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Home Explore 2022-02-07 Execution guidelines booklet for Andhra Pradesh_R5 copy

2022-02-07 Execution guidelines booklet for Andhra Pradesh_R5 copy

Published by strawhatnaveen, 2022-02-17 08:31:04

Description: 2022-02-07 Execution guidelines booklet for Andhra Pradesh_R5 copy


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RED NORMS 2022 4 Core Pillars Norms Platinum/ Silver Bronze Total Points 1. Availability Gold Points Points Points per pillar Unforgivable SKU List (Core 5 SKUs) 50 pts 2. Cooler 25 50 Min 6 bottles for each SKU NA 15 pts 3. SOVI 10 (Share of MSBF List of SKUs Availability 25 1 20 pts Visible 4 Inventory) Min 6 bottles for each SKU 12 15 pts 4. Activation 100 pts KO cooler purity = Pure Shelves/Total Shelves, 8 Bonus 13 5 pts Min 75% purity (< 75% - 0 pts, 75% - 99% - 5 pts, 100% - 10 pts) 2 KO cooler in the right/prime position (100% visibility to shopper) 5 KO Cooler Planogram Compliance = Pack Compliance + Brand Order Compliance + Coke SS facing Share of visible Inventory (Warm) Total facings of warm CCI bottles/Total facings of warm category bottles Min SOVI >= MS as per state (Calculated separately for Sparkling and Juices) Share of visible Inventory (Chilled) = Total facings of chilled CCI bottles/Total facings of chilled category Bottles Min SOVI >= MS as per state (Calculated separately for Sparkling and Juices) Presence of visibility/activation elements in store (Would vary as per channel) Price Communication TOTAL Lucky 7 : Bonus for 2 availability of 2 additional SKUs


CHANNEL PROGRAMS PROGRAM Partner with retailer to deliver incremental growth in the OBJECTIVE: enrolled outlets. WIN-WIN PROGRAM PROGRAM CONSTRUCT Channel Loyalty Program drives -KEY METRICS Same Store growth of the enrolled outlets through: Quarterly Reward Program Only P&G outlets Driving Revenue from the outlet Purchase 1 Driving Weighted Distribution 42 Increasing long term engagement and Product 3 Stronger Relationship with Retailer Display Activation Capturing invaluable Mind Space of the retailers and builds LOYALTY Zonal Priorities


CHECKLIST FOR SUCCESS : HOW TO CONVERT MAXIMUM SHOPPERS INTO BUYERS Accurate segmentation of outlet universe by channel x VPO class Understand the key consumption occasions for the channel and execution levers to achieve the priorities Ensure availability starting with Unforgiveable SKUs and followed by MSBF norms in P&G outlets Maximize chilled facings. Follow Cooler shelf guidelines and category order in cooler Maximize ambient visibility to achieve SOVI > SOM in the outlet Activate as per PICOS to create in-store triggers for driving shopper impulse Collaborate with retailers through channel loyalty programs to accelerate same store growth


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