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RACDS Yearbook 2019

Published by RACDS, 2020-06-17 23:05:57

Description: RACDS Yearbook 2019


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RACDS 2019 Yearbook

CONTENTS 1 The College 2 Registrars and Staff 3 Council 4 President’s Report 6 CEO’s Report 8 Education Results 9 College Pathways 12 Committees 17 Reports 24 Regional Reports 30 Examiners 31 Orientation Course Scholarship 32 Honours & Awards 35 College Remembers 36 Foundation Donors 37 Successful Candidates 38 Admissions to Fellowship 39 Life Fellows & Members 42 Fellows 56 Members 65 Council Meeting Attendance 66 Financial Performance Address P +61 2 9262 6044 Level 13, 37 York Street, F +61 2 9262 1974 Sydney, New South Wales, 2000 E [email protected] Australia W

The College MISSION STATEMENT OUR PHILOSOPHY “To promote excellence in the provision of dental education, At its heart, the business of the Royal Australasian College of continuing professional development and a range of Dental Surgeons is education and examination. internationally recognised educational qualifications in all aspects of dentistry.” Through every stage of the College’s development there has been an ethos of gaining and sharing knowledge with the The Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons is a goal of achieving the highest standards of clinical practice. postgraduate education and examining body established primarily to improve the knowledge and skills of dental The Membership program is founded on this ethos to help practitioners. practitioners develop and improve general practice skills. The program is steadily gaining recognition in the wider The College Constitution sets out the overriding objectives dental community, which confirms that the desire within the under which the College was established to: profession to learn and teach has never been stronger than a) advance the science and art of dentistry it is today. b) encourage study and research in the field of dental science and cognate subjects. To support the busy practitioner, the Membership program is unique in its flexible approach to education and assessment. The College’s mission is further described in the Membership Through a variety of learning methods which can be Handbook: completed by distance and in the candidate’s own time, there is the ability to structure studies around busy life and work “To promote the study of the science and art of dentistry; commitments. to bring together dentists for scientific discussions and clinical demonstrations; and to disseminate knowledge of Self-directed learning, with the assistance of supportive the principles and practice of dentistry for the benefit of the mentors and high quality continuing professional community by such means as may be thought fit.” development means practitioners have access to a program that is not only clinically relevant but eminently achievable. ABOUT THE COLLEGE Situated in the centre of Sydney’s CBD, the College office receives applications from over 300 candidates each year for its various educational programs and has a global member base of over 3000. College staff are committed to providing individual and professional customer service. The College takes pride in its ability to deliver high quality programs and services that specifically meet the needs of the profession and equip candidates and trainees with the skills and knowledge required to meet the challenges of working as a dentist in modern society. The College also proudly hosts seven Regional Committees that are dedicated to meeting the needs of the Fellows, Members, candidates and trainees within their region. Yearbook 2019 1 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Registrars Dr Heather Cameron Dr Catherine Prineas Clin A/Prof Neil Peppitt Dr Julia Dando FRACDS(GDP) MRACDS(GDP) Specialist Dental Practice Oral and Maxillofacial Dr Nasar Albarbari A/Prof Werner Bischof AM Surgery Assistant to Registrar Assistant Registrar SDP MRACDS(GDP) RACDS Staff 2019 Brendan Peek Chief Executive Officer Roya Alimoradian Education Officer – FRACDS(OMS) Karen Luxford* Chief Executive Officer Philippa Ryan* Education Officer – FRACDS(OMS) Haldor Aamot Director of Education Ellen Dunphy Education Officer – MRACDS(GDP) Michael Feliciano Director of Corporate Services Aisling Murphy* Education Administration Officer Caitlin Connolly Director of Marketing and Prianka Naidoo* Education Administration Officer Communications Shreenu Jas* Examinations Officer Maryann Walsh Executive Assistant Tracy Wei Assistant Financial Accountant Chris Little Senior Project Officer Lian Yu Membership Services Officer Rachel Introna* Senior Project Officer Maree Till* Accounts and Membership Officer Reena Masrani Senior Education Officer – OMS Chris Ang ICT Support Officer Dorothy Rao* Senior Education Officer – OMS Mosang Shi Senior Marketing and Anastasia Domostroeva Senior Education Officer – GDP Communications Coordinator Charlotte Anneveld* Senior Education Officer – GDP Sofie Cunningham* Receptionist/Office Assistant Claire King* Senior Education Officer – GDP Phoebe Pham Receptionist/Office Assistant Staff with * have left the College during the 2019 calendar year.

RACDS Council 2018-2020 Dr Paul Sambrook Prof Ian Meyers OAM Dr Warren Shnider Dr Albert Lee President President Elect Censor-in-Chief Honorary Treasurer Dr Erin Mahoney A/Prof Peter Duckmanton Dr Peter Gregory Prof Elizabeth Martin AO Executive Officer Councillor Councillor Councillor Dr Hugh Trengrove MNZM Prof Laurence Walsh AO Dr Susan Wise Winthrop Prof Marc Tennant Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Dr Patrick Russo Immediate Past President (2018-2019) Yearbook 2019 3 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE DR PAUL SAMBROOK I am pleased to bring you the Report for 2019, a year that will the introduction of membership benefits such as the Clinical key be marked by the initiation of significant College governance online library, Guest Lecture Series, to name a few. changes that reflect modern Board practice. These changes will position the College well for the future and increase the voice of The Regional Committees are the local face of the College. the membership. Following elections in 2019, I am pleased to see a healthy turnover in committee membership with several new members At the November AGM, the College membership overwhelmingly being elected in each region and many members continuing to voted to change the Constitution from a Council of 12 members provide their service for another term. Thank you for the support to a smaller, more dynamic structure of only 10 directors, 8 and network you create for your local members. elected and 2 appointed. The implementation of this modern, new structure will evolve during 2020. Thank you to the Past- In order to consult widely with the membership about the President, and Chair of the Constitution Change Committee, governance changes, I was fortunate to visit many regional Dr Patrick Russo, and members of the Committee, Drs Chris Scientific Days, lunches and dinners. I thank the many College Callahan and Peter Gregory for the leadership of this vital and members and candidates for their commitment to the College, strategic change to the College. and their warm hospitality. Following elections of the College Board in November 2018, I was Conferences hosted by the Australian Dental Associate (ADA) pleased to welcome new Directors, Drs Susan Wise, Erin Mahoney Congress in Adelaide, and the New Zealand Dental Association (as NZ representative), Prof Elizabeth Martin AO, Winthrop Prof (NZDA) in Auckland provided opportunities to host a luncheon Marc Tennant and Prof Laurence Walsh AO. to connect with Fellows and Members. Thank you to the past-councillors Dr Chris Callahan and Denise In October, a one-day workshop was convened in Sydney with Lawry for their tireless work over the last two years. representatives from all Regional Committees attending. It was a unique opportunity to discuss the governance structure of the In late July 2019, I was pleased to welcome Mr Brendan Peek College, particularly the proposed introduction of an Advisory as Chief Executive Officer following the resignation of Dr Karen Council to support the new Board. While each region identified Luxford. Brendan’s expertise in leading professional membership- specific local issues, there were many common themes which based health care organisations has equipped him well to were discussed on how the College can better support Fellows, seamlessly progress projects such as the Asia Pacific Review and Members and candidates. the Education Review. We look forward to a period of growth and considered change to reflect membership expectations and to Throughout 2019, working parties to progress key College keep relevant to the evolving demographic that make up our strategies were formed. community under his leadership. Discussion topics included how educational products are Thanks are extended to Dr Karen Luxford, CEO until July 2019 delivered and perceived in various regions and demographics, who was instrumental in the formation of strategic reviews, and membership categories, CPD offerings and more. 4 Yearbook 2019 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Premsiedsesnagt'es Dr Paul Sambrook, Prof Ian Meyers, Dr Lena Zhu (Mentor) and Dr Catherine Prineas, Registrar, (MRACDS(GDP) at the MRACDS(GDP) Orientation Day in February 2019. Dr Paul Sambrook congratulates Dr Patrick Russo on his last day as Past-President of Council at the AGM (15 November 2019). To support the Asia Pacific strategy in strengthening relationships There were 47 candidates sitting the Final Examinations in with members across the Asia region, I attended the 10th January 2019, including 15 candidates from Malaysia. Anniversary celebrations of the College of Dental Surgeons Singapore. Dr Albert Lee, the current Councillor for the Asia The College is indebted to the hard work of countless people at Region and other key people also attended. all levels of the organisation. We could not run the examinations or maintain the standards of our programs without Registrars, Enrolments for the College’s education programs continue to be Assistant Registrars, Candidate Advisors Examiners, Mentors and strong. There were 27 new MRACDS candidates for the start of Boards of Studies members. the 2019 program and 16 new FRACDS(OMS) candidates. On behalf of the wider membership, I express gratitude for the The Primary Examinations continue to attract a steady cohort of hard work of countless people at all levels of the organisation. candidates. In 2019, there were 119 candidates from five different We could not run the examinations or maintain the standards of countries. The written examinations were held in 4 Australian our programs without Registrars, Assistant Registrars, Candidate capital cities, plus in Hong Kong SAR, Malaysia and Singapore. Advisors, Examiners, Mentors and Boards of Studies members. Thank you also to the CEO and the leadership of all College staff. The viva voce component was held in Sydney, and in two venues in Malaysia, USM in Kota Bharu as usual, and Universiti Sains Yearbook 2019 5 Malaysia (USM), Kuala Lumpur to accommodate the candidates from Hong Kong. Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

CEO'S MESSAGE MR BRENDAN PEEK As CEO of the College for the latter part of 2019, I have had the provides access to online journals including the latest opportunity to meet many Fellows, Members, candidates and evidence-based research helping our College community trainees and appreciate the support and welcome that I received to stay up to date from all. Special thanks go to President, Dr Paul Sambrook and • Free Guest Lecturer Series – our last presentation was held the Board for welcoming me to the College and for their support. in Melbourne in April featuring Dr Dorothy Boyd from the University of Otago. The recording of the lecture is available My first couple of weeks at the College was perfect timing to to all our membership through video recordings on our attend several Regional Committee Scientific Meetings and website LMS. social events including the WA, Vic/Tas and NSW/ACT events. I • No increase in annual fees for the 2019/2020 financial year. was able to see first-hand the great work undertaken by the many dedicated members of the Regional Committees who deliver The College’s online presence has seen substantial growth outstanding CPD and social opportunities to both members and throughout 2019, with some very impressive statistics in terms non-members in their regions. of website visits and social media engagement. These channels will be increasingly important into the future and in recognition, Thanks are extended to Dr Karen Luxford, former CEO of the the College commenced development of a new website, to be College who had introduced a number of member benefits and launched in 2020. College initiatives. Extending from an earlier membership survey indicating strong support for reviewing the College’s education A year after the introduction of the Primary Exam Orientation offerings and the College’s place in the Asia Pacific region, Course Scholarship, it was renamed to the Dr Elizabeth (Betty) comprehensive reviews were initiated. Fanning Orientation Course Scholarship. This was in recognition of the pioneering work of Dr Fanning, an inaugural College The Education Review Working Party consulted widely on the Fellow, in bringing fluoridation of drinking water to Australia. education offerings of the College, the findings will be carefully The number of applications for the scholarship increased from reviewed and implemented appropriately. Parallel to this review, 30 in 2018 to 46 in 2019. Thanks are extended to Winthrop Prof the Asia Pacific Working Party also conducted meetings with Marc Tennant and Dr Warren Shnider who were the convenors. key stakeholders in the region. The findings provide a wealth of The 2019 winners were Dr Lani Guy, a 5th year University of knowledge which will be referred to for future decision-making. Queensland student, and Dr Clifford Lee, a recent graduate from the University of Otago. Work was well underway when I commenced at the College for the proposed governance changes to the Constitution. The The new Preparation for Fellowship Success workshop amendments passed at the 2019 AGM to appoint a smaller, skill- (formerly known as the Final Exam Workshop) was facilitated based Board with the expertise and agility to respond to whole by A/Prof Lara Friedlander welcomed a total of 46 candidates, College community. This smaller Board will come into effect at including 16 from overseas. the 2020 AGM. An Advisory Council made up of representation from 21 members from all demographics of the College The Primary Examination Orientation Course was well attended community will support the Board. with over 100 enrolments from across Australasia. The course was held in the Sydney CBD for the first time after many years Member benefits have continued in 2019 including – of being held at Westmead Hospital. The Primary Examinations were held in venues across Australia and Asia for almost 120 • ClinicalKey – with almost 500 registered users, ClinicalKey 6 Yearbook 2019 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

mCesEsaOg'es candidates. The examiners were impressed with the calibre of Prof Ian Meyers OAM (President-Elect), Dr Patrick Russo the candidates, resulting in a pass rate of 87.4%. (on completion of Past-President term), Dr Paul Sambrook (President) and Brendan Peek (CEO), at the 2019 AGM. The MRACDS(GDP) Program viva voce Examinations were held in April, July and November 2019 where 10 candidates in total Yearbook 2019 7 were successful and subsequently admitted to Membership. Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons In Specialist Dental Practice, mid-year conjoint examinations were held with the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in Orthodontics and the University of Western Australia in Oral Medicine and Paediatric Dentistry. Twenty-five membership candidates completed their Doctor of Clinical Dentistry programs at the end of 2019, including candidates for Oral Medicine, Endodontics, Periodontics, Prosthodontics and Orthodontics. An additional two candidates sat the MOrth(RCSEd)/MRACDS(Orth) exam in Adelaide in November. Finally, special thanks to the wonderful work of the staff of the College and the many College Fellows, Members, examiners, lecturers and committee members for their commitment and hard work in ensuring the ongoing success of the College in 2019.

Education Results 2019 Education and Examinations Membership(SDP) by Examination Outcomes The following table summarises the activity of the examination The College’s core business is education and for Membership in Specialist Dental Practice disciplines from examination. The following statistics represent 2017–2019. These include conjoint examinations with the Universities, The Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh and the the education and examination activity and College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong. outcomes in the twelve months since the 2018 Annual Meeting of Council with comparison to SDP Discipline Candidates Pass rate the two previous years. The Council is grateful to presenting all Fellows, Members and academics who assist 2019 2018 2017 2019 2018 2017 in the provision of education and undertake examinations on behalf of the College. Endo – College – – 1 – – 100% Endo – Conjoint 3 – 3 100% – 100% Oral Med – 1 – – 0% – – College Oral Med – 2 1 2 100% 100% 100% Conjoint Orth – Conjoint 11 6 4 100% 100% 100% 2019 Membership in General Dental Practice Orth – RCS Edin 9 11 12 100% 91% 100% – MRACDS (GDP) Conjoint Paed – College 1 – 1 100% – 0% • 43 currently enrolled candidates Paed – Conjoint 2 3 11 100% 100% 100% • 27 candidates enrolled to begin 2019 • 206 graduates of the Program since 2007 Perio – Conjoint 3 5 3 66% 100% 100% - 70 of these graduates from Hong Kong achieving MRACDS through the conjoint Pros – Conjoint 6 6 5 100% 67% 100% exam with CDSHK. SND – College – 2 1 – 100% 100% SND – Conjoint – – 1 – – 100% 2019 Orientation Course and Primary Exam DMFR – Conjoint – 2 – – 100% – Year Orientation Candidates Candidates Pass rate Course registered presenting 87.4% Fellowship FRACDS(SDP) by Examination Attendees to sit 83% The following table summarises the activity of the examination 2019 109 119 104 for Fellowship in the Specialist Dental Practice disciplines from 2017 – 2019. 2018 100 140 132 2019 Fellowship (GDP) Final Exam SDP Discipline Candidates Pass rate presenting Preparation for Candidates Overall Pass Endo Year Felloship Success presenting Rate Orth 2019 2018 2017 2019 2018 2017 Perio Attendees 55% Paed ––– – – – 54% DPH 2019 34 47 ––– – – – 2018 63 69 – – 1 – – 0% Fellowship Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery – FRACDS(OMS) – – 2 – – 100% Specialist 1 – – 100% – – Practice of Candidates Pass Rate OMS presenting Fellowship and Membership Status – 31 December 2019 2019 2018 2017 2019 2018 2017 This table summarises the size and composition of the College Surgical 26 17 13 73% 55% 46% membership as at 31 December 2019 compared with the data on Sciences (19) (10) (6) 31 December 2018. & Training Exam GDP SDP OMS Total Final Exam 14 9 15 78.6% 66% 80% FRACDS 1,224 (1,236) 184 (181) 254 (252) 1,662 (1,669) (11) (6) (12) MRACDS 199 (195) 530 (509) n/a 729 (704) Total 1,423 (1,431) 714 (690) 254 (252) 2,391 (2,373) 8 Yearbook 2019 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

The following diagrams outline the various CPoatlhlewgayes pathways to Fellowship and Membership of the College. These are reproduced in Membership and Fellowship in each of the Handbooks for Education and General Dental Practice Examination with the College. Subscribe to RACDS PATHWAY 1 PATHWAY 2 Apply for Exemption Enrol for the Enrol for the from Primary Primary MRACDS(GDP) Program Examination Examination Orientation Day (optional) Exemption Orientation Course Granted (optional) Primary - 6 Subjects MRACDS(GDP) - 2 Year Program • Anatomy • Cell Biology & (120 hours CPD) Biochemistry 6 Core Modules • Histology • Infection Control • Microbiology • Diagnosis and Treatment Planning • Pathology • Law, Ethics & Risk Management/Practice • Physiology Management  6 x Written • Therapeutics in Dentistry, Pain & Pain Examinations (1/ subject) Management • Medical Emergencies  6 x viva voce • Examination Technique & Dental Imaging Examinations (1/ subject) 1 x Short Answer Question Assessment per module Electives (3 of 6) • Endodontics • Periodontics • Restorative Dentistry • Paediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics • Special Needs Dentistry & Oral Medicine/Oral Surgery • Dentoalveolar Surgery 1 x Case Report per elective Membership in General Dental Practice MRACDS(GDP) Enrol for the Final Examination Preparation for Fellowship Success Workshop (optional) Final - 2 Parts General Elective  Written  Written Examination  Case Review Examination  viva voce  viva voce Fellowship in General Dental Practice 1 FRACDS(GDP) Yearbook 2019 9 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

PCatohwllaeygs e Membership and Fellowship in Specialist Dental Practice Completion of Primary Dental Qualification (e.g. BDS/BDSc/BDent) Subscribe to the RACDS MOU PATHWAY COLLEGE EXAM PATHWAY Registered in a Masters/ Completion of an approved DClinDent Program with a Masters/DClinDent Program University currently holding a Memorandum of Understanding Assessment of Eligibility to present for Membership with the RACDS Examination Enrolment in conjoint Enrolment in Membership examination examination and approval of Completion of University exit case reports exam conjointly with the College Membership Examination Successful completion of all Masters/DClinDent program requirements Membership in Specialist Dental Practice MRACDS(SDP) MOU Pathway 5 years minimum specialist experience The College also has a MOU with the Royal College of Assessment of Eligibility to present for Surgeons of Edinburgh Fellowship Examination (RCSEd) in Orthodontics and the College of Dental Surgeons Enrolment in Fellowship Examination and of Hong Kong (CDSHK) in completion of Fellowship Examination Dental Public Health. Fellowship in Specialist Dental Practice 10 Yearbook 2019 FRACDS(SDP) Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

COLLEGE PATHWAYS CPoatlhlewgayes Fellowship in Pathway to Fellowship in Oral and MaxOillroaflaacinadl SMuragexrilylofacial Surgery Medical Degree Dental Degree Surgery in General Year Option 1 Option 2 SST Examination Selection into the OMS Training Program Selection into the OMS OMS 1 Training Program OMS 1 SST Examination OMS 2 – OMS 4 Final Examination Research FRACDS(OMS) Yearbook 2019 11 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Committees REGIONAL COMMITTEES (2017 – 2019) Asia Dr Simon Franks Candidate Advisor Dr Sigid Fu Candidate Advisor Dr Shiu-yin (Rony) Cho Chair Dr George Chu Member Dr Anura Ariyarwardana Member Dr Tsz-leung (Jason) Wong Secretary Dr Kiran Kumar Member Dr Chun-kei Lee Treasurer Dr Siu-fai Leung Candidate Advisor (Final) Dr Jerome Yu Candidate Advisor (Primary) Clin A/Prof Edmond Pow Member South Australia & Northern Territory Dr Francis Chau Member Dr Dale Gerke Chair Dr Greg Miller Vice-Chairman New South Wales & Australian Capital Territory Dr Gwendolyn Huang Secretary Dr Peter Mansour Chair Dr Alan Mann Treasurer, Candidate Advisor Dr Emma Black Secretary Dr Sushil Kaur Member Dr Stephen Pak Treasurer Dr Danny Ho Member Dr Dimitra Mersinia Candidate Advisor (Primary) A/Prof Stephen Yeung Candidate Advisor (Final) Victoria & Tasmania Dr Claudia Yung Dr Soni Stephen Member Dr Sophia Jing Chair Dr Ricky Kumar Secretary Dr Geoffrey Young Member Dr Sarah Chin Treasurer Dr Michael Yoon Candidate Advisor New Zealand Chair Dr Errol Kilov Member A/Prof Lara Friedlander Secretary Dr Mathew Lim Member Dr Laura Ichim Treasurer Dr Nigel Souter Member Dr Karl Lyons Candidate Advisor Member Dr Sarah Ting Member Dr Tom Butchard Member Western Australia Chair Dr Sergio Salis Member Dr Siva Vasudavan Secretary Dr David Coburn Dr John Watson Treasurer Dr Dina Papas Candidate Advisor (Final) Queensland Chair Dr Janina Christoforou Candidate Advisor Dr Dwight Elvery Secretary Dr Ahmed Saleh Member Dr Unni Pillai Treasurer Dr Raymond Lam Member Dr Keith Bond Dr Amanda Phoon 12 Yearbook 2019 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Committees BOARDS OF STUDIES (2017 – 2019) Board of Studies in Oral Medicine Board of Studies for MRACDS(GDP) Clin A/Prof Neil Peppitt Registrar (SDP) Dr Adam Keyes-Tilley Chair Dr Paul Sambrook President Dr Warren Shnider President’s Nominee and Dr Anastasia Georgiou RACDS Censor-in-Chief Dr Agnieszka Frydrych RACDS Dr Catherine Prineas Registrar MRACDS(GDP) Dr Ajith Polonowita Society (ASO) Adj A/Prof John Dale AO Member Dr Jonathan Tversky Academy (NZAO) Prof Michael Burrow Member Board of Studies in Orthodontics Dr Errol Kilov Member Clin A/Prof Neil Peppitt Registrar (SDP) Dr Greg Miller Member Dr Paul Sambrook President Examinations Committee MRACDS(GDP) Dr Shane Fryer RACDS Prof Michael Burrow Chair Dr Stephen Langford RACDS Dr Catherine Prineas Registrar MRACDS (GDP) Dr Andrew Lush Academy Prof David Manton Member A/Prof John (Mike) Razza Academy Dr Michael Wyatt Member Board of Studies in Paediatric Dentistry Dr Shalinie King Member Clin A/Prof Neil Peppitt Registrar (SDP) Board of Studies for FRACDS(GDP) Dr Erin Mahoney President’s Nominee A/Prof Lara Friedlander Chair Prof Bernadette Drummond RACDS Dr Hugh Trengrove President’s Nominee Dr John Winters RACDS Dr Heather Cameron Registrar FRACDS(GDP) Prof David Manton Academy Dr Warren Shnider Censor-in-Chief Dr Vanessa William Academy Prof Michael Burrow Member Board of Studies in Periodontics Dr Michael Wyatt Member Clin A/Prof Neil Peppitt Registrar (SDP) Winthrop Prof Marc Tennant Member Dr Susan Wise President’s Nominee Dr Dimitra Mersinia Member A/Prof Albert Tan RACDS Nominee Board of Studies in Dental Public Health A/Prof Christopher Daly RACDS Nominee Clin A/Prof Neil Peppitt Registrar (SDP) Dr Rachel Garraway Academy/ Society Nominee Winthrop Prof Marc Tennant President’s Nominee Dr Robert Fell Academy/ Society Nominee Dr Robin Whyman RACDS Board of Studies in Prosthodontics A/Prof Chun Hung Chu RACDS Clin A/Prof Neil Peppitt Registrar (SDP) Dr Peter Arrow Academy Prof Ian Meyers OAM President’s nominee Dr John Rogers Academy Dr David Sykes OAM RACDS Board of Studies in Endodontics Dr Suzanne Hanlin RACDS Clin A/Prof Neil Peppitt Registrar (SDP) Dr Simon Wylie Academy A/Prof Peter Duckmanton President’s Nominee Dr Paul Hogan Academy Dr Alan Nerwich RACDS Nominee Board of Studies for Special Needs Dentistry Dr Alex John Moule RACDS Nominee Clin A/Prof Neil Peppitt Registrar (SDP) Dr Christine Yu Academy Prof Laurie Walsh AO President’s Nominee Dr Erika Vinczer Academy Dr Sharon Liberali RACDS A/Prof Gelsomina Borromeo RACDS Dr Juliet Gray Academy Dr Avanti Karve Academy Yearbook 2019 13 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Committees Education Policy Board (EPB) Constitution Change Committee (CCC) The Constitution Change Committee was established to provide Education governance and policy is provided through the Education advice and recommendations to Council on future College Policy Board. Responsibilities of the Board include the following: governance. • to maintain quality assurance of all educational and examination The Committee prepared the draft Constitution changes for a activities governance model which was voted on by the membership at the 2019 AGM. • to monitor, evaluate and advise on outcomes of educational and examination activities The key changes include: • 10 Directors: 8 Elected by membership and 2 appointed by the • to develop educational standards and policy which guide the delivery and examination of Membership and Fellowship Board programs • Formation of an Advisory Council to reflect wider membership • to provide oversight of the overall assessment and examination diversity (including Regional Committee Chairs, Boards of approach Studies Chairs, Trainee representative, recent Members/ Fellows, Life and Indigenous members) to provide advice to • to maintain best practice in education standards the Board. • No Council Executive – only more frequent full Board meetings • to advise the Board on partnership arrangements and • No quarantined positions for New Zealand & Asia both Boards. Memoranda of Understanding with other education providers, associations, and societies. Membership of the EPB Chair Membership of the CCC Immediate Past President (Chair) Dr Hugh Trengrove President-Elect Dr Patrick Russo President Prof Ian Meyers (OAM) Censor-in-Chief Paul Sambrook Board member Dr Warren Shnider Internal Subject matter expert Dr Peter Gregory Fellow Prof Karl Lyons Internal Subject matter expert Chris Callahan Dr Chris Callahan Registrar representative Clin A/Prof Neil Peppitt External Subject matter expert Dr Robert Broadbent External Subject matter expert Mr Olly Jones Candidate Advisors Committee (CAC) In October 2019, a Candidate Advisors Committee was established as a mechanism for communication, collaboration and support between Candidate Advisors located in different regions and the Board of Studies FRACDS(GDP) and Board of Studies MRACDS(GDP). The CAC is accountable to both Boards. Membership of the CAC Dr Dimitra Mersinia Chair Dr Catherine Prineas Registrar MRACDS(GDP) Dr Heather Cameron Registrar FRACDS(GDP) Dr Alexandra Barratt NSW & ACT Candidate Advisor Dr Sarah Chin VIC & TAS Candidate Advisor Drs Alan Mann and Sushil Kaur SA & NT Candidate Advisors Drs Sigid Fu and Ramya Kiran QLD Candidate Advisors Drs Janina Christoforou and WA Candidate Advisors Ahmed Saleh Drs Laura Ichim and Fiona Firth NZ Candidate Advisors Drs Siu-fai Leung and Jerome Yu ASIA Candidate Advisors Dr Rebecca Wong ASIA Candidate Advisor College News Editor Dr Amanda Phoon Nguyen (Malaysia) 14 Yearbook 2019 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

BOARD OF STUDIES AND SUBCOMMITTEES OMS Examinations Committee FOR ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY Dr Julia Dando Chair (2017 – 2019) A/Prof Martin Batstone Member Dr John Harrison Member Board Prof Andrew Heggie Member Dr Geoffrey Findlay Dr Scott Borgna Chair Dr Dylan Hyam Member A/Prof Bruce Austin Deputy Chair, Member (Elected) Dr Andrew Cheng Member Dr Christopher Poon Member Dr Emma Lewis Member Dr Christopher Sealey Member A/Prof Jocelyn Shand Member A/Prof Jocelyn Shand Member Dr Jason Erasmus Member Dr Nathan Vujcich Member Dr Christopher Poon Member (Elected) Dr Robert Witherspoon Member (Elected) Dr Geoffrey Findlay Chair BoS OMS, Ex Officio Dr Liam Moore New Graduate Member (Elected) Dr Julia Dando Trainee Representative Dr Paul Sambrook President RACDS, Ex Officio Dr Ian Meyers OAM Registrar OMS, Ex Officio Dr David Sherring President Elect, Ex Officio Overseas Trained Specialist Assessments (Working Group) Dr Paul Sambrook President ANZAOMS, Ex Officio President RACDS, Ex Officio Dr Jason Erasmus Chair A/Prof Alf Nastri Member Dr Christopher Sealey Member Dr Geoffrey Findlay Chair BoS OMS, Ex Officio Dr Julia Dando Registrar OMS, Ex Officio Dr Paul Sambrook President RACDS, Ex Officio OMS CPD Committee Chair OMS Selection Committee Chair A/Prof Bruce Austin Member A/Prof Jocelyn Shand Member Dr Ankit Garg Member Dr Benjamin Erzetic Member Dr Derek Goodisson Member Dr Emma Lewis Member Dr James Kim Member Dr Robert Witherspoon Chair BoS OMS, Ex Officio Dr Samuel Kim Member Dr Geoffrey Findlay Registrar OMS, Ex Officio Prof Kai Lee Member Dr Julia Dando President RACDS, Ex Officio Dr Robert Witherspoon New Fellow Member Dr Paul Sambrook Dr Jameel Kaderbhai Trainee Representative Dr Jacqueline Dobes Chair BoS OMS, Ex Officio OMS Accreditation Committee Dr Geoffrey Findlay Registrar OMS, Ex Officio Dr Julia Dando President RACDS, Ex Officio Dr Jason Erasmus Chair Dr Paul Sambrook Dr Scott Borgna Member A/Prof Arun Chandu Member Dr John Harrison Member Dr Paul Meara Member Dr Christopher Sealey Member OMS Education Committee Dr Robert Witherspoon Member Dr Scott Borgna Chair Dr Geoffrey Findlay Chair BoS OMS, Ex Officio Dr Andrew Cheng Member Dr Julia Dando Registrar OMS, Ex Officio Dr George Chu Member Dr Paul Sambrook President RACDS, Ex Officio Dr Stuart Deane Member OMS Training Committee A/Prof Jocelyn Shand A/Prof Dieter Gebauer Member Dr Benjamin Erzetic Chair Dr Christopher Poon Member Prof Robert Jones Member Dr Paul Sambrook Member Dr Geoffrey Findlay Member Dr Simon Lou Member Dr Julia Dando Chair BoS OMS, Ex Officio Dr Paul Sambrook Registrar OMS, Ex Officio Dr Geoffrey Findlay Chair BoS OMS, Ex Officio President RACDS, Ex Officio Dr Julia Dando Registrar OMS, Ex Officio Dr Paul Sambrook President RACDS, Ex Officio OMS Research Subcommittee Dr Scott Borgna Chair OMS Trainee Committee Dr Liam Moore Prof Alastair Goss Member Dr Jacqueline Dobes Chair Dr Edward Nguyen Trainee Representative CPD Board Prof Robert Jones Member Dr Jivajothi Jeyathevan Trainee Representative NZ Dr Aaron Thomas Trainee Representative SA Prof Frank Monsour Member Dr Ragu Krishnamoorthy Trainee Representative VIC & TAS Dr Margaret Kim Trainee Representative WA Dr Geoffrey Findlay Chair BoS OMS, Ex Officio Dr William Huynh Trainee Representative ACT Trainee Representative QLD Dr Julia Dando Registrar OMS, Ex Officio Dr Paul Sambrook President RACDS, Ex Officio Yearbook 2019 15 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Committees OMS REGIONAL SURGICAL COMMITTEES South Australia Dr Miles Doddridge Chair New South Wales & Australian Capital Territory Dr Andrew Cheng Director of Training, Dr Robert Witherspoon Chair, Director of Training Supervisor of Training A/Prof Bruce Austin Director of Training Dr Paul Sambrook Member Dr Richard Conway Supervisor of Training Prof Alastair Goss Member Dr Tristan Madden Supervisor of Training Dr William Oberdan Member Dr Benjamin Ghaly Supervisor of Training Dr Zahl Khouri Member Dr Dylan Hyam Member Dr Jivajothi Jeyathevan Trainee Representative Dr David Sherring Member Dr Patrick Mahanna Member Victoria & Tasmania A/Prof Alf Nastri Dr Lydia Lim Member A/Prof Jocelyn Shand Chair Dr William Besley Director of Training Dr Margaret Kim Trainee Representative Dr Joseph Gunn Supervisor of Training Dr Ankit Garg Supervisor of Training New Zealand Chair Prof Kai Lee Supervisor of Training Dr Cameron Lewis Director of Training Dr George Dimitroulis Supervisor of Training Dr Christopher Sealey Supervisor of Training A/Prof Dragan Grubor Supervisor of Training Dr John Harrison Supervisor of Training Prof Andrew Heggie Supervisor of Training Dr Leon Steenberg Member A/Prof Arun Chandu Supervisor of Training Dr Jason Erasmus Trainee Representative Dr Nova Gibson Supervisor of Training Dr Edward Nguyen Dr Thomas Jaunay Supervisor of Training Dr Patrishia Bordbar Supervisor of Training Queensland Dr Christopher Poon Supervisor of Training Dr Michael Schenberg Member Dr Scott Borgna Chair Dr Graham Hall Member Dr Ricky Kumar Member Dr Geoffrey Findlay Director of Training, Dr Kush Patel Member Dr Bernard Lim Member Supervisor of Training Dr Nick Rutherford Member A/Prof David Wiesenfield Member A/Prof Martin Batstone Supervisor of Training Dr Aaron Thomas Member Trainee Representative Dr Richard Harris Supervisor of Training Dr Benjamin Erzetic Supervisor of Training Dr Alistair Reid Supervisor of Training Dr Jacob De Looze Supervisor of Training Dr Lakshmi Ramalingam Supervisor of Training Dr Shannon Webber Supervisor of Training Dr Cameron Scott Supervisor of Training Dr William Huynh Trainee Representative Western Australia A/Prof Dieter Gebauer Dr Emma Lewis Chair Dr Paul Meara Director of Training Dr Leon Smith Supervisor of Training Dr Evan Kakulas Supervisor of Training Dr Ragu Krishnamoorthy Supervisor of Training Trainee Representative 16 Yearbook 2019 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Censor-in-rCephoiertf CENSOR-IN-CHIEF DR WARREN SHNIDER Education Framework expectations about the expectations of Fellowship and Membership. “You don’t actually do a project; you can only • Document how the College’s assessments align with the do action steps related to it. When enough of learning outcomes of the Fellowship and Membership the right action steps have been taken, some sit- programs. uation will have been created that matches your • Enable comparison with international training programs initial picture of the outcome closely enough to determine equivalency of standards of experience, education and assessment. that you can call it “done.” • Provide a framework to inform the scope of continuing professional development activities. David Allen Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Late in 2019 the framework was ratified by the Education Policy Board and will provide future direction and mapping of the Productivity Penguin Books 2002 Membership and Fellowship programs of the College. This work will continue into 2020. In this quote, David Allen very nicely captures the work of a great many people that culminated in a document called The RACDS The work was done by the CanMeds Working Party; Prof Ian Education Framework, that appeared in the second half of 2019. Meyers, Drs Paul Beath, Heather Cameron and Karl Lyons, Mr Olly Jones, and support from the College’s Education members, The inspiration for the Royal Australasian College of Dental Hal Aamot, Rachel Introna and Claire King. Thank you to all for Surgeons – Education Framework emerged from the adaptation your action steps and a job well done. of the CanMEDS Curriculum Framework. © Copyright 2006: The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Reproduced Culturally Responsive Clinical Practice: Working with People and adapted with permission. from Migrant and Refugee Backgrounds page/portal/rc/canmeds Earlier in 2019, the College was invited to the launch of the Inspiration also taken from College of Family Physicians of Migrant and Refugee Women’s Health Partnership document Canada (CFPC), adapted with permission. “Culturally Responsive Clinical Practice: Working with People from Migrant and Refugee Backgrounds COMPETENCY STANDARDS The aim of this Education Framework is to define the FRAMEWORK FOR CLINICIANS”: competencies expected of Fellows and Members of RACDS, including: These standards are endorsed by more than twenty Australian • Articulate breadth and depth of knowledge, range of skills Health Colleges and is supported by the Australian Government Departments of Health and Social Services. and professional behaviours expected of Fellows and Members. The standards are mapped into the CanMEDS framework of • Support candidates self-directed learning by providing clear competencies and form an adjunct to the Education Framework of the Membership and Fellowship programs of the RACDS. Yearbook 2019 17 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

REGISTRAR, FELLOWSHIP (GDP) DR HEATHER CAMERON As usual, 2019 was a busy year of examinations and courses Registrations were closed early as the numbers reached capacity supporting candidates presenting for General Dental Practice with 46 candidates from 6 countries participating in the workshop. (GDP) Fellowship. The pathway for Fellowship continues to grow Candidates were primarily from Australia, representing seven states and evolve. I would like to highlight a few key outcomes for the and territories, as well as 10 candidates from Malaysia, 3 candidates College during 2019 that resulted in a high number of successful from New Zealand and one each from Jordan, Pakistan and Saudi candidates completing the Primary Examination and achieving Arabia. The workshop was rebranded and restructured in 2019, Fellowship of the College. based on previous feedback from candidates and examiners. A new venue in the Sydney CBD was also utilised. The feedback on Final Examination both the program and the venue was very positive. Early in 2019, 47 candidates from 7 countries presented for the Final Examination for GDP Fellowship, with the written papers I would like to thank A/Prof Lara Friedlander, who spent considerable completed on 7 - 9 January in multiple sites, including 5 in Australia; time and effort restructuring the Program, co-ordinating the Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane and 2 sites overseas clinical content contribution and convening the workshop. I am – Hong Kong and Malaysia. The viva voce assessments were also grateful to the lecturers and facilitators who assisted her in this conducted on 14 - 15 January at the Westmead Hospital Library. preparation and gave up their time to contribute to the workshop Of the 47 candidates, 27 passed the examination, leading to the including Prof Michael Burrow, Drs Sergio Salis, Alan Broughton, award of Fellowship. Of the 20 unsuccessful candidates, 11 failed Geoff Young, Prof Nigel King, Drs Peter Fowler, Andrew Cautley, one part, while 9 candidates failed both the General and Elective Hugh Trengrove, Erin Mahoney, Omar Ikram, Dimitra Mersinia, sections. Overall there was a 57.4% pass rate, with a further 23.4% Shalinie King, Simon Franks, Errol Kilov, Suma Sukumar, Smitha of candidates recording a pass in one part. Therefore 81% of Sukumar, Eric Carter, Danny Ho and John Perry. candidates passed one or both parts. Candidate Advisors for all regions were invited to the PFS to observe The unavailability of several examiners in the General section lectures and small group activities. In addition, Dr Erin Mahoney resulted in the late inclusion of two new examiners, Dr Dimitra led a Candidate Advisor training program during the weekend. Mersinia who examined in the Restorative/Perio Elective and Dr Regional Committee representatives, Dr Janina Christoforou John Perry who examined in the General section. My thanks go (WA), Dr Laura Ichim (NZ), Dr Rony Cho (HK), Dr Sarah Chin (VIC), to A/Prof Lara Friedlander who stepped in as Convenor of the recently appointed Malaysian Candidate Advisor, Dr Rebecca General Section. Wong (VIC) met with the MRACDS Registrar, Dr Catherine Prineas, the Primary and Final Examiner, Dr Suma Sukumar and I. The new At the Examiners’ meeting, it was agreed that the overall NSW/ACT Candidate Advisor, Dr Stephen Yeung also attended performance of the candidates had continued to show marked some workshop sessions. improvement despite the lack of outstanding candidates. The lack of an outstanding candidate meant that the Kenneth J G Web-Based Education Program Sutherland Prize was not awarded in 2019. The Web-Based Education program that supports candidates preparing for the Final Examinations was completed, with 4 Preparation for Fellowship Success workshop modules accessible to candidates. The first module was intended The Preparation for Fellowship Success (PFS), previously called the to help candidates examine their clinical processes and understand Final Examination Workshop, was held over 2.5 days from 24 to 26 the level at which the Final Examination is set. The three clinical May and consisted of a series of lectures and small group activities modules were designed to provide candidates with opportunities to assist candidates in preparation for the Final Examination. to practice and receive feedback on the process of working 18 Yearbook 2019 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

through a patient case. There were 37 candidates registered for Regirsetrpaorrst’ the WBE program. The viva voce component of the examinations was held in 3 I wish to express my sincere thanks to Dr Smitha Sukumar who locations. Firstly, at the Women’s College, University of Sydney, took on the role of Co-ordinator for the WBE, arranging and Camperdown. The viva voce examination, originally scheduled managing the markers and content development. My thanks for Hong Kong, was relocated to Kuala Lumpur after careful also go to the following Fellows for their support in marking and consideration and monitoring of the security situation in Hong providing feedback to candidates on their submissions in the three Kong. The examination was successfully relocated to Universiti clinical modules; A/Prof Lara Friedlander, Drs Geoff Young, Danny Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) for 11 of the 14 enrolled Hong Kong Ho, John Perry, Eric Carter, Smitha Sukumar, Simon Franks, Errol candidates. The last of the viva voce examinations were held at Kilov, A/Prof Alex Jones, Drs Shalinie King, Peter Mansour, Andrew Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). Cautley and Janina Christoforou. Of the 119 candidates, 104 passed and 15 candidates failed, resulting Orientation Course in a pass rate of 87.4% (83% in 2018). Of the failed candidates, 9 In 2019 the Orientation Course was held at The Womens’ College, can carry some subjects forward with 6 requiring a repeat of University of Sydney, from 8 - 19 July. There were 109 candidates the entire examination. The examiners agreed the quality of the who attended the course and benefitted from the engaging candidates presenting for the Primary Examinations in 2019 was and clinically relevant sessions covering the seven basic science very high. Dr Imogen Scott from New Zealand was awarded the disciplines. FG Christensen Prize; 8 candidates received a commendation with distinction for achieving 80% or above in four or more subjects Two applicants were awarded the Dr Elizabeth Fanning Orientation and 43 candidates received a commendation for achieving 70% or Course Scholarship for 2019; Dr Lani Guy a final year Dental above in four or more subjects. Subject prizes for the highest result Student at University of Queensland who also has a PhD, and Dr were awarded to 7 candidates. Clifford Lee, a recent graduate from University of Otago who has a BDentTech and BDS(Hons) with First Class Honours. As part of ensuring continual renewal and sustainability of the examiner pool, 2 new examiners, Dr Orla Gannon and Dr John My thanks go to the lecturers who presented during the course Martin, were introduced to the Microbiology and Anatomy including Winthrop Prof Marc Tennant (Anatomy), A/Prof Mike disciplines respectively. A sincere thank you to all the examiners Nordstrom (Physiology), A/Prof Phil Dickson (Cell Biology and including Winthrop Prof Marc Tennant, Drs Janina Christoforou, Biochemistry), Prof Laurie Walsh (Microbiology), A/Prof Mark Muhammed Yakin, Prof Laurie Walsh AO, Clin A/Prof Mark Schifter, Schifter (Microbiology), A/Prof Alex Forrest AO (Histology), A/Prof Drs Orla Gannon, Suma Sukumar, A/Prof Norman Firth, A/Prof David Newby (Pharmacology), Dr Suma Sukumar (Pathology) and Alex Forrest AO, Dr John Martin, A/Prof Phillip Dickson, A/Prof Tim A/Prof Norman Firth (Pathology). Cole, A/Prof Mike Nordstrom, Prof Robin Callister, Prof Wai Keung Leung, Prof Daisy Shum, A/Prof Nik Soriani Yaacob, Prof Nor Primary Examination Hayati Othman and the many Fellows who acted as observers for In mid-December 2019, the Primary Examination (GDP) was ensuring another successful, high quality and fair examination. conducted for 119 candidates from 5 countries with written examinations held in 7 sites including 4 Australian capital cities, I look forward to another full year of courses and resources that Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore. aim to support education and foster advanced learning in General Dentistry. 2019 Primary Examiners 2019 Final Examiners Back row: Dr Janina Christoforou, Prof Laurie Walsh AO, A/Prof Norman Firth, Back row: Drs Alan Broughton, John Perry, Andrew Cautley, Errol Kilov Winthrop Prof Marc Tennant Middle row: Dr Sergio Salis, Prof Michael Burrow, Prof Nigel King, Drs Unni Middle row: Dr Muhammed Yakin, A/Prof Tim Cole, Clin A/Prof Mark Schifter, Pillai (Observer), Peter Mansour, Simon Franks, Stephen Cox A/Prof Mike Nordstrom, A/Prof Phillip Dickson, Dr John Martin, Front row: Drs Danny Ho, Heather Cameron (Registrar), A/Prof Lara A/Prof Alex Forrest Friedlander, Dr Smitha Sukumar Front row: Dr Jayantha Amarasena (Observer), Prof Robin Callister, Drs Suma Sukumar, Orla Gannon Yearbook 2019 19 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

REGISTRAR, MEMBERSHIP (GDP) DR CATHERINE PRINEAS The MRACDS(GDP) Program commenced its 13th year in 2019, August following its inception in 2007 as a pilot program open to • Diagnosis and Treatment Planning presented by A/Prof candidates from Victoria only. The Program currently has an intake from all around Australia and New Zealand as well as a John Boucher conjoint arrangement with Hong Kong SAR which has been in • Medical Emergencies presented by Mr Ian Cash place since 2012. September The MRACDS(GDP) Program welcomed 27 new candidates • Therapeutics in Dentistry, Pain and Pain Management in 2019. There were ten withdrawals from the Program taking the total number of candidates currently enrolled to 42 as at presented by A/Prof Mark Schifter December 2019. • Clinical Examination Technique and Dental Imaging Twenty-two of these candidates attended a successful Orientation presented by Dr Louise Brown Day that was held at the RACDS office in Sydney on Saturday, 2 February 2019. viva voce On 12 April 2019, seven candidates presented for the viva voce, The candidates were welcomed to the College for the first time five of whom were successful and were subsequently admitted by the President, Dr Paul Sambrook and were given presentations to the College as Members. Examiners included Drs David by Dr Warren Shnider, Censor in Chief, Dr Adam Keyes-Tilley, Chair Manton, Shalinie King and Andrew Cautley (Observer). Board of Studies MRACDS(GDP), Prof Ian Meyers, Dr Lena Zhu, Chair MRACDS(GDP) Mentors Committee and Ms Ellen Dunphy, On 26 July 2019, two candidates presented for the viva voce, both Education Officer MRACDS(GDP). candidates were unsuccessful. Examiners included Drs Michael Wyatt, Nonie Polycarpou and Catherine Prineas (Observer). These presentations provided valuable information to the candidates about the processes of the program as well as the On 7 November 2019, seven candidates presented for the viva mentoring assistance that is provided. The presentations also voce, five of whom were successful and were subsequently covered the different assessments and CPD requirements of the admitted to the College as Members. Examiners included Prof program. Michael Burrow, Drs Andrew Cautley and Aovana Timmerman (Observer). Congratulations to all the successful candidates. CPD Fellows, Members, and candidates attended three CPD MRACDS/RACDS Success stories Masterclasses throughout the year, all being held at the College The ultimate goal of this Program is to provide the candidates office. All CPD Masterclasses were relevant to the current with an alternate pathway to Fellowship and it is heartening to MRACDS(GDP) modules. The presentations provided educational see Members progress and succeed in the Final Examinations for and informative material that was directly related to the program. Fellowship in General Dental Practice. In January 2019, 1 Member These sessions also provided the candidates with an opportunity attempted the Final Examinations where they were successful to network with one another and meet others within the College. and admitted to Fellowship. Congratulations to the new Fellow, Dr Doreena Kuckreja. May • Infection Control presented by Dr Brendan White In closing, thank you to the Program’s most valuable assets, its • Practice Management, Law, Ethics and Risk Management dedicated Examiners, who invest so many hours of their time marking assessments and to the Program Mentors for their presented by Dr John Dale, Dr Alexander Holden, Ms similarly invaluable contribution in guiding the candidates. Thank Dominque Egan and Ms Marianne Nicolle. you also to the members of the Examinations Committee, Board of Studies MRACDS(GDP) and College staff for their ongoing 20 Yearbook 2019 stewardship of the Program. Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Regirsetrpaorrst’ REGISTRAR (SDP) CLINICAL A/PROF NEIL PEPPITT It was a progressive year in 2019 for Specialist Dental Practice. I must extend great appreciation to all the examiners who Many specialists took up the challenge of applying for supported the 2019 examinations, namely: examinations with the College, and I am pleased to welcome 39 Members and 2 Fellows into the College community. Winthrop Prof Paul ABBOT AO Clin Prof Sameer BHOLE The annual College Membership & Fellowship examination Dr David BIRNE called upon experts to examine candidates in the fields of Oral Dr Stan BOYATZIS Medicine, Paediatric Dentistry and Dental Public Health this year. Prof Ivan DARBY I would particularly like to congratulate Dr Samah Murshid Moh’d A/Prof Lara FRIEDLANDER Abdel Hafeth FRACDS (OralMed) and Dr Nghiem Van Trong Prof Suzanne HANLIN Doan FRACDS (DPH) who achieved the highest recognition Dr Paul HANRAHAN as being proficient in their speciality by their peers and have Clin A/Prof Jim HAWKINS become Fellows in Specialist Dental Practice. Prof James MCDONALD Dr Kareen MEKERTICHIAN The Membership examination in Orthodontics in conjunction A/Prof Dale HOWES with the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) Dr Andrew QUICK continues to be held twice per year in Edinburgh and Adelaide. Dr Juliette SCOTT Nine specialist Orthodontics are now eligible for Membership Dr Suma SUKUMAR with both RACDS and RCSEd. Congratulations to all who were Dr Mahnaz SYED involved. Dr Andrew TOMS Dr Daniel VICKERS The agreements between RACDS and local universities A/Prof Christine WALLACE continue to prove popular with graduating specialists. In 2019, Prof Clive WRIGHT 27 candidates completed their final examination for their Doctor Dr Sue-Ching YEOH of Clinical Dentistry degree and undertook the conjoint offer of membership with the College in their respective fields. These examiners continue to uphold a high standard of assessment for both Membership and Fellowship. The successful candidates will be awarded Membership in their respective fields including Endodontics, Oral Medicine, Finally, I must congratulate all those Fellows and Members who Orthodontics, Paediatric Dentistry, Periodontics and have been successful in various examinations for Specialist Prosthodontics. Dental Practice in 2019. I hope the newly admitted Members continue their journey with the College towards the attainment A full list of members can be found on page 38. of Fellowship. It is encouraging for me to see specialists taking up the extra challenge of being peer reviewed and I hope to see SDP has eight Boards of Studies, one for each specialist discipline. them engaged with the College community in the future. Board members work in the background throughout the year consulting on projects aimed at evolving College activities. There were some complex applications in 2019 and the advice of each specialist Member of the Boards allowed for consistent decision making and high-quality examinations. I thank them for their expertise, advice, and valuable time. Yearbook 2019 21 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

rOeMpoSrt CHAIR, BOARD OF STUDIES (OMS) DR GEOFFREY FINDLAY The Board had three face to face meetings in 2019; on 8 February, commitment and dedication of these members is truly 11 May, and 12 October 2019. Its members also were involved in appreciated. Many of the current BoS members have continued various committee meetings and communications with the into the next term, and Dr Scott Borgna was elected to the Chair College throughout the year. of the BoS for the 2019 – 2021. BoS OMS Annual Dinner in February 2019 Reaccreditation of the OMS Training Program The Board of Studies (BoS) and the various committees continue Left side of table: Drs Poon, Borgna, Findlay, Lewis, Witherspoon, to work towards meeting the accreditation recommendations and Lewis. and conditions. A progress report was submitted to the Australian Right side of table: Drs Dando, Sambrook, Luxford, (CEO), A/Prof Dental Council (ADC) on the 30 April which was confirmed as Shand and Dr Erasmus ‘accepted’ and annual progress reports were submitted to the AMC and the Dental Councils in September. The College is now The composition of the Board of Studies until October 2019 was: working on meeting the 2020 conditions. Dr Geoffrey Findlay Chair (DoT Queensland) Induction Day Induction day was held on Saturday, 9 February 2019. Dr Scott Borgna Deputy Chair | Member (Elected) Presentations on College requirements from documentation to examinations were covered, along with research pathways, A/Prof Jocelyn Shand Member (DoT Victoria & Tasmania) cultural, safety, legal liability, consent, and the role of ANZAOMS in OMS. Dr Andrew Cheng Member (DoT South Australia) Selection Dr Cameron Lewis Member (DoT New Zealand) The Selection Committee is chaired by A/Prof Shand. The selection interviews were held in Sydney on the 20 July. Twenty- Dr Emma Lewis Member (DoT Western Australia) three applicants were interviewed for selection into training positions for 2020; and 15 positions were allocated for 2020, with A/Prof Bruce Austin Member (DoT New South Wales & all first-round offers being accepted. ACT) One of the three 2019 Selection Panels. Dr Christopher Poon Member (Elected) Back row: Dr Rachel Hsieh, Dr Geoffrey Findlay, A/Prof Jocelyn Shand Dr Jason Erasmus Member (Elected) Front row: Diane Collins, Dr Richard Wood, Dr Christopher Poon Dr Robert Witherspoon New Graduate Member (Elected) Dr Julia Dando Registrar OMS (ex officio) Dr Paul Sambrook President (ex officio) A/Prof David Sherring President ANZAOMS (ex officio) Dr Liam Moore Trainee Representative I completed my term as Chair o f the Board of Studies at the October 2019 meeting, and I wish to thank all of the BoS and committee members who volunteered their time. The 22 Yearbook 2019 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Examinations • The Written Examination being for Ipswich Hospital in the Queensland The 2019 Surgical Science and Training training centre was accepted. (SST) Examination was held in Sydney at the comprised of more targeted Short Prince of Wales Hospital on 14 - 15 June. As Answer Questions, rather than longer Continuing Professional Development of 2019, the SST examination was opened Essay-type questions. Two 3-hour The Chair of the Committee was A/ up to candidates outside the OMS Training papers were sat on subsequent days, Prof Austin, a face to face workshop was Program and is now open to those who three weeks before the oral exams. conducted in April 2019. The College have completed Dentistry, Medicine, Intern CPD standard and policy as well as the and SIG years. The Australian Council for • The Pathology viva was removed from new compulsory CPD tracking tool was Educational Research (ACER) assisted the implemented on 1 July 2019. examination team with a number of facets the examination. Pathology content of the SST examination. was examined as questions with a The most recent CPD triennium closed greater clinical context during the on the 31 December 2018. The College is Specific changes to the format for the SST OMS vivas. now undergoing data collection from all Examination in 2019 included the Ward Fellows in order to complete reporting and A&E management station being • Three OMS vivas (increased from the to its regulatory bodies and determine renamed “Acute Care” and encompassing compliance of Fellows. The College received an ED scenario, and other emergency previous two). The vivas consisted of an 88% submission rate on CPD reporting management situations. The Ward 10 clinical slides or cases conducted for this triennium period. A random 10% component of this management station over 20 minutes with a Pathology of Fellows were selected for audit. Thank continues to be assessed within the Ward component within each OMS viva. you to all those who participated in this scenario station. evidence audit. The Committee have been Fourteen candidates sat the Final involved in providing input to proposed A total of 26 candidates presented for the Examinations and 11 were successful. changes to CPD for medical practitioners examination and 19 achieved a successful Congratulations to Dr Angus Cameron (NZ), by the MBA. outcome. Successful OMS trainees and Dr Anthony Chellappah (QLD), Dr Howard included Dr Andrew Watkins (NSW/ACT), Cho (QLD), Dr Peter Coghlan (NZ), Dr Owen OMS Handbook Dr Che-Jen Wang (NSW/ACT), Dr Ryan Ellis (VIC/TAS), Dr Andrew Higgins (QLD), The handbook was reviewed, updated and Smit (NZ), Dr Michael Rutledge (NZ), Dr Dr Samuel Huang (VIC/TAS), Dr Susan Kok released in March 2019. A major piece of Michael Qiu (NSW/ACT), Dr Mehmet Oztel (NSW/ACT), Dr Liam Moore (NZ), Dr Shreya work included in this version was the review (QLD), Dr James Olsen (NZ), Dr Blake Tocaciu (VIC/TAS), and Dr Aaron Thomas and update of all OMS curriculum modules. Moore (NSW/ACT), Dr Sankar Manchella (VIC/TAS). (VIC/TAS), Dr Isaac Liau (VIC/TAS), Dr Yuan A further update was released in April which Hsu (VIC/TAS), Dr James Clohessy (NSW/ Final Exam Examiners and OMS Registrar implemented new examination standard ACT), and Dr Ashim Adhikari (NSW/ACT). setting polices as developed under the Dr John Harrison was the Chair of the SST Back row: Drs Christopher Poon, Benjamin guidance of ACER. A further update was Examinations. Erzetic, Dimitrios Nikolarakos, Jason made in December 2019 regarding the new Erasmus, Stuart Deane, Joseph Gunn eligibility for OMS3 to sit the final exam in The 2019 Final written examination was Front row: Drs Julia Dando (OMS Registrar) the last 18 months held in regional centres on 12 and 13 August. A/Prof Dylan Hyam, Dr Emma Lewis. The 2019 Final clinical examination was held Research Sub-committee at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne on 6 and Training Centre Accreditation Consideration was given by the Board to 7 September. ACER conducted examiner The Committee was chaired by Dr Jason moving research proposal submission training, calibration and examination Erasmus. Accreditation visits occurred at date to earlier in the program which was blueprinting and curriculum mapping. the Royal Adelaide Hospital in March, and subsequently revised to a submission to all training sites in the NSW/ACT Training of Feb 15 OMS 2 for those entering the Specific changes to the examination format Centre in May. A single site progress report program from 2019 onwards. for the Final Exams in 2019 were: SST Examinations Panel 2019 Yearbook 2019 23 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Regional Fellows and Members of the NZ region are A/Prof Lara Friedlander Reports delighted to have the representation of two NZ Fellows on Council. Dr Hugh Trengrove NZ Regional Committee Chair Regional Committee (Independently elected) and Dr Erin Mahoney elections for the (NZ Representative) have worked tirelessly for Our Annual NZ RACDS Regional Study Day 2019 – 2021 term many years to support College and NZ activities continues to be a resounding success. In and we are extremely grateful for their dedication October 2018 this event was well supported by took place in mid-2019. to excellence and efforts for our region and the candidates, Fellows and Members. There was College. On behalf of NZ Fellows and Members fantastic collegiality and we were entertained The College I would like to thank Dr Erin Mahoney for her and challenged to think by an excellent panel of acknowledges the dedication and organisation as our Regional speakers from across the scope of dentistry and contributions made Committee Chair for the last 5 years and Dr Hugh public health. This year the Annual Study Day will by retiring Regional Trengrove for his excellence in communication be held in Wellington on Saturday 19th October Committee Chairs for the and organisation as our NZ Council Representative. and further information will be coming shortly. 2017 – 2019 term: Dr Dwight Elvery (QLD), The NZ Regional Committee continues to be The Committee is focusing on how we can best Dr Dale Gerke (SA/NT) and committed to supporting University of Otago support candidates to completion of Fellowship Dr Siva Vasudavan (WA) graduating dental students, candidates and and Membership. We particularly want to Fellows and Members of the College. Graduating encourage those who have passed Primary dental students participate in a symposium examinations and not progressed to Fellowship and sponsored by the NZ Regional Committee where so the Committee will be offering NZ candidates they are introduced to what the College can offer a reduced cost to attend the Study Day. Past and and this provides them opportunity for further present RACDS examiners have also offered their engagement. This has been extremely positive in time to provide a tutorial for candidates on working generating energy for new graduates to undertake through patient cases and viva voce techniques to further continuing professional development with facilitate their exam preparation. NZ candidates the College. It is wonderful to see Otago BDS are strongly encouraged to attend the Preparation graduates who were awarded RACDS Prizes at for Fellowship Success Workshop (PFS) in Sydney University go on to achieve excellence in RACDS and have participated in the Web Based Education examinations. Programme before the Study Day. The success of our NZ candidates is something The Regional Committee elections were held this we are extremely proud of and this is testament year. It is extremely rewarding to be part of such a to their professionalism, hard work and dedication collegial group and would like to thank the current to study around clinical practice. The 2018 Primary committee members: Dr Hugh Trengrove, Dr Erin Examination resulted in a Pass for 17 NZ candidates, Mahoney, Professor Karl Lyons, Dr Sergio Salis, Dr 13 received commendation, distinction and Tom Butchard, Dr Sarah Ting, Dr Laura Ichim, Dr subject prizes and Dr Calum Fisher was awarded David Coburn for their service and support. the F G Christensen Memorial Prize for 2018 for the highest performing candidate in the Primary Examinations. A smaller number of candidates sat the Final Exams for Fellowship in 2019 and these candidates are also to be congratulated on their achievements. We were delighted to welcome Dr John Perry from Christchurch to the Final examiner pool in 2019. Dr Perry performed extremely well in his first year and it is important NZ continues to develop Fellows and Members from our region to participate in supporting educational activities. NZ Regional Committee and Councillors: Drs Vivek Jain, Hugh Trengrove (Councillor), Sergio Salis, Fiona Firth, David 24 Yearbook 2019 Antunovic, Lara Friedlander (Chair), Laura Ichim, Erin Mahoney (Councillor), John Perry. Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Dr Simon Franks The Qld committee has been reinvigorated members and fellows. As a committee we are with a full complement of office holders whom well aware that we are over-represented in the QLD Regional Committee Chair all are keen to get the voice of the RACDS SE corner and the tyranny of distance still exists heard right across the state We have been within our state. We are therefore investigating It’s hard to accurately appraise the last 12 more involved with the College head office ways to give more to the members and fellows months with the recent events that have than ever before, and with the recent changes outside of this lower corner. marred the start of 2020. Drought, fires and to the corporate structure we are being held now the Covid Pandemic are really testing our more accountable. This can only mean good We have lost a few Fellows and Members members and fellows resolve. Our thoughts are things for the membership in the years ahead. this year. Notably, Dr Vivienne Cowlishaw an with members and fellows across QLD and the inaugural Fellow passed away at the end of rest of Australia as we work our way through August 2019 was the month where we set last year. She was an active member of the this testing time. It goes without saying, but if some ambitious targets of getting our first QLD committee for many years and was still a you are in need of support please reach out to scientific day in three years with two major regular attender at RACDS functions attending either the QLD committee or head office. international speakers accepting our invitation. the last scientific day with Emeritus Prof Unfortunately, their schedules did not permit Alastair Goss. the day to proceed and we had to reset for a date in June this year. All was well on track for Congratulations must also go to one of our June with GOMA booked, speakers confirmed QLD councillors Prof Ian Meyers who has and then Covid-19 turned up and turned been made President-elect of the College. The everyone’s world upside down.. committee looks forward to working with Ian over his term in office and having the voice of We are also exploring the possibility of QLD represented at this level. getting an online lecture series sent out to the 2019 was a great year, book-ended by the devastating fires that struck Dr Greg Miller across Australia and the emerging, (now fully realized) threat of the recent Coronovirus pandemic. Members and Fellows dug deep and I saw SA/NT Regional Committee Chair firsthand the assistance that the membership so kindly offered to the communities affected by the national bush fire disaster encapsulating Strategic Planning and harnessing the national spirit of goodwill that will see us undoubtedly The Committee undertook a strategic planning evening which sought to triumph over an even greater adversary in COVID-19. align RACDS SA/NT with the national Board’s stated strategic plans, goals, missions and values. Strengths highlighted were mentoring, collegiality Fond Farewells and New Faces and convenience. A key opportunity was the ability of RACDS to facilitate After 4 years as Chair of the Committee, Dr Dale Gerke has retired. Dale speaker provision in liaising with other larger societies and associations to worked hard to reinvigorate the local RACDS. As he has stated “….There assist in delivery of their CPD. Sponsorship opportunities were explored, is much to be gained from peer interaction and seminars and I would and a plan made for the 2020 RACDS SA Scientific Day. recommend to those who have not recently attended, to come along to the future events…..”. Dr Gwendolyn Huang also retired her position on Thanks to all Board, committee, staff and the SA/NT Committee members the SA/NT Regional Committee to relocate interstate – thanks again for for their hard work in 2019. There is a significant amount of time and all your hard work Gwendolyn. Dr Deon Naiker joined the committee and level of commitment involved in undertaking the work of the College Dr Sushil Kaur stepped into the Secretary role in addition to her role as which often goes unheralded. There are many who need to be lauded Candidate Advisor. for their efforts over the past year. In this new post COVID-19 professional paradigm we find ourselves in, it has never been so important to have AGM and Dinner robust provision of postgraduate education, professional development The AGM and Annual Dinner was held on Wednesday October 2, 2019, at and educational qualifications in dentistry. I am certain that the College the Cathedral Hotel. It was a great night with attendee Members, Fellows will ride out this storm and embrace and grow through the collective and their partners being treated to an energetic guided wine tasting by challenges we all face. I look forward to reflecting upon these throughout Mr Pete Hiscock, Winemaker at Rock of Wisdom Winery; an informative 2020. and thought provoking lecture by Dr Raahib Dudhia on dental diagnostic imaging which traced the local practice and characters of diagnostic Yearbook 2019 25 imaging and theorized on the future roles imaging will have in modern dental practice; wonderful food and company was enjoyed by all. Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons Membership Membership numbers have remained stable, growing slightly with the influx of new Fellows and Members through the MRACDS and Fellowship exams.

Dr Jason Wong (Tsz Leung) presented included the role of the Regional Chairs, Governance changes and ways to strengthen relationships between the College office and Asia Regional Committee Chair Regional Committees. The workshop also provided an opportunity for President, Councilors and Regional Chairs to meet face to face and share The Hong Kong Annual Scientific Day was successfully held on 3 March experiences on what was working well and what the challenges were. 2019. The Asia Regional Committee was honored to have Drs Thomas Li and Walter Lam as our invited speakers. The topics were “Cone Beam The Committee organized a three-day Revision Course for candidates CT for every clinic. What are the considerations?” by Dr Li and “Digital preparing for the RACDS Primary Examination. There were 9 local dentistry is today.” by Dr Lam. Following the meeting, the Committee candidates attending the course. The Anatomy class was held on 19 held a Welcome Reception and Dinner at the Hong Kong Football club October and the speaker was Dr George Tipoe. The Histology class welcoming the new Fellows/Members who were admitted since 2016. by Dr Michael Ho was held on 20 October. The Microbiology class, We had a good time to know one another while good wine and delicious held on 1 November, was delivered by Prof Wai-keung Leung. For the foods were enjoyed. final candidates, a social event was arranged in which a number of enthusiastic fellows were invited to share their experience on their A number of teleconferences were arranged by the College office preparation for the Final Examination. and ideas on various issues were exchanged. Dr Jerome Yu attended a teleconference with Dr Dimitra Mersinia from Board of Studies of In light of the continuing social unrest in Hong Kong, the venue of viva the College on 2 April 2019, reflecting the challenges for him as the voce of the Primary Examination, originally scheduled in Hong Kong Candidate Advisor to assist candidates across the whole Asia region due on 14 December 2019, was changed to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia while to geographic barrier. Dr Jason Wong attended a teleconference on “Asia written examinations continued as scheduled in Hong Kong. Among a Pacific Strategy focus group” on 1 May 2019. few choices offered to the Hong Kong candidates, 11 out of 14 opted to sit their vivas in Malaysia. Out of these 11 Hong Kong candidates, 9 passed Dr Rony Cho was the representative of the Asia region to attend the the Primary Examination. As for the Final Examination held in January “Preparation for Fellowship Success Workshop 2019” in Sydney from 2020, 4 out of 5 Hong Kong candidates were successful. Friday 24 May to Sunday 26 May 2019. In the workshop, participants were informed of the latest examination format and requirements. The It was our great honor to have our President, Dr Paul Sambrook, coming materials provided were valuable in assisting candidates in preparing for to Hong Kong as scheduled despite the social unrest and giving us a their Final Examination. presentation on “Dental Management of Patients who take Novel Oral Anti-coagulant” to start off our Annual Scientific Day on 15 December It was reported in our AGM on 1 August 2019 that there were eight 2019. We were also honored to have Prof Lim-kwong Cheung and Dr Alex nominations for the eight vacancies of the Asia Region Committee in Chan as our invited speakers, who gave the audience very informative the new two-year term (2019-2021). All nominations were accepted and entertaining presentations. The topics were “From single to full- unopposed and the election results were endorsed. We were glad to have mouth dental implant rehabilitation: How to achieve predictable results Dr Sneha Ravindranath from Thailand as our new committee member. that Hong Kong patients want?” by Prof Cheung and “The Essence of We held our first teleconference committee meeting on 15 August 2019. Rotary Instrumentation in Endodontics” by Dr Chan. The ASD was held in New office bearers were elected and future plans discussed. Hong Kong Football Club and was attended by around 70 participants. Following the meeting, the Committee Members held a lunch gathering Dr Jason Wong, Chair of the committee, attended the one day Regional with President and the speakers and Cantonese “Dim Sum” was enjoyed Committee Workshop in the Sydney office on 26 October 2019. Topics at a nearby Chinese restaurant. The RACDS Prize was awarded to Dr Yee-shan Lin for the academic year 2018-2019. The Chair of Asia Regional Committee was invited by the Faculty of Dentistry to present the prize at its Congregation and Prize Presentation Ceremony at the Centennial Campus, the University of Hong Kong. The ceremony was originally scheduled on 2 December 2019. Yet, in light of the local social unrest and later the outbreak of COVID-19, the ceremony remained suspended until further notice. New Fellows/Members attending the Welcome Annual Scientific Day Reception and Dinner held at Hong Kong Football Club Dr Lee CK, Dr Leung SF, Dr Wong TL, Dr Albert Lee, Dr on 3 March 2019 Paul Sambrook, Dr Jerome Ju, Dr Edmond Pow, and Dr Rony Cho. 26 Yearbook 2019 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Dr Peter Mansour Reregpioonratsl NSW/ACT Regional Committee Chair Young, and Dr Peter Aquilina. It is of note the valuable support of our sponsors on the day: Dentavision, MarketD, Credibal, Coltene, and Osseo It has been a momentous year for the NSW/ACT region. With a positive Dental. start and a busy schedule, our Regional Committee met approximately once every six weeks to organise various activities. The amazing cuisine at the breezy waterside Otto restaurant in Woolloomooloo brought together over 40 Fellows, Members, and their Our Scientific Day was held at the new Convention Centre in Darling partners. This postcard-worthy location was fitting for our Annual Dinner Harbour Sydney and was titled Back to the future. Our lecturers from which is always a highlight in the social calendar and most importantly different disciplines were faced with the challenge of examining what nurtures collegiality amongst our membership. has been done in the past and predict what the future of dentistry may look like. The event exceeded all of our expectations. This was largely Having faced my fair share of personal challenges this year, I can attest due to the exceptional level of presentations from our talented group of to the importance of the support and understanding that comes from speakers: Dr Ken Hooi, Dr Nour Tarraf, Prof Saso Ivanovski, Dr Geoffery the College community. At a regional level, we seek to inspire everyone to thrive as learners. For many candidates, this has been a particularly challenging year. Wherever they may fall on this spectrum of preparedness and comfort with the College examination journey, our Candidate Advisors have been there to help. Over the years the advice has remained largely unchanged - persevere, give it your best, embrace opportunities, and strive to become increasingly engaged and involved in your learning process and in College life. Aim to work collaboratively with your peers and teachers. Grow yourself, seek beauty, help others, express gratitude, and have hope. The Victoria/Tasmania Regional Committee commenced its Final Year Dr Claudia Yung Dental Student Tutorial Program in March. Over 20 lectures were given to assist students from Melbourne and LaTrobe universities in the clinical and VIC/TAS Regional Committee Chair examination aspects of their studies. Back row: Dr Susan Needham, Dr Paul Sambrook (President) , A/Prof Nicky The Scientific Meeting was held on Friday 2 August at Woodward Conference Kilpatrick, Dr Patrick Russo (Past President), Prof Martin Tyas, Dr Michael Centre. The theme for the Scientific Meeting was Updates in Dentistry. We Wylie were privileged to have College President, Dr Paul Sambrook to present on Front row: Brendan Peek (CEO), Dr Gitika Sanghvi (ADAVB president), Drs the use of anticoagulants and its implications in dentistry. It was followed by Luan Ngo, James Newby, Atin Kundu. Dr John Sheahan who gave his valuable insights into the management of children with complex dental and behavioural issues (so called the ‘cursed’ Yearbook 2019 27 children). Last but not least, Dr Luan Ngo provided up-to-date information and practical guidelines on the new Periodontal Classification in his presentation. Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons The scientific meeting was followed by the General Meeting. Fellows and Members were pleased to meet the College’s newly appointed CEO, Brendan Peek. A social catchup was enjoyed by all at the Annual Dinner which followed the meeting. The Committee continues its support to Primary and Final Exam candidates. Dr Sarah Chin facilitated the Primary Exam Brunch and Learn Forum in September. Exam candidates were joined by past candidates’ Drs Andrew Liaw, Devanshi Mistry and Alex Khominsky to share their experiences. The brunch went well with everyone enjoying themselves and getting to know each other. Candidates also benefited from meeting the past candidates. Final Exam Tutorials were held on 26 October and 10 November to supplement candidates’ studies. Drs Nigel Souter, Varun Garg, Sarah Chin, Giselle D’Mello, Chen Min Ang Khaw, Narren Crossley and Nirav Bhatia provided support and guidance in general and elective exam preparation. Our last event of the year was held on Friday 1 November at Woodward Conference Centre. It was perfect timing for local Fellows, Members, candidates and guests to mingle and celebrate the year over drinks and nibbles.

Dr John Watson The year started as usual with our New itinerary being rather hectic, we trust they Fellows and Members welcome at the Royal enjoyed their visit as much as we enjoyed WA Regional Committee Chair Freshwater Bar Yacht Club on 28th March. hosting them. A very congenial night was had by all with I would like to start my first report as Chair 70 attendees welcoming the latest crop of Dr Sambrook and Mr Peek were very by acknowledging the good work of our Fellows and Members and celebrating their complimentary of the both the Committee’s previous chairperson, Dr Siva Vasudavan. achievement. New Fellows Drs Clare Chantler efforts and the support of Regional Fellows Siva showed outstanding leadership, clear and Vince Figliomeni and new Members and Members. Their generous praise was vision strong endeavour and generosity Drs Gordon Cheung, Lisa Bowdin, and gratefully received. during his tenure and the WA Region and Samy Francis were congratulated on their Regional Committee are very grateful for his admission to the College. The WA region saw out 2019 in style at our contributions. end of year function at “Rambla on Swan” on The annual WA Regional Scientific Meeting 24 October. About 70 attendees enjoyed the Also retiring from committee was Dr Andrew was held later than usual – on 16 August in high-quality canapes, entertainment and of Savundra, long time committee member and consideration of the National ADA Congress. course the company on what proved a very Candidate Advisor. Andrew’s efforts and wise The theme of the day was “Truth or Fake convivial evening. counsel will likewise be sorely missed. News? Putting Modern Treatment Concepts Under the Microscope”. The new committee was introduced, and In another blow, Dr Phil Cockerill announced departing members farewelled. Dr Amanda his retirement as a co-opted committee The headline speaker was Professor Ali Phoon-Nguyen was congratulated on member to spend more time travelling Darendeliler, head of Orthodontics at agreeing to take on the Committee Secretary and spending time with his grandchildren. Sydney University and a very accomplished role (one which I know to be quite onerous). Phil’s corporate knowledge and wealth of researcher and international speaker. His True to form, Amanda has already shown experience on Regional Committee and detailed presentations covered trauma herself capable of outstanding work in her Federal Council made him a most valued management, vertical dimension and new position. Amanda has also made the committee member. interceptive orthodontic treatment. Region very proud with her excellent efforts as new Editor of the College News. We wish Siva, Andrew and Phil all the best Professor Darendeliler was more than ably going forward and sincerely hope to see assisted by local support speakers Dr Peter In December, the Regional Committee them regularly at Regional functions. Thanks Ricciardo “Modern Surgery is Amazing…or again held mock viva voce examinations for again gentlemen. is it?”, Dr Glen Liddelow “Marketing Hype v candidates sitting their final examinations in Clinical Reality” and Winthrop Professor Marc the general stream. We think these sessions To replace Andrew and Siva on committee Tennant “Tales of truth and Gossip in the are a valuable resource for candidates and we welcomed Drs Estie Kruger and Vince Australian Dental Industry”. hopefully help those who partake to be Figliomeni, and we are excited to work with successful in their exams. them in the year to come. The event was very well attended with 150 delegates including final year dental students I would like to thank all Regional Committee and DClinDent students. members, past and present, for a great year. It is satisfying indeed to be involved in The WA Committee were honoured to a committee that has been hard working, welcome both President, Professor Paul competent, supportive and consensus- Sambrook and CEO, Mr Brendan Peek, who driven for a considerable period. attended, the Scientific Meeting, the Regional AGM and Annual dinner. Despite their Speakers Dr Ali Darendeliler, Dr Glen Liddelow, Dr Peter WA Regional Committee Members at Ricciardo and Winthrop Professor Marc Tennant at the the 2019 End of Year Function 2019 RACDS WA Annual Scientific Meeting 28 Yearbook 2019 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Back row: Drs Greg Miller (SA/NT), Paul Sambrook (President), Erin Mahoney (Board Director) Middle row: Drs Simon Franks (Qld), Claudia Yung (Vic/Tas), Jason Wong, A/Prof Lara Friedlander, Dr Janina Christoforou (WA), Mathew Lim (Vic/Tas, Fiona Firth (NZ), Amanda Phoon Nguyen Front row: Drs Unni Pillai (Qld), Peter Mansour (NSW/ACT), Dimitra Mersinia (NSW/ACT) RWeogrikosnhaolpC2o0m1m9 ittee Chairs Representatives from all the Regional Committees across Drs Erin Mahoney and Catherine Prineas Australia, New Zealand and Asia (Hong Kong) gathered in the Sydney office for a one-day workshop on Saturday, Dr Paul Sambrook and Erin Mahoney 26 October 2019. The workshop was facilitated by Dr Erin facilitating the workshop Mahoney, Councillor with the responsibility of the Regional Committees. Discussions included strategies on strengthening relationships between the College office and committees by improving communications and providing support for local events. Dr Paul Sambrook spoke about the proposed Governance changes of implementing a smaller, more agile Board of only 10 members in 2020, and the subsequent introduction of an Advisory Council in 2021. Registrar MRACDS (GDP), Dr Catherine Prineas provided an interesting and enlightening presentation on the Membership Program. College staff in attendance included the CEO, Brendan Peek, Director of Education, Hal Aamot and Executive Assistant, Maryann Walsh. Regional Committee Chairs meet throughout the year by video-conference, and annually for a face to face meeting. The meetings provide the opportunity for committee members to share their experiences and learnings, and for College processes to be discussed. Yearbook 2019 29 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Examiners PRIMARY EXAMINATION FRACDS(GDP) FINAL OBSERVERS EXAMINERS FRACDS(GDP) PRIMARY General Section EXAMINERS Dr Jayantha Amarasena Anatomy Dr Shazia Huq Dr Alan Broughton Dr Reena Bhatt A/Prof Lara Friedlander (Chief Examiner) A/Prof Alex Forrest AO Dr John Martin Dr Dimitra Mersinia Dr Omar Ikram Dr Brett Dorney Dr John Perry Winthrop Prof Marc Tennant (Chief Examiner) Dr Rebecca Wong Dr Maree Wilkins Restorative/Periodontics Cell Biology & Biochemistry Dr Karena Leung Elective Dr Emma Bond A/Prof Tim Cole Prof Micheal Burrow A/Prof Phillip Dickson Dr Clarence Da Cruz Dr Geoff Young Dr Nonie Polycarpou Dr Danny Ho Prof Daisy Shum A/Prof Nik Soriani Yaacob Dr Lena Zhu Dr Dimitra Mersinia Dr Marina Kamel Dr Sergio Salis Histology Dr Geetanjali Salwan Dr Smitha Sukumar Dr Janina Christoforou Dr Ann Collins Winthrop Prof Marc Tennant Dr Malini Ragavan Paediatrics and Orthodontics Dr Phillip F Ajaje Elective Dr Muhammed Yakin Dr Bradley Russ Prof Nigel King Microbiology College staff also assisted as Observers Dr Peter Fowler Prof Laurence Walsh AO OMS EXAMINERS Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Clin A/Prof Mark Schifter SST Pathology Elective Prof Wai Keung Leung Dr John Harrison (Chief Examiners) Dr Stephen Cox Dr Orla Gannon Dr Scott Aaronson (Anaesthetist) Prof Richard Logan Dr Navkirin Kaur (Anaesthetist) Pathology A/Prof Martin Batstone MRACDS(GDP) EXAMINERS Dr Patrishia Bordbar Core Modules and Elective A/Prof Norman Firth Dr Scott Borgna Modules Dr Suma Sukumar Dr Geoffrey Findlay Prof Nor Hayati Othman Dr Joseph Gunn Dr Alan Solomon Prof Andrew Heggie Dr Angus Kingon Physiology Dr Edward Hsu Dr Andrew Cautley Dr Ricky Kumar Dr Aovana Timmerman Prof Robin Callister Dr Christopher Sealey Dr Claudia Yung A/Prof Michael Nordstrom A/Prof Jocelyn Shand Dr Davina Kwong Dr Kevin Spencer Dr Felicia Valianatos SDP EXAMINERS Dr Timothy Wong Dr James Talbot Dr Richard Wood Dr Jeff Kestenberg Clin Prof Sameer Bhole Dr Nathan Vujcich A/Prof John Boucher Dr Kareen Mekertichian Adj A/Prof John Dale AM AO Final Dr Kar Mun Chan Dr Juliette Scott Dr Matthew Ma Dr Suma Sukumar A/Prof Dylan Hyam (Chief Examiners) Dr Nandor Steidler Prof Clive Wright Dr Benjamin Erzetic Dr Nonie Polycarpou Dr Sue-Ching Yeoh Dr Christopher Poon Dr Paul Hagley Dr David Birnie Dr Dimitrios Nikolarakos Viva Voce A/Adj Prof James Hawkins Dr Emma Lewis Dr Michael Wyatt Dr Andrew Toms Dr Jacobus Erasmus Dr Shalinie King Prof James McDonald Dr Joseph Gunn Dr Nonie Polycarpou Dr Stuart Deane Dr Andrew Cautley Prof Ivan Darby Prof Michael Burrow A/Prof Lara Friedlander Dr Andrew Quick Prof Suzanne Hanlin Dr Paul Hanrahan Dr Daniel Vickers Dr Stan Boyatzis A/Prof Christine Wallace A/Prof Dales Howes Dr Mahnaz Syed Winthrop Prof Paul Abbott AO 30 Yearbook 2019 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

The Elizabeth Fanning Orientation Course Scholarship In 2018, the College introduced a new engagement strategy of a Due to an effective marketing campaign on the renamed full Scholarship to attend the Orientation Course, to encourage Scholarship, almost 10,000 young dentists from Australasia students and ‘early career’ dentists to become engaged in the were reached. The number of applications received increased College community. to 46 giving the judging panel a tough decision to make. The two winners were announced as Dr Lani Guy (PhD), a 5th year The Orientation Course Scholarship covers the full enrolment student at University of Queensland, and Dr Clifford Lee, a to the Primary Exam Orientation Course for one dental student recent graduate of University of Otago. from any major dental student associations across Australia (ADSA and all University student bodies), New Zealand, and Asia. Both Dr Maxim Milosevic and Clifford Lee attended the Orientation Course in 2019, and Dr Lani Guy postponed her Applicants were required to submit a letter outlining in 800 words attendance until the following year. why they are pursuing a pathway to RACDS Fellowship, any notable accomplishments they achieved while completing their Thank you to the judging panel comprising of Board members; primary dental qualification, as well as their plans for the future Dr’s Denise Lawry and Peter Duckmanton in 2018, and Dr Warren of their dentistry career The College received 30 applications Shnider and Winthrop Prof Marc Tennant in 2019. and announced the winner as final year James Cook University student, Maxim Milosevic In 2019 the College renamed the Scholarship to the Dr Elizabeth Fanning Scholarship, after Dr Elizabeth (Betty) Fanning who was an inaugural College Fellow. Originally from New Zealand, Dr Fanning pioneered research on the relationship between fluoride and dental decay. She was instrumental in persuading the South Australian government to add fluoride to the water supply, from 1971. Dr Paul Sambrook at the Orientation Course with 2018 winner Dr Maxim Milosevic (left photo) and 2019 winner, Dr Clifford Lee Dr Elizabeth Fanning Dr Lani Guy Yearbook 2019 31 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Honours Queen’s Birthday Honours Australia Day Honours Congratulations to the following College Fellows who were recognised in the 2019 Queens Birthday Honours List. Congratulations to A/Prof Werner Bischof AM and Dr Stephen Chen AM Professor Fjelda Elizabeth Martin AO both of Victoria on being awarded Member of the Order of Australia (AM) Prof Liz Martin is a long-serving member of the in the 2019 Australia Day Honours List. College. She is currently a Board Director, after serving as Registrar for Final Examination (GDP) for a decade A/Prof Werner Bischof AM and a member of the FRACDS(GDP) Board of Studies. A/Prof Bischof is an Honorary Fellow of the For distinguished service to dental education as College, having served as College President an academic and researcher, and to professional from 2010 to 2012. He has served on several organisations. Boards and is currently Assistant Registrar (SDP). Professor Andrew Alistair Heggie AM For significant service to dentistry, and to professional dental organisations. Prof Heggie has a long and distinguished association in a number of College capacities including as Dr Stephen Chen AM Chair of the Court of Examiners for both OMS Examinations (SST & Final Examination) and Chair of Dr Chen has been a Fellow of the College the Examinations Committee (OMS). since 1989 and is a past winner of the JG Sutherland prize. He has contributed For significant service to medicine and dentistry in the to the College in the former Division of field of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Periodontics and on various advisory boards and committees. Dr Richard Wainin Chan OAM For significant service to dentistry, to dental education, and to professional groups. Dr Chan was instrumental in conducting the Implant Dentistry Orientation Course and was involved in the NSW/ACT Regional Committee. For service to dentistry. A/Prof John Sydney Boucher AM A/Prof Boucher contributed to the College as an Examiner in its MRACDS(GDP) program. For significant service to dentistry, and to professional standards. Dr James Ormonde Lucas AM Dr Lucas was a College Examiner for the Final Examinations and a member of the Board of Studies (Paediatrics) for several years. For service to dentistry. 32 Yearbook 2019 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

& Awards Academic Prizes at Christensen Prize Australian Universities For almost 50 years, the prestigious Christensen Prize has In acknowledgement of the academic success of talented been awarded to the candidate with the highest marks with final year students, the RACDS Academic Prize was awarded outstanding proficiency at the Primary Examination. by several universities Australasia wide, to the following recipients: It was not surprising that his death in 1969 did not mean an end to his endeavours, for he ensured that a tangible expression of his University interests should persist in the form of a Prize for the successful candidate with the highest marks with outstanding proficiency Charles Sturt University Stephanie Hollis at the Primary Examination held by the College. The James Cook University Fay Hannelore Schowalter Examination is of a high standard and has achieved University of Hong Kong Dr LIN Yee Shan an international reputation. The prize comprises of University of Melbourne Miss Xin Wang the College Medal and Ms Cara Fitt a monetary amount of Ms Nicola Wong AUD$500. University of Otago Rebecca Yi The 2019 recipient of the Shay Stevenson Prize was: Hetal Shukla Dr Imogen Scott (New Zealand) University of Sydney Mohamed Halane Nicole Azizian The prize consists of a Certificate of Merit together with a monetary amount of AUD$750. Braham Pearlman Award Primary Examination - Subject Prizes The RACDS Braham Pearlman Prize recognises the great work and commitment to the College by the late Associate Professor On the advice of the Examiners, Subject Prizes for the highest Braham Pearlman RFD who came to Presidency in November mark scored in each subject were awarded to the following: 2012, but resigned from his position later that year due to ill health. The prize is awarded to an exceptional final year dental student at Fiji National University - Ms Sylvia Sonia Nand. Anatomy Dr Kimra Kaur Ranjit Singh Histology Dr Danyon Graham Cell Bio & Biochemistry Dr Lucinda Wong Dr Osea Gavidi, Microbiology Dr Meifang Zhu Head of School of Dentistry & Oral Pathology Drs Rupert Wockner and Health and Ms Sylvia Sonia Nand Imogen Scott Physiology Dr Imogen Scott Kenneth J.G. Sutherland Kenneth J.G. Sutherland Prize Membership Award For the candidate at the Final Examination who gained For demonstrated overall excellence in the MRACDS(GDP) the highest marks in General Dentistry, and demonstrated Program was not awarded in 2019. eminence in the elective section of the Examination, was not awarded in 2019. Yearbook 2019 33 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

AHwonarodusrs & Honorary Fellows 1965 Prof Sir Arthur Amies CMG 1987 D. S G Kings AM Dr Patrick Russo 1965 Sir John Hall Best 1987 Dr J A Sagar Dr Dell Kingsford Smith 1966 Prof A J Arnott CBE 1989 Dr R Y Norton OBE 1966 Prof T D Campbell 1989 A/Prof R M King 1966 Prof S F Lumb 1991 Dr G Wing AM 1966 Prof Sir John Walsh KBE 1993 Dr J H Muller A.M 1968 Prof Sir Robert Bradlaw CBE 1993 HRH The Princess of Wales 1968 Sir Terrance Ward CBE 1995 Dr R W Hession AM 1968 Prof F C Wilkinson CBE 1997 A/Prof J K Harcourt OAM 1970 Dr G Leatherman 1997 A/Prof G H Hewitt 1971 Prof N W G Macintosh 2000 Dr S C Warneke AM 1973 Mr A Docking MBE 2001 Dr J H Sinclair 1974 Dr W A Grainger CBE 2003 Dr K H Wendon 1976 Sir Kenneth Adamson CMG 2005 Dr R J Bastiaan AM RFD 1976 Prof K W Cleland 2007 Dr D H Thomson 1977 Dr P R Begg AO 2009 Dr N J J Peppitt 1977 Prof G N Davies CBE 2010 Prof E C Reynolds AO 1978 Prof I R H Kramer OBE 2011 A/Prof B K Drummond 1979 Dr R Harris AM, MBE 2014 A/Prof W H Bischof AM 1979 Dr J F Lavis AM 2015 A/Prof Braham Pearlman (RFD) 1979 Brig A G Rowell AO, CBE, ED 2015 Prof M J Tyas AM 1982 Prof Sir Paul Bramley 2015 Dr Francis Chau 1983 Prof K J G Sutherland 2017 Dr David Sykes OAM 1985 Dr H G Lamplough 2019 Dr Patrick Russo 1985 Mr W O Read 2019 Dr Dell Kingsford Smith 1987 Dr E H Bastian OBE Honorary Members Meritorious Service Awards 2016 Ms Pamela Clark In 1983 the College instituted the Meritorious Service Award to be conferred 2019 Prof Richard M. Logan on those who have rendered long and distinguished service to the College. Prof Richard M. 1983 Dr Peter M. Gibbs 2001 Dr Michael F.S. Tsui Logan 1984 Dr Wilfred J. Simmonds 2001 Prof P Mark Bartold AM 1984 Dr Clarence J. Griffin 2001 Prof Rakesh K Kumar Presidential 1984 Dr David G. Esler 2001 Dr William C W Yung Commendation 1987 Dr Peter Davies 2003 Dr E. Dell Kingsford Smith 1987 Dr T. Bruce Lindsay ED 2003 Ms Robyn Lupton In order that persons who have made a 1988 Dr Athol W.J. Lykke 2004 Dr Jonathan P H Rogers contribution of great significance to the College 1988 Dr Graham A. Thomas 2004 Prof David Wiesenfeld in its continuing development and activities, the 1988 Dr Leslie P. Oliver DFC 2005 Dr Norman Eizenberg Council has established a form of recognition 1988 Dr Anthony H. Rogers 2007 Ms Alexis Smith that it is a privilege of the President to bewstow 1989 Dr John G. Waterson 2007 A/Prof John K Harcourt OAM upon such a person. 1990 Mr Robert M. Cook AM 2007 A/Prof David G Purton 1991 Ms Marnie E. Martin 2008 Clinical A/Prof Richard P Widmer 1998 William K R Mackenzie 1991 Dr Nihill H. Somers 2009 Dr Leslie Snape 1999 Ross L Taylor 1991 Prof Noel D. Martin AM 2009 Prof Frank Monsour 2004 Noel D Martin AM 1991 A/Prof Christopher G. Daly 2009 W/Prof Marc Tennant 2005 Alastair N Goss 1992 Dr Michael A.W. Thomas 2011 Dr Philip A Cockerill 2007 Robert F Broadbent 1993 Dr Lloyd G. O’Brien AO 2011 Dr Hugh G Trengrove 2009 Les Wallace 1994 Prof John S. Lyell 2011 A/Prof Geoffrey W Borlase 2010 Nicola M Kilpatrick 1995 Dr Philip C. Crocker 2014 A/Prof Angus C Cameron 2013 Stephen Robbins 1995 Dr James M. Scott 2014 Dr Luke Moloney 1997 Prof F. Elizabeth Martin 2015 Prof Andrew Heggie AM 1997 Dr Peter W. McKerracher 2017 Dr Bruce Emery Taylor 1997 Dr Kornel Romaniuk RFD 2017 A/Prof Jocelyn Shand 2000 Dr Ann P. Collins 2017 Dr Leone Hutchinson 2001 Mr Peter Bradford 2018 Prof Fraser McDonald 34 Yearbook 2019 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Vale The College remembers... Dr John Henry Muller AM 1932 – 2019 Dr John Henry Muller was President of the College from 1990 - 1992 and awarded Honorary Fellowship in 1993. He sadly passed away in October 2019. John was honoured to serve the RACDS for many years and enjoyed his term as President. In 1995, John was honoured to receive a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for dedication to his profession, and for service to the community following his involvement in the building of a residence for four young people with profound disabilities. John will be remembered for the high level of leadership, care and integrity with which he practiced his profession and conducted his personal life. Dr Vivienne Margaret Cowlishaw 1935 – 2019 Vivienne was an Inaugural Fellow of the College and a Life Member from 2005. Her stated focus was “Quality in all spheres of Life – health and education being paramount.” Vivienne graduated from University of Queensland in 1957 with a Bachelor of Dental Science with Honours (BDSc). In 1959 Vivienne received her Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) from Dalhousie University in Canada. In 1969, she became the first female Oral Surgeon to complete her Master of Dental Surgery (MDS) at Otago University in New Zealand. Her career included work in remote areas of North Queensland and with the Royal Flying Doctor Service, practicing in Sydney and later the Gold Coast. Vivienne advocated for oral health assessment and treatment to form part of comprehensive health programs, especially for chronically ill patients. Vivienne was an active member of the Queensland Regional Committee, attending functions when she could. Dr Richard Graeme Cook AM RFD 1945 – 2019 Dr Richard Cook (Dick) was a giant in the dental profession and his contribution to orthodontics, dentistry and the wider community is almost unparalleled. He was admitted as a Member of the Order of Australia (AM), for service to the profession of dentistry in the field of orthodontics and to the community. Dr Cook was an active member of RACDS; as a member of the WA Regional Committee, the Finance and Audit Committee, an Examiner and a member of the Board of Studies (Orthodontics). He also held senior leadership roles in the ASO and the ADA, at both at State and Federal level, and the ICD Section Vlll. Deceased Fellows and Members: Dr Vincent Conrad Amerena, PSM RFD Dr Davor Ante Lovro Hribar Dr Peter Tilbury Burgess Dr Ian Howard O’Loughlin Dr Kogulan Gunaratnam Dr John Seemann A/Prof Colin Frederick Hinrichsen Dr Aubrey Short Dr Desmond Alexander Hing Yearbook 2019 35 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Foundation Donors The RACDS Foundation is a Company Limited by Guarantee incorporated in December 2001. The Foundation operates independently to the College, however, the College has accepted donations on its behalf. The following have made a donation to the RACDS Foundation in 2019. Prof Paul ABBOTT (WA, AUSTRALIA) Dr Siu Fai LEUNG (HK SAR PRC) Dr Phillip AJAJE (NSW, AUSTRALIA) Dr Albert Chun Fung LEUNG (HK SAR PRC) Dr Abdullah ALATAL (SAUDI ARABIA) Dr Con LOIS (NSW, AUSTRALIA) Dr Hussain ALENEZI (KUWAIT) Dr Chi To George LOK (HK SAR PRC) Dr Robert BEGG (NEW ZEALAND) Dr Michael Nicholas MANDIKOS (QLD, AUSTRALIA) Dr Nicholas Charles BENTLEY (NEW ZEALAND) Dr Peter MANSOUR (NSW, AUSTRALIA) Dr Suzanne Faye BRENT (NSW, AUSTRALIA) Dr Patrick MEANEY (NSW, AUSTRALIA) Dr Michael Ngai-Ying CHAU (HK SAR PRC) Dr Kareen MEKERTICHIAN (NSW, AUSTRALIA) Dr Mark Andrew CORDATO (NSW, AUSTRALIA) Dr Christopher Brian MUIR (QLD, AUSTRALIA) Dr Elizabeth Anne Dadley DAY (WA, AUSTRALIA) Dr Chi Hong NG (HK SAR PRC) Dr Stuart DEANE (NSW, AUSTRALIA) Dr Stephen Victor OLESCHENKO (SA, AUSTRALIA) Dr Shane FRYER OAM (NSW, AUSTRALIA) Dr Sarah Ann ORME (VIC, AUSTRALIA) Dr Graham HALL (TAS, AUSTRALIA) Dr Stephen Sung-Chan PAK (NSW, AUSTRALIA) Dr Narada HAPANGAMA (NSW, AUSTRALIA) Dr Andrew QUICK (NEW ZEALAND) Dr Geoffrey Peter HARVEY (SA, AUSTRALIA) Dr Alan SOLOMON (VIC, AUSTRALIA) Dr Andrew HOWE (NSW, AUSTRALIA) Dr Bernard SPECULAND (UNITED KINGDOM) Dr Leone HUTCHINSON (NSW, AUSTRALIA) Dr Rowan Darroch STORY AM RFD (VIC, AUSTRALIA) Dr Tissa Ranjan JAYASEKERA (VIC, AUSTRALIA) Dr Mahnaz SYED (WA, AUSTRALIA) Dr Karen Christina Yen Hwa KAN (VIC, AUSTRALIA) Dr Pong Jor Joyce TING (HK SAR PRC) Dr Ricky KUMAR (VIC, AUSTRALIA) Dr Russell VICKERS (NSW, AUSTRALIA) Dr Stephen Roderick LANGFORD (SA, AUSTRALIA) Dr Vicky Wai-Kee LAW (QLD, AUSTRALIA) 36 Yearbook 2019 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

SCuacncdeisdsafutels FINAL EXAMINATION for Fellowship (GDP) Ivy Tan SA Anusia Mathew Malaysia Nicola Harrison New Zealand Malaysia Alps Thakkar NSW Mera Michael Malaysia Sonja Sokolovska NSW Singapore Clare Chantler WA Ayman Al Oulabi NSW Santha Palaniswamy VIC QLD Vincenzo Figliomeni WA Qi-Yan Chung NSW Doreena Kuckreja NSW QLD Jenny Pham NSW Mary Clayton SA Sanjaya Gamage SA Stephanie Heitkonig VIC Md Mokerrom Hasan Nadeem Hamadani New Zealand Dara Khorsyiah Yakob Malaysia Raoul Mascarenhas Mazlie Saidin Malaysia Chi Ching Joan Wan Hong Kong Miriam Mathew Kushagra Ohri QLD Norzaliza Abd Ghani Malaysia Pritesh Narsinh Ka Yu Siu Hong Kong PRIMARY EXAMINATION Farah Hanan Abd Wahid Malaysia Ian Kuan New Zealand Kimra Kaur Ranjit Singh Malaysia Zanarita Aspanut Malaysia Wenny Kuo QLD Natalie Revell New Zealand Joanne Au New Zealand Gavin Lai Hong Kong Imogen Scott New Zealand Michael Brooks SA Chin Hung Lai Singapore Stephanie Shields NT Kate Burry QLD Elizabeth Lam NSW Priyena Singh QLD James Chan NSW Ho Yin Lau Hong Kong Sina Soltanimoghaddam NSW Chie Hoe Kenneth Cheong Singapore Michelle Lau Hong Kong Jordan Sparkes VIC Desmond Cheong New Zealand Jun Soo Lee VIC Maxim Stephenson New Zealand Juen-Long Cheung VIC Jik Hang Clifford Lee New Zealand Kris Sweetapple New Zealand Helen Cheung VIC Chi Hang Leung Hong Kong Saranya Talluri ACT Timothy Chin QLD Zi Wei Lim SA Jessie Tan VIC Delia Chin VIC Jason Liu NSW Darren Tan Singapore Sze Man Chung Hong Kong Daniel Lo-Cao NSW Ai Lin Tee New Zealand Rui Dai NSW Neil Luis QLD Marisa Teh QLD David Day NSW Hannah Maher New Zealand Abirami Thilagalavanian VIC Thomas Ethell NSW Manika Manika NSW Zhi Yon Charles Toh WA Jennifer Feng NT Lisa-Marie Martin NSW Kieran Tsang Hong Kong Andrea Fenwicke NSW Daniel Maydelman VIC Daniel Waller ACT Maria Freedman NSW Laura Miller VIC Zibo Wangding VIC Sachintha Gamage VIC Maxim Milosevic NSW Max Wei QLD Danyon Graham New Zealand Maxwell Moody QLD Rupert Wockner New Zealand Mehak Gupta QLD Byung Joon (Joseph) Moon VIC Jong Yoon Won New Zealand Olivia Haselton QLD Matthew Moore QLD Lucinda Wong Hong Kong Thomas Hogerheyde QLD Nadzirah Muhamad Nasir Malaysia Huen Chun Wong Hong Kong Gloria Hsu QLD Ilnaz Nadian Ghomsheh WA Tsz Yung Wong New Zealand Denise Hsueh SA Paul Nakad NSW Grace Wu NSW Rami Hussain ACT Nikeeta Naren NSW Lee Wu NSW Nur Ashikin Ibrahim Malaysia Rebecca Newbould New Zealand Paul Yeoh WA Rahul Induru QLD Lavina Ng NSW Nor Azira Zahadi Malaysia Lyn Jiang VIC Elizabeth Ng NSW William Zhan Hong Kong Chenyi Jin New Zealand Won Ki Noh VIC Daniel Zhang WA Olga Kaini VIC Samagra Ohri QLD Meifang Zhu QLD Darian Karunaikumar NSW Rebecca Phemister New Zealand Alan Zhu VIC Andrew Kieltyka VIC Su Quach QLD James Zvirblis NSW Tara King New Zealand Lakkhana Rabel VIC Yearbook 2019 37 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Admissions to Fellowship and Membership 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019 FRACDS - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Jaslyn Mei Suan PATRICK TAS Scott James ARMSTRONG QLD Naomi Ann Ji Jiin TING WA Michael BURGESS QLD Graham Mitchell TULICH TAS William HUYNH QLD Louise Clare WINTERS WA Susan Swee Cheng KOK NSW MRACDS - DMFR Louise Frances BROWN VIC Edward Viet Anh NGUYEN VIC Yastira LALLA QLD Paul MONSOUR QLD Krishnan PARTHASARATHI VIC Daniel George SELIM NSW Alyssa ZHANG QLD FRACDS - General Dental Practice Norzaliza ABD GHANI Malaysia Ayman Jalal AL OULABI United Arab Emirates Clare Mia CHANTLER WA MRACDS - Oral Medicine Amanda Hui Ying PHOON NGUYEN WA Qi-Yan CHUNG Singapore Mary Therese CLAYTON NSW Vincenzo FIGLIOMENI WA MRACDS - Orthodontics Sanjaya Nilantha GAMAGE SA Omar ALFURAIH United Kingdom Nadeem HAMADANI New Zealand Anastasia BAKOPOULOU NSW Nicola Jane HARRISON New Zealand Sanjana BAKSI (NEE MUKHOPADHYAY) Md Mokerrom HASAN NSW WA Stephanie Augusta Angela HEITKONIG (NEE DE SOUZA) Gordon Ching Yat CHEUNG WA VIC Luke Pye Sun CHOW WA Doreena KUCKREJA NSW Sigid Chiang FU QLD Iden MAHMOOD New Zealand Shanya HAMMOND NSW Raoul Julio MASCARENHAS NSW Alex Wern Juin HONG Malaysia Miriam MATHEW SHAKHOVSKOY QLD Sven William Christian JENSEN SA Anusia Annmarie MATHEW Malaysia Laura Katherine LEASK TAS Mera Christina MICHAEL Malaysia Wenjun Kenneth LIM VIC Pritesh NARSINH New Zealand Ana LOW (NEE MLADENOVSKI) New Zealand Kushagra OHRI QLD Simone MUSTAC NSW Santha Kumar PALANISWAMY VIC Premal PATEL TAS Jenny Kieu Loan PHAM NSW Divya Visalakshi RAMANAN New Zealand Mazlie SAIDIN Malaysia Josh ROWLEY United Kingdom Ka Yu SIU Hong Kong Arun Vels SHAILENDRAN QLD Sonja SOKOLOVSKA NSW Devesh Tarang SHELAT United Kingdom Ivy Siang Yee TAN VIC Navin SINNIAH Malaysia Alps R. THAKKAR NSW Jennifer Alexandra VESEY United Kingdom Century Hin Kei TSANG Hong Kong Nam Alice WONG NSW Chi Ching Joan WAN Hong Kong MRACDS - Paediatric Dentistry Dara Khorsyiah YAKOB Malaysia Caitlin Mary AGNEW New Zealand FRACDS - Dental Public Health Lisa Michelle BOWDIN WA Nghiem Van Trong DOAN QLD Sandra Anna BUCHLER NSW FRACDS - OralMed Timothy Charles KEYS QLD Samah Murshid Moh’d ABDEL HAFETH VIC Jilen Jayant PATEL WA MRACDS - Periodontics MRACDS - General Dental Practice Samy FRANCIS WA Sasha Claire Newton ANTUNOVIC New Zealand Poppy Edwina HORNE New Zealand Timothy John CURRAN SA Harold Kingston PRADHAN NSW Hannah Elizabeth FENOGLIO QLD MRACDS - Prosthodontics Abdullah BARAZANCHI Simi Sara JACOB QLD Sy Yin CHAI New Zealand Maggie Hsiao-Mei CHEN New Zealand Richard Viet LEE NSW New Zealand Man Ching NG Hong Kong Muhammad Imran Khan NIAZI New Zealand MRACDS - Special Needs Dentistry Dilan PATEL SA Ying Linda GU NSW 38 Yearbook 2019 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

ADAIR, Peter Harold - Turramurra, NSW, Australia Life ADAMS, Donald Bertrand - Wellington, New Zealand ADDISON, Michael John - Cronulla, NSW, Australia Fellows & Members ADEY, Alfred - Berrilee, NSW, Australia ADKINS, Ken Francis - Birkdale, QLD, Australia CHANDLER, Donald Kenneth - Adelaide, SA, Australia ADLER, Edmond Arthur - Mount Lawley, WA, Australia CHAPMAN, John Henry - Bellingen, NSW, Australia AGNEW, Peter James - Paddington, QLD, Australia CHAPMAN, Keith Brian - Wellington, New Zealand AKERS, Harry Francis - Graceville, QLD, Australia CHARLESWORTH, Gregory Clark - Waverton, NSW, Australia ANKER, John Harris - Wollongong, NSW, Australia CHARLTON, Douglas Edward - Annangrove, NSW, Australia ASHBY, John Warwick - Christchurch, New Zealand CHESTER, Ian Colin - Ascot, QLD, Australia AVERY, Brian - Mordon, COUNTY DURHAM, United Kingdom CHEUNG, Peter Kwok Kuen - Clayton, VIC, Australia BAMBERY, Dexter Darcy - Wellington, New Zealand CHOW, Douglas Kam-Yung - Mid-Levels, Hong Kong BARBER, Anthony Francis - Adelaide, SA, Australia CHRYSTIE, John Alfred - Viewbank, VIC, Australia BARCLAY, John Keith - Otago, New Zealand CLARKE, Peter John - Hamilton, New Zealand BARNARD, Peter Deane - Lindfield, NSW, Australia COAKLEY, Michael John - Sorrento, VIC, Australia BARNES, Peter Byron - Greenbank, QLD, Australia COATES, Anthony John - Semaphore Park, SA, Australia BARTLETT, Samuel Zane - Papatoetoe, New Zealand COATES, Peter James - Yeronga, QLD, Australia BAU, Dennis John - Cammeray, NSW, Australia COLE, Russell - London, United Kingdom BEHAN, Mark Christopher - Ashmore, QLD, Australia COLLINS, Ann Page - Westmead, NSW, Australia BEHREND, Donald Albert - Toorak, VIC, Australia COOK, Robert Malcolm - Middle Park, VIC, Australia BELL, Marsden (William) - Auckland, New Zealand COSGROVE, Denis James - Nedlands, WA, Australia BELL, William Patrick Leslie - Auckland, New Zealand COSTELLO, Maurice - Mitchelton, QLD, Australia BENNET, Kim Roydon - West Perth, WA, Australia COVENEY, Allan Campbell - Mildura, VIC, Australia BENSON, Peter Ernest - Ingleburn, NSW, Australia CRAIG, Graham George - Balgowlah, NSW, Australia BERESFORD, Jack Stuart - Auckland, New Zealand CREEDY, Brian Edward - Collins Creek, NSW, Australia BERRY, Robert William - Maryborough, VIC, Australia CRISP, John Cunningham - Essex, United Kingdom BEVAN, Eric Mervyn - Dural, NSW, Australia CROCKER, Philip Cameron - Berry, NSW, Australia BISHOP, Roger Geoffrey - Swanbourne, WA, Australia CROWE, Paul Richard - Highgate, SA, Australia BLACK, Owen Philip - Indented Head, VIC, Australia CUMMING, Richard - Breakfast Point, NSW, Australia BLOCH, Harry Martin - Melbourne, VIC, Australia CURTIN, John William - Kew, VIC, Australia BLOOD, Michael David - Hawthorn, VIC, Australia CURTIN, Paul - Eastwood, NSW, Australia BOA, John Thomas - Canterbury, United Kingdom CUTRESS, Terence William - Wellington, New Zealand BOASE, Robyn Margaret - Yorkeys Knob, QLD, Australia DAENKE, Lachlan Lewis - Port Elliot, SA, Australia BOLAND, Thomas William - Riverview, NSW, Australia DAGG, Keith Miles - Casino, NSW, Australia BOLTON, George Henry Philip - New Farm, QLD, Australia DALE, John William - Bellevue Hill, NSW, Australia BOND, Keith - Norman Park, QLD, Australia DALY, Christopher George - Malabar, NSW, Australia BOOTH, David Robert - Murdoch, WA, Australia DAWES, William - Mount Kuring-Gai, NSW, Australia BOWELL, Geoffrey Reginald - Brighton, VIC, Australia DEARING, Saxton Gordon - Napier, New Zealand BRADLEY, Denis John - Oatley, NSW, Australia DIAS, Andrew Paul Lakshman Henry - Clifton Hill, VIC, Australia BROADBENT, Brian Gordon - Tamworth, NSW, Australia DINTE, Nathan Max - Avihail, Israel BROGAN, William Francis - City Beach, WA, Australia DJAMSHIDI, Mehran - Clear Island Waters, QLD, Australia BROWN, John Paul - Austin, TX, United States DORNEY, Alan Brett - Pymble, NSW, Australia BROWN, Tasman - Linden Park, SA, Australia DOWNES, Arthur Maxwell - Isle Of Man, United Kingdom BROWNBILL, John William - Malvern East, VIC, Australia DOWSETT, Michael Hutton - Kingston, ACT, Australia BRYANT, Roland Warwick - Castle Hill, NSW, Australia DUCKMANTON, Norton Archie - Epping, NSW, Australia BUCHANAN, Gordon - Orange, NSW, Australia DUKE, Paul - Unley Park, SA, Australia BUCHANAN, Susan - Greenwich, NSW, Australia DUNCAN, Roy Graham - Clear Island Waters, QLD, Australia BUCHHOLZ, Paul Charles - Newtown, VIC, Australia DUNN, Adrian Arthur - Vaucluse, NSW, Australia BURGESS, Robert Kirkwood - Southport, QLD, Australia DUTHY, Lester Milton - Warrnambool, VIC, Australia BURKITT, Harold George - Arrawarra, NSW, Australia EDWARDS, Iain Greig - Woollahra, NSW, Australia BURTON, Colin Ernest - Berowra Heights, NSW, Australia EDWARDS, John - Waiheke Island, New Zealand BUSHELL GUTHRIE, Phillip - Indooroopilly, QLD, Australia ESLER, David George - London, United Kingdom CAMPBELL, Edward - Glen Iris, VIC, Australia EWART, Niel Philip - Auckland, New Zealand CAMPBELL, John Pritchard Stewart - Highett, VIC, Australia FEATHERSTONE, John Lawrence - Braidwood, NSW, Australia CANESTRA, John - Albert Park, VIC, Australia FENWICK, David Norman - Moolap, VIC, Australia CANNON, Peter Douglas - Malabar, NSW, Australia FIELD, Brian David - Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand CARTER, Jeffrey Leonard - Mont Albert, VIC, Australia FITZSIMONS, Robert Claude - , NSW, Australia CATTERMOLE, Andrew Edward - South Yarra, VIC, Australia FORTESCUE, Rex Edward - Vancouver, BC, Canada CERNAVIN, Igor - St Albans, VIC, Australia FOSTER, Ross Ormiston - Toorak, VIC, Australia CHAN, Richard Wainin - Northbridge, NSW, Australia FOWLER, Scott Colin - East Melbourne, VIC, Australia CHAN, Shun Chi Elias - Doncaster East, VIC, Australia FREEMAN, Derek David - Potts Point, NSW, Australia CHAN, Wing-Ho - Central, Hong Kong FRENCH, Robert Hamilton - East Melbourne, VIC, Australia FROST, Paul Linden - East Southport, QLD, Australia FULLER, David James - Brighton, VIC, Australia FUNG, Hang Eric - Happy Valley, Hong Kong GAN, Robert - Parramatta, NSW, Australia Yearbook 2019 39 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Life KING, Ross William - Hawthorn, VIC, Australia KINGS, Eric William - Somers, VIC, Australia Fellows & Members KINSELLA, Philip - Killara, NSW, Australia KIRKWOOD, John - Northbridge, NSW, Australia GARDINER, Gavin Thomas - Middlesex, United Kingdom KLINE, Patrick Wilfred - Walsh Bay, NSW, Australia GATES, Robert Edward - Wyong Creek, NSW, Australia KLINEBERG, Iven - Westmead, NSW, Australia GEARY, Colin Patrick Maurice - Lower Hutt, New Zealand LAM, Timothy Yat-Wah - South Perth, WA, Australia GIBBS, Robert David - Auckland, New Zealand LAM, William Kui-Po - Wan Chai, Hong Kong, Hong Kong GIBSON, Horace James - Ipswich, QLD, Australia LANGFORD, Anthony - Caulfield Junction, VIC, Australia GILCHRIST, Donald Richard - Yorkeys Knob, QLD, Australia LAWRENCE, Henry Ernest - Belconnen, ACT, Australia GILLIES, Richard Bruce - Kew, VIC, Australia LAWRENTSCHUK, Leon - Black Rock, VIC, Australia GILLIES, Robert Ian - Balwyn North, VIC, Australia LECHNER, Sybille Katherine - Fairlight, NSW, Australia GILLINGS, Barrie Roderick D’Arcy - Turramurra, NSW, Australia LEHMANN, Gerald - Vaucluse, NSW, Australia GODFREY, John Lewis - Mornington, VIC, Australia LESTER, Keith Simon - Gerringong, NSW, Australia GOLDSCHMIED, Felix - Kings Meadows, TAS, Australia L’ESTRANGE, Peter Robert - Brisbane, QLD, Australia GOSS, Alastair Norman - Norwood, SA, Australia LEUNG, Wing Ming - South Melbourne, VIC, Australia GOTJAMANOS, Theo - City Beach, WA, Australia LEWIS, Harris Keith - Bondi, NSW, Australia GOUNDAR, Satyanand Narainan - Herts, United Kingdom LILIENTHAL, Bernard - Phillip, ACT, Australia GRANT, Alan Archie - Daisy Hill, QLD, Australia LIMBRICK, Michael John - Auckland, New Zealand GRAVE, Keith Cyril - Norwood South, SA, Australia LIU, Frank Ting-Pang - Westleigh, NSW, Australia GREEN, Roger Michael - Canterbury, Kent, United Kingdom LUND, Patrick George - Cleveland, QLD, Australia GREGG, Francis Alexander - Gladesville, NSW, Australia MACCULLOCH, Reginald Douglas - Goulburn, NSW, Australia GREGORY, Dennis John - Cottesloe, WA, Australia MACDONALD, Malcolm Ross - Leabrook, SA, Australia GREGORY, Garry Francis - North Lincolnshire, United Kingdom MACGIBBON, David John - Indooroopilly, QLD, Australia GREGORY, Peter John - Dalkeith, WA, Australia MACKIE, (Robert) Colin - Warilla, NSW, Australia GRUBOR, Dragan - Fitzroy, VIC, Australia MANNING, Michael Francis - Rockhampton, QLD, Australia GRUNDY, Geoffrey Esmond - Little Mountain, QLD, Australia MARIN, Paul David - Adelaide, SA, Australia HAIG, Donald Andrew - Sandringham, VIC, Australia MARK, Alan Ting Shu - Camberwell, VIC, Australia HALL, Roger Kingsley - Hawthorn, VIC, Australia MARTIN, Anthony Peter - Mortdale, NSW, Australia HARDHAM, Richard George - Red Hill, VIC, Australia MARTIN, Francis King - Paraparaumu, New Zealand HARDMAN, Peter Gerard - Tewantin, QLD, Australia MASON-COX, Joseph - Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia HARDWICK, James Lyndon - St Ives, NSW, Australia MAYNE, John Ross - Bolton Point, NSW, Australia HARRY, Michael Romilly - Rose Park, SA, Australia MAYNE, Lewis Harper - Ipswich, QLD, Australia HAWKINS, James Kell - Mosman, NSW, Australia MCCARTHY, John Joseph - Sydney, NSW, Australia HAY, Richard Henderson - Mittagong, NSW, Australia MCDONALD, David Francis - Busselton, WA, Australia HEILBERG, Anthony - Black Rock, VIC, Australia MCDONALD, James Peter - Edinburgh, United Kingdom HEITHERSAY, Geoffrey Sinclair - North Adelaide, SA, Australia MCDONALD, Neville James - Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States HELLSTROM, David Roger - Lindfield, NSW, Australia MCGEACHIE, John Kerridge - Crawley, WA, Australia HENRY, Patrick Joseph - Chittering, WA, Australia MCHUGH, Anthony Thomas - Mcmahons Point, NSW, Australia HEWSON, Drew Robert - Newtown, VIC, Australia MCKERRACHER, Peter Willoughby - City Beach, WA, Australia HIGHFIELD, Don Henry - Balwyn North, VIC, Australia MCMAUGH, David Russell - Bunjurgen, QLD, Australia HIGHFIELD, John Ernest - Sydney, NSW, Australia MEIKLE, Murray - Cambridge, United Kingdom HOLLIS, Michael John - Christchurch, New Zealand MERRICK, Alistair McClelland - Welby, NSW, Australia HOWIE, John Stevenson - Auckland, New Zealand MESSER, Louise Brearley - Middlesex, United Kingdom HOWLE, Peter Creswell - Tamworth, NSW, Australia MILES, Raymond Arthur - Main Beach, QLD, Australia HUME, Wyatt Roderic - Alameda, CT, United States MILLS, Arthur Anthony - Orange, NSW, Australia HURLEY, Daniel John - Drysdale, VIC, Australia MITCHELL, Brian Newton - Cronulla, NSW, Australia HYDE, Peter Frederick - Reedy Creek, QLD, Australia MOBBS, William Robert - Edgecliff, NSW, Australia INNES, Peter Bruce - Dunedin, New Zealand MOHAMED, Mohamed Yunus Bin - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia JACKMAN, Michael Patrick - Mitchelton, QLD, Australia MOLLENHAUER, Barry - Ivanhoe, VIC, Australia JACKSON, William James - Mosman, NSW, Australia MOLONEY, Francis - The Gap, QLD, Australia JARVIS, Ross Geoffrey - Royal Exchange, NSW, Australia MONK, Roger Donald - St Albans, CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand JEFFERIES, Richard William - Kelvin Heights, QUEENSTOWN, New MONSOUR, Francis - Windsor, QLD, Australia Zealand MOR, Gordon James - Norman Park, QLD, Australia JENKINS, William John - Toronto, ONT, Canada MORRIS, William Max - Auckland, New Zealand JOHNSON, Newell Walter - Griffith University, QLD, Australia MOUNT, Jeffrey Douglas - Prospect, TAS, Australia JOLLY, Brooke Hunter - New Plymouth, New Zealand MULLINS, David John - Toowoomba, QLD, Australia JONES, Robert - St Peters, SA, Australia MURRAY, Christopher Graeme - Melbourne, VIC, Australia JOYCE, Kevin Peter - Paddington, QLD, Australia NELSON, Eugene Horatio - Melbourne, VIC, Australia JOYSTON-BECHAL, Sally - London, United Kingdom NEUMANN, George - Bunbury, WA, Australia KAFALIAS, Michael Constantine - Cammeray, NSW, Australia NEWNHAM, Ian Arthur - Nedlands, WA, Australia KANAGARATNAM, Sathananthan - Auckland, New Zealand NG, Kin-Wai Kevin - Causeway Bay, Hong Kong KATZ, Hilton Collin - Malvern, VIC, Australia KELLAWAY, Richard Wallys - Cleveland Dc, QLD, Australia KENNEY, Ernest Barrie - Los Angeles, CA, United States KESSLER, Selwyn - Bellevue Hill, NSW, Australia 40 Yearbook 2019 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

NICHOLS, Paul Vincent - Sydney, NSW, Australia Life NORMAN, John Edgar DeBurgh - Strathfield, NSW, Australia NUGENT, Michael Anthony Caroi - Kensington Gardens, SA, Australia Fellows & Members OAKLEY, Gavan Ray - Yarra Glen, VIC, Australia O’BRIEN, Lloyd George - North Melbourne, VIC, Australia SOUTHWICK, John Havelock - Pymble, NSW, Australia O’DONOGHUE, Donald James - Brookfield, QLD, Australia SQUIRE, Bruce Edward - Melbourne, VIC, Australia O’GRADY, John Frederick - Williamstown, VIC, Australia STACY, Geoffrey Colman - Killara, NSW, Australia PARKER, David Alan Scott - Burnside, SA, Australia STALLWORTHY, Robert Arthur - Wellington, New Zealand PARKER, Ines - Burnside, SA, Australia STARR, Samuel Alexander - Caulfield, VIC, Australia PAUL, Stanley Peter - Brookfield, QLD, Australia STEIDLER, Chee Claire - Liebenfels, KARNTEN, Austria PEARSON, John Rupert - Harkaway, VIC, Australia STEIDLER, Nandor Edward - Liebenfels, KARNTEN, Austria PEAT, John Humphrey - Auckland, New Zealand STEVENSON, Alastair Rowan Louis - North Sydney, NSW, Australia PEEL, Edward James - Gordon, NSW, Australia STEWART, Barry Leonard - Chirnside Park, VIC, Australia PEET, Bruce Edward - Mollymook Beach, NSW, Australia STRAUCH, David - Armadale, VIC, Australia POGSON, Kenneth Erle - Moss Vale, NSW, Australia STRONG, Russell Walker - Tennyson, QLD, Australia POWELL, Keith Robert - Newington, NSW, Australia SULLIVAN, Kerry Oral - Christchurch, New Zealand PULLEN, Geoffrey John - Kooyong, VIC, Australia SURGEON, Geoffery Ralph - Wahrroonga, NSW, Australia PURTON, David Graham - Dunedin, New Zealand SUTTON, Anthony John - Blacks Beach, QLD, Australia QUINN, Neville William - East Melbourne, VIC, Australia TEO, Kho-Wei Alan - Hawthorn, VIC, Australia RABEY, Graham Peter - Cambridge, United Kingdom THOMAS, Graham Arthur - Moruya, NSW, Australia RALPH, William James - Mornington, VIC, Australia THONARD, John Charles - South Yarra, VIC, Australia RANU, Sawindar Singh - Toowong, QLD, Australia TILLEY, Gregory Lawrence - Hawthorn East, VIC, Australia RATCLIFFE, Peter Harry - Alexandria, NSW, Australia TURNER, Robert Bruce - Peppermint Grove, WA, Australia RATTRAY, Susan Frances - Balwyn North, VIC, Australia VADIVELOO, Victor Kandiah - Ashwood, VIC, Australia RAY, Kenneth Richard - Berkshire, United Kingdom VALENTINE, Henry Blair - Lower Hutt, New Zealand REANEY, Philip John Richard - Havelock North, New Zealand VARTULI, Angelo Ralph - St Morris, SA, Australia RENDELL, Colin Ray - Yeronga, QLD, Australia VERCO, Peter Joseph Willis - North Adelaide, SA, Australia ROBERTS, Graeme Lindsay - Blackburn, VIC, Australia VINCENT, Peter Fitzgerald - Brisbane, QLD, Australia ROBERTSON, James Alastair McLean - West Footscray, VIC, Australia WADDELL-SMITH, Iain Kenneth - Springfield, SA, Australia ROBSON, James Stanley - Hawthorn, VIC, Australia WAGNER, Graeme George - Brookfield, QLD, Australia RODDA, John Charles - Mosgiel, New Zealand WAINWRIGHT, W Michael - Vancouver, BC, Canada ROPER, Mervyn Goldsmith - Aspley, QLD, Australia WALKER, Andrew - Toronto, NSW, Australia ROSEN, Ernest Martin - Waverley, NSW, Australia WALKER, Elwyn Peter - Christchurch, New Zealand ROSENBERG, Ian - Dianella, WA, Australia WALSH, Jeremiah Finbar (Barry) - Grindelwald, TAS, Australia ROSS, Clive Bentley - Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand WALSH-BUCKLEY, James - Aspendale, VIC, Australia ROVEDA, Sidney Ivor Luigi - Townsville, QLD, Australia WALTERS, Ian Paterson - Sydney, NSW, Australia RYAN, Edward Henry - Lane Cove North, NSW, Australia WALTON, Dudley Frank - Portsea, VIC, Australia SAHHAR, Stan Costandy - Malvern, VIC, Australia WAN, Kwok-Kuen William - Chicago, IL, United States SAMARANAYAKE, Lakshman Perera - , Hong Kong WARDLAW, David Alexander - Balwyn North, VIC, Australia SAWYER, John - Wimbledon, LONDON, United Kingdom WATKINS, Keith - Kooyong, VIC, Australia SAYERS, Peter - Auckland, New Zealand WATSON, Bruce Ian - Highgate, SA, Australia SCARFF, Anthony William - Kooyong, VIC, Australia WATTERS, Allan Robert - West Pymble, NSW, Australia SCHWARZ KOD, Eli - Portland, OR, United States WEBSTER, David John - Turramurra, NSW, Australia SCOTT, Barry - Auckland, New Zealand WEI, Stephen Hon Yin - Central, Hong Kong SCOTT, James Murray - Auckland, New Zealand WELLS, Neville Brian - Mona Vale, NSW, Australia SEOW, Wan Kim - Jindalee, QLD, Australia WHEATLEY, David James - Roseville, NSW, Australia SEYMOUR, Gregory John - Chapel Hill, QLD, Australia WIDDOP, Fred Talbot - Sandringham, VIC, Australia SHEARER, Michael Watson - Kew, VIC, Australia WILLIAMS, John F H - Ballarat, VIC, Australia SHORT, Aubrey Gordon - Wellington, New Zealand WILLIAMSON, John Joseph - Figtree Pocket, QLD, Australia SHRIMPTON, Blair Alan - Balnarring, VIC, Australia WILLIAMSON, Raymond - Varsity Lakes, QLD, Australia SIBRAA, Paul Douglas - Liverpool, NSW, Australia WILLIS, Lloyd Everette - Auckland, New Zealand SMEDLEY, Paul - Auckland, New Zealand WILSON, David John - Edgecliff, NSW, Australia SMITH, Graydon Charles - Pymble, NSW, Australia WILSON, Ian Brownlie - Redland Bay, QLD, Australia SMITH, Neville Henry Hedges - Killara, NSW, Australia WINSPEAR, William James - Sydney, NSW, Australia SMITH, Roy Andrew - Deakin, ACT, Australia WINZAR, Clyde Francis - Corinda, QLD, Australia SMYTH, James - Seaforth, NSW, Australia WOODHOUSE, Anthony Dillon - Balwyn North, VIC, Australia SMYTH, Jennifer Mary - Figtree Pocket, QLD, Australia WOOTTON, Raymond Olney - Heyfield, VIC, Australia SMYTH, Jonathon MacLeod - Figtree Pocket, QLD, Australia WRIGHT, Fredrick Allan Clive - Drummoyne, NSW, Australia SMYTHE, John Davidson - Double Bay, NSW, Australia WYMOND, Geoffrey Michael - Sorrento, VIC, Australia SNAPE, Leslie - Christchurch, New Zealand YEUNG, Peter Man-Fong - Melbourne, VIC, Australia SOKEL, Bruce Neville - Epsom, VIC, Australia YEUNG, Stephen Chung Hon - Hornsby, NSW, Australia SOMERS, Nihill Henry - Naremburn, NSW, Australia YIP, Andrew Shing-Gaye - Vancouver, BC, Canada YIU, Eric See Yue - Tsim Sha Tsui, KOWLOON, Hong Kong YOUNG, Jeffrey Kym - Shoalwater, WA, Australia YUEN, Wai-Keung Terence - Toorak Gardens, SA, Australia ZETTL, John Frederick - Hawthorn East, VIC, Australia Yearbook 2019 41 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Fellows BARNARD, Peter Deane - Lindfield BARRATT, Alexandra Brandusa - Killara AUSTRALIA BAU, Dennis John - Cammeray BEATH, Paul - Merewether Australian Capital Territory BENSON, Peter Ernest - Ingleburn BERTRAM, Anthony Robert - Menai ADHIKARI, Ashim Nath - Barton BEVAN, Eric Mervyn - Dural BENIER, Melissa Joan - Bruce BHOLE, Sameer - West Pennant Hills CARTY, Glenn Victor Lucas - Bruce BILSKI, Arthur Georg - Lismore CHIAM, Sher-Lin - Hackett BILSKI, Wojciech Marek - Lismore COOPER, Michael Alan - Braddon BLACK, Emma Victoria - Lane Cove DAHLSTROM, Stephen William - Garran BOLAND, Thomas William - Riverview DAWSON, Anthony Stewart - Deakin BOND, Emma Louise - Penrith DOWSETT, Michael Hutton - Kingston BORLASE, Geoffrey - Sydney DUONG, Ann - Yarralumla BRADLEY, Denis John - Oatley EVANS, Richard Iorweth - Turner BRANDSON, Steven John - Manly FRICKER, John Peterie - Manuka BRENT, Suzanne Faye - Sydney GOSLING, Paul Thomas - Hughes BROADBENT, Brian Gordon - Tamworth GREEN, Jesse Nicholas - Turner BRYANT, Roland Warwick - Castle Hill HAR, David John - Canberra BUCHANAN, Gordon - Orange HONG, Sunny - Canberra BUCHANAN, Susan - Greenwich HYAM, Dylan - Yarralumla BURKITT, Harold George - Arrawarra HYDE, Michael Terrence - Canberra BURTON, Colin Ernest - Berowra Heights LAWRENCE, Henry Ernest - Belconnen CAMERON, Angus Crawford - Mona Vale LENEHAN, Hugh James - Forrest CAMERON, Heather Margaret - Orange LILIENTHAL, Bernard - Phillip CANNON, Peter Douglas - Malabar LISING, Stephen Kwongee - Braddon CARTER, Eric Francis - Hunters Hill MOUNTAIN, Keith John - Deakin CASTRISOS, Tim - Roseville NATH, Neela - Crace CHAN, Ambrose Kwok Leung - Strathfield PACKIANATHAN, Manjara - Harrison CHAN, Richard Wainin - Northbridge PAPAS, Stephen Leslie - Deakin CHAPMAN, John Henry - Bellingen PEAKE, Gregory George - Belconnen CHARLESWORTH, Gregory Clark - Waverton SETHI, Bikram - O’Malley CHARLTON, Douglas Edward - Annangrove SMITH, Roy Andrew - Deakin CHEUNG, Monique Charlene - Naremburn STACEY, Geoffrey Douglas - Chapman CHEW, Kong Eng - Woollahra WARNAKULA, Alex Ruwan Kumar - Franklin CHI, Jonathan Yi-Shao - Castle Hill WITHERSPOON, Robert - Kingston CHIU, Jenkin Jin-Chuen - Killara WONG, Peter David - Deakin West CHOU, Patty Peng-Chun - Chatswood CHOW, Allan Wilfrid King Yee - East Killara New South Wales CHOW, Yvonne Yuen-Fai - Milsons Point CHRONIS, Nicholas James - Stanmore ABDIOGLU, Hannah Hanife - Rozelle CHURCHIN, John Anthony - Sydney ABOUELENEIN, Mahmoud - Raymond Terrace CLAYTON, Mary Therese - Neutral Bay ADAIR, Peter Harold - Turramurra COLLINS, Ann Page - Westmead ADDISON, Michael John - Cronulla COLLINS, Catherine Jane - Pennant Hills ADEY, Alfred - Berrilee COMMANDEUR, Zoe - Warriewood AHMED, Kamal - Liverpool Westfield CONNELL, George Russell - Bowral AHMED, Mahmoud Ahmed Mohamed Al Sai - Shellharbour CONWAY, Richard - Balmain AHUJA, Rajiv - Baulkham Hills COOLICAN, John Edward - Chatswood ALCAINO, Eduardo Augusto - Sydney CORNWELL, Helen Louise - Broadmeadow ALEXANDER, Sherene - Oatlands COULTER, Peta Beryl - Mosman AMDITIS, Constantine - Richmond COUTINHO, Ajay - Tenterfield AMJADI, Mahyar - Cammeray COX, Stephen Clive - Epping AN, Qian - Allawah CRAIG, Graham George - Balgowlah ANDREANI, Yasmina - Chatswood CREEDY, Brian Edward - Collins Creek ANDREWS, Nectarios - Petersham CROCKER, Philip Cameron - Berry ANKER, Anthony Harris - Miranda CUMMING, Richard - Breakfast Point ANKER, John Harris - Wollongong CURTIN, Justin - Sydney Olympic Park ANSARIMEHR, Amirhossein - Glenhaven CURTIN, Paul - Eastwood ANTONIOU, Chrysostomos - Miranda CURTIS, Nigel - Gosford AQUILINA, Peter Joseph - Rozelle DA CRUZ, Clarence Robert - Orange AU, Anthony Raymond - Warrawee DAGG, Keith Miles - Casino AUSTIN, Bruce William - Sydney AZIZI, Milad - Macquarie Links BAHL, Adit - Northbridge BANNON, Michael John Benedict - Miranda 42 Yearbook 2019 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

DALE, John William - Bellevue Hill Fellows DALY, Christopher George - Malabar DAVIS, Scott Murray - Lake Cathie HOFFMAN, Gary Russell - Broadmeadow DAWES, William - Mount Kuring-Gai HOGAN, Paul Francis John - Sydney DAWSON, Kenneth Henry - Port Macquarie HOLMES, Brenna Kate - Mayfield DAYMOND, Stephen Cunynghame - Sydney HONG, Jae-Man Zhuzhong - St Ives DEANE, Sheryn Ann - Turramurra HOWE, Andrew Macdonald - Birchgrove DEANE, Stuart - Turramurra HOWLE, Peter Creswell - Tamworth DELILLO, Vasuki Mylvaganam - Cabarita HUANG, Lincoln Luen-Keung - Seaforth DHANRAJANI, Parmanand - Strathfield HUANG, Weber - Rose Bay DORNEY, Alan Brett - Pymble HUQ, Shazia - Castle Hill D’ROZARIO, Robin Henry John - West Wollongong HUTCHINSON, Leone June - Birchgrove DUCKMANTON, Norton Archie - Epping IKRAM, Omar Hamid - Crows Nest DUCKMANTON, Peter Michael - Pennant Hills IRVING, Mark Allan - North Parramatta DUNN, Adrian Arthur - Vaucluse JARVIS, Ross Geoffrey - Royal Exchange DUNN, David Brenton - Sydney JAY, Emma Elizabeth - Summer Hill EDWARDS, Iain Greig - Woollahra JONES, Alexandra Mary Reid - Orange EGGERS, Rebecca - Bella Vista KAFALIAS, Michael Constantine - Cammeray ELLAKWA, Ayman - Harrington Park KAH, Melissa - Sydney ELSEYOUFI, Mohamed Gamal El Din - Marsden Park KALAS, Michael - Beverley Park FATOURIS, Peter Nicholas - Waverley KALOS, Alex Peter - Bellevue Hill FEATHERSTONE, John Lawrence - Braidwood KAMEL, Marina Salah - Riverwood FELL, Robert Allan - Westmead KANG, Hyun Beth - Camperdown FITZSIMONS, Robert Claude - KARTIKO, Yudith - Woodcroft FOO, Eugene Mun Hoe - Chatswood KARVE, Avanti Parul - Strathfield South FREEMAN, Derek David - Potts Point KATHIRGAMATHAMBY, Sri - Strathfield FRYER, Shane - Wollongong KEATS, Matthew Pittman - Lane Cove GALLAGHER, Fiona Elizabeth - Brighton-Le-Sands KEI, Matthew Hiu Fai - Waverton GAN, Robert - Parramatta KHAREL, Kamal - New Lambton GANTASALA, Mahesh Veera - Kellyville KIM, James Hyun - Wollongong GATES, Robert Edward - Wyong Creek KIM, James - Pymble GEDDES, Christopher John - Helensburgh KIM, Seung Yeol Samuel - Blakehurst GEORGIOU, Anastasia Fotini - Glebe KING, Shalinie - Glebe GERZINA, Tania Maria - Killara KINGON, Angus Mackenzie - Wahroonga GHALY, Benjamin John - Warners Bay KINGSFORD SMITH, Elisabeth Dell - Mcmahons Point GIBLIN, John Patrick - Hornsby KINSELLA, Philip - Killara GILLINGS, Barrie Roderick D’Arcy - Turramurra KIPEL, Cigdem - Lane Cove North GOSWELL, Anthony Clyde - Sydney KIRKWOOD, John - Northbridge GREGG, Francis Alexander - Gladesville KLINE, Patrick Wilfred - Walsh Bay GUAZZATO, Massimiliano - Pyrmont KLINEBERG, Iven - Westmead GUIRGUIS, Sam Adel - Ultimo KOK, Susan Swee Cheng - Gordon GUPTA, Benjamin - Broadmeadow KTENAS, Paul - Coniston HADDAD, Sami - Castle Hill KUCKREJA, Doreena - Little Bay HAGLEY, Paul Christopher - Tamworth KWAN, Deborah Wai Ling - Chatswood HAPANGAMA, Narada - Wagga Wagga KWONG, Davina - Bellevue Hill HARDWICK, James Lyndon - St Ives KYAW, Emily Amarcho - Caddens HARDWICK, Nigel John - St Ives LAM, Jonathan - Longueville HARGREAVES, Warren Scott - Rozelle LAM, Patsandra Pui San - Maroubra HARTY, Warwick John - Surry Hills LAN, Jennifer - Turrella HASAN, Md Mokerrom - Bankstown LAPARDIN, Pavel - Abu Dhabi HAWKINS, James Kell - Mosman LAU, Joyce Wing Suet - Killara HAY, Richard Henderson - Mittagong LAW, Amanda Wing-Har - Killara HEAP, Keith Leonard - Malabar LECHNER, Sybille Katherine - Fairlight HEARD, Fiona Margaret - Eastwood LEE, Alexander - Hornsby HEE, Winston - Baulkham Hills LEE, Joseph Cho-Yan - Kingsdene HELLSTROM, David Roger - Lindfield LEE, Kok Beng - Turramurra HERRIOTT, Stephen Eric - Tweed Heads LEE, Paulina - East Ryde HESSION, Reginald William - Pymble LEE, Steven Moi Hing - Castle Hill HEWITT, George Henry - Pennant Hills LEHMANN, Gerald - Vaucluse HO, Cheung-Tak Gareth - Burwood LEINKRAM, David Zachary - Belleview Hill HO, Teresa Yuen-Ting - Marsfield LESTER, Keith Simon - Gerringong HOANG, Peter Duc - Bankstown LESTER, Kerry Joseph - Woollahra LEUNG, Alec Ching Lik - Hurstville LEUNG, Luke Ho Pan - Carlingford Yearbook 2019 43 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Fellows OMAR, Haitham - Bankstown OMAR, Mohamed Abd Elmoniem Elsayed - Fletcher LEUNG, Yi Kwan Karena - Burwood O’NEILL, Jessica Elizabeth - Longueville LEWIS, Harris Keith - Bondi O’SULLIVAN, Mark - Charlestown LIEW, Vincent - Bondi Junction OTENG-BOATENG, Benjamin Kofi Amoako - Harrington Park LIM, Lydia - Chatswood PAGNI, Max - Castle Hill LITTLE, Fiona Patricia Margaret - Petersham PALFREEMAN, Vera - Broadway LIU, Frank Ting-Pang - Westleigh PEET, Bruce Edward - Mollymook Beach LIU, Rex - Dundas PEPPITT, Neil John Joseph - Sydney LOCKWOOD, John - Hornsby PETHANI, Farhana - Lake Munmorah LOGANATHAN, Naveen Kumar Vellore - Wentworthville PHAM, Jenny Kieu Loan - Marrickville LVOFF, Gregory Owen - Paddington PHANG, Justin Ming-Wai - Cherrybrook LYTTLE, Malcolm Newton Bridges - Penrith Bc POGSON, Kenneth Erle - Moss Vale MA, Matthew Paul - Kotara POLYCARPOU, Nonie Caroline - North Parramatta MA, Serina Yok Ling - Sydney POURSOLTAN, Payam - Castle Hill MACCULLOCH, Reginald Douglas - Goulburn POWELL, Keith Robert - Newington MACKIE, (Robert) Colin - Warilla PRABHU, Anand Padmanabh - Hamilton MADDEN, Tristan Paul - Sydney PRABHU, Neeta Taranath - Oatlands MADUKURI, Suman Prakash - Wentworthville PRINEAS, Catherine - Caringbah MALEK, Sameh - Turramurra RAMINENI, Hari Krishna - Mays Hill MALHI, Simrit - Pymble RAO, Anupam Canchi Arun - Normanhurst MALIK, Zanab Ahmad - Castle Cove RAPHAEL, Sarah Louise - Balgowlah Heights MALOOF, Frances Rita - West Pennant Hills RATCLIFFE, Peter Harry - Alexandria MANSOUR, Peter - Cammeray RATHSAM, Leander - Lane Cove MARTIN, Anthony Peter - Mortdale REED, Barry Edwin - Charlestown MARTIN, Fjelda Elizabeth - Oatlands RIX, Leesa - Chatswood MASCARENHAS, Raoul Julio - Kooringal ROBERTS, Kevin Joseph - Bankstown MASHEN, Zhen Yu - Kirrawee RODRICKS, Rohan - Westmead MASON-COX, Joseph - Wagga Wagga ROESSLER, David Mark - Hunters Hill MAYNE, John Ross - Bolton Point ROSEN, Ernest Martin - Waverley MCCARTHY, John Joseph - Sydney ROSSITER, Cheng-Yee - Beecroft MCEWEN, Alexander Bruce - North Sydney RUSS, Bradley John - Drummoyne MCGOLDRICK, Peter Francis - Forest Reefs RYAN, Edward Henry - Lane Cove North MCHUGH, Anthony Thomas - Mcmahons Point SALAMEH, Peter - Panania MCNAUGHT, Andrew James - Blacktown SARKIS, Leba Michael - Northbridge MEHANNA, Patrick - Newcastle East SCHIFTER, Mark - Pennant Hills MEKERTICHIAN, Kareen - Chatswood SCOTT, Juliette Maree - Crows Nest MERRICK, Alistair McClelland - Welby SELVARAJ, Anthony Patrick Prabhaker - Lake Haven MERSINIA, Dimitra - Neutral Bay SHAH, Deegesh Anilbhai - New Lambton Heights MILLS, Arthur Anthony - Orange SHAHIDI, Saleh - Turramurra MITCHELL, Brian Newton - Cronulla SHARMA, Vikas - East Gosford MITCHELL, Robert Donald - Kogarah SHEORAYAN, Ajay - Hornsby MOBBS, William Robert - Edgecliff SHERRING, David - Miranda MOHAN, Arun - North Bondi SIBRAA, Paul Douglas - Liverpool MOREL, Geoffrey James - Roseville SIM, May Kuen - North Strathfield MORGAN, Gary John - Chiswick SINGH, Jasvir - Kensington MORRIS, Craig Robert - Neutral Bay SKAROS, Heba - Concord MURPHY, Anthony Michael - Maroubra SMITH, Graydon Charles - Pymble MURRAY, Gregory Michael - Killara SMITH, Neville Henry Hedges - Killara NAIM, Anthony Paul - Baulkham Hills SMYTH, James - Seaforth NALBANDIAN, Sarkis - Cremorne SMYTHE, John Davidson - Double Bay NG, Lai Poh - Maroubra Junction SOKOLOVSKA, Sonja - Woonona NG, Terry Man-Fai - Carlingford SOLIMAN, Ghada - Parramatta NGU, Katherine Phuong My - Castle Hill SOMERS, Nihill Henry - Naremburn NGUYEN, Amy - Beecroft SONG, Jin-Seon - Milsons Point NGUYEN, Chinh Xuan - Cabarita SOULOS, Evan - Kirribilli NGUYEN, Khai Quang - Burwood SOUTHWICK, John Havelock - Pymble NICHOLS, Paul Vincent - Sydney SPENCER, Mark Norman - Sapphire Beach NIKOLOVSKI, Jana - Figtree STACY, Geoffrey Colman - Killara NIP, Catherine Ga Ying - Chatswood STANTON, Norman Andrew - Homebush NORMAN, John Edgar DeBurgh - Strathfield STEELE, Brett Peter - Chippendale O’DONNELL, Grant William - Baulkham Hills STENHOUSE, Mark - Merewether Heights OLIVER, Anthony John - Coledale OLIVIER, Jodie Louise - Kellyville 44 Yearbook 2019 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

STEPHEN, Soni - West Pennant Hills Fellows STEVENSON, Alastair Rowan Louis - North Sydney STIMPSON, Melita Mary - Rozelle YEUNG, Stephen Chung Hon - Hornsby SUKUMAR, Smitha - St Peters YOUNG, Geoffrey - Strathfield SUKUMAR, Suma - Camperdown YU, Wendy Hsiao Wen - Epping SURGEON, Geoffery Ralph - Wahrroonga YUEN, Kent - Epping SUTHERS, Martin Dixon - St Ives ZHU, Lena Lian Bi - Rockdale SVED, Anthony Mark - Sydney ZOUD, Khaled - Burwood SWEENEY, Ian Patrick - Turramurra SYKES, David - Sydney Northern Territory TAN, Daniel Chiang Hun - Penshurst TAN, Franciskus Bengsiang - Strathfield KANDASAMY, Mohanarajan - Rosebery TANG, Teck Huah - Chatswood SCOTT, Cameron - Darwin Dc TAN-GORE, Eileen Aii Ling - Merewether TAUB, David - North Bondi Queensland TAYLOR, Barbara Anne - Coolamon TEMPLEMAN, Elspeth Anne - Orange ACTON, Caroline - Bardon THAKKAR, Alps R. - Balmain ADKINS, Ken Francis - Birkdale THOMAS, Graham Arthur - Moruya AGNEW, Peter James - Paddington TODES, Kevin Brian - Double Bay AKBIYIK, Kemal Musa - Milton TRAN, Aden Lu-Huy Khanh - Mosman AKERS, Harry Francis - Graceville TRAN, Dang Cao - Strathfield ALAYAN, Jamil - Brisbane TRUONG, Nga Ngoc Yen - Fairfield Heights ARMSTRONG, Scott James - Fortitude Valley TSAI, George Ming-Chou - Pymble BADLANI, James Sukhu - Main Beach TSANG, Suet Wai - Mascot BARKER, Christopher William Durban - Newmarket TSAO, Kim - Rouse Hill BARNES, Peter Byron - Greenbank TSENG, Thomas Nathaniel - Kincumber BATES, Christopher William - Chermside TUMULURI, Vijay - Mount Colah BATSTONE, Martin - Tarragindi VAN MOURIK, Kristian Paul - Lindfield BEHAN, Mark Christopher - Ashmore VANGALA, Raghunadh - Tamworth BEST, Adrian David - Rockhampton VERMA, Rajiv - Mosman BLEAKLEY, Joseph Eric - Helensvale Town Centre VICKERS, Peter Gregory - Albury BOASE, Robyn Margaret - Yorkeys Knob VICKERS, Richard Anthony - Mcmahons Point BOHNSTEDT, Sven Edgar - Cannon Hill VYAGURUNATHAR, Anura - Strathfield BOLTON, George Henry Philip - New Farm WALKER, Andrew - Toronto BORGNA, Scott Charles - Ascot WALLACE, Christine Jane - Lane Cove BOULTON, Justin Leonard - Brisbane WALTERS, Ian Paterson - Sydney BRUCE, William Liddell - Red Hill WALTON, Terry Richard - Sydney BURGESS, Michael - Gordon Park WANG, Andrew Gin-Shien - Ryde BURGESS, Robert Kirkwood - Southport WANG, Monica Yi Wen - Mosman BUSHELL GUTHRIE, Phillip - Indooroopilly WATTERS, Allan Robert - West Pymble CALDWELL, Patrick Michael - Buddina WEBSTER, David John - Turramurra CAMPBELL, Duncan Ian - Toowoomba WEERAKKODY, Dilanga Kushalan - Fletcher CARR, Peter John - Highvale WELLS, Neville Brian - Mona Vale CHAHOUD, Christopher - Brisbane WENDON, Kenneth Howard - Dorrigo CHAI, Eva - Brisbane WHEATLEY, David James - Roseville CHANG, Yvonne Yu-Ying - Brisbane WIDMER, Richard Philip - Eastwood CHESTER, Ian Colin - Ascot WIGNESWARAN, Mathini - Eastwood CHU, George C. - Carindale WILKINS, Maree Frances - Gladesville CLARK RYAN, Peter - Chermside WILSON, David John - Edgecliff COATES, Peter James - Yeronga WILSON, Ian Robert - Broadmeadow COOK, Steven Ross - Bundaberg WING, David Anthony - Mosman COSSON, John - Burleigh Waters WING, George - Turramurra COSTELLO, Maurice - Mitchelton WINSPEAR, William James - Sydney COYNE, Rhonda Marie - Cairns WONG, Lisa Ming Ling - West Pennant Hills CREAGH, Julie Louise - West End WOODCOCK, Karen Louise - Hornsby CROMBIE, Anthony - Newmarket WU, Julie Yi-Chieh - Rhodes DAS, Keshav Ram Shankar - Nundah YAN, Marcus Ting-Pong - Sydney DESAI, Darshan Neelakanta - Pialba YANG, Bobby Po Chen - Erina DJAMSHIDI, Mehran - Clear Island Waters YANG, Danny Shun Kai - Merewether DOAN, Nghiem Van Trong - Fig Tree Pocket YAU, Audrey Siu Ping - Roseville DOONAN, Keith Edward - Witta YEOH, Sue-Ching - Wahroonga DRAPER, Andrew John - Sinnamon Park DUNCAN, Roy Graham - Clear Island Waters ELFEKY, Hossam - Mooloolaba EL-MASOUD, Bilal Mohammed Ahmed - Algester ELVERY, Dwight Stuart - Aspley Yearbook 2019 45 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Fellows MCGOWN, James - Warana MCMAHON, Peter Edward - Albany Creek ERZETIC, Benjamin - Greenslopes MCMAUGH, David Russell - Bunjurgen FINDLAY, Geoffrey - Tarragindi MCNAMARA, Zeb James - Booval FINN, Brian Peter - Cairns MENON, Jaideep Ajeet - Queensland FIRTH, Norman Arthur - Herston MEYERS, Ian A. - Brookfield FISHER, Anthony George - The Gap MILES, Raymond Arthur - Main Beach FITZPATRICK, Brendan Douglas - Dutton Park MOLONEY, Francis - The Gap FITZPATRICK, Brian John - Brisbane MONSOUR, Francis - Windsor FOGARTY, William Peter - New Farm MOR, Gordon James - Norman Park FORD, Daniel - Alderley MORGAN, Rodd McLean - Buderim FRANKLIN, Anthony Allan - Brendale MUIR, Christopher Brian - Kelvin Grove FRANKS, Simon James - Brisbane MULLINS, David John - Toowoomba FU, Sigid Chiang - West End NGUYEN, Trang Thuy Tu - Manly West FULCHER, Ross Craig - Woodridge NIKOLARAKOS, Dimitrios - Mermaid Beach GIBSON, Horace James - Ipswich O’DONOGHUE, Donald James - Brookfield GILCHRIST, Donald Richard - Yorkeys Knob O’HARE, John Francis - Ashgrove GOH, Ryan Wei Sen - Carindale OHLRICH, Edward James - Grange GRANT, Alan Archie - Daisy Hill OHRI, Kushagra - Aspley GRANT-THOMSON, Richard John - Chermside OROZCO, Andres - Indooroopilly GRUNDY, Geoffrey Esmond - Little Mountain O’SULLIVAN, Brenda Sally - Indooroopilly HAMILTON-RITCHIE, Grant Duncan - Ipswich PALIWAL, Sweta Jyoti - Stretton HANNAN, Patrick John - Buddina PATON, Gregory - Benowa HARRIS, Richard Ian - Wilston PAUL, Stanley Peter - Brookfield HAWTHORNE, Matthew - Herston PEARCE, Kylie Maree - Buderim HAWTHORNE, Warwick Stephan - Ipswich PILLAI, Unnikrishnan Kunju Krishna - Brisbane HAZLEWOOD, Robert John - Sherwood POON, Agnes Wing Man - Benowa HILL, Geoffrey William - Taringa RAHMEL, Benjamin Bradley - Townsville HISLOP, Jeffrey Paul - Clayfield RAI, Pooja - Mcdowall HO, Christopher Thean Chye - Mount Ommaney RAMALINGAM, Lakshmi - Castle Hill HOFFMAN, Adrian Colin - Tugun REID, Alistair M. - South Brisbane HSIEH, Jen-Ti Rachel - Holland Park RENDELL, Colin Ray - Yeronga HSU, Edward - Coorparoo ROPER, Mervyn Goldsmith - Aspley HSU, Wade - Molendinar ROVEDA, Sidney Ivor Luigi - Townsville HUGHES, Andrew John - Brisbane SACHDEVA, Amrita - Charleville HUYNH, William - Stones Corner SAINSBURY, Andrew Leith - Cabarlah HYDE, Peter Frederick - Reedy Creek SAMAD, Amir - Augustine Heights JACKMAN, Michael Patrick - Mitchelton SEOW, Wan Kim - Jindalee JAMES, Brian Edward - Earlville SEYMOUR, Gregory John - Chapel Hill JEST, Martin Grant - Chermside SHAH, Amitkumar Vinodrai - Bannockburn JOHNSON, Newell Walter - Griffith University SHAILENDRAN, Arun Vels - Albion JOHNSON, Nigel Robert - Kelvin Grove SHAM, Eric Hiu Fung - Kuraby JOYCE, Kevin Peter - Paddington SMITH, Christopher David - Cleveland JUNNER, Robert Edward - Brisbane SMITH, Neil Francis - Kenmore Hills KAHLER, William Andrew - Toowong SMYTH, Jennifer Mary - Figtree Pocket KELLAWAY, Richard Wallys - Cleveland Dc SMYTH, Jonathon MacLeod - Figtree Pocket KIRAN, Ramya - Brisbane SNYMAN, Charles Philip - Labrador KUMAR, Kiran - Brisbane STRINGER, Graeme John - Port Douglas LAI, Poon-Yuin - Brisbane STRONG, Russell Walker - Tennyson LAW, Vicky Wai-Kee - Bracken Ridge SUTTON, Anthony John - Blacks Beach L’ESTRANGE, Peter Robert - Brisbane THOMSON, Andrew David - Brisbane LINCOLN, Trent A. - Buderim THOMSON, David Henry - Brisbane LOVE, Robert Matthew - Griffith University THURNWALD, Gerald Anthony - Robina LUND, Patrick George - Cleveland TITE, Darren John - Broadbeach Waters LYNHAM, Anthony - Grange TOD, Marcus Alexander - Upper Mount Gravatt MACGIBBON, David John - Indooroopilly TRAN, Albert Tri - Stafford Heights MACMILLAN, Andrew - Brisbane VAN HEUMEN, Thomas - Bellbowrie MAHER, Nigel Gordon - Tewantin VINCENT, Peter Fitzgerald - Brisbane MANDIKOS, Michael Nicholas - Graceville VOLTZ, Mathew - Brisbane MANNING, Michael Francis - Rockhampton WAGNER, Graeme George - Brookfield MANSOUR, Mohammed - Tanah Merah WALSH, Laurence James - Ferny Hills MARSHALL, Roderick Ian - Brisbane City WANG, Jenny - Redcliffe MATHEW SHAKHOVSKOY, Miriam - Auchenflower MAYNE, Lewis Harper - Ipswich 46 Yearbook 2019 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

WARREN, Tamara Elizabeth - Buddina Fellows WEBBER, Shannon John - Benowa WEBSTER, John Douglas - Buderim KOUTSIKAS, Peter - Mile End WEERAKOON, Arosha Tania - Noosa Heads KOUTSONIKOS, Anna - Henley Beach South WIGHT, Shu-En - Castle Hill LANGFORD, Stephen Roderick - Springfield WILLIAMSON, John Joseph - Figtree Pocket LAO, Martin - Crafers West WILLIAMSON, Raymond - Varsity Lakes LIBERALI, Sharon Andrea Corinne - Athelstone WILLIS, Keith - Ashgrove MACDONALD, Malcolm Ross - Leabrook WILSON, Ian Brownlie - Redland Bay MALANDRIS, Michael - Plympton WINZAR, Clyde Francis - Corinda MANN, Alan - Adelaide WOODHOUSE, Barbara Monica - Brisbane MARIN, Paul David - Adelaide YAP, Chin Heung - Mitchelton MILLER, Greg James - North Adelaide YEN, Linda - Stretton NAICKER, Deon - Payneham NAJEE, Saniyya - Prospect South Australia NARSINH, Pritesh - Devon Park NUGENT, Michael Anthony Caroi - Kensington Gardens ALLEN, Gabrielle Janet - Hahndorf OBERDAN, William - Millswood ANASTASSIADIS, Poppy Marcella - Croydon OLESCHENKO, Stephen Victor - Para Hills ANDRITSAKIS, Tom - Prospect East PARKER, David Alan Scott - Burnside BARBER, Anthony Francis - Adelaide PARKER, Ines - Burnside BARTOLD, P. Mark - Adelaide PIERCE, Angela Mary - Rose Park BENDYK, Andre - Malvern ROGERS, Jonathan Percy Howard - North Adelaide BEREKALLY, Thomas Louis - St Agnes SAMBROOK, Paul - Adelaide BILLS, Ian Gregory - Adelaide SCHUURMANS, Angela - Kingswood BROUGHTON, Alan Mark - Adelaide SCOPACASA, Bronwyn - Gilberton BROWN, Tasman - Linden Park SCOTT, Janet - Belair CARTER, Glen David - Adelaide SUN, Kenneth Chong Vai - Marden CHAN, Andrew Jonathan - Brompton VAGHMARE, Gaurav Rajeev - Teringie CHAN, Yu-Hong - Rostrevor VANCO, Con - Klemzig CHANDLER, Donald Kenneth - Adelaide VARTULI, Angelo Ralph - St Morris CHEN, Shin Chyuan Samuel - Heathpool WADDELL-SMITH, Iain Kenneth - Springfield CHENG, Andrew Hua-an - Adelaide YELEGIN, Orhan - Adelaide COATES, Anthony John - Semaphore Park YONG, Robin Chi-Weng - Linden Park COLLUM, Justin Graeme - Adelaide YUEN, Wai-Keung Terence - Toorak Gardens DAENKE, Lachlan Lewis - Port Elliot ZAW, Cherry - Adelaide DANG, Hung Quoc - Klezmig DODDRIDGE, Miles Edward - Adelaide Tasmania DREYER, Craig William - Tusmore DRUMMOND, Paul William - Adelaide CHAN, Raymond Chun Wai - Hobart DUKE, Paul - Unley Park COOPER, Stephanie - Hobart FARMER, Daniel Swithin - Adelaide DU BOIS, Alexandre Hermann - Blackmansbay GAMAGE, Sanjaya Nilantha - Adelaide GARG, Ankit - Sandy Bay GERKE, Dale Courtney - St Peters GRENNESS, Malcolm James - Hobart GOSS, Alastair Norman - Norwood GUPTA, Ashwani Kumar - Hobart GRAVE, Benjamin Gerard - North Adelaide HALL, Graham - Hobart GRAVE, Keith Cyril - Norwood South KILOV, Errol - Invermay GRYST, Mark Edward Ingram - Gilberton MARTINS, Jennifer Georgina - Hobart GUE, Sumant - Leabrook MEGSON, Emma Dominique - Hobart HANCOCK, Rory Angus Richard - North Adelaide MITCHELL, Katie Louise - Newstead HARRY, Michael Romilly - Rose Park MOUNT, Jeffrey Douglas - Prospect HARVEY, Geoffrey Peter - Beaumont SILLIFANT, Paul - Hobart HEARN, Brenton Maurice Wilshire - North Adelaide SMITH, Ian Scott - Newstead HEAVER, Helen Joanne - Mt Gambier TANN, Fiona Jane - Blackmans Bay HEIJKOOP, Paul Simon - Adelaide WALSH, Jeremiah Finbar (Barry) - Grindelwald HEITHERSAY, Geoffrey Sinclair - North Adelaide WIJAY, Dilshan Mevan - Rosny Park HO, Danny Sai-Wah - Rundle Mall HUANG, Gwendolyn Lauren - Collinswood Victoria JAUNAY, Thomas Cameron - Adelaide JENSEN, Olaf Christian - Crafferd CLAUSEN, Gerard Francis - Black Rock JONES, Robert - St Peters BASTIAAN, Ross - Merricks North KAUR, Sushil - Adelaide BEHREND, Donald Albert - Toorak KHOURI, Zahi Ramsay - Rose Park BERRY, Robert William - Maryborough KOBAYASHI, Kere - Clarence Gardens BLACK, Owen Philip - Indented Head BLOCH, Harry Martin - Melbourne BLOOD, Michael David - Hawthorn BOWELL, Geoffrey Reginald - Brighton Yearbook 2019 47 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Fellows MOLLENHAUER, Barry - Ivanhoe MURRAY, Christopher Graeme - Melbourne BROWNBILL, John William - Malvern East NEEDHAM, Susan Clare - Brighton CAMPBELL, Edward - Glen Iris NELSON, Eugene Horatio - Melbourne CAMPBELL, John Pritchard Stewart - Highett NERVO, Garry Joseph - Ivanhoe CANESTRA, John - Albert Park NICHOLSON, Fleur Diane - Brighton CANTILLON, David Peter - Camberwell O’BRIEN, Lloyd George - North Melbourne CARTER, Jeffrey Leonard - Mont Albert O’GRADY, John Frederick - Williamstown CATTERMOLE, Andrew Edward - South Yarra OAKLEY, Gavan Ray - Yarra Glen CHAN, Shun Chi Elias - Doncaster East OLSEN, Christopher Bruce - Clifton Springs CHEUNG, Peter Kwok Kuen - Clayton PAGONIS, Leigh - Glen Iris COAKLEY, Michael John - Sorrento PEARSON, John Rupert - Harkaway COOK, Robert Malcolm - Middle Park PLEUNIK, Peter Rudolf - Macleod DICKINSON, Anthony John Grano - Glen Iris PLUNKETT, Giles Andrew Jonathan - Cheltenham DUTHY, Lester Milton - Warrnambool POKER, Ian Dwight - Bendigo FENWICK, David Norman - Moolap PULLEN, Geoffrey John - Kooyong FIGDOR, David - Armadale QUINN, Neville William - East Melbourne FITZ-WALTER, Paul Bernard - Camberwell RALPH, William James - Mornington FOSTER, Ross Ormiston - Toorak RATTRAY, Susan Frances - Balwyn North FOWLER, Scott Colin - East Melbourne ROBERTS, Graeme Lindsay - Blackburn FRENCH, Robert Hamilton - East Melbourne ROBSON, James Stanley - Hawthorn GILLIES, Robert Ian - Balwyn North SAHHAR, Stan Costandy - Malvern GODFREY, John Lewis - Mornington SCARFF, Anthony William - Kooyong HAIG, Donald Andrew - Sandringham SCOTT, Peter Alexander - Melbourne HALL, Roger Kingsley - Hawthorn RUSSO, Patrick John - Brighton HARCOURT, John Kenneth - Glen Iris SHEARER, Michael Watson - Kew HARDHAM, Richard George - Red Hill SHRIMPTON, Blair Alan - Balnarring HEGGIE, Andrew Alistair - Melbourne SQUIRE, Bruce Edward - Melbourne HEILBERG, Anthony - Black Rock STARR, Samuel Alexander - Caulfield HEWSON, Drew Robert - Newtown STEWART, Barry Leonard - Chirnside Park HIGHFIELD, Don Henry - Balwyn North STORY, Rowan Darroch - Hawthorn HOMEWOOD, Christopher Ian - Berwick STRAUCH, David - Armadale HOOKEY, Stephen Rodney - Sale TAN, Seong-Seng - Bentleigh East HURLEY, Daniel John - Drysdale TAYLOR, Bruce Emery - Hawthorn JAYASEKERA, Tissa Ranjan - Bendigo TEO, Kho-Wei Alan - Hawthorn KESTENBERG, Jeffrey Meir - Coburg THONARD, John Charles - South Yarra KINGS, Eric William - Somers TILLEY, Gregory Lawrence - Hawthorn East KIVEN, Victor Ian - Melbourne TVERSKY, Jonathan - Melbourne ALLAN, Peter Grahame - Melbourne TYEDIN, Brian Vincent - Doncaster CALLAHAN, Christopher Murray - Abbotsford VADIVELOO, Victor Kandiah - Ashwood HALL, Sheena Mary - Albert Park WALSH-BUCKLEY, James - Aspendale HOOKEY, Beverley Jane - Sale WALTON, Dudley Frank - Portsea KITTEL, Paul William - Warrnambool WARDLAW, David Alexander - Balwyn North BESLY, William John - Richmond WARNEKE, Sydney Charles - Camberwell CHEN, Stephen Teck Hau - Balwyn WATKINS, Keith - Kooyong FLOOD, Andrew Malcolm - Melbourne WEXLER, Geoffrey - Caulfield East BURKE, Anthony John - Park Orchards WIDDOP, Fred Talbot - Sandringham DE POI, Robert Paul - Carlton WILKIE, Gary John - Korumburra ANGEL, Christopher Michael - Parkville WILLIAMS, John F H - Ballarat HALLETT, Kerrod Bruce - North Melbourne WOODHOUSE, Anthony Dillon - Balwyn North KRITHARIDES, Paris Steven - Berwick WOOTTON, Raymond Olney - Heyfield GIBBONS, Stephen - Melbourne YEUNG, Peter Man-Fong - Melbourne BISCHOF, Werner Hans - Geelong ZETTL, John Frederick - Hawthorn East ALEXANDER, George - Mount Macedon ZIMET, Phillippe Oliver - Dandenong FRANCO, Eda - Bentleigh WRIGHT, Paul Robert Wollaston - Kew East HEWSON, Ian Donald - Kew East WIESENFELD, David - Melbourne LANGFORD, Anthony - Caulfield Junction MCMAHON, Paul Joseph - Essendon LAWRENTSCHUK, Leon - Black Rock SOLOMON, Alan Roderick - Glen Iris LAWRY, Denise Maree - Camberwell PARASHOS, Peter - Keilor LEUNG, Wing Ming - South Melbourne WONG, Edward Kum Foo - Doncaster East LEWIN, Barry - Caulfield Junction MILLER, Kevin Francis - Ringwood LUCAS, James Ormand - Glen Iris MONTAG, Raymond Ira - South Melbourne MARK, Alan Ting Shu - Camberwell MCGLADE, Robert James - Moonee Ponds 48 Yearbook 2019 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

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