Title:Three Steps to Your Ultimate Marketing MessageWord Count:439Summary:It just might be the most important tool you put in yourmarketing toolbox. A great marketing message doesn'tcome in the form of a catchy slogan or a play on words.Here are some tips to create your own ultimate marketingmessage.
Keywords:small business marketing, marketing tips, marketingideas, marketing strategyArticle Body:Have you created a core marketing message to usethroughout all of your marketing efforts?I'm not talking about some catchy slogan or play onwords using the name of your business or the service youprovide. It's not some meaningless phrase like \"we do itright\" or \"quality service you can trust.\" Anybody inbusiness can say those things and they're really basicexpectations anyway.A core marketing message clearly and conciselycommunicates what you're out to do and for who. Itspeaks to your ideal target market and gets them torespond and seek more information.So many small business owners and professional service
providers never take the time to create this for their ownbusiness. Most are creating a new message with everynew \"marketing campaign.\" They're constantly tryingnew ideas. And each new idea becomes a new chance totry and come up with that home run message that gets thephone ringing off the hook like never before.What you need is an ultimate core marketing messagethat communicates directly and powerfully to yourclients and prospective clients what it is they'll get fromyour services.Here are three steps to creating your own ultimate coremarketing message:1. Who do you want to help? Be as clear as you can onwho your target market is. Take some time and definewith as much clarity as possible who your ideal clientsare. If it's not obvious who your message is directed to,why would you expect anyone to get it?2. What is the primary problem, issue, or challenge you
would like to help someone in that target audience solve?This is really at the heart of your core marketing message.Most people are consumed with their own problems andlooking for solutions to address them. So when you canclearly articulate a problem your client is dealing with,they'll listen because you may be able to provide asolution.3. What is the ultimate outcome or result that you'd liketo help your target market produce in solving theirproblem, issue, or challenge? People what to know whatit is they'll get from knowing or working with you. Whenyou're prepared to demonstrate that you're focused ondelivering an outcome they'd be interested in, they willpay attention and want to know more.That's it. Now take your answers and boil it down to oneor two clear sentences that you can deliverenthusiastically and passionately. Communicate it ineverything you do from a marketing perspective, bothverbally and in writing.
Forget the catchy slogans. Create and start using yourultimate marketing message right now.
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