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RACDS Yearbook 2020

Published by RACDS, 2021-06-02 06:22:37

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Let knowledge conquer disease RACDS Yearbook 2020

CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF LAND 1 The College 2 Registrars and Staff We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the lands on 3 Board which we work, and we pay our respects to the Elders past, 4 President’s Message present and future for they hold the memories, the culture, and 6 CEO’s Message dreams of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. 8 Highlights of 2020 12 Education Results We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and 13 College Pathways continual relationship with the land, and we recognise the 16 Committees importance of the young people, who are the future leaders. 22 Reports 28 Regional Reports We acknowledge the Māori peoples of New Zealand and the 32 Examiners Indigenous peoples of countries where our members live and 33 Orientation Course Scholarship work, who have special ties to the land and country. 34 Honours & Awards 37 Foundation Donors 38 College Remembers 40 Successful Candidates 42 Admissions to Fellowship 43 Life Fellows & Members 46 Fellows 60 Members 68 Annual General Meeting 2020 69 Board Meeting Attendance 70 Financial Performance Address P +61 2 9262 6044 Level 13, 37 York Street, F +61 2 9262 1974 Sydney, New South Wales, 2000 E [email protected] Australia W

The College MISSION STATEMENT OUR PHILOSOPHY “To promote excellence in the provision of dental education, At its heart, the business of the Royal Australasian College of continuing professional development and a range of Dental Surgeons is education and examination. internationally recognised educational qualifications in all aspects of dentistry.” Through every stage of the College’s development there has been an ethos of gaining and sharing knowledge with the The Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons is a goal of achieving the highest standards of clinical practice. postgraduate education and examining body established primarily to improve the knowledge and skills of dental The Membership program is founded on this ethos to help practitioners. practitioners develop and improve general practice skills. The program is steadily gaining recognition in the wider The College Constitution sets out the overriding objectives dental community, which confirms that the desire within the under which the College was established to: profession to learn and teach has never been stronger than a) advance the science and art of dentistry it is today. b)encourage study and research in the field of dental science and cognate subjects. To support the busy practitioner, the Membership program is unique in its flexible approach to education and assessment. The College’s mission is further described in the Membership Through a variety of learning methods which can be Handbook: completed by distance and in the candidate’s own time, there is the ability to structure studies around busy life and work “To promote the study of the science and art of dentistry; commitments. to bring together dentists for scientific discussions and clinical demonstrations; and to disseminate knowledge of Self-directed learning, with the assistance of supportive the principles and practice of dentistry for the benefit of the mentors and high quality continuing professional community by such means as may be thought fit.” development means practitioners have access to a program that is not only clinically relevant but eminently achievable. ABOUT THE COLLEGE Situated in the centre of Sydney’s CBD, the College office receives applications from over 300 candidates each year for its various educational programs and has a global member base of over 3000. College staff are committed to providing individual and professional customer service. The College takes pride in its ability to deliver high quality programs and services that specifically meet the needs of the profession and equip candidates and trainees with the skills and knowledge required to meet the challenges of working as a dentist in modern society. The College also proudly hosts seven Regional Committees that are dedicated to meeting the needs of the Fellows, Members, candidates and trainees within their region. Yearbook 2020 1 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Registrars Dr Heather Cameron Dr Catherine Prineas Dr Michael Burrow Dr Julia Dando FRACDS(GDP) MRACDS(GDP) MRACDS(GDP) Oral and Maxillofacial until June 2020 from June 2020 Surgery Clin A/Prof Neil Peppitt A/Prof Werner Bischof AM Specialist Dental Practice Assistant Registrar SDP RACDS Staff 2020 Brendan Peek Chief Executive Officer Emily Guo* Education Officer – FRACDS(GDP) Haldor Aamot Director of Education Ellen Dunphy* Education Officer – MRACDS(GDP) Michael Feliciano Director of Corporate Services Rosanna Askar Education Officer Caitlin Connolly* Director of Marketing and Phoebe Pham Education Officer Communications Tracy Wei Financial Accountant Maryann Walsh Executive Assistant Lian Yu Membership Services Officer Reena Masrani Senior Education Officer – OMS Chris Ang ICT Support Officer Anastasia Domostroeva Senior Education Officer – GDP Mosang Shi Senior Marketing and Chris Little Business Analyst Communications Coordinator Rachael Hackett Project Coordinator Sarah Nipperess Receptionist/Office Assistant Roya Alimoradian Education Officer – FRACDS(OMS) Staff with * have left the College during the 2020 calendar year.

RACDS Board Directors 2018-2020 Dr Paul Sambrook Prof Ian Meyers OAM Dr Warren Shnider Dr Albert Lee President President Elect Censor-in-Chief Honorary Treasurer Dr Erin Mahoney A/Prof Peter Duckmanton Dr Peter Gregory Prof Elizabeth Martin AO Executive Officer Board Director Board Director Board Director Dr Hugh Trengrove MNZM Prof Laurence Walsh AO Dr Susan Wise Winthrop Prof Marc Tennant Board Director Board Director Board Director Board Director Yearbook 2020 3 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE DR PAUL SAMBROOK What became clear during 2020 is how our organisations as the first wave of COVID-19 infections took hold College must be agile. For some time, we were globally, introduced a check-in service for vulnerable members thinking about changing the delivery of courses, and oversaw the implementation of a number of changes to examinations and professional development to the College’s core business, namely examinations and related an online environment. We were considering educational activities. A significant positive has been the interest whether all Board meetings needed to be face in our core activities with the shift to online delivery. All of our major offerings have seen significant increases in enrolment to face. Necessity they say is the mother of numbers, and it would appear from a candidate perspective, invention, however, nothing has been invented the flexibility and accessibility of digital learning and assessment here, so, necessity has become the mother of have been embraced. As always, the balance between these innovation. Agilility and leadership of the Board, convenience factors and the collegiality gained by meeting in committees and staff enabled the College to react person is something that the College is acutely aware of, given to change and to take the initiative proactively on the importance many of our Fellows and Members place on it. In addition, over the past six months, reviews have been undertaken important matters. of the College’s Primary Examinations, the Postnominals system and the Awards system. It is with great pleasure that I present the Annual Report to the membership of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Our ongoing and concerted effort to broaden and improve Surgeons for 2020. the communications channels of the College to not only our membership but also the wider dental community has once As the membership is acutely aware, 2020 was one of the most again been particularly successful. In July we launched a new, challenging years that the world has faced in our lifetimes. The modern website and early indications are that we will reach a far COVID-19 pandemic has touched almost every community in greater audience than previous years. Our social presence has every country across the globe, either directly or indirectly. We seen significant increases in engagement, with our Facebook know the dental community has been significantly impacted in followers and activity up over 40% each, Instagram engagement some areas but less so in others. up 95% and views of our YouTube channel increasing by over 40%. Like 2019, we have also had outstanding feedback on the Despite this, the Board was able to progress a number of quality of our College News, and my thanks go to the editor of this important issues such as the development of a membership publication, Dr Amanda Phoon Nguyen as well as to the College structure that will allow dentists to be part of the College staff for their efforts in bringing this together. The July edition regardless of their career stage. This is critical to the ongoing was a particular standout featuring accounts of the pandemic. viability and vibrancy of the organisation. Additionally, during It was highly informative to read about how our membership the pandemic, the Board progressed important initiatives such from across the world had been dealing with the restrictions in as the 6-month fee waiver for financial members, produced their countries and truly showed the global reach of the College a position statement on dentist activities before other dental community. 4 Yearbook 2020 In April of 2020, the Board made the difficult but necessary decision to postpone the College’s Convocation, which was Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons due to be held in Melbourne in September 2020. This was to be the first iteration of a re-branded The Fine Edge of Dentistry,

Premsiedsesnagt'es as well as an opportunity to come together to celebrate those examinations and related preparation courses, truly embodies who have successfully completed our various examination and the ethos of the College. assessment processes. A truly world-class scientific program My thanks also go the hard-working staff of the College, led by had been assembled under the guidance of Dr Susan Wise and CEO Brendan Peek. Just as the profession and society more Prof David Manton as Chairs of the Scientific Committee. That broadly have faced many challenges, the staff worked extremely program was well and truly complimented by the tireless work of hard to ensure that the business of the College adapted quickly Dr Peter Gregory, Chair of the Organising Committee, who had to the new and unfamiliar challenges of the pandemic. overseen an outstanding overall event schedule. The College has I would like to extend my best wishes to all College members set aside 8 – 10 September 2022 for the next Convocation, travel and our key stakeholders. 2020 was a very challenging but busy restrictions permitting. My sincere thanks to Susan, David and and rewarding year as RACDS President. The College is in very Peter, along with the other committee members, for their work capable hands with Prof Ian Meyers OAM as President for the on this important event. 2020 – 2022 term, and in a good position to continue to reform and refine our place in the dental community. I would like to extend my gratitude to the 2018-2020 College Board Members. Without question, this has been the most Dr Paul Sambrook challenging period that the College has faced since its inception a President 2018 – 2020 little over fifty years ago. The Board met on numerous occasions, often at short notice, as we strived to meet the challenges to the Dr Paul Sambrook to be known as the Immediate Past College’s operating model brought on by the pandemic. President following the AGM in November 2020. A special mention to a number of long-standing Board members Yearbook 2020 5 who have reached the end of their tenure and stepped down at 2020 Annual General Meeting; Dr Peter Gregory, a stalwart of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons College and Board who has devoted much time to the College and served on committees too many to mention here, however, we all remember and are very grateful for the immense efforts as Chair of the 50th Anniversary celebratory activities. Dr Albert Lee who has provided a vital link to our Hong Kong membership and who has been a strong advocate for the College’s expansion into Asia; Dr Warren Shnider, who has worked tirelessly in many roles, the latest as Censor-in-Chief. Also stepping down is A/Prof Peter Duckmanton who has supported College activities over many years at the Federal and NSW levels, and Dr Hugh Trengrove who has advocated strongly for strong corporate governance and guided our Education Policy Board through many difficult challenges. As in previous years, special mention should be made of our Registrars; Associate Professor Neil Peppitt, Dr Heather Cameron, Dr Julia Dando, Dr Catherine Prineas and Professor Michael Burrow. Their diligence and commitment to the College and its programs cannot be understated. My gratitude is extended also to the numerous members of RACDS committees and indeed the examiners and lecturers at the variety of courses and examinations held every year. As an organisation that has its core functions as education and examination, the importance of these individuals cannot be overstated. Their willingness to roll up their sleeves and take a positive attitude to the changes required due to the pandemic, particularly in re-imagining our

CEO'S MESSAGE MR BRENDAN PEEK Trying to sum up 2020 in a few short paragraphs is doomed The other key decision was to waive the first half of the 2020/21 to fail from the outset. Needless to say the year was the most Annual Fee for our membership. In addition, we launched the challenging on record for many people, and the College and its CPD series, which included a number of recorded presentations membership were no different in this respect. from amongst the wide pool of talent within the College membership, and beyond. We know from the number of views November 2020 saw a new Board of Directors elected. This that this has been well received and I would like to thank those was the first time the smaller, skills-based Board took office volunteers that recorded lectures for the College. They are still and the College had six returning directors re-elected, along available, and I encourage the membership to log in to your with two new directors. Alongside of this smaller Board, an College account and view these excellent CPD opportunities. Advisory Council was established and the College undertook an expression on interest and election process to fill vacant The pandemic also necessitated a shift in the delivery of our Council positions. The broad representation on the Advisory core offerings to the online environment. This year’s Orientation Council will greatly assist the organisations understanding of Course, a key preparatory step for the Primary Examinations, was the needs of the numerous groups that comprise the College conducted via a series of recorded webinars and supplemented community. by live Q&A sessions. This format proved extremely popular with nearly three hundred registered participants, a significant Despite the obvious challenges that 2020 involved, the College increase in numbers from recent years. Similarly, we had was able to make a number of significant decisions that will excellent registration numbers and feedback for our Final be vital to the long-term sustainability of the organisation. Examination (GDP) course, titled Preparation for Fellowship One of these key initiatives saw the College introduce two Success. In addition to education delivery, the College adapted new categories of non-voting membership, being Affiliate and a number of its key examination activities for online delivery, Student membership. The former replaced subscription and including the Primary Examinations, Final Examinations and allows registered dentists from across the world to be a part the Oral & Maxillofacial program final examination. of the College, and to serve as an entry point to the College’s pathways and activities. The latter was the introduction of The MRACDS(GDP) Program viva voce Examinations were free student membership, which will allow earlier and more held online in September and November 2020 where 6 comprehensive engagement with dentistry students. These candidates in total were successful and subsequently admitted two new categories complete the membership structure that to Membership. now allows individuals to be a part of the College from the moment they enter their University education in dentistry, to In Specialist Dental Practice, one candidate presented for the beyond retirement. College’s Membership Examination in Dental Public Health. A further twenty-two membership candidates completed The College took a number of proactive steps to support our their Doctor of Clinical Dentistry programs at the end of membership through the pandemic, including the voluntary 2020, including candidates for Dento-Maxillofacial Radiology, ‘check-in’ service, a regularly updated and dedicated COVID-19 Endodontics, Oral Medicine, Orthodontics, Paediatric Dentistry, resources webpage, and during rapidly escalating period Periodontics, and Special Needs Dentistry. of mid to late March, made a number of recommendations for dental practice and dental education. Ultimately these The College’s online presence has seen substantial growth recommendations were taken up by professional associations throughout 2020, with some very impressive statistics in terms and health regulators shortly thereafter, particularly in Australia. of website visits and social media engagement. These channels 6 Yearbook 2020 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

mCesEsaOg'es will be increasingly important into the future and in recognition of this, during July, the College launched a new website and member portal. Finally, special thanks to the wonderful work of the staff of the College and the many College Fellows, Members, Registrars, examiners, lecturers and committee members for their commitment and hard work in ensuring the ongoing success of the College throughout a very difficult 2020. Yearbook 2020 7 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

OHneiogf thhelights for 2020The “New Normal” for the Primary Orientation Course and Examinations “This is a world-class outcome and sets the new benchmark for the College in excellence in modern education. It is the largest event {innovation} in the College history and I think it is the largest dental examination in Australian history and certainly the largest in Australian history fully online in Dentistry!!” Winthrop Prof Marc Tennant One of the highlights for 2020 was the online delivery of the innovations based on experience, and detailed analysis of Primary Program (Orientation Course and Examinations) outcomes and feedback from 2020. The team will continue to with a near doubling of activity, especially under the difficult adapt to continuing pandemic conditions in 2021 by using the circumstances. same approaches implemented in 2020. The team of Lecturers and Examiners rapidly adapted to the As a result of the amazing adaptations we had to create in 2020, “New Normal” by moving the Orientation Course fully online the Team is unanimous in stating that the future of the Primary within a few weeks. The feedback has been amazing, to say the program now has a new and fantastic base for expanding the least! Similarly, the team planned and implemented a series of demographic and youth of the College. terrific innovations to ensure Primary candidates across half a dozen time zones, from Pakistan to New Zealand, could present The Primary Team, collectively with hundreds of years of high- for their exams from the safety of their own homes. Well over level academic experience, continues to strive for and drive 1000 viva voces were successfully completed online in a frenetic innovation and adaptation of the Primary program to the “New week, with Examiners and Candidates spread all over the region Normal”. The team regularly has e-dinners to continue the strong (and beyond). collegiate bond and decision making within the team, for the improvement and advancement of the examinations. It is very The academic strength of the Examining/Lecturing Team important to stress that we sadly lament the fact that we cannot and its cohesion and collegiality developed over 40 years of meet face-to-face to have long discussions, as we did in previous experience with robust planning and a mix of new and more decades in the collegiate environs of the Women’s College in senior Examiners/Lecturers, provided a foundation to allow rapid Sydney. A meeting online via a computer screen is a very poor innovation of online examining in a safe and remarkably efficient substitute for lengthy discussions and debates in person, where manner. The Emeritus Examiners who returned to service were a there is ample time to resolve issues and move forward in the highlight of the collegiality of the team. They provided strength best interests of the candidates and the College. and wisdom as the team adapted over the extraordinary year of 2020. In this context, it is important to stress that the College staff have been extremely supportive in facilitating the major changes we With 2021 looking to continue the pandemic issues, with lack experienced in 2020 and in advancing the program to extend of free mobility and risks of lockdowns, the team of Examiners the strategic vision of the College. and Lecturers have already planned advancements and more 8 Yearbook 2020 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

The Program leaders, Professors Marc Tennant and Laurie Walsh AO have been lucky to have such a team of two dozen outstanding world-class academics who all knew what needed to be done in a very short time under trying technical conditions. “It has been a transformational change of epic proportions” as Laurie put it. Experience, dedication, and teamwork contributed to the success. Winthrop Prof Marc Tennant Emeritus Prof Laurie Walsh AO Prof McGeachie OAM What has changed? Winthrop Prof Marc Tennant and Emeritus Prof McGeachie OAM working together in 1995 (R) and a quarter of a century later, in December 2020 (L). The College acknowledges that many Examiners have come and gone over the period, and that many have been involved for many decades. The College appreciates the work of all those involved. 1995 Overseas 32% Male Female Australia 48 18 68% 73% 27% 66 candidates - all examined face to face in Sydney. 2020 Overseas 23% Male Female Australia 82 95 77% 46% 54% 177 candidates had vivas in their homes by videoconferencing. Over 1000 papers being marked in 5 different time zones across Australasia and South East Asia. Over 1000 vivas were held via Zoom from the Middle East to New Zealand and across 4 time zones. Yearbook 2020 9 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

202wr0eimll ebme baeyre The news of the devastating bushfires that savaged much of the east Australian coast of Australia was making the headlines around the world in January Bushfire 2020. In the March 2020 College News, we featured an article by College Fellow, COL Geoff Stacy who was a volunteer firefighter near his home in the small tourist village of Anglers Reach NSW on the shore of Lake Eucumbene, in the Kosciuszko National Park. The Adaminaby Complex fire raged for 31 days and our brigade did an outstanding job with only one house lost in our area. The evacuation of all tourists over the busy summer holiday period, like that in many of the coastal resorts of southern NSW and Victoria, spelt another setback for the community. The total destruction of the nearby Mt Selwyn ski resort meant that the winter’s tourist trade was lost. Fast forward...... into our new home in August. We are now enjoying our The site has been cleared and owners are waiting for final Development retirement in our little slice of heaven. Application approval to rebuild. The regions accommodation and hospitality sector took a huge hit with the loss of the summer tourism Information and photos supplied by COL Geoff Stacy. trade and Mt Selwyn ski resort being totally destroyed. The Adaminaby region has unexpectedly thrived as work on the huge Snowy 2.0 pumped hydro scheme commenced. Now every bit of accommodation is rented; pubs, clubs and cafes have put on extra staff; and prospects for the local community are better than they have been for decades. Other than contaminated rainwater tanks and ash in the ceiling, our house with the eerie red backdrop pictured in the March 2020 College News survived unscathed. The silver lining of the ensuing COVID-19 restrictions was with all other activities and holiday plans cancelled, I was able to commit myself 100% to the owner-builder project. Our house is no longer a building site and after seven long years, my wife and I moved 10 Yearbook 2020 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

ear to business continued. Examinations and assessments COVID-19 Several weeks after the devastating bushfires, the news were reformatted in a surprisingly short time to online of a global pandemic known as COVID-19 swept the formats. The College embraced the changes, many of globe. Australia, like most countries, closed its borders which are here to stay. and went into a total shutdown of professional services, restaurants, gyms and workplaces to contain the spread. In the July 2020 College News, we featured ‘Tales from COVID-19’. News around the world focussed on one thing…. COVID-19 and the rising number of deaths. A number of members from all parts of the world including Malaysia, Thailand, New Zealand, Britain, Estonia and Staff at the RACDS worked from home for several Australia shared their experiences of COVID-19. months before returning to the office in July, and College Dr Justin Darby Clin A/Prof Dieter Gebauer Dr Tengku Aszraf Tengku Shaeran Tallinn, Estonia Perth, Western Australia Kota Bharu, Malaysia Australian trained Periodontist ......wearing protective equipment ......a dental officer attending a patient usually working weeks between while working on the front line at in a consultation clinic during the specialist centres in London and Royal Perth Hospital. As supply chains Movement Control Order (MCO) Tallinn, spent the COVID-19 lockdown failed, equipment became scarce....the period. All patients were screened in Tallinn, Estonia. filter was a spare from a friend who and signed a declaration of health worked on a mine site. upon registering. E/Prof Laurie Walsh AO The pandemic has touched the lives of everyone involved with dentistry in a range of ways that make it a particularly memorable experience, for both the good and the bad Brisbane, Queensland aspects. On the good side, people working together in teams under some of the most adverse situations and dealing with problems that seem almost unsolvable, particularly when supplies are short. Likewise, the generosity and concern shown by staff working in the clinic, going out of their way to make patients feel at ease as well as out of pain, and the dental clinics that provided PPE to frontline healthcare facilities when they were unable to keep operating through the peak of the restrictions. As always seems to be the case, the greater the challenge, the more that people rise to meet it. We trust that much of the world’s population will be vaccinated by the end of 2021 there will be a return to increased face to face interactions and travel. Yearbook 2020 11 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Education Results 2020 Education and Examinations Membership(SDP) by Examination Outcomes The following table summarises the activity of the examination The College’s core business is education and for Membership in Specialist Dental Practice disciplines from examination. The following statistics represent 2018–2020. These include conjoint examinations with the Universities, The Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh and the the education and examination activity and College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong. outcomes in the twelve months since the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Board with comparison to SDP Discipline Candidates Pass rate the two previous years. The Board is grateful to presenting all Fellows, Members and academics who assist 2020 2019 2018 2020 2019 2018 in the provision of education and undertake examinations on behalf of the College. Endo – College – – – – – – Endo – Conjoint 4 3 – 100% 100% – Oral Med – – 1 – – 0% – College Oral Med – – 2 1 – 100% 100% Conjoint Orth – Conjoint 8 11 6 100% 100% 100% 2020 Membership in General Dental Practice Orth – RCS Edin – 9 11 – 100% 91% – MRACDS (GDP) Conjoint Paed – College – 1 – – 100% – • 40 currently enrolled candidates Paed – Conjoint 4 2 3 100% 100% 100% • 17 candidates enrolled to begin 2020 • 233 graduates of the Program since 2007 Perio – Conjoint 3 3 5 100% 66% 100% - 91 of these graduates from Hong Kong achieving MRACDS through the conjoint Pros – Conjoint – 6 6 – 100% 67% exam with CDSHK. SND – College – – 2 – – 100% SND – Conjoint 1 – – 100% – – 2020 Orientation Course and Primary Exam DMFR – Conjoint 2 – 2 100% – 100% Year Orientation Candidates Candidates Pass rate DPH – College 1 – – 100% – – Course registered presenting 84% Attendees to sit 87.4% Fellowship FRACDS(SDP) by Examination 2020 292 185 177 The following table summarises the activity of the examination for Fellowship in the Specialist Dental Practice disciplines from 2019 109 119 104 2018 – 2020. 2020 Fellowship (GDP) Final Exam Year Preparation for Candidates Overall Pass SDP Discipline Candidates Pass rate Felloship Success presenting Rate presenting Endo Attendees 67.2% Orth 2020 2019 2018 2020 2019 2018 55% Perio 2020 46 58 Paed – –– – – – DPH 2019 34 47 – –– – – – – –– – – – Fellowship Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery – FRACDS(OMS) – –– – – – Specialist Candidates Pass Rate – 1 – – 100% – Practice of presenting Fellowship and Membership Status – 31 December 2020 OMS 2020 2019 2018 2020 2019 2018 This table summarises the size and composition of the College membership as at 31 December 2020 compared with the data Surgical – 26 17 – 73% 55% on 31 December 2019. Sciences (19) (10) & Training Exam GDP SDP OMS Total Final Exam 10 14 9 100% 78.6% 66% FRACDS 1,225 (1,224) 186 (184) 260 (254) 1,671 (1,662) (10) (11) (6) MRACDS 204 (199) 541 (530) n/a 745 (729) Total 1,429 (1,423) 727 (714) 2,416 (2,391) 12 Yearbook 2020 260 (254) Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

The following diagrams outline the various CPoatlhlewgayes pathways to Fellowship and Membership of the College. These are reproduced in Membership and Fellowship in each of the Handbooks for Education and General Dental Practice Examination with the College. Affiliate Membership PATHWAY 1 PATHWAY 2 Apply for Exemption Enrol for the Primary Enrol for the MRACDS(GDP) Program from Primary Examination Examination Orientation Day (optional) Exemption Granted Orientation Course MRACDS(GDP) - 2 Year Program (optional) (120 hours CPD) Primary - 6 Subjects 6 Core Modules • Anatomy • Infection Control • Cell Biology & • Diagnosis and Treatment Planning • Law, Ethics & Risk Management/Practice Biochemistry • Histology Management • Microbiology • Therapeutics in Dentistry, Pain & Pain • Pathology Management • Physiology • Medical Emergencies • Examination Technique & Dental Imaging • 6 x Written • 1 x Short Answer Question Assessment per Examinations module (1/ subject) • 6 x viva voce Electives (3 of 6) • Endodontics (oral) Examinations • Periodontics • Restorative Dentistry (1/ subject) • Paediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics • Special Needs Dentistry & Oral Medicine/Oral Surgery • Dentoalveolar Surgery 1 x Case Report per elective Membership in General Dental Practice MRACDS(GDP) Enrol for the Final Examination General Preparation for Fellowship Success Elective • Written Examination Workshop (optional) • Written Examination • viva voce (oral) Examination • viva voce (oral) Examination Final - 2 Parts Fellowship in General Dental Practice FRACDS(GDP) Yearbook 2020 13 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

PCatohwllaeygs e Membership and Fellowship in Specialist Dental Practice Affiliate Membership MOU PATHWAY COLLEGE EXAM PATHWAY Registered in a Masters/DClinDent Completion of an approved Masters/ Program with aUniversity currently DClinDent Specialist Program holding aMemorandum of Assessment of Eligibility to sit the Understanding with the RACDS Membership Examination Enrolment in conjoint examination Enrolment in Membership examination and approval of case reports Completion of University exit exam conjointly with the College Membership Examination Successful completion of all Masters/ DClinDent program requirements Membership in Specialist Dental Practice MRACDS(SDP) 5 years minimum specialist experience MOU PATHWAY Assessment of Eligibility to sit the Fellowship Examination The College also has a MOU with the Royal College Enrolment in Fellowship Examination and of Surgeons of Edinburgh completion of Fellowship Examination (RCSEd) in Orthodontics and the College of Dental Surgeons Fellowship in Specialist Dental Practice of Hong Kong (CDSHK) in FRACDS(SDP) Dental Public Health. 14 Yearbook 2020 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

CPoatlhlewgayes Fellowship in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Registered medical practitioner in Australia or New Zealand Registered dental practitioner in Australia or New Zealand Surgery in General Year Citizenship or permanent resident status of Australia or New Zealand Selection into OMS Training Program OMS 1 Training • Pass Surgical Science and Training (SST) Examination* • Satisfactorily complete six-monthly formative assessments OMS 2 Training • Satisfactorily complete six-monthly formative assessments OMS 3 Training • Satisfactorily complete six-monthly formative assessments OMS 4 Training • Pass Final Examinations • Satisfactorily complete six-monthly formative assessments and research requirement Awarded Fellowship FRACDS(OMS) *Eligible applicants may complete the SST examination before selection Yearbook 2020 15 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Regional Committees 2019-2021 Asia Queensland Dr Simon Franks Dr Tsz-leung (Jason) Wong Chair Dr Unni Pillai Chair Dr Arosha Weerakoon Secretary Dr Jerome Yu Secretary & Candidate Advisor Dr Sigid Fu Treasurer Dr George Chu Candidate Advisor Dr Chun-kei Lee Treasurer Dr Ram Das Member Dr Ramya Kiran Member Dr Siu-fai Leung Candidate Advisor Finals Dr Jenny Wang Co-opted - Candidate Advisor Dr Pooja Rai Co-opted - Secretary Dr Shiu-yin (Rony) Cho Member Co-opted Clin A/Prof Edmond Pow Member Dr Francis Chau Member Dr Sneha Ravindranath Member New South Wales & Australian Capital Territory Dr Peter Mansour Chair South Australia & Northern Territory Dr Jodie Olivier Secretary Dr Greg Miller Chair Dr Stephen Pak Treasurer Dr Alan Mann Treasurer and Candidate Advisor Dr Dimitra Mersinia Candidate Advisor Dr Sushil Kaur Secretary & Candidate Advisor Dr Alexandra Barratt Member Dr Deon Naicker Member Dr Geoffrey Young Member Dr Amirhossein Hatami Member Dr Soni Stephen Member Dr (Faustino) Tino Mercado Member Victoria & Tasmania Dr Claudia Yung New Zealand Chair Dr Mathew Lim Chair A/Prof Lara Friedlander Secretary Dr Sarah Chin Secretary/ Treasurer Dr John Perry Treasurer Dr Sophia Jing Candidate Advisor Dr Karl Lyons Member Dr Michael Yoon Member Dr Sergio Salis Candidate Advisor Dr Errol Kilov Member Dr Fiona Firth Candidate Advisor Dr Atin Kundu Member Dr Laura Ichim Member Dr Nigel Souter Member Dr David Antunovic Member + Membership Advisor Dr Ricky Kumar Member Dr Vivek Jain Dr Aovana Timmerman Co-opted Co-opted 16 Yearbook 2020 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

THANK YOU Sincere thanks to our Regional Committee members for 2019 - 2021 Western Australia Dr John Watson Chair Dr Ahmed Saleh Candidate Advisor Primary Exams Dr Raymond Lam Member Dr Amanda Phoon Nguyen Secretary Dr Vincenzo Figliomeni Member A/Prof Esther Kruger Member Dr Dina Papas Treasurer Dr Janina Christoforou Candidate Advisor Final Exams Candidate Advisors Committee (CAC) Each Regional Committee has at least one dedicated member who is a Candidate Advisor. This member is often the first point of contact that a candidate (Affiliate Members) preparing to sit the Primary or Fellowship examination, or about to embark on the Membership program comes in contact with. The role of the Candidate Advisor is vital in supporting the candidates through their educational journey, offering expertise in subject matter, and tips on how to study and prepare for examinations and assessments. The membership of the CAC for 2020: Dr Dimitra Mersinia Chair, NSW & ACT Dr Heather Cameron Registrar FRACDS(GDP) Prof Michael Burrow Registrar MRACDS(GDP) Dr Alexandra Barratt NSW & ACT Dr Sarah Chin VIC & TAS Drs Alan Mann and Sushil Kaur SA & NT Drs Sigid Fu and Ramya Kiran QLD Drs Janina Christoforou and Ahmed Saleh WA Drs Laura Ichim and Fiona Firth NZ Drs Siu-fai Leung and Jerome Yu ASIA Dr Rebecca Wong ASIA (Malaysia) Yearbook 2020 17 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Board of Studies for FRACDS(GDP) Board of Studies 2018 – 2020 Dr Alan Broughton Chair from March 2020 A/Prof Lara Friedlander Chair, until March 2020 then Member Winthrop Prof Marc Tennant Member Dr Michael Wyatt Member Oral Medicine Dr Ajith Polonowita Dr Dimitra Mersinia Member Dr Jonathan Tversky Society (ASO) Dr Agnieszka Frydrych Academy (NZAO) Prof Michael Burrow Member Dr Anastasia Georgiou RACDS Clin A/Prof Neil Peppitt RACDS Dr Warren Shnider Censor-in- Chief Dr Paul Sambrook Registrar SDP President Dr Heather Cameron Registrar FRACDS (GDP) Dr Hugh Trengrove President’s nominee Board of Studies for MRACDS(GDP) Dr Adam Keyes-Tilley Chair Orthodontics A/Prof John (Mike) Razza Dr Greg Miller Member Dr Andrew Lush Academy Dr Shane Fryer OAM Academy Dr Errol Kilov Member Dr Stephen Langford RACDS Clin A/Prof Neil Peppitt RACDS Adj A/Prof John Dale AO Member Dr Paul Sambrook Registrar SDP President Prof Michael Burrow Member Registrar MRACDS (GDP) (from June 2020) Dr Catherine Prineas Registrar MRACDS (GDP) Paediatric Dentistry Dr Vanessa William Member (from June 2020) Prof David Manton Academy Prof Bernadette Drummond Academy Dr Warren Shnider President’s nominee Dr John Winters RACDS Clin A/Prof Neil Peppitt RACDS and Censor-in-Chief Dr Erin Mahoney Registrar SDP Periodontics President’s nominee Examinations Committee MRACDS(GDP) Dr Rachel Garraway Dr Robert Fell Academy Prof Michael Burrow Chair A/Prof Albert Tan Academy A/Prof Christopher Daly RACDS Registrar MRACDS (GDP) Clin A/Prof Neil Peppitt RACDS (from June 2020) Dr Susan Wise Registrar SDP President’s nominee Dr Michael Wyatt Member Chair (from June 2020) Dr Catherine Prineas Registrar MRACDS (GDP) (until June 2020) Prof David Manton Member Dr Shalinie King Member Board of Studies for Special Dental Practice (SDP) Prosthodontics Dr Paul Hogan Dental Public Health Academy Dr Simon Wylie Academy Dr Peter Arrow Academy Dr David Sykes OAM Academy Dr John Rogers RACDS Dr Suzanne Hanlin RACDS Dr Robin Whyman RACDS Clin A/Prof Neil Peppitt RACDS A/Prof Chun Hung Chu Registrar SDP Prof Ian Meyers OAM Registrar SDP Clin A/Prof Neil Peppitt President’s nominee President’s nominee Winthrop Prof Marc Tennant Board of Studies for Special Needs Dentistry Endodontics Dr Avanti Karve Academy Dr Erika Vinczer Academy Dr Juliet Gray Academy Dr Christine Yu Academy A/Prof Mina Borromeo RACDS Dr Alan Nerwich RACDS Dr Sharon Liberali RACDS Dr Alex Moule RACDS Clin A/Prof Neil Peppitt Registrar SDP Clin A/Prof Neil Peppitt Registrar SDP Prof Laurie Walsh AO President’s nominee A/Prof Peter Duckmanton President’s nominee 18 Yearbook 2020 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Standing Committees Education Policy Board Finance, Audit & Risk Committee Education governance and policy is provided through the Dr Albert Lee Honorary Treasurer Education Policy Board (EPB). Dr Hugh Trengrove Board Director Prof Laurie Walsh AO Board Director The key responsibilities of the Board are: A/Prof Peter Duckmanton Board Director • to maintain quality assurance of all educational and Dr Chris Callahan Non- Board Director examination activities • to monitor, evaluate and advise on outcomes of educational Adj A/Prof John Dale AO Non- Board Director and examination activities (Resigned early 2020) • to develop educational standards and policy which guide Convocation Committee for the 25th Convocation the delivery and examination of Membership and Fellowship (disbanded in Oct 2020) programs • to provide oversight of the overall assessment and Dr Peter Gregory Chair, Arrangements examination approach Dr Susan Wise Chair, Scientific • to maintain best practice in education standards Dr Patrick Russo Member • to advise the Board on partnership arrangements and Dr Claudia Yung Member Memoranda of Understanding with other education Dr Paul Sambrook President providers, associations, and societies. Dr Hugh Trengrove MNZM Chair Prof Ian Meyers OAM President-Elect Dr Warren Shnider Censor-in-Chief Prof Karl Lyons Internal Subject matter expert Dr Chris Callahan Internal Subject matter expert Clinical A/Prof Neil Peppitt Registrar representative Dr Robert Broadbent External Subject matter expert Mr Olly Jones External Subject matter expert Dr Hugh Trengrove has chaired the Board for two years before stepping down at the end of the 2020 term. His wisdom, leadership, and dedication to advancing the Colleges’ education activities, is greatly appreciated. Awards Committee Prof Ian Meyers OAM Chair College News Editor Dr Amanda Phoon Nguyen President-Elect Adj A/Prof John Dale AO Fellow Dr Clive Ross CNZM Fellow Prof Bernadette Drummond Fellow Prof Martin Tyas AM President’s nominee Yearbook 2020 19 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Board of Studies and Sub-Committees for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (2019-2021) Board Chair | DoT QLD A/Prof Dieter Gebauer Member Dr Scott Borgna Deputy Chair | DoT WA Dr Alex Bobinskas Member Dr Emma Lewis Member | DoT NSW & ACT Prof Darryl Tong Member A/Prof Bruce Austin Member | DoT SA & TAS Prof Andrew Heggie Member Dr Andrew Cheng Member | DoT NZ Prof Robert Jones Member Dr Cameron Lewis Member | DoT VIC Prof Frank Monsour Member A/Prof Jocelyn Shand Member (Elected) Dr Scott Borgna Chair BoS OMS, Ex Officio Dr Jason Erasmus Member (Elected) Dr Julia Dando Registrar OMS, Ex Officio A/Prof Dylan Hyam Member (Elected) Dr Paul Sambrook President RACDS, Ex Officio Dr Kenneth Sun New Graduate Member (Elected) Dr Weber Huang Trainee Representative Selection Committee Chair Dr James Clohessy Past Chair, Ex Officio A/Prof Jocelyn Shand Member Dr Geoffrey Findlay Registrar OMS, Ex Officio Dr Benjamin Erzetic Member Dr Julia Dando President ANZAOMS, Ex Officio Dr Emma Lewis Member Dr Dimitrios Nikolarakos President RACDS, Ex Officio Dr Robert Witherspoon Chair BoS OMS, Ex Officio Dr Paul Sambrook Dr Scott Borgna Registrar OMS, Ex Officio Dr Julia Dando President RACDS, Ex Officio OMS CPD Committee Dr Paul Sambrook Dr Weber Huang Chair OMS Examinations Committee A/Prof Bruce Austin Member Dr Julia Dando Chair Dr Ankit Garg Member Dr John Harrison Member Dr Derek Goodisson Member Prof Andrew Heggie Member Dr James Kim Member A/Prof Dylan Hyam Member Dr Samuel Kim Member Dr Christopher Poon Member A/Prof Kai Lee Member A/Prof Jocelyn Shand Member Dr Jameel Kaderbhai Member Dr Geoffrey Findlay Member Dr Christopher Lim Member Dr Scott Borgna Chair BoS OMS, Ex Officio Dr Timothy Manzie Trainee Representative Dr Paul Sambrook President RACDS, Ex Officio Dr Scott Borgna Chair BoS OMS, Ex Officio Dr Julia Dando Registrar OMS, Ex Officio Overseas Trained Specialist Subcommittee (OTSC) Dr Paul Sambrook President RACDS, Ex Officio Dr Jason Erasmus Chair Dr Geoffrey Findlay Member OMS Education Committee Dr Scott Borgna Chair BoS OMS, Ex Officio A/Prof Dylan Hyam Chair Dr Julia Dando Registrar OMS, Ex Officio Dr Andrew Cheng Member Dr Paul Sambrook President RACDS, Ex Officio Dr George Chu Member Dr Stuart Deane Member OMS Accreditation Committee Prof Robert Jones Member Dr Robert Witherspoon Chair Dr Simon Lou Member Dr Geoffrey Findlay Deputy Chair A/Prof Dieter Gebauer Member Dr Jason Erasmus Member Dr Scott Borgna Chair BoS OMS, Ex Officio Dr Richard Wood Member Dr Julia Dando Registrar OMS, Ex Officio Dr John Harrison Member Dr Paul Dambrook President RACDS, Ex Officio Dr Paul Meara Member OMS Research Subcommittee Dr Alex Bobinskas Member Dr Richard Harris Chair Dr Scott Borgna Chair BoS OMS, Ex Officio E/Prof Alastair Gpss Member Dr Julia Dando Registrar OMS, Ex Officio A/Prof Arun Chandu Member Dr Paul Sambrook President, RACDS, Ex Officio 20 Yearbook 2020 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

OMS Training Committee Dr Paul Sambrook President RACDS, Ex Officio A/Prof Jocelyn SHAND Chair OMS Trainee Committee Dr Benjamin ERZETIC Member Dr James Clohessy Chair Dr Christopher POON Member Dr Timothy Manzie Trainee Representative WA & CPD Dr Geoffrey FINDLAY Member Dr Ryan Smit Trainee Representative NZ Dr Robert WITHERSPOON Member Dr Kristen Candy (nee Bayetto)Trainee Representative SA Dr Julia DANDO Registrar OMS, Ex Officio Dr Joel Tuckett Trainee Representative QLD Dr Scott BORGNA Chair BoS OMS, Ex Officio Dr Benjamin Fu Trainee Representative Committees OMS REGIONAL SURGICAL COMMITTEES South Australia Dr Miles Doddridge New South Wales & Australian Capital Territory Dr Andrew Cheng Chair, SoT Dr James Badlani DoT, SoT Dr Robert WITHERSPOON Chair, SoT Dr Paul Sambrook SoT Prof Alistair Goss Member, SoT A/Prof Bruce Austin DoT Dr Kristen Candy Member (nee Bayetto) Trainee Representative Dr Weber Huang Education Coordinator & Secretary, Victoria & Tasmania Chair SoT A/Prof Alf NASTRI DoT A/Prof Jocelyn Shand SoT Dr Eileen Tan-Gore SoT Dr William Besly SoT Dr Joseph Gunn SoT A/Prof Peter Aquilina SoT Dr Ankit Garg  SoT Dr Nova Gibson SoT Dr James Kim SoT A/Prof Kai Lee SoT Dr Timothy Wong SoT Dr Peter Tskiris SoT Dr Patrishia Bordbar SoT Dr Ricky Kumar SoT Dr Richard Conway SoT Dr Warren Crossley Member Prof Andrew Heggie  Member Dr Alex Bobinskas Member A/Prof Arun Chandu Member Dr Christopher Poon Member A/Prof Dylan Hyam Member Dr Michael Schenberg Member Dr Graham Hall Member Dr Lydia Lim Member Dr Kush Patel Member Dr Bernard Lim Member Dr Deegesh Shah Member Dr Nick Rutherford Member A/Prof David Wiesenfeld Trainee Representative Dr James Clohessy Trainee Representative Dr Benjamin Fu Chair New Zealand Chair Western Australia DoT Dr Simon Lou DoT A/prof Dieter Gebauer SoT Dr Cameron Lewis SoT Dr Emma Lewis SoT Dr John Harrison SoT Dr Paul Meara SoT Prof Darryl Tong SoT Dr Frank Chang Trainee Representative Dr Thasvir Singh Member Dr Evan Kakulas Dr Jason Erasmus Member Dr Timothy Manzie Dr Christopher Sealey Member Dr Christopher Lim Trainee Representative Dr Ryan Smit Queensland Chair, SoT Dr Alistair Reid DoT Dr Scott Borgna SoT Dr Geoffrey Findlay SoT Dr Richard Harris SoT Dr Benjamin Erzetic SoT Dr Jacob De Looze SoT Dr Jen-Ti (Rchael) Hsieh SoT Dr Lakshmi Ramalingam SoT Dr Zeb McNamara SoT A/Prof Martin Batstone Trainee Representative Dr Joel Tuckett Yearbook 2020 21 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

rCeepnosrotr-in-Chief CENSOR-IN-CHIEF DR WARREN SHNIDER 2020: The year that wasn’t Mar 23, 2020 02:00 PM Mar 30, 2020 02:00 PM You would have to have a very fancy-shmancy microscope that Apr 6, 2020 02:00 PM can make things bigger by the order of some 60,000 times to Apr 13, 2020 02:00 PM………. see the elephant in the room. And to add insult to injury he sports a Latin crown and swigs Mexican beer……. Over the winter months it was mostly a movable feast. Borders open, borders closed. Lockdown here, relaxation of restrictions The Board met in York Street HQ in February but already there there. On again, off again. In again, out again. Travel here, no-go was a new language in the papers and on the train ride into there. It was quite apparent that the College programs, particularly town. Apparently “Flattening the curve” was not a new dietary the examination and assessment elements, could only be done fad, and “Pandemic” was no longer a thing of dusty textbooks on electronic media remotely. and newspapers from 1918. Spring and Summer are the heaviest lifting in terms of academic By March it became clear that the Board had to be proactive College activity. The Board worked strategically throughout, and in supporting the candidature and membership through the College staff put runs on the board. Candidates engaged unprecedented, challenging times. and enrolled, recognising that lockdown and working from home provided enhanced opportunities to hit the electronic To that end the Board met weekly in March and April on the books. The examiners and staff put together so much for then newish platform called Zoom: so many in such limited time. Collegiality, albeit on a two- dimensional screen, is at an all-time high. Perhaps 2021 will be RACDS External is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. the year when we can start to flesh-out into a third dimension. Topic: RACDS Board meeting - updates re coronavirus situation Oh, and by the way, the elephant has not yet left the room, Time: Mar 23, 2020 02:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney but if you roll your sleeves up, you can show him the door. Every week on Mon, 22 Yearbook 2020 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Regirsetrpaorrst’ REGISTRAR, MEMBERSHIP (GDP) DR MICHAEL BURROW The MRACDS(GDP) Program commenced online via Zoom Teleconferencing due Mansour, Dr Nonie Polycarpou and Dr its 14th year in 2020, following its inception to the restrictions of COVID-19. We Smitha Sukuma. in 2007 as a pilot program open to had Fellows, Members and candidates candidates from Victoria only. The attend the three online CPD Congratulations to all the successful Program currently has an intake from all Masterclasses that were relevant to the candidates of 2020: Drs Howard Chin, around Australia and New Zealand as well current MRACDS(GDP) modules. The Stevie Dilley, Anand Prathap Kripakaran, as a Conjoint arrangement with Hong presentations provided educational Michael Cai, Miree Cho and Nilakshi Kong which has been in place since 2012. and informative material that was Galagoda. directly related to the Program. The MRACDS(GDP) Program welcomed Thanks to the flexibility brought by the CDSHK MGD Conjoint Examinations 21 new candidates in 2020. There were 13 online delivery, we had participants The Conjoint MGD(CDSHK) MRACDS(GDP) withdrawals from the Program this year attending from around Australia and Examination 2020 was held in Hong Kong taking the total number of candidates New Zealand. on 27, 28 and 30 August. Prof Michael currently enrolled to 40 as at December Burrow was assisting with this round of 2020. May CPD Masterclass the examinations. A total of five candidates • Practice Management, Law, Ethics were examined and all successfully passed. Thirteen of these candidates attended a successful Orientation Day that was and Risk Management presented by Congratulations to the successful held at the RACDS office in Sydney on A/Prof John Dale AO, Dr Alexander candidates: Drs Hiu Ching Cheung, Ho Yin Saturday, 1 February 2020. Holden, Ms Marianne Nicolle and Ms Chan, Ka Wai Lei, Ngo Yin John Chan and Mary Ibrahim Wing Hong Lui. The candidates were welcomed to August CPD Masterclass the College for the first time by the • Diagnosis and Treatment Planning MRACDS/RACDS Success stories President, Dr Paul Sambrook and were presented by A/Prof John Boucher The ultimate goal of this Program is to given presentations by Dr Warren AM provide candidates with an alternate Shnider, Censor in Chief, Dr Adam September CPD Masterclass pathway to Fellowship and it is heartening Keyes-Tilley, Chair of the Board of • Therapeutics in Dentistry, Pain and to see Members progress and succeed in Studies MRACDS(GDP), Prof Ian Meyers, Pain Management presented by Clin the Final Examinations for Fellowship in President-Elect, Ms Ellen Dunphy, A/Prof Mark Schifter General Dental Practice. Congratulations Education Officer MRACDS(GDP), and Dr to these new Fellows. Lena Zhu, Chair MRACDS(GDP) Mentors Viva voce Committee. On 18 September 2020, seven candidates In closing, thank you to the Program’s most presented for the online viva voce, two valuable assets, its dedicated examiners, These presentations provided valuable of whom were successful and were who invest so many hours of their time information to the candidates about the subsequently admitted to the College as marking assessments and to the Program processes of the Program as well as the Members. Examiners included Dr Shalinie Mentors for their similarly invaluable mentoring assistance that is provided. The King, A/Prof Alexandra Jones, and A/Prof contribution in guiding candidates. presentations also covered the different John Boucher AM (Observer). Thank you also to the members of the assessments and CPD requirements of Examinations Committee, Board of the Program. On 20 November 2020, five candidates Studies and College staff for their ongoing presented for the online viva voce, four stewardship of the Program. CPD of whom were successful and were This year CPD Masterclasses were moved subsequently admitted to the College as Yearbook 2020 23 Members. Examiners included Dr Peter Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

REGISTRAR, FELLOWSHIP (GDP) DR HEATHER CAMERON COVID-19 provided a challenge for us all in 2020, managing the College Learning Management System (LMS) and live Question ever changing environment in our professional lives while being and Answer webinars held three times per week from 7 July to 5 concerned for the safety of our families, friends and colleagues August via Zoom. both at home and abroad. The online OC received positive feedback, and I would like to I thank the lecturers, examiners and College staff for their efforts thank the entire team of lecturers; A/Profs Mark Schifter, David in exploring alternative delivery methods and developing Newby, Alex Forrest, Norman Firth, Mike Nordstrom, Phil Dickson, contingency plans for the delivery of the Fellowship(GDP) Prof Laurie Walsh, Dr Suma Sukumar, and Winthrop Prof Marc preparation courses and examinations for 2020. Tennant, who devoted substantial time and effort to prepare the lecture content, presenting at the live question and answer Final Examination webinars and dedicating extra time to support candidates in The Final Examinations (GDP) were conducted in mid-January their exam preparation. 2020 with 58 candidates from eight countries sitting the exams. A new professional examination venue, Saxons located in the Two applicants were awarded the Dr Elizabeth Fanning Sydney CBD, was engaged for the viva voce instead of Westmead Orientation Course Scholarship in June 2020, Dr Amanda Lin Hospital, which was found comfortable for the candidates and and Ms Emma Turner. the examiners. Preparation for Fellowship Success (PFS) workshop The examiners agreed that the overall performance of the The PFS workshop was scheduled to be held face-to-face in candidates continues to show marked improvement. Dr Kate Sydney 15-17 May 2020. The workshop was also moved online, McElroy gained the highest mark in the General Dentistry which brought flexibility and, as a result, a significant increase in Section and, therefore, was awarded the Kenneth J.G. Sutherland enrolments, with a total of 70 candidates attending from across Award for 2020. The Richard Manning King Award was awarded seven countries. to Dr Cheuk Sze Tracy Lee for her outstanding performance in Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics. A half-day modified workshop was held in October, with a focus on writing techniques, examination format and tips for viva voce Thank you to all the examiners including A/Prof Lara Friedlander, examinations, including small group interaction with facilitators Drs Andrew Cautley, Simon Franks, Errol Kilov, Peter Mansour, working through virtual clinical cases. To assist the candidates Geoff Young, Danny Ho, Alan Broughton, Sergio Salis, Smitha in preparation for the workshop and the Final Examination Sukumar, Stephen Cox, John Perry, Profs Michael Burrow, Richard additional material was delivered via the College LMS. Logan, and Nigel King, who continue to provide their time and expertise in maintaining the high standards of the College. My sincere thanks go to the following presenters and facilitators across Australasia for their time, support and contribution to Orientation Course (OC) the workshop; A/Prof Lara Friedlander, Prof Michael Burrow and The Orientation Course (OC) was initially scheduled to be held Drs Erin Mahoney, John Perry, Suma Sukumar, Eric Carter, Alan face-to-face in Sydney 6-17 July. Due to COVID-19, it was delivered Broughton, Andrew Cautley, Danny Ho, Errol Kilov, Geoff Young, online for the first time and was successfully concluded with Hadleigh Clark, Peter Mansour, Rebecca Wong, Soni Stephen and 292 enrolled candidates from across six countries. The online Weber Huang. course consisted of pre-recorded video lectures delivered via the 24 Yearbook 2020 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Regirsetrpaorrst’ Primary Examinations The 2020 Primary Examinations saw the highest enrolment numbers in the history of the College and 177 candidates from six countries presented for the examination. The examinations were successfully conducted remotely where candidates sat the written papers from their choice of location using downloadable computer-based software. The viva voce component was held via a professional version of Zoom in mid-December. Due to the high enrolments, the number of Australia-based examiners was increased from 12 to 18 and additional examiners were in place in case of emergency. I would like to thank the entire Primary Examiner team for their commitment and flexibility; Profs (Winthrop) Marc Tennant, Hedley Coleman, Robin Callister, Daisy Shum, Wai Keung Leung, Nor Hayati Othman, Tim Miles, Drs Janina Christoforou, Muhammed Yakin, Orla Gannon, John Martin, Suma Sukumar, Nigel Johnson, John Ladakis, Clin A/Prof Mark Schifter, A/Profs Norman Firth, Alex Forrest AO, Phil Dickson, Tim Cole, Mike Nordstrom, Nik Soriani Yaacob, Emeritus Profs Laurie Walsh AO and John McGeachie OAM, as well as three new examiners A/Prof Kathryn Skelding, Drs Benjamin Gupta and Jayantha Amarasena who were introduced to the examiner team in 2020. The award of the FG Christensen Prize went to two candidates from New Zealand. Congratulations to Drs Reuben Martin-Hendrie and Jamie McKenzie. After 2 years in the role of the Registrar GDP, I have stepped down and would like to thank all those who have assisted me in the role, including the College Staff, the Primary Examiners and Final Examiners. I have very much enjoyed my time as Registrar and appreciate that the last 2 years have been a period of change for both Primary and Final examinations. I wish the incoming Registrar, Dr Warren Shnider all the best for the upcoming years. Primary Examiners (at a calibration meeting) Final Examiners (pre-pandemic) Back row: Drs Alan Broughton, John Perry, Andrew Cautley, Errol Kilov Middle row: Dr Sergio Salis, Prof Michael Burrow, Prof Nigel King, Drs Unni Pillai (Observer), Peter Mansour, Simon Franks, Stephen Cox Front row: Drs Danny Ho, Heather Cameron (Registrar), A/Prof Lara Friedlander, Dr Smitha Sukumar Yearbook 2020 25 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

rReepgoisrttrars’ REGISTRAR (SDP) CLINICAL A/PROF NEIL PEPPITT 2020 was a progressive but challenging year in Specialist Dental These examiners continue to uphold a high standard of Practice. I was delighted to see many specialists took up the assessment for the Specialist Dental Practice Program. challenge of applying for examinations with the College, and I am pleased to congratulate 23 candidates who sat for Membership SDP has eight Boards of Studies, one for each specialist discipline, in SDP in 2020. who work in the background throughout the year consulting on projects aimed at evolving our activities. There were some The annual College Membership & Fellowship examination called complex applications in 2020 and the advice of each specialist upon experts to examine candidates in the field of Dental Public Member of the Boards allowed for consistent decision making Health this year. I would like to congratulate Dr Sunitha Gowda on and high-quality examinations. I thank them for their expertise, her success and welcome her into Membership with the College. advice and valuable time. The agreements between RACDS and local universities continue Finally, I must congratulate all those Members & Fellows who to prove popular with graduating specialists. In 2020, twenty-two have been successful in various examinations for Specialist candidates completed their final examination for their Doctor Dental Practice in 2020. I hope the newly admitted Members of Clinical Dentistry degree and undertook the conjoint offer of continue their journey with the College towards the attainment membership with the College in their respective fields. of Fellowship. It is encouraging for me to see specialists taking up the extra challenge of being peer-reviewed and I hope to see The successful candidates will be awarded Membership in them engaged with the College community in the future. their respective fields including Dento-Maxillofacial Radiology, Endodontics, Oral Medicine, Orthodontics, Paediatric Dentistry, Periodontics, and Special Needs Dentistry. A full list of newly admitted members can be found on page 42. I must extend great appreciation to all the examiners who supported the 2020 examinations, namely: Winthrop Professor Paul Abbott AO Dr Dorothy Boyd A/Professor Lara Friedlander Dr Joseph Geenty Dr Christopher Ho A/Prof Dale Howes Dr Tom Huang Professor Nigel King Dr Andrew Lee Dr Andrew Quick Dr Christopher Waalkens 26 Yearbook 2020 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

reOpMorSt CHAIR, BOARD OF STUDIES (OMS) DR SCOTT BORGNA In line with the rules and guidelines of Australian and New The Selection Committee and training centre representatives Zealand health authorities and regulators, the Oral and interviewed eligible medical and dental practitioners for 2021 Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS) Board of Studies convened regularly training positions in October via videoconference. Seven to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the specialist new trainees were welcomed to the OMS training program to OMS training program. The Board prioritised the health and commence in February 2021. wellbeing of its members, trainees and patients when making recommendations to the Education Policy Board. The Medical Board of Australia and the Medical Council of New Zealand agreed in April 2020 to defer the Continuing Dr Robert Witherspoon was elected as Chair of the Accreditation Professional Development (CPD) registration requirement of Committee, A/Prof Dylan Hyam as Chair of the Education health practitioners. Health practitioners were encouraged to Committee, and Dr Richard Harris as Chair of the Research continue to do CPD that was relevant to their scope of practice Subcommittee. Dr James Clohessy was appointed as the trainee where possible. representative on the Board of Studies. It was an unprecedented and challenging year for everyone. Fourteen new trainees commenced OMS training in February Regional Surgical Committees, Directors of Training, Supervisors 2020 across six training centres in Australia and New Zealand. of Training, Visiting Medical Officers and College staff collaborated The College hosted an OMS Induction Day on 8 February to support Fellows and trainees. The impact of COVID-19 was to orient the new trainees on the training and assessment constantly monitored throughout the year and frequent updates requirements. Additionally, eight trainees completed the OMS were made on the RACDS website. Restrictions to surgery specialist training program and were admitted to Fellowship. were announced at different times and in different locations to emergency and urgent procedures only. Hospitals adapted to The Surgical Science and Training (SST) Examination in June virtual learning with many tutorials and educational activities 2020 was cancelled to ensure the safety of all participants. OMS moved online. 1 trainees were permitted to proceed to OMS 2 training and to attempt the SST Examinations in March 2021. Furthermore, OMS Associate Professor Alf Nastri, Dr Seth Delpachitra, Associate Professor Jocelyn 1 and 2 trainees were given 12 months extension to complete the Shand at the End of Year Dinner - Training Centre, Victoria mandatory surgical courses. The Examinations Committee, Final Examiners and College staff successfully implemented changes to the format and delivery of the final examinations while ensuring validity and reliability. Candidates remotely completed the computer-based written examinations on 26-27 October and the virtual viva voces on 13- 14 November. The Accreditation Committee conducted training site visits in February at Logan Hospital in Queensland, Dunedin Hospital in New Zealand, and Perth Children’s Hospital and the Oral Health Centre in Western Australia. Moreover, they completed virtual accreditation visits in July of the South Australian training sites and the Nepean Hospital in New South Wales in October. Yearbook 2020 27 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Regional Reports A/Prof Lara Friedlander Dr Claudia Yung NZ Regional Committee Chair VIC/TAS Regional Committee Chair The year 2020 was one none of us saw coming but a year we all learnt the value of connectedness, 2020 has truly been an unprecedented resilience and that nothing stands in the way of excellence. Despite the disruptions, there were still and challenging year. Never before did we several successes for NZ RACDS Fellows, Members and Candidates. As a region, we continue to be have anything so powerful as the COVID-19 active within our community, with member representation on education and examination panels, and pandemic when the world almost came to in College governance roles. We are particularly grateful to Dr Hugh Trengrove. After many years of a halt. Many businesses and organisations tireless work as an Examiner, Board Member and Chair of the Education Policy Board, Hugh has stood put brakes on plans and projects and down from his Board role. Hugh continues to contribute positively to our Regional Committee, and we the Vic/Tas regional committee was no are very fortunate to have his strategic thoughts and vision at a local level. We were extremely proud exception. Our long-established Final Year of Dr Erin Mahoney who was re-elected to the College Board and brings a wealth of governance and Student Tutorials could not continue after regional understanding to this role. the first lecture in March because Australia entered its first lockdown. The NZ community was saddened by the passing of Dr John Edwards, Maxillofacial Surgeon on 25 April 2020. Dr Edwards was an extremely well-respected surgeon, teacher, colleague and friend to Sadly in August, the Committee had many. Our condolences have been extended to his family including his daughter Dr Niki Harrison who another setback as Greater Melbourne was awarded FRACDS(GDP) in January 2020. entered 6 weeks of Stage 4 lockdown due to the rapidly rising number of active cases. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, our Annual Study Day in Wellington was postponed until April 2021. The All social activities came to a standstill and virus reminded us all of how much we value this day as a time for Fellows, Members and candidates to the Regional Committee had to cancel its come together and ‘be collegial’. We held our 2020 Annual Meeting by zoom but are looking forward Annual Dinner and social drinks. to face-to-face meetings again in 2021. It is wonderful to see the momentum coming from our younger members who are interested in mentoring, peer tutoring candidates and engaging in leadership at a Whilst the lockdown disrupted the business regional level which will continue to see our activities prosper. and daily routine of all Melbourne dentists, it also created perfect opportunities for The success of our NZ candidates is something we are extremely proud of and this is a testament many to upskill by joining the College’s to their professionalism, hard work and dedication to study around excellence in clinical practice. In Primary Exam Orientation Course. Dr 2020, University of Otago graduates, Dr Jamie McKenzie and Dr Reuben Martin-Hendrie were jointly Sarah Chin organised an online study awarded the F G Christensen Memorial Prize as the highest equal performing candidates in the group to allow candidates to share their Primary Examinations. This is the third year in a row this prize has been awarded to NZ candidates. experience and study. In November, online Special thanks must go to Drs Laura Ichim and Fiona Firth for their hard work and dedication as our tutorials were held to support FRACDS Candidate Advisors. Final Exam candidates. Dr’s Wayne Chow, Elizabeth Yu, Vivian Liu, Annie Tong, Giselle The NZ Regional Committee continues to be committed to supporting University of Otago students. D’Mello, Joseph Ryan and Ricky Kumar ran Leadership is a core value of our College and many Fellows and Members in NZ have drawn on workshops to discuss with candidates the their international networks and skills within and outside of dentistry to advise, lead and educate our literature, cases and exam questions in their profession and dental students for safe practice as we return to dentistry and educational activities. The areas of speciality. generosity of Australasian Fellows from specialist groups to contribute to postgraduate programmes at Otago and Australian Universities by webinars and zoom lectures during the lockdown has been The Vic/Tas Regional Committee is keen humbling and strengthens the relationship between the College and universities. to reconnect with its local Fellow and Members in 2021. We are looking forward to Thank you to all the members of the NZ Regional Committees who have generously volunteered their hosting some face-to-face social events as time and knowledge to support our NZ College community. soon as it is safe to do so. 28 Yearbook 2020 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Dr Simon Franks us put down our drills and went home to do Our study day was cancelled in July – COVID-19 some gardening. travel restrictions and group capacity numbers QLD Regional Committee Chair put an end to that idea. Plans for a member’s I remember this date as I have a daily quote dinner and lecture will be organised for early What a year that was. calendar and I tore this day off and stuck it to 2021. the wall next to my desk as a keepsake of a As I write this year report it is exactly one year ‘once in a career’ moment. It reads from Helen I need to thank the committee members for to the day – 26th March 2020 - that dentistry Keller - if you keep your face to the sunshine their help in 2020. It was a challenging year, went to level 4 restrictions and the majority of you cannot see a shadow and with the release to say the least, and you all battled through of the vaccine schedule here in Australia in the our Zoom meeting fatigue to give back to the last few weeks, it is almost as poignant today as College in the best way that we could. Special it was a year ago. mention needs to go to Drs Unni Pillai and Arosha Weerakoon who stepped up and have The QLD committee pretty much hibernated provided great assistance in event planning for for the year. We had a few small, short zoom the new year’s event. meetings to keep everyone’s morale up, but it was not until the start of this year that we Hopefully, 2021 is filled with a lot more sunshine! were able to actually get some traction and put some event planning in place for our QLD members. 2020 was a busy and tumultuous year for the SA/NT Regional Committee. Dr Greg Miller Following a strategic planning session in 2019, the Committee determined that the key goals for 2020 were the provision of high-quality professional SA/NT Regional Committee Chair development and accessible, convenient social functions. rollout of effective vaccinations, (with effective iterative derivatives) for With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, the focus on professional COVID-19 and its variants will allow the community and profession to development, especially the quiescent Scientific Day heightened, with return to a state of normalcy in a safe and sound manner. Should this restrictions in the number and nature of gatherings. The Regional occur, we would be delighted to invite Fellows and Members to a face Committee was committed to running the Scientific Day, as it was seen as to face AGM in the last quarter of 2021 and to celebrate overcoming two a key plank in the rejuvenation of the region’s activities and a significant years of professional and personal turmoil. value-add for Members and Fellows. I would like to thank the existing SA/NT Committee Members, Drs As such, a Virtual Scientific Day webinar series was developed Alan Mann, Deon Naiker, Sushil Kaur and Amir Hatami (who joined leveraging off our proposed topic of Past, Present, Future. Three highly the Committee in 2020) and Dr Paul Sambrook, (ex-officio as RACDS successful Webinars were held, each with numerous local and interstate President) as well as all the Members, Fellows and College staff who participants. Cumulatively over 350 practitioners from SA/NT and have helped us throughout the year. We welcome our new Fellows and across Australasia listened to insights from world-class clinicians. Members joining us through the MRACDS and Fellowship pathways. The Committee like to thank each and every one of the speakers who In the new professional paradigm, it has never been so important to gave their time and expertise: Emeritus Professor Alastair Goss who have quality, reliable, and robust provision of postgraduate education, spoke on: the College involvement in OMS Training – Past, President and professional development, and educational qualifications in dentistry. Future; Associate Professor Alan Broughton who spoke on: Bond Makers The College must embrace, respond, and grow through the collective – Heart Breakers – An intergenerational dilemma connecting restorative challenges we all face. As the finest steel is forged in the hottest fire, so materials to dental structures; and Dr Subir Banerji who spoke on: The too will the College tempered in science, and the dedication and hard Management of Tooth Wear – Past, Present and Future. work of the staff, board, committees, and the quality of its membership surmount these obstacles. Feedback from each webinar was overwhelmingly positive, and the SA/NT Committee has resolved to undertake a series of webinars Yearbook 2020 29 midyear in 2021 in a similar vein, in deference to the impact COVID-19 has had on in-person professional development and social events, Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons and the obvious utility, convenience and scope virtual platforms afford. The webinars will be an ongoing resource for the College, one which Fellows and Members can benefit from in years to come. In 2020 we also held our first virtual Annual General Meeting which was well attended and efficient, but far less ebullient than those of previous years. Hopefully, the maintenance of sensible public policy, adherence to well-founded scientific advice and frank public discourse, aided by the

Dr Jason Wong (Tsz Leung) from Malaysia, Singapore, Pakistan, and Afghanistan) who took the examinations in 2020.. Asia Regional Committee Chair Due to the restrictions of social distancing measures, the local tutorial In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has completely reshaped people’s preparation courses in Anatomy and Microbiology had to be suspended. daily lives, and Hong Kong was no exception. Social activities such as Thanks to the efforts of the College, candidates were provided various meals gatherings were restricted. Travel had to be cancelled. The dental online supports such as online tutorials and Q&A sessions. Three online profession stepped up infection control measures to protect staff and mock examinations were also arranged to assist candidates in preparing patients. The pandemic also accelerated the development of online for the online, format of the Primary Exam. learning. The written paper format was conducted via Examsoft. This new While schools and universities continued to close after the Chinese delivery format ran smoothly, and was successful, considering the high New Year holidays in early 2020, our committee arranged a webinar number of candidates participating. It was impressive that 11 Hong Kong for the Final Year dental students in Hong Kong on 3 April 2020. It candidates out of 12 passed the Primary Examination. The committee was well attended with about 60 participants. Dr E. Pow, on behalf of however would like to continue to provide support to those who had the committee, introduced the College and provided candidates with withdrawn or failed. We are looking forward to meeting all the candidates information on the pathways to Fellowship in GDP. at upcoming events. It was with great disappointment that our Annual Scientific Day was Dr J Wong attended the Regional Committee Chair’s meeting held on postponed. This social gathering is usually a reunion of Fellows and 14 October 2020. College CEO, Mr Brendan Peek provided an update on Members. Nevertheless, the COVID-19 disruption did not affect dentists’ various matters, including online examinations, Affiliate Membership, and enthusiasm for pursuing the pathway to Fellowship. In 2020, there the Advisory Council. were 19 candidates from the Asia region (14 from Hong Kong, 5 others The RACDS academic prize was awarded by the Faculty of Dentistry, at the University of Hong Kong to Miss WANG Wing Nga for the academic year 2019-2020. Unfortunately, the prize ceremony was cancelled. Congratulations to Dr Cheuk Sze Tracy LEE on winning the inaugural Richard Manning King Award for the candidate who gains the highest mark in the Fellowship Final Exam GDP in Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics. Finally, we hope the epidemic will tail off in 2021, and a physical Annual Scientific Meeting can be held soon so that Fellows and Members can meet. Dr Peter Mansour The euphoria at the end of the Second World War was short-lived. The Cold War that followed so closely set an already traumatised world NSW/ACT Regional Committee Chair population into generations of further fearfulness. From 1948 until 1989, the spectre of the atomic cloud was imprinted on the minds of adults and The uncertainties of the past year have disrupted the quiet regularity and children alike. Writing at the dawning of the time when the realities of the routines of the NSW/ACT Regional Committee. In late January 2020, the human capacity to destroy the planet through atomic warfare, C.S.Lewis gathering concerns about the pandemic led us to rethink our planned wrote an essay on despair and hope. He argued that the presence of events. It became clear by early February that this was to be a year unlike anxiety and fear is not reason enough to be cowered into helplessness: any other in our lifetime. Restrictions due to COVID-19 were imposed in ‘This is the first point to be made: and the first action to be taken is to pull March and College life as we know it transitioned to an online experience. ourselves together. If we are all going to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, let that bomb when it comes to finding us doing sensible and human things — praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, playing tennis, chatting to our friends over a pint and a game of darts — not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about bombs. They may break our bodies (a microbe can do that) but they need not dominate our minds.’ IThe College did not simply wait passively until the pandemic had passed. Special thanks to Dr Dimitra Mersinia who co-ordinated from the Sydney Office Presenters and Candidate Advisors to deliver tutorials for 75 Primary Exam candidates from all over Australia, NZ and areas of Asia. Despite the pandemic, there are opportunities to embrace. I am in awe of our College community who have managed these unforeseen events. 30 Yearbook 2020 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Dr John Watson It feels slightly incongruous to describe a year in which next to nothing happened (in Regional Committee terms) as “interesting”, but WA Regional Committee Chair interesting it was. Drs Peter Mack, John Watson, Peter Gregory, Andrew Bochenek, and Although WA was less affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in many Phil Cockerill at the WA Regional Committee end of year celebration. ways, restricting free movement to and from the world’s most isolated capital city, only worked to increase any prevalent sense of isolation. Retired RACDS Board Member, Dr Peter Gregory receiving an Award of I shudder to think how we would have coped in days gone by before Appreciation from the WA Regional Committee Chair, Dr John Watson. the ubiquity of the internet and virtual communications. In truth though, the WA region has very little to complain about. The ADA and the College were very supportive of our profession and Jobkeeper and other government incentives were very helpful and well utilised. We all truly feel for our colleagues around Australia who were affected more detrimentally than us here in WA. As with most events in the first half of 2020, our New Members and Fellows Welcome Function and Annual Scientific Meeting were postponed due to lock down and the subsequent uncertainty around travel restrictions. Thankfully, due to eased restrictions, we were able to combine the postponed Welcome function with the End of Year Function held on 5th on November. Held at the Point Bar and Grill, the evening was very well attended and as well as welcoming New Fellows and Members we were able to Honour retiring Committee members Drs Phil Cockerill, Andrew Bochenek and Peter Gregory for their inestimable service over the years. With luck, the postponed Scientific Meeting will be taking place in July 2021. Continuing uncertainty has forced us to build many more contingencies into our planning, but I believe these to be less onerous than in other regions. It has become apparent that Zoom meetings are here to stay for the foreseeable future. The WA Regional Committee had resumed meeting in person by July 2020, but members still have the option to Zoom in to meetings and will continue to have that option while lock downs and quarantining remain a reality. Despite the disruptions this year, the WA committee were still able to hold mock viva voce examinations for candidates in December and according to feedback, were of great help in assisting with exam preparation. I would like to thank the WA Regional Committee for their great and tireless work again this year. It’s unfair to single people out, but I must make special mention of our secretary Dr Amanda Phoon-Nguyen for her efforts as the Committee’s “engine room”. Thanks Amanda, we are very grateful! Yearbook 2020 31 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

THANK YOU We appreciate your contribution Examiners FRACDS(GDP) PRIMARY MRACDS(GDP) EXAMINERS FRACDS(GDP) FINAL EXAMINERS Core Modules and Elective EXAMINERS Anatomy Modules General Section A/Prof Alexander Forrest AO Dr Khaled Ahmed A/Prof Lara Friedlander (Chief Examiner) Winthrop Prof Marc Tennant (Chief A/Prof John Boucher AM Dr Andrew Cautley Dr Simon Franks Examiner) Dr Andrew Cautley Dr Errol Kilov Dr Nigel Johnson Dr Kar Chan Dr Peter Mansour Dr John Ladakis Dr John Perry Dr John Martin Adj A/Prof John Dale AO Emeritus Prof John McGeachie OAM Dr Rajvinder Dhaliwal Restorative/Periodontics Dr Paul Hagley Elective Cell Biology & Biochemistry Dr Jeffrey Kestenberg Dr Angus Kingon Dr Alan Broughton A/Prof Phillip Dickson Prof Michael Burrow A/Prof Tim Cole Dr Amanda Phoon Nguyen Prof Daisy Shum Dr Nonie Polycarpou Dr Danny Ho Dr Alan Solomon Dr Sergio Salis A/Prof Kathryn Skelding Dr Nandor Steidler Dr Smitha Sukumar A/Prof Nik Soriani Yaacob Dr James Talbot Dr Geoffrey Young Histology Dr Aovana Timmerman Paediatrics and Orthodontics Dr Felicia Valianatos Elective Winthrop Prof Marc Tennant Dr Claudia Yung (Chief Examiner) Prof Nigel King Viva Voce Dr John Perry Dr Janina Christoforou Prof Hedley Coleman A/Prof Alexandra Jones Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Dr Muhammed Yakin Dr Shalinie King Pathology Elective Dr Peter Mansour Microbiology Dr Stephen Cox OAM Dr Nonie Polycarpou Prof Richard Logan Prof Laurence Walsh AO Dr Smitha Sukumar Clin A/Prof Mark Schifter OMS EXAMINERS Prof Wai Keung Leung SDP EXAMINERS Final Dr Orla Gannon Winthrop Prof Paul Abbott AO A/Prof Dylan Hyam (Chief Examiner) Prof Shilpi Ajwani A/Prof Martin Batstone Pathology Dr Dorothy Boyd Dr Stuart Deane Dr Jacobus Erasmus Dr Suma Sukumar A/Prof Lara Friedlander Dr Benjamin Erzetic A/Prof Norman Firth Dr Joseph Geenty Dr Benjamin Gupta Dr Christopher Ho A/Prof Andrew Heggie AM (Observer) Prof Nor Hayati Othman A/Prof Dale Howes Dr Emma Lewis Dr Tom Huang Physiology Prof Nigel King Dr Christopher Poon Dr Andrew Lee A/Prof Jocelyn Shand A/Prof Michael Nordstrom Dr Andrew Quick Dr Jayantha Amarasena Dr Christopher Waalkens Prof Robin Callister Dr Clive Wright Prof Timothy Miles 32 Yearbook 2020 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

The winners of the Dr Elizabeth Fanning Orientation Course Scholarships for 2020 were Dr Amanda Lin, and Ms Emma Turner. The scholarships cover the full cost of enrolment for the Primary Examination Orientation Course. There were over 50 applications received from around Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia. Applicants need to be either a final year dental student, or a practicing dentist within 2 years of registration to be eligible for the prize. Thank you to the Convenors of the Award, Board Directors, Winthrop Prof Marc Tennant and Dr Warren Shnider who had the difficult task of reviewing the applications. Winners of the Dr Elizabeth Fanning Scholarship Dr Amanda Lin Ms Emma Turner Amanda graduated as Valedictorian from her Emma was a final year dental student at Bachelor of Dental Science (Honours) Class UWA. at the University of Queensland in 2018. She attended the Orientation Course in 2020. Yearbook 2020 33 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Australia Day & Queen’s Birthday Honours The College is proud to of the Fellows and Members who are recognised in the Australia Day and Queens Birthday Honours List each year. In 2020, the following outstanding members were recognised: Australia Day Honours Dr Helen McLean AM Dr Helen Diana McLean AM of South Australia was awarded the MEMBER (AM) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA For significant service to dentistry, and to professional associations. Helen graduated BDS Adelaide in 1979 and MDS Adelaide 1985. She was elected as a member of the College in Orthodontics in 2008. Having worked in private and public dental sectors for over 40 years, Helen has taken on various roles within South Australia Health, the University of Adelaide, the Australian Dental Association and the Australian Society of Orthodontists. A/Prof Ian Hewson OAM Associate Professor Ian Donald HEWSON of Victoria was awarded the MEDAL (OAM) OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA IN THE GENERAL DIVISION For service to dentistry. A/Prof Hewson is a Fellow, and specialist member in special needs dentistry. He was Head of Unit at the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, where, in conjunction with the Haemophilia unit, commenced a trial on extraction protocols inpatient with an inherited bleeding disorder. At the Alfred, Ian also co-developed a technique for treating necrotic mandibular bone. His other accomplishments include refining protocol for bone marrow transplant patients at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, prosthetic rehabilitation of head and neck cancer patients at St Vincent’s, and forensic odontology work. Queen’s Birthday Honours Dr Edmond Adler OAM Dr Edmond Arthur Adler OAM of Mount Lawley, WA was awarded the MEDAL (OAM) OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA IN THE GENERAL DIVISION For significant service to dentistry and professional organisations. Dr Adler is an inaugural Fellow of the College and recalls the formation of the College, and other maxillo-facial organisations. He has an appreciation of the enormous range of modern dentistry which has contributed to an enjoyable and fulfilling professional life. 34 Yearbook 2020 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Academic Prizes at Universities F.G. Christensen Prize In acknowledgement of the academic success of high-achieving For 50 years now, the prestigious F.G Christensen Prize has final year dental students at universities around Australia, New been awarded to the candidate with the highest marks with Zealand and Hong Kong SAR, the RACDS Academic Prize is outstanding proficiency at the Primary Examination. awarded annually. Congratulations to the following recipients: The prize comprises of the Memorial College Medal and a University Ms Shinal Naicker monetary amount of AUD$500. Charles Sturt University James Cook University Mr Manvir Singh Grewal In 2020, there were two recipients of the Prize, Drs Jamie Willis University of Hong Kong McKenzie (left), and Reuben Martin-Hendrie (right), both from University of Melbourne Ms Wing Nga WANG New Zealand. University of Otago Ms Ghadir Abdul Ridha Mr Daniel Kwok Griffith University Ms Jessica Bruce-Jones Ms Carla Rossouw Mr Jeff Bridges Braham Pearlman Award Kenneth J.G. Sutherland Membership Award The Braham Pearlman Prize was established in 2014 in honour of the late Associate Professor Braham Pearlman RFD in The prize established by Emeritus Professor Kenneth J.G. recognition of his great work and commitment to the College. Sutherland, AM is awarded to the candidate who gains the The prize is awarded to an exceptional final year dental student highest marks in General Dentistry, at Fiji National University. and demonstrates eminence in the elective section of the Final In 2020, the Prize was awarded to Ms Kaitlyn Cherfali Khan. Examinations. Kaitlyn Cherfali Khan receiving her Dr Kate McElroy from New Zealand award from Dr Osea Dukuno, Head is the winner of the 2020 Kenneth of School Dentistry & Oral Health, Fiji J.G. Sutherland Prize. The prize National University. comprises of the College Medal and a monetary amount. Primary Examination - Subject Prizes Richard Manning King Award On the advice of the Examiners, Subject Prizes for the highest Professor Richard King was an inaugural member of the College mark scored in each subject were awarded to the following: who served as President from 1986 until 1988 and was awarded Honorary Life Membership for his services to the College and the Anatomy Dr Miles Devlin dental community, particularly in the field of Paediatric Dentistry. Cell Bio & Biochemistry Dr Mustafa Mian Prof King endowed the Richard Histology, Microbiology Dr Bolun Zhang Manning King Award, and in 2020 & Physiology it was awarded for the first time. Pathology Dr Daniel McKenzie Congratulations to Dr LEE Cheuk Sze Tracy of Hong Kong. The prize is awarded to an outstanding candidate in FRACDS(GDP) Program in Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics. Yearbook 2020 35 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

HAwonarodusrs & Meritorious Service Awards The College is delighted to add two names to the Meritorious Services Award Honour board in 2020. Congratulations to A/Prof Lara Friedlander and Dr Ian Sweeney who were both recognised for their long and distinguished service to the College. 1983 Dr Peter M. Gibbs 1994 Prof John S. Lyell 2007 A/Prof John K Harcourt OAM 1984 Dr Wilfred J. Simmonds 1995 Dr Philip C. Crocker 2007 A/Prof David G Purton 1984 Dr Clarence J. Griffin 1995 Dr James M. Scott 2008 Clinical A/Prof Richard P Widmer 1984 Dr David G. Esler 1997 Prof F. Elizabeth Martin 2009 Dr Leslie Snape 1987 Dr Peter Davies 1997 Dr Peter W. McKerracher 2009 Prof Frank Monsour 1987 Dr T. Bruce Lindsay ED 1997 Dr Kornel Romaniuk RFD 2009 W/Prof Marc Tennant 1988 Dr Athol W.J. Lykke 2000 Dr Ann P. Collins 2011 Dr Philip A Cockerill 1988 Dr Graham A. Thomas 2001 Mr Peter Bradford 2011 Dr Hugh G Trengrove 1988 Dr Leslie P. Oliver DFC 2001 Dr Michael F.S. Tsui 2011 A/Prof Geoffrey W Borlase 1988 Dr Anthony H. Rogers 2001 Prof P Mark Bartold AM 2014 A/Prof Angus C Cameron 1989 Dr John G. Waterson 2001 Prof Rakesh K Kumar 2014 Dr Luke Moloney 1990 Mr Robert M. Cook AM 2001 Dr William C W Yung 2015 Prof Andrew Heggie AM 1991 Ms Marnie E. Martin 2003 Dr E. Dell Kingsford Smith 2017 Dr Bruce Emery Taylor 1991 Dr Nihill H. Somers 2003 Ms Robyn Lupton 2017 A/Prof Jocelyn Shand 1991 Prof Noel D. Martin AM 2004 Dr Jonathan P H Rogers 2017 Dr Leone Hutchinson 1991 A/Prof Christopher G. Daly 2004 Prof David Wiesenfeld 2018 Prof Fraser McDonald 1992 Dr Michael A.W. Thomas 2005 Dr Norman Eizenberg 2020 A/Prof Lara Friedlander 1993 Dr Lloyd G. O’Brien AO 2007 Ms Alexis Smith 2020 Dr Ian Sweeney A/Prof Lara Friedlander Lara provides excellent leadership and Dunedin, NZ support as an engaging dental and educational expert and lives the ideals A/Prof Lara Friedlander is a Specialist in of the RACDS. She proactively engages Endodontics and is a Senior Lecturer in with the NZ based RACDS community to the department of Oral Rehabilitation encourage their participation in Study Days at the University of Otago. She is the and events, and promotes the College to head examiner for the Fellowship (GDP) final year dental students which results in examination, a member of the Board of a large number of NZ candidates sitting the Studies, GDP and the Chair of the NZ examinations. Regional Committee. Dr Ian Sweeney Ian founded his practice in 1994 and has Sydney Australia continued to develop his practice with passion. His practice is quite diverse with Dr Ian Sweeney gained Fellowship by special interest areas in reconstructive Examination and served on the NSW dentistry including implants, treatment Regional Committee form 1997- 2017 as under intravenous sedation and general Honorary Treasurer and Chair. During anaesthesia, and Special Needs Dentistry. that time, he held positions of Assistant He is supported by a large team, making Co-ordinator of the Primary Examinations it easy for him to do what he loves best in tutorial course and as an Examiner. He dentistry. currently holds appointments within the University of Sydney as a senior clinical A strong local community advocate, Ian has associate lecturer and the SAH hospital at served on the board of his local branch of Wahroonga. Bendigo Bank and is constantly involved in local fundraising events and activities. 36 Yearbook 2020 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Honorary Fellows 1965 Prof Sir Arthur Amies CMG 1987 D. S G Kings AM FoDunondoatrison 1965 Sir John Hall Best 1987 Dr J A Sagar 1966 Prof A J Arnott CBE 1989 Dr R Y Norton OBE Foundation Donors 1966 Prof T D Campbell 1989 A/Prof R M King for 1 January 2020 – 31 1966 Prof S F Lumb 1991 Dr G Wing AM December 2020 were 1966 Prof Sir John Walsh KBE 1993 Dr J H Muller A.M noticeably fewer vs pre- 1968 Prof Sir Robert Bradlaw CBE 1993 HRH The Princess of Wales vious years due to the 1968 Sir Terrance Ward CBE 1995 Dr R W Hession AM later than usual release 1968 Prof F C Wilkinson CBE 1997 A/Prof J K Harcourt OAM of Annual Fee Renewal 1970 Dr G Leatherman 1997 A/Prof G H Hewitt Notices to mid-January 1971 Prof N W G Macintosh 2000 Dr S C Warneke AM 1973 Mr A Docking MBE 2001 Dr J H Sinclair 2021. 1974 Dr W A Grainger CBE 2003 Dr K H Wendon 1976 Sir Kenneth Adamson CMG 2005 Dr R J Bastiaan AM RFD Prof Paul ABBOTT 1976 Prof K W Cleland 2007 Dr D H Thomson (WA, AUSTRALIA) 1977 Dr P R Begg AO 2009 Dr N J J Peppitt Dr Phillip AJAJE 1977 Prof G N Davies CBE 2010 Prof E C Reynolds AO (NSW, AUSTRALIA) 1978 Prof I R H Kramer OBE 2011 A/Prof B K Drummond Dr Emma BOND 1979 Dr R Harris AM, MBE 2014 A/Prof W H Bischof AM (NSW, AUSTRALIA) 1979 Dr J F Lavis AM 2015 A/Prof Braham Pearlman (RFD) Dr Stuart DEANE 1979 Brig A G Rowell AO, CBE, ED 2015 Prof M J Tyas AM (NSW, AUSTRALIA) 1982 Prof Sir Paul Bramley 2015 Dr Francis Chau Dr Stephen DUNCAN 1983 Prof K J G Sutherland 2017 Dr David Sykes OAM (NSW, AUSTRALIA) 1985 Dr H G Lamplough 2019 Dr Patrick Russo Dr Joseph GEENTY 1985 Mr W O Read 2019 Dr Dell Kingsford Smith (NSW, AUSTRALIA) 1987 Dr E H Bastian OBE Dr Shazia HUQ Honorary Fellowship is the highest award to be bestowed on a Fellow and reserved for (NSW, AUSTRALIA) individuals who have made an exceptional contribution of service to the College. Dr Erin MAHONEY (NEW ZEALAND) Honorary Members Dr Peter MANSOUR (NSW, AUSTRALIA) 2016 Ms Pamela Clark 2019 Prof Richard M. Logan Dr Andrew QUICK (NEW ZEALAND) Presidential Commendation Dr Malini RAGAVAN (NSW, AUSTRALIA) In order that persons who have made a contribution of great significance to the Dr Alan SOLOMON College in its continuing development and activities, the Council has established (VIC, AUSTRALIA) a form of recognition that it is a privilege of the President to bewstow upon such a Dr Russell VICKERS person. (NSW, AUSTRALIA) Dr Christopher WAALKENS 1998 William K R Mackenzie 2007 Robert F Broadbent (NEW ZEALAND) 1999 Ross L Taylor 2009 Les Wallace Dr Rebecca WONG 2004 Noel D Martin AM 2010 Nicola M Kilpatrick (VIC, AUSTRALIA) 2005 Alastair N Goss 2013 Stephen Robbins At the 2020 Annual General Meeting, the College membership voted to update the structure of College Awards. Life Fellowship will be the most esteemed award from 2021 onwards, and those honoured with this award will join the prestigious list of Honorary Fellows. Yearbook 2020 37 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Vale The College remembers... The featured tributes have The College is saddened to learn of the passing of the following members during been provided by family 2020: members or friends to share with the College community. Prof Stephen Hon Yin Wei Dr Colin Ernest Burton Dr Dudley Frank Walton Dr Gerald Lehmann Prof Alan Archie Grant Dr Clyde Francis Winzar AE RFD Dr Harris Keith Lewis AM Dr William James Ralph “well done, good and Dr Sydney Charles Warneke AM faithful servant” 1934 – 2020 38 Yearbook 2020 Dr Sydney Warneke became a Fellow by Examination of the College in 1971. He Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons served the Victorian Regional Committee for the next 27 years, and in 1986 he was elected to Council. Sydney served on Council for 10 years before becoming President in 1996 until 1998. Sydney worked as inaugural director of the RACDS Foundation from 2001. He was given the most senior and prestigious award of Honorary Fellowship in 2000. Sydney had roles at the Alfred Hospital, Royal Melbourne Hospital, was President for the Australian Prosthodontic Society, and head of the dental oncology unit at Peter McCallum Cancer Hospital until 2003. He was also a staunch supporter of the Australian Dental Association Victoria branch for most of his dental career and elected to branch council. With the national ADA, he served as a Councillor from 1992-1996. In 1998, Sydney received an Australia Day Honour, Membership in the General division. The citation read For service to the dental profession, particularly through organised dentistry and in the field of dental oncology and oral cancer rehabilitation. For over 50 years, Sydney recognised the opportunities, and took up the challenges. Dr Chris Callahan

Dr Owen Ellis 1982 – 2020 On 11 April 2020, we suffered the unexpected and tragic loss of our good friend and colleague, Owen Ellis. Owen graduated in Medicine at the James Cook University in 2007 and completed his residency at the Princess Alexandra hospital, Brisbane. Whilst working for the OMFS unit in Townsville in 2012, Owen’s interest in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery was cemented. Following this, Owen completed his dentistry degree in 2015 at the University of Queensland. He went on to immediately start his OMS Training in 2016 in Melbourne, where he was an integral part of the Victorian & Tasmanian OMS Training Centre for the next 4 years. Owen completed his OMFS training in February 2020. Owen was hardworking and dedicated, and a pillar of strength for many of his colleagues. He will be remembered by his family, friends, and colleagues for his positive approach to life’s challenges, his unwavering loyalty to those close to him, and his ability to see the infinite beauty of every moment. His infectious laugh will be sorely missed, and the world will be a little quieter without our beautiful friend in it. Drs Shreya Tocaciu and Matthew Gilmore Dr John Lewis Edwards ONZM 1940 – 2020 Dr John Edwards was born in 1940 in Dunedin and attended Kings High School. He studied dentistry at the University of Otago and graduated with Distinction in 1963. He undertook his postgraduate training in oral surgery in the UK from 1965- 69 at several prestigious maxillofacial units in London including Central Middlesex Hospital and Mount Vernon. John’s contribution to the specialty of oral and maxillofacial surgery was immense. He was actively involved with the NZ Dental Association and the Dental Council of NZ. John was NZ Vice-President of ANZAOMS, and then President of ANZAOMS from 1997 to 1999. He was Director of the Postgraduate Programme in oral and maxillofacial surgery from 1997 to 2007 and was an external examiner at a number of universities in Australia and NZ. John was made an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit (ONZM) for services to Dentistry on Queens Birthday 2008; one of very few dental practitioners to have received the honour. Outside of work John was a keen olive farmer, producing award winning olive oil on Waiheke Island with his wife Margaret, of 57 years. John will be remembered fondly by his former students and colleagues for his considerable knowledge and skill as a surgeon, teacher, mentor and friendly, humble manner. John and Niki Harrison Yearbook 2020 39 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

CSauncdciedsasftuesl FINAL EXAMINATION for Fellowship (GDP) Nur Diyanah AB. WAHID Malaysia Colleen LING Australia Rasheedunisa Begum ABDUL JAMEE Australia Mark LOW Australia Lamis AHMED Australia Hai Leong MA Hong Kong SAR Matheel ALRAWAS Malaysia Kate MCELROY New Zealand Nurul Farah AZIH Malaysia Ahmad Fakrurrozi MOHAMAD Malaysia Ani Fazreen AZIZAN Malaysia Muhammad Firdaus MOHD SHUIMI Malaysia Yew Hin BEH Malaysia Jeffrey ONG New Zealand Ahmad Zuhairi BIN YAHYA Malaysia Bala Sirisha POTHAKAMURY Australia John BIUN Australia Tegan RYAN Australia Wai-Sze CHAN Australia Andrew SEE Australia Muhammad Amber FAREED Oman Najahhuddin SHAHBUDIN Malaysia Rahul GAUTAM New Zealand Justina TEO Australia Barun GHOSH Australia Fiona THUY Australia Angela GURNER (NEE JOU) Australia Keith TONG Australia Amirhossein HATAMI Australia Andy TSE Hong Kong SAR Navneet KARAN Australia Wan Ahmad Faiz WAN JAMIL Malaysia Ju Ram KIM Australia On Ki WU Hong Kong SAR Cheuk Sze Tracy LEE Hong Kong SAR Rui Ming YAP Singapore Sara LI Australia Andy Siu Hang YEUNG Australia Ting-Han LIN Australia 40 Yearbook 2020 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

PRIMARY EXAMINATION Aditi Khamar NSW Zia Loo New Zealand Daniel McKenzie VIC Mustafa Mian VIC Georgia Barden NSW Brandon Lim VIC Tina Sangha NSW Andrew Wang NSW Fayyad El Wazni VIC William Bowskill NSW Cindy Zhou WA Saskia Saetrum New Zealand Adrian Lok NSW Benson Poon QLD Felicity Leov New Zealand Annabelle Wareham SA Annabel Hoe NSW Guru Murthy O WA Benjamin Gad QLD Xuan Xi Low VIC Esha Zahid VIC Corey Wilson NSW Jess Chen VIC Cheryl Chen QLD Rex Huang NSW Denice Sze Shan Loo ACT Vanessa Ho WA Syed Hussain VIC Nicola Wong VIC Jenny Bai NSW Yasoda Lakshmi Thubati QLD Nibir Hossain NSW Christopher Miltiadous NT Ngoc Anh Huynh VIC Arnon Sharp New Zealand Vincent Tran VIC Jenny Jin NSW Nichola Waite VIC Alex Chan NSW Delu Gunasekera SA Yang Zhang Singapore Samuel Deng WA Ricky Lim NSW Lucia Painuthara New Zealand Nathan Tan NSW Jiao Li NSW William Fitzpatrick NSW Shanaya Senanayake SA Abdalla Eisa Malaysia Helen McHugh NSW Keith Chan QLD Miryam Wan NT Jamie McKenzie New Zealand Rachelle Welti VIC Karissa Joyce Yip Hong Kong George Hermans New Zealand Alex Ka Chun Yick NSW Justin Liu NSW Muhammad Khan NSW Abdullah Kanbour WA Arya Rao SA Jeremy Lau WA Heena Soni QLD Anny Huang TAS Cassidy Shelton WA Kathrina Klinar NSW Lindsay Webb QLD Bolun Zhang WA Cherie Young VIC Lucy Oldfield New Zealand Amylia Bal NSW Swetha Padaala NSW Eden Ross New Zealand Maleeha Gilani WA Jack Hodgkinson NSW Valeriya Matveeva NSW Xian Da Andrew Lee Hong Kong Wui Kit Yiu QLD Hannah Benoit TAS Mimi Ngo QLD Kerollous Nazeem VIC Chui Yi Sarah Low Singapore Xie He SA Holly Ho QLD Qi Rui Low QLD Natasha Rangachari ACT Timothy Chan Hong Kong Elizabeth Arena NSW Charlotte Kenny New Zealand Celine Soon VIC Hilary White VIC Jessica Aneja VIC Sambavi Kugananthan WA Omer Sefvan Janjua Pakistan Reuben Martin-Hendrie New Zealand David Joo NSW Ali Musa SA Laura Bridger New Zealand Keishi Barnes QLD Merel Jacobs NSW Siddharth Garde NSW Laura Truong QLD Ziliang Li VIC Karin Bishara VIC Hiu Yeung Lai Hong Kong Supreet Soni NSW Matthew Vaughan NSW Samantha Kan WA Pui Tung Lai Hong Kong Amanda Sia New Zealand Lue Hang Chan Hong Kong Manal Masood VIC Sandra Chee VIC Ka Wing Law Hong Kong Satish Naik ACT Venuga Kugathasan NSW Benjamin Dang SA Geetu Lohan NSW TianYou Wu New Zealand Julia Le NSW Joshua Lee SA Heena Desai New Zealand Rick Chu NSW Miles Devlin QLD Wan Zhi Tay New Zealand Chee Yiu Yuen Hong Kong Hannah Dunn NSW Esther Cheong New Zealand Khilan Shukla QLD Delyse Lam NSW Jared Marks NSW Cherry Chen VIC Iulia Stanescu New Zealand Gyu Hwi Lee VIC Alan Yu-Lin Yang QLD Zoe Berryman New Zealand Paul Mueller VIC Berwyn Liu NSW Chantelle Petterson New Zealand Sitanshu Arora VIC King Sang Au Yeung Hong Kong Laura Chen VIC Amanda Lin NSW Supeetha Suntharamoorthy Singapore Danni Chen New Zealand Ching Yeung Liu Hong Kong Somayeh Parvizi NSW Nicole Hoffman QLD Chui Yi Ho Hong Kong Yearbook 2020 41 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Admissions to Fellowship and Membership 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020 FRACDS - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery MRACDS - General Dental Practice Michael Cai Angus Edward Rutherford Cameron New Zealand Ho Yin Chan NSW Ngo Yin John Chan Hong Kong Anthony Dyalan Chellappah NSW Hiu Ching Cheung Hong Kong Howard Hiu Wai Chin Hong Kong Howard Cho QLD Miree Hannah Rose Cho WA Stevie Jean Dilley NSW Peter Stephen George Coghlan New Zealand Nilakshi Kumudu Galagoda QLD Anand Prathap Kripakaran NSW Owen Gareth Ellis QLD Ka Wai Lei QLD Wing Hong Lui Hong Kong Andrew Michael Higgins QLD Hong Kong Margaret Kim NSW Ragu Krishnamoorthy ACT Liam John Moore New Zealand Aaron Mathew Thomas VIC Shreya Tocaciu SA FRACDS - General Dental Practice MRACDS - Dento-Maxillofacial Radiology Nur Diyanah Ab. Wahid Malaysia Mohammed Raahib Dudhia QLD Rasheedunisa Begum Abdul Jamee NSW Tom Chung Yang Huang WA Lamis Mohamed Galal El Din Ahmed NSW Bernard Yin Kit Koong WA Matheel Zohair Yousif Alrawas Malaysia MRACDS - Oral Medicine Lalima Tiwari Nurul Farah Azih Malaysia WA Ani Fazreen Azizan Malaysia Yew Hin Beh Malaysia MRACDS - Orthodontics Ahmad Zuhairi Bin Yahya Malaysia Annlie Gloria Andrew VIC John Suk Jun Biun VIC Celine Sze-Ying Chan SA Wai-Sze Chan QLD Christopher Costello NSW Muhammad Amber Fareed Oman Phillip Kia Teng Goh QLD Rahul Gautam New Zealand GhassanIdris QLD Barun KumarGhosh VIC Wei Lin New Zealand Angela Anchee Gurner SA Chelsea Mann ACT Amirhossein Hatami SA Dipika Mistry NSW Navneet Vishaal Karan NSW Simon John Olliver New Zealand Ju Ram Harry Kim QLD Borjana Simanovic QLD Cheuk Sze Tracy Lee Hong Kong Morgan John Scott Wishney NSW Sara Pui Ki Li SA MRACDS - Paediatric Dentistry Gregory Redvers Celine Ting-han Lin QLD Nandika UrmilaManchanda WA WA Colleen Hua Ngik Ling WA Mark Wei Yang Low VIC MRACDS - Periodontics Nishith Bhargava Hai Leong Ma Hong Kong Wang Lai Lizzy Hui VIC Marina Salah Kamel NSW Kate Ellen Mcelroy New Zealand QLD Ahmad Fakrurrozi Mohamad Malaysia Muhammad Firdaus Mohd Shuimi Malaysia Jeffrey Zinc Tat Ong New Zealand MRACDS - Prosthodontics Hui Chen Fiona Nguyen Ngoc Pham VIC Alana Dorothy Evans NSW Joshua P.Graieg QLD Bala Sirisha Pothakamury VIC Chanel Lynne Kenny WA Siddharath Kothari WA Tegan Cynthia Ryan NSW Huda Hussein Mohammed New Zealand New Zealand Andrew See NSW Najahhuddin Bin Shahbudin Malaysia Justina Ming Rui Teo WA Keith Tong QLD MRACDS - Dental Public Health Sunitha Gowda Kwan Lok Tse Hong Kong New Zealand Wan Ahmad Faiz Wan Jamil Malaysia On Ki Wu Hong Kong MRACDS - Endodontics Martin Mehdi Habibi Rui Ming Yap Singapore Michael Asim Mousa Khoury NSW Lucy Anne Sullivan WA Andy Siu Hang Yeung NSW New Zealand 42 Yearbook 2020 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

ADAIR, Peter Harold - Turramurra, NSW, Australia Life ADAMS, Donald Bertrand - Wellington, New Zealand ADDISON, Michael John - Cronulla, NSW, Australia Fellows & Members ADEY, Alfred - Berrilee, NSW, Australia ADKINS, Ken Francis - Birkdale, QLD, Australia CHARLESWORTH, Gregory Clark - Waverton, NSW, Australia ADLER, Edmond Arthur - Mount Lawley, WA, Australia CHARLTON, Douglas Edward - Annangrove, NSW, Australia AKERS, Harry Francis - Indooroopilly, QLD, Australia CHESTER, Ian Colin - Ascot, QLD, Australia ANKER, John Harris - Wollongong, NSW, Australia CHEUNG, Peter Kwok Kuen - Clayton, VIC, Australia AVERY, Brian - Mordon, COUNTY DURHAM, United Kingdom CHOW, Douglas Kam-Yung - Mid-Levels, Hong Kong BAMBERY, Dexter Darcy - Wellington, New Zealand CHRYSTIE, John Alfred - Viewbank, VIC, Australia BARBER, Anthony Francis - Adelaide, SA, Australia CLARKE, Peter John - Hamilton, New Zealand BARCLAY, John Keith - Otago, New Zealand COAKLEY, Michael John - Sorrento, VIC, Australia BARNARD, Peter Deane - Lindfield, NSW, Australia COATES, Anthony John - Semaphore Park, SA, Australia BARNES, Peter Byron - Greenbank, QLD, Australia COATES, Peter James - Yeronga, QLD, Australia BAU, Dennis John - Cammeray, NSW, Australia COCKERILL, Philip Anthony - Swanbourne, WA, Australia BEHAN, Mark Christopher - Ashmore, QLD, Australia COLE, Russell - London, United Kingdom BEHREND, Donald Albert - Toorak, VIC, Australia COLLINS, Ann Page - Westmead, NSW, Australia BELL, Marsden (William) - Auckland, New Zealand COSGROVE, Denis James - Nedlands, WA, Australia BENNET, Kim Roydon - West Perth, WA, Australia COSTELLO, Maurice - Mitchelton, QLD, Australia BENSON, Peter Ernest - Ingleburn, NSW, Australia COVENEY, Allan Campbell - Mildura, VIC, Australia BEREKALLY, Thomas Louis - St Agnes, SA, Australia CRAIG, Graham George - Balgowlah, NSW, Australia BERESFORD, Jack Stuart - Auckland, New Zealand CREEDY, Brian Edward - Collins Creek, NSW, Australia BERRY, Robert William - Maryborough, VIC, Australia CRISP, John Cunningham - Essex, United Kingdom BEVAN, Eric Mervyn - Dural, NSW, Australia CROCKER, Philip Cameron - Berry, NSW, Australia BISHOP, Roger Geoffrey - Swanbourne, WA, Australia CROWE, Paul Richard - Highgate, SA, Australia BLACK, Owen Philip - Indented Head, VIC, Australia CUMMING, Richard - Breakfast Point, NSW, Australia BLOCH, Harry Martin - Melbourne, VIC, Australia CURTAIN, James Leo - Camberwell, VIC, Australia BLOOD, Michael David - Hawthorn, VIC, Australia CURTIN, John William - Cotham, VIC, Australia BOA, John Thomas - Canterbury, United Kingdom CURTIN, Paul - Eastwood, NSW, Australia BOASE, Robyn Margaret - Yorkeys Knob, QLD, Australia CUTRESS, Terence William - Wellington, New Zealand BOLAND, Thomas William - Riverview, NSW, Australia DAENKE, Lachlan Lewis - Port Elliot, SA, Australia BOLTON, George Henry Philip - New Farm, QLD, Australia DAGG, Keith Miles - Casino, NSW, Australia BOND, Keith - Norman Park, QLD, Australia DALE, John William - Bellevue Hill, NSW, Australia BOOTH, David Robert - Murdoch, WA, Australia DALY, Christopher George - Malabar, NSW, Australia BOWELL, Geoffrey Reginald - Brighton, VIC, Australia DAWES, William - Mount Kuring-Gai, NSW, Australia BOYATZIS, Stan - Longueville, NSW, Australia DEARING, Saxton Gordon - Napier, New Zealand BRADLEY, Denis John - Oatley, NSW, Australia DIAS, Andrew Paul Lakshman Henry - Clifton Hill, VIC, Australia BROCKLEBANK, Laetitia Mary - Edinburgh, United Kingdom DINTE, Nathan Max - Avihail, Israel BROGAN, William Francis - City Beach, WA, Australia DJAMSHIDI, Mehran - Clear Island Waters, QLD, Australia BROWN, John Paul - Austin, TX, United States DORNEY, Alan Brett - Pymble, NSW, Australia BROWN, Tasman - Linden Park, SA, Australia DOWNES, Arthur Maxwell - Isle Of Man, United Kingdom BROWNBILL, John William - Malvern East, VIC, Australia DOWSETT, Michael Hutton - Kingston, ACT, Australia BRYANT, Roland Warwick - Castle Hill, NSW, Australia DRUMMOND, Paul William - Adelaide, SA, Australia BUCHANAN, Gordon - Orange, NSW, Australia DUCKMANTON, Norton Archie - Epping, NSW, Australia BUCHANAN, Susan - Greenwich, NSW, Australia DUKE, Paul - Unley Park, SA, Australia BUCHHOLZ, Paul Charles - Newtown, VIC, Australia DUNCAN, Roy Graham - Clear Island Waters, QLD, Australia BURGESS, Robert Kirkwood - Southport, QLD, Australia DUNN, Adrian Arthur - Vaucluse, NSW, Australia BURKITT, Harold George - Arrawarra, NSW, Australia DUTHY, Lester Milton - Warrnambool, VIC, Australia BUSHELL GUTHRIE, Phillip - Indooroopilly, QLD, Australia EDWARDS, Iain Greig - Woollahra, NSW, Australia CAMPBELL, John Pritchard Stewart - Highett, VIC, Australia ESLER, David George - London, United Kingdom CANESTRA, John - Albert Park, VIC, Australia EWART, Niel Philip - Auckland, New Zealand CANNON, Peter Douglas - Malabar, NSW, Australia FEATHERSTONE, John Lawrence - Braidwood, NSW, Australia CARTER, Eric Francis - Hunters Hill, NSW, Australia FENWICK, David Norman - Moolap, VIC, Australia CARTER, Jeffrey Leonard - Mont Albert, VIC, Australia FIELD, Brian David - Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand CATTERMOLE, Andrew Edward - South Yarra, VIC, Australia FITZPATRICK, Brian John - Greenslopes, QLD, Australia CERNAVIN, Igor - St Albans, VIC, Australia FITZSIMONS, Robert Claude - , NSW, Australia CHAN, Richard Wainin - Northbridge, NSW, Australia FORTESCUE, Rex Edward - Vancouver, BC, Canada CHAN, Shun Chi Elias - Doncaster East, VIC, Australia FOSTER, Ross Ormiston - Toorak, VIC, Australia CHAN, Wing-Ho - Central, Hong Kong FOWLER, Scott Colin - East Melbourne, VIC, Australia CHANDLER, Donald Kenneth - Adelaide, SA, Australia FRENCH, Robert Hamilton - East Melbourne, VIC, Australia CHAPMAN, John Henry - Bellingen, NSW, Australia FRICKER, John Peterie - Manuka, ACT, Australia CHAPMAN, Keith Brian - Wellington, New Zealand FROST, Paul Linden - East Southport, QLD, Australia FULLER, David James - Brighton, VIC, Australia FUNG, Hang Eric - Happy Valley, Hong Kong GALE, Keith McMaster - West Perth, WA, Australia GAN, Robert - Parramatta, NSW, Australia Yearbook 2020 43 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Life KATZ, Hilton Collin - Malvern, VIC, Australia KELLAWAY, Richard Wallys - Cleveland Dc, QLD, Australia Fellows & Members KENNEY, Ernest Barrie - Los Angeles, CA, United States KESSLER, Selwyn - Bellevue Hill, NSW, Australia GARDINER, Gavin Thomas - Middlesex, United Kingdom KING, Nigel Martyn - , Hong Kong GATES, Robert Edward - Wyong Creek, NSW, Australia KING, Ross William - Hawthorn, VIC, Australia GEARY, Colin Patrick Maurice - Lower Hutt, New Zealand KINGS, Eric William - Somers, VIC, Australia GIBBS, Robert David - Auckland, New Zealand KINSELLA, Philip - Killara, NSW, Australia GIBSON, Horace James - Ipswich, QLD, Australia KIRKWOOD, John - Northbridge, NSW, Australia GILCHRIST, Donald Richard - Yorkeys Knob, QLD, Australia KLINE, Patrick Wilfred - Walsh Bay, NSW, Australia GILLIES, Richard Bruce - Kew, VIC, Australia KLINEBERG, Iven - Westmead, NSW, Australia GILLIES, Robert Ian - Balwyn North, VIC, Australia LAM, Timothy Yat-Wah - South Perth, WA, Australia GILLINGS, Barrie Roderick D’Arcy - Turramurra, NSW, Australia LAM, William Kui-Po - Wanchai, Hong Kong, Hong Kong GODFREY, John Lewis - Mornington, VIC, Australia LANGFORD, Anthony - Caulfield Junction, VIC, Australia GOLDSCHMIED, Felix - Kings Meadows, TAS, Australia LAWRENCE, Henry Ernest - Belconnen, ACT, Australia GOSS, Alastair Norman - Norwood, SA, Australia LAWRENTSCHUK, Leon - Black Rock, VIC, Australia GOTJAMANOS, Theo - City Beach, WA, Australia LECHNER, Sybille Katherine - Fairlight, NSW, Australia GOUNDAR, Satyanand Narainan - Herts, United Kingdom LESTER, Keith Simon - Gerringong, NSW, Australia GRAVE, Keith Cyril - Norwood South, SA, Australia L’ESTRANGE, Peter Robert - Brisbane, QLD, Australia GREEN, Roger Michael - Canterbury, Kent, United Kingdom LEUNG, Wing Ming - South Melbourne, VIC, Australia GREGG, Francis Alexander - Gladesville, NSW, Australia LILIENTHAL, Bernard - Phillip, ACT, Australia GREGORY, Dennis John - Cottesloe, WA, Australia LIMBRICK, Michael John - Auckland, New Zealand GREGORY, Garry Francis - North Lincolnshire, United Kingdom LIU, Frank Ting-Pang - Westleigh, NSW, Australia GREGORY, Peter John - Dalkeith, WA, Australia LUCAS, James Ormand - Glen Iris, VIC, Australia GRUBOR, Dragan - Fitzroy, VIC, Australia LUND, Patrick George - Cleveland, QLD, Australia GRUNDY, Geoffrey Esmond - Little Mountain, QLD, Australia MACCULLOCH, Reginald Douglas - Goulburn, NSW, Australia GRYST, Mark Edward Ingram - Gilberton, SA, Australia MACDONALD, Malcolm Ross - Leabrook, SA, Australia HAIG, Donald Andrew - Sandringham, VIC, Australia MACGIBBON, David John - Indooroopilly, QLD, Australia HALL, Graham - Hobart, TAS, Australia MACKIE, (Robert) Colin - Warilla, NSW, Australia HALL, Roger Kingsley - Hawthorn, VIC, Australia MANNING, Michael Francis - Rockhampton, QLD, Australia HALLETT, Kerrod Bruce - North Melbourne, VIC, Australia MARIN, Paul David - Adelaide, SA, Australia HARDHAM, Richard George - Red Hill, VIC, Australia MARK, Alan Ting Shu - Camberwell, VIC, Australia HARDMAN, Peter Gerard - Tewantin, QLD, Australia MARTIN, Anthony Peter - Mortdale, NSW, Australia HARDWICK, James Lyndon - St Ives, NSW, Australia MARTIN, Francis King - Paraparaumu, New Zealand HARRY, Michael Romilly - Rose Park, SA, Australia MAYNE, John Ross - Bolton Point, NSW, Australia HAWKINS, James Kell - Mosman, NSW, Australia MAYNE, Lewis Harper - Ipswich, QLD, Australia HAY, Richard Henderson - Mittagong, NSW, Australia MCCARTHY, John Joseph - Sydney, NSW, Australia HEILBERG, Anthony - Black Rock, VIC, Australia MCDONALD, David Francis - Busselton, WA, Australia HEITHERSAY, Geoffrey Sinclair - North Adelaide, SA, Australia MCDONALD, James Peter - Edinburgh, United Kingdom HELLSTROM, David Roger - Lindfield, NSW, Australia MCDONALD, Neville James - Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States HENRY, Patrick Joseph - Chittering, WA, Australia MCGEACHIE, John Kerridge - Nedlands, WA, Australia HERBERT, John Edward - East Victoria Park, WA, Australia MCHUGH, Anthony Thomas - Mcmahons Point, NSW, Australia HERRIOTT, Stephen Eric - Tweed Heads, NSW, Australia MCKERRACHER, Peter Willoughby - City Beach, WA, Australia HEWSON, Drew Robert - Newtown, VIC, Australia MCMAUGH, David Russell - Bunjurgen, QLD, Australia HIGHFIELD, Don Henry - Balwyn North, VIC, Australia MEIKLE, Murray - Cambridge, United Kingdom HIGHFIELD, John Ernest - Sydney, NSW, Australia MERRICK, Alistair McClelland - Welby, NSW, Australia HOLLIS, Michael John - Christchurch, New Zealand MESSER, Louise Brearley - Middlesex, United Kingdom HOWIE, John Stevenson - Auckland, New Zealand MEWING, John Robert Lovell - Paddington, QLD, Australia HOWLE, Peter Creswell - Tamworth, NSW, Australia MILES, Raymond Arthur - Main Beach, QLD, Australia HUME, Wyatt Roderic - Alameda, CT, United States MILLS, Arthur Anthony - Orange, NSW, Australia HURLEY, Daniel John - Drysdale, VIC, Australia MITCHELL, Brian Newton - Cronulla, NSW, Australia HYDE, Peter Frederick - Reedy Creek, QLD, Australia MOBBS, William Robert - Edgecliff, NSW, Australia INNES, Peter Bruce - Dunedin, New Zealand MOHAMED, Mohamed Yunus Bin - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia JACKMAN, Michael Patrick - Mitchelton, QLD, Australia MOLONEY, Francis - The Gap, QLD, Australia JACKSON, William James - Mosman, NSW, Australia MONK, Roger Donald - St Albans, CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand JARVIS, Ross Geoffrey - Royal Exchange, NSW, Australia MONSOUR, Francis - Windsor, QLD, Australia JEFFERIES, Richard William - Kelvin Heights, QUEENSTOWN, New MOR, Gordon James - Norman Park, QLD, Australia Zealand MORGAN, John Henry - Narrogin, WA, Australia JENKINS, William John - Toronto, ONT, Canada MORRIS, William Max - Auckland, New Zealand JOHNSON, Newell Walter - Griffith University, QLD, Australia MOUNT, Jeffrey Douglas - Prospect, TAS, Australia JOLLY, Brooke Hunter - New Plymouth, New Zealand MOUNTAIN, Keith John - Deakin, ACT, Australia JONES, Robert - St Peters, SA, Australia MULLINS, David John - Toowoomba, QLD, Australia JOYCE, Kevin Peter - Paddington, QLD, Australia JOYSTON-BECHAL, Sally - London, United Kingdom KAFALIAS, Michael Constantine - Cammeray, NSW, Australia KANAGARATNAM, Sathananthan - Auckland, New Zealand 44 Yearbook 2020 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

MURRAY, Christopher Graeme - Melbourne, VIC, Australia Life NELSON, Eugene Horatio - Melbourne, VIC, Australia NEUMANN, George - Bunbury, WA, Australia Fellows & Members NEWNHAM, Ian Arthur - Nedlands, WA, Australia NG, Kin-Wai Kevin - Causeway Bay, Hong Kong SNAPE, Leslie - Christchurch, New Zealand NICHOLS, Paul Vincent - Sydney, NSW, Australia SOKEL, Bruce Neville - Epsom, VIC, Australia NORMAN, John Edgar DeBurgh - Strathfield, NSW, Australia SOMERS, Nihill Henry - Naremburn, NSW, Australia NUGENT, Michael Anthony Caroi - Kensington Gardens, SA, Australia SOUTHWICK, John Havelock - Pymble, NSW, Australia OAKLEY, Gavan Ray - Yarra Glen, VIC, Australia SPECULAND, Bernard - Birmingham, United Kingdom O’BRIEN, Lloyd George - North Melbourne, VIC, Australia SQUIRE, Bruce Edward - Melbourne, VIC, Australia O’DONOGHUE, Donald James - Brookfield, QLD, Australia STACY, Geoffrey Colman - Killara, NSW, Australia O’GRADY, John Frederick - Allambee, VIC, Australia STALLWORTHY, Robert Arthur - Christchurch, New Zealand OMAR, Ridwaan - Safat, Kuwait STARR, Samuel Alexander - Caulfield, VIC, Australia PAGONIS, Leigh - Glen Iris, VIC, Australia STEIDLER, Chee Claire - Liebenfels, KARNTEN, Austria PARKER, David Alan Scott - Burnside, SA, Australia STEIDLER, Nandor Edward - Liebenfels, KARNTEN, Austria PARKER, Ines - Burnside, SA, Australia STEVENSON, Alastair Rowan Louis - North Sydney, NSW, Australia PAUL, Stanley Peter - Brookfield, QLD, Australia STEWART, Barry Leonard - Chirnside Park, VIC, Australia PEARSON, John Rupert - Harkaway, VIC, Australia STRAUCH, David - Armadale, VIC, Australia PEAT, John Humphrey - Auckland, New Zealand STRONG, Russell Walker - Tennyson, QLD, Australia PEEL, Edward James - Gordon, NSW, Australia SULLIVAN, Kerry Oral - Christchurch, New Zealand PEET, Bruce Edward - Mollymook Beach, NSW, Australia SURGEON, Geoffery Ralph - Wahrroonga, NSW, Australia POGSON, Kenneth Erle - Moss Vale, NSW, Australia SUTTON, Anthony John - Blacks Beach, QLD, Australia POWELL, Keith Robert - Newington, NSW, Australia TAYLOR, Bruce Emery - Hawthorn, VIC, Australia PULLEN, Geoffrey John - Kooyong, VIC, Australia TEO, Kho-Wei Alan - Hawthorn, VIC, Australia PURTON, David Graham - Dunedin, New Zealand THOMAS, Graham Arthur - Moruya, NSW, Australia QUINN, Neville William - East Melbourne, VIC, Australia TILLEY, Gregory Lawrence - Hawthorn East, VIC, Australia RABEY, Graham Peter - Cambridge, United Kingdom TURNER, Robert Bruce - Peppermint Grove, WA, Australia RANU, Sawindar Singh - Toowong, QLD, Australia VADIVELOO, Victor Kandiah - Ashwood, VIC, Australia RATCLIFFE, Peter Harry - Alexandria, NSW, Australia VALENTINE, Henry Blair - Lower Hutt, New Zealand RATTRAY, Susan Frances - Balwyn North, VIC, Australia VARTULI, Angelo Ralph - St Morris, SA, Australia RAY, Kenneth Richard - Berkshire, United Kingdom VERCO, Peter Joseph Willis - North Adelaide, SA, Australia REANEY, Philip John Richard - Taupo, New Zealand VINCENT, Peter Fitzgerald - Brisbane, QLD, Australia RENDELL, Colin Ray - Yeronga, QLD, Australia WADDELL-SMITH, Iain Kenneth - Springfield, SA, Australia ROBERTS, Graeme Lindsay - Blackburn, VIC, Australia WAGNER, Graeme George - Brookfield, QLD, Australia ROBERTSON, James Alastair McLean - West Footscray, VIC, Australia WAINWRIGHT, W Michael - Vancouver, BC, Canada ROBSON, James Stanley - Hawthorn, VIC, Australia WALKER, Andrew - Toronto, NSW, Australia RODDA, John Charles - Mosgiel, New Zealand WALKER, Elwyn Peter - Christchurch, New Zealand ROSEN, Ernest Martin - Waverley, NSW, Australia WALSH, Jeremiah Finbar (Barry) - Grindelwald, TAS, Australia ROSENBERG, Ian - Dianella, WA, Australia WALSH-BUCKLEY, James - Aspendale, VIC, Australia ROSS, Clive Bentley - Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand WALTERS, Ian Paterson - Sydney, NSW, Australia ROVEDA, Sidney Ivor Luigi - Townsville, QLD, Australia WAN, Kwok-Kuen William - Chicago, IL, United States RYAN, Edward Henry - Lane Cove North, NSW, Australia WARDLAW, David Alexander - Balwyn North, VIC, Australia SAHHAR, Stan Costandy - Malvern, VIC, Australia WATKINS, Keith - Kooyong, VIC, Australia SAMARANAYAKE, Lakshman Perera - , Hong Kong WATSON, Bruce Ian - Highgate, SA, Australia SAWYER, John - Wimbledon, LONDON, United Kingdom WEBSTER, David John - Turramurra, NSW, Australia SAYERS, Peter - Auckland, New Zealand WELLS, Neville Brian - Mona Vale, NSW, Australia SCARFF, Anthony William - Kooyong, VIC, Australia WHEATLEY, David James - Roseville, NSW, Australia SCHWARZ KOD, Eli - Portland, OR, United States WIDDOP, Fred Talbot - Sandringham, VIC, Australia SCOTT, Barry - Auckland, New Zealand WILLIAMS, John F H - Ballarat, VIC, Australia SCOTT, James Murray - Auckland, New Zealand WILLIAMSON, John Joseph - Figtree Pocket, QLD, Australia SEOW, Wan Kim - Jindalee, QLD, Australia WILLIAMSON, Raymond - Varsity Lakes, QLD, Australia SEYMOUR, Gregory John - Chapel Hill, QLD, Australia WILLIS, Lloyd Everette - Auckland, New Zealand SHEARER, Michael Watson - Kew, VIC, Australia WILSON, David John - Edgecliff, NSW, Australia SHRIMPTON, Blair Alan - Balnarring, VIC, Australia WILSON, Ian Brownlie - George Street Boxes, QLD, Australia SIBRAA, Paul Douglas - Liverpool, NSW, Australia WINSPEAR, William James - Sydney, NSW, Australia SMEDLEY, Paul - Auckland, New Zealand WOODHOUSE, Anthony Dillon - Balwyn North, VIC, Australia SMITH, Graydon Charles - Pymble, NSW, Australia WOOTTON, Raymond Olney - Heyfield, VIC, Australia SMITH, Neville Henry Hedges - Killara, NSW, Australia WRIGHT, Fredrick Allan Clive - Drummoyne, NSW, Australia SMITH, Roy Andrew - Deakin, ACT, Australia WYMOND, Geoffrey Michael - Sorrento, VIC, Australia SMYTH, James - Seaforth, NSW, Australia YEUNG, Peter Man-Fong - Melbourne, VIC, Australia SMYTH, Jennifer Mary - Figtree Pocket, QLD, Australia YEUNG, Stephen Chung Hon - Hornsby, NSW, Australia SMYTH, Jonathon MacLeod - Figtree Pocket, QLD, Australia YIP, Andrew Shing-Gaye - Vancouver, BC, Canada YIU, Eric See Yue - Tsim Sha Tsui, KOWLOON, Hong Kong YOUNG, Jeffrey Kym - Shoalwater, WA, Australia YUEN, Wai-Keung Terence - Toorak Gardens, SA, Australia ZETTL, John Frederick - Hawthorn East, VIC, Australia Yearbook 2020 45 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Fellows AUSTIN, Bruce William - Sydney AZIZI, Milad - Macquarie Links AUSTRALIA BAHL, Adit - Northbridge BANNON, Michael John Benedict - Miranda Australian Capital Territory BARNARD, Peter Deane - Lindfield BARRATT, Alexandra Brandusa - Killara BENIER, Melissa Joan - Bruce BAU, Dennis John - Cammeray CHAN, Wai-Sze - Florey BEATH, Paul - Merewether CHIAM, Sher-Lin - Hackett BENSON, Peter Ernest - Ingleburn COOPER, Michael Alan - Braddon BERTRAM, Anthony Robert - Menai DAHLSTROM, Stephen William - Garran BEVAN, Eric Mervyn - Dural DAWSON, Anthony Stewart - Deakin BHOLE, Sameer - West Pennant Hills DOWSETT, Michael D - Kingston BILSKI, Arthur Georg - Lismore DUONG, Ann - Yarralumla BILSKI, Wojciech Marek - Lismore EVANS, Richard Iorweth - Turner BLACK, Emma Victoria - Lane Cove FRICKER, John Peterie - Manuka BOLAND, Thomas William - Riverview GODFREY, Shannon - Chifley BOND, Emma Louise - Penrith GOSLING, Paul Thomas - Deakin BORLASE, Geoffrey - Sydney GREEN, Jesse Nicholas - Turner BRADLEY, Denis John - Oatley HAR, David John - Canberra BRANDSON, Steven John - Manly HONG, Sunny - Canberra BRENT, Suzanne Faye - Sydney HYAM, Dylan - Yarralumla BRYANT, Roland Warwick - Castle Hill HYDE, Michael Terrence - Canberra BUCHANAN, Gordon - Orange KRISHNAMOORTHY, Ragu - Monash BUCHANAN, Susan - Greenwich LAWRENCE, Henry Ernest - Belconnen BURKITT, Harold George - Arrawarra LENEHAN, Hugh James - Forrest CAMERON, Angus Crawford - Mona Vale LILIENTHAL, Bernard - Phillip CAMERON, Heather Margaret - Orange LISING, Stephen Kwongee - Braddon CANNON, Peter Douglas - Malabar MOUNTAIN, Keith John - Deakin CARTER, Eric Francis - Hunters Hill NATH, Neela - Crace CARTY, Glenn Victor Lucas - Sutton PACKIANATHAN, Manjara - Harrison CASTRISOS, Tim - Roseville PAPAS, Stephen Leslie - Deakin CHAN, Ambrose Kwok Leung - Strathfield PEAKE, Gregory George - Belconnen CHAN, Richard Wainin - Northbridge SETHI, Bikram - O’Malley CHAPMAN, John Henry - Bellingen SMITH, Roy Andrew - Deakin CHARLESWORTH, Gregory Clark - Waverton STACEY, Geoffrey Douglas - Chapman CHARLTON, Douglas Edward - Annangrove WARNAKULA, Alex Ruwan Kumar - Franklin CHEW, Kong Eng - Woollahra WITHERSPOON, Robert - Kingston CHI, Jonathan Yi-Shao - Castle Hill WONG, Peter David - Deakin West CHIU, Jenkin Jin-Chuen - Dee Why CHOU, Patty Peng-Chun - Chatswood New South Wales CHOW, Allan Wilfrid King Yee - East Killara CHOW, Yvonne Yuen-Fai - Milsons Point ABDIOGLU, Hannah Hanife - Rozelle CHRONIS, Nicholas James - Stanmore ABDUL JAMEE, Rasheedunisa Begum - Baulkham Hills CHURCHIN, John Anthony - Sydney ABOUELENEIN, Mahmoud - Raymond Terrace CLAYTON, Mary Therese - Neutral Bay ADAIR, Peter Harold - Turramurra COCEANCIG, Paul Lloyd Getty - Newcastle ADDISON, Michael John - Cronulla COLLINS, Ann Page - Westmead ADEY, Alfred - Berrilee COLLINS, Catherine Jane - Pennant Hills ADHIKARI, Ashim Nath - North Parramatta COMMANDEUR, Zoe - Warriewood AHMED, Kamal - Liverpool Westfield CONNELL, George Russell - Bowral AHMED, Lamis Mohamed Galal El Din - Castle Hill CONWAY, Richard - Balmain AHMED, Mahmoud Ahmed Mohamed Al Sai - Shellharbour COOLICAN, John Edward - Chatswood AHUJA, Rajiv - Baulkham Hills CORNWELL, Helen Louise - Broadmeadow ALCAINO, Eduardo Augusto - Sydney COULTER, Peta Beryl - Mosman ALEXANDER, Sherene - Oatlands COUTINHO, Ajay - Tenterfield AMAILUK, Paul Kiiza - Coffs Harbour COX, Stephen Clive - Epping AMDITIS, Constantine - Richmond CRAIG, Graham George - Balgowlah AMJADI, Mahyar - Cammeray CREEDY, Brian Edward - Collins Creek AN, Qian - Allawah CROCKER, Philip Cameron - Berry ANDREANI, Yasmina - Neutral Bay CUMMING, Richard - Breakfast Point ANDREWS, Nectarios - Petersham CURTIN, Justin - Sydney Olympic Park ANKER, Anthony Harris - Miranda CURTIN, Paul - Eastwood ANKER, John Harris - Wollongong CURTIS, Nigel - Gosford ANSARIMEHR, Amirhossein - Glenhaven ANTONIOU, Chrysostomos - Miranda AQUILINA, Peter Joseph - Rozelle AU, Anthony Raymond - Warrawee 46 Yearbook 2020 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

DA CRUZ, Clarence Robert - Orange Fellows DAGG, Keith Miles - Casino DALE, John William - Bellevue Hill HOGAN, Paul Francis John - Sydney DALY, Christopher George - Malabar HOLMES, Brenna Kate - Mayfield DAVIS, Scott Murray - Lake Cathie HONG, Jae-Man Zhuzhong - St Ives DAWES, William - Mount Kuring-Gai HOWE, Andrew Macdonald - Birchgrove DAWSON, Kenneth Henry - Lake Innes HOWLE, Peter Creswell - Tamworth DAYMOND, Stephen Cunynghame - Sydney HUANG, Lincoln Luen-Keung - Seaforth DEANE, Sheryn Ann - Turramurra HUANG, Weber - Rose Bay DEANE, Stuart - Turramurra HUQ, Shazia - Castle Hill DELILLO, Vasuki Mylvaganam - Cabarita HUTCHINSON, Leone June - Birchgrove DHANRAJANI, Parmanand - Strathfield IKRAM, Omar Hamid - Crows Nest DORNEY, Alan Brett - Pymble IRVING, Mark Allan - North Parramatta D’ROZARIO, Robin Henry John - West Wollongong JARVIS, Ross Geoffrey - Royal Exchange DUCKMANTON, Norton Archie - Epping JAY, Emma Elizabeth - Summer Hill DUCKMANTON, Peter Michael - Pennant Hills JONES, Alexandra Mary Reid - Orange DUNN, Adrian Arthur - Vaucluse KAFALIAS, Michael Constantine - Cammeray DUNN, David Brenton - Sydney KAH, Melissa - Sydney EDWARDS, Iain Greig - Woollahra KALAS, Michael - Beverley Park EGGERS, Rebecca - Bella Vista KALOS, Alex Peter - Bellevue Hill ELSEYOUFI, Mohamed Gamal El Din - Marsden Park KANG, Hyun Beth - Camperdown FATOURIS, Peter Nicholas - Waverley KARAN, Navneet Vishaal - Minto FEATHERSTONE, John Lawrence - Braidwood KARTIKO, Yudith - Woodcroft FELL, Robert Allan - Westmead KARVE, Avanti Parul - Strathfield South FITZSIMONS, Robert Claude - KATHIRGAMATHAMBY, Sri - Strathfield FOO, Eugene Mun Hoe - Chatswood KEATS, Matthew Pittman - Lane Cove FRYER, Shane - Wollongong KEI, Matthew Hiu Fai - Waverton GALLAGHER, Fiona Elizabeth - Brighton-Le-Sands KHAREL, Kamal - New Lambton GAN, Robert - Parramatta KIM, James Hyun - Wollongong GANTASALA, Mahesh Veera - Kellyville KIM, James - Wahroonga GATES, Robert Edward - Wyong Creek KIM, Margaret - Eastwood GEDDES, Christopher John - Helensburgh KIM, Seung Yeol Samuel - Blakehurst GEORGIOU, Anastasia Fotini - Glebe KING, Shalinie - Glebe GERZINA, Tania Maria - Killara KINGON, Angus Mackenzie - Wahroonga GHALY, Benjamin John - Merewether KINGSFORD SMITH, Elisabeth Dell - Mcmahons Point GIBLIN, John Patrick - Hornsby KINSELLA, Philip - Killara GILLINGS, Barrie Roderick D’Arcy - Turramurra KIPEL, Cigdem - Lane Cove North GOSWELL, Anthony Clyde - Sydney KIRKWOOD, John - Northbridge GREGG, Francis Alexander - Gladesville KLINE, Patrick Wilfred - Walsh Bay GUAZZATO, Massimiliano - Pyrmont KLINEBERG, Iven - Westmead GUIRGUIS, Sam Adel - Ultimo KOK, Susan Swee Cheng - Gordon GUPTA, Benjamin - Broadmeadow KTENAS, Paul - Coniston HADDAD, Sami - Castle Hill KUCKREJA, Doreena - Little Bay HAGLEY, Paul Christopher - Tamworth KWAN, Deborah Wai Ling - Chatswood HAPANGAMA, Narada - Wagga Wagga KWONG, Davina - Bellevue Hill HARDWICK, James Lyndon - St Ives KYAW, Emily Amarcho - Caddens HARDWICK, Nigel John - St Ives LAM, Jonathan - Longueville HARGREAVES, Warren Scott - Rozelle LAM, Patsandra Pui San - Maroubra HARTY, Warwick John - Surry Hills LAN, Jennifer - Turrella HASAN, Md Mokerrom - Revesby LAPARDIN, Pavel - Abu Dhabi HAWKINS, James Kell - Mosman LAU, Joyce Wing Suet - Killara HAY, Richard Henderson - Mittagong LAW, Amanda Wing-Har - Killara HEAP, Keith Leonard - Malabar LECHNER, Sybille Katherine - Fairlight HEARD, Fiona Margaret - Eastwood LEE, Alexander - Hornsby HEE, Winston - Baulkham Hills LEE, Amy - Beecroft HELLSTROM, David Roger - Lindfield LEE, Joseph Cho-Yan - Kingsdene HERRIOTT, Stephen Eric - Tweed Heads LEE, Kok Beng - Turramurra HESSION, Reginald William - Pymble LEE, Paulina - East Ryde HEWITT, George Henry - Pennant Hills LEE, Steven Moi Hing - Castle Hill HO, Cheung-Tak Gareth - Burwood LEINKRAM, David Zachary - Belleview Hill HO, Teresa Yuen-Ting - Marsfield LESTER, Keith Simon - Gerringong HOANG, Peter Duc - Bankstown LESTER, Kerry Joseph - Woollahra HOFFMAN, Gary Russell - Broadmeadow LEUNG, Alec Ching Lik - Hurstville LEUNG, Luke Ho Pan - Carlingford LEUNG, Yi Kwan Karena - Burwood Yearbook 2020 47 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Fellows PAGNI, Max - Castle Hill PALFREEMAN, Vera - Broadway LIEW, Vincent - Bondi Junction PEET, Bruce Edward - Mollymook Beach LIM, Lydia - Chatswood PEPPITT, Neil John Joseph - Sydney LITTLE, Fiona Patricia Margaret - Petersham PETHANI, Farhana - Lake Munmorah LIU, Frank Ting-Pang - Westleigh PHAM, Jenny Kieu Loan - Marrickville LIU, Rex - Dundas PHANG, Justin Ming-Wai - Cherrybrook LOCKWOOD, John - Hornsby POGSON, Kenneth Erle - Moss Vale LOGANATHAN, Naveen Kumar Vellore - Wentworthville POLYCARPOU, Nonie Caroline - North Parramatta LVOFF, Gregory Owen - Paddington POURSOLTAN, Payam - Castle Hill LYTTLE, Malcolm Newton Bridges - Penrith Bc POWELL, Keith Robert - Newington MA, Matthew Paul - Kotara PRABHU, Anand Padmanabh - Hamilton MA, Serina Yok Ling - Sydney PRABHU, Neeta Taranath - Oatlands MACCULLOCH, Reginald Douglas - Goulburn PRINEAS, Catherine - Caringbah MACKIE, (Robert) Colin - Warilla RAMINENI, Hari Krishna - Mays Hill MADDEN, Tristan Paul - Sydney RAO, Anupam Canchi Arun - Normanhurst MADUKURI, Suman Prakash - Wentworthville RAPHAEL, Sarah Louise - Balgowlah Heights MALEK, Sameh - Turramurra RATCLIFFE, Peter Harry - Alexandria MALHI, Simrit - Pymble RATHSAM, Leander - Lane Cove MALIK, Zanab Ahmad - Castle Cove REED, Barry Edwin - Charlestown MALOOF, Frances Rita - West Pennant Hills RIX, Leesa - Chatswood MANSOUR, Peter - Cammeray ROBERTS, Kevin Joseph - Bankstown MARTIN, Anthony Peter - Mortdale RODRICKS, Rohan - Westmead MARTIN, Fjelda Elizabeth - Oatlands ROSEN, Ernest Martin - Waverley MASCARENHAS, Raoul Julio - Kooringal ROSSITER, Cheng-Yee - Beecroft MASHEN, Zhen Yu - Kirrawee RUSS, Bradley John - Drummoyne MAYNE, John Ross - Bolton Point RYAN, Edward Henry - Lane Cove North MCCARTHY, John Joseph - Sydney RYAN, Tegan Cynthia - Chatswood MCEWEN, Alexander Bruce - North Sydney SALAMEH, Peter - Panania MCGOLDRICK, Peter Francis - Forest Reefs SARKIS, Leba Michael - Northbridge MCHUGH, Anthony Thomas - Mcmahons Point SCHIFTER, Mark - Pennant Hills MCNAUGHT, Andrew James - Blacktown SCOTT, Juliette Maree - Crows Nest MEHANNA, Patrick - Newcastle East SEE, Andrew - Hunters Hill MEKERTICHIAN, Kareen - Chatswood SELVARAJ, Anthony Patrick Prabhaker - Lake Haven MERRICK, Alistair McClelland - Welby SHAH, Deegesh Anilbhai - New Lambton Heights MERSINIA, Dimitra - Neutral Bay SHAHIDI, Saleh - Turramurra MILLS, Arthur Anthony - Orange SHARMA, Vikas - East Gosford MITCHELL, Brian Newton - Cronulla SHEORAYAN, Ajay - Hornsby MITCHELL, Robert Donald - Kogarah SHERRING, David - Miranda MOBBS, William Robert - Edgecliff SIBRAA, Paul Douglas - Liverpool MOHAN, Arun - North Bondi SIM, May Kuen - North Strathfield MOREL, Geoffrey James - Roseville SINCLAIR (NEE SOKOLOVSKA), Sonja - Woonona MORGAN, Gary John - Chiswick SINGH, Jasvir - Kensington MORRIS, Craig Robert - Neutral Bay SKAROS, Heba - Concord MURPHY, Anthony Michael - Maroubra SMITH, Graydon Charles - Pymble MURRAY, Gregory Michael - Killara SMITH, Neville Henry Hedges - Killara NAIM, Anthony Paul - Baulkham Hills SMYTH, James - Seaforth NALBANDIAN, Sarkis - Cremorne SOLIMAN, Ghada - Parramatta NG, Lai Poh - Maroubra Junction SOMERS, Nihill Henry - Naremburn NG, Terry Man-Fai - Baulkham Hills SONG, Jin-Seon - Milsons Point NGU, Katherine Phuong My - Castle Hill SOULOS, Evan - Kirribilli NGUYEN, Chinh Xuan - Cabarita SOUTHWICK, John Havelock - Pymble NGUYEN, Khai Quang - Burwood SPENCER, Mark Norman - Sapphire Beach NICHOLS, Paul Vincent - Sydney STACY, Geoffrey Colman - Killara NIKOLOVSKI, Jana - Figtree STANTON, Norman Andrew - Homebush NIP, Catherine Ga Ying - Chatswood STEELE, Brett Peter - Chippendale NORMAN, John Edgar DeBurgh - Strathfield STENHOUSE, Mark - Merewether Heights O’DONNELL, Grant William - Baulkham Hills STEPHEN, Soni - West Pennant Hills OLIVER, Anthony John - Coledale STEVENSON, Alastair Rowan Louis - North Sydney OLIVIER, Jodie Louise - Kellyville STIMPSON, Melita Mary - Rozelle OMAR, Haitham - Bankstown SUKUMAR, Smitha - St Peters OMAR, Mohamed Abd Elmoniem Elsayed - Fletcher SUKUMAR, Suma - Camperdown O’NEILL, Jessica Elizabeth - Longueville SURGEON, Geoffery Ralph - Wahrroonga O’SULLIVAN, Mark - Charlestown OTENG-BOATENG, Benjamin Kofi Amoako - Harrington Park 48 Yearbook 2020 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

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