3-20, 25-28 30-31 past, present and future Un ts 3-22, 25-28, 52, 54,98,105 32 -ing and t o ... Un ts 51-55,105,112 33-34 a and the Un ts 65,69-73 35 prepositions Un ts 103-108,111 Units 1-2 Cm mWrite sentences for the pictures. Use the words in the boxes + is/isn't/are/aren't. The windows on the table 1 The. windows, are, open., -Usa- hungry 2 Usajsjrt.happy............. Kate asleep The children open 3 K ate ................................................. Gary full The books near the station 4 ................................................... The hotel a doctor The bus happy 5 ............................................................ 6 ..................................................... 7 ............................................................ 8 ........................................................ 252

Additional exercises Complete the sentences. 1 'Are you hungry?' 'No, b u t...t o thirsty.' 2 ' How are......your parents?' 'They're fine.' 3 'Is Anna at home?'......'N o , work.' 4 '................................................................ my keys?' 'On your desk.' 5 Where is Paul from? ................................................ American or British? 6 .............................................very hot today. The temperature is 38 degrees. 7 'Are you a teacher?'....'N o ,.................................................a student.' 8 '............................................................................... your umbrella?' 'Green.' 9 Where's your car? the car park? 10 '................................................tired?' 'No, I'm fine.' 11 'These shoes are nice. H o w .............................................................................. ?' 'Sixty pounds.' present continuous (I'm working / are you working? etc.) Units 3-4 Use the words in brackets to write sentences. 1 A Where are your parents? (they / watch / TV) Theyre watching. TV.......................................................................... (where / she / go?) Paula is going out. (he / have / a shower) Wher&s sh e going?........................................................................... (the children / play?) Where's David? ? (it / rain?) B ? 4A (they / come / now) B No, they're asleep. ? (why / you / stand / here?) 5A (I / wait / for somebody) B No, not at the moment. 6 A W here are Sue and Steve? B 7A present simple (I work / she doesn't work / do you work? etc.) Units 5-7 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple. (Sue / always / get) (we / not / watch) 1 S u e a jw a y s g a t s to work early. (you / wash) 2 W edon’t w atch t v very often. (Sam / not / want) 3 How o fte n doypu w ash your hair? (you / want) 4 I want to go to the cinema, b u t................................................................................ to go. (Helen / live) 5 .............................................................................................. to go out tonight? (Sarah / know) 6 .............................................................................................. near here? (I / not / travel) 7 .............................................................................................. a lot of people. (you / usually / get up) 8 I enjoy travelling, b u t................................................................................very much. 9 W hat tim e the morning? (they / not / go out) 10 My parents are usually at home in the evening. (Tom / always / finish) (Jessica / do) very often. (she / work) 11 ............................................................................................. work at five o'clock. 12 a : W h a t................................................................................................? b: in a hotel. 253

Additional exercises present simple, am/is/are and have (got) Units 1-2, 5-7,9 Read the questions and Clare's answers. Then write sentences about Clare. r\\ Yes. Clare 1 .She isn’t .married. 1 Are you married? Yes. 2 She lives in London. 2 Do you live in London? No. t 3 Are you a student? Yes. 3 4 Have you got a car? Yes. 4 5 Do you go out a lot? No. ( 5 6 Have you got a lot of friends? Yes. 7 Do you like London? JM o.J 6 8 Do you like dancing? 7 9 v--A--r-e--y--o-u---in--t-e-r-e--s-t-e-d--i-n--s-p--o--rt-?- y 8 9 Complete the questions. ? Ben. Yes, I am. ________ married? In Barton Road. .Whats.your name.. ? Yes, a daughter. She's three. W here. any children? How. _S \\ 1 I'm 29. 1 I work in a supermarket. No, I hate it. ..................... your job? Yes, I have. ..............................a car? No, I usually go by bus. . to work by car? s ---------------------- That's my brother. Michael. Whojo this man He's a travel agent. No, in Manchester. in London? Write sentences from these words. All the sentences are present. 1 Sarah often / tennis^n.pjays tannic,............ 2 my parents / a new car My parents a new can. 3 my shoes / dirty are dirty......................... 4 Sonia / 32 years old So nia................................................................. 5 I / two sisters 6 we often / T V in the evening 7 Am y never / a hat 8 a bicycle / two wheels 9 these flowers / beautiful 10 Em m a/G erm an very well 254

present continuous (I'm working) and present simple (I work) Additional exercises Units 3-8 Complete the sentences. Doyou. often go.... (you/often/go) to the (you/cook)? Please be quiet. .I’m working. (|/work). cinema? now. Goodbye! ..................................... (it/rain). Can I take this umbrella? (l/not/watch) TV very much. (we/look) for What's this word? How the museum. (you/pronounce) it? Which is right? 1 ' Arc you speaking / Do you speak English?' 'Yes, a little.' (Do you speak right) 2 Sometimes we're going / we go away at weekends. 3 It's a nice day today. The sun is shining/shines. 4 (You meet Kate in the street.) Hello, Kate. Where are you going / do you go? 5 How often are you going / do you go on holiday? 6 Emily is a writer. She's writing / She writes books for children. 7 I'm never reading / 1never read newspapers. 8 ‘W here are M ark and Laura?' 'They're watching / They watch T V in the living room.' 9 Helen is in her office. She's talking / She talks to somebody. 10 W hat time are you usually having / do you usually have dinner? 11 Joe isn’t at home at the moment. He's visiting / He visits some friends. 12 'Would you like some tea?' 'No. thank you. I'm not drinking / 1don't drink tea.' 255

Additional exercises was/were and past simple (I worked / did you work? etc.) Units 10-12 Complete the sentences. Use one word only. 1 I got up early a n d had a shower. 2 Tom was tired last night, so h e to bed early. 3 I ...............................................this key on the floor. Is it yours? 4 Kate got married when sh e ................................................ 23. 5 Helen is learning to drive. S h e ................................................ her first lesson yesterday. 6 Tve got a new job.' 'Yes, I know. D avid' 7 'Where did you buy that book?' 'It was a present. A m y ................................................ it to me.' 8 W e ...............................................hungry, so we had something to eat. 9 'Did you enjoy the film?' 'Yes, I ................................................ it was very good.' 10 'Did Andy come to your party?' 'No, w e ...............................................him, but he didn't come.' Look at the questions and Joe's answers. Write sentences about Joe when he was a child. r JS\\ Joe \\jew aentta\\l... When you were a child ... He.liked.schopL. Were you tall? No. Did you like school? Yes. H e ................................. Were you good at sport? Yes. Did you play football? Yes. Did you work hard at school? No. Did you have a lot of friends? Yes. Did you have a bike? No. ^ Were you a quiet child?^ No. Complete the questions. . D jdyou.have a nice holiday? Yes, it was great, thanks. To Amsterdam. Wheredid.youjp ? Five days. Yes, very much. ........................................................ there? I have friends in Amsterdam, so I stayed with them. ......................................... Amsterdam? Yes, it was warm and sunny. Yesterday. ? ........................................................good? ........................................................ back? Put the verb in the right form (positive, negative or question). It was a good party. L&njpyed it. (I / enjoy) ' P id y p u d p the shopping?' (you / do) 'N o , [didn't.h a v e ...... time.' (I / have) 'Did you phone Adam?' 'No, I'm afraid..........................................................................................' (I / forget) I like your new watch. W h e re it? (you / get) I saw Lucy at the party, b u t......................................................................................... to her. (I / speak) a : ........................................................................................a nice weekend? (you / have) b: Yes, I went to stay with some friends of mine. Paul wasn't well yesterday, s o work, (he / go) 'Is M ary here?' 'Yes,.........................................................................................five minutes ago.' (she / arrive) 9 W h e re ......................................................................................... before he moved here? (Robert / live) 10 The restaurant wasn't expensive.................................................................................. very much, (the meal / cost) 256

past simple (I worked) and past continuous (I was working) Additional exercises Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or past continuous. Units 11-14 I t w as raining. (rain) when we When I arrived at the office, Lisa and Paul w ent (go) out. ........................................................... (w ork) at their desks. I ................................................ (open) the window The doorbell................................................ (ring) when because it was hot. S u e ................................................ (cook). . (hear) a noise outside, TOM so I ................................................ (look) out of the window. Tom . out of the window when the accident RICHARD . (happen). CATHERINE Richard had a book in his hand, but he Catherine bought a magazine, but she ......................................................................(not/read) it. He ............................................................................. (not/read) it. ................................................................................. (watch) TV. She didn't have time. .... (finish) my meal, I ................................................ (see) Kate this morning. . (pay) the bill and I ................................................(walk) along the street . (leave) the restaurant. and sh e ................................................ (w ait) for the bus. 257

Additional exercises present and past Units 3-14 Complete the sentences. Use one of these forms: present simple (I work/drive e tc) present continuous (I am working/driving etc) past simple (I worked/drove etc) past continuous (I was working/driving etc) 1 You can turn off the television. I [W MOtwatchlnq....(not/watch) it. 2 Last night Jenny M l (fall) asleep while sh e w as reading (read). 3 Listen! Som ebody........................................................................(play) the piano. 4 'Have you got my key?' 'No, I ...................................................................... (give) it back to you.' 5 David is very lazy. H e ..................................................................... (not/like) hard work. 6 W h e re ...................................................................... (your parents / go) for their holidays last year? 7 I ........................................................................(see) Laura yesterday. S h e ........................................................................(drive) her new car. 8 a : ........................................................................(you/watch) T V much? b: No, I haven't got a TV. 9 a: W hat (you/do) at 6 o'clock last Sunday morning? b: I was in bed asleep. 10 Andy isn't at home very much. H e ........................................................................(go) away a lot. 11 I ........................................................................(try) to find a job at the moment. It's not easy. 12 I'm tired this morning. I ........................................................................(not/sleep) very well last night. present perfect (I have done / she has been etc.) Units 15-19 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use the present perfect. ™ tes^ |T lT ( Who's that man? (Goodbve. Tom^ 5 I^ £ \\s Tom at home?^ (A re you still watching the film?') — ------------------------------ 258

Bookshop Additional exercises this good book? Id I m looking for Jessica her?jf^ don know, Yes she was here More coffee? few minutes ago to Sweden?J No thanks Yes went there enough few years ago We later W Enjoy the party! Where are the cinema Steve and Jane? STEVE (11) Paul was asleep in the armchair. Since 2010 PAUL He...................................................... up I ■1 1 1 1 i T f m i n i ALAN The weather is horrible here Yes, w e...................................... each other for a long time. 259

Additional exercises O Complete the sentences (1, 2 or 3 words). .... five days.' there?' 1 M ark and Sarah are married. T h e y ..haye been....... married for five years. .................... here 2 David has been watching T V sin c e 5 o'clock. 3 Joe is at work. H e work since 8.30. 4 'Have you just arrived in London?' 'No, I've been here................................................... 5 I've known H elen........................................................................we were at school together. 6 'My brother lives in Los Angeles.' 'Really? How lo ng ..................................................... 7 George has had the same jo b ........................................................................20 years. 8 Some friends of ours are staying with us at the moment. T h e y ................................. since Monday. Complete the sentences. Write about yourself. 1 I've never n d d e n a h g re e ....... 2 I've been, t o London many times. 3 I've ju s t ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 I've (once / twice / a few times / many times) 5 I haven't...................................................................................................................................................................................................yet. 6 I've never........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7 I've..............................................................................................sin ce ........................................................................................................... 8 I' r................................................................................................................ present perfect (I have done etc.) and past simple (I did etc.) Units 18-20 Present perfect or past simple? Complete the sentences (positive or negative). 1 a : Do you like London? b: I don't know. I haven't been there. 2 a : Have you seen Kate? b: Yes, I saw her five minutes ago. 3 a : That's a nice sweater. Is it new? b: Yes, I ........................................................... it last week. 4 a : Are you tired this morning? b: Yes, I bed late last night. 5 a : Do you want this newspaper, or can I have it? b: You can have it. I ........................................................... it. 6 a : Are you enjoying your new job? b: I ......................................................... yet. My first day is next Monday. 7 a : The weather isn't very nice today, is it? b: No, but it ........................................................... nice yesterday. 8 a : Was Helen at the party on Saturday? b: I don't think so . I ........................................................... her there. 9 a : Is your son still at school? b: No, h e two years ago. 10 a : Is Silvia married? b: Yes, she........................................................... married for five years. 11 a : Have you heard of George Washington? b: Of course. H e ..........................................................the first President of the United States. 12 a : How long does it take to make a pizza? b: I don't know. I ..........................................................a pizza. 260

Additional exercises n Write sentences with the present perfect or past simple. 1 a : Have you been to Thailand? b: Yes, I w ent th e re ia s t y e a r (I / go / there / last year) 2 a: Do you like London? (| / never / there) b: I don't know. I.Ve never been there, 3 a : W hat time is Paul going out? b: ............................................................................................................................................................................... (he/ already / go) 4 a : Has Catherine gone home? b: Yes, (she / leave / at 4 o'clock) 5 a : New York is my favourite city. b: Is it? ............................................................................................................................ ? (how many times / you / there?) 6 a : W hat are you doing this weekend? b: I don't know. ................................................................................................................................... (I / not / decide / yet) 7 a : I can't find my address book. Have you seen it? b: (it / on the table / last night) 8 a : D o you know the Japanese restaurant in Leeson Street? b: Yes,............................................................................................................................................... (I / eat / there a few times) 9 a : Paula and Sue are here. b: Are they? ..............................................................................................................................? (what time / they / arrive?) Present perfect or past simple? Complete the sentences. rm FRANCE ^ Hfll 1 a : ....H France? ^B b: Yes, many times. a : W h e n ...............................................the last time? IB b: Two years ago. iv h z a : Is this your can r |gth|g b: Yes, it is. I your car? T a : H o w long.............................................................. it? ------ b: It’s new. I .............................................................. it yesterday. 3 a : Where do you live? £f — b: In Harold Street. a : H o w lo ng.............................................................................. there? Ml B Where do b: Five years. Before th a t.............................................................. in Mill Road. j^ L Jj 1you live? a : H o w lo ng.............................................................. in Mill Road? b: About three years. | Tji 4 a : W hat do you do? •( B: I work in a shop. a : H o w lo ng.............................................................................. there? ^ b: Nearly two years. a : W h a t.............................................................. before that? ft, b: I .............................................................. a taxi driver. Q t/Jfc 1 1 ^j. ■ Iyou do? J B B Bf ^ ^ 261

Additional exercises Write sentences about yourself. 1 (yesterday morning) w o r k y e ^ 2 (last night) ............................................................................................... 3 (yesterday afternoon) ............................................................................................... 4 (...daysago) ............................................................................................... 5 (last week).............................. ............................................................................................... 6 (last year) ............................................................................................... present, past and present perfect Units 3-20 Which is right? (C ) ' 'No, she's on holiday.' D Does work Sue? 1 ' Is Sue working? B Is working Sue? C Is Sue working? A Does Sue work? 2 'W here................................................................................?' 'In a village near London.' A lives your uncle B does your uncle live C your uncle lives D does live your uncle 3 I speak Italian, b u t................................................................................French. A I speak not B I'm not speaking C I doesn't speak D I don't speak 4 'Where's Tom?' '..............................................................................a shower at the moment.' A He's having B He have C He has D He has had 5 W h y ................................................................................angry with me yesterday? A were you B was you C you were D have you been 6 M y favourite film is Cleo's Dream.................................................................................... it four times. A I'm seeing B I see C l was seeing D I've seen 7 I ............................. out last night. I was too tired. A don't go B didn't went C didn't go D haven't gone 8 Tina is from Chicago. S h e ................................................................................there all her life. A is living B has lived C lives D lived 9 My friend forme when I arrived. A waited B has waited C was waiting D has been waiting 10 'How long................................................................................English?' 'Six months.' A do you learn B are you learning C you are learning D have you been learning 11 Paul is Canadian, but he lives in France. He has been there................................................................................ A for three years B since three years C three years ago D during three years 12 'W hat tim e ................................................................................?' 'About an hour ago.' A has Lisa phoned B Lisa has phoned C did Lisa phone D is Lisa phoning 13 W h a t when you saw her? A did Sue wear B was Sue wearing C has Sue worn D was wearing Sue 14 'Can you drive?' 'N o ,................................................................................a car, but I want to learn.' A I never drive B I'm never driving C I've never driven D I was never driving 15 I saw Helen at the station when I was going to work this morning, but she A didn't see B don't see C hasn't seen D didn't saw 262

Complete the sentences. Additional exercises Units 21-22, Appendix 1 f2TlM ^ These houses wens.built (build) 20 years ago. This bridge............................................... (build) in 1955. I t ..............................................................(use) by hundreds Before that there was a cinema here, but the of people every day. A t the moment the bridge ........................................................................... (paint). building (damage) in a fire and had t o ..................................................(knock down). This street..................................... . (call) Wilton This is a bicycle factory. Bicycles.................................. Street. It used t o ...................... (call) ....................................................... (make) here since 1971. James Street, but the nam e. It's the largest bicycle factory in the country. ^(change) a few years ago. Thousands of bicycles......................................................... (produce) here every year. Complete the sentences. W e werajnyjt e d (invite) to the party, but we didn't go. The museum is very popular. Every year i t .......................................................... (visit) by thousands of people. Many buildings................................................................................(damage) in the storm last week. A new road is going t o ................................................................................(build) next year. 'Where's your jacket?' 'It (clean). It will be ready tomorrow.' She's famous now, but in a few years her name w ill................................................................................(forget). 'Shall I do the washing-up?' 'No, i t ................................................................................(already/do).' 8 M ilk sho uld................................................................................(keep) in a fridge. 9 ............................................................................................................(you/ever/bite) by a snake? 10 My bag (steal) from my car yesterday afternoon. & Write a new sentence with the same meaning. 1 Somebody has stolen my keys. ..Mykeys.haya.been stolen,. 2 Somebody stole my car last week. M y c a r................................................. 3 Somebody has eaten all the bananas. All th e .................................................. 4 Somebody will repair the machine. T h e ........................................................ 5 Somebody is watching us. W e ......................................................... 6 Somebody has to do the housework. T h e ........................................................ 263

Additional exercises Active or passive? Complete the sentences. 1 T h e y are buildjng (build) a new airport at the moment. 2 These shirts are clean now. T h e y (wash). 3 'How did you fall?' 'Som ebody................................................................................(push) me.' 4 'How did you fall?' ' I .................................. *........................................... (push).' 5 I can't find my bag. Som ebody.............................................................................. (take) it! 6 My watch is broken. I t ................................................................................(repair) at the moment. 7 W h o ................................................................................(invent) the camera? 8 W hen (the camera/invent)? 9 These shirts are clean now. T h e y ................................................................................(wash). 10 These shirts are clean now. I .............................................................................. (wash) them. 11 The letter was for me, so w h y ................................................................................(they/send) it to you? 12 The information w ill (send) to you as soon as possible. Units 25-28 Which is the best alternative? 1 W aVe.haying.(B) a party next Sunday. I hope you can come. A We have B We're having C We'll have 2 Do you know about K a re n ?................................................................................her job. She told me last week. A She leaves B She's going to leave C She'll leave 3 There's a programme on T V that I want to watch................................................................................... in five minutes. A It starts B It's starting C It will start 4 The weather is nice now, but I th in k ................................................................................later. A it rains Bit's raining C it will rain 5 'W h a weekend?' 'Nothing. I've got no plans.' A do you do Bare you doing C will you do 6 'When you see Tina, can you ask her to phone me?' 'O K ,................................................................................her.' A I ask B I'm going to ask C I'll ask 7 'W hat would you like to drink, tea or coffee?' '............................................................................tea, please.' A I have B I'm going to have C I'll have 8 Don't take that magazine away. A I read B I'm going to read C I'll read 9 Rachel is ill, s o B she isn't coming to the party tomorrow night. A she doesn't come C she won't come 10 I want to meet Sarah at the station. W hat tim e .............................................................................? A does her train arrive B is her train going to arrive C is her train arriving 11 'Will you be at home tom orrow evening?' 'No.....................................................................................' A I go out B I'm going out C I'll go out 12 ' tomorrow?' 'Yes, OK.' A Do I phone B Am I going to phone C Shall I phone 264

past, present and future Additional exercises Units 3-20, 25-28 Complete the sentences. 1 a : Ql.dy.QUQQ, (you/go) out last night? b: N o, ........................................................................(I/stay) at home. a : W h a t........................................................................(you/do)? b: ........................................................................(I/watch) TV. a : ........................................................................(you/go) out tomorrow night? b: Y es,........................................................................(I/go) to the cinema. a : W hich film ........................................................................(you/see)? b: ....................................................................(I/not/know ).............................................................................(I/not/decide) yet. Are you on holiday here? ........................(you/be) here? b: Yes, we are. (we/arrive) yesterday. a : How long................................. ..................................(you/stay)? b: a : And how lo ng........................... (you/like) it here? b: Until the end of next week. (we/have) a wonderful time. a : A n d .................................................. b: Yes,.................................................... 3 a : ...................................................................... (I/go) out with Chris and Steve this evening. ...................................................................... (you/want) to come with us? b: Yes, w h ere ........................................................................(you/go)? a : To the Italian restaurant in North Street...........................................................................(you/ever/eat) there? b: Y es,........................................................................(I/be) there two or three times. In fact I ...................................................................... (go) there last night, but I'd love to go again! a : ...................................................................... (I/lose) my glasses again. ........................................................................(you/see) them? b: ...................................................................... (you/wear) them w h e n ........................................................................(I/come) in. a : W e ll,........................................................................(l/not/wear) them now, so where are they? b: ...................................................................... (you/look) in the kitchen? a : N o, ........................................................................(I/go) and look now. 265

Additional exercises past, present and future Units 3-22, 25-28, 52, 54, 98,105 Rachel is talking about her best friend, Carolyn. Put the verbs in the correct form. Carolyn Carolyn is my best friend I remember very well the first time 0 ).............................................................. (we/meet). It was our first day at secondary school, and (2)................................................................(we/sit) next to each other for the first lesson. (3)................................................................(we/not/know) any other students in our class, and so (4)................................................................ (we/become) friends. We found that (5)................................................................ (we/like) the same things, especially music and sport, and so (6).............................................................. (we/spend) a lot of time together. Rachel (7) .............................................................. (we/leave) school five years ago, but (s)...............................................................(we/meet) as often as we can. For the last six months Carolyn (9) .............................................................. (be) in M exico - at the moment (10)................................................................(she/work) in a school as a teaching assistant. (11)................................................................(she/come) back to England next month, and when (12)................................................................(she/come) back, (13) (we/have) lots of things to talk about. (14).............................................................. (it/be) really nice to see her again. Nick and his friend Jon are travelling round the world. Read the emails between Nick and his parents, and put the verbs in the correct form. c & Reply Reply All Forward Prim To Do Dear Mum and Dad Nick We're in Los Angeles, the first stop on our round-the-world LOS ANGELES trip! (1) We arrived. (we/arrive) here yesterday, and now (2) .............................................................. (we/stay) at a hotel near the airport. PACIFIC SAN DIEGO The flight was twelve hours, but (3) .............................................................. OCEAN (we/enjoy) it. (4)................................................................(we/watch) some films and (5) .............................................................. (sleep) a few hours, v. which is unusual for me - usually (6).............................................................. (I/not/sleep) well on planes. MEXIG Today is a rest day for us and (7)................................................................ I (we/not/do) anything special, but tomorrow (8) ...............................................................(we/go) to Hollywood (9)...............................................................(see) the film studios. (10) .............................................................................. (we/not/decide) yet what to do after Los Angeles. Jon (11) ................................................................ (w ant) to drive up the coast to San Francisco, but I'd prefer (12) .............................................................. (go) south to San Diego. I hope all is well with you - (13) .............................................................. (I/send) you another email next week. Love Nick 266

Additional exercises ® a Reply Reply All Forward Print To Do D e le te Junk Dear Nick Thanks for your mail. It's good to hear that (14) (you/have) a good time. We're fine - Ellie and jo (15) (work) hard for their exams next month. Dad has been busy at work and last week (16)................................................................(he/have) a lot of important meetings. He's a little tired - I think (17).............................................................. (he/need) a good holiday. Keep in touch! Love Mum A month later... _ , ... . D e le te Junk Reply Reply All Forward Print To Do Hi M um and Dad ( is ) (we/be) in California for a month now. (19)............................................... (we/get) back to Los Angeles yesterday after (20)................................................................(see) many wonderful places. I think the place (21)...............................................................(I/like) most was Yosemite National Park - it's beautiful there and (22) (we/go) cycling a lot. The day before (23).............................................................. (we/leave), jon (24) (have) an accident on his bike. Luckily (25).............................................................. (he/not/injure), but the bike (26).............................................................. (damage). (27) ................................................................. . (we/change) our travel plans since my last message: now (28) ...............................................................(we/leave) for Hawaii on Monday (not Tuesday). (29) ...............................................................(we/stay) there for a week before (30)............................. (fly) to New Zealand. (31)................................................................(that/be) different, I'm sure! jo All the best to Ellie and Jo for their exams. Love Nick f* rs a 8 J|^ Nr»- Vw Reply All Forward O... Junk R e p ly Print To Do 1- ____ Delete Hi Nick Have a good time in Hawaii! Ellie and Jo (32)................................................................(finish) their exams yesterday - (33)...............................................................(I/let) you know when (34)................................................................(we/get) the results. We're all O K. Dad and I (35) (look) forward to our holiday next month. (36) ................................................................(we/go) to Italy for two weeks - (37)...............................................................(we/send) you an email from there. Take care! Love Mum Jb 267

Additional exercises Units 51-55,105,112 W hich is correct? 1 Don't forget to .s w itc h .(B ) off the light before you go out. A switch B to switch C switching 2 It's late. I m u A g o B to g o C going 3 I'm sorry, but I don't have tim e you now. A for talking B to talk C talking 4 Gary is always in the kitchen. He enjoys................................................................ A cook B to cook C cooking 5 We've decided.............................................................. away for a few days. A g o B to g o C going 6 You're making too much noise. Can you please sto p ................................................................ ? A shout B to shout C shouting 7 W ould you like............................................................. and eat with us on Sunday? A come B to come C coming 8 That bag is too heavy for you. Let m e A help B to help C helping 9 There's a swimming pool near my house. I g o ................................................................everyday. A to swim B to swimming C swimming 10 I need to go shopping.............................................................. some food. A to buy B for buy C for buying 11 I'd lo ve ................................................................a car like yours. A have B to have C having 12 Could y o u with this bag, please? A help B to help C helping 13 I don't m in d .............................................................. here, but I'd prefer to sit by the window. A sit B to sit C sitting 14 Do you w a n t.............................................................. you? A that I help B me to help C me helping 15 You should think carefully before an important decision. A make B to make C making 16 I wasn't feeling very well, but the medicine made m e ................................................................ better. A feel B to feel C feeling 17 Shall I phone the restaurant.................................................................a table? A for reserve B for reserving C to reserve 18 Tom looked at me w ith o u t................................................................anything. A say B saying C to say 268

Additional exercises Units 65,69-73 Complete the sentences. B V°u Pass — 3— - p le a s e T jjl^ p © C ave y°u gQt 1 r* / r What do you do? No, I can't drive. mt Do you have any milk? Yes, theres some in What did you do last night? © ■I [( I don't feel very well. THE END Y I don't want to go to I went to ; Can you play Yes, but not ( sShhaallll we walk home? very well. No, lets get What's the difference between those cars? I'm interested in Nothing, they're 269

Additional exercises Write a/an or the if necessary. If a/an/the are not necessary, leave an empty space (-). 1 W ho is t h e best player in your team? 2 I don't w a tc h z T V very often. 3 'Is th ere bank near here?' 'Yes, a t The end of this street.' 4 I can't rid e horse. 5 sky is very clear tonight. 6 Do you live here, or are y o u ................tourist? 7 W hat did you have fo r lunch? 8 Who w as first President o f United States? 9 I'm not feeling very good. I've g o t headache. 10 I'm sorry, but I've forgotten your name. I can never rem em ber names. 11 W hat time is next train to London? stairs, and it's on France. 12 Kate doesn't often se n d emails. She prefers to call people. 13 'Where's Sue?' 'She's in garden.' 14 Excuse me, I'm looking fo r................Majestic Hotel. Is it near here? 15 Gary was ill last week, so he didn't go t o 16 Everest is highest mountain in world. 17 I usually listen t o radio while I'm having breakfast. 18 I like sport. My favourite sport is basketball. 19 Emily is doctor. Her husband is art teacher. 20 My apartment is o n second floor. Turn left a t o f right. 21 A fte r dinner, we w atch ed TV. 22 Last year we h a d wonderful holiday in south o f Units 103-108,111 Write a preposition (in/for/by etc.). 1 Helen is studying la w a t university. . 2 W hat is the longest river Europe? 3 Is there anything T V this evening? 4 We arrived the hotel after midnight. 5 'Where's Mark?' 'He'' 6 Tom hasn't got up yet. He's still bed. 7 Lisa is away. She's been aw ay.................Monday. 8 The next meeting is 15 April. 9 I usually go to w o rk car. 10 There's too much sugar my coffee. 11 Joe lived in Lo ndo n six months. He didn't like it very much. 12 Were there a lot of people the party? 13 W hat are you doing the moment? Are you working? 14 I don't know any of the people.................this photo. 15 The train was very slow. It stopped every station. 16 I like this room. Ilike the pictures..................the walls. 17 'Did you buy that picture?''No, it was given to m e a friend of mine.' 18 I'm going aw ay a few days. I'll be b ack.................Thursday. 19 Silvia has gone............... Italy. She's Milan at the moment. 20 Emma left sch o o l sixteen and got a jo b ................a shop. 270

Study guide If you are not sure which units you need to study use this study guide. You have to decide which alternative (A, B, C etc.) is right. SO M ETIM ES M O RE TH A N O N E ALTERN ATIVE IS CORRECT. If you don't know (or if you are not sure) which alternatives are correct, study the unit (or units) on the right. You will find the correct sentence in the unit. The key to this study guide is on page 313. . ?' 'No, she's out.' A Is at home your mother B Does your mother at home C Is your mother at home D Are your mother at home These shoes are nice. B How many are they? C How much they are? A How much are they? D How much is they? Look, there's Sarah.....................................................a brown coat. D She's wearing A She wearing B She has wearing C She is wearing You can turn off the D I don't watching A I'm not watch B I'm not watching C I not watching '' 'No,he's at home.' A Is working Ben B Is work Ben C Is Ben work D Is Ben working Look, there's Emily! A Where she is going? D Where she going? The e a rth ...............................................round the sun. Agoing Bg o Cgoes D does go W e ...............................................away at weekends. A often go Bgo often C often going W e ...............................................T V very often. A not watch B doesn't watch C don't watch D don't watching E watch not 1.12 ' the guitar?''Yes, but I'm not very good.' A Do you play B Are you play C Does you play D Do you playing E Play you 1.13 I don't understand this sentence. W h a t................................................ ? A mean this word B means this word C does mean this word D does this word mean E this word means 271

Study guide STUDY IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHICH IS RIGHT UNIT Please be quiet................................................... D I'm work. A I working. B I work. C I'm working. Tom B having a shower every morning. A has C is having D have W h a t................................................ at weekends? C are you usually do A do you usually B are you usually doing D do you usually do E you do usually 1.17 Sarah isn't feeling well.....................................................a headache. A She have B She have got C She has D She's got 1.18 T h e y ................................................ any children. A don't have B doesn't have C no have D haven't got E hasn't got Past The w eather................................................ last week. D good E had good 2.1 A is good B was good C were good 2.2 2.3 W h y ............................................... late this morning? E were you 2.4 A you was B did you C was you D you were 2.5 T e a bank from 2005 to 2011. 2.6 A work B working C works D worked E was work 2.7 the cinema three times last week. A go B went C goes D got E was 2.8 2.9 I .............................................. T V yesterday. C wasn't watched A didn't watch B didn't watched D don't watch E didn't watching 'H o w ...............................................?' 'I don't know. I didn't see it.' A happened the accident B did happen the accident C does the accident happen E the accident happened D did the accident happen W h a 11.30 yesterday? A were you doing B was you doing C you were doing D were you do E you was doing Jack was reading a book when his pho ne................................................. A ringing B ring C rang D was ringing E was ring I saw Lucy and Steve this morning. T h e y ................................................ at the bus stop. A w aiting B waited C were waiting D was waiting E were waited Present perfect D She have gone 3.1 'Where's Rebecca?' '................................................ to bed.' A She is gone B She has gone C She goes E She's gone 3.2 'Are Laura and Paul here?' 'No, th e y ................................................ .' A don't arrive yet B have already arrived C haven't already arrived D haven't arrived yet 272

Study guide IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHICH IS RIGHT STUDY UNIT 3.3 My sister................................................ by plane. A has never travel B has never travelled C is never travelled D has never been travelled E have never travelled 3.4 thatwomanbefore,butIcan't remember where. A I see B I seen C I've saw D I've seen E I've seeing 3.5 'How lo ng ................................................ married?' 'Since 2007.' A you are B you have been C has you been D are you E have you been 3.6 'Do you know Lisa?' 'Yes,................................................ her for a long time.' A I knew B I've known C I know D I am knowing 3.7 Richard has been in C anad a................................................. A for six months B since six months C six months ago D in six months 3.8 'When did Tom go out?' '...............................................' A For ten minutes. B Since ten minutes. C Ten minutes ago. D In ten minutes. 3.9 W e ................................................a holiday last year. A don't have B haven't had C hasn't had D didn't have E didn't had 3.10 W h e re................................................ on Sunday afternoon? I couldn't find you. A you were B you have been C was you D have you been E were you Passive 100 years ago. E built C was building D was built 4.1 This ho use A is built B is building 4.2 W e the party last week. A didn't invite B didn't invited C weren't invited D wasn't invited E haven't been invited 4.3 'W here ................................................ born?' 'In Cairo.' A you are B you were C was you D are you E were you 4.4 My car is at the garage. I t ................................................. A is being repaired B is repairing C have been repaired D repaired E repairs 4.5 I can't find my keys. I th in k .................................................. A they've been stolen B they are stolen C they've stolen D they're being stolen Verb forms , so we didn't need an umbrella. B wasn't rain C didn't raining D wasn't raining 5.1 I t A wasn't rained 5.2 Som ebody................................................ this window. A has broke B has broken C has breaked D has break 273

Study guide D Go you . at 7.30.' E starting W h a the wedding next week? A are you wearing B are you going to wear C do you wear D you are going to wear 6.5 I think K elly................................................ the exam. A passes B will pass C will be pass D will passing 6.6 ................................................ to the cinema on Saturday. Do you want to come with us? A We go B We'll go C We're going D We will going 6.7 . you tomorrow, OK?' 'OK, bye.' A I phone B I phoning C I'm phoning D I'll phone 6.8 . tomorrow, so I can't meet you. A I work B I'll work C I'm working D I'll working 6.9 It's a nice day. ................................................ for a walk? A Do we go B Shall we go C Are we go D W e g o Modals, imperative etc. 7.1 ................................................ to the cinema this evening, but I'm not sure. A I'll go B I'm going C I may go D I might go 7.2' 'Yes, of course.' A Can I sit B Do I sit C May I sit D Can I to sit 7.3 I'm having a party next week, but Paul and R achel. A can't come B can't to come C can't coming D couldn't come 7.4 Before Maria came to Britain, sh e ................................................ understand much English. A can B can't C not D couldn't E doesn't 7.5 W e ............ ............................... walk home last night. There were no buses. A have to B had to C must D must to E must have 7.6 .........................go yet. I can stay a little longer. A must B mustn't C must not D don't need E don't need to 7.7 It's a good film. Y o u ................................................ go and see it. A should to B ought to C ought D should E need 7.8 W hat tim e ......... ......................................go to the dentist tomorrow? A you must B you have to C have you to D do you have to 7.9 W e .......................... ..................... wait long for the bus - it came in a few minutes. A don't have to B hadn't to C didn't have to D didn't had to E mustn't 274

IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHICH IS RIGHT Study guide STUDY 7.10 '................................................ some coffee?' 'No, thank you.' UNIT A Are you liking B You like C Would you like D Do you like 275 7.11 Please.................................................. Stayhere with me. A don't go B you no go C go not D you don't go 7.12 D ave................................................ in a factory. Now he works in a supermarket. A working B works C worked D u se to work E used to work There and it 3.1 Excuse m e ,................................................ a hotel near here? A has there B is there C there is D is it 8.2 ...................... a lot of accidents on this road. It's very dangerous. A Have B It has C There have D They are E There are I was hungry when I got home, b u t...............................................anything to eat. A there wasn't B there weren't C it wasn't D there hasn't been 8.4 . three kilometres from our house to the city centre. A It's B It has C There is D There are A Is there true that you're going away? B Is it C Is D Are you Auxiliary verbs I haven't got a car, but my sister............................................... A have B is C has D hasn't E has got I don't like hot weather, but S u e . E likes A does B doesn't C do D does like 9.3 'Nicola got married last week.' '................................................ Really?' A Is she? B Got she? C Did she? D Has she? 9.4 You haven't met my m other,................................................ ? A haven't you B have you C did you D you have E you haven't 9.5 Ben doesn't watch TV. He doesn't read newspapers................................................. A too B either C neither D never 9.6 'I'd like to go to Australia.' A So do I. B So am I. C So would I. D Neither do I E So I would. 9.7 Su e ................................................ much at weekends. A don't B doesn't C don't do D doesn't do Questions 10.1 'When .......................................?' 'I'm not sure. More than 100 years ago.' A did the telephone invent B has the telephone invented C was invented the telephone D was the telephone invented E the telephone was invented 10.2 'I broke my finger last week.' 'H o w ................................................ that?' A did you B you did C you did do D did you do

Study guide W h a t................................................ when you told him the story? A said Paul B did Paul say C Paul said D did Paul said 'Toms father is in hospital.' A In which hospital he is? C W hich hospital he is in? Did you have a good holiday? A How was the weather like? C W hat the weather was like? A W ho is . taller - Joe or Gary? B W hat is C W hich is D W ho has There are four umbrellas yours? A What B Who C Which D How E Which one How long................................................ to cross the Atlantic by ship? A is it B does it need C does it take D does it want I don't remember w h a t................................................ at the party. A Kate was wearing B was wearing Kate C was Kate wearing 'Do you k n o w ................................................ ?' 'Yes, I think so.' A if Jack is at home B is Jack at home C whether Jack is at home D that Jack is at home Reported speech I saw Steve a week ago. He said th a t................................................ me, but he didn't. A he phone B he phones C he'll phone D he's going to phone E he would phone 'W hy did Tim go to bed so early?' 'H e ................................................ .' A said he was tired B said that he was tired C said me he was tired D told me he was tired E told that he was tired -ing and to ..................... so hard. C to work D worked You shouldn't................... A working Bw ork It's late. I .......................................... . now. D have to go A must to go B have go C have to going Tina has decided...............................................her car. A sell B to sell C selling D to selling I don't m in d ................................................ early. D to getting up A get up B to get up C getting up 276

Study guide I'm sorry I A did B made A Have you Pronouns and possessives I don't want this book. You can have A it B them C her D him Sue and Kevin are going to the cinema. Do you want to go with ? know A m y but I don't know A their B his C sh e D her Oxford is famous for A his B its C it's I didn't have an umbrella, so Sarah gave m e . A her B hers C her umbrella D she's I went out to meet a friend of A mine B my C me D I We had a good holiday. We enjoyed A us B our C ours D ourself Kate and Helen are good friends. They know A each other B them C themselves D theirselves 277

Study guide Determiners and pronouns 16.2 16.3 This cup is dirty. Can I have................................................ ? 16.4 A clean one B a clean one C clean D a clean 16.5 16.6 I'm going shopping. I'm going to b u y................................................ clothes. A any B some 16.7 16.8 'Where's your luggage?' 'I don't have 16.9 A one B some C any 16.10 16.11 Tracey and Jack ................................................. A have no children B don't have no children 16.12 C don't have any children D have any children 16.13 16.14 'How much money do you have?' 16.15 A No. B No-one. C Any. D None. 16.16 16.17 There is ................................................ in the room. It's empty. 16.18 A anybody B nobody C anyone D no-one 16.19 'W hat did you say?' '...............................................' D Not anything. A Nothing. B Nobody. C Anything. I'm hungry. I w a n t................................................. C something for eating A something for eat B something to eat Ben watches T V for about two ho urs................................................. A all evening B all evenings C all the evenings D every evenings E every evening ................................................ friends. C Everyone need D Everyone needs A Everybody need B Everybody needs A Most children like playing. B The most C Most of D The most of lik e ...... ... those pictures. A both B both of C either D either of haven't read..............................................these books. A neither B neither of C either D either of Do you have...............................................friends? E many of A a lot of B much C many D much of We like films, so we go to the cin em a................................................. A a lot of B much C many D a lot There w e re ................................................ people in the theatre. It was nearly empty. A a little B fe w C little D a few of They have................................................ money, so they're not poor. A a little B a few C few D little E little of 279

Study guide He ate his dinner very A quick B quicker You speak English very A good B fluent C well Helen wants A a more big car 'Do you feel better today?' 'No, I feel A good B worse C more bad Athens is o ld e r................................................ Rome. A as B than C that D of I can run faster................................................. D a s he can Eashe A than him B that he can C than he can Tennis isn' A popular as B popular than C as popular than E a s popular as The weather today is the sam e................................................ yesterday. A as B that C than D like The Europa Hotel is ................................................. in the city. A the more expensive hotel B the most expensive hotel C the hotel most expensive D the hotel the more expensive E the hotel more expensive The film was very bad. I think it's t h e ................................................ film I've ever seen. A worse B baddest C most bad D worst E more worse W hy don't you buy a car? You've g o t................................................. A enough money B money enough C enough of money Is your English...............................................a conversation? C enough good for A enough good to have B good enough for have D good enough to have .............................................out. C too tired to go A too tired for go B too much tired for going D too much tired to go Word order 18.1 S u e ................................................. They're very nice. A bought yesterday some new shoes B bought some new shoes yesterday C yesterday bought some new shoes 18.2 coffeein the morning. I drink always B Always I drink C I always drink 280

Study guide 18.3 18.4 18.5 I locked the door and I gave A Sarah the keys B to Sarah the keys C the keys Sarah D the keys to Sarah Conjunctions and clauses 19.1 I can't talk to you now. I'll talk to you later w h e n ................................................ more time. A I'll have B I had C I have D I'm going to have 19.2 . late this evening, don't wait for me. A If I'm B If I'll be C When I'm D When I'll be 19.3 I don't know the answer. If I ................................................ the answer, I'd tell you. A know B would know C have known D knew 19.4 like this jacket................................................... it if it wasn't so expensive. A I buy B I'll buy C I bought D I'd bought E I'd buy 19.5 Emma lives in a ho 400 years old. A who B that C which D it Ew h a t 19.6 The in the office are very friendly. A who B that C they D which Ew hat 19.7 Did you find the b o oks...............................................? A who you wanted B that you wanted C what you wanted D you wanted E you wanted it 19.8 I m e t................................................ can speak six languages. A a woman who B a woman which C a woman D a woman she Prepositions C in Friday D on Friday 20.1 Bye! I'll see y o u ............................ A until Friday B at Friday 20.2 Hurry! The train leaves................................................ five minutes. A at B o n C fro m D after E in 20.3 'How long will you be away?' '................................................ Monday.' A On B T o C Until D Till E Since 20.4 We played tennis yesterday. We played................................................ two hours. A in B for C since D during 20.5 I always have breakfast before................................................ to work. A lg o Bg o C t o g o D going 20.6 Write your nam e................................................ the top of the page. A at B o n C in D to 281

Study guide 20.7 20.8 20.9 The office is ...............................................the first floor. 20.10 A at B o n C in D to 20.11 20.12 I met a lot of people................................................ the party. 20.13 A on B to C in D at 20.14 20.15 I want to g o ...............................................Italy next year. 20.16 20.17 A at B o n C in D to 20.18 20.19 W hat time did you arrive 20.20 A at B on C in D to 'Where is David in this picture?' 'He's...............................................Laura.' A at front of B in the front of C in front of D in front from I ju m p e d ................................................ the wall into the garden. A o n B through Cacross D over Eabove Jane isn't at work this week. She' A o n B in C fo r D to E a t Do you like travelling................................................ ? D o n train A with train B with the train C in train I'm not very g o o d ................................................ telling stories. A o n Bw ith C a t D in Efor Tom left w ithout. C to say . goodbye. A say B saying D that he said have to p h o n e................................................ today. A with my parents B to my parents C at my parents 'Do you like eating in restaurants?' 'It depends the restaurant.' Eover A in Bat C o f Don Phrasal verbs 21.1 The car stopped and a woman got A off B down C out D out of 21.2 It was cold, so I ................................................. A put on my coat B put my coat on C put the coat on me D put me the coat on 21.3 I've got Rachel's keys. I have t o ................................................ to her. A give back B give them back C give back them D give it back 282

Key to Exercises UNIT 1 UNIT 2 5 're/are staying 6 's/is having 1.1 2.1 6E 7 're/are building 2 they're 2F 7B 8 'm/am going 3 it isn't / it's not 3H 8I 4 that's 4C 9D 3.3 5 I'm not 5A 3 She's/She is sitting on the 6 you aren't / you're not 2.2 floor. 1.2 6 are 3 Is your job interesting? 4 She isn't/She's not reading a 2 'm/am 7 is ... are 4 Are the shops open today? 3 is 8 'm/am ... is 5 Where are you from? book. 4 are 6 Are you interested in sport? 5 She isn't/She's not playing 5 's/is 7 Is the station near here? 8 Are your children at school? the piano. 1.3 9 W hy are you late? 6 She's/She is laughing. 2 I'm / 1am 7 She's/She is wearing a hat. 3 He's / He is 2.3 8 She isn't/She's not drinking 4 they're / they are 2 Where's / Where is 5 It's / It is 3 How old are coffee. 6 You're / You are 4 How much are 7 She's / She is 5 What's / W hat is 3.4 8 Here's / Here is 6 Who's / W ho is 3 I'm sitting on a chair, or I'm 7 W hat colour are 1.4 not sitting on a chair. Example answers: 2.4 4 I'm eating, or I'm not 1 My name is Robert. 2 Are you American? 2 I'm 25. 3 How old are you? eating. 3 I'm from Australia. 4 Are you a teacher? 5 It's raining, or It isn't raining. / 4 I'm a gardener. 5 Are you married? 5 My favourite colours are 6 Is your wife a lawyer? It's not raining. 7 Where's/Where is she from? 6 I'm learning English. black and white. 8 W hat's/What is her name? 7 I'm listening to music, or 6 I'm interested in plants. 9 How old is she? I'm not listening to music. 1.5 2.5 8 The sun is shining, or The 2 They're / They are cold. 2 Yes, I am. or No, I'm not. 3 He's / He is hot. 3 Yes, it is. or No, it isn't. / No, sun isn't shining. 4 He's / He is scared. 9 I'm wearing shoes, or I'm 5 They're / They are hungry. it's not. 6 She's / She is angry. 4 Yes, they are. or No, they not wearing shoes. 10 I'm not reading a newspaper. 1.6 aren't. / No, they're not. 2 It's/It is windy today, or It 5 Yes, it is. or No, it isn't. / No, UNIT 4 isn't/it's not windy today. it's not. 4.1 3 My hands are cold, or My 6 Yes, I am. or No, I'm not. 2 Are you going now? 3 Is it raining? hands aren't/are not cold. UNIT 3 4 Are you enjoying the film? 4 Brazil is a very big country. 5 Is that clock working? 5 Diamonds aren't/are not 3.1 6 Are you waiting for a bus? 2 's/is waiting cheap. 3 're/are playing 4.2 6 Toronto isn't/is not in the US. 4 He's/He is lying 2 Where is she going? 8 I'm/I am hungry, or I'm 5 They're/They are having 3 W hat are you eating? 6 She's/She is sitting 4 W hy are you crying? not/l am not hungry. 5 W hat are they looking at? 9 l'm/l am a good swimmer. 3.2 6 W hy is he laughing? 2 's/is cooking or I'm not/l am not a good 3 're/are standing 4.3 swimmer. 4 's/is swimming 3 Are you listening to me? 10 l'm/l am interested in 4 Where are your friends going? football, or I'm not/l am 5 Are your parents watching TV? not interested in football. 6 W hat is Jessica cooking? 7 W hy are you looking at me? 8 Is the bus coming? 283

Key to Exercises 4.4 6.2 7.2 2 Yes, Iam. or No, I'm not. 2 Kate doesn't like classical 3 How often do you watch TV? 3 Yes, Iam. or No, I'm not. 4 W hat do you want for 4 Yes, it is. or No, it isn't. / music. I like (or I don't like) classical dinner? No, it's not. music. 5 Do you like football? 5 Yes, Iam. or No, I'm not. 3 Ben and Sophie don't like 6 Does your brother like 6 Yes, Iam. or No, I'm not. boxing. Kate likes boxing. football? UNIT 5 I like (or I don't like) boxing. 7 W hat do you do in your free 4 Ben and Sophie like horror 5.1 5 has movies. time? 2 thinks 6 finishes Kate doesn't like horror 8 Where does your sister work? 3 flies movies. 9 Do you always have 4 dances I like (or I don't like) horror movies. breakfast? 5.2 5 They go 10 W hat does this word mean? 2 live 6 He sleeps 6.3 11 Does it snow here in winter? 3 She eats Example answers: 12 W hat time do you usually go 4 He plays 2 I never go to the theatre. 3 I don't ride a bike very often. to bed? 5.3 7 costs 4 I never eat in restaurants. 13 How much does it cost to 2 open 8 cost 5 I often travel by train. 3 closes 9 boils phone New York? 4 teaches 10 lik e ... likes 6.4 14 W hat do you usually have for 5 meet 2 doesn't use 6 washes 3 don't go breakfast? 4 doesn't wear 5.4 5 don't know 7.3 2 I never go to the cinema. 6 doesn't cost 2 Do you enjoy / Do you like 3 M artina always works hard. 7 don't see 3 do you start 4 Children usually like chocolate. 4 Do you work 5 Jackie always enjoys parties. 6.5 5 do you go 6 I often forget people's names. 3 don't know 6 does he do 7 Sam never watches TV. 4 doesn't talk 7 does he teach 8 We usually have dinner at 5 drinks 8 Does he enjoy / Does he like 6 don't believe 7.30. 7 like 7.4 9 Kate always wears nice 8 doesn't eat 2 Yes, I do. or No, I don't. 3 Yes, I do. or No, I don't. clothes. UNIT 7 4 Yes, it does, or No, it 7.1 doesn't. 2 Do you play tennis? 5 Yes, I do. or No, I don't. 3 Does Lucy live near here? 5.5 4 Do Tom's friends play tennis?/ UNIT 8 Example answers: 2 I sometimes read in bed. Do his friends play tennis? / 8.1 3 I often get up before 7 Do they play tennis? 2 No, she isn't. 5 Does your brother speak o'clock. English? / Does he speak Yes, she does. 4 I never go to work by bus. English? She's playing the piano. 5 I usually drink two cups of 6 Do you do yoga every 3 Yes, he does. morning? Yes, he is. coffee in the morning. 7 Does Paul go away a lot? / He's cleaning a window. Does he go away a lot? or 4 No, they aren't. UNIT 6 Does Paul go away much? / Yes, they do. Does he go away much? They teach. 6.1 8 Do you want to be famous? 2 Anna doesn't play the piano 9 Does Anna work hard? / Does 8.2 6 do she work hard? 2 don't 7 does very well. 3 are 8 doesn't 3 They don't know my phone 4 does 5 's/is... don't number. 4 We don't work very hard. 5 He doesn't have a bath every day. 6 You don't do the same thing every day. 284

Key to Exercises 8.3 9.4 UNIT 11 4 is singing 3 has 5 She wants 4 don't have 6 don't have 11.1 6 do you use 5 have 7 doesn't 2 opened 7 you're sitting 3 started ... finished 8 I don't understand have 4 wanted 9 I'm going ... Are you coming 5 happened 10 does your father finish 9.5 6 rained 11 I'm not listening 2 's got / has got a lot of friends 7 enjo yed ... stayed 12 He's/He is cooking 3 hasn't got a key 8 died 13 doesn't usually drive ... 4 haven't got much time 5 has got six legs 11.2 usually walks 6 haven't got a job 2 saw 14 doesn't like ... She prefers 3 played UNIT 10 4 paid 8 thought UNIT 9 5 visited 9 copied 10.1 6 bought 10 knew 9.1 2 Jack and Kate were at/in the 7 went 11 put 3 He's got a new job. 12 spoke 4 Have you got an umbrella? cinema. 5 We've got a lot of work to do. 3 Sue was at the station. 11.3 9 checked 6 I haven't got your phone 4 M r and Mrs Hall were in/at a 2 got 10 had 3 had 11 waited number. restaurant. 4 left 12 departed 7 Has your father got a car? 5 Ben was on the beach / on a 5 drove 13 arrived 8 How much money have we 6 got 14 took beach / at the beach / at the 7 parked got? seaside. 8 walked 6 (Example answer) I was at 9.2 work. 2 I don't have many clothes. 3 Does Tom have a brother? 10.2 6 're/are 11.4 4 How many children do they 2 is ... was 7 Was 2 lost her keys 3 'm/am 8 was 3 met her friends have? 4 was 9 a re ... were 4 bought a newspaper 5 Do you have any questions? 5 were 5 went to the cinema 6 Sam doesn't have a job. 6 ate an orange 10.3 7 had a shower 9.3 2 w asn't... was 8 came (to see us) 2 He's got a bike, or He has a 3 w a s ... were 4 'Were Kate and Ben at the 11.5 bike. 2-6 Example answers 3 He hasn't got a dog. or He party?' 'Kate was there, but I got up late yesterday. Ben wasn't.' or 'Kate wasn't I met some friends at lunchtime. doesn't have a dog. there, but Ben was.' I went to the supermarket. 4 He's got a mobile phone, or 5 were I phoned a lot of people. 6 w eren't... were 1lost my keys. He has a mobile phone. 5 He hasn't got a watch, or 10.4 UNIT 12 2 Was your exam difficult? He doesn't have a watch. 3 Where were Sue and Chris 12.1 6 He's got two brothers and 2 didn't work last week? 3 didn't go a sister, or He has two 4 How much was your new 4 didn't have brothers and a sister. 5 didn't do 7 I've got a dog. / 1have a dog. camera? or I haven't got a dog. / 1 5 W hy were you angry 12.2 don't have a dog. 2 Did you enjoy the party? 8 I've got a bike. / 1have a bike. yesterday? 3 Did you have a good holiday? or I haven't got a bike. / 1 6 Was the weather nice last 4 Did you finish work early? don't have a bike. 5 Did you sleep well last night? 9 (Example answer) I've got week? a brother and a sister, or I have a brother and a sister. 285

Key to Exercises 12.3 13.4 UNIT 16 2 I got up before 7 o'clock, or 2 He was carrying a bag. 3 He wasn't going to the dentist. 16.1 I didn't get up before 4 He was eating an ice cream. 2 He's/He has just got up. 7 o'clock. 5 He wasn't carrying an umbrella. 3 They've/They have just 3 I had a shower, or I didn't 6 He wasn't going home. have a shower. 7 He was wearing a hat. bought a car. 4 I bought a magazine, or I 8 He wasn't riding a bicycle. 4 The race has just started. didn't buy a magazine. 5 I ate meat, or I didn't eat UNIT 14 16.2 meat. 2 they've/they have already 6 I went to bed before 10.30. 14.1 or I didn't go to bed before 1 happened ... was painting ... seen it. 10.30. 3 l've/l have already phoned fell 12.4 2 arrived ... g o t... were waiting him. 2 did you arrive 3 was walking ... m e t... was 4 He's/He has already gone 3 Did you win 4 did you go going ... was carrying ... (away). 5 did it cost stopped 5 l've/l have already read it. 6 Did you go to bed late 6 She's/She has already started 7 Did you have a nice time 14.2 8 did it happen / did that 2 was studying (it). 3 Did Paul c a ll... called ... was happen 16.3 having 2 The bus has just gone. 12.5 6 didn't have 4 didn't go 3 The train hasn't left yet. 2 bought 7 did you do 5 were you driving ... stopped 4 He hasn't opened it yet. 3 Did it rain 8 didn't know 5 They've/They have just 4 didn't stay ... wasn't driving 5 opened 6 Did your team win ... didn't finished their dinner. 6 It's / It has just stopped UNIT 13 play 7 did you break ... were playing raining. 13.1 2 Jack and Kate were at the ... k ick e d ... hit 16.4 8 Did you see ... was wearing 2 Have you met your new cinema. They were watching 9 were you doing a film. 10 lo s t... did you g e t... climbed neighbours yet? 3 Tom was in his car. He was 3 Have you paid your electricity driving. UNIT 15 4 Tracey was at the station. She bill yet? was waiting for a train. 15.1 4 Has Tom/he sold his car yet? 5 M r and Mrs Hall were in the 2 She has/She's closed the door. park. They were walking. 3 They have/They've gone to UNIT 17 6 (Example answer) I was in a cafe. I was having a drink bed. 17.1 with some friends. 4 It has/it's stopped raining. 3 Have you ever been to 5 He has/He's had a shower. 13.2 6 The picture has fallen down. Australia? 2 she was playing tennis 4 Have you ever lost your 3 she was reading a/the 15.2 2 've bought / have bought passport? paper/newspaper 3 's gone / has gone 5 Have you ever flown in a 4 she was cooking (lunch) 4 Have you seen 5 she was having breakfast 5 has broken helicopter? 6 she was cleaning the kitchen 6 Ve told / have told 6 Have you ever won a race? 7 has taken 7 Have you ever been to New 13.3 8 haven't seen 2 W hat were you doing 9 has she gone York? 3 Was it raining 10 've forgotten / have forgotten 8 Have you ever driven a bus? 4 W hy was Sue driving 11 's invited / has invited 9 Have you ever broken your 5 Was Tom wearing 12 Have you decided 13 haven't told leg? 14 've finished / have finished 286

Key to Exercises 17.2 18.3 19.5 Helen: 2 She has lived in Wales all her Example answers 2 She's/She has been to 2 I've been in the same job for life. Australia once. 3 They have been on holiday ten years. 3 She's/She has never won a 3 I've been learning English for since Sunday. race. 4 The sun has been shining all six months. 4 She's/She has flown in a 4 I've known Chris for a long day. helicopter a few times. 5 She has been waiting for ten time. You (example answers): 5 I've had a headache since I 5 I've/I have never been to minutes. 6 He has had a beard since he got up this morning. New York. 6 I've/I have played tennis was 20. UNIT 20 many times. 18.4 20.1 7 I've/I have never driven a lorry. 2 I know 2 I started (it) 8 I've/I have been late for work 3 I've known 3 they arrived 4 have you been waiting 4 she went (away) a few times. 5 works 5 I wore it 6 She has been reading 20.2 17.3 7 have you lived 3 I finished 8 I've had 4 OK 2-6 9 is ... He has been 5 did you finish 6 OK She's/She has done a lot of UNIT 19 7 (Steve's grandmother) died interesting things. 8 Where were you / Where did 19.1 6 for She's/She has travelled all over 3 for 7 for you go the world, or She's/She has 4 since 8 for ...since 20.3 been all over the world. 5 since 3 played 4 did you go She's/She has been married 19.2 5 Have you ever met three times. Example answers: 6 wasn't 2 A year ago. 7 's/has visited She's/She has written ten books. 3 A few weeks ago. 8 switched She's/She has met a lot of 4 Two hours ago. 9 lived 5 Six months ago. 10 haven't been interesting people. 20.4 1 Did you have ... was 17.4 6 gone 2 Have you seen ... w e n t... 2 been 7 gone 3 gone 8 been haven't seen 4 been 3 has worked / has been 5 been 19.3 3 for 20 years working ... w a s... worked ... UNIT 18 4 20 years ago didn't enjoy 5 an hour ago 4 've/have seen . . . 've/have 18.1 6 a few days ago never spoken ... Have you 3 have been 7 for six months ever spoken ... met 4 has been 8 for a long time 5 have lived / have been living 287 6 has worked / has been working 19.4 7 has had 2 Jack has been here since 8 have been learning Tuesday. 18.2 3 It's been raining for an hour. 2 How long have they been 4 I've known Sue since 2008. 5 Claire and Matt have been there? or ... been in Brazil? 3 How long have you known married for six months. 6 Laura has been studying her? or ...kno w n Amy? 4 How long has she been medicine (at university) for three years. learning Italian? 7 David has played / David has 5 How long has he lived in been playing the piano since he was seven years old. Canada? / How long has he been living... ? 6 How long have you been a teacher? 7 How long has it been raining?

Key to Exercises UNIT 22 23.5 3 eaten UNIT 21 22.1 4 enjoying 2 A bridge is being built. 5 damaged 21.1 3 The windows are being 6 use 3 Glass is made from sand. 7 gone 4 The windows are cleaned cleaned. 8 understand 4 The grass is being cut. 9 listening every two weeks. 10 pronounced 5 This room isn't used very 22.2 11 open 3 The window has been broken. much. 4 The roof is being repaired. UNIT 24 6 Are we allowed to park here? 5 The car has been damaged. 7 How is this word 6 The houses are being 24.1 3 got pronounced? knocked down. 4 brought 9 The house was painted last 7 The trees have been cut 5 paid 6 enjoyed month. down. 7 bought 10 My phone was stolen a few 8 They have been invited to a 8 sat 9 left days ago. party. 10 happened 11 Three people were injured in 11 heard 22.3 12 put the accident. 3 has been repaired 13 caught 12 When was this bridge built? 4 was repaired 14 watched 13 I wasn't woken up by the 5 are made 15 understood 6 were they built noise. 7 Is the photocopier being used 24.2 begun 14 How were these windows 2 began eaten or Is anybody using the 3 ate drunk broken? photocopier 4 drank driven 15 Were you invited to Jon's 8 are they called 5 drove spoken 9 were stolen 6 spoke written party last week? 10 was damaged ... hasn't been 7 wrote come repaired 8 came known 21.2 9 knew taken 2 Football is played in m o st... UNIT 23 10 took gone 3 Why was the letter sent 11 went given 23.1 7 do 12 gave thrown t o ... ? 3 are 8 Is 13 threw forgotten 4 ... where films are made. 4 Does 9 does 14 forgot 5 Where were you born? 5 Do 10 Are 6 How many languages are 6 Is spoken ... ? 23.2 24.3 7 ... but nothing was stolen. 2 don't 3 slept 8 When was the bicycle 3 'm/am not 4 saw 4 isn't 5 rained invented? 5 don't 6 lo st... seen 6 doesn't 7 stolen 21.3 7 'm/am not 8 went 3 is made 8 aren't / 're not 9 finished 4 were damaged 10 built 5 was given 23.3 7 were 11 learnt/learned 6 are shown 2 Did 8 Has 12 ridden 7 were invited 3 were 9 did 13 known 8 was made 4 was 10 have 14 fell... hurt 9 was stolen ... was found 5 Has 15 ran ... run 6 did 21.4 2 Sarah was born in 23.4 6 've/have 2 was 7 is Manchester. 3 Have 8 was 3 Her parents were born in 4 are 9 has 5 were Ireland. 4 I was born in ... 5 My mother was born in ... 288

Key to Exercises 24.4 8 Are you going to watch UNIT 28 2 told 9 is Rachel going to do 3 won 8 spoken 28.1 5 I'll stay 4 met 9 cost 26.3 2 I'll eat 6 I'll show 5 woken up 10 driven 2 The shelf is going to fall 3 I'll sit 6 swam 11 sold 4 I'll do 7 thought 12 flew (down). 3 The car is going to turn (right). UNIT 25 4 He's / He is going to kick the 28.2 2 I think I'll have 25.1 ball. 3 I don't think I'll play 2 Richard is going to the 4 I think I'll buy 26.4 5 I don't think I'll buy cinema. 1-3 Example answers 3 Rachel is meeting Dave. I'm going to phone Maria this 28.3 4 Karen is having lunch with 2 I'll do evening. 3 Iwatch Will. I'm going to get up early 4 I'll go 5 Sue and Tom are going to a 5 is going to buy tomorrow. 6 I'll give party. I'm going to buy some shoes 7 Are you doing ... I'm going 8 I'm working 25.2 tomorrow. 2 Are you working next week? 3 What are you doing UNIT 27 tomorrow evening? 27.1 5 she's 28.4 4 What time are your friends 2 she'll be 6 she was 2 Shall I turn off the TV? 3 she was 7 she'll be 3 Shall I make some coming? 4 she'll be 5 When is Lisa going on holiday? sandwiches? 27.2 4 Shall I turn on the light? 25.3 Example answers: 3-6 Example answers 2 I'll be at home. 28.5 I'm going away at the weekend. 3 I'll probably be in bed. 2 where shall we go? I'm playing basketball tomorrow. 4 I'll be at work. 3 what shall we buy? I'm meeting a friend this 5 I don't know where I'll be. 4 who shall we invite? evening. 27.3 UNIT 29 I'm going to the cinema on 2 'll/will 3 won't 5 'll/will 29.1 Thursday evening. 4 won't 6 'll/will 2 I might see you tomorrow. 7 won't 3 Sarah might forget to phone. 25.4 4 It might snow today. 3 She's getting 27.4 5 I might be late tonight. 4 are going ... are they going 3 I think we'll win the game. 6 Mark might not be here next 5 finishes 4 I don't think I'll be here 6 I'm not going week. 7 I'm going ... We're meeting tomorrow. 7 I might not have time to go 8 are you getting ... leaves 5 I think Sue will like her 9 Are you coming ... does the out. present. film begin 6 I don't think they'll get married. 29.2 10 are you doing ... I'm working 7 I don't think you'll enjoy the 2 I might go away. 3 I might see her on Monday. film. 4 I might have fish. 5 I might get/take a taxi, or .. UNIT 26 27.5 2 are you doing go by taxi. 26.1 3 They're going 6 I might buy/get a new car. 2 I'm going to have a bath. 4 will lend 3 I'm going to buy a car. 5 I'm going 4 We're going to play football. 6 will phone 7 He's working 26.2 8 Will you 3 'm/am going to walk 9 are coming 4 's/is going to stay 5 'm/am going to eat 6 're/are going to give 7 's/is going to lie down 289

Key to Exercises 29.3 UNIT 31 6 I don't think you should go to 3 He might get up early. work. 4 He isn't/He's not working 31.1 5 must go 2 must meet 6 must win 7 I think he should go to the tomorrow. 3 must wash 7 must be doctor. 5 He might be at home 4 must learn 8 I don't think we should stay tomorrow morning. 31.2 5 I had to there. 6 He might watch TV. 2 I must 6 I had to 7 He's going out in the 3 I had to 7 I must 32.5 4 I must Example answers: afternoon. 2 I think everybody should 8 He might go shopping. 31.3 2 don't need to rush have enough food. 29.4 3 mustn't lose 3 I think people should drive 1-3 Example answers 4 don't need to wait I might buy some new clothes. 5 mustn't forget more carefully. I might go out with some 6 don't need to phone 4 I don't think the police friends. 31.4 should carry guns. I might have an egg for 2 C 4B 5 I think I should take more 3 A 5D breakfast. exercise. 31.5 UNIT 30 3 don't need UNIT 33 4 had to 30.1 5 must 33.1 2 Can you ski? 6 mustn't 2 have to do 3 Can you play chess? 7 must 3 has to read 4 Can you run ten kilometres? 8 had to 4 have to speak 5 Can you drive (a car)? 9 don't need 5 has to travel 6 Can you ride (a horse)? 10 mustn't 6 have to hit 7 I can/can't swim. 8 I can/can't ski. UNIT 32 33.2 9 I can/can't play chess. 2 have to go 10 I can/can't run ten kilometres. 32.1 3 had to buy 11 I can/can't drive (a car). 2 You should go 4 have to change 12 I can/can't ride (a horse). 3 You should eat 5 had to answer 4 you should visit 30.2 5 you should wear 33.3 2 can see 6 You should take 2 did he have to wait 3 can't hear 3 does she have to go 4 can't find 32.2 4 did you have to pay 5 can speak 2 He shouldn't eat so much. 5 do you have to do 3 She shouldn't work so hard. 30.3 4 He shouldn't drive so fast. 33.4 2 couldn't eat 2 doesn't have to wait. 3 can't decide 32.3 3 didn't have to get up early. 4 couldn't find 2 Do you think I should learn 4 doesn't have to work (so) hard. 5 can't go 5 don't have to leave now. 6 couldn't go (to drive)? 3 Do you think I should get 33.5 30.4 3 have to pay 2 Can/Could you pass the salt another job? 4 had to borrow 4 Do you think I should invite 5 must stop or have to stop (please)? 3 Can/Could I have these Gary (to the party)? (both are correct) 6 has to meet postcards (please)? 32.4 7 must tell or have to tell 4 Can/Could you turn off the 3 I think you should sell it. 4 I think she should have a (both are correct) radio (please)? 5 Can/Could I borrow your holiday. 33.6 5 I don't think they should get Example answers: newspaper (please)? 2 I have to go to work every day. 6 Can/Could I use your pen married. 3 I had to go to the dentist (please)? yesterday. 4 I have to go shopping tomorrow. 290

U NIT 34 UNIT 36 Key to Exercises 34.1 36.1 37.4 2 Would you like an apple? 2 He used to play football. 3 Would you like some coffee? / 3 She used to be a taxi driver. 2-6 4 They used to live in the ... a cup of coffee? There are eight planets in the 4 Would you like some cheese? / country. solar system. 5 He used to wear glasses. ... a piece of cheese? 6 This building used to be a There are fifteen players in a 5 Would you like a sandwich? rugby team. 6 Would you like some cake? / hotel. There are twenty-six letters in ... a piece of cake? 36.2 the English alphabet. 34.2 2-6 There are thirty days in 2 Would you like to play tennis September. She used to play volleyball. tomorrow? She used to go out most There are fifty states in the USA. 3 Would you like to come to a evenings. / She used to go 37.5 concert next week? out a lot. 2 It's 4 Would you like to borrow my She used to play the guitar. 3 There's She used to read a lot. / She 4 There's... Is it umbrella? used to like reading. 5 Is there ... there's She used to go away two or 6 It's 34.3 three times a year. / She used 7 Is there 2 Do you like to travel a lot. 3 Would you like UNIT 38 4 would you like 36.3 5 Would you like 3 used to have 38.1 6 I like 4 used to be 2 There was a carpet 7 would you like 5 go / travel 3 There were three pictures 8 Would you like 6 used to eat 4 There was a small table 9 Do you like 7 watches 5 There were some flowers 10 I'd like 8 used to live 6 There were some books 11 I'd like 9 get 7 There was an armchair 12 do you like 10 did you use to play 8 There was a sofa 38.2 UNIT 35 UNIT 37 3 There was 4 Was there 35.1 37.1 5 there weren't 3 Don't buy 3 There's/There is a hospital. 6 There wasn't 4 Smile 4 There isn't a swimming pool. 7 Were there 5 Don't sit 5 There are two cinemas. 8 There wasn't 6 Have 6 There isn't a university. 9 There was 7 Don't forget 7 There aren't any big hotels. 10 there weren't 8 Sleep 9 Be ... Don't drop 37.2 38.3 3-6 Example answers 2 There are 35.2 There is a university in ... 3 There was 2 let's take a taxi There are a lot of big shops. 4 There's/There is 3 let's watch TV There isn't an airport. 5 There's been/There has been 4 let's go to a restaurant There aren't many factories. 5 let's wait a little or There was 37.3 6 there was 35.3 2 There's/There is 7 there will be 3 No, let's not go out. 3 is there 8 there were ... there are 4 No, don't close the window. 4 There are 9 There have been 5 No, don't phone me 5 are there 10 there will be or there are 6 There isn't (tonight). 7 Is there 291 6 No, let's not wait for Andy. 8 Are there 7 No, don't turn on the light. 9 There's / There is 8 No, let's not go by bus. There aren't

Key to Exercises UNIT 39 3 I don't eat meat, but Jessica 42.2 does. 2 So am I. 39.1 3 So have I. 2 It's cold 4 I'm American,, but my 4 So do I. 3 It's windy. husband isn't. 5 So will I. 4 It's sunny/fine, or It's a nice 6 So was I. 5 I haven't beeri to Japan, but 7 Neither can I. day. Jessica has. 8 Neither did I. 5 It's snowing. 9 Neither have I. 6 It's cloudy. 40.5 7 has 10 Neither am I. 2 wasn't 8 do 11 Neither do I. 39.2 3 are 9 hasn't 2 It's/It is 4 has 10 will 42.3 3 Is it 5 can't 11 might 1 So am I. 4 is i t ... it's / it is 6 did 2 So can I. or I can't. 5 It's / It is 3 Neither am I. or I am. 6 Is it 40.6 4 So do I. or I don't. 7 is it 2 Yes, I have, or No, I haven't. 5 Neither do I. or I do. 8 It's / It is 3 Yes, I do. or No, I don't. 6 So did I. or I didn't. 9 It's / It is 4 Yes, it is. or No, it isn't. 7 Neither have I. or I have. 5 Yes, I am. or No, I'm not. 8 Neither do I. or I do. 39.3 6 Yes, I do. or No, I don't. 9 So am I. or I'm not. 2 How far is it from the hotel to 7 Yes, I will, or No, I won't. 10 Neither have I. or I have. 8 Yes, I have, or No, I haven't. 11 Neither did I. or I did. the beach? 9 Yes, I did. or No, I didn't. 12 So do I. or I don't. 3 How far is it from New York 10 Yes, I was. or No, I wasn't. UNIT 43 to Washington? UNIT 41 4 How far is it from your house 43.1 41.1 2 They aren't / They're not to the airport? 2 Do you? 3 Didn't you? married. 39.4 6 it 4 Doesn't she? 3 I haven't had dinner. 3 It 7 It ... there 5 Do I? 4 It isn't cold today. 4 It ...I t 8 It 6 Did she? 5 We won't be late. 5 There 6 You shouldn't go. 39.5 41.2 8 Aren't you? 43.2 2 It's nice to see you again. 3 Have you? 9 Did you? 2 I don't like cheese. 3 It's impossible to work here. 4 Can't she? 10 Does she? 3 They didn't understand. 4 It's easy tomake friends. 5 Were you? 11 Won't you? 4 He doesn't live here. 5 It's interesting tovisit different 6 Didn't you? 12 Isn't it? 5 Don't go away! 7 Is there? 6 I didn't do the shopping. places. 6 It's dangerous to go out alone 43.3 2 They haven't arrived. UNIT 40 41.3 3 I didn't go to the bank. 2 aren't they 4 He doesn't speak German. 40.1 5 will 3 wasn't she 5 don't you 5 We weren't angry. 2 is 6 was 4 haven't you 6 doesn't he 6 He won't be pleased. 3 can 7 won't you 7 Don't call me tonight. 4 has 8 It didn't rain yesterday. 41.4 9 I couldn't hear them. 40.2 5 isn't 2 are you 6 didn't she 10 I don't believe you. 2 'm not 6 hasn't 3 isn't she 7 was it 3 weren't 4 can't you 8 doesn't she 43.4 4 haven't 5 do you 9 will you 2 'm not / am not 3 can't 40.3 UNIT 42 4 doesn't 3 doesn't 5 isn't / 's not 4 do 6 does 42.1 5 either 5 did 7 don't 2 either 6 either 8 didn't 3 too 7 too 4 too 40.4 Example ainswers: 2 I like sport, but my sister doesn't. 292

Key to Exercises 6 don't... haven't 44.4 UNIT 46 7 Don't 3 What are you reading? 8 didn't 4 What time did she go (to 46.1 9 haven't 2 What are you looking for? 10 won't bed)? 3 Who did you go to the 11 didn't 5 When are they going (on 12 weren't cinema with? 13 hasn't holiday)? 4 What/Who was the film 14 shouldn't / mustn't 6 Where did you see him? 7 Why can't you come (to the about? 43.5 5 Who did you give the money 3 He wasn't born in London. party)? 4 He doesn't like London. 8 Where has she gone? to? 5 He'd like to live in the 9 How much (money) do you 6 Who was the book written country. need? by? 6 He can drive. 10 Why doesn't she like you? 7 He hasn't got a car. or He 11 How often does it rain? 46.2 12 When did you do it?/ ... the 2 What are they looking at? doesn't have a car. 3 Which restaurant is he going 8 He doesn't read newspapers. shopping? 9 He isn't interested in politics. to? 10 He watches TV most UNIT 45 4 What are they talking about? 5 What is she listening to? evenings. 45.1 6 Which bus are they waiting 11 He didn't watch TV last night. 2 What fell off the shelf? 12 He went out last night. 3 Who wants to see me? for? 4 Who took your umbrella? / UNIT 44 46.3 Who took it? 2 Which hotel did you stay at? 44.1 5 What made you ill? 3 Which (football) team does 3 Were you late this morning? 6 Who is / Who's coming? 4 Has Kate got a key? or Does he play for? 45.2 4 Which school did you go to? Kate have a key? 3 Who did you phone? 5 Will you be here tomorrow? 4 What happened last night? 46.4 6 Is Paul going out this evening? 5 Who knows the answer? 2 What is the food like? 7 Do you like your job? 6 Who did the washing-up? 3 What are the people like? 8 Does Nicola live near here? 7 What did Jane do? / What did 4 What is the weather like? 9 Did you enjoy the film? 10 Did you have a good holiday? she do? 46.5 8 What woke you up? 2 What was the film like? 44.2 9 Who saw the accident? 3 What were the lessons like? 2 Do you use it a lot? 10 Who did you see? 4 What was the hotel like? 3 Did you use it yesterday? 11 Who has got your pen? / 4 Do you enjoy driving? UNIT 47 5 Are you a good driver? Who's got your pen? / 6 Have you ever had an Who has your pen? 47.1 12 What does this word mean? / 3 What colour is it? accident? What does it mean? 4 What time did you get up? 5 What type of music do you 44.3 45.3 3 What are the children doing? 2 Who phoned you ? like? 4 How is cheese made? 6 What kind of car do you 5 Is your sister coming to the What did she want? 3 Who did you ask? want (to buy)? party? 6 Why don't you tell the truth? What did he say? 47.2 7 Have your guests arrived yet? 4 Who got married? 2 Which coat 8 What time does your train 3 Which film/movie Who told you? 4 Which bus leave? 5 Who did you meet? 9 Why didn't Emily go to work? 47.3 8 Who 10 Was your car damaged in the What did she tell you? 3 Which 9 What 6 Who won? 4 What 10 Which accident? 5 Which 11 What What did you do (after the 6 What game)? 7 Which 7 Who gave you a/the book? What did Catherine give you? 293

Key to Exercises 47.4 5 How deep UNIT 49 5 Do you know if there's a 2 How far 6 How long restaurant near here? 3 How old 49.1 4 How often 2 I don't know where she is. 6 Do you know how much it 3 I don't know how old it is. costs to rent a car? 47.5 4 I don't know when he'll be 2 How heavy is this box? UNIT 50 3 How old are you? here. 4 How much did you spend? 5 I don't know why he was 50.1 5 How often do you watch TV? 2 She said (that) she was very 6 How far is it from Paris to angry. 6 I don't know how long she busy. Moscow? 3 She said (that) she couldn't has lived here. UNIT 48 go to the party. 49.2 4 He said (that) he had to go 48.1 2 where Susan works 2 How long does it take by car 3 what Peter said out. 4 why he went home early 5 He said (that) he was learning from Milan to Rome? 5 what time the meeting 3 How long does it take by Russian. begins 6 She said (that) she didn't feel train from Paris to Geneva? 6 how the accident happened 4 How long does it take by bus very well. 49.3 7 They said (that) they would from the city centre to the 2 are you airport? 3 they are be home late. / ... they'd be 4 the museum is 48.2 5 do you want 8 She said (that) she had just 2 It takes... hours to fly from ... 6 elephants eat come back from holiday. / ... 7 it is she'd just come back ... to New York. 3 It takes... years to study to 49.4 9 She said (that) she was going 2 Do you know if/whether they to buy a guitar. be a doctor in .... 4 It takes... to walk from my are married? 10 They said (that) they hadn't 3 Do you know if/whether Sue got a key. / They said (that) home to the nearest shop. they didn't have a key. 5 It takes... to get from my knows Bill? 4 Do you know if/whether 50.2 home to the nearest airport. 2 She said (that) she wasn't Gary will be here tomorrow? 48.3 5 Do you know if/whether he hungry. 2 How long did it take you to 3 he said (that) he needed it. passed his exam? 4 she said (that) she didn't walk to the station? 3 How long did it take him to 49.5 want to go. 2 Do you know where Paula is? 5 She said (that) I could have it. paint the bathroom? 3 Do you know if/whether she 6 He said (that) he would send 4 How long did it take you to is working today? / ... she's me a postcard. / ... he'd learn to ski? working today? s e n d ... 5 How long did it take them to 4 Do you know what time she 7 Nicola said (that) he had starts work? gone home. / ... he'd gone repair the car? 5 Do you know if/whether the home. shops are open tomorrow? 8 He said (that) he wanted to 48.4 6 Do you know where Sarah watch TV. 2 It took us 20 minutes to walk and Jack live? 9 She said (that) she was 7 Do you know if/whether they to the cinema. home. / ... to get home. went to Jane's party? 3 It took me six months to 50.3 7 said 49.6 3 said 8 told learn to drive. Example answers: 4 told 9 tell 4 It took Mark/him three hours 2 Do you know what time the 5 tell 10 say 6 say to drive to London. / ... to get bus leaves? to London. 3 Excuse me, can you tell me 5 It took Lisa/her a long time to find a job. / ... to get a job. where the station is? 6 It took me ... to ... 4 I don't know what I'm going to do this evening. UNIT 51 51.1 3 phone 4 phone Paul 294

Key to Exercises 5 to phone Paul 52.3 UNIT 54 6 to phone Paul 2 going to museums 7 phone Paul 3 to go 54.1 8 to phone Paul 4 driving / to drive 2-4 9 phone Paul 5 to go (there) I went to a coffee shop to meet 10 phone Paul 6 travelling by train 7 walking a friend. 51 .2 I went to the chemist to get 3 get 52.4 4 going Example answers: some medicine. 5 watch 1 I enjoy cooking. 1went to the market to buy 6 flying 2 I don't like studying. 7 listening 3 If it's a nice day tomorrow, I'd some vegetables. 8 eat 9 waiting like to go to the beach. 54.2 10 wear 4 When I'm on holiday, I like to 2 to read the newspaper 11 doing... staying 3 to open this door do very little. 4 to get some fresh air 5 I don't mind travelling alone, 5 to wake him up 6 to see who it was but I prefer to travel with 51.3 13 having somebody. 54.3 4 to go 14 to have 6 I wouldn't like to live in a big Example answers: 5 rain 15 hear city. 2 to talk to you now 6 to leave 16 go 3 to tell her about the party 7 help 17 listening UNIT 53 4 to do some shopping 8 studying 18 to walk 5 to buy a motorbike 9 to go 19 to know 53.1 10 wearing 2 I want you to listen carefully. 54.4 7 to 11 to stay tell 3 I don't want you to be angry. 2 to 8 to 12 have 20 borrow 4 Do you want me to wait for 3 to 9 for 4 for 10 for UNIT 52 you? 5 to 11 to 5 I don't want you to call me 6 for 52.1 3 to see tonight. 54.5 4 to swim 6 I want you to meet Sarah. 2 for the film to begin 5 cleaning 3 for it to arrive 6 to ask 53.2 4 for you to tell me 7 visiting 2 A woman told me to turn left 8 going UNIT 55 9 to be after the bridge. 10 waiting 3 I advised him to go to the 55.1 11 to do 3 to 12 to speak doctor. 4 - (no preposition) 13 to go 4 She asked me to help her. / 5 for 14 crying / to cry 6 to 15 to w o rk ... talking ... asked me if I could help her. 7 on ... to 5 I told him to come back in 8 for 52.2 9 on 2 to help ten minutes. 10 to 3 to see 6 Paul let me use his phone. 11 - (no preposition) 4 reading 7 I told her not to phone 12 on 5 to lose 13 for 6 to send before 8 o'clock. / ... not to 14 on 7 raining call (me) before 8 o'clock. 8 to go 8 Amy's mother taught her to 55.2 9 watching / to watch play the piano. 2 went fishing 10 to wait 3 goes swimming 53.3 4 going skiing 2 to repeat 5 go shopping 3 wait 6 went jogging 4 to arrive 5 to get 6 go 7 borrow 8 to tell 9 to make (or to get) 10 think 295

Key to Exercises 55.3 5 They're/They are doing 58.4 2 to university an exam, (or ... taking an 2 have something to eat 3 shopping exam.) 3 had a glass of water 4 to sleep 4 have a walk 5 home 6 He's/He is making the/his 5 had an accident 6 skiing bed. 6 have a look 7 riding 8 for a walk 7 She's/She is doing the UNIT 59 9 on holiday ... to Portugal washing-up. or She is washing up. / She is doing the 59.1 UNIT 56 dishes. / She is washing the 2 him 5 him dishes. 3 them 6 them 56.1 4 her 7 her 2 get your boots 8 He's/He is making a 3 get a doctor (shopping) list. 59.2 6 sh e ... them 4 get a taxi 2 I ... them 7 th e y... me 5 gets the job 9 They're/They are making a 3 he ... her 8 sh e ... you 6 get some milk film. 4 they ... us 7 get a ticket 5 w e ... him 8 gets a good salary 10 He's/He is taking a picture/ 9 get a lot of rain photo/photograph. 10 get a new laptop 57.3 8 make 59.3 56.2 2 make 9 do 2 I like him. 2 getting dark 3 do 10 making 3 I don't like it. 3 getting married 4 done 11 made 4 Do you like it? 4 getting ready 5 made 12 m ake... do 5 I don't like her. 5 getting late 6 doing 6 Do you like them? 7 did UNIT 58 59.4 2 him 56.3 5 got lost 58.1 3 them 8 them 2 get wet 6 get old 3 He doesn't have / He hasn't 4 they 9 me 3 got married 7 got better 5 us 10 her 4 gets angry got 6 it 11 them 4 Gary had 7 She 12 h e ... it 5 Do you have / Have you got 56.4 6 we didn't have 59.5 2 got to Bristol at 11.45. 7 She doesn't have / She hasn't 2 Can you give it to him? 3 I left the party at 11.15 and 3 Can you give them to her? got 4 Can you give it to me? got home at midnight. 8 Did you have 5 Can you give it to them? 4 (Example answer) I left 6 Can you give them to us? 58.2 home at 8.30 and got to the 2 She's/She is having a cup of airport at 10 o'clock. tea. 56.5 3 He's/He is having a rest. UNIT 60 2 got off 4 They're/They are having a 3 got out of 4 got on 60.1 good time. 2 her hands UNIT 57 5 They're/They are having 3 our hands 5 their hands 4 his hands 6 your hands dinner. 57.1 7 done 6 He's/He is having a bath. 60.2 2 do 8 make 2 They live with their parents. 3 make 9 making 58.3 3 We live with our parents. 4 made 10 do 3 Have a nice/good trip! 4 Martina lives with her 5 did 11 doing 4 Did you have a nice/good 6 do parents. weekend? 5 I live with my parents. 57.2 5 Did you have a nice/good 6 John lives with his parents. 2 They're/They are doing 7 Do you live with your game (of tennis)? (their) homework. 6 Have a nice/good time! or parents? 3 He's/He is doing the 8 Most children live with their Have a nice/good evening! shopping, or He is shopping. or Have fun! parents. 4 She's/She is making a jacket. 7 Did you have a nice/good holiday? 296

Key to Exercises 60.3 UNIT 62 5 My sister lives by herself. 2 their 6 Many people live by 3 his 6 their 62.1 4 his 7 her 2 Yes, I know her, but I can't themselves. 5 her 8 their remember her name. 63.3 60.4 8 her 3 Yes, I know them, but I can't 2 They can't see each other. 2 his 9 their 3 They call each other a lot. 3 Their 10 my remember their names. 4 They don't know each other. 4 our 11 Its 4 Yes, I know you, but I can't 5 They're/They are sitting next 5 her 12 H is... his 6 my remember your name. to each other. 7 your 6 They gave each other 62.2 60.5 2 He invited us to stay with presents / a present. 2 my key 3 Her husband him at his house. 63.4 4 your coat 3 They invited me to stay with 3 each other 5 their homework 4 yourselves 6 his name them at their house. 5 us 7 Our house 4 I invited them to stay with 6 ourselves 7 each other me at my house. 8 each other 5 She invited us to stay with 9 them 10 themselves her at her house. 6 Did you invite him to stay with you at your house? UNIT 61 62.3 2 I gave her my phone number, 61.1 UNIT 64 2 mine and she gave me hers. 3 ours 6 yours 3 He gave me his phone 64.1 4 hers 7 mine 3 Helen is Brian's wife. 5 theirs 8 his number, and I gave him mine. 4 James is Sarah's brother. 4 We gave them our phone 5 James is Daniel's uncle. 61.2 6 Sarah is Paul's wife. 2 yours number, and they gave us 7 Helen is Daniel's 3 my ...M in e theirs. 4 Yours... mine 5 She gave him her phone grandmother. 5 her number, and he gave her his. 8 Sarah is James's sister. 6 M y ... hers 6 You gave us your phone 9 Paul is Sarah's husband. 7 their number, and we gave you 10 Paul is Daniel's father. 8 Ours ours. 11 Daniel is James's nephew. 7 They gave you their phone 61.3 number, and you gave them 64.2 5 Rachel's 3 of hers yours. 2 Andy's 6 Alice's 4 friends of ours 3 Dave's 5 friend of mine 62.4 6 us 4 Jane's 6 friend of his 2 them 7 her 7 friends of yours 3 him 8 their 64.3 4 our 9 mine 3 OK 5 yours 4 Simon's phone number 5 My brother's job 61.4 UNIT 63 6 OK 2 Whose camera is this? 7 OK 63.1 6 himself 8 Paula's favourite colour It's hers. 2 myself 7 yourself 9 your mother's birthday 3 Whose gloves are these? 3 herself 8 yourselves 10 My parents' house 4 themselves 11 OK They're mine. 5 myself 12 OK 4 Whose hat is this? It's his. 13 Silvia's party 5 Whose money is this? 63.2 14 OK 2 When I saw him, he was by It's yours. 6 Whose bags are these? himself. 3 Don't go out by yourself They're ours. 4 I went to the cinema by myself. 297

Key to Exercises UNIT 65 6 ... three children. UN IT 68 7 Most of my friends are 65.1 6 an 68.1 2a 7a students. 2 a newspaper (or a paper), 3a 8 an 8 He put on his pyjamas ... 4 an 9 an 9 OK some flowers (or a bunch of 5a 10 Do you know many people flowers) and a pen 3 some bananas, some eggs 65.2 11 I like your trousers. Where and some bread (or a loaf of 2 a vegetable did you get them? bread) 3 a game 4 some toothpaste, some soap 4 a tool 12 ... full of tourists. (or a bar of soap) and a comb 5 a mountain 13 OK 6 a planet 14 These scissors a re n 't... 68.2 7 a fruit 2 Would you like some coffee? 8 a river 66.4 7 Do 9 a flower 2 are 8 are ( o r ... a cup of coffee?) 10 a musical instrument 3 don't 9 them 3 Would you like a biscuit? 4 watch 10 some 4 Would you like some bread? 5 were 65.3 6 live (or ... a piece of bread? / a 2 He's a shop assistant. slice of bread?) 3 She's an architect. UNIT 67 5 Would you like a chocolate? 4 He's a taxi driver. 6 Would you like some cake? 5 He's an electrician. 67.1 (or ... a piece of cake?) 6 She's a photographer. 3 a jug 7 She's a nurse. 4 water 68.3 8 I'm a/an... 5 toothpaste 2 so m e... some 6 a toothbrush 3 some 65.4 7 an egg 4 a ... some 2-8 8 money 5 an ... some Tom never wears a hat. 9 a wallet 6 a ... a ... some I can't ride a bike. 10 sand 7 some My brother is an artist. 11 a bucket 8 some Rebecca works in a bookshop. 12 an envelope 9 some... a Jane wants to learn a foreign 67.2 68.4 language. 3 ... a hat. 2 eyes Mike lives in an old house. 4 ... a job? 3 hair This evening I'm going to a 5 OK 4 information 6 ... an apple... 5 chairs party. 7 ... a p arty... 6 furniture 8 ... a wonderful thing. 7 job UNIT 66 9 ... an island. 8 wonderful weather 10 ... a key. 66.1 8 sandwiches 11 OK UNIT 69 2 boats 9 families 12 ... a good idea. 3 women 10 feet 13 ... a car? 69.1 4 cities 11 holidays 14 ... a cup of coffee? 3a 5 umbrellas 12 potatoes 15 OK 4 the 6 addresses 16 ... an umbrella. 5 an 7 knives 6 th e ... the 67.3 7 a ... a 66.2 5 fish 2 a piece of wood 8 a ... a 2 teeth 6 leaves 3 a glass of water 9 ... a student... a journalist 3 people 4 a bar of chocolate 4 children 5 a cup of tea ... an apartment near the 6 a piece of paper college ... The apartment is ... 66.3 7 a bowl of soup 10 ... two children, a boy and 3 ... with a lot of beautiful 8 a loaf of bread a girl. The boy is seven years 9 ajar of honey old, and the girl is three ... in trees. a factory ... doesn't have a 4 ... with two men. jo b ... 5 OK 298

Key to Exercises 69.2 5 the police I don't like computer games. 2 the airport 6 the capital I hate parties. 3 a cup 7 lunch 4 a nice picture 8 the middle 72.2 5 the dictionary Example answers: 6 the floor UNIT 71 2 I'm not interested in politics. 3 I'm interested in sport. 69.3 71.1 4 I don't know much about art. 2 ... send me a postcard. 2 the cinema 5 I don't know anything about 3 What is the name o f ... 3 hospital 4 ... a very big country. 4 the airport astronomy. 5 What is the largest... 5 home 6 I know a little about 6 ... the colour of the carpet. 6 prison 7 ... a headache. economics. 8 ... an old house near the 71.2 3 school 72.3 station. 4 the station 3 friends 9 ... the name of the director 5 home 4 parties 6 bed 5 The shops of the film ... 7 the post office 6 the milk 7 milk UNIT 70 71 .3 8 basketball 2 the cinema 9 buildings 70.1 3 go to bed 10 The water 3 ... the second floor. 4 go to prison 11 cold water 4 ... the moon? 5 go to the dentist 12 the salt 5 ... the best hotel in this 6 go to university/college 13 the people 7 go to hospital / are taken to 14 Vegetables town? 15 The houses 6 OK hospital 16 the words 7 ... the city centre? (American speakers say go to 17 pictures 8 ... the end of May. the hospital' 'are taken to the 18 the pictures 9 OK hospital'.) 19 English ... international 10 ... the first time I met her. 11 OK 711.4 business 12 It's easy to get information 3 the doctor 20 M oney... happiness 4 OK from the internet. 5 OK UNIT 73 13 OK 6 OK 14 ... on the top shelf on the 7 the bank 73.1 8 OK 3 Sweden right. 9 OK 4 The Amazon 15 ... in the country about ten 10 the city centre 5 Asia 11 the station 6 The Pacific miles from the nearest town. 12 OK 7 The Rhine 8 Kenya 70.2 (American speakers say 'in 9 The United States 2 the same time the hospital'.) 10 The Andes 3 the same age 13 OK 11 Bangkok 4 the same colour 14 OK 12 The Alps 5 the same problem 15 the theatre 13 The Red Sea 14 Jamaica 70.3 UNIT 72 15 The Bahamas 2 the guitar 3 breakfast 72.1 4 television/TV 2-8 Example answers: 5 the sea I don't like dogs. 6 the bottom I hate museums. I love big cities. 70.4 Tennis is all right. 2 the name I love chocolate. 3 The sky 4 TV 299

Key to Exercises 73.2 5 I've just had one 76.4 3 OK 6 there's one in Mill Road 2 something 4 the Philippines 3 anything 5 the south of France 75.2 4 anything 6 the Regal Cinema 2 a new one 5 Somebody/Someone 7 OK 3 a better one 6 anything 8 the Museum of Art 4 an old one 7 anybody/anyone 9 OK 5 a big one 8 something 10 Belgium is smaller than the 6 a different one 9 anything 10 anybody/anyone Netherlands. 75.3 11 the Mississippi... the Nile 2 Which ones? UNIT 77 12 the National Gallery 13 the Park Hotel in Hudson The green ones. 77.1 3 Which one? 2 There are no shops near here. Road 3 Carla has no free time. / Carla 14 OK The one with a/the red door. 15 The Rocky Mountains are in 4 Which ones? has got no free time. 4 There's no light in this room. North America. The ones on the top shelf. 6 There isn't any milk in the 16 OK 5 Which one? 17 the United States fridge. 18 the west of Ireland The black one. 7 There aren't any buses today. 19 OK 6 Which one? 8 Tom doesn't have any 20 The Panama Canal joins The one on the wall. brothers or sisters. / Tom the Atlantic Ocean and the 7 Which one? hasn't got any brothers or Pacific Ocean. sisters. The tall one with long hair. UNIT 74 8 Which ones? 77.2 2 any 74.1 The yellow ones. 3 any 8 no 2 that house 9 Which one? 4 no 9 any 3 these postcards 5 any 10 no 4 those birds The one with a/the 6 no 11 None 5 this seat moustache and glasses. 7 any 12 any 6 These plates 10 Which ones? The ones I took at the party last week. UNIT 76 74.2 76.1 8 some 77.3 2 Is that your umbrella? 2 some 9 some 2 no money 3 Is this your book? 3 any 10 a n y ... any 3 any questions 4 Are those your books? 4 any 11 som e... any 4 no friends 5 Is that your bicycle/bike? 5 any 12 some 5 no difference 6 Are these your keys? 6 some 6 any furniture 7 Are those your keys? 7 any 7 no idea 8 Is this your watch? 8 any heating 9 Are those your glasses? 76.2 9 no queue 10 Are these your gloves? 2 some questions 3 any pictures 77.4 4 any foreign languages 5 some friends Example answers: 6 some milk 74.3 7 any batteries 2 Three. 4 None. 2 that's 8 some fresh air 3 This is 6 this is 9 some cheese 3 Two cups. 5 None. 4 That's 7 That's 10 any help 5 that 8 that's UNIT 78 UNIT 75 78.1 2 There's nobody in the office. 75.1 76.3 3 I have nothing to do. / I've 2 I don't need one 3 I have some / I've got some 3 I'm going to get one 4 I don't have any / 1haven't got nothing to do. 4 I don't have one / 1haven't 4 There's nothing on TV. got any / 1haven't any 5 There was no-one at home. got one 5 I didn't buy any 6 We found nothing. 6 I bought some 7 I didn't drink any 300

Key to Exercises 78.2 79.3 UN IT 81 2 There wasn't anybody on the 3 anything 4 anything 81.1 bus. 5 somebody/someone 3 Some 3 I don't have anything to read. / 6 something 4 Most of 7 anybody/anyone... nobody/ 5 Most I haven't got anything to read. 6 any of 4 I don't have anyone to help no-one 7 all or all of 8 anything me. / 1haven't got anyone to 9 Nobody/No-one None of help me. 10 anybody/anyone 9 any of 5 She didn't hear anything. 11 Nothing 10 Most 6 We don't have anything for 12 anywhere 11 most of dinner. / We haven't got 13 somewhere 12 Some anything for dinner. 14 anything 13 All or All of 15 anybody/anyone 14 some of 78.3 15 most of 3 a Nothing. 79.4 4 a Nobody./No-one. 2 anything to eat 81.2 5 a Nobody./No-one. 3 nothing to do 2 All of them. 6 a Nothing. 4 anywhere to sit 3 Some of them. 7 a Nothing. 5 something to drink 4 None of them. 8 a Nobody./No-one. 6 nowhere to park 5 Most of them. 3 b I don't want anything. 7 something to read 6 Noneofit. 4 b I didn't meet anybody/ 8 somewhere to stay 81.3 anyone. UNIT 80 3 Some people... 5 b Nobody/No-one knows 4 Some of the questions... 80.1 4 Every room the answer. 2 Every day 5 every word or Some questions... 6 b I didn't buy anything. 3 every time 5 OK 7 b Nothing happened. 6 All insects... 8 b Nobody/No-one was late. 80.2 7 OK ( o r ... all of these books) 2 everyday 8 Most of the students... 78.4 3 all day 3 anything 4 everyday or Most students... 4 Nobody/No-one 5 all day 9 OK 5 Nothing 6 all day 10 ... most of the night. 6 anything 7 everyday 7 anybody/anyone UNIT 82 8 nothing 9 anything 80.3 6 all 82.1 9 Neither 10 anything 2 every 7 every Both 10 either of 11 nobody/no-one 3 all 8 all Neither 11 Both 12 anything 4 all 9 every Neither 12 neither of 13 Nothing 5 Every both 13 Both 14 Nobody/No-one... Either 14 either of 80.4 anybody/anyone 2 everything 8 neither of 3 Everybody/Everyone UNIT 79 4 everything 82.2 5 everywhere 2 Both windows are open. 79.1 6 Everybody/Everyone 3 Neither man is wearing a 2 something 7 everywhere 3 somewhere 8 Everything hat. or Neither of them is 4 somebody/someone wearing... 80.5 7 makes 4 Both men have (got) beards. 79.2 2 is 8 Is... Does or Both of them have ... 2a Nowhere. 3 has 5 Both buses go to the airport. 3a Nothing. 4 likes or ... are going to the 4a Nobody./No-one. 5 has airport. 2b I'm not going anywhere. 6 was 6 Neither answer is correct. 3b I don't want anything. 4b I'm not looking for anybody/ anyone. 301

Key to Exercises 82.3 4 a little Russian UNIT 86 3 Both of them are students. 5 a few friends 4 Neither of them has a car. / 6 a few times 86.1 7 a few chairs 2 badly ... has got a car. 8 a little fresh air 3 quietly 5 Both of them live in London. 4 angrily 6 Both of them like cooking. 84.3 5 fast 7 Neither of them can play the 2 very little coffee 6 dangerously 3 very little rain piano. 4 very few hotels 86.2 8 Both of them eat seafood. 5 very little time 2 w ork hard 9 Neither of them is interested 6 Very few people 3 sleep well 7 very little work 4 win easily in sport. 5 Think carefully 6 know her very well UNIT 83 7 explain things very clearly/well 8 Com e quickly 83.1 8 many 84.4 5 few 2 many 9 How many 2 A few 6 a little 86.3 3 much 10 How much 3 a little 7 little 2 angry 4 many 11 How much 4 little 3 slowly 5 many 12 How many 4 slow 6 much 84.5 5 careful 7 much 2 ... a little luck 6 hard 3 ... a few things 7 suddenly 83.2 me 4 OK 8 quiet 2 much juntries 5 ... a few questions 9 badly 3 many ?ople 6 ...few people 10 nice (See Unit 8SC.) 4 many ggage 7 OK 11 quickly 5 much nes 6 many UNIT 85 86.4 2 well 83.3 85.1 3 good 2 a lot of interesting things 2 I like that green jacket. 4 well 3 a lot of accidents 3 Do you like classical music? 5 well 4 a lot of fun 4 I had a wonderful holiday. 6 good ... good 5 We went to a Japanese 5 a lot of traffic UNIT 87 restaurant. 83.4 87.1 3 a lot of snow 85.2 2 bigger 4 OK 2 black clouds 3 slower 5 a lot of money 3 long holiday 4 more expensive 6 OK 4 hot water 5 higher 7 OK 5 fresh air 6 more dangerous 8 a lot 6 sharp knife 7 dangerous job 87.2 83.5 2 stronger 3 She plays tennis a lot. 85.3 3 happier 4 He doesn't use his car much. 2 It looks new. 4 more modern 3 I feel ill. 5 more im portant ( o r ... a lot.) 4 You look surprised. 6 better 5 He doesn't go out much, (or 5 They smell nice. 7 larger 6 It tastes horrible. 8 more serious ... a lot.) 9 prettier 6 She travels a lot. 85.4 10 m ore crow ded 2 It doesn't look new. UNIT 84 5 a little 3 You don't sound American. 87.3 6 a few 4 I don't feel cold. 2 hotter/warmer 84.1 5 They don't look heavy. 3 more expensive 2 a few 6 Maybe, but it doesn't taste 3 a little 4 a few good. 84.2 2 a little milk 3 A few days 302

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