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Home Explore Manipal International University Sustainable Architecture

Manipal International University Sustainable Architecture

Published by amrul, 2023-02-22 03:21:25

Description: Manipal International University Sustainable Architecture : Principles, Paradigms and Case Studies


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["06 THIRD FLOOR PLAN Third Floor Corridor","06 FOURTH FLOOR PLAN Fourth Floor Corridor","06 Lift Motor Room Internal LIFT MOTOR ROOM FLOOR PLAN","06 Roof Walkway and facade lighting ROOF PLAN","06 By introducing the perimeter vehicular circulation, this strategy will be able to optimize the vehicular connection within the proposed development. As a result, this strategy would be able to maximise the land and usage at the same time creating the pedestrain friendly environment. Transportation design concept","06 Transportation: - The Campus is design to facilitate pedestrian and bicycle movement, ample shading is provided in all transportation corridors, distances between buildings are kept to minimum. Services for example, Banks\/ATM\u2019s, Convenience stores are also located in the student center adjacent to the cafeteria. In order to promote public transport, shuttle buses to the nearest Nilai Commuter Train Station located at a distance of 5 kilometers from the campus was also proposed, carpooling was also encouraged for students driving alone into the campus.","06 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) consists of a suite of rating systems for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings, LEED (USGBC) GREEN BUILDING CERTIFICATION homes and neighborhoods. Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), LEED is intended to provide building owners and operators a concise framework for identifying and Organization of LEED implementing practical and measurable green building design, construction, operations and maintenance solutions. Sustainable Sites Since its inception in 1993, the U.S. Green Building Council has grown to encompass more Innovation Water than 7,000 projects in the United States and 30 countries, covering over 1.501 billion square in Design Efficiency feet (140 km\u00b2) of development area. The hallmark of LEED is that it is an open and transparent process where the technical criteria proposed by USGBC members are publicly Indoor Energy & reviewed for approval by the almost 20,000 member organizations that currently constitute Environmental Atmosphere the USGBC. Quality Introduction to LEED and the U.S. Green Building Council : Materials & The United States Green Building Council (USGBC) is a non-profit organization that promotes Resources sustainable development and green building construction. With roughly 15,000 members, the USGBC brings together professionals from every sector of the building industry which Source- LEED Core Concept and Strategies Online Course includes the private sector as well as state and federal agencies. The goal of the USGBC is to promote green building practices to make green buildings available to everyone. The USGBC offers courses and seminars on sustainable development and promotes the collective efforts of green building organizations by hosting conferences and meetings all across the country. The USGBC is perhaps best known for their Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program. This program provides a system of standards and ratings for environmentally sustainable building projects. The procedure that developers must go through is a completely transparent process in which points are given for different aspects of sustainability that are included in the project. This rating process all counts towards a building\u2019s LEED certification. LEED certification has become the standard for green building projects and likely will be for years to come. LEED Core Concepts and Strategies : The LEED Core Concepts and Strategies assessment process provides a great overview of the USGBC and LEED goals, strategies and rating system. It also provides a massive amount of details on the different aspects of green building practices and how they are applied to the LEED rating system. In addition, it uses examples of green buildings in its description of these practices, making it easy to see the different applications of these green building practices in real life. The assessment discusses the organization of the LEED rating system and the different areas that it addresses.","06 The assessment process outlines the LEED rating system and discusses the The first category that the assessment discusses is \u201csustainable sites.\u201d This importance of each category. The LEED rating system is based on a scale offering includes the advantageous selection of a site in relation to other resources 100 possible points with 10 extra points awarded for innovation in design and and populated areas. Extra credits are awarded if the site that is selected re- regional priority. Buildings can achieve one of four different levels of certification. uses land or existing buildings that were formerly unused. Choosing a sustainable site is extremely important in building green. Things that should A Building can become LEED certified if it is awarded 40-49 points. If a building is be considered are the site\u2019s access to mass public transportation, its ability to awarded 50-59 points, it is classified as LEED Silver certified. If a building is awarded limit urban sprawl, its relationship and proximity to densely populated and 60-79 points, it becomes LEED Gold certified. A LEED Platinum certification is traveled areas, its ability to maximize open space and minimizing its impacts achieved by earning 80 or more points in the rating scale. Points are distributed in on the surround natural environment. Choosing a sustainable site can be multiple categories. crucial in maintaining a building\u2019s relevancy for years to come as well. This is why 26 total points are awarded for sustainable sites, as it is the first and one The distribution is as follows- of the most vital steps in developing sustainable urban areas. New Construction The next aspect of green buildings that the assessment talks about is through water efficiency. Water efficiency points are awarded for buildings that For new construction, LEED effectively cut down on water usage throughout the building. This includes emphasizes elements of planning, the installation of low flow plumbing fixtures and regulating the amount of design and contruction price to water that is used throughout the day. In addition, credits are earned if a building occupancy building can effectively recycle water and use it throughout the building. In many cases, rainwater collectors are installed in buildings. This rainwater can Source- LEED Core Concept and Strategies Online Course be used in many ways such as heating and cooling and in toilets or irrigation systems. If a building uses this recycled water as opposed to potable water for systems that do not require the potable water, it improves the water efficiency greatly. The largest aspect of the LEED rating system is the Energy and Atmosphere rating scale. Making a building more energy efficient by using energy star approved appliances can go a long way in making the building more sustainable. Energy monitors and regulators can also cut down on the electricity that is used in a building. The guidelines discusses the many ways in which passive wind, solar and geothermal energy can be used to cut down on heating and cooling costs, thus making the building more energy efficient. Of course, renewable energy resources play a major role in green building development. Points are awarded for on-site renewable energy resources that are included in the building\u2019s development. With Global Climate Change at the forefront of the environmental movement nowadays, the Energy and atmosphere aspect of the LEED rating system plays a major role in a building\u2019s LEED certification. In addition, the long term financial benefits of renewable energy make the green building process much more attractive to developers.","06 Bonus credits The next aspect of the LEED certification process that is addressed is the Materials and In addition to the 100 points constituted by the five (5) main categories Resources rating scale. Points are awarded if a building effectively uses recycled (Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere, Materials and materials that are gathered locally or if a construction takes place within an already Resources, and Indoor Environmental Quality), an additional 6 bonus points can existing building. Building materials can be recycled from all sorts of sites, such as other be obtained for credits in Innovation in Design and 4 bonus points are available construction sites. In many cases, construction site\u2019s materials that are not used and for improvements in LEED-selected categories determined to impact Regional would otherwise be thrown away can be used in the construction of a green building. In Priorities. addition, points are awarded if the building resources come from a local company in the region. Since the materials travel a smaller distance, the carbon cost of shipping these Goal of the credit system materials to the site of the building is reduced. The goal of the LEED 2009 performance credit system is to allocate points \\\"based The final aspect of the LEED rating system that the course addresses is the Indoor on the potential environmental impacts and human benefits of each credit.\\\" To environmental quality rating scale. The guidelines mentions that indoor environmental weigh these impacts, the USGBC relies upon the environmental impact quality is important not only for the health and well-being of the occupants, but it categories of the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Tools for the actually improves worker morale and productivity as well. By maximizing natural Reduction and Assessment of Chemical and Other Environmental Impacts sunlight and air, the environment that these workers work in is significantly (TRACI) as a basis for weighting each credit. LEED 2009 makes reference to the impacted. Points are awarded for minimizing the use of volatile organic compounds in environmental-impact weighting scheme developed by the National Institute of the construction of the buildings. In addition, points are awarded for efficient insulation Standards and Technology (NIST) in assigning credit weights. USGB stands for that decreases the need for heating and cooling systems in the building. United States Green Building. The guidelines not only outlines these different aspects of the LEED rating system in Process great detail, but it provides examples of these practices in real life. These work very effectively as you can see the many different ways that these green building developers LEED certification is obtained after submitting an application documenting have made their building more environmentally friendly. All together, the LEED rating compliance with the requirements of the rating system as well as paying system provides firm guidelines for the development of green buildings. In many ways, registration and certification fees. In order to establish a building's point awards LEED acts as a goal that promotes ambition in green building achievement. In addition, in each credit category, buildings applying for certification are compared with a LEED accreditation provides a baseline for individuals who wish to learn more about theoretical baseline building defined by a LEED methodology or the more sustainable development. In a few years, LEED accreditation will become the industry stringent of either ASHRAE\/ANSI\/EISNA codes or local codes. standard and it will no longer be viewed as special. In many ways, the development of the USGBC and LEED has contributed tremendously to the increased development of Certification is granted solely by the Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI), sustainable sites and green buildings. The assessment mentions that as a result of this, which is responsible for the third party verification of project compliance with LEED must constantly adapt. In a few years, it could become much more difficult to LEED requirements. achieve these levels of LEED certification. LEED constantly re-setting the bar for green building development will only lead to greater strides in the future of green building The application review and certification process is handled in LEED Online, development. USGBC's web-based tool that employs a series of active PDF forms to automate filing documentation and communication between project teams and GBCI's reviewers.","06 The process of the LEED for Homes Rating System, available in both the USA and Benefits and disadvantages Canada, is significantly different than the LEED NC rating system. LEED for Homes projects are low rise residential and are required to work with either an American Real estate developers have begun to use LEED certification and a building's Provider Organization or a Canadian Provider Organization and a Green Rater. A green status as selling points LEED certified buildings are intended to use Provider Organization helps the project through the process while overseeing the resources more efficiently when compared to conventional buildings simply Green Raters. Green Raters are individuals that conduct the two mandatory LEED for built to code. LEED certified buildings often provide healthier work and living Homes site inspections; the Thermal Bypass Inspection and the Final Inspection. environments, which contributes to higher productivity and improved Although LEED for Homes is typically viewed by the construction industry as a simpler employee health and comfort. The USGBC has compiled a long list of benefits rating system especially when compared to LEED NC, LEED NC does not require an on- of implementing a LEED strategy, which ranges from improving air and water site inspection. The Provider and the Green Rater do not certify the project, but rather quality to reducing solid waste, benefiting owners, occupiers, and society as a assist in the certification process. whole. Effectiveness Often, when a LEED rating is pursued, the cost of initial design and construction rises. There may be a lack of abundant availability of There are several means by which the effectiveness of the LEED system could be manufactured building components that meet LEED specifications. Pursuing measured. At a basic level, the LEED standard itself aims for improvements in the LEED certification for a project is an added cost in itself as well. This added environmental and human health through improving building performance in five key cost comes in the form of USGBC correspondence, LEED design-aide categories. The energy consumption of the building will be carefully checked by the consultants, and the hiring of the required Commissioning Authority (CxA)\u2014all MEP design engineers or Energy Modellers. The installation of mechanical, electrical of which would not necessarily be included in an environmentally responsible and plumbing or any additional equipment or fixtures affect the sustainability features project, unless it also sought a LEED rating. determining the efficiency of the building. Energy efficiency effectiveness In determining the weighting scheme of the new LEED 2009 standard the USGBC has placed a relatively greater emphasis on \\\"the reduction of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions associated with building systems, transportation, the embodied energy of water, the embodied energy of materials and where applicable, solid waste. Evaluating the relative strength of the 2009 reforms is difficult, in part because the energy implications of LEED v.2.0 are not comprehensively evaluated. The LEED standard is still new and much of the energy-use implications of buildings design decisions only become apparent over the course of the building's operational lifetime.","06 However, these higher initial costs can be effectively mitigated by the savings LEED is a measurement tool for green building in the United States and it is incurred over time due to the lower-than-industry-standard operational costs developed and continuously modified by workers in the green building typical of a LEED certified building. This Life cycle costing is a method for industry, especially in the ten largest metro areas in the U.S.; however, LEED assessing the total cost of ownership, taking into account all costs of acquiring, certified buildings have been slower to penetrate small and mid-major owning and operating, and the eventual disposal of a building. Additional markets. Also, some criticism suggests that the LEED rating system is not economic payback may come in the form of employee productivity gains sensitive and does not vary enough with regard to local environmental incurred as a result of working in a healthier environment. Studies have conditions. For instance, a building in Maine would receive the same credit as a suggested that an initial up-front investment of 2% extra will yield over ten building in Arizona for water conservation, though the principle is more times the initial investment over the life cycle of the building. important in the latter case. Another complaint is that its certification costs require money that could be used to make the building in question even more Further, the USGBC has stated support for the Architecture 2030, an effort that sustainable. Many critics have noted that compliance and certification costs has set a goal of using no fossil-fuel, greenhouse-gas-emitting energy to have grown faster than staff support from the USGBC. operate by 2030. For existing buildings LEED has developed LEED-EB. Research has demonstrated that buildings that can achieve LEED-EB equivalencies can generate a In the progression of sustainable design from simply meeting local buildings tremendous ROI. codes to USGBC LEED (Certified, Silver, Gold and Platinum) to the Architecture 2030 Challenge, the Living Building Challenge is currently the most stringent Source- from the LEED Website sustainable design protocol. The LBC sets 20 imperatives which compel building The University of Texas at Dallas Student Services Building is the first academic building in owners, designers, operators and tenants beyond current USGBC LEED rating Texas to receive LEED Platinum status. levels. LEED is a design tool and not a performance measurement tool. It is also not yet climate-specific, although the newest version hopes to address this weakness partially. Because of this, designers may make materials or design choices that garner a LEED point, even though they may not be the most site - or climate - appropriate choice available. On top of this, LEED is also not energy-specific. Since it only measures the overall performances, builders are free to choose how to achieve points under various categories. A USA TODAY review showed that 7100 certified commercial building projects targeted easy and cheap green points, such as creating healthy spaces and providing educational displays in the building. Few builders would really adopt renewable energy because the generators for those energy resources, such as solar photovoltaic, are costly. Builders game the rating system and use certain performances to compensate for the others, making energy conservation the weakest part in the overall evaluation.","06 Future Generation Mindset: - An emphasis on passive design being the key criteria was implemented throughout the entire design and where passive design strategies were proven insufficient sustainable technologies were selected instead resulting in a design that satisfies the high comfort levels for the occupants with systems operating at maximum efficiencies, The design also set the benchmark for innovations like radiant cooling system, LED lighting and BMS software. Impact on the surrounding land of the campus was also considered as part of the design process and given the large amount of rainfall the region receives the campus was designed as a zero discharge facility. The programs offered by the University is completely residential and particular attention was given to developing public spaces to nurture the community, features designed for community interaction included open-air cafe and student center, open-air theatre overlooking the natural lake, bio-diversity walkway and pedestrian friendly streets connecting buildings. It has been proposed to evolve the campus into an interpretive sustainable habitat center which includes a walking tour of the campus highlighting the sustainable design, demonstration of technologies and a knowledge portal. CONCLUSION : - With all the above guidelines and green features implemented and commissioned MIU is assured of a \u201cPLATINUM\u201d Certification by LEED (USA). MIU\u2019s building experienced and fully equipped maintenance team would then be required to ensure all the green features implemented are efficiently utilized and monitored as per the green operation manual without compromising the students and staff comfort within the building at all times. (ANTICIPATED CERTIFICATION)","ROOM DATA SHEET","07 ROOM DATA SHEET CLASS ROOM","07 CLASS ROOM FOR 40 STUDENTS GREEN BUILDING CRITERIAS ADOPTED ARE : i) Daylight harvesting. ii) Windows low 'E' DGU glazing. iii) Air-conditioning Chilled beams. iv) Energy saving T5 fluorecent and LED lights. Classroom at 1st floor Classroom at 1st floor","07 LABORATORY","07 LABORATORY Laboratory at ground floor and 1st floor","07 LIBRARY Proposed library at main building","FACADE TREATMENT","07 FACADE TREATMENT","07","07 East elevation","07 a.) Fa\u00e7ade treatment to enable deep external shading to allow only diffuse daylight while cutting out the direct sun rays, ensuring that daylight is utilized effectively without the need for window blinds, also ensuring minimised solar heat gains.","07 North elevation","07","07","07 FACADE STUDY- ARCHES CONSTRUCTION DRAWING MOCK UP AT SITE PROPOSED","07 Latest facade Position of sun at 12.00 noon West Fa\u00e7ade","07 MOCK UP AT SITE - ARCHES","07 \u2022 Following are the green features and technical inputs for LEED USGC certification as implemented to the project:- \u2022 Maximised use of daylight without the associated solar heat gains was also achieved by the introduction of the following:- b.) The building facade have high level daylight panels with light-shelves that will reflect daylight deeper into the classrooms and laboratories. DAYLIGHT PANEL LIGHT SHELF 750MM DEPTH VIEWING PANEL 900MM DEEP FALSE COLUMN","07 East Elevation North East Elevation","07 North east Elevation East Elevation","07 FACADE INSULATION c.) Gyproc thermal lined\/heat insulated drywall system to all perimeter internal walls within defined rooms minimizing conduction heat gains into the building. Thermal Lined\/ Head Insulated Drywall","07 GLAZING d.) Argon filled, double glazed and spectrally selective glazing that allows daylight to enter the defined spaces while cutting down o the solar heat gains. Actual Window Section","SHADING STUDIES","08 SHADING STUDIES \u2022 Building geometry of Classroom A21 (2F108) on second floor oriented towards the west has been used in this parametric Facade Treatment study. \u2022 All daylighting assessments do consider an overcast sky. All daylighting simulations were undertaken using RADIANCE suite of programs developed at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the USA. This is a sophisticated ray-tracing based software tool used for daylighting and artificial lighting design, which has been extensively validated and used over the past decade or more. \u2022 Illuminance levels have been calculated over a clear sky condition for September 21st with regards to USGBC LEED Compliance. \u2022 Glazing line in the simulation model corresponds to the inner edge of masonry wall. ( will be revised to the line of outer glazing once glazing unit is finalised) \u2022 All Material reflectance's \/ transmissions were assumed as follows:","08 Shadow range from 9.00am - 17.00pm (1st April) Shadow range from 9.00am - 17.00pm (1st April)","08 Sun path study (10.30am - 1st April) Sun path study (16.15am - 1st April)","08 Sun path study (16.15pm - 1st April)","08","08","08 Day - lighting and thermal design: - Another design criterion set forth was for the buildings to utilize daylight instead of artificial\/electrical lighting. These buildings were largely made up of classrooms with occupancy primarily during the day. The local conditions also provided ample sunlight throughout the year. Studies have shown less eye strain to occupants in day - lit buildings, increased productivity and overall wellbeing as a result of awareness of natural cycles (biophilia hypothesis). Day - lighting brought significant reductions in cooling requirements by reducing heat generated by artificial lighting and also reduced capital cost on future operational and maintenance of the buildings. In order to provide day - lighting within all areas of the buildings a few design innovations were included. Daylight dispersion into the buildings were increased by providing optimal window dimensions, additional window panels closer to the ceiling, external fins to deflect more daylight within and even the choice of ceiling and fin light colours made a difference. One of the consequences of the day \u2013 lighting design was increased heat load transfer. The selection of double glazing in windows, insulation material within the external fa\u00e7ade walls kept the heat transfer to a minimum. The design resulted in significant reductions for light \/ SHGC-heat VLT percentages. \u2022Conventional Design: - 78% \/ 77%, \u2022Optimized Design: - 50% \/ 25%, \u2022Upper Windows: - 62% \/ 32%, \u2022 The design helped achieve the daylight factor efficiencies in the order of 50% \u2022 Conventional Design: - 1.4%, 300 lux, \u2022 Optimized Design: - 0.7%, 140 lux, \u2022 ASHRAE 1525 Ratings: - 400 lux, For areas of the buildings with potential for reduced day lighting hours due to the surroundings, light fixtures with 300 lux rating were installed and commissioned. Daylight is available for 62% of the buildings area, 200 lux is available 100% of the time. It is to be noted that lighting in corridors, library, lobbies and halls will be kept on always.","08","MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL DESIGN","09 MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL DESIGN Energy Efficiency: - Energy efficiency of the building had been maximized in the building with the help of specialised software that undertakes Dynamic thermal and daylight simulations. Energy Monitoring devices and systems have also been implemented to further manage and minimise any potential waste in energy. Passive design principals used for efficient use of energy leveraged the regional climate, site topology and overall reduction in Urban Heat Island Effect. The Active design approach focused on maximizing day lighting while minimizing heat gain. TBEC : Total Building Energy Consumption (kWh\/year) 1631837 CPEC : Carpark Energy Consumption (kWh\/year) 0 DCEC : Data Centre Energy Consumption (kWh\/year) 0 GFA (excluding carpark) : Gross Floor Area exclusive of car-park area (m\u00b2) 29,925.27 DCA : Data Centre Area (m\u00b2) 0 GLA : Gross Lettable Area (m\u00b2) 0 FVR : Weighted Floor Vacancy rate of GLA (%) 0 52 : Typical weekly operating hours of office buildings in Kuala Lumpur \/ Malaysia (hrs\/week) 51.8 WHO : Weighted Weekly Operating Hours of GLA exclusive of DCA (hrs\/week) BEI 54.53","09 Air-Conditioning & Mechanical Ventilation (ACMV) :- All the buildings windows are sealed due to climatic and environmental considerations as a result an efficient ACMV system is required to AIR - CONDITIONING ensure occupant comfort, lower capital and operating costs were also important in the selection of the applicable ACMV system. The design team evaluated different options and finally chose a radiant cooling system with active chilled beams located in the ceilings. In choosing such a radiant cooling system the benefits were as follows:- The Radiant Cooling technology requires lesser number of Chillers, Materials cost was reduced due to decreased number of fans in radiant cooling, Absence of large space for ductwork between floors further decreased the material cost, The technology also provided more comfort to the occupants as compared to the conventional system, \u2022 The pressure to operate the system is always functioning however the chilled beams will only operat when the specific areas are occupied. it takes 30 minutes for thechilled beams to become fully functional, \u2022 Individual buildings heat load were analyzed using proprietary energy modeling software and load minimized by reducing transmission and internalloads, \u2022 Transmission loads was reduced by proper sun-path analysis and fa\u00e7ade improvements i.e. low \u2013 E fenestration, walls insulated design, water features, external wall nano-coatings, roofing insulation, roofing external coating and other architectural design features with high SRI indices \u2022 Currently 2 units of (duty and standby) water cooled 100 ton Centrifugal Chillers have been installed as energy efficient equipment based on the current heat load requiring cooling with provisions for future expansions, \u2022 Outdoor Air Ventilation designed is at least 30% above minimum rates required by ASHRAE 62.1-2007 and mechanically ventilated spaces can be monitored and controlled on CO2 concentration to be +\/- 10% from the 1000ppm design value for densely occupied spaces. (LEED definition). \u2022 Internal Air Quality (IAQ) Commissioning plan prior to occupancy had included a \u201cflush out\u201d by supplying a total air volume of 14,000cfm of outdoor air per square foot of floor area while maintaining a temperature of not lower than 15 deg.Celsius and a Relative humidity of no higher than 60%. \u2022 Relative Humidity (RH %) was designed never to exceed 60% at all times (occupied and un-occupied) space to prevent\/discourage the growth of moxed. \u2022 Adequately sized mechanical ventilation has been provided for plant-rooms, stores, equipment rooms and toilets. \u2022 All ACMV equipment is linked to the Building Management System (BMS)","09 APPENDIX G Manipal International University \u2013 Conditioned and Un-Conditioned Areas Manipal International University has been evaluated on the basis of methodology outlined in Appendix G, the Performance rating method of ASHRAE\/IESNA 90.1-2007. e - QUEST 3.64 which uses DOE2.2 as the simulation engine is used as the simulation tool. The tabulation as above provides the information on the conditioned and the un-conditioned areas at Manipal International University floor space. This shows that the total built-up area of 3,73,001 sq. ft and the conditioned area is 1,78,303 sq. ft.","09 07 ACMV (WATER COOLED CHILLERS) Mohd Kamarul Bin Yunus on his daily rounds checking the operating 100tons, Water Cooled functions and temperatures of the \u201cCARRIER\u201d Chillers. Chillers. Air Handling Hit Chiller and Condenser Chilled water piping network MOHD KAMARUL BIN YUNUS is one of the Water Pumps Maintenance team technical support personal, he is a Mechanical Engineer employed by the Cooling MIU appointed Maintenance Company known Tower as \u201cMNE Solutions\u201d. His main task daily is to ensure the ACMV systems are functioning efficiently and optimally as designed to the cooling load required daily. Data recorded from Chiller COP on 17 May 2013, \u2022Operating capacity of single Chiller \u2013 60% \u2022Chiller to Cooling tower Condenser supply temperature - 28.5 C, leaving temperature \u2013 31.8 C, \u2022Chiller to AHU leaving temperature \u2013 6.7 C, supply temperature \u2013 10.4 C, \u2022Current in amps \u2013 170.5amps \u2022Discharge Pressure \u2013 844.9 kpa Ducted supply & fresh air system","09 e.) Use of Chilled beams for air-conditioning resulting in reduces to cooling energy by as much as 30% compared to the conventionalsystems. Active chilled beam What is an active chilled beam? With active chilled beam systems the building's primary\/ventilation air is continuously supplied to the active chilled beam terminal units by the central air handling system. This primary\/ventilation air is cooled or heated to partially handle the temperature-driven sensible loads, while in the summer being cooled\/dehumidified enough to handle all of the internal moisture-driven latent loads. Primary\/ventilation air (1) is introduced into the active chilled beam through a series of nozzles (2). This induces room air (3) up into the active chilled beam and in turn through a secondary water coil (4). Induced room air is cooled and\/or heated by the water coil to the extent needed to control the room temperature. Induced room air is then mixed with the primary\/ventilation air and the mixed air (5) is discharged into the room.","09 AIR - CONDITIONING Manipal International University Friday, 17-5-2013 11:32:17 Condenser Water System Outside Air Temperature 28.4 oC Outside Air Humidity 88% rH Outside Air Dewpoint 26.3 oC Cooling Tower Call For Start on Cooling Tower-1 Call on Cooling Tower-2 Call on Pump Changeover off Pump Stary Signal On Pump Stary\/Stop 1 Changeover Schedule Chiller-1 CHWP Pump Signal On No. Of Chiller Call For Start 2 Manual Changeover Chiller-1 CWP Pump Signal CWP Selected As Lead Off Off CWP-1 Call On Chiller-2 CHWP Pump Signal Off CWP-2 Call Off Chiller-2 CWP Pump Signal CWP-3 Call Condenser water schematic"]

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