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College News June 2015

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COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE #1 JUNE 2015 INSIDE 01 President's Message 09 Councillors 2014-16 14 50 Years : 50 Milestones

Contact CONTENTS Level 13, 37 York St, Sydney NSW 2000 Aust Telephone: +61 2 9262 6044 President’s Message 1 Regional News 13 Facsimile: +61 2 9262 1974 CEO’s Message 3 50 Years : 50 Milestones 14 Email: [email protected] Report from the Censor-in-Chief 4 Candidate Reflection 16 Web: Registrars 5 ADC Developements 2015 17 Boards of Studies 7 What’s on at the College 18 Please contact the Editor, Susan Buchanan at [email protected] if you have Councillors 9 The College Remembers 19 some personal news you would like Admissions 11 RACDS Academic Prize Winners 20 published in the College News. COLLEGE INFORMATION Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons Incorporated ABN 97 343 369 579 Patron His Excellency Lieutenant General The Right Honourable Sir Jerry Mateparae GNZM, QSO, Governor-General of New Zealand. Copyright All rights reserved. No part of this work covered Changes in Terminology by copyright may be reproduced or copied in any form or any means (graphic, electronic or In order to improve clarity around College processes and remove any overlap with mechanical, including photocopying, recording, terms used by regulatory bodies, we have amended some terminology relating to recording taping, or information and retrieval College membership categories and education program processes. From 1 January systems) without the written permission of 2015 the following terms are effective: the Editor. Disclaimer Subscription (previously known as enrolment) The Royal Australasian College of Dental Subscription is open to any interested party regardless of location or qualification Surgeons Inc., “the RACDS”, its officers, servants and is valid for six years or until Membership or Fellowship in the College is achieved. or agents will have no liability in any way Subscription will soon also include access to selected general resources on the online arising from information or advice that is Learning Management System (currently in progress). contained in the College News. The publication of statements, opinions, advertisements or other materials in this Enrolment (previously known as registration) College News carries nor representation by or This is the process of signing up to participate in or undertake a specific College activity, on behalf of the RACDS express or implied of such as a course, workshop, program or examination. An enrolment is valid only for a any belief in their truth or otherwise, in whole specific instance of an activity, such as an examination. A new fee is applicable for each or in part, unless an express statement to that subsequent enrolment. Refunds are available under certain circumstances, as per the effect accompanies the item in question. College’s Refund Policy, available at under Policies. Issue 2 2015 Space reservation 23 July 2015 and deadline for submission of material 30 July 2015. Annual Fee (previously known as an Annual Subscription) The yearly fee paid by Members and Fellows of the College. You will only ever pay a single Annual Fee even if you hold Membership or Fellowship in more than one discipline. The Annual Fee year runs from 1 July to 30 June the following year and the fee notice will be sent out to all Members and Fellows in April. Please ensure that your contact details with the College are up to date when paying your Annual Fee.

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE It is a great honour to be elected Scientific Meeting held in November, in February where it was clear that President of the Royal Australasian 2014. This was a most successful meeting Council believes the College should be College of Dental Surgeons and to serve run under the auspices of the College of concentrating its energies on its local the College in the company of such a Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong who are geographic region and placing less distinguished cohort of the profession to be congratulated for their expertise and emphasis on the traditional ties with who have been President in the past. This hard work in organising the event. the United Kingdom. That is not to say year we celebrate the 50th anniversary RACDS took the opportunity to hold an that our excellent relationships with the of the formation of the College and it Induction Ceremony in Hong Kong to British Colleges are not important. Indeed is fitting that the office of President has allow Members and Fellows who might our conjoint Membership examination been graced with representatives from not have taken the opportunity to receive in orthodontics with the Royal College our historical origins in Australia and New their Testamurs at a College Convocation, of Surgeons Edinburgh and our recent Zealand. Until recently, however, we have to experience the pomp and ceremony of involvement in a diet of their Diploma in not had a representative from our wider an official College investiture. I was able Implant Dentistry examination that was community in Asia and beyond. That to host the event and was particularly held in Auckland, illustrates that there deficiency has been admirably corrected impressed by the enthusiasm Members continues to be common educational by our recent Past President, Francis and Fellows, both old and new, held for themes where the skills and resources Chau. of our sister Colleges can be shared to the College and their obvious pleasure Francis came to the position somewhat at being able to receive their Testamurs mutual benefit. more rapidly than he was expecting after in the presence of their families. I must Clearly, this also applies to our sister the sad passing of President Associate congratulate the Asia Regional Committee Colleges in the Asia Pacific region and Professor Braham Pearlman and he chaired by Dr CK Lee and ably assisted Francis Chau has established the kernel provided two years of consolidation by Clin A/Prof Edmond Pow, Drs R Cho, of what I am sure will be a most beneficial though a change in CEO, the expansion of F Chau, A Lee, SF Leung, TLJ Wong and working relationship. We have also been our office staff and a continued demand J Yu. involved in the beginnings of a project for our educational opportunities. He The College election held in November, in the Pacific Island region. Our Censor managed his duties whilst residing 2014, resulted in the election of three new in Chief, Dr Warren Shnider, attended the in Hong Kong and running a busy Fellows to Council - Dr Chris Callahan, Dr Strengthening Specialist Clinical Services restorative practice in that city. in the Pacific conference in Fiji along with Hugh Trengrove and Associate Professor Francis brought with him a vision for Richard Widmer, and one returning representatives of the Australian Medical increasing College engagement with Councillor - Dr John Fricker. Professor Colleges. It is hoped that, from this the Asia-Pacific region. He possesses Nicky Kilpatrick was also successful conference, our College can commence a much better understanding of the at the election. Professor Kilpatrick some involvement in the education of particular needs of the profession in this previously filled a casual vacancy on local Pacific Island clinicians as part of constituency and of the desires of our the 2012-2014 Council. It is extremely Council’s belief that the College has a Members and Fellows working outside important to add fresh faces and responsibility to the less fortunate nations of the College’s traditional Australia minds to Council for, without them, the in our local region. It is an educational and New Zealand base. It was Francis College becomes moribund and unable area in which our medical colleagues are who established the Joint Collegiate to address the challenges our rapidly already heavily committed and we can relationship with the Colleges of Dental changing profession faces. learn from their experience. Surgeons of Hong Kong and Singapore The College held a strategic planning Amongst other outcomes of the which resulted in the first Joint Collegiate strategic planning meeting was a meeting just before the Council meeting COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2015 1

recognition that we need to provide professionalism. I cannot thank them can build and develop our programmes more support for both our candidates enough for the contribution they make to for the future. and our examiners. We rely heavily the College and it is essential that we gain I look forward to a challenging two on the auspices of the Regional their support for any changes the College years of my term. I would welcome Committees to assist our candidates may wish to make going forward. any constructive thoughts Members through their study and we should Their input into the continued and Fellows have that can enhance the strive to empower them in this task. development of our examinations is community we call the College. That means resource and logistic support extremely valued and will be sought in at the very least and we recognise we the coming months. My email address is [email protected] could do better in this regard. Please feel free to use it. In that vein, I am very happy to welcome However, there is also a need to develop our new Director of Education, John As Francis said in his final President’s a robust guidance framework for our O’Neill-Fuller. He comes to the College message – “The College is all about its Mentors and for our Examiners. These from the College of Pathologists having members, deems itself of its members are not new considerations and much just completed the implementation of and for its members and it will only thrive work has already been completed in a Faculty of Medical Scientists which through the engagement, support and this regard. It continues to be a work in included instituting training programmes, commitment by its members.” progress. appointing examiners and creating the David Sykes Our Examiners and Mentors are central framework for the Faculty to operate. His President and vital to the College. We could educational background will bring an not operate without their goodwill, understanding of current best practice enthusiasm and, most importantly, their into our examination processes so that we Professor Professor Dr Robert Professor Dr Dae-Hyun Dr Sharon Adj Associate Lakshman Bernadette De Poi Paul V. Lee Liberali Professor David Samaranayake Drummond Abbott Roessler 2 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2015

CEO’S MESSAGE I have just had the pleasure of staffing example of a perceived need for CPD As the College celebrates its 50th the College booth at the ADA Congress is an interesting reflection on the basic Anniversary of providing postgraduate along with my colleague Sheridan sciences and their importance in the examination, education and collegiality, Ahearn, members of Council Executive practice of dentistry. it is important to look to the future so Committee and Bill Kahler from that we may understand the motivations Queensland. I always get a boost out of What these conversations with members behind why people are interested in being speaking to potential candidates about of the profession show me is that there a part of the College. It is clear to me that where they are at in their careers and how is a high level of knowledge, interest the College and its post nominals are the College education and examination and value in the College education and important aspects in the professional lives programs can add value to their examination programs. of so many dentists. professional development. There is a level of enthusiasm for personal growth and Each year this translates into an average Gary Disher development that is almost infectious, and of 160 people attending the Orientation Chief Executive Officer it is not restricted to age groups, although Course, 140 candidates sitting the Primary there is a skew towards recent graduates Exam, 80 candidates sitting the Final for the Primary exam, for obvious reasons. Exam in General Dental Practice and up to 30 candidates enrolling in the Throughout the three days of Congress, MRACDS (GDP) program. There are also Sheridan and I were approached by a approximately 50 graduates of various number of mid and late career dentists Specialist Dental Practice examinations who knew of the College and the annually. Whilst these numbers are small Membership program in General Dental compared to the size of the profession in Practice and who wanted Australasia and the Asian Region, it is a advice about how to join. Most of these strong support for the qualifications of the dentists said that they do plenty of College. CPD, but not in any structured way. As described in the article from Dr Heidi Now in their 48th year, the Primary and Reid further on in this edition of College Finial Exams for Fellowship in General News, the CPD that is available doesn’t Dental Practice, along with the more have a structure that helps determine recent Membership programs are what CPD should be undertaken and to designed by dentists, for dentists. The tap into the desire for in-depth study and highly structured education and policy understanding of the subject material. framework in which these programs occur and the peer assessment and One enquiry I fielded was from a late examination that candidates experience, career dentist who had sat in on a lecture is beyond most CPD that is available on bisphosphonates and could recall today. Along with the addition of so little of the basic sciences as they internationally recognised post-nominals, related to the lecture topic that he asked Members and candidates can be assured about the Primary Exam and how he that they are not undertaking some might access the lecture materials that \"Mickey Mouse\" endeavour. the College provides to candidates. This COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2015 3

Education Board meeting to precede the Although JDocs does not guarantee late-winter meeting of Council in August. selection into any procedural specialty training program, by engaging with the Meeting with the Australian Dental JDocs Framework and its supporting Council resources, the junior doctor can recognise the skills and performance standards In December last year, the Director of expected prior to applying to vocational Education, Assessment and Accreditation specialist training.” and I met with the Australian Dental Council Director of Accreditation, Mr This may prove to be a useful framework Michael Carpenter. Tindal and I were for our College to consider when keen to meet Michael who has only considering suitably qualified applicants REPORT recently been appointed to his role. Our who wish to enter the oral & maxillo-facial training programs in Australasia. Already main aim was to discuss our mandatory FROM THE accreditation requirements in the there is a clearly defined discrepancy College’s FRACDS(OMS) program. between the number of applicants each CENSOR-IN- Meeting with the Royal Australian year and the number of accredited training positions. CHIEF College of Surgeons Farewell Tindal DR WARREN SHNIDER Whilst in Melbourne, Tindal and I met with the Dean of Education, Royal Australian It is with sadness that I recount that College of Surgeons, A/Professor Stephen Tindal Magnus will have left the RACDS. Education Board Tobin. Although Tindal had been with the College for just a comparatively short I have been very fortunate to be Stephen was keen to show us time, her contribution, both in her appointed to the role of Censor-in-Chief his College’s new Junior Doctors personality and in her work, has been for a second term as part of the 2014- competency framework, which is most valuable. I believe the College has 2016 Executive. Thank you all for your available as a free download at: jdocs. been fortunate to be the beneficiary of consideration and deliberation. I would Tindal’s efforts. I have learnt a great deal like to think that this opportunity arose working with Tindal and I will miss her in recognition of the great volume of The sentiment of the frame work is to exuberance and persistence . On behalf work that the Director of Education, address the duress of young doctors of the Education Board I wish Tindal well Assessment and Accreditation, her team seeking to enter surgical training and all success for the future. and the Education Board achieved over programs: the last two years and in the hope that the Warren Shnider Education team and Board will continue “Increased numbers of medical Censor-in-Chief this steady volume of work in the future. graduates and limited vocational training We may be suckers for punishment, but it places have resulted in junior doctors is very gratifying to see Registrars, Boards, spending more time in non-accredited Committees, Examiners, candidates and positions, with subsequent uncertainty staff engage in the policies, procedures about their career path and learning and recommendations that have been expectations. To help guide junior provided to the membership over recent doctor career development during history. It didn’t take too long for people the early prevocational years, The to test the waters in the suite of programs Royal Australasian College of Surgeons on offer at the RACDS. (the College) has established JDocs, a competency framework (JDocs The Education Board met by Framework) supported by a suite of teleconference in November 2014 to learning and assessment resources. consider an ongoing volume of policy JDocs is available to any doctor registered and direction and this was further in Australia and New Zealand, from and developed in the February 2015 including internship, where the level of teleconference meeting. It is intended that engagement is determined by the junior the Education Board will meet four times doctor. annually in step with the four Council meetings. There will be a face-to-face 4 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2015

REGISTRAR Primary Exam As the College presence in the profession continues to gain high levels of (GDP) At the end of last year we had 135 recognition, it needs to be supported by candidates presenting from 9 countries the College's quality education programs. for the Primary examination for A/PROF LIZ MARTIN Fellowship which was held during Continued development and population November/December 2014. The written of the Learning Management System Fellowship Exam papers were conducted in most capital with new educational programs will be cities of Australia, Auckland, Hong Kong ongoing in an effort to support interest Following the pattern established and Singapore from 24-26 November and learning in our Membership and in previous years the numbers of and the viva voce component of the Fellowship programs. candidates presenting for the Fellowship examinations were held in Sydney from Exam continues to remain high, with 1-3 December. In addition, training courses for new 81 registering from 12 countries. This examiners will be established. examination was conducted over the last This year for the first time in many years two weeks of January with the written a team of examiners did not travel to So in 2015 I look forward to another full papers completed in multiple sites, Hong Kong to conduct the viva voce year of courses and resources that aim to including 4 Australian and 2 overseas examinations. Council has ensured that support education and foster advanced venues on January 13 and 14, and the this examination will be reinstated in learning in General Dentistry. viva voce component conducted at the December 2015. Westmead Centre for Oral Health in With thanks to the Education Team Sydney from 19-21 January. We also welcomed this year four new examiners to the Primary examination Finally I would like to thank the Education The case-based presentations that team: A/Prof Alex Forrest who examined Team at the College who ensured that were introduced in 2011 continue to be in Anatomy, Prof Joan Faoagali in the Primary and Final examinations ran improved each year with the help of Pathology, Prof Robin Callister in smoothly, and with special thanks to examiners and course co-ordinators. Physiology and A/Prof Tim Cole in Cell Sheridan Ahearn who was co-opted to Biology. From all reports these new run the Final examinations at fairly late This year Graeme Ewers and Eric Carter examiners enjoyed the experience and notice. assisted in this process. Also, this year are interested in returning for future we welcomed one new examiner, exams. Associate Professor Liz Martin Dr Lara Friedlander from NZ, to the Registrar, GDP General Section and welcomed back, Singapore continues to be investigated after 6 years, Dr Catherine Collins to the as a potential venue for the viva voce Restorative/Perio elective. examination due to the increasing number of high-level candidates presenting from Asia. COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2015 5

REGISTRAR Understanding with the College to sit their The College Membership and Fellowship final university examination as a conjoint Examinations in Specialist Dental Practice (SDP) examination where a College-approved will be held in the College Office, in examiner is present. If successful the Sydney on Monday 24 August, and we are candidate is then able to gain both their in the process of confirming eligibility for CLIN. A/PROF NEIL PEPPITT postgraduate degree and MRACDS interested candidates. in the relevant discipline. I extend my We are entering a busy time for Specialist best wishes to all candidates who have I am also excited to announce that 2015 Dental Practice with the Membership registered for these examinations. will see the first face to face combined and Fellowship examinations fast The universities which currently hold board of studies meeting for the Specialist approaching. There has been great conjoint examinations are: Dental Practice disciplines, on Saturday interest in our Membership pathways 16 May in Sydney. Representatives from within the specialties and I am happy The University of Sydney, each board will be in attendance to to report the first round of conjoint The University of Western Australia, discuss Membership and Fellowship examinations will be conducted in June: The University of Queensland, examinations and procedures and I look James Cook University and forward to being a part of new outcomes MOrth/MRACDS(Orth) - RCS (Edinburgh) Griffith University. and initiatives that will result from this MRACDS(Orth) -James Cook University meeting. MRACDS(Paed) - University of WA In November further conjoint examinations will also be conducted A/Professor Neil Peppitt Conjoint MRACDS/DClinDent as will the second diet of the MOrth/ Registrar, SDP (Interim) examinations with Australian universities MRACDS(Orth) Examination with Royal allow candidates completing a DClinDent College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, in at a university holding a Memorandum of Adelaide. MOTIVATE COLLABORATE LEAD BY EXAMPLE MAKE A DIFFERENCE MENTORING Its not what you give but what you share MORE INFORMATION P +61 2 92626044 E [email protected] W 6 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2015

MEMBERSHIP Candidates to mentors Welcome (GDP) One of the most positive outcomes of I would like to welcome Ms Charlotte this program is the progression from Anneveld, Senior Education Officer, DR ADAM KEYES-TILLEY successful candidate to mentor. This Membership, who has just taken over the year we welcome 6 new mentors into the administration of the MRACDS Program. fold: Drs Poppy Anastassiadis, Alan Mann, Charlotte is a valuable asset to the Unprecedented numbers of candidates Deon Naicker, Wessam Atteya, James College and I am sure you will all find her – Cohort 2015! Talbot and Sophia Jing. incredibly helpful throughout your time in the Program. I would like to introduce myself as the Due to our large numbers we have a few new Chair of the Board of Studies, for candidates still requiring a mentor, and so I would also like to welcome Dr Errol MRACDS(GDP) and pass on the thanks I would encourage any Member or Fellow Kilov onto the Board of Studies, Errol and appreciation of the Board and the who may be interested to please contact completed the MRACDS(GDP) Program in College to Dr Patrick Russo, who has the College as soon as possible. 2010 and is a mentor in the program. stepped down as chair after years of valuable contributions and support. My thanks go out to all of the Board of Continuing Professional Development Studies and Examinations Committee I am pleased to announce that the members, who work tirelessly to ensure MRACDS(GDP) has received its largest The CPD Masterclass initiative has this program runs to the highest standard ever cohort for 2015 with 29 new developed into a sought after product, and processes. candidates signing up for the 2 year and we are happy to announce that in program. The Orientation Day was a 2015 the College will be working toward Dr Adam Keyes-Tilley huge success with the release of the providing master classes in Sydney, New Chair - Board of Studies, MRACDS(GDP) new Program Guide and Assessment Zealand and Melbourne. All presentations Policy which will enable candidates to will directly relate to at least one of the better understand the program and its modules in the MRACDS(GDP) program, requirements. We had very informative but all College Members, Fellows and presentations on all aspects of the candidates are welcome to attend these program from assessment information, stimulating and invaluable sessions. college philosophy, mentoring, legal ethics and liability and much much more. I would like to thank the presenters who Assessment Rounds made themselves available for the day, particularly, Dr David Sykes, Prof Ian A big thank you to the examiners and Meyers, Dr Warren Shnider, and Dr John members of the examinations committee Dale, as well as the many mentors who who have worked tirelessly to mark gave up their weekends to support this submission for Assessment Round 1. As day. we approach the second round of the year, I would like to thank you all for your support of the programs, and of the candidates. COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2015 7

in January. The Board is grateful for their in undertaking research and getting the contribution to the Training Program. study successfully published. Dr James (Jim) Worthington has been involved with the Training Program for many years. He was ultimately appointed as the Director of Training for NZ and until his retirement, he was the Chair of the Accreditation Committee. He has been an examiner and in 2012 convened, with Dr Erasmus, the inaugural Oral Pathology Course for OMS trainees. The Board is appreciative of the time and expertise Induction Day 31st January 2015, Sydney that Jim has dedicated to the specialty. Back Row L to R: Simon Janda (OMS SEO), Dr’s Peter Coghlan (NZ), Prakash Patel (Vic/Tas), Jason Savage (Vic/Tas), Omar Breik (Vic/Tas), Adrian DeAngelis (Vic/Tas), Mr Kai Lee (OMS Lecturer) OMS Front Row L to R: Dr’s Margaret Kim (NSW/ACT), Anna Raymond (NSW/ACT), Dhulsan Preena DR JOCELYN SHAND (NSW/ACT), Ragu Krishnamoorthy (SA), Christina Yang (WA) Absent: Dr Susan Kok (NZ) The Committees of the Board have again been busy in the past few months and teleconferences of the Accreditation and Examination Committees have been held. The Education Committee had a face- Dr James Worthington, to-face meeting in January and the Retiring Chair of the Accreditation Trainee Advisory Committee held a Committee & DoT NZ teleconference in March. A trainee bulletin was released in October and a bulletin for Dr Jason Erasmus, Christchurch, has been the Trainers & Supervisors of Training was appointed as member of the Board for Education Committee Curriculum Review distributed in late October. 2015. Dr Matthew Hawthorne, Brisbane, has been appointed as the Chair of the Day January 2015, Sydney, Train the Trainer Course Accreditation Committee and he has L to R: Dr’s Dieter Gebauer (WA), Stuart Deane A Train-the-Trainer course was held in previously been the Deputy Chair of this (NSW/ACT), George Chu (QLD/NT), Paul October in New Zealand. The ‘keeping committee. Sambrook (SA), Andrew Cheng (SA), Prof Robert trainees on track’ course is one of the Jones (QLD/NT), Jocelyn Shand (Chair BoS) professional development courses of the Examinations Absent: Dr Cameron Lewis (NZ), Dr Kim Tsao Royal Australasian College of Surgeons The SST examination will be held on the (Trainee rep) and it was attended by a number of 29 – 30 May in Melbourne and the Chair consultants from Australia & New of the Examination Panel is Mr Martin Accreditation Zealand. Batstone. The Final Examination is held The 2014 annual accreditation report in two parts and the Chair of the Exam on the Training Program for the Dental Curriculum Review Panel will be Mr Dylan Hyam – written Council of New Zealand has been under In January the Education Committee papers 10 – 11 August and Oral / Clinical preparation in February and is due reviewed the curriculum modules. The Vivas in Brisbane on 1 – 2 September 2015. for submission. The South Australian modules will be sequentially updated and Training Centre will have an accreditation published electronically in the Handbook Induction Day visit in 2015. during the course of 2015. The Induction Day for the eleven trainees commencing training was held Dr Jocelyn Shand BoS Meeting & Membership on Saturday 31st January in Sydney. Chair, BoS - Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery The first meeting of the BoS - OMS was In addition to the presentations by held on Friday 30th January 2015. Two members of the BoS on Induction Day Directors of Training (DoT) have retired. a lawyer from Russell Kennedy Lawyers Dr James Worthington has retired as the gave lectures on Legal Liability, Consent DoT for the NZ Training Centre and Dr and Cultural Competence. Mr Kai Lee, Christopher Sealey has taken over the Consultant Western Hospital & Clinical role. Dr Paul Sillifant has retired from the Lead - Oral Surgery at La Trobe University, DoT position for the WA Training Centre gave a lecture on ‘getting research and Dr Emma Lewis took over this role published’ which outlined the challenges 8 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2015

2014 - 2016 COUNCILLOR PROFILES DR DAVID SYKES DR PATRICK RUSSO PRESIDENT PRESIDENT - ELECT A specialist Prosthodontist in Sydney, David Patrick is an RACDS Fellow in General Dental has made substantial contributions to College Practice, a Fellow of the Pierre Fauchard Committees which include the NSW Regional, Academy and has run a private practice Constitution Committee, Finance and Audit in Brighton, Victoria since 1985. Patrick Committee and the Prosthodontics Board of has been a member and Chair of the GDP Studies. His other contributions include the Board of Studies, Victorian/Tasmanian Dental Board of NSW, Senior Clinical Tutor Regional Committee and an examiner for with the University of Sydney and as Reserve the Final Fellowship exam. Patrick has been Dental Officer with the Royal Australian Navy. instrumental in developing the MRACDS(GDP). David has been an elected member of College Patrick was elected to Council in 2008. Council since 2006. We are delighted to introduce the College Council for the 2014 to 2016 term, and welcome three new Fellows to Council – Dr Chris Callahan, Dr Hugh Trengrove and A/Professor Richard Widmer and one returning Councillor - Dr Richard Fricker. Dr Trengrove replaces Dr Robin Whyman as the Councillor representing the New Zealand Region, and Dr Albert Lee continues as the Councillor representing the Asia Region. Dr Francis Chau will remain on Council as DR PAUL SAMBROOK DR WARREN SHNIDER Immediate Past-President during 2015. HONORARY TREASURER CENSOR-IN-CHIEF An Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon in Adelaide, Paul Warren specialises in Special Needs Dentistry Our thanks to former Councillors - Dr has been on the OMS Board of Studies for over at Dental Health Services Victoria and has Robin Whyman, A/Professor Raj Nair 20 years as member and Chair of its various several academic appointments including as subcommittees. Paul led the Board through Clinical Academic Lead, LaTrobe University. and A/Professor Werner Bischof, successive ADC Accreditation cycles. Paul Warren is passionate about ensuring that the for their significant contribution is also on the Executive of the International College education programs and processes and commitment to the College in Association for OMS. are benchmarked against best practices in strengthening its vision as a respected dental education. Paul was elected to Council in 2012. international leader in the provision Warren was elected to Council in 2010. of postgraduate dental education and professional development. COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2015 9

DR PETER GREGORY DR FRANCES CHAU PROFESSOR NICKY KILPATRICK EXECUTIVE OFFICER IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT ELECTED TO COUNCIL 2014 Peter is a Specialist Paediatric Dentist who Francis gained his Fellowship in General Nicky is a Fellow of the College in Paediatric graduated BDSc and MDSc (UWA) and Dental Practice in 1999. He has a general Dentistry and Senior Research Fellow at FRACDS in 1983. His experience includes dental practice in Central, Hong Kong. He is a the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. Visiting Professor, Northwestern University part-time Clinical Lecturer at the University of She has held leadership positions including Dental School, Illinois, USA; President AAPD Hong Kong Faculty of Dentistry since 2000. Director of Dentistry, Royal Children’s Hospital and ANZSPD (WA and Federal); Examiner Melbourne and Professor of Paediatric Francis was elected to Council in 2005 and and Member of the Board of Studies RACDS; Dentistry, University of Bristol. Other roles has been a member of various Committees Visiting Paediatric Dentist and Head of include the CPD Committee Dental Practice including the Hong Kong Regional Committee, Department, Childrens Hospital, Perth and Board of Victoria and examiner for the UK Finance & Audit Committee and Council Clinical Senior Lecturer, University of WA. Intercollegiate Fellowship. Executive. He chaired the 19th Convocation Peter was elected to Council in 2010. Committee in 2008. DR CHRIS CALLAHAN DR HUGH TRENGROVE A/PROFESSOR RICHARD WIDMER ELECTED TO COUNCIL 2014 ELECTED TO COUNCIL 2014 ELECTED TO COUNCIL 2014 Chris has operated a General Dental Practice Hugh completed his undergraduate and post- Richard’s paediatric clinical practice over the in Malvern since 1990 and is the College’s graduate dental training at Otago University. last 30 years has been at the Westmead Centre representative on the Australian Council on He is a specialist prosthodontist currently for Oral Health, Children's Hospital Westmead Healthcare Standards working party. He is working as a visiting dentist at the Greenlane and more recently in private specialist practice an Examiner pool member in general dental Clinical Centre, and as the Associate Director in Bondi Junction. Richard is currently an practice. He has held numerous positions – Research and Policy for the NZ Dental Associate Clinical Professor in Paediatric with the ADA Victoria; Dental Practice Board Association in Auckland. Hugh is a Fellow by Dentistry at The University of Sydney, and of Victoria; and Dental Board of Australia examination (1993), is a past examiner for the Director of the Dental Department at The (AHPRA). final Fellowship examinations and is currently Children’s Hospital at Westmead. Richard is a a member of the Education Board and Board Past President of the IAPD, as well as both the of Studies in General Dental Practice. AAPD and the ANZSPD. 10 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2015

2014 - 2016 COUNCILLOR PROFILES DR ALBERT LEE DR JOHN FRICKER A/PROFESSOR PETER DUCKMANTON ELECTED TO COUNCIL 2010 ELECTED TO COUNCIL 2014 ELECTED TO COUNCIL 2012 Albert graduated dentistry at the University John Fricker is an orthodontist in Canberra Peter received a Masters qualification in of Adelaide in 1984 and in 1990 undertook and a Fellow by examination in the College. endodontics in 1985 and became a Fellow postgraduate training in Pedodontics at the He has been a member of the NSW Regional of the RACDS by examination in 1989. After Institute of Dental Surgery, University of Committee and served as an elected member seven years in the RAAF, he became a Senior London. He attained FRACDS by examination of Council for six years. During this time he Specialist at Sydney Dental Hospital and (1992) and is an inaugural Fellow of the College chaired the Education Policy Board and was appointed Associate Professor in 2009. of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong and the served as a member of the Board of Studies in Peter is involved in endodontic teaching Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (1993). Orthodontics and the CPD committee. John and research, the NSW RACDS Regional He has served the RACDS Asian Regional acts as the Public Officer for the College. Committee for nearly ten years and a reviewer Committee since 1993 and as Chairman 2001 for several journals. to 2002. ADMISSIONS FRACDS(DPH) Ching Kong LAW (Hong Kong) Ka Man LI (Hong Kong) Xiaoli GAO (Hong Kong) TO FRACDS(OMS) Wing Kit Kenneth LI (Hong Kong) Ka Ho LIU (Hong Kong) FELLOWSHIP & Duncan Ian CAMPBELL (QLD) King Tung NG (Hong Kong) Karl SCARPIN (SA) Joseph Gerard GUNN (VIC) Arthur See King SHAM (Hong Kong) MEMBERSHIP Rakesh JATTAN (New Zealand) Wang Kwong Calvin SO (Hong Kong) Benjamin Kofi Amoako OTENG-BOATENG (NSW) Benjamin Bradley RAHMEL (QLD) Niranjan Eliezer THOMAS (VIC) Felix Wiyanto SIM (VIC) Shu Yi TONG (Hong Kong) Admissions to Fellowship and Thasvir SINGH (New Zealand) Andrew TRAN (VIC) Membership 1 October 2014 to 28 Leon Philip SMITH (VIC) Sung Chi Cissy TSANG (Hong Kong) Kim TSAO (NSW) Wai Chau YIP (Hong Kong) February 2015 Bobby Po Chen YANG (NSW) Ka Ying YUNG (Hong Kong) FRACDS(Perio) MRACDS(Oral Med) Alex Peter KALOS (NSW) Mohammad ALRASHDAN (Jordan) Khai Quang NGUYEN (NSW) MRACDS(Orth) MRACDS(GDP) Sophie GRAY (New Zealand) Debra BROWN (QLD) Berna Young-Eun KIM (SA) Tsz Fai CHOW (Hong Kong) Carolyn Lian Tat NG (VIC) Kin Wai CHU (Hong Kong) Michael Man Hin FAN (Hong Kong) MRACDS(Perio) Kok Chu Tommy FUNG (Hong Kong) Justin Peter DARBY (NSW) Ping Lit HO (Hong Kong) Kam Yui Joseph LAM (Hong Kong) Yue Hin LAM (Hong Kong) Kar Ling LAU (Hong Kong) COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2015 11

JOINT COLLEGIATE SCIENTIFIC MEETING The Joint Collegiate Scientific meeting was held at the Hong Kong College of Medicine on 7-8 December, 2014. The meeting was organised and hosted by the College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong. Featured keynote speakers Professor Ken Hargreaves, an endodontist from the US spoke on Regenerative Endodontics and Pain Management, and Dr Paul Sambrook, an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon and RACDS Council Member, provided an update on the diagnosis and management of neuropathic pains and the contemporary management of severe odontogenic infections. There were several other excellent speakers on an impressive programme. The meeting was a great success with over 300 participants for the two days of lectures. Joint Collegiate Scientific Meeting, Hong Kong, 7-8 December, 2014 12 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2015

REGIONAL enjoyable event and was well attended. South Island Provincial Study Day NEWS Guests were welcomed by Dr Peter Gregory, A South Island Provincial Study Day was presented by the New Zealand Regional Federal Councillor, who spoke on the upcoming RACDS events which are to occur Committee and was the first study day run as part of the 50th Anniversary of the College by the College focusing on Rural Dentistry ASIA in 2015. Planning is already under way for the in New Zealand. On Saturday 21 March, The Asia Committee witnessed the upcoming events for this year including the speakers from across New Zealand to conferment of Honorary Fellowship of the welcome function which was held on Friday covered topics such as an “Overview of the College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong 6th of March 2015. It was a great start to the New Zealand Ministry of Health”, “The Non- to Dr Francis Chau in November 2014. The year for the region. This will be followed by Specialist Option in Provincial New Zealand” ceremony was followed by a gala dinner at the Scientific Meeting to be held as part of the and “Removable Prosthodontics” which the Committee had a chance to meet 50th anniversary celebrations. With 30 delegates registered from across most of the new MRACDS members. The New Zealand and 7 speakers presenting it Joint Collegiate conference and the Hong was a most successful day. Kong Induction Ceremony were successfully held in early December. (L-R) Genevieve Khoo, Suanne Lam, Sven Knoepel and Raymon Lam attending the End of Yea Party The WA region will host this event in New Zealand Regional Study Day conjunction with the ANZAOMS and it will be a full-day scientific meeting on Friday 19th VICTORIA AND TASMANIA (L to R): Drs. Edmond Pow, CK Lee, Albert Lee, Francis Chau, Jason Wong, Rony Cho and Jerome Yu at the of June 2015 at the Hyatt Hotel. Please mark With Christmas and New Year’s just behind Honorary Fellowship conferment ceremony. your diaries for this not to be missed event. us, the Victorian and Tasmanian Regional All Committee members attended these Committee is quickly back to work on the events and met the new President as well as 2015 programs. many local and overseas Fellows during the functions. The final year dental student tutorial program for 2015 commenced on 2nd March for both Melbourne and La Trobe University students. This program has been well received in the past. Many tutors have volunteered their time to provide invaluable lectures to the students. The Regional Committee would like to thank Dr Luke Moloney for working tirelessly on this End of Year Party guests (L-R) Daniel Godfrey, Shannon program in the past. Drs Michael Yoon and Godfrey and Victor Olsson-White. Nigel Souter will now be the coordinators for NEW ZEALAND the program. (L to R) Drs. Albert Lee, Rony Cho, CK Lee and YK Wong The 3rd Annual Study Day was held in In the lead up to the college’s 50th at the Joint Collegiate conference dinner. Wellington on February 28th. It was with great anniversary, the Victorian and Tasmanian The Asia Committee organised their pleasure that we welcomed the President Committee will hold its annual scientific 2015 Fellowship Day in conjunction with Dr David Sykes, his wife Regan Terry and meeting on the theme of Team work. A celebrating RACDS 50th Anniversary in May. Past President, Professor Bernadette few specialists will be paired to discuss An overseas speaker together with Dr Albert Drummond to attend the Study Day. The multidisciplinary treatment planning. Lee delivered a half day scientific programme. topics covered on the day ranged from It was followed by a Fellowship dinner during Enamel Hypomeralisation to infection Finally, the Victorian and Tasmanian regional which the local Fellows and Members can control and implant failure. Again this study committee would like to congratulate those meet and catch up. day was well attended and showcased one who passed the final examination and WESTERN AUSTRALIA of the strengths of the College bringing assessment for Membership. A welcome drink was held at ADA Victorian Branch, South together interested members and fellows to The 2014 year ended successfully with an End discuss important, relevant dental topics in a Yarra on Friday 27 February 2015 . Existing of Year Cocktail Party for Members, Fellows supportive environment. In 2016 we will be Fellows and Members were on hand to join and their partners at the Pan Pacific Hotel on off to Queenstown so stay tuned for more and greet inductees. Friday 29 November, 2014. This was a most information at the end of the year. COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2015 13

insert image here 50 YEARS : 50 MILESTONES We celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the College with a compilation of 50 milestones which have shaped the history, accomplishments and future of the College. 1 Initially conceived as a Faculty of Dental 6 The Interim Council of the Australian 14 At the 1969 Convocation the portrait of Surgery within the Royal Australasian College College of Dental Surgeons was established on Immediate past President A Gordon Rowell, by of Surgeons, the concept of a Dental College 14 March 1965. Business included adoption of Molly Johnson, was unveiled by the President arose in 1947 when Professor A.J. Arnott a Constitution and election of Office Bearers Sir Kenneth Adamson. Gordon was said not to was concerned that Australians seeking a as follows: have liked the portrait. Fellowship had to go to London, to sit the President A.G. Rowell examinations. He felt that they should be Vice President K.T. Adamson 15 The College received a legacy from the able to take a Fellowship Examination here in Censor in Chief W.A. Grainger estate of the late Dr George Christensen in Australia. Honorary Secretary R. Harris November 1969. This is to become the F.G. Honorary Treasurer W.K.R. Mackenzie Christensen Memorial Prize which is awarded 2 In August 1959, Dr. A.G. Rowell made the Councillors H. R. Cash & J.F. Lavis to the candidate who achieves outstanding first formal approach to the President of the results in the Primary Exam. Australian Dental Association (Dr. Adamson) 7 First meeting with the Committee of regarding the establishment of a Faculty of Deans of Australian Dental Schools was held 16 College Council introduces exemption Dental Surgeons in the Royal Australasian in 1966 at which the design of the President’s from sitting the Primary Examination for College of Surgeons. regalia' was agreed. At a ceremony at the candidates with senior dental degrees from University of Sydney, some years later, the Vice Australian or New Zealand Universities in Chancellor noted that the College President January 1970. A decision is also made to allow 3 On 24 March 1962, after 6 years of out-shone all others present and was asked to negotiations, the RACS rejected an application come to the front row to improve the photo. candidates to carry one subject in the Primary for the formation of a Dental Faculty within Examination. that College. Members of the ADA Executive 8 On 3 January 1967, Letter sent to all Deans were surprised at the unexpected change in from the President setting out enrolment, 17 On 1 May 1970, it was resolved that Council attitude of the RACS. registration and admission of candidates to membership be increased to ten members. Fellowship. 18 The Third Convocation is held in Canberra 4 On 19 October 1962, the ADA Council First scale of fees: Enrolment $10 in August 1971. resolved to form a committee composed of Orientation Course $50 A.G. Rowell as Chairman, K.T. Adamson, R. 19 Her Majesty the Queen was pleased Harris, W.R.K. Mackenzie, W.A. Grainger and 9 First Primary Examination held February to grant the College the \"Royal\" prefix on 31 the present Dean Occupying Chair of the 1968 - 12 passed out of 26. August 1972. Dental Research Advisory Committee of the N.H. & M.R.C. be appointed to investigate 10 Rooms purchased at 229 Macquarie 20 Amended principles were laid down for ways and means of establishing an Australian Street in 1968 under Company title, Cost Advanced Level examination in Oral Surgery College of Dental Surgeons. $34,000. First request for representation to following meetings between ANZAOMS and H.M. the Queen for granting of title \"Royal\". the College Education Sub-Committee in 1973. 5 In April 1963, the report of the Committee recommended the establishment of an 11 In August 1968 the First Final Examination Australian College of Dental Surgeons in passed 11 out of 13. accordance with the timetable set out in Clause 12 of the Report. The ADA Executive 12 Inaugural Fellowship ceased on 28 were empowered to make available to the February, 1969. At that time there were 673 Committee such monies and such services as Inaugural Fellows of the College. may be logically required for the establishment of the College on the understanding that 13 RACDS Second Convocation was held in in due course the Association shall receive Sydney 6-8 August 1969.. reimbursement. Presidential Jewel 14 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2015

21 An initial approach made to The Royal 31 The Sixth Convocation of the College was 41 The RACDS Research & Education Trust College of Surgeons of England regarding held in Christchurch, New Zealand in May 1979. was registered on 10 December 2001 and reciprocity for the Primary Examination on 3 endorsed as a deductible gift recipient. March 1974. 32 A survey of all Fellows was conducted in 1980 with expert advice from Dr Owen Dent of the Department of Sociology at the Australian 42 The first edition of the College News, National University in respect of Fellows' needs formerly known as the Presidents Letter, was in the field of Continuing Education. released in January 2003. The 33rd Honorary Fellow to be inducted by 43 Interim Accreditation of the Oral and the College was H.R.H. The Princess of Wales. Maxillofacial Surgery Training Program was realised in 2003/04. Full Accreditation of the 34 The College's Council Room was to Program from the Australian and New Zealand become known as \"The Gordon Rowell Council Medical and Dental Councils occurred in 2006. Room\". The Oration at Convocation was to be RACDS 10th Anniversary Dinner entitled \"The Robert Harris Oration\". 44 A Memorandum of Understanding was 22 10th Anniversary Dinner held on 14 March signed with the Royal College of Surgeons 1975. Professor Paul Bramley, representing the Board of the Faculty of Dental Surgery of of Edinburgh in 2007 to run a conjoint The Royal College of Surgeons of England examination in Orthodontics providing was a guest at the Dinner. The President of reciprocal recognition of MRACDS(Orth) and M the A.D.A. and one of the signatories to the Orth RCSEd. document founding the College, Dr. W.K.R. Mackenzie were also in attendance. 45 The Membership Program in General Dental Practice (MRACDS (GDP)) was 23 First Examination at an Advanced Level in established in 2007. Oral Surgery held in October 1975. Official Opening of RACDS 24 The change of name to The Royal Centre for Learning, Education & Research - 2014 46 A Memorandum of Understanding with Australasian College of Dental Surgeons was the University Sains Malaysia was signed in granted by Her Majesty the Queen on 8 March 35 Agreement reached on the establishment 2008, enabling Malaysian candidates to sit the 1977. of a Diploma in Endodontology in 1982. Primary Exam in Malaysia. 25 A design for the College medal was 36 Dr Peter M. Gibbs received the inaugural commissioned from JJ Schell Lanoy, of Meritorius Service Award on 9 May 1983. New Zealand, who had a vast knowledge of heraldry and understanding of the needs of the College. 37 Determination of Policy on Future Direction of the College with special reference 26 Reciprocity with the four Colleges in to Specialist Candidates was made on 20 May the United Kingdom and Ireland granted on 1985. 10 March 1977 for candidates who pass the Primary Examination. 38 The College Office relocated to new College Presidents 27 The Honorary Secretary, Dr Harris, premises at 64 Castlereagh St. Sydney on 24 attended a Scientific Meeting of the Fellows March 1986. 47 Council recommends the adoption of the of the Royal Australasian College of Dental terms General Dental Practice and Specialist Surgeons in London on 8 August 1978. He Dental Practice. attended viva voce examinations held as part of the Royal College Primary Examination 48 The President of the College meets for the Fellowship in Dental Surgery and with counterparts from the College of Dental held discussions with the Examiners, the Surgeons of Hong Kong and the College of Examination Secretary and staff on procedure. Dental Surgeons, Singapore in 2013 to lay out plans for joint College activities. 28 Dr Harris also visited Messrs. Cropp and Farr who had been commissioned to provide a Presidential Jewel for the College, to discuss 49 From 1968 to 2013/14, over 2,400 final details of the design. In September, the candidates sat the Primary Exam. In the same Presidential Jewel was collected by Dr. R.Y. Portrait of A. Gordon Rowell - President 1966-68 period, over 1500 candidates sat the Final Norton and brought to Sydney being placed in Exam for Fellowship. the Bank of New South Wales security vault. 39 Testamurs for Fellowship via General Here's to another 50 glorious years of 29 A booklet entitled \"The College Arms: a Stream and Special Stream established in the College encouraging the acquistion of description and explanation\" produced and November 1986. knowledge in the principles and practice of distributed to Fellows with an explanatory text by Dr. John F. Lavis in 1978. dentistry for the benefit of the community. 40 Donation of Rare and Old Dental Books Sincerest thanks to all who have helped the 30 Honorary Fellowship conferred in 1979 by Dr R.W. Halliday in 1987 provided the College realise its aim of advancing the science on the first three Fellows to serve their full foundation of the College’s History of Dentistry and art of dentistry. term (12 years) on Council: Dr. A.G. Rowell, Dr. collection. R. Harris, Dr. J.F. Lavis. COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2015 15

In the end the FRACDS pathway was to find my way out of the metaphorical more appealing, mainly because it wilderness myself. In order to do so provided an opportunity to get back vast amounts of material had to be read into the basic sciences behind clinical through. There was not a family holiday dentistry- the interest in these sciences is or a ballet rehearsal where textbooks after all what originally brought most of us and piles of articles didn’t come along. into this field. Videos and audio files from Australian Dental Association’s Digital Media Library The primary examination orientation also proved useful for inventive time course was challenging and inspiring. management. Studying subjects such as anatomy now, as opposed to a first year dentistry I was very grateful for the flexibility of student, was a completely different the timeframe for attending the final experience. It was clear that a new level of examination, since not only was the understanding, both in minute detail and process time consuming, but it also REFLECTIONS whole system level, was required. allowed for unexpected increases in other commitments. Slowly I built up a folio of ON THE PATH TO Our lecturers were always approachable articles and study notes, organised into FELLOWSHIP IN and keen to help us understand what relevant topics, each section headed by a list of key references requiring was going to be required of us. However, GENERAL DENTAL what impressed me most was the memorising. I keep adding to this folder camaraderie I encountered. Many stories even now- it has become a home for any PRACTICE were shared of professional and personal interesting and important articles I come life in places as diverse as United Arab across, and a resource to refer back to Emirates, Malaysia and remote regions when needed. Dr Heidi Reid, BDSc, FRACDS provides of Australia. Fellow candidates and an overview of her experiences as a college staff were always eager to assist, In the end, was the process worthwhile? I candidate in the FRACDS pathway. motivate and encourage. USB sticks with have gone as far as to say it has restored helpful resources were passed around my faith in dentistry, and in dentists. I am As a candidate who recently attained freely, and any questions or concepts excited and inspired to be a part of this Fellowship in General Dental Practice, someone wished to clarify, were met with constantly evolving field, and there is a I am pleased to share my experiences enthusiastic and helpful discussions. long list of topics I wish to delve into with of the course, the logistics involved in my newly found skills. combining post-graduate study with At the end of the course, study groups other commitments, and the impressions and mailing rings were formed, and the If the camaraderie and collegiality on what the course offered and delivered. discussions continued online. The steady experienced during the program are any trickle of e-mails containing useful articles indication of what to expect as a fellow My reasons for embarking on the course continued throughout the primary and of the College, I am very much looking after thirteen years of working in private final examination processes. forward to taking part in College activities general practice were mainly associated in the future. with the frustration of attending various Perhaps somewhat counter intuitively continuing education courses, but feeling studying for the final examination Dr Heidi Reid like I was merely achieving superficial proved a lot more challenging for me. BDSc, FRACDS glimpses into interesting and important It was difficult to formulate an effective topics. Haphazard independent study study plan, when it was unclear what of journals and textbooks also failed material should be covered. The final to achieve the depth and breadth of examination workshop also raised a lot knowledge I wished to achieve. more questions than provided answers as to topics and depths required. This is Due to family, professional and business not intended as a criticism for the course commitments, any course that required however; I understand completely that a lot of set hours was going to be the purpose is to develop independent impractical for quite a while. I had toyed critical thinking and research skills. with the idea of enrolling in the FRACDS or MRACDS course since graduation, but Seeking assistance of mentors, or there always seemed to be other priorities accepting the study notes and journal for the time and resources required. lists kindly offered by other candidates was an option, but I concluded that to get the most benefit from the course, I had 16 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2015

developed with significant input from a reviewing programs and, for the first wide range of stakeholders, including time, ensuring that direct input from the ADA. They reflect contemporary specialists’ forms part of the accreditation dental education and set the benchmark process. Again, it is expected that this will for international best practice in reduce the overall administrative burden accreditation. of accreditation on providers and bring ADC DEVELOPMENTS the ADC’s accreditation process and 2015 The Standards are strongly outcome academy/society peer review processes focused, evidence based and intended into alignment. to greatly reduce the administrative It’s been a busy time at the ADC and we burden of accreditation on education Finally, a major project for the ADC during would like to briefly update readers on providers by giving more freedom to 2015 will be the review of Professional recent developments and plans for 2015. providers on the type of information that Attributes and Competencies of the newly they can provide to the ADC as part of an qualified dentist, dental hygienist, dental At the ADC Annual General Meeting in accreditation application. therapist and oral health therapist. The November 2014, Professor Mike Morgan Attributes and Competency statements was appointed to the role of ADC In order to reduce the regulatory burden are very much owned by the profession President, and Associate Professor Neil on education providers, in November and key stakeholders such as the ADA, Hewson was appointed Vice President. 2014 the ADC signed a Memorandum of are expected to play a key role in helping Both are key roles in guiding the work of Understanding (MOU) with the Tertiary to shape the statements to ensure that the ADC during a busy period and we are Education Quality Standards Agency they reflect contemporary dental practice. grateful for their willingness to commit to (TEQSA), the Federal Government’s The ADC will provide updates on this taking a greater leadership load. higher education regulator, to work more project as the year progresses. closely together and share information on The ADC would like to acknowledge accreditation activities, where appropriate. Professor Mike Morgan the enormous efforts of the immediate It is expected that this will result in less President Past-President, Dr John Boucher. John led duplication of reporting by providers. Australian Dental Council the ADC through a number of important developments with great skill and The ADC will be undertaking the diplomacy. In December 2014, the Dental re-accreditation of specialist dental Board of Australia gave its approval of the education programs throughout 2015 new Accreditation Standards for dental and working closely with specialist education programs that will take effect academies and societies to ensure from 1 January 2016. The Standards were a more comprehensive approach to ADC’s immediate Past-President Dr John Boucher formally signing the MOU with TEQSA’s Acting Chief Commissioner Professor Nicholas Saunders. COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2015 17

insert image here WHAT’S ON AT THE COLLEGE FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT COURSES, EXAMINATIONS AND EVENTS, PLEASE VISIT NEWS & EVENTS ON THE COLLEGE WEBSITE AT WWW.RACDS.ORG June 2015 October 2015 1 June 25 July 1 October Registrations Close – Orientation Course MRACDS(GDP) Viva Voce 2 Registrations Close – Primary Examination - Venue: Sydney Viva Voce - Sydney 26 June Registrations Close – 15 October MRACDS(GDP) Viva Voce - 2 August 2015 Finance and Audit Committee Meeting 27 & 28 June 10 August - 11 August 22 October FInal Exam Workshop Education Board Meeting OMS Final Written Examination Venue: Macquarie University, Sydney 21 August November 2015 July 2015 Council Meeting - Sydney 31 August - 2 September 20 November 1 July OMS Final Examination - Vivas, Brisbane Council Meeting - Sydney Registrations Close – OMS Final Examination 28 November 6 - 17 July September 2015 Viva Voce 3 Examination Orientation Couse Venue: Sydney Venue: Macquarie University, Sydney 4 September RACDS 50th Anniversary Celebrations 10 July December 2015 CPD Masterclass - Diagnosis and Treatment NSW Regional Committee Scientific Day Planning Venue: Dolton House, Darling Island Wharf 1-3 December Sydney Venue: Sydney Primary Examination - Viva Voce - Sydney 5 September 18 July RACDS 50th Anniversary Celebrations 6 December OMS Selection Interviews - Sydney Fellowship Day and Gala Ball Primary Examination - Viva Voce - Hong Kong Venue: Foundation Hall, Museum of 24 July Contemporary Art, The Rocks, Sydney RACDS 50th Anniversary Celebrations VIC & TAS Regional Committee Scientific Day Venue: Sea Life, Melbourne Aquarium 18 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2015

THE COLLEGE REMEMBERS... It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Dr Francis Xavier Dooley 1931-2013, Dr Gordon Hinrichsen 1933-2014 and Dr Lloyd Trotter Dr Ronald Masson 1934-2015 1920-2014. As Inaugural Fellows of the College, Drs Dooley, Hinrichsen Ron completed his school life at Waverley College and started Dentistry and Trotter were integral to the founding of the College and created a at Sydney University in 1952. He graduated with a Bachelor of Dentistry pathway for future dental practitioners. degree in February 1956. With his friend Dick Morris he travelled Dr Leon Gershenfeld 1969-2015 to England where they worked for an enterprising dentist called Dr Maurice Swaine who employed 10 Australian dentists at a time. On It is with deep sadness that we heard of Leon's illness and our loss. Leon returning to Australia, Ron bought a dental practice in Sutherland in was on his way up with his career, studies and future having recently December 1957 with Dr Morris. completed his post graduate training in Periodontics at the University In 1968, he commenced his post graduate degree in orthodontics of Sydney. I remember his excitement when he started his training under Professor Keith Godfrey and graduated with an MDSc in 1970, the in Periodontics, all the pre-thought and discussions we had prior to year he was also registered as an orthodontist. His thesis was titled: \"An his entry into the program, his learning milestones and above all, his Evaluation of .016 inch Orthodontic Light Wires\" and this was the start commitment to living the true spirit of being a Fellow of the College. I of his interest in and subsequently great amount of knowledge about will always admire his zest for continuous learning. orthodontic wires and metallurgy. Most of us remember Leon as a fresh face that came to Sydney as a recent graduate from the University of Otago, New Zealand. He Ron became one of the founding members of the Orthodontic Arch joined the practice of Dr Glen Willey in Burwood, where he continued Wire Standards Committee which looked at the quality of arch wires to practise for 15 years. During this time Leon made many friends in and other orthodontic materials. In October 1975, Ron and Dr Albert the area, sat for his College exams obtaining Fellowship of the College Ware published an article in the Australian Orthodontic Journal titled: in 2002, looked to furthering his studies and practise by road testing \"Physical Properties of Orthodontic Wires\". many sub specialties in Dentistry with local specialists and then finally Ron sold his dental practice in 1970 and together with Drs Ray Miles embarked on his studies in Periodontics with a very sound base in all and Paul Lewis, started an orthodontic practice in Parramatta. The aspects of General Dentistry. Leon led interesting discussions on what practice grew to include 3 other locations in Hurstville, Liverpool was new, what his latest interests were and what he thought Dentistry and Epping. Ron worked and co-ran the practices with numerous needed. Between serious discussions, jokes and many laughs, the partners until he retired in 2002. He stayed on for an additional year conversation was always about Dentistry. as a consultant and then he and Lawrie Scully decided to help out the Our thoughts and prayers are with his family. We will truly miss him. Garden Island navy personnel doing orthodontics until 2007. Ron \"in his spare time\" also tutored post-graduate orthodontic students Vasuki M DeLillo FRACDS(GDP) at the Sydney Dental Hospital. He did this for 25 years and hence has Dr Thomas Higgins 1947-2015 taught many of our current orthodontists. When speaking to so many of my colleagues recently, all remember him fondly and told me that Tom Higgins passed away on January 24th and with his passing, they had learned a lot from him. Ron was a great teacher who always Australia lost a highly respected periodontist who was well known as a had time for his students and was happy to demonstrate any procedure passionate lecturer and teacher as well as a caring and highly ethical to them. In treatment planning, he would always ask his students to clinician. consider \"would they do this to your own child?\". He always put the Tom graduated from the University of Queensland in 1971 and welfare of his patients foremost and taught his students to do the same. following service as an Army Dental Officer, completed his Masters in periodontics at the University of Melbourne. During his career, Tom Ron was passionate about orthodontics, especially The Begg Technique held appointments at the University of Michigan, the Institute of Dental and Wilcox wires. He frequently gave lectures on these topics both Research in Sydney, the Sydney Dental Hospital, Westmead Hospital, the in Australia and overseas. He was active in the Australian Society of University of Melbourne and the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne. Orthodontists, serving as Treasurer in the NSW Branch for a few terms. In Melbourne, he ran the Master’s program in periodontics and instilled He was a long standing member of The Begg Society, the St.George in his students the need to always base their clinical management on Dental Association and the Catenians and a fellow of the Royal knowledge of the research evidence. He also taught them humanity Australasian College of Dental Surgeons and he frequently attended and the ideal that all patients, regardless of socio-economic status or their meetings. Ron was also keen on continuing education and geographical location, should have an equal opportunity to access attended orthodontic conferences both in Australia and overseas. dental services. Ron was a considerate and generous man – generous with his money as well as his time. He was a devout Catholic and a family man who For the last 15 years of his life, Tom practised in Hobart and was keenly took an active role in bringing up his 8 children and in later life his involved in ADA affairs at both the state and federal levels. In 2014, he grandchildren. He was a larger than life character who had a great was awarded the rare distinction of Honorary Life Membership of the sense of humour and always had a funny story to tell. Ron passed ADA Tasmanian branch in recognition of his service to the profession. away on February 15, 2015 after a long battle with Amyloidosis. Tom was an enthusiast in everything he did, had a great sense of Ron is survived by his wife Patsy, his eight children and his twenty humor, was always the person to ask the most searching questions and grandchildren. was never afraid to stand up for what he thought was right. The College extends its deepest sympathies to Michele and the family. Dr Kit Chan COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2015 19

CHRISTENSEN The orientation course in Sydney was excellent. It was a nice break from work and it was great PRIZE to catch up with classmates and to make new friends from around the world. The lecturers helped us to make sense of and organise the The Christensen Prize is awarded to the wealth of information that was presented, often candidate with the highest marks at the in exciting and humorous ways, with Anatomy Primary Examination and consists of a medal and Microbiology being the crowd favourites. and a monetary award of $500. To anyone considering doing the primaries, I’d The 2014 recipient, Dr Rushil Patel, relays his say go for it! I’m sure you’ll find it interesting experience with the College and offers advice and relevant and it opens up a range of to future candidates. possibilities through your connection with the College. The staff, lecturers and examiners are I am very grateful to have received the all really helpful and supportive. It’s also nice Christensen Prize for 2014. I owe a big thanks to have a friend or two (or more) to help each to the Dental/Maxillofacial team at Waikato other along the way. hospital for their support and to the group of friends who helped each other throughout the Personally, I have had an inclination towards Dr Rushil Patel way. I am privileged to be able to represent my aspects of medicine and surgery for some colleagues, friends and family with this award. time. Exposure to maxillofacial surgery over the last few years has increased my interest and The primary exams experience was now, having completed primaries, I am hoping challenging but also very rewarding in terms to pursue this field. of the opportunity to learn about and further understand and apply the science behind clinical practice. RACDS » The University of Hong Kong was presented with the RACDS Award for high » James Cook University academic achievement by a final year dental ACADEMIC » La Trobe University student. » The University of Melbourne PRIZE » The University of Sydney » The University of Otago » The University of Queensland The RACDS Academic Prize was established » National University of Singapore* in 2003 following the decision by the College » The University of Western Australia Council to explore the concept of an RACDS * RACDS Travel Assistance Grant to the value of Prize for high achievement by final year dental AUD$500. students. In offering the prize, the College is able to contribute to the academic honours awarded to final year students. ACADEMIC PRIZE Dr Timothy O'Hehir & Dr Peter Gregory The winner each year receives a certificate and attending the UWA Prize Giving Ceremony cheque for AUD$500 which is often presented by a College representative at the awards RECIPIENTS ceremony hosted by the university. Dr Timothy O'Hehir was selected as the At present the College awards the RACDS University of Western Australia's recipient of Academic Prize to final year dental students at the RACDS Academic Prize. College Council the following universities: Member, Dr Peter Gregory presented the award at a ceremony held 17 March 2015 at the » The University of Adelaide University of Western Australia. » Charles Sturt University » Fiji National University » Griffith University At the James Cook University ceremony held in Carirns on 15 December 2014, Dr Lauren Page Dr Lauren Page at graduation 20 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2015

Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons 23rd Convocation 30 March – 2 April 2016 | Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart No Mouth is an Island – oral health in the systemic universe For information on the 23rd Convocation of the RACDS visit the website 23rd Convocation – Hobart No Mouth is an Island 30 March – 2 April 2016 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2015 21

The Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons proudly celebrates its 50 Anniversary in 2015. th Register now, places are strictly limited. th Friday 4 September 2015 NSW Scientific Day Doltone House, Darling Island Wharf, Pyrmont 8:30am – 5:30pm 7 CPD hours The program brings together discipline leaders from each of our regions that will showcase the College at its very best. The day promises to be a stimulating and informative event that will evaluate recent developments and current trends to provide ‘A Comprehensive Approach to Oral Health’. Open to all members of the dental profession th Saturday 5 September 2015 Fellowship Day Join your colleagues for a fellowship morning experiencing the delights Sydney has to offer by choosing one of four activities we have planned. Saturday 5 September 2015 th • Sailing Regatta on Sydney Harbour • Archibald Art Exhibition and High Tea Black Tie Gala Ball • Coogee – Bondi Cliff Top Guided Walk Museum of Contemporary Art, The Rocks 6:30pm – 11:30pm • Haberfield Italian Food Walking Safari This is the night of nights on the social calendar of the College where we celebrate the history of the past 50 years. Our evening will be a very special night with a delicious 3-course dinner, fine wines, entertainment and dancing. Join us to celebrate 50 years at an Visit the College website to international event in September to find out more information be held in Sydney! and register now to secure your place. racds_50poster_v4.indd 1 21/03/2015 12:58 pm 22 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2015

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