Title:The \"Networking\" Part of Network MarketingWord Count:697Summary:Networking is obviously an essential part ofnetwork marketing.Every successful network marketer knows this tobe true. Althoughnetworking is such an intricate part of networkmarketing, the two terms are not synonymous.
Keywords:Network marketing,network marketers,businessArticle Body:Networking is obviously an essential part ofnetwork marketing. Every successful networkmarketer knows this to be true. Althoughnetworking is such an intricate part of networkmarketing, the two terms are not synonymous.However there are many similarities. Both relyheavily on people skills. Both require people toconfront their fear of talking to other people.Both carry with them the risk of rejection. Bothalso carry with them enormous opportunity. And tosome people, both are considered dirty words.Of course people that consider networking assomething that is 'not done' don't understandwhat networking is really about. The same can besaid of people that think network marketing is
something that is beneath them. Many people thinkof networking as a way to get connected solely fortheir own advancement in life. In that respect aperson might feel that it is unethical or notnoble to network. This line of thinking stems fromthe idea that advancement will always come at theexpense of someone else, that success in life isa zero-sum game. These people often look atnetwork marketing from the same perspective. Theythink of profiting from other people's efforts assomething that is negative and not fair to them.In reality, successful networkers will tell youthat it doesn't work that way at all. Networkingdoesn't have to be at anybody's expense and thebusiness of network marketing doesn't rewardanyone for taking advantage of others. Itactually rewards people for helping other peopleto succeed. In that respect it may very well bethe most ethical business model in the worldtoday.A lot of the negativity around networking can be
explained by the different types of networkers.Some can be considered 'hunters', moving in fora quick kill, after which they move out again.They often operate without regard of the otherpersons interest and because of this they willenjoy the fruits of success for only a limitedperiod of time. Often it will not take long beforepeople find out what's really driving the hunter.Once they see that he or she is only looking afterhis or her own interests, their willingness tointeract with this person will quickly evaporate.By contrast, truly successful networkers areoften 'farmers' who spend a lot of time sowing andnourishing their relationships, instead of justfocusing on reaping. They invest in their network,they energize their network. They use theirnetwork, but they never ever abuse their network!And their network knows this. A true networkerwill always keep the interests of others in mind.That's why working with a true networker is soenjoyable. Networkers are often very likeable andas such people like to interact with them.
Networking is a skill that is essential to allbusinesses not just network marketing. Althoughnetwork marketing differs in many ways from themore traditional forms of doing business, theimportance of networking is just as prevalent. Ifnot more so. A network marketer that doesn't knowhow to network will be out of business in no time.Network marketing is first and foremost apeople's business and this implies that theability to effectively work with people isabsolutely critical. This is why successfulnetwork marketers are extremely adept atnetworking. Many have found out over time thatdeveloping this skill can pay off in many areasoutside their network marketing business as well.Business owners who have started a home basedbusiness on the side often apply their enhancednetworking and people's skills in theirtraditional business with great success. For somenetwork marketers this spin-off has earned themmore money than the income from their network
marketing business itself.So whether you are in network marketing or in amore traditional type of business, don'tunderestimate the importance of becoming aneffective networker. And if you really want tomaster this skill you may find there is a lot tolearn from good network marketers. So if youhappen to know anybody that fits that description,try and benefit from their knowledge on the topic.It will surely help you network your way tosuccess!
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