ROYAL AUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGEONS2013 COLLEGE YEARBOOK Celebrating 48 years49th Annual Report Financial Statement College Honours and 2013 Awards 2013
CONTENTS MISSION STATEMENTCollege Information “To promote excellence in the provisionRACDS Council, Registrars and Staff..........1 of dental education, continuingBoards of Studies and standingcommittees.......................................................2 professional development and a range ofRegional Committees.....................................3 internationally recognised educationalBoard of Studies OMS and committees.... 4 qualifications in all aspects of dentistry.”In appreciation of service (retired orresigned)........................................................... 5 AIMS & OBJECTIVESHonorary Fellows and benefactor.............. 5College Awards...............................................6 The Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons49th Annual Report ......................................7 is a postgraduate education and examining bodyFoundation Donors .......................................8 established primarily to improve the knowledgeSuccessful Primary candidates ..................9 and skills of dental practitioners.Censor in chief...............................................10 The College Constitution sets out the overridingRegistrar GDP.................................................10 objectives for which the College is established asRegistrar, SDP Board of Studies Chair, being:GDP.....................................................................11Board of Studies Chair, OMS..................... 12 a) To advance the science and art of dentistryWhat’s On Calendar.......................................14 b) To encourage study and research in the The College remembers ..............................16 field of dental science and cognate Statement of Financial Performance...... 19 subjects.Admissions to the College........................ 28 The College’s mission is further described in theRegional Committees..................................32 Fellowship Handbook, ‘To promote the study of theMembership lists ...............................................33 science and art of dentistry; to encourage researchCollege pathways...............................................52 in clinical science and the practice of dentistry; to bring together dentists for scientific discussions and clinical demonstrations; and to disseminate knowledge of the principles and practice of dentistry for the benefit of the community by such means as may be thought fit.’ These are the Aims and Objectives by which the College Council is guided in its endeavours on behalf of Fellows and Members. The Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons Incorporated is a long-established and respected not-for-profit organization. The College was established in 1965 and incorporated by the granting of the Certificate of Incorporation on 11th September 1972. The RACDS is incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act, A.C.T., 1991, Association Number A186. The operation of the College is governed by the Constitution and the By-laws which comply with the requirements of the Associations Incorporation Act, A.C.T. 1991. The Rules of the Constitution of the College include the following: 1. not-for-profit clause – Rule 5, page 12; and 2. winding-up (dissolution) clause – Rule 62, page 30. Under the Act the College is required to submit to the A.C.T. Registrar-General, a set of audited annual accounts by 31st December each year. and important to the success and sustainability of the examination activities, in fact this is also true for all regions. I thank all regional members for their continuous hard work in supporting and mentoring candidates for College examinations over the years and I look forward to welcoming input from local members when establishing the Primary Examination in Singapore.
WELCOMERACDS COUNCIL 2012-2014 RACDS StaffDr Francis Chau President Gary Disher Chief Executive OfficerDr David Sykes President Elect Tindal Magnus Director of Education, Examination and AccreditationDr Patrick Russo Executive Officer Greg O’Brien Director of Professional ServicesDr Warren Shnider Censor in Chief Johanna Elaro Executive Services OfficerDr Robin Whyman Honorary Treasurer Michael Feliciano Finance and Membership Services A/Professor Werner Bischof Past President Manager (Co-opted member of the Executive) Emma Slattery Events ManagerA/Professor Peter Duckmanton Councillor Neil Devine Database ManagerDr Peter Gregory Councillor Sara Cornwall Senior Education Officer, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery A/Professor Nicky Kilpatrick Councillor Wendy Rahtz Senior Education Officer, FRACDSDr Albert Lee Councillor Anna Gamlin Education Officer, MRACDS A/Professor Raj Nair Councillor Sheridan Ahearn Education Officer Dr Paul Sambrook Councillor Lian Yu Membership OfficerRegistrars Maree Till Membership OfficerA/Professor Elizabeth Martin Registrar, General Melissa Wray Administration Assistant Dental Practice Adj. A/Professor Neil Peppitt Registrar, Specialist Dental Practice The Council acknowledges the late Associate ProfessorDr Julia Dando Assistant Registrar, Braham Pearlman RFD who came to Presidency in November OMS 2012 however, because of ill health resigned from the position at the meeting of Council on Friday 23 NovemberHonorary Editor of the RACDS Annals 2012. In recognition of his great work and commitment to the College, the Council will establish an award in his honour,A/Prof Martin Tyas to dental students at the University of Fiji. RACDS Yearbook 2013 1
Boards of Studies 2013 BOARDS OF STUDIES 2013 Board of Studies for MRACDS (GDP) VASAN, Dr Nina LEE, Dr Albert MEYERS, Prof Ian SHNIDER, Dr Warren Board of Studies in Periodontics RUSSO, Dr Patrick – Acting Chair KEYES-TILLEY, Dr Adam DARBY, Dr Ivan MILLER, Dr Greg WHYTE, Dr Greg PRINEAS, Dr Catherine GOSLING, Dr Paul LEE, Dr Albert BISCHOF, A/Prof Werner DALY, A/Prof Christopher Board of Studies for FRACDS Board of Studies in Prosthodontics SHNIDER, Dr Warren BEATH, Dr Paul LYONS, A/Prof Karl BORLASE, Dr Geoff POW, Clin A/Prof Edmund TENNANT, Prof Marc SHEPHERD, Dr Brad TRENGROVE, Dr Hugh ROESSLER, Dr David MERSINA, Dr Dimitra HANLIN, Dr Suzanne MARTIN, A/Prof Liz PRINEAS, Dr Catherine Board of Studies for Special Needs Dentistry BISCHOF, A/Prof Werner LIBERALI, Dr Sharon Board of Studies in Dental Public Health PUNSHON, Dr Kerrie BORROMEO, Dr Mina BLINKHORN, Prof Anthony SHNIDER, Dr Warren THOMSON, Prof Murray CHAU, Dr Francis SPENCER, Prof John MORGAN, Prof Mike Standing Committees WHYMAN, Dr Robin 2013 Board of Studies in Endodontics Continuing Professional Development Committee BLACKLER, Dr Stephen MEYERS, Prof Ian – Chair REBELLATO, Dr Ennio FRICKER OAM, Dr John DUCKMANTON, A/Prof Peter DRUMMOND, Prof Bernadette PARASHOS, A/Prof Peter SYKES, Dr David LEUNG, Dr Sui Fai RUSSO, Dr Patrick NAIR, A/Prof Raj Board of Studies in Oral Medicine KILPATRICK, Prof Nicky CHAU, Dr Francis FARAH, A/Prof Camile TVERSKY, Dr Jonathan Convocation Committee 2012-2014 FRYDRYCH, Dr Agnieszka YEOH, Dr Sue-Ching CHAU, Dr Francis CHAU, Dr Francis DUCKMANTON, A/Prof Peter NAIR, A/Prof Raj Board of Studies in Orthodontics KAHLER, Dr Bill HANLIN, Dr Suzanne FOWLER, Dr Peter SYKES, Dr David GOONEWARDENE, A/Prof Mithran DISHER, Mr Gary – Chair LANGFORD, Dr Stephen SAMPSON, Prof Wayne Examinations Committee MRACDS (GDP) DANDO, Dr Julia MEYERS, Prof Ian – Chair Board of Studies in Paediatric Dentistry KING, Dr Shalinie MANTON, Prof David ALCAINO, Dr Eduardo WYATT, Dr Michael KILPATRICK, Prof Nicky PRINEAS, Dr Catherine STEPHEN, Dr Soni CHAU, Dr Francis2 RACDS Yearbook 2013
Standing & Regional Committees 2013Education Policy Board (EPB) New Zealand Regional CommitteeSHNIDER, Dr Warren – Chair MAHONEY, Dr Erin – ChairBISCHOF, A/Prof Werner LYONS, A/Prof KarlMARTIN, A/Prof Liz BUTCHARD, Dr ThomasPRINEAS, Dr Catherine COBURN, Dr DavidDANDO, Dr Julia MARTIN, Dr JamesFRICKER OAM, Dr John HANLIN, Dr SuzanneCHAU, Dr Francis SALIS, Dr Sergio FRIEDLANDER, Dr LaraFinance & Audit Committee WHYMAN, Dr RobinGREGORY, Dr Peter Asia Regional CommitteeSAMBROOK, Dr PaulSYKES, Dr David LEE, Dr Chun Kei – ChairCOOK AM RFD, Dr Richard CHO, Dr RonyPEPPITT, Adj A/Prof Neil POW, Clin A/Prof EdmondWHYMAN, Dr Robin – Chair WONG, Dr Tsz Leung JasonMCCARROLL, Mr John LEUNG, Dr Sui FaiCHAU, Dr Francis YU, Dr Jermone LEE, Dr AlbertNational Awards Committee CHAU, Dr FrancisBASTIAAN AM RFD, Dr Ross (Aust) – Chair New South Wales Regional CommitteeDALE AO , A/Prof John (Aust)FRICKER OAM, Dr John (Aust) SWEENEY, Dr Ian – ChairROSS CNZM, Dr Clive (NZ) BLACK, Dr EmmaSCOTT, Dr Paul (NZ) MERSINIA, Dr DimitraTYAS AM, Prof Martin (Aust) MYLVAGANAM-DELILLO, Dr VasukiCHAU, Dr Francis STEPHEN, Dr Soni MANSOUR, Dr PeterNominations Committee TRAN, Dr Aden DUCKMANTON, A/Prof PeterCHAU, Dr Francis SYKES, Dr DavidSYKES, Dr DavidSHNIDER, Dr Warren Queensland Regional CommitteeWHYMAN, Dr Robin JOHNSON, Prof Newell – ChairConstitution Committee JUNNER, Dr Robert ELVERY, Dr DwightSYKES, Dr David THOMSON, AndrewTYAS AM, Prof Martin OHLRICH, Dr Edward CARR, Dr Peter JRegional Committees TING, Sarah2013 FRANKS, Simon NAIR, RajVictorian Regional Committee South Australia Regional CommitteeTIMMERMAN, Dr Aovana – ChairKEYES-TILLEY, Dr Adam BILLS, Dr Ian – ChairYUNG, Dr Claudia KOUTSONIKOS, Dr AnnaLADAKIS, Dr John BENDYK, Dr AndreMOLONEY, Dr Luke HANCOCK, Dr RorySTADDON, Dr Lee BARTOLD, Prof Peter MarkCHAN, Dr Matthew (Tsun Hin) BROUGHTON, Dr AlanJING, Dr Sophie DREYER, Dr CraigSHNIDER, Dr Warren WADDELL-SMITH, Dr IainBISCHOF, A/Prof Werner KAUR, Dr SushilRusso, Dr Patrick FARMER, Dr Dan SAMBROOK, Dr Paul RACDS Yearbook 2013 3
Board of Studies & Committees for OMS 2013Singapore Regional Committee Overseas Trained Specialists Assessments (Working Group)NEO, Dr Tee-KhinCHAN, Dr Siew Luen NASTRI, A/Prof Alf – ChairFOO, Dr Mooh Thong HYAM, Dr DylanLEE, Francis K G SEALEY, Dr ChristopherUnited Kingdom Regional Committee Trainee Advisory CommitteeBELL, Dr John – Chair ERZETIC, Dr Benjamin – ChairDAVEY, Alan SAMBROOK, Dr Paul KADERBHAI, Dr JameelWestern Australia Regional Committee CPD CommitteeALFORD, Dr CathyPAPAS, Dr Dina AUSTIN, Dr Bruce – ChairCREEPER, Dr Fleur PATEL, Dr KushSAVUNDRA, Dr Andrew GOODISSON, Dr DerekBOCHENEK, Dr Andrew – Acting Chair WITHERSPOON, Dr RobertCOCKERILL, Dr Phil LEE, Dr KaiWHOLLEY, Dr Chris SILLIFANT, Dr PaulJOHNSTON, Dr Timothy GUPTA, Dr BenjaminHOPE, Dr AmyLAM, Dr Raymond Education CommitteeOAKLEY, Dr ZahidaMACK, Peter SAMBROOK, Dr Paul – ChairGREGORY, Dr Peter JONES, Prof Robert CHU, Dr GeorgeBoards of Studies and GEBAUER, Dr DieterCommittees for Oral DEANE, Dr Stuartand Maxillofacial LEWIS, Dr CameronSurgery 2013 CHENG, De Andrew TSAO, Dr KimBoard - Nominated Members of Regions ANZAOMS Examinations CommitteeSHAND, Dr Jocelyn – ChairERZETIC, Dr Benjamin HEGGIE, A/Prof Andrew – ChairSHERRING, Dr David SHAND, Dr JocelynHAWTHORNE, Dr Matthew DANDO, Dr JuliaSEALEY, Dr Christopher SEALEY, Dr ChristopherSAMBROOK, Dr Paul LYNHAM, A/Prof AnthonySILLIFANT, Dr Paul BATSTONE, Dr MartinWORTHINGTON, Dr James HYAM, Dr DylanTAN-GORE, Dr Eileen VUJCICH, Dr NathanDANDO, Dr JuliaCHAU, Dr Francis Selection CommitteeHEGGIE, Andrew SHAND, Dr Jocelyn – ChairAccreditation Committee ERZETIC, Dr Benjamin SHERRING, Dr DavidWORTHINGTON, Dr James – ChairHARRISON, Dr JohnHYAM, Dr DylanRUTHERFORD, Dr NicholasHAWTHORNE, Dr MatthewMEARA, Dr Paul4 RACDS Yearbook 2013
members & fellowsin appreciation of • Peppitt, Neil John, BDS, MDSc, MRACDS(Pros), FRACDS,service & duty to thecollege FICD, FPFAIn appreciation of service and duty to the College. • Reynolds, Eric AO, BSc Hons, PhD Med Sc, FRACDS • Rowell, Brigadier A. Gordon AO CBE ED, MDS, DDS,• Victorian Regional Committee – Dr John Ladakis as Chair• Asia Regional Committee – Dr SF Leung as Chair Hon. DDSc (Syd), FRACDS, FDSRCS (Eng.), FACD, MICD (• Queensland Regional Committee – Dr Robert Junner as deceased December 2007) Chair • Sagar, John Alfred, BDSc, DDS, FRACDS, FICD (deceased• Board of Studies Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery – Dr Paul September 1998) Sambrook as Chair • Sinclair, John Hugh, MDS, FRACDS, FDSRCS (Eng), FICD,• Examinations Committee, Board of Studies Oral and FADI, FPFA Maxillofacial Surgery – Dr Leslie Snape as Chair • Sutherland, Professor Emeritus Kenneth Joseph George• Continuing Professional Development Committee, AM, MBBS, DDSc, MDSc, LDS, FRACDS, FDSRCS(Eng and Edin), FACD, FICD Board of Studies Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery – Dr Ray Williamson • Thomson, David Henry, BDSc, MDSc, FRACDS, FICD, FADI,• Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Education Committee – Dr FPFA Peter Aquilina as Chair • Walsh, Professor Emeritus Sir John KBE, MBBS, MDS,• New South Wales Regional Surgical Committee – Dr DDSc, DSc, FRACDS, FDSRCS (Eng and Edin), FRSNZ (deceased 2003) Richard Conway, as Chair • Warneke, Sydney Charles AM, MDSc, FRACDS, FICD, FADI,• Chair, Victorian and Tasmanian Regional Surgical FPFA, AFAAMFP Committee – Dr Andrew Heggie as Chair • Wendon, Kenneth Howard, BDS, FRACDS, FDSRCS (Eng)• (Hon)honorary fellows • Wing, George AM, MDS, DDSc, FRACDS, FACD, FICDThe College on occasion recognises persons who haverendered outstanding service to the College and the BENEFACTORSprofession by awarding of its most senior and prestigiousaward of Honorary Fellowship. The College gratefully acknowledges the following generous benefactors.• Bastiaan, Ross Jan AM RFD, MDSc, MSc, FRACDS, FPFA, Dr T R Corbett FICD, FADI The Estate of Dr Thomas R.• Bastian, Earle Harold OBE, MDS, DDS, FRACDS, FICD Corbett for the Endowment Fund. (deceased December 1998) Dr F G Christensen• Bramley, Professor Sir Paul Anthony, MD, DDS, MB, ChB, The Estate of Dr Frederick G. Christensen for the F.G. FRCS, FDSRCS (Eng), FRACDS Christensen Memorial Prize.• Cleland, Professor Emeritus Kenneth Wollaston, MBBS, Emeritus Professor Kenneth J. G. Sutherland AM FRACDS (deceased February 2003) Professor Emeritus Kenneth J. G.• Diana, Princess of Wales (deceased August 1997) Sutherland AM for the Kenneth J.• Davies, Professor Emeritus George Neville CBE, DDS, G. Sutherland Prize. DDS, DSc, FRACDS, FDSRCS (Eng), FACD• Drummond, Bernadette BDS, MS, PhD, FRACDS, FICD• Harcourt, John Kenneth OAM, DDSc, FRACDS, FDSRCS (Edin) (Hon), FICD, FADI• Harris, Robert AM, MBE, MDS, DDSc, FRACDS, FDSRCS (Eng), FACD, FICD (deceased August 1999)• Hession, Reginald William AM KLJ, MDS, DDSc, FRACDS, FDSRCS (Eng), FICD• Hewitt, George Henry, MDS, FRACDS, FDSRCS (Eng), FICD• King, Richard Manning, BDS, MS, FRACDS, FICD• Kings, Stanley George AM, BDSc, LDS, DDS, FRACDS, FICD, FADI (deceased August 2011)• Kramer, Professor Emeritus Ivor Robert Horton OBE, DSc, MDS, FRACDS, FDSRCS (Eng), FFDRCS (Irel), FRCPath• Lamplough, Henry Gordon, LDS, FRACDS, FICD (deceased April 2011)• Lavis, John Frederic AM, MDS, FRACDS, FICD, FADI (deceased June 2008)• Muller, John Henry AM, BDSc, FRACDS, FICD RACDS Yearbook 2013 5
COLLEGE AWARDSMERITORIOUS SERVICE PRESIDENTIALAWARDS COMMENDATIONIn 1983 the College instituted the Meritorious Service Award In order that persons who have made a contribution of greatto be conferred on those who have rendered long and significance to the College in its continuing development anddistinguished service to the College. activities, the Council has established a form of recognition that it is the privilege of the President to bestow upon such a person.The Honour Roll The Honour Roll1983 Peter.M. Gibbs1984 Wilfred.J. Simmonds 1998 William K R Mackenzie1984 Clarence.J. Griffin 1999 Ross L Taylor1984 David.G. Esler 2004 Noel D. Martin AM1987 Peter Davies 2005 Alastair N Goss1987 T. Bruce Lindsay ED 2007 Robert F Broadbent1988 Athol W.J. Lykke 2009 Les Wallace1988 Graham A. Thomas 2010 Nicola M Kilpatrick1988 Leslie P. Oliver DFC 2013 Stephen Robbins1988 Anthony H. Rogers1989 John G. Waterson HONOURS1990 Robert M. Cook AM1991 Marnie E. Martin Thank you to the following Members and Fellows who have1991 Nihill H. Somers made a donation to the RACDS Foundation in 2013.1991 Noel D. Martin AM1991 Christopher G. Daly Fellowship without examination1992 Michael A.W. Thomas1993 Lloyd G. O’Brien AO There have been two recipients of the Award of Fellowship1994 John S. Lyell without Examination in 2013:1995 Philip C. Crocker1995 James M. Scott • Winthrop Professor Marc Tennant1997 F. Elizabeth Martin • Dr John Boucher1997 Peter W. McKerracher1997 Kornel Romaniuk RFD RACDS Academic Prize2000 Ann P. Collins2001 Peter Bradford In acknowledgement of the academic success of talented2001 Michael F S Tsui final year students, in 2013 the RACDS Academic Prize was2001 P Mark Bartold AM awarded by several universities, Australasia wide. The Prize2001 Rakesh K Kumar consists of a Certificate of Merit together with a monetary2001 William C W Yung award of AUD500.2003 E. Dell Kingsford Smith In Sydney, Dr Hui Theng Chong and Dr Kim Wei Thea were the2003 Robyn Lupton joint prize winners in recognition of their most outstanding2004 Jonathan P H Rogers Honours project in the fourth year of the Bachelor of2004 David Wiesenfeld Dentistry program.2005 Norman Eizenberg Dr Simone Mustac was presented with the RACDS Academic2007 Alexis Smith Prize at the University of Western Australia awards ceremony2007 John K Harcourt OAM on 12 March 2013. Councillor, Dr Peter Gregory presented the2007 David G Purton award to Dr Mustac.2008 Richard P Widmer In Queensland, the prize was awarded to Mr Keith Willis2009 Leslie Snape for his achievement as the University of Queensland Most2009 Frank Monsour Outstanding Student in the Clinical Dentistry BDSc Course.2009 Marc Tennant Congratulations to Dr Samantha McKay on her achievement2011 Philip A Cockerill as the University of Otago’s Most Outstanding Student in the2011 Hugh G Trengrove Clinical Dentistry BDSc Course for 2012.2011 Geoffrey W Borlase In Hong Kong, the prize was awarded to Ms Crystal Lee.2014 Angus C Cameron Well done to all! F.G. Christensen Memorial Prize On the advice of the Examiners, the F.G. Christensen Memorial Prize was awarded to the following candidate who achieved outstanding results: • Dr Marina Salah Kamel (New Zealand)6 RACDS Yearbook 2013
49th annual report 2014 President region and beyond to investigate the clinically and academically diverse areas of dentistry under the theme Dr Francis Chau of “Oral Health and Integrated Care – The Generational Challenge”. The Keynotes speakers, Professors Panos Chief Executive Officer Papapanou and Avijit Banerjee, and the regional speakers, ignited thought and stimulated discussion in their Dr Gary Disher presentations. The success of Convocation was the result of the enormous amount of work and commitment ofThis 48th Annual Report for the College Year Book, 2012 the College CEO Mr. Stephen Robbins, Prof. Bernadettereports on the activities of the College over the second Drummond, Dr. David Sykes, Dr. John Fricker, Dr. Patrickyear of the 2010-2012 term of Council. Russo and Dr. Suzanne Hanlin. During this year there has been increased activity in theExamination and Education regional committees of Western Australia, Queensland and Victoria and Tasmania. All of these committees heldThis year the College saw some significant achievements successful and well attended scientific the areas of Examination and Education. The finalexamination for Fellowship in the General Stream was Communication with External Organizationssuccessfully completed by 35 candidates. This yearsaw the introduction of case-based (Patient-less) The College has continued to maintain and build on theexaminations. There was significant work involved in the dialogue and representation with like organisationsdevelopment of these cases and their introduction was within the profession, other Colleges, Universities and theconsidered a success by both examiners and candidates. Australian Government, for both operational and strategicThe preparation programs for both the primary purposes. The College was unsuccessful in its submissionexamination (Orientation Program) and final examination to the Australian Federal Government tender process(Workshop) were again well attended (126 candidates and for the development of the curriculum for the Voluntary45 candidates respectively). Dental Graduate Year Program. However, through thisIn 2012 the Council completed the consultative process tender application the College has been involved in thewith the Registrars and Assistant Registrars. This has consultative process associated with the Curriculumresulted in the identification of key elements of support development.and resourcing to sustain and develop their roles within This year the College has had increased dialogue withthe College. To further reinforce this support in the area the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (supportingof the General Field Stream the Council has resolved to the Oral Health in Children and Young People Positionestablish a Board of Studies FRACDS. Statement). Also the College has been invited to commentThe MRACDS program continues to attract interest; the on a number of Federal and State Government issuesfirst and second assessment rounds in 2012 saw 36 and in Australia and presenting submissions to the Dental48 candidates present respectively. Following many years Council of New Zealand on various issues.of discussion, collaboration with the College of DentalSurgeons of Hong Kong resulted in the inaugural RACDS/ College Office ActivitiesCDSHK conjoint examinations (MRACDS/MGD) held inJune this year. The RACDS examiners, Prof. Ian Meyers There has been ongoing high activity in the Collegeand Dr. Alex Jones, with six examiners from Hong Kong Office supporting the candidates, trainees and Collegeconducted examinations with 17 successful candidates. programs. During the later part of this year the CollegeIn 2013 the MRACDS program will be made available for Chief Executive Officer, Mr Stephen Robbins, tenderedcandidates from New Zealand. his resignation. Mr Robbins has had a significantThe Special Field Stream Final Examinations for influence and direction in many areas of the CollegeFellowship were held in Prosthodontics and Special Needs functions, presence or profile. Over the period of CEO,Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial surgery. When this Mr Robbins oversaw the logistic management of thereport is finally published I expect to also see candidates College move to the York Street office; conducted anhaving completed Fellowship examinations in Periodontics extensive review of College processes and policies;through a ‘transitionary’ pathway for those students who introduced human resource management and staffhave completed programs at universities with which the development; strengthened College relationships withCollege has an MoU. In June this year A/Prof Jim Hawkins outside organizations and implemented the Informationand Prof. James McDonald represented the RACDS as Technology strategy resulting in the increased ITexaminers for the conjoint RCSEd/RACDS examination in presence and performance of the College.Orthodontics conducted in Edinburgh. The College Council is currently conducting theThe College Convocation in Queenstown, New Zealand recruitment process for the new College CEO. In thewas a significant highlight this year. The scientific transitional period the Director of Education, Ms Evelynprogram brought together eminent speakers from our Mike, has taken on the additional role of Acting CEO. In concluding this report I wish to again acknowledge and thank those that ensure that the highest of standards of the College objectives are maintained. These individuals are integral in maintaining the highest of education and assessment standards for which the College is internationally recognised. The expertise of the College examiners, the members of the Boards of Studies and their Committees, the Regional Committees and the College Registrars and Assistant Registrars with their commitment and drive are central in extending the RACDS Yearbook 2013 7
Foundation Donors / College Honour Rollaims of the College to all levels of the profession. The Dr Zuliani MAHMOOD (Malaysia)functioning of the many College programs is heavily Dr Wai MAN (Hong Kong)reliant on the support of the College staff and I wish Dr Michael MANDIKOS (QLD, Australia)to acknowledge the dedication, professionalism and Dr Peter MANSOUR (NSW, Australia)standards of the staff in supporting the College function Dr Patrick MEANEY (NSW, Australia)and processes. Dr Dimitra MERSINIA (NSW, Australia)Finally, I thank my Council for their support in the Dr Christopher MUIR (QLD, Australia)progress and direction of the College over the past two Dr Colin NELSON (QLD, Australia)years. I would like to make special mention of the tireless Dr Chi NG (Hong Kong)work of Dr Suzanne Hanlin (Honorary Treasurer) and Dr Ian O’LOUGHLIN (New Zealand)Professor Martin Tyas (Censor-in-Chief). The College Dr Sarah ORME (VIC, Australia)and its membership has benefited greatly from the time, Dr Patrick OXBROUGH (TAS, Australia)expertise and guidance of both Suzanne and Martin have Dr Leigh PAGONIS (VIC, Australia)given over the past 12 years on Council. Dr Stephen PAK (NSW, Australia) Dr John PAYNE (WA, Australia)FOUNDATION DONORS Dr Edward PEEL (NSW, Australia) Dr Catherine PRINEAS (NSW, Australia)Thank you to the following Members and Fellows who have Dr Kerrilee PUNSHON (VIC, Australia)made a donation to the RACDS Foundation in 2013. Dr Sawindar RANU (TAS, Australia) Dr Leander RATHSAM (NSW, Australia)Dr Meshari AL DAMKH (Saudi Arabia) Dr James ROBERTSON (VIC, Australia)Dr Abdullah ALATAL (Saudi Arabia) Dr Anthony SELVARAJ (NSW, Australia)Dr Hessa ALKHAL FAKHROO (QATAR) Dr Brittany SHEARN (VIC, Australia)Dr Poppy ANASTASSIADIS (SA, Australia) Dr David SHERRING (NSW, Australia)Dr Nectarios ANDREWS (NSW, Australia) Dr Paul SMEDLEY (New Zealand)Dr Ross APPLEGARTH (QLD, Australia) Mr Bernard SPECULAND (UK)Prof Peter BARNARD (NSW, Australia) Dr Soni STEPHEN (NSW, Australia)Dr Alexandra BARRATT (NSW, Australia) Dr Nour TARRAF (NSW, Australia)Dr William BESLY (VIC, Australia) Adj A/Prof Gerald THURNWALD (QLD, Australia)Dr Andrew BOCHENEK (WA, Australia) Dr Graeme TING (Netherlands)Dr John BRABANT (NSW, Australia) Dr Kevin TODES (NSW, Australia)Dr Suzanne BRENT (NSW, Australia) Dr Suet TSANG (NSW, Australia)Dr Donald CHANDLER (SA, Australia) Dr Matthew WILLIAMS (New Zealand)Dr Fu Fai CHIK (Hong Kong) Dr Ka YIP (Hong Kong)Dr Yvonne CHOW (NSW, Australia)Dr Paul CROWE (TAS, Australia) College Honour RollDr Parmanand DHANRAJANI (NSW, Australia)Dr Andrew DIAS (VIC, Australia) The College acknowledges the very sad passing of the followingDr Nghiem DOAN (QLD, Australia) dentists: Dr Richard King (RACDS President 1986-1988) | 1924 – 2013A/Prof Peter DUCKMANTON (NSW, Australia)Dr Frederic FRYER (NSW, Australia) • Dr Geoffrey Michael William McKellar | 1949 - 2013Dr Peter GREGORY (WA, Australia) • Dr Gerald David Dalitz | 1927 - 2013Mr Paul HAGLEY (NSW, Australia) • Associate Professor Braham Pearlman RFD | 1939 - 2013Dr Graham HALL (TAS, Australia) • Dr Bruce Francis Stone | 1933 - 2013Dr Haifa HANNAWI (UAE)A/Prof John HIGHFIELD (NSW, Australia) COLLEGE OBSERVERSMr Andrew HOWE (NSW, Australia)Dr Leone HUTCHINSON (NSW, Australia) The College thanks the following Examination observers (EO)Dr Issam JAWMAR (Saudi Arabia) assisting examiners with the administrative aspects of theDr Tissa JAYASEKERA (VIC, Australia) viva voce examinations held in Sydney: Dr Aden Tran, Dr AjayDr Ravinder KALRA (NSW, Australia) Coutinho, Dr Amish Patel, Dr Catherine Prineas, Dr DavinaDr Hilton KATZ (VIC, Australia) Kwong , Dr Dimitra Mersinia, Dr Lena Zhu, Dr Monique Cheung,Dr Raymond LAM (WA, Australia) Dr Nga Truong, Dr Noni Polycarpou, Dr Peter Mansour, DrDr Hugh LENEHAN (SA, Australia) Smitha Sukumar, Ms Tashya Miranda, Ms Nicole Celli, Dr VasukiDr Kwok LEUNG (Hong Kong) Mylvaganam – Dellilo.Dr Albert LEUNG (Hong Kong)Dr Chung LO (Hong Kong)8 RACDS Yearbook 2013
PRIMARY EXAMINATION candidates 2013SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATESPrimary ExaminationA total of 137 candidates sat for this Examination. 2 candidates were USM students. Of the total 137 candidates, 112 passed, 25candidates failed, including 16 candidates allowed to carry certain subjects and 9 to repeat all subjects – a 81.75 % overall pass rate.NAME DEGREE MOORE, Blake BDS MUSTAC, Simone BDScABDULLAH, Mohd Asmawardi DDS NAICKER, Deon BDS/PGDip(Dent)AGGARWALA, Shreya BOH (DSc)/GDip(Dent) NEBODA WATHURAGAMAGE, Chaturi BDScAHN, Eun-Jin BDS NEO, Hui-Lin Luisa BDSANWAR, Erica BDSc NG, Oi Ying BDSANWAR, Mariam BDS NG, Pui Ching BDSARAIN, Bilal Asif BDS ONG, Darrell Jun Ming BDSAVINI, Farhad BDent(Hons)/BSc PARK, Saemi BDScBABI, Afaq Hashmat BDS/GCert(ClinDent) PRADHAN, Harold BDSBENIER, Melissa BDS/BSc (Dent) PUNGUT, Nur’Aini BDSBENTON, Sarah BDSc(Hons) RAMANAN, Divya BDSBHARDWAJ, Venkatesh BDent(Hons)/ REGAN, Elizabeth BDSc BSc(Biotechnology) RUSSO, Michael BDentBRADLEY, John BDS SANDHU, Sukhdeep BDSCAIRNS, Suzanne BDSc SARFARAZI, Golnaz BDS/BScCHAN, Boon Hui BDS SELIM, Daniel BOral Health (Dent Sc)/CHAN, Yi BDSc Gdip(Dent)CHANDRA, Priyanka BDS SENATHIRAJAH, Shiva BDSc(Hons)CHAW, Sarah BDSc(Hons) SEW HOY, William BDSCHONG, Hui Theng BDent(Hons) SHAO, Wenjing BDSCOHEN, Matthew Bdent/BSc SHI, Hongyi Adrian BDSCOMMANDEUR, Zoe BDS/BSc SMIT, Ryan BDSCORBETT, Abbey BDS SMITH, Julia BDSDAWSON, James BSc/DBS SOORIAKUMARAN, Prashanthan BDSDIVIACH, Angela BDSc SZETO, Josephine Ka Wing BDScDO, Sophia BDSc TAN, Daniel BDS/BDScDYER, Jolyon BDSc/Bdent TAN, Madeleine BDScELLIS, Rebecca BDS TAN, Ming Yi BDSELSHENTENAWY, Hosam BDS TAN, Qing Zhen BDSEMERY, Abigail BDS TANG, William BDent(Hons)FECHNEY, Jacquelyn BDS TANG, William BPh(Hons)GUO, Weidi BDS TAY, Koong Jiunn BDSHE, Jessica BDSc TEO, Yiwei BDSHO, Cheuk Hin BDS THEA, Kim Wei BDentHON, Ming Kwong BDS TONG, Annie BDScHORSFALL, Siobhan BOral Health (Dent Sc)/ TOSSOUN, Fady BDSc(Hons) Gdip(Dent) TRUONG, Thao BDent(Hons)/BMSc(Hons)HURLEY, Caitlin Bdent/BASc VAN HEUMEN, Thomas BDScICHIM, Laura BDS WALIPOOR, Mohd BDSIYER, Srividya BDS/GCert(ClinDent) WANG, Cathy BDS(Hons)JOO, Daniel BDSc WARNAKULA, Alex BDSKAMEL, Marina BDS WIGHT, Shu-En BDScKAN, Wai Leong BDS WILLIS, Keith BDScKANG, Austin BDent WONG, Man Ki BDSKHABAZ-SABERI, Siamak BDSc WU, Yo-Yu BDSKHADEMBASCHI, Darius BDSc XU, Hang Bdent/BengineeringKHOURY, Michael BDS YANG, Christina BMS/BDScKNIGHT, Beau BOH (DSc) (Hons)/Gdip Dent YEH, Yung-En BDScKO, Gilbert BDSc YIP, Kent BDSLAI, Yvonne BDSc YU, Stephen BDSLAM, May BDSc(Hons) YU, Yin Tat BDSLAU, Matthew BDS ZHANG, Ji Qing BDScLEE, Nelly BDSc ZHONG, Chao BDSLEUNG, Yi Kwan BDSc ZHOU, Mickey BDSLI, Debra BBSc/BDSLI, Jiaojiao BDSLOW, Ada BDSLUKE, Jonathan BDSMAY, Brendan BDSMAZARIRE, Glenda B.Ch.DMCKELVEY, David BDS RACDS Yearbook 2013 9
Censor in Chief / Registrar, GDPChair, Board of Studies Registrar GDPfor General Dental 2013 was, as usual, a busy year Practice of examinations and courses supporting candidates presenting It is a pleasure to reflect and for Fellowship within General report on such a successful period Dental Practice. I would like to of hard work and transformation highlight a few key outcomes for within the education portfolio of the College during this past year. the College. In June, the Final Exam Workshop 2013 has seen a successful attracted a large number of governance relationship attendees for the 2-day program between Council, the Education which was held over two days in Policy Board and the Boards Sydney. This workshop supports of Studies, who have worked candidates’ preparation for the closely together to meet the Final Examination in assisting them to develop the skillsnew directives of the 2013-2016 Strategic Plan. Key required to discuss diverse aspects of dentistry in an exam-strategic priorities for educators include greater definition setting. Case presentation, essay writing and discussion ofof core competencies expected for Members and Fellows, treatment planning options are also skills that are essentialincreased tools and support for self-directed learning and for success in this clinically oriented examination. Theteaching RACDS candidates to be lifelong learners, raising workshop, which comprised 14 Continuing Professionalassessment standards to meet international highest level Development (CPD) hours, was facilitated by a number of theadult learning principles and creating education products Final Examiners, including for the first time representativesthat can be utilised in markets outside of Australia to support from the elective sections. I would like to take this opportunityinternational professionals. to thank Drs Geoffrey Borlase and Paul Beath for theirOver the past year, much work has been done to build the presentations to the group and also to the facilitators: Drsfoundation in preparation of this work. Several new roles Peter Serb, Erin Mahoney, Warren Shnider and Geoff Younghave been created including the Director of Education, for their efforts and support. In addition, the College invitedAssessment and Accreditation. In November 2013, Tindal two recent Fellows, Drs Smitha Sukumar and Alex Kalos toMagnus was appointed to the position and brings extensive share their study preparation and examination experienceexperience running specialist medical education programs, with the participants. Dr Sukumar in her presentation talkedmanaging international and national regulation standards and of her involvement with College activities since becoming aconsulting for numerous health and education bodies across Fellow, which include Regional Committee Membership, andAustralia. Two Senior Education Officers were also appointed, MRACDS mentoringin the Oral Maxillofacial training unit and the FRACDS The FEW was closely followed by the Orientation Course, heldprogram (supporting both general and specialist disciplines). at Moore College in Sydney for an intensive two week lectureOur Database Manager, Neil Devine now supports business series that prepared 105 potential candidates for the Primarydecisions with statistical reporting, Event Manager, Emma Examination of the College. The lecturers, all renownedSlattery is building a strong CPD calendar and an Education experts in their respective fields, presented stimulating andOfficer will focus on content development for online learning. relevant sessions in the disciplines of: Anatomy, Pathology,Work has begun with defining and documenting key important Physiology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry, Physiology,roles within the College such as Examiners, Registrars Histology and Pharmacology. The feedback from participantsand Committee Members, with several new policies being over the years has been consistently positive, and provides andeveloped that meet Australian and New Zealand medical and opportunity to develop networks and enjoy collegiality withdental standards. like-minded professionals. 60 hours of recognised CPD hoursThe College is also celebrating the opening of its Education is an added incentive!Centre. This state of the art room within the RACDS office is The Primary examinations for Fellowship then followed innow available as a professional space for teaching, research November/December. Again high numbers of candidatespresentations, workshops and master classes for professional registered to sit the written papers and the viva vocedevelopment, as well as a business meeting space. The room examinations which were held in Sydney and Hong Kong.provides capabilities for video and audio recording with I would like to thank all the examiners for their diligenceseveral available configurations and webconferencing on and hard work over this period, with a special thanks toseveral screens. The Education Centre represents another two retiring examiners who have tirelessly supported thesecommitment to the future priority of education in RACDS. examinations for the past 8-9 years: Professors Peter DunkleyAdditionally, numerous resources have been extended toward and David Powis.the development of an online learning management system. The MRACDS program continues to grow, with 25 newOver 2014, the education team will be dedicated to providing candidates registering to commence the Program in 2013,current and meaningful high level CPD to the profession including three candidates from New Zealand making a totaland ensuring that all program content and CPD is captured of 144 enrolments since 2007. Of the 31 who have completedin a format that is accessible to Member and Fellows across the program to date 9 candidates have continued to remainthe world. This is yet another way to ensure that RACDS involved by becoming mentors and 3 have progressedstays relevant and continues to be a leading educator in the to Fellowship. I would like to thank the extensive teamAustralasian dental arena. I look forward to the year ahead. of examiners, mentors, committee members and RACDS staff involved with the MRACDS program, with special acknowledgment to Professor Ian Meyers and Dr Neil Peppitt for their leadership.10 RACDS Yearbook 2013
Registrar, SDP / Board of Studies GDPRegistrar SDP Australia, according to transitional arrangements, have the opportunity to present for the Fellowship Examination The 2013 year has been both busy directly following successful completion of the Membership and productive in the Specialist Examination. One candidate was successful in the Dental Practice programmes. Transitional Fellowship Examination and will be granted The lion’s share of the work and FRACDS(Perio) at the completion of all requirements for the success must be attributed to award of DClinDent. Assoc/Prof Angus Cameron as In August 2013, external Membership and Fellowship Special Field Registrar and Mrs Examinations were held in the College office in Sydney. Evelyn Mike as Education Director There were 3 successful Membership candidates in the over this period whose dedication Disciplines of Periodontics and Endodontics and 2 successful and stewardship have built the Fellowship candidates in the Discipline of Periodontics. strong foundation on which the The Surgical Science and Training (SST) examination College now rests. I have had the in the Specialist Discipline of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery pleasure of working closely with was held in Brisbane in August, with 11 candidates both these individuals over the successfully completing this diet of the examination. Thelast 15 years and can attest to their unwavering support and Final Examination was held in Adelaide and concluded incommitment to the College and recognise they have been September with 11 successful candidates being admitted tointegral in its growth and success. The College is ever in Fellowship in the Specialist Discipline of Oral Maxillofacialtheir debt. Surgery. Congratulations to all those Members and Fellows who wereI welcome Ms Tindal Magnus to the new role of Director of successful. I encourage you as new Members and Fellows toEducation, Assessment and Accreditation. I look forward pick up the baton and contribute to the College in any wayto working closely with her in strengthening the Specialist you can as either examiners, mentors, committee membersDental Practice programmes within the College Strategic or councillors. I look forward to the implementation ofplan guidelines. She comes to the role well skilled and highly the exciting new direction of education within the Collegeregarded within the Education Sector. Strategic Plan and hope that this will continue to create interest in obtaining Membership and Fellowship in theAs the new Registrar in Specialist Dental Practice Specialist Dental Practice Disciplines of the College.(November 2013), I would like to acknowledge the enormouscontribution, dedication and knowledge that my predecessor, BOARD OF STUDIES FORAssoc/Prof Angus Cameron, has brought to the role of GENERAL DENTAL PRACTICERegistrar within the College. I hope to continue the robustwork that Professor Cameron has undertaken in the past 2013 has been a busy and15yrs. productive one for candidates, examiners and the Board ofOne of the main roles of the Boards of Studies in the Studies and its Committees. ThreeSpecialty disciplines is to review applications from a wide assessment rounds and threearray of candidates who have applied for Membership viva voce examinations haveand Fellowship. The three avenues for Membership within taken place, resulting in anotherthe College include Prior Recognition, Examination with a thirteen candidates successfullyconjoint University and External Examination in the College completing the program andoffice. being admitted to MRACDS(GDP) The year has seen a new cohortTo date the number of Members approved by Prior of candidates successfullyRecognition in each field by the end of 2013 is as follows: undertake assessments, including short answer questions (SAQs)• Dental Public Health 22 and case reports. Each assessment round for 2013 has been• Endodontics 69 a success with the overwhelming majority of candidates• Oral Medicine 13 gaining pass results across all modules.• Orthodontics 172 The year commenced with an information and welcome• Paediatric Dentistry 42 session for all 2013 candidates, held at the Women’s College• Periodontics 61 in Newtown. From 2014, all future sessions will be held at• Prosthodontics 75 the New Education Centre within the College offices. This• Special Needs Dentistry 3 session enabled the new candidates to learn about the program in detail, meet their mentors who also attended, getThe conjoint MOrth/MRACDS(Orth) examination with to know each other and form study groups. This year markedthe Royal College of Surgeons (RCS Edin) was again held the first year that New Zealand residents could register forin Adelaide this year with 5 candidates achieving both the program, and there are currently seven candidates fromqualifications. across the country, including four from the 2014 intake. The College President, board members, Adj. A/Prof Neil Peppitt,Membership Examinations were held conjointly with the Professor Ian Meyers, Dr Warren Shnider, Dr CatherineUniversities of Sydney, Queensland and Western Australia Prineas and the former Director of Education, Evelyn Mikeunder the MoU arrangements in the Specialist Practice were also in attendance to welcome the candidates andDisciplines of Periodontics, Oral Medicine, Orthodonticsand Paediatric Dentistry. On successful completion of theirDClinDent Programs, these students will be eligible to beawarded Membership in their respective fields.In the field of Periodontics, students completing programsat University of Sydney and University of Western RACDS Yearbook 2013 11
Board of Studies OMSshare their knowledge about the program. Feedback was dedication and thanks him for his significant contribution asvery positive and participants benefited from the collegiality Chair. He will remain on the Board as the Director of Trainingof the day. Candidates commented that the day assisted for South Australia and has accepted the role of Chair of thethem in gaining a deep understanding of the program Education Committee.requirements and procedures and that they enjoyed the I would also like to welcome our new Directors of Training;opportunity to network with other MRACDS(GDP) candidates Dr Paul Sillifant has been appointed Director of Training forand College staff. the Western Australian Training Centre and Dr Bruce AustinThirteen candidates completed the MRACDS(GDP) program has been appointed Director of Training for the New Southin 2013 and this brings the total number of candidates Wales & Australian Capital Territory Training Centre.who have completed the program to 35. Nine candidates The current Board of Studies – Oral & Maxillofacial Surgerypresented at the November 2013 viva - an unprecedented Oct 2013 – 2015 comprises the following:number - and six of these were successful. The remainingseven candidates who passed in 2013 presented at the • Dr Jocelyn Shand, Chair (DOT, Victoria & Tasmania)February and May viva voce examinations. Up to six more • Dr Benjamin Erzetic, Deputy Chair (DOT, Queensland &candidates will be eligible to present for the next viva voceexamination, held in Sydney in March 2014. An encouraging Northern Territory)element of the program is that a number of successfulMRACDS(GDP) graduates have recently furthered their • Dr James Worthingon (DOT, New Zealand)involvement in the College, by becoming examiners and • Dr Paul Sillifant (DOT, Western Australia)mentors for new candidates in the program. • Dr Paul Sambrook (DOT, South Australia)The College is looking to greatly increase the amount of • Dr Bruce Austin (DOT, New South Wales & ACT)CPD that we currently offer, and to this end we have several • Dr Matthew Hawthorne (Elected member)confirmed speakers for presentations in 2014 in the new • Dr Christopher Sealey (Elected member)Education Centre. All presentations will directly relate to at • Dr David Sherring (Elected member)least one of the modules in the MRACDS(GDP) program, but • A/Prof Andrew Heggie (ex officio – President ANZAOMS)all College Members, Fellows and candidates are welcome to • Dr Julia Dando (ex officio – Assistant Registrar OMS)attend to gain new knowledge from these stimulating and • Dr Francis Chau (ex officio – President RACDS)invaluable sessions. • Dr Eileen Tan Gore (Trainee representative)In 2014 The MRACDS(GDP) program will be entering itseighth year and the proposed intake is set at a maximum Retiring members of the Boardof 30 candidates. With an overwhelming amount of interestin the program, 2014 looks set to be a busy and productive The Board of Studies OMS thanks the retiring members ofyear, assisted by the continued support of Fellows and the former Board of Studies, 2011-2013: Dr Leslie Snape, A/Members in the dental community. The College is proud of Prof Alf Nastri, Prof Raymond Williamson, Dr Peter Aquilina,the significant development and success of the program and trainee representative; Dr Ben Robertson.which has attracted a strong interest from the profession.Should you know of any colleagues that may be interested Accreditationin the MRACDS(GDP) program, we would encourage you toforward our contact details. The Queensland & Northern Territory Training CentreFor more information about the program, please contact underwent an Accreditation review in July and August 2013.Anna Gamlin, Education Officer (MRACDS(GDP)), at gdp@ The report had been finalised and forwarded to the Surgical Committee and the nine teaching hospitals.Dr Patrick Russo – Acting Chair Accreditation continues to be an excellent opportunity for training centers to work closely with peers and to findChair, Board of Studies, solutions to address the training needs and the legislatedOral and Maxillofacial education standards of the Australian Medical Council andSurgery Australian Dental Council. Membership of the Board Examinations It has been an honour to accept The Surgical Science & Training (SST) Examination was the role of Chair of the Board of conducted from 9 – 10 August 2013 at the Royal Brisbane & Studies, OMS, in October 2013. Dr Women’s Hospital again, which is a very good venue for this Ben Erzetic is the Deputy Chair examination. Dr Alistair Reid coordinated the examination and he is the Director of Training again which ran smoothly due to the high level of organisation. for the Queensland and Northern Of the 14 candidates who present, 11 were successful in this diet. Territory Training Centre. This year, the Final Examination clinical & oral viva voce I would like to take this component was conducted at the Royal Adelaide Dental opportunity to acknowledge the Hospital from 3 – 4 September 2013. The written papers were significant contribution of Dr Paul undertaken in mid-August regionally. A/Professor Anthony Sambrook who has been the Chair Lynham chaired the panel of examiners and thank him for hisof the Board OMS for six years. The Board acknowledges his contribution to this important process. 11 of the 12 candidates were successful. Dr Julia Dando, Assistant Registrar, OMS was present during the entire examination process, including the calibration process and the meeting of the court of examiners, for both the SST & Final Examination diets.12 RACDS Yearbook 2013
Board of Studies, OMS / Annual General MeetingI would like to formally welcome the newly appointed Chair Guidelines for former traineesof the Examinations Committee, A/Professor AndrewHeggie. He brings considerable experience to this role as a Guidelines for the management of former trainees who areprevious Chair of the court of examiners for both the Final seeking to reapply to the OMS Training Program have beenExamination and the SST Examination. developed and were approved by the Board and College2013 diets of the SST and Final Examination were reviewed Council.and the 2014 diets discussed by the committee via Dr Jocelyn Shand, Chairteleconference in November 2013. ANNUAL GENERALOMS Training Program Accreditation MEETING 2013The RACDS OMS Training Program is governed by the The Annual General Meeting of the College wasAustralian Medical Council / Australian Dental Council held on 22 November 2013 in the Canberra Room at/ Medical Council of New Zealand and Dental Council of the Menzies Hotel, Sydney following the NovemberNew Zealand. Every year, the Training Program and its meeting of policies and processes are audited against a suite The Annual General Meeting accepted the Minutesof accreditation standards. The College must prepare and of the previous Annual General Meeting held on 23submit an extensive annual report against recommendations November 2012 as a true and accurate record. Theto meet these standards. meeting also received the Annual Report, AnnualThe Dental Council New Zealand (DCNZ) has provided Balance Sheet and Auditor’s report. Council alsofeedback on the Limited Review of the RACDS OMS Training resolved to make the following changes to theProgram, and commended the College on the strength of the Constitution:Handbook, in particular Section C.The key outcome of this DCNZ report was a request that the • A change to DEFINTIONS such that GeneralCollege identify a person or body to conduct an independentreview of the OMS Training Program. An internationally Stream will now be known as General Dentaltrained and based Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon will be Practice and Special Field Stream will now beapproached to conduct this review. known as Specialist Dental PracticeThe College welcomes the AMC/ADC/NZMC/DCNZ reviewsas it ensures the highest quality standardised medical • A change to Rule 9(a)(ii) clarifies Registrars willeducation processes are being met by RACDS with regard tothe OMS Training Program. be invited to attend Council meetings (removal of “Executive and”).Selection • A change to Rule 51 clarifies certificate ofThe selection interviews took place in Sydney on 20 July2013. The bi-national selection process involves assessment membership shall be referred to as “testamur”of CVs, professional performance appraisals and interviews. in all instances.There were 25 applicants with 12 applicants receivingtraining positions to commence accredited training in 2014. • A change to Rule 52 clarifies certificate ofThere are six OMS 2 and six OMS 1 trainees commencing.Three independent observers were present during the membership shall be referred to as “testamur”interview process, with one independent on each of the in all instances.three interview panels.CoursesIn March 2013 Dr Jim Worthington & Dr Jason Eramushosted an Oral Pathology Interactive Program in conjunctionwith Dr Hedley Coleman, Oral Pathologist, in ChristchurchNew Zealand. In April 2013 a week long educational program,including a cadaver course and mock examinations, wasconducted and hosted by Dr Dieter Gebauer and his teamin Perth. Dr Sambrook organised the inaugural SSTexamination course in June in Adelaide. The Board isextremely grateful to these specialists for organising theseeducational courses, and we appreciate the time involved.Trainer educationA SAT SET course was held in Perth and was conducted by afacilitator from the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons(RACS) in September 2013. The course is designed forsupervisors and trainers with a focus on the assessmentand management of surgical trainees and it coveredcompetency-based assessment, directly observed proceduralskills and achieving performance improvement for trainees. RACDS Yearbook 2013 13
WHAT’S ON AT THE COLLEGEWHAT’S ONFor more information about courses, examinations and events, MAY 2014please visit the College website at Final registrations close for FinalJANUARY 2014 FEBRUARY 2014 Exam Workshop (FEW) in GDP Registrations close for14 - 22 January 1 February examination in Membership and Fellowship in SDP (Except OMSFinal Written Examination in GDP Orientation Day - MRACDS(GDP) under MoU) Induction Day - FRACDS(OMS)20 - 22 January 1 May 15 FebruaryFinal Examination in Closing date for Applications forMRACDS(GDP) - clinical, oral and OMS Trainees Assessment of Eligibility for theviva voce Final date for Logbook Final Examination Summaries, Six-Monthly22 January Formative Assessment Forms and 2 May Clinical Training Assessments toRegistrations close for be received by the College for Assessment Round 2 forExamination 1 in MRACDS(GDP) - trainees occupying accredited MRACDS(GDP)viva voce training posts in 2013. Final date for OMS trainees 16 May24 January to complete registration requirements and make payment. Closing date for Applications forAssessment Round 1 for Eligibility for Surgical TrainingMRACDS(GDP) 21 February positions for 2015MARCH 2014 Council Meeting 30 – 31 May1 March APRIL 2014 SST ExaminationRegistrations close for Registrations close for assessment JUNE 2014examination in SDP OMS SST of eligibility for examination in Membership and Fellowship in SDP Registrations close for22 March Orientation Course for GDP 25 April PrimaryExamination 1 -viva voce forMRACDS(GDP) Registrations close for 13 - 14 June Examination 2 - viva voce in MRACDS(GDP) Final Exam Workshop (FEW) for GDP Venue: Sydney14 RACDS Yearbook 2013
WHAT’S ON AT THE COLLEGEJULY 2014 AUGUST 2014 NOVEMBER 20141 July Registrations close for assessment MRACDS(SDP) Examinations of eligibility and Exam Registration under MoURegistrations close for Final for MRACDS (SDP) under MoU Venue: Various regions TBCexamination in SDP OMS Registrations close for overseas SDP MRACDS(Orth) and M(Orth)Case Reports for Specialist examination for GDP Primary Conjoint ExaminationExaminations due for submission Venue: Hong Kong Venue: Adelaide Final registrations close for the1 - 12 July Web Based Education Program (for 21 November Final Exam Prep) in GDPPrimary Orientation Course in GDP Final Web Based Education Council MeetingVenue: Sydney Program Segment 1 for GDP commences 22 November19 July Examinations for Membership and Fellowship (Except SDP OMS) - Examination 3 - viva voce inInterviews for selection into the viva voce MRACDS(GDP)OMS Program 9 - 10 August 24- 26 November25 July SST Examination - written, clinical Primary Examinations in GDP –Council Meeting and oral in SDP OMS written Venue: Brisbane26 July DECEMBER 2014 11 - 12 AugustExamination 2 - viva voce in GDP 1 - 3 DecemberMRACDS. Final examination in OMS - written Venue: Various regions Primary Examinations in GDP -SEPTEMBER 2014 viva voce. 15 August Venue: SydneyApplications close for exemptionfrom Primary Examination in GDP Final date for Six-Monthly 7 DecemberRegistrations close for Primary Formative Assessment Forms andExamination in GDP. Clinical Training Assessments to Primary Examination in GDP - vivaVenue: Sydney be received by the College for voce trainees occupying accredited Venue: Hong Kong2-3 September training posts in 2014. JANUARY 2015SDP OMS Final examination - 29 Augustclinical and orals. 13 - 14 JanuaryVenue: Adelaide MRACDS(GDP) assessment Round 3 Final Examination in GDP - written OCTOBER 2014 19 - 21 January Registrations close for Final examination in GDP Final Examination in GDP - viva Web Based Education Program voce Segment 2 commences in GDP Final Registrations close for Examination 3 - viva voce in MRACDS(GDP) RACDS Yearbook 2013 15
THE COLLEGE REMEMBERSThe College Remembers Gerry was the first person to be allowed to present this technique in a court of law, during a murder case. Gerry Dr. Gerald David (Gerry) commented, at the time, that to see the look on the face of Dalitz the accused made it all worthwhile. When John Rogers, a police colleague of Gerry’s, was awarded Dr. Gerald David Dalitz was born in a Churchill Fellowship to study “photo-fit” identification Bentleigh on 6 March 1927. procedures overseas, Gerry accompanied him on this study He was educated at Bentleigh tour. Through their police, medical and dental contacts they West State School, and Toronga made a successful and educational outcome. Road Central School and after With the building of the new Coroners’ Court the Forensic, won a scholarship to Scotch Medical and Dentistry Departments changed dramatically. College, Melbourne to complete Dr John Clements was appointed in charge and permanent his secondary education. paid professionals were added instead of part time voluntary After winning the Victorian workers.Free Place for Dentistry at Melbourne University in 1943, he Gerry donated his large collection of specimens andgraduated with a Bachelor of Dental Science on 6 September documentation of cases gathered over a lifetime to the1948. He won several established yearly prizes and these Department where they are held to this day.helped him pursue his interest in Orthodontics, progressing tocompletion of his Master’s degree. Geoffrey Michael WilliamAfter settling into general practice with Jack Moss, Gerry McKellarwas offered a working scholarship to study Orthodontics atGlasgow University but declined the offer and spent nine Geoffrey was born in Brisbanemonths travelling around Europe on a motorbike. on 13 December 1949 and grewOn 5 March 1952 he completed Part 1 of his Master of Dental up in the suburb of Corinda withScience. He proceeded with Part 2, Study of Orthodontics and his parents, brother David whoOral Pathology and graduated Master of Dental Science in is exactly 2 years younger being1955. born on the same day and hisIn 1960 Jack Moss and Gerry combined to build a set of sister Margo, 10 years youngerprofessional rooms at 8 Bent Street, Bentleigh where he than Geoffrey.practiced for the rest of his professional life. His adolescence was full ofIn the early fifties Gerry became interested in the relatively sporting achievements makingunknown subject of Forensic Odontology. Professor Arthur representative teams in Youth AFL (U15) and cricket (BrisbaneAmies introduced Gerry to the Government Pathologist Dr. Secondary team v NZ) with the highlight winning theKeith Bowden who became his mentor during his research. Queensland AFL premiership in 1967 when playing for Wests.In 1958 Gerry made a formal application to present a After matriculating from Corinda High School he commencedthesis entitled “A Study of some forensic aspects of Dental work for a year in the Harbours and Marine departmentScience with special reference to the identification of human before undertaking his dental studies in the Faculty ofremains”. This degree was conferred in 1962. He was invited Dentistry, University of Queensland, where he finished nearto become a member of the British Academy of Forensic top of his year in 1972.Science after graduation. Following work in Brisbane and Hobart he commenced hisFor many years Gerry was the only Victorian dentist working Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS) training in Melbournein the field of Forensic Odontology and human identification. qualifying with the MDSc. Subsequently he passed, byWhen the Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of examination, both the FRACDS in 1984 and the FRACDSDental Surgeons (FRACDS) was established Gerry became an (OMS) in 1985.inaugural fellow. He was appointed as a specialist Oral and MaxillofacialGerry was actively involved with various organisations during Surgeon at Westmead Hospital in 1981 soon after the hospitalhis career, he was made consultant to, or became a member had been commissioned. Geoff not only carried out a busyof: the Australian Dental Association, the Australian Society Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS) service but was alsoof Orthodontists, the Melbourne Coroners Court, Victorian involved in under- and post- graduate dental and medicalPolice – Homicide Branch, the Forensic Science Society, the teaching.Royal Australian Air Force, the Department of Civil Aviation, He was appointed Head of the Department in 1994 andthe Royal Dental College of Victoria (as a part time lecturer), Associate Professor at the University of Sydney in 1988.and the Australian Society of Forensic Dentistry. He was also appointed to the New Children’s Hospital whenIn his field of Forensic Odontology, Gerry used the method it opened in Westmead in 1994 and undertook the oralof Cranio-Facial Superimposition for identification purposes. surgical management of significantly medically compromisedPreviously used photographic techniques were tedious and syndromic children. His successful private practiceand difficult to work with, however the introduction of in Westmead with Ann had an emphasis on orthognathicphotographic tone-line reduction techniques made a distinct surgery.improvement. With the arrival of television and video he wasable to markedly improve his results.16 RACDS Yearbook 2013
THE COLLEGE REMEMBERSHis research interests were wide and included: and Environment Court. Braham moved to Sydney to board at Scots College for his secondary schooling, from where he• Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, which led matriculated in 1954. Braham studied Dentistry at Sydney University graduating in to his membership of the council of TERMIS and running 1960. He joined the Royal Australian Air Force and served from the first TERMIS AP conference in Sydney; 1960 to 1962 as a dental officer at bases in Richmond, Darwin and Ballarat. He remained active in the force for the remainder• The use of biodegradable materials in facial of his life and eventually rose to the rank of Group Captain. In 1993, he was awarded the Reserve Force Decoration. reconstruction which led to his research work operating Following his Air Force term, Braham went to London where on 150 lambs; he first went into private practice for a year and then postgraduate study at the Eastman Dental School. He married• Orthognathic surgery and distraction osteogenesis; his first wife, Beattie and they went to Boston where he• The use of Botulinum toxin in the management of completed a Masters Degree in Periodontics. On returning to London in 1969, Braham took up a lectureship in the maxillofacial disorders; Periodontal Department at London Hospital Medical College Dental Institute at Whitechapel.• TMJ prosthetic reconstruction; Braham returned to Sydney in 1974, where he established• And cleft lip and palate surgery which was demonstrated successful specialist practices in the city, Edgecliff and Bondi Junction. At each of these locations he was respected, by his involvement for 20 years in the Operation Restore admired, valued and loved by patients and colleagues alike. Hope mission in Cebu. Braham and his sister Mahla, bought a farm at Alynbrooke inHe was actively involved in both ANZAOMS as a federal the Hunter Valley, where they bred cattle, became involved incouncillor and treasurer and in the RACDS OMS Board as a the local community and welcomed family and friends to themember of the Accreditation and Education Committees and beautiful home on the property. Braham and his wife Beattiesubsequently as Chair of the Board of Studies OMS. divorced, and he later met and married Deborah. After a termHe was respected as an examiner for both the University and as Head of Periodontics at Westmead Centre for Oral Health,RACDS in under-and post- graduate examinations. he established a periodontal practice in Adamstown, which heHe lectured extensively worldwide at international maintained until his death in February.conferences and ran the successful Westmead OMS course for Braham’s intellectual curiosity and love of teaching led to life-25 years. long associations with Sydney and Newcastle Universities. HeHe was well respected by his surgical and medical colleagues was Associate Professor at both institutions. Braham servedwho recognized his surgical skills and compassion with in numerous roles for the Royal Australasian College of Dentalpatients and his generosity in giving of his time to all who Surgeons including Registrar and President-Elect until shortlyasked his advice and help. He was much loved by patients as before his death. Braham was inducted as President of theevidenced by the many tributes both on line and in messages College, an honour he had been looking forward to as theto his family and the huge attendance at both his funeral pinnacle of his distinguished career, but was forced to retireand memorial at Westmead; when he was remembered by from the position due to illness. Throughout his time with theso many family, friends, colleagues, staff and patients. The College, Braham was instrumental in supporting candidatesrecurring theme of the tributes was his kind and caring nature and Examiners alike and was responsible for streamliningand his greatly appreciated surgical skills. many of the College educational processes.He was dearly loved by his family and friends. He was a hero Braham’s thoughtfulness, wisdom and humour ensured thatto his nephews and nieces who adored their uncle; a best his collegiality benefitted many in his profession. Brahamfriend and wonderful brother to David and Margo; just Dad to lectured widely and gave his time generously to many otherDavid and Katie who loved him immensely; a special Grandpa ; institutions including a resource-poor Fiji Dental School whereand for Ann he is the love of her life! he became a loved and admired teacher and mentor, as he“And what is as important as knowledge, asked the mind, was in so many areas of his life.Caring and seeing with the heart, answered the soul” Braham served on numerous professional bodies and led several local and international dental organisations Braham Pearlman RFD including the Australian Society of Periodontology and the International College of Dentists. B.D.S(USYD) MSc.D Perio.(BU) Braham was a progressive practitioner who believed in the FRACDS(Perio) Dip.Clinical Dent. importance of prevention and high clinical standards. He Sedation. FICD FADI FPFA was instrumental in the introduction of dental hygienists Braham was born in 1939 to Minnie into private practice and implants into specialist periodontal and Mark Pearlman as part of a practice. He was passionate about his work and cared deeply pioneering Jewish family – one for his patients, staff and colleagues. Braham was planning to of the few Jewish families on the return to his practice in Newcastle until only weeks before he land in Australia. His grandfather, lost a brief battle with cancer. Abraham, arrived in Australia Braham leaves behind his wife Deborah, from whom he was from Russia in the late nineteenth inseparable, and children Joel, David and Jonathan, from century. his first marriage and his step-children Samantha, Melissa,Braham grew up on a farm in Boggabri, northwest New South Natalie and Lindsey, as well as 14 grandchildren in whose livesWales. He attended Boggabri Public School, riding to school he became absorbed as a cherished grandfather.on his horse Ginger along with his sister Mahla, who rode onGypsy and who later became chief justice of the NSW Land RACDS Yearbook 2013 17
THE COLLEGE REMEMBERSBraham inspired affection and admiration from his students, experience, as day after day people would introducecolleagues and patients for his dignity, professionalism, themselves by telling me how Dr. Stone had changed theirgenerosity and compassion. Braham’s humility, wisdom and lives and how appreciative and enthusiastic they were ofcuriosity came with firm principles and intellectual rigor his fine dentistry. When I examined their mouths I couldwhich set a benchmark for the profession. see what they meant. Bruce became my mentor both professionally and as a life coach until he passed away for Dr. Bruce Francis Stone which I will remain forever grateful. BDSc FDSRCS FRACDS He was always appreciative of the great life opportunities that dentistry provided him, from the satisfaction of helping 1933 - 2013 the wonderful people he met, (His client list read like a Who‘s Bruce Stone passed away on 13 Who of Perth), to the financial freedom that allowed him to February 2013 and our profession pursue his other interests of painting, sculpture, fishing and lost both a great talent a great sailing, at which he also excelled. bloke. Always a visionary, he once found an old wooden dinghy After graduating with honours lying waterlogged and discarded in the fishing boat harbour. in Dentistry at Perth in 1956, Only he could see the potential it offered, so he located the Bruce furthered his studies in original builder Marco Sambrillo the last of the traditional Great Britain, where he graduated Croatian fishing boat shipwrights who restored her formerin the top 6 students as a Fellow of the Royal College of beauty for him. The open clinker built dinghy with itsDental Surgeons and in recognition of his achievement, was old diesel motor was named Mercator and in retirementpresented to her majesty Queen Elizabeth. Bruce became a regular feature of the harbour scene asIn 1959 he accepted a Professorship at Northwestern he motored her out of Fremantle Sailing Club early eachUniversity in Chicago before returning to Australia and morning to catch a few herring for breakfast.starting a private practice in Perth. In his final days Bruce remained calm and was gratefulDuring the early sixties clinical dentistry in unfluoridated for what he described as “My very fortunate life.” He wasWestern Australia was a losing battle against caries, in which farewelled at a private gathering of family, neighbours andtreatment was largely extractions and amalgam repair work friends who gathered with champagne in hand to celebrateto stave off the inevitable full and partial dentures. Against his life and exchange fond memories at his home.this background Bruce was one of only four dentists capable He is survived by the three daughters, of whom he wasof providing sophisticated and occlusally detailed full mouth very proud and his beloved partner Carol to all of whom wereconstruction and was regarded by the profession as extend our sympathies for their loss.“The man to see.” Not only was he a master of crown and Bruce Stone, a great bloke, a life well lived and shared.bridgework, rarely equalled anywhere in the world even Valetoday, but he also was amongst the first to practice and Dr Andrew Brockisteach molar Endodontics in WA, a treatment modality whichwas considered impossible by most at that time.He was ever generous to share his knowledge and servedas President of the WA branch of the Australian Society ofEndodontology 1971-1979, then as Federal President 1980-1982. In recognition of his contribution he was subsequentlyelected an Honorary Life member of the WA branch of theA.S.E.He also held office in the Australian Society ofProsthodontists. In the seventies Bruce studied at thePankey Institute in Florida under the great Dr. LindseyPankey and this influenced everything about his futureapproach to clinical treatment and how he related to hispatients. The Institute is dedicated to “bridging the gapbetween what is known and what is practiced” and providedBruce with the skills he needed to start treating TMDpatients at a time when little was understood about theseproblems. As an original thinker he involved other therapies,including counseling and physiotherapy, long beforemultidisciplinary practice became a mainstream concept. Hewas also one of the first dentists to fully integrate a full timedental therapist from amongst the first graduates into hisoffice a radical idea at the time.Though his clinical practice had long been limited torestorative dentistry, Bruce never elected to register as aspecialist, which he felt might prove limiting and he remained“A general practitioner by choice, not as a second best.”In 1997 when he retired from dentistry, I had the privilegeof continuing the care of his patients. It was a humbling18 RACDS Yearbook 2013
STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCEIn accordance with the requirements of Section 73 (1) of the Associations Incorporation Act 1991, we submit the duly auditedfinancial accounts of the College in respect of the year ended 30 June 2013, together with a Copy of the Auditor’s Report to theCollege on the accounts for that period.As similarly required –1. The name of each member of the Council of the College 2. There has been no significant change in the activities of as at the date of this report for the year ending 30 June the College during the year ended 30 June 2013, which 2013 is: were, to advance the science and art of dentistry and to encourage study and research in the field of dental President science and cognate subjects. Dr Francis So Wah Chau 3. The College earned a surplus of $1,105,476 for the year MDS, MRACDS(Pros), FRACDS, MRD RCS(Ed), LLB, MBA ended 30 June 2013. President-Elect Dr David G Sykes BDS (U. Lond), MDS (U Syd), LDSRCS(Eng), MRACDS(Pros), FRACDS Honorary Treasurer Dr Robin A Whyman BDS, MComDent, FRACDS, FRACDS(DPH), FICD, FADI Executive Officer Dr Patrick J Russo BDSc, FRACDS, FPFA Censor-in-Chief Dr Warren H Shnider BDSc, FRACDS(SND) Councillor A/Prof Werner H Bischof BDSc, MDSc, MRACDS(Perio), FRACDS, FPFA, FICD Councillor A/Prof Peter Duckmanton BDS, MDSc, FRACDS, FICD, FPFA Councillor Dr Peter J Gregory BDSc, MDSc, , MRACDS(Paed), FRACDS Councillor Dr Raj Nair MSc (Oral Med., Lond. UK) PhD (HK) MRACDS (OralMed) Councillor Professor Nicky Kilpatrick BDS, PhD, FDS, RCPS, FRACDS(Paed) Councillor Dr Albert M P Lee BDS (Adel), MSc (Lond), FRACDS, FCDSHK (Paed Dent), FHKAM(Dental Surgery), FICD Councillor Dr Paul Sambrook MBBS., MDS., FRACDS (OMS) RACDS Yearbook 2013 19
balance sheet as at 30 june 2013Current Assets Note 2013 2012 $ $Investments 2Cash And Cash Equivalents 3 3,200,000 2,800,000Trade And Other Receivables 4 1,5,25,043 1,292,019Inventory 77,009Other Current Assets 5 67,726 6 - 9,985Total Current Assets 26,900Non-Current Assets 7 44,756 8 4,205,913Property, Plant And Equipment 9 4,837,525 5Investments 2,499,914 2,606,471Total Non-Current Assets 2,008,1389 1,499,505Total Assets 4,508,053 4,105,976Current Liabilities 9,345,5778 8,311,889Trade And Other PayablesProvisions 244,037 235,178Other Current Liabilities 119,353 101,410 1,031,962 1,030,552Total Current Liabilities 1,395,352 1,467,140Total Liabilities 1,395,352 1,467,140Net AssetsEquity 7,950,226 6,844,749Reserves 45,707 45,707OMS Reserves 140,179 89,571Asset Realisation Reserve 652,904 652,904Retained Earnings 7,111,436 6,056,567Total Equity 7,950,226 6,844,74920 RACDS Yearbook 2013
INCOME STATEMENTInvestment Income 2013 2012Course fees $ $Examination feesSubscriptions 648,457 269,016Enrolment fees 417,121 346,835Rental income 859,767Other income 1,004,942 814,889Depreciation 856,300 229,087Other expenses 313,890 67,690Examination expenses 73,679 217,736Course expenses 186,865 (106,376)Employment expenses (112,011) (360,957)Legal & Professional Fees (667,532) (403,961)Travel (81,996)Realised Loss - (683,833)Unrealised loss -Surplus (1,128,049) 9,886 (108,967) (82,189) (210,982) (159,673) - (8,564) (188,728) 1,105,476 906,865 RACDS Yearbook 2013 21
NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 June 20131. Summary of Accounting Policies Trade and Other PayablesThe council members have prepared the financial statements Trade payables are recognised at their transaction price.on the basis that the association is a non-reporting entity Trade payables are obligations on the basis of normal creditbecause there are no users dependent on general purpose terms and do not bear statements. The financial statements are thereforespecial purpose financial statements that have been Provisionsprepared in order to meet the needs of the members and theAssociations Incorporation Act 1991. Provisions are recognised when the association has a legal orThe financial statements have been prepared in accordance constructive obligation, as a result of past events, for whichwith the Associations Incorporation Act 1991 and the it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will resultsignificant accounting policies disclosed below, which the and that outflow can be reliably measured.council members have determined are appropriate to meet Provisions recognised represent the best estimate of thethe needs of the members. Such accounting policies are amounts required to settle the obligation at the end of theconsistent with the previous period unless stated otherwise. reporting period.The financial statements have been prepared on an accrualsbasis and are based on historical costs unless otherwise Cash and Cash Equivalentsstated in the notes.The accounting policies that have been adopted in the Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, depositspresentation of the statements are as follows: held at call with banks, other short-term highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less,Property, Plant and Equipment and bank overdrafts.Property, plant and equipment are carried at cost. All assets, Revenue and Other Incomeexcluding freehold land and buildings, are depreciated overtheir useful lives to the association. Revenue is measured at the value of the considerationIncreases in the carrying amount arising on revaluation of received or receivable after taking into account any tradeland and buildings are credited to a revaluation reserve in discounts and volume rebates allowed. For this purpose,equity. Decreases that offset previous increases of the same deferred consideration is not discounted to present valuesasset are recognised against fair value reserves directly in when recognising revenue.equity; all other decreases are recognised in profit or loss.Each year the difference between depreciation based on the Interest incomerevalued carrying amount of the asset recognised in profitor loss and depreciation based on the asset's original cost is Interest revenue is recognised using the effective interesttransferred from the revaluation reserve to retained earnings. method, which for floating rate financial assets is the rateThe carrying amount of plant and equipment is reviewed inherent in the instrument.annually by the council to ensure it is not in excess of therecoverable amount from these assets. The recoverable Subscriptions, course fees and examination feesamount is assessed on the basis of the expected net cashflows that will be received from the asset's employment and Revenue from subscriptions is recognised in the membershipsubsequent disposal. The expected net cash flows have not year to which it relates.been discounted in determining recoverable amounts. Revenue from courses and examinations is recognised in the financial year when the course or examination is held.Trade and Other Receivables All revenue is stated net of the amount of goods and services tax (GST).Trade receivables are recognised initially at the transactionprice (ie cost) and are subsequently measured at cost less Goods and Services Tax (GST)provision for impairment. Most sales are made on the basisof normal credit terms and do not bear interest. Where credit Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of theis extended beyond normal credit terms and is more than 12 amount of GST, except where the amount of GST incurred ismonths, receivables are discounted to present value. not recoverable from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).At the end of each reporting period, the carrying amounts Receivables and payables are stated inclusive of the amountof trade and other receivables are reviewed to determine of GST receivable or payable. The net amount of GSTwhether there is any objective evidence that the amounts recoverable from, or payable to, the ATO is included withare not recoverable. A provision for impairment of trade other receivables or payables in the balance sheet.receivables is established when there is objective evidencethat the association will not be able to collect all amounts due Comparative Figuresaccording to the original terms of the receivables. Comparative figures have been adjusted to conform toInvestments changes in presentation for the current financial year.Investments include equity securities (ie shares) of listed andunlisted entities. The association recognises and measuresthese investments at cost less any accumulated impairmentlosses.22 RACDS Yearbook 2013
NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 June 20132 Cash And Cash Equivalents 2013 2012 $ $ Westpac Account Deposits Clearing Account 224,363 196,372 Petty Cash 6,629 551 J B Were Invia Custodian P/L (155) 242 Commonwealth Bank Term Deposit 572,951 ANZ Term Deposit 345,248 NAB Term Deposit 170,000 - Funds & Fellowships 200,000 300,000 300,0003 Trade And Other Receivables 400,000 Current 51,254 49,605 1,525,042 1,292,019 ANZAOMS Account Trade Debtors - 18,215 Other Debtors 36,671 - GST Liabilities 31,055 41,9874 Other Assets - 16,807 Current 67,726 77,009 Pre Paid Expense 44,756 26,9005 Property, Plant And Equipment 2,507,022 2,507,022 (316,868) (260,710) Office Suites 37 York Street @ cost 110,4878 LESS Accumulative Depreciation (58,388) 121,237 Office Machines At Cost (46,403) LESS Accumulative Depreciation 1,997 Portraits At Cost 6,678 1,997 Presidential Jewel At Cost 433,044 6,678 Furniture & Fittings At Cost (184,059) 433,312 LESS Accumulative Depreciation 2,499,914 (156,662) 2,606,471 Total Property, Plant, And Equipment 50,000 50,0006 Investments (400) (610) 50,000 Bond-CBA Retail Bonds 1,240 50,000 Unrealised Gain/(Loss) 189,135 245 NAB Subordinated Notes 1,718,164 Unrealised Gain/loss 2,008,139 197,699 International Fixed Interest - Shares In Public Companies 1,499,505 RACDS Yearbook 2013 23
NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 June 2013 2013 2012 $ $7 Trade And Other Payables 29,858 18,263 Current 34,471 - 26,743 AMEX 55,177 73,823 Westpac Electronic Clearing Ac 46,212 Trade Creditors - Sundry Creditors & Accruals 5,500 - Voluntary Withholdings Payable 1,630 8,059 Payroll Liabilities 87,522 1,630 Advance Deposits 3,135 87,191 ATO Payment Due 244,037 GST - 235,1788 Provisions Current 35,000.00 6,729 44,386.86 52,932 Convocation Costs 39,966.54 41,749 Annual Leave 119,353.40 101,410 Long Service Leave 613,487.97 573,0659 Other Liabilities 418,473.89 557,486 Current 1,031,961.86 1,130,551 Subscriptions & Dues In Advance Fees & Other Income In Advance24 RACDS Yearbook 2013
profit & loss statement FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 June 2013Income 2013 2012 $ $AdmissionAward 648,457 269,016Clinical Meetings 40,689 31,773Convocation 2,500Courses - 31,550CPD Logs 29,400 42,764Enrolment 2,303 346,835Exams 417,121OMS Acc Trainee 722Rental 682 227,088Subscriptions 159,037 859,768Sundry 1,004,943Sponorship-College News Inc 154,853 2,000 73,679 -Expenses 856,300 7,024 814,890Accountancy 10,864Advertising - 7,991Awards 2,746,031 2,378,745Bank (8,564) (188,728)Cleaning 14,293Clinical Meetings 58,001 11,247Computer 12,869 9,447Convocation 3,500 28,599Courier 30,112 8,500Depreciation 7,855 29,973Enrolment-OMS Acc Trainee 31,000 68,415Foundation-Gen. 83,215 104,948Filing Fee 27,999Functions 15,992 679General - Office 112,011 106,376General-Other 403,961Grant To Regions -Insurance - -Interest 916 -Internet & Web 83,891 -Legal & Professional Fees 2,074 2,447Loss On Disposal-Fixed Assets 28,298 4,199Loss - Disposal Of Shares 3,478 (78)Membership Services 31,257 28,498Occupancy Costs 2,360 -Repairs & Maintenance 10,423 19,317Postage 108,967 (9,886)Printing & Stationery 2,186 - 157,487 - 14,425 16,996 59,432 61,355 2,289 (1,907) 35,551 22,879 55,857 31,959 RACDS Yearbook 2013 25
profit & loss statement FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 June 2013Refunds 2013 2012Telephone Mobiles Conference Calls $ $Travel -Workers & Contr & Empl 40,409GST Reconciliation 12,522 5,774 210,982 82,189Gross Profit 1,128,049 683,607Other Expenses 13,808 2,387,215 -Interest Expense 1,733,787Lease-Office Suite ExpLease-Parking Exp - 32,572Unrealised Loss - 2,240 - 6,308Other Income 8,565 188,728 8,565 229,849Interest IncomeFoundation - Donations 183,662 171,736Unrealised Gain 688 -Profit on sale of shares -Employment Recovery 362,207 -Sponsorship 4,230 -Distributions-Managed Funds 103,562 -Dividends 2,518Lease Inc. 36,058 38,112BOMS 62,300 59,168Prior Year Adjustments - 67,691 - 89,571Surplus for the year - 65,478 491,756Accumulated funds at 1 July 2012 755,225 906,865Transfer to reserves 1,105,476 5,239,791Accumulated funds at 30 June 2013 6,056,567 (90,089) (50,607) 6,056,567 7,111,43626 RACDS Yearbook 2013
RACDS Yearbook 2013 27
ADMISSIONS TO MEMBERSHIPFRACDS - OMSJames Sukhu Anthony Robert Justin Graeme Jacob Ferdinandus Richard Ian HARRIS Kush JanardhanBADLANI MT BERTRAM NSW COLLUM QLD DE LOOZE WA QLD PATEL ???Benjamin Ronald Samuel Joseph VERCO Nathan John VUJCICHROBERTSON QLD VIC WAMRACDS - ORAL MED Suma SUKUMAR NSWMRACDS - ORTHKamal AHMED David Sidney BASSER Kitirat Jippy BUCK Paul Michael DEVER Hannah Carolyne Thomas Wing Gia NSW TAS NSW QLD JACK NEW ZEALAND LO VICSerina Yok Ling MA Pantea MAKHMALBAF Stephen Michael Sabrina Natalie Lisa Maree Arthessarat SIRISA NSW VIC MCCULLAN NSW MICHAEL NSW SAKZEWSKI QLD ARD THAILANDWee Han TAN Francis Xavier Chi Jason YAP MALAYSIA Chun WONG VIC VIC30 RACDS Yearbook 2013
REGIONAL COMMITTEESWestern Australian Regional Committee Asia Regional CommitteeThe WA region continued its reinvigoration in 2013 with The Asia Regional Committee co-hosted our Annualanother successful year. The highlight was the mid-year Scientific Day with the Hong Kong Endodontic Societyscientific meeting which was well supported by over 100 on 8 December 2013 to over fifty local attendees. Two keydelegates. The calibre of the speakers ensured the overall speakers for the event, Professor Gary Cheung and Dr Jeffreysuccess of the event. Themed a “A Dental Double-Header“ with Chang, presented on Designing Endodontic Education andthe morning session topic of ‘Dental technologies: the useful Competency for Dental Graduates and Endodontic Irrigation:vs the expensive toy – what you need to know from the best in Quo Vadis, respectively.the business’. Dr’s Andrew Bochenek, Tim Johnston, Sanjivan A series of revision tutorials were arranged (from OctoberKandasamy and Kate Morlet-Brown presented on their field to December) to assist local candidates sitting for theof expertise and gave us insights into their thoughts on the Primary and Final Fellowship Royal Australasian College oflatest hot topics such as Lasers, The Wand, Loupes and Botox. Dental Surgeons (FRACDS) examinations. On behalf of theThen the afternoon took a different direction with the topic Asia Regional Committee I thank Professor WK Leung, Drs.“Medical emergencies – what’s real, what’s possible and what George Tipoe, Michael Ho, J. Tjong and Suez Lam for theiryou could have missed”. Dr’s Ray Williamson, Gareth Davies contributions to this very beneficial tutorial series.and medical practitioner’s Dr Daniel Alexander (Paediatric The conjoint MGD/MRACDS Part I examination was held onIntensive Care Specialist) and Dr David Watson (Specialist 5 January 2014. Professor David Manton and Dr MichaelPhysician) provided interesting presentations on hot topics in Burrows were external examiners from RACDS. Drs Francistheir fields and generated some ‘food for thought’. We were Chau (President), Albert Lee (Councilor), SF Leung andfortunate to have President Dr Francis Chau and his wife join Rony Cho (Asia Regional Committee) attended the examus for the event. as observers. A total of 47 candidates from Hong Kong satAn informal get-together also proved immensely popular with the examination. At the examiners dinner that night, thecandidates and it was a great opportunity for the students Presidents of RACDS and CDSHK exchanged ideas for furtherto ask questions from committee members and mentors in a collaboration between the two Colleges.relaxed, informal atmosphere. The new, bolstered committee By SY (Rony) Cho, Hon Secretaryis planning three events for the 2014 year which will continueto highlight and promote the values of the College.New Zealand Regional CommitteeThe highlight for the NZ Regional committee in 2013 was theInaugural Study held in Wellington on March 2nd. 25 Fellowsand Members attended and this small number allowedexcellent multidisciplinary interaction that has not been seenat any other meeting in NZ for many years. This meeting alsoallowed the attendees to help to advise the committee howthe branch wants the committee to proceed on their behalf.For the second year in a row, a NZ graduate has beenawarded the Christensen Prize for primary examinations.We congratulate Dr Marina Kamel and all other successfulcandidates in both the primary and secondary examinations. The Asia Regional Committee with the Examiners of the Primary FRACDS Examination32 RACDS Yearbook 2013
LIFE AND HONORARY FELLOWSHonorary and CREEDY, Brian Edward - Collins Creek, HICKS, Stephen Montagu - Bowral,Life Members NSW, Australia NSW, Australia CROCKER, Philip Cameron - Berry, HING, Desmond Alexander - Vaucluse,Fellows – Hong Kong NSW, Australia NSW, Australia CUMMING, Richard - Lugarno, NSW, HOWLE, Peter Creswell - Tamworth,CHAN, Wing-Ho - Central, Hong Kong Australia NSW, Australia CHOW, Douglas Kam-Yung - Mid-Levels, CURTIN, Paul - Eastwood, NSW, HYDE, Peter Frederick - West PennantHong Kong Australia Hills, NSW, Australia FUNG, Hang Eric - Happy Valley, Hong DAGG, Keith Miles - Casino, NSW, KAFALIAS, Michael Constantine -Kong Australia Artarmon, NSW, Australia MOHAMED, Mohamed Yunus Bin - DALE AO, John William - Bellevue Hill, KENTWELL, Peter Winton - Belconnen,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia NSW, Australia ACT, Australia WEI, Stephen Hon Yin - Central, Hong DAWES, William L. - Mt Kuring-Gai, KINSELLA, Philip - Killara, NSW,Kong NSW, Australia Australia YIU, Eric See Yue - Tsim Sha Tsui, DENNEY, John Kinley - Goulburn, NSW, KIRKWOOD, John - Northbridge, NSW,KOWLOON, Hong Kong Australia Australia DOWSETT AM, Michael Hutton - KLINE, Patrick Wilfred - Eastwood,Fellows - NSW Kingston, ACT, Australia NSW, Australia DUCKMANTON OAM, Norton Archie LAWRENCE, Henry Ernest - Belconnen,ABBOTT, Richard Henry - St Ives, NSW, - Surry Hills, NSW, Australia ACT, Australia Australia DUNN, Adrian Arthur - Vaucluse, NSW, LECHNER, Sybille Katherine - Fairlight,ADAIR, Peter Harold - Turramurra, Australia NSW, Australia NSW, Australia EDWARDS, Iain Greig - Woollahra, LEHMANN, Gerald - Vaucluse, NSW,ADDISON, Michael John - Cronulla, NSW, Australia Australia NSW, Australia FEATHERSTONE, John Lawrence - LESTER, Keith Simon - Gerringong,ADEY, Alfred - Berrilee, NSW, Australia Braidwood, NSW, Australia NSW, Australia AITKEN, James Alexander - Avalon FITZSIMONS, Robert Claude - Coogee, LEWIS AM, Harris Keith - Bondi, NSW,Beach, NSW, Australia NSW, Australia Australia AITKEN, Malcolm John - E. Lindfield, FREEMAN AM, Derek David - Potts LILIENTHAL, Bernard - Phillip, ACT,NSW, Australia Point, NSW, Australia Australia ALLCOCK, Brian Grant - Cherrybrook, GAN, Robert - Parramatta, NSW, LIU, Frank Ting-Pang - Westleigh, NSW,NSW, Australia Australia Australia BARNARD OAM, Peter Deane - GATES, Robert Edward - Wyong Creek, MACCULLOCH, Reginald Douglas -Lindfield, NSW, Australia NSW, Australia Goulburn, NSW, Australia BENSON, Peter Ernest - Ingleburn, GILLINGS RFD ED, Barrie Roderick MACKIE, (Robert) Colin - Warilla, NSW,NSW, Australia D’Arcy - Turramurra, NSW, Australia Australia BEVAN, Eric Mervyn - Dural, NSW, GREGG, Francis Alexander - Gordon, MACKIE, William James - Killara, NSW,Australia NSW, Australia Australia BOA, John Thomas - Orange, NSW, HANSON, Warwick Wellesley - Orange, MARTIN, Anthony Peter - Mortdale,Australia NSW, Australia NSW, Australia BRADLEY, Denis John - Oatley, NSW, HARDWICK, James Lyndon - St Ives, MASON-COX, Joseph - Wagga Wagga,Australia NSW, Australia NSW, Australia BROADBENT, Brian Gordon - HARRIS, Geoffrey Stephen - Epping, MASSON, Ronald James - Blakehurst,Tamworth, NSW, Australia NSW, Australia NSW, Australia BURKITT, Harold George - HARVEY OAM, William John - MAYNE, John Ross - Coal Point, NSW,Copmanhurst, NSW, Australia Wahroonga, NSW, Australia Australia BURTON, Colin Ernest - Berowra HASTIE, Peter - Warwick Farm, NSW, MCCARTHY, John Joseph - Sydney,Heights, NSW, Australia Australia NSW, Australia CANNON, Peter Douglas - Malabar, HAY, Richard Henderson - Mittagong, MERRICK, Alistair McClelland - Welby,NSW, Australia NSW, Australia NSW, Australia CHAPMAN, John Henry - Bellingen, HELLSTROM, David Roger - Lindfield, MITCHELL, Brian Newton - Cronulla,NSW, Australia NSW, Australia NSW, Australia CHARLTON, Douglas Edward - HENRY, Robert Gordon - Pymble, NSW, MOBBS, William Robert - Edgecliffe,Annangrove, NSW, Australia Australia NSW, Australia CHOO, Soo Bin - Beverly Hills, NSW, HESSION AM KLJ, Reginald William - POGSON OAM, Kenneth Erle - MossAustralia Pymble, NSW, Australia Vale, NSW, Australia CRAIG AM, Graham George - HEWITT, George Henry - Pennant Hills, ROSEN, Ernest Martin - Waverley,Balgowlah, NSW, Australia NSW, Australia NSW, Australia RACDS Yearbook 2013 33
RACDS FellowsRYAN, Edward Henry - Wollstonecraft, INNES CNZM, Peter Bruce - Dunedin, Fellows – CanadaNSW, Australia New Zealand SEEMANN, John - Rose Bay, NSW, KNOWSLEY, Harley George - FORTESCUE, Rex Edward - Vancouver,Australia Christchurch, New Zealand BC, Canada SMITH, Neville Henry Hedges - Killara, LANG, Elliott Thomas - New Plymouth, WAINWRIGHT, W Michael - Vancouver,NSW, Australia New Zealand BC, Canada SMYTH, James - Seaforth, NSW, LAWS, Alan John - Dunedin, New YIP, Andrew Shing-Gaye - Vancouver,Australia Zealand BC, Canada SMYTHE, John Davidson - Double Bay, LIMBRICK, Michael John - Auckland,NSW, Australia New Zealand Fellows – QueenslandSOUTHWICK AM, John Havelock - MARTIN, Francis King - Paraparaumu,Pymble, NSW, Australia New Zealand ADKINS AM, Ken Francis - Birkdale,SUTHERS, William Dixon - Clifton MORRIS, William Max - Auckland, New QLD, Australia Gardens, NSW, Australia Zealand BARNES, Peter Byron - Greenbank,THOMAS, Graham Arthur - Moruya, PEAT, John Humphrey - Auckland, New QLD, Australia NSW, Australia Zealand BOLTON, George Henry Philip - NewWALTERS, Ian Paterson - Sydney, NSW, PURTON, David Graham - Dunedin, Farm, QLD, Australia Australia New Zealand CHESTER, Ian Colin - Ascot, QLD,WATTERS, Allan Robert - West Pymble, RODDA, John Charles - Mosgiel, New Australia NSW, Australia Zealand COATES, Peter James - Yeronga, QLD,WELLS, Neville Brian - Mona Vale, ROSS CNZM, Clive Bentley - Auckland, Australia NSW, Australia New Zealand COHEN, Maurice John - Benowa, QLD,WENDON, Kenneth Howard - Dorrigo, SAYERS, Peter - Auckland, New Australia NSW, Australia Zealand COSTELLO, Maurice - Ashgrove East,WING AM, George - Turramurra, NSW, SCHULZE, Michael - Auckland, New QLD, Australia Australia Zealand DUNCAN ED, Roy Graham - Clear Is.WOODS AM, Robin George - Newport SCOTT, Barry - Auckland, New Zealand Waters, QLD, Australia Beach, NSW, Australia SCOTT, James Murray - Coromandel ELLIS ED, Donald Hedley - Robina, Peninsula, New Zealand QLD, Australia Fellows – New Zealand SCOTT, John Macintosh - Havelock GIBSON, Horace James - Ipswich, QLD, North, New Zealand Australia ASHBY, John Warwick - Christchurch, SHORT, Aubrey Gordon - Wellington, GRAINGER, James Keith - Currumbin,New Zealand New Zealand QLD, Australia BARCLAY, John Keith - Otago, New STALLWORTHY, Robert Arthur - GRANT, Alan Archie - Daisy Hill, QLD,Zealand Wellington, New Zealand Australia BARTLETT, Samuel Zane - Papatoetoe, VALENTINE, Henry Blair - Lower Hutt, GRUNDY, Geoffrey Esmond - LittleNew Zealand New Zealand Mountain, QLD, Australia BELL, William Patrick Leslie - Auckland, WALKER, Elwyn Peter - Christchurch, JACKMAN, Michael Patrick -New Zealand New Zealand Mitchelton, QLD, Australia BERESFORD, Jack Stuart - Auckland, WILLIS, Lloyd Everette - Auckland, New JOHNSON, Newell Walter - Gold CoastNew Zealand Zealand Mc, QLD, Australia CANDY, Geoffrey Thomas - Nelson, JOYCE, Kevin Peter - Paddington, QLD,New Zealand Fellows – United States of Australia CROXSON ONZM, Lawrence James - America KELLAWAY, Richard Wallys - ClevelandTurangi, New Zealand Dc, QLD, Australia CUTRESS, Terence William - Wellington, BROWN, John Paul - Austin, TX, LUND, Patrick George - Cleveland,New Zealand United States QLD, Australia DRUMMOND, Bernadette Kathleen - HUME, Wyatt Roderic - Alameda, CT, MACGIBBON, David John -Dunedin, New Zealand United States Indooroopilly, QLD, Australia EWART, Niel Philip - Auckland, New KENNEY, Ernest Barrie - Los Angeles, MANNING, Michael Francis -Zealand CA, United States Rockhampton, QLD, Australia GEARY ED, Colin Patrick Maurice - WAN, Kwok-Kuen William - Chicago, IL, MILES, Raymond Arthur - Main Beach,Dunedin, New Zealand United States QLD, Australia HARVEY, Paul Michael - Hamilton East, MONK, Roger Donald - Twin Waters,New Zealand Fellows – Israel QLD, Australia HOLLIS, Michael John - Christchurch, MOR, Gordon James - Norman Park,New Zealand DINTE, Nathan Max - Avihail, Israel QLD, Australia HOWIE, John Stevenson - Auckland, MULLER AM, John Henry - AlbanyNew Zealand Creek, QLD, Australia 34 RACDS Yearbook 2013
RACDS FellowsO’DONOGHUE, Donald James - VARTULI, Angelo Ralph - St Morris, COAKLEY, Michael John - Sorrento,Brookfield, QLD, Australia SA, Australia VIC, Australia PAUL, Stanley Peter - Brookfield, QLD, CROMBIE AE RFD, William David -Australia Fellows – United Kingdom Beaumaris, VIC, Australia RENDELL RFD, Colin Ray - Victoria DAWKINS, John - Camberwell, VIC,Point, QLD, Australia BELL, John Arnaud - Thame Oxon, Australia ROMANIUK RFD, Kornel - Chapel Hill, United Kingdom DOOLEY, Francis Xavier - Toorak, VIC,QLD, Australia BRAMLEY KB, Paul Anthony - Hope Australia ROPER, Mervyn Goldsmith - Aspley, Valley, United Kingdom DUTHY, Lester Milton - Warrnambool,QLD, Australia COLE, Russell - London, United VIC, Australia SMYTH AM, Jennifer Mary - Figtree Kingdom FENNELL, Lloyd Harold - BalwynPocket, QLD, Australia CRISP, John Cunningham - Essex, North, VIC, Australia SMYTH, Jonathon MacLeod - Figtree United Kingdom FENWICK, David Norman - Wallington,Pocket, QLD, Australia DOWNES, Arthur Maxwell - Isle Of Man, VIC, Australia STRONG AC CMG RFD, Russell Walker United Kingdom GODFREY, John Lewis - Dromana, VIC,- Mt Ommaney, QLD, Australia ESLER, David George - London, United Australia SUTTON, Anthony John - Blacks Kingdom HAIG, Donald Andrew - Sandringham,Beach, QLD, Australia GOUNDAR, Satyanand Narainan - VIC, Australia WAGNER, Graeme George - Brookfield, Herts, United Kingdom HALL OAM, Roger Kingsley -QLD, Australia HEMPHILL, Barry Francis - Surrey, Hawthorn, VIC, Australia WILSON, Ian Brownlie - Redland Bay, United Kingdom HARCOURT OAM, John Kenneth - GlenQLD, Australia JOYSTON-BECHAL, Sally - London, Iris, VIC, Australia WINZAR AE RFD, Clyde Francis - United Kingdom HARDHAM, Richard George - Red Hill,Corinda, QLD, Australia KRAMER OBE, Ivor Robert Horton - VIC, Australia WOLTER, Glen David - Kenilworth, Beaconsfield, BUCKS, United Kingdom HEATH, John Robert - Balwyn, VIC,QLD, Australia L’ESTRANGE, Peter - London, United Australia Kingdom HIGHFIELD, Don Henry - Mont Albert,Fellows – South Australia MEIKLE, Murray - Cambridge, United VIC, Australia Kingdom HINRICHSEN, Colin Frederick - Hobart,BROWN AM, Tasman - Linden Park, MESSER, Louise Brearley - Middlesex, TAS, Australia SA, Australia United Kingdom HURLEY, Daniel John - Drysdale, VIC,BURGESS, Peter Tilbury - Burnside, RABEY, Graham Peter - Cambridge, Australia SA, Australia United Kingdom KING AM, Ross William - Hawthorn,CRISP AM, Brian Correlle - Springfield, RAY OBE, Kenneth Richard - Berkshire, VIC, Australia SA, Australia United Kingdom KINGS OBE, Eric William - Somers, VIC,DAENKE, Lachlan Lewis - Frewville, Australia SA, Australia Fellows – Victoria and Tasmania LANGFORD, Anthony - CaulfieldGRAVE, Keith Cyril - St Georges, SA, Junction, VIC, Australia Australia AMERENA PSM RFD, Vincent Conrad LAWRENTSCHUK, Leon - Black Rock,HEITHERSAY AO, Geoffrey Sinclair - - Elwood, VIC, Australia VIC, Australia North Adelaide, SA, Australia BEHREND, Donald Albert - Toorak, LEUNG, Wing Ming - Toorak, VIC,MACDONALD, Malcolm Ross - VIC, Australia Australia Leabrook, SA, Australia BLACK, Owen Philip - Indented Head, LUCAS, Douglas Russell - Box Hill, VIC,MOUNT AM, Graham Jaunay - North VIC, Australia Australia Adelaide, SA, Australia BLOCH, Harry Martin - Melbourne, MARK, Alan Ting Shu - Camberwell,NUGENT, Michael Anthony Caroi - VIC, Australia VIC, Australia Kensington Garden, SA, Australia BOWDEN, Boyce Darryle - Cape MCDONALD, Dennis John Hugh -PARKER, David Alan Scott - Burnside, Schanck, VIC, Australia Balwyn, VIC, Australia SA, Australia BROWNBILL, John William - Malvern MIGLIC, Kurt Karl - Toorak, VIC,PARKER, Ines - Burnside, SA, Australia East, VIC, Australia Australia PHILLIPS, Basil Wright - Adelaide, SA, CAMPBELL, Edward - Glen Iris, VIC, MOLLENHAUER, Barry - Ivanhoe, VIC,Australia Australia Australia REINERS, John Alexander - Prospect, CANESTRA, John - Albert Park, VIC, NASH, Leonard Austin - Black Rock,SA, Australia Australia VIC, Australia SMART, Lawrence Maxwell - Adelaide, CANNON, Jean - Toorak, VIC, Australia OAKLEY AM, Gavan Ray - Yarra Glen,SA, Australia CASE, Richard Cornelius - Kooyong, VIC, Australia THONARD AM, John Charles - Mount VIC, Australia O’BRIEN AO, Lloyd George -Compass, SA, Australia CHEUNG, Peter Kwok Kuen - Clayton, Melbourne, VIC, Australia VIC, Australia RACDS Yearbook 2013 35
RACDS FellowsO’REILLY, Karol Joseph - Mornington, HENRY, Patrick Joseph - West Perth, AUSTRIAVIC, Australia WA, Australia PRICE, Peter Alejzy Szwajcer - East LAM, Timothy Yat-Wah - South Perth, STEIDLER, Chee Claire - LiebenfelsBrighton, VIC, Australia WA, Australia STEIDLER, Nandor Edward - LiebenfelsRALPH, William James - Mornington,VIC, Australia MCGEACHIE OAM, John Kerridge - BRUNEI DARUSSALAMRASMUSSEN, John Vincent - Crawley, WA, AustraliaBeaumaris, VIC, Australia MCKERRACHER, Peter Willoughby - Mt D’SOUZA, MaryAnn Zacharian - BandarRATTRAY, Susan Frances - North Claremont, WA, Australia Seri BegawanBawlyn, VIC, Australia NEUMANN, George - Bunbury, WA, JOSE, Joju Kalan - Bandar SeriROBSON, James Stanley - Hawthorn, Australia BegawanVIC, Australia SUTHERLAND AM, Kenneth Joseph TING, Shin Yeu -SAHHAR, Stan Costandy - Malvern, George - Gooseberry Hill, WA,VIC, Australia Australia CAMBODIASCARFF, Anthony William - Kooyong, TAYLOR, Ross Lawton - Claremont,VIC, Australia WA, Australia DURWARD, Callum Spencer - PhnomSHRIMPTON, Blair Alan - Balnarring, PenhVIC, Australia SQUIRE, Bruce Edward - Melbourne, TROTTER, Lloyd Alfred - Merriwa, WA, CANADAVIC, Australia Australia STARR, Samuel Alexander - Glen Iris, TURNER, Robert Bruce - Peppermint CHAN, Siu Kin Kenny - ThornhillVIC, Australia Grove, WA, Australia FORTESCUE, Rex Edward - VancouverSTEELE, Basil Ian - Ormond, VIC,Australia WATSON, Donald Charles - Mindarie, JENKINS, William John - TorontoWALSH-BUCKLEY, James - Aspendale,VIC, Australia WA, Australia LAM, Chung Yin - MarkhamWALTON, Dudley Frank - Portsea, VIC, LO, King Man Jimmy - VancouverAustralia WARDLAW, David Alexander - North FELLOWS LYNCH, Andrea Maria - DeltaBalwyn, VIC, Australia MA, Sheung Sze Nelson - Richmond HillWARNEKE AM, Sydney Charles -Camberwell, VIC, Australia ACT NG, Lina Hsian - VancouverWIDDOP AM, Fred Talbot - POON, Wing Hong David - RichmondSandringham, VIC, Australia CARTY, Glenn Victor Lucas - Bruce WAINWRIGHT, W Michael - VancouverWILLIAMS, John F H - Ballarat, VIC,Australia CHIAM, Sher-Lin - Hackett YIP, Andrew Shing-Gaye - VancouverWOODHOUSE, Anthony Dillon - Balwyn COOPER, Michael Alan - BraddonNorth, VIC, Australia DAHLSTROM, Stephen William - Garran CHINAWOOTTON, Raymond Olney - Heyfield, DAWSON, Anthony Stewart - DeakinVIC, Australia DOWSETT, Michael Hutton - Kingston WONG, Kee Hau - ShanghaiWYMOND, Geoffrey Michael - Sorrento, DUONG, Ann - Yarralumla DENMARKVIC, Australia EVANS, Richard Iorweth - Turner OLIVER, Anthony John - AabenraaYEUNG, Peter Man-Fong - Tullamarine, FRICKER, John Peterie - Manuka GHANAVIC, Australia GOSLING, Paul Thomas - Turner AMPOFO, Patrick Caldicock - Accra-ZETTL, John Frederick - Hawthorn GREEN, Jesse Nicholas - Turner NorthEast, VIC, Australia HAR, David John - Canberra DONKOR, Peter - Kumasi HONG, Sunny - Canberra HONG KONGFellows – Western Australia HYAM, Dylan - Deakin AU, Adam Hung On - Sai Wan HYDE, Michael Terrence - Canberra AU-YEUNG, Kim Hung Nelson - MongBROGAN, William Francis - City Beach, KENTWELL, Peter Winton - Belconnen KokWA, Australia LAWRENCE, Henry Ernest - Belconnen AW, Andrew Ming-Chit - Taikoo ShingCONNOR, James Norman Esson - City LILIENTHAL, Bernard - Phillip BOTELHO, Michael George - Sai YingBeach, WA, Australia LISING, Stephen Kwongee - Turner PunCOOK AM RFD, Richard Graeme - NATH, Neela - Mckellar BURROW, Michael Francis - Sai YingSouth Perth, WA, Australia PACKIANATHAN, Manjara - Harrison PunCOSGROVE, Denis James - Nedlands, PEAKE, Gregory George - Belconnen CHAN, Chi Lap Samuel - Tuen MunWA, Australia PEET, Bruce Edward - Griffith CHAN, Hung Chiu - Tsim Sha TsuiGOTJAMANOS, Theo - City Beach, WA, SETHI, Bikram - O’Malley CHAN, Kin Wai - Tseung Kwan OAustralia SMITH, Roy Andrew - Deakin CHAN, Ling Kwun - Tin Shui Wai STACEY, Geoffrey Douglas - Chapman CHAN, Ming Lert Alexander - Mong Kok STENHOUSE, Mark - Yarralumla CHAN, Sai Kwing - The Peak VICKERS, Peter Gregory - Braddon CHAN, See Ching Leo - Central VILJOEN, Andre - Garran CHAN, Tak Kam - Happy Valley WONG, Peter David - Deakin West CHAN, Tsz Hin - Kennedy Town CHAN, Wai-Kwok Alex - Causeway Bay CHAN, Wing Sum - Tsing Yi36 RACDS Yearbook 2013
RACDS FellowsCHAN, Wing-Ho - Central KWAN, Ka-Hung Julian - Mong Kok NG, Kin-Wai Kevin - Causeway BayCHAN, Yu Hin Michael - Pok Fu Lam KWONG, Share Moon - Mong Kok NG, Robert Pong Yin - CentralCHAN, Yuk Yan Angel - Shatin LAI, Moon Cheung - Pok Fu Lam NG, Sheung Chun Amy - Tsun WanCHAU, Francis So Wah - Happy Valley LAM, Chun Ling - Ap Lei Chau NGAI, Kwai Shing Vincent - CausewayCHAU, Kai Kin - Central LAM, Ione Ka-Yan - Kennedy Town BayCHAU, Michael Ngai-Ying - LAM, King On - Kowloon NIP, Yuk Yee Belinda - Mid-LevelsCHEN, Annie - North Point LAM, Siu Fei Lisa - North Point POON, Albert Man Wai - Kennedy TownCHENG, Hung Wai Ronald - Tsim Sha LAM, Sze Mun - Shatin POON, Pui Lok - TkoTsui LAM, Wiley Tak-Chiu - Wan Chai POW, Edmond Ho Nang - Sai Ying PunCHEONG, Hung Lei Celine Hung Lei - LAM, William Kui-Po - Wan Chai SAMARANAYAKE, Lakshman Perera -Kennedy Town LAM, Yu Hang Suez - Tai Kok Tsui Sai WanCHEUNG, Chi Kai - Kowloon LAM, Yu Hang Walter - Tsuen Wan SIT, Ka Fai Eric - Yau Ma TeiCHEUNG, Gary Shun-Pan - Sai Ying Pun LAU, Chi Kai George - Central SIU, Gerald Hin Ho - Ma On ShanCHEUNG, Julian T - Ap Lei Chau LAU, Kwai Ying Irene - Tai Po SIU, Sui Wing Joseph - JordanCHEUNG, Lim Kwong Daniel - Sai Ying LAU, Wai Sum Eilly - Admiralty SO, Lai-Ying Lisa - Happy ValleyPun LAW, Chi Ming - Kennedy Town SO, Yiu Cheong Anthony - Kowloon CityCHEUNG, Loi Ming - Causeway Bay LAW, Yee Hung Yolanda - Kwun Tong SZE, Ho Yan Margaret - Junk BayCHEUNG, Man Yan - New Territories LAY YAT MOU, Yau Ching Augustin - TAI, Tsin Cheung - Yuen LongCHEUNG, Nga Yi Rhonda - Kowloon Yau Yat Tsuen TANG, Alexander Tin Hong - CentralTong LEE, Albert Man Piu - Central TANG, Kam Kee - Mong KokCHEUNG, Tania - Ap Lei Chau LEE, Angeline Hiu Cheng - Ma Wan TANG, Siu Chuen Andrew - Mid-LevelsCHEUNG, Wing Yee - Mong Kok LEE, Chun Kei - Kwai Chung TANG, Thomas Ming Sang - CentralCHIK, Fu Fai - Central LEE, Chun Leung - Tsim Sha Tsui TING, Pong Jor Joyce - North PointCHIU, Chi Kit Lawrence - Tin Shui Wai LEE, Ka Kin - TONG, Chi Kit Antonio - Tai Koo ShingCHIU, Mei Ling Bonnie - Mong Kok LEE, Kin Man - Kwai Chung TSANG, Chi Lok - Tai PoCHO, Shiu-Yin Rony - Hunghom LEE, Pak Cheung Patrick - Mong Kok TSANG, Chiu Shun Peter - Sai YingCHONG, Lai Hung Douglas - Central LEE, Yiu Kong - Sai Wan Ho TSANG, Hing Suen - CentralCHONG, Lap Yan - Kwun Tong LEUNG, Albert Chun Fung - Causeway TSANG, Hon Fai - Tai PoCHOW, Douglas Kam-Yung - Mid-Levels Bay TSANG, Wai Kit Ricky - ShatinCHOW, Kiang Cheong - North Point LEUNG, Joyce Chin Ping - Wan Chai TSE, Chee Choong Michael - Sai YingCHOW, Tak Wah - Sai Ying Pun LEUNG, Katherine Chiu Man - Sai Ying PunCHOW, Tak Kun - Central Pun TSE, Kit Ming - Causeway BayCHU, Cho Shun Frederick - Mid-Level LEUNG, Kwok Kei - Lai Chi Kok TSE, Lap Kee Edmond - NorthpointCHU, Chun Hung - Sai Ying Pun LEUNG, Lai Kuen - Ma On Shan TSE, Yuk Yi - MongkokCHUNG, Wing Yi - Shatin LEUNG, Man Yee Eva - San Po Kong TSO, Ka Chun - To Kwa WanFANG, Daniel Tak-Sang - Central LEUNG, Siu Fai - Central TSUI, Hing Chung Sunny - Ap Lei ChauFONG, Kin Man - Wan Chai LEUNG, Tat Ming - Tsuen Wan TSUI, Michael Fuk Sun - CentralFUNG, Hang Eric - Happy Valley LEUNG, Wing Sum - Taikoo Shing TSUI, Wai Kin Ivan - AberdeenFUNG, Ho Tak Marcus - Yau Ma Tei LEUNG, Yat Sing - Tuen Mun WEI, Stephen Hon Yin - CentralFUNG, Kenneth Kin Yip - Happy Valley LI, Kin Shing - Central WONG, Cheuk Yin Cherry - Tsuen WanFUNG, Siu Chung - Fu Tan Shatin LI, Wai Kim Raymond - Causeway Bay WONG, Ka Wai Frank - ShatinFUNG, Sze Nga Cecilia - Kowloon Tong LO, Ching Man Miko - Tsing Yi WONG, Kwai Yu - Tai Kok TsuiFUNG, Wai Ki Gregory - Chai Wan LO, Chung Sing - Ap Lei Chau WONG, Man Hei - Mid-LevelsFUNG, Wai Ping - Lam Tin LO, Ho Yin Horace - Kowloon WONG, Man Cheong - HomantinHAU, Cheuk Fung Charles - Hung Hom LO, Tak Po Daisy - Tuen Mun WONG, Ming Wai - CentralHO, Chin Hung - Ngau Tau Kok LOK, Chi To George - Central WONG, Miu Yee Mirriam - Tung ChungHO, Huen Tai - Kowloon LOW, Danny Chun Yu - Central WONG, Po Ngor Caesar - CentralHO, Siu Shan Edith - Quarry Bay LUI, Wai Kay Wilkie - Happy Valley WONG, Ricky Wing Kit - Sai Ying PunHO, Wai Mei - Happy Valley MAK, Wai Kam - Mid-Levels WONG, Sing Yan Philip - ShatinHO, Wing Lam - Kowloon MAN, Wai Ling - Taikoo Shing WONG, Tak Shun Debbie - KowloonHUI, Siu Tung - To Kwa Wan MAN, Wing Chi - Yuen Long WONG, Tsz Leung - PokfulamHUI, Wai Wa Amanda - Yau Ma Tei MUN, Ying Kit - Shatin WONG, Wai Lan Fanny - Kowloon CityHUNG, Wing King Eva - Chai Wan NG, Chi Hong - Kwai Fong WONG, Yiu-kai Kai - Hung HomKI, Yung - Pokfulam NG, Danny Ka Wing - Siu Sai Wan WOO, Mei Sum Becky - ShatinKUM, Chun Sing - Quarry Bay NG, Hung Chun Corrie - Sai Ying Pun WU, Patrick Bing Chi - Causeway Bay RACDS Yearbook 2013 37
RACDS FellowsYEUNG, Chi Ho - Ma On Shan Kerian QueenstownYEUNG, Ka Chun - Hong Kong HONG, Huat Yong - Johor Bahru BUTCHARD, Thomas - AucklandYEUNG, Kai Yuen - North Point ISMAIL, Razida - Kubang Kerian CALDER, Campbell Gordon - AucklandYEUNG, Kar Hing - Hung Hom KHOR, Choo Pang - Shah Alam CAMPBELL, Duncan Ian - ChristchurchYEUNG, Sarah Mei Wan - Ho Man Tin LATIB, Norjehan - Kelantan CANDY, Geoffrey Thomas - NelsonYEUNG, Wai Kit Richie - Central LOKE, Perlin Jee Kwan - Kuala Lumpur CATHRO, Ian - AucklandYIP, Hill Ying - Taikoo Shing MAHMOOD, Zuliani - Kota Bharu CHAPMAN, Keith Bryan - WellingtonYIP, Ian Hok Siu - Kowloon MD ZIN, Mazida Najwa - Kelantan CHRISP, David John - TaurangaYIP, Ka Wai - Tsing Yi MOHAMED JALI, Mohamed Hisham - CHRISTMAS, Peter Iorworth -YIU, Eric See Yue - Tsim Sha Tsui Kubang Kerian InvercargillYIU, Yin Ling - Cheung Sha Wan MOHAMED, Mohamed Yunus Bin - CHUNG, Niry - AucklandYU, Jerome - Kings Park Kuala Lumpur CHURTON, Maurice Craig - AucklandYU, Ngok-Fung Charles - Tai Po MOHD-AYUB, Ayros-Asmawati - Kuala CLARKE, Peter John - HamiltonYUNG, William Ching Wah - Mid-Levels Terengganu COBURN, David Gary - Ashburton MUBIN, Marina - Wakaf Bharu COLQUHOUN, Angus - HamiltonISRAEL MUHAMMAD, Hazelina - Kuala Lumpur CROXSON, Lawrence James - Turangi MUNIANDY, Shanthi - Pulau Pinang CUTRESS, Terence William - WellingtonDINTE, Nathan Max - Avihail MURUGASU, Patricia M - Kuala Lumpur DAVIES, John Louis Garfield - Tauranga NOORANI, Tahir Yusuf - Kota Bharu DAVIES-PAYNE, Helen Fiona - AucklandJAMAICA RAMASAMY, Kavitha - Kota Bharu DEARING, Saxton Gordon - Napier RAVINDRANATH, Sneha - Kuala DRUMMOND, Bernadette Kathleen -OGUNSALU, Christopher Olubode - Lumpur DunedinMount Hope SAAD, Noor Rashidah - Koto Bharu DUNBAR, Fraser John - Timaru SAHARUDIN, Suhailiza - Kubang Kerian DUNBAR, Rachel Joy - DunedinJORDAN SATHASIVAM, Hans Prakash - Puchong DUNCAN, Warwick John - Dunedin SATHY VELLOO, Chitra Devi - Kelantan EDWARDS, John - Waiheke IslandAL-BATAYNEH, Ola - Irbid SHAWAL, Mohamad Firdaus - Kubang ENGLISH, Helen Katherine Pack -EL-MASOUD, Bilal Mohammed Ahmed Kerian Nelson- Irbid WAN BAKAR, Wan Zaripah - Kubang EWART, Niel Philip - AucklandTAHA, Nessrin Ahmad - Irbid Kerian FIELD, Brian David - AucklandZAWAIDEH, Feda - Irbid YEW, Ching Ching - Jitra FIRTH, Norman Arthur - DunedinKENYA FOWLER, Peter Vincent - ChristchurchSHARMA, Sanjeev Jyoti - Nairobi MOROCCO FRIEDLANDER, Lara Tracey - Dunedin GAUDIE, William Mark - WellingtonKUWAIT ABDEL-HAFEZ, Reem - Casablanca GEARY, Colin Patrick Maurice - Dunedin GIBBS, Robert David - AucklandAHMED, Nabila Mohamed Hassan - NETHERLANDS GILLINGHAM, Wayne Kelson - LowerMeshrif HuttAL-MASLAMANI, Manal - Kuwait City TING, Graeme - Leiden GOODISSON, Derek - Hastings NEW ZEALAND GRIEVE, Jacob Reese - DunedinJEBENTH THANGA SELVAN, Sam - ADAMS, Donald Bertrand - Wellington HANLIN, Suzanne McEwan - Dunedin ADSETT, Luke - Napier HARRIS, Benjamin John - ChristchurchKuwait City ANTUNOVIC, David Maxwell - New HARRISON, John - Auckland Plymouth HARVEY, Paul Michael - Hamilton EastJOSEPH, Bobby Karingada - Safat ASHBY, Elizabeth Martha - Christchurch HEY, Judith Elaine - ManukauKUNJU KRISHNA PILLAI, Unni Krishnan ASHBY, John Warwick - Christchurch HILL, Peter - Auckland- Salmiya BAMBERY, Dexter Darcy - Wellington HOLLIS, Michael John - ChristchurchOMAR, Ridwaan - Safat BARCLAY, John Keith - Otago HOWIE, John Stevenson - Auckland BARTLETT, Samuel Zane - Papatoetoe HUNTER, Alan James - AucklandMALAYSIA BEGG, Robert - Christchurch HUNTER, Anthony Robert - Auckland BELL, William Marsden - Auckland INNES, Peter Bruce - DunedinABANG ABU BAKAR, Sakinah - Sarawak BELL, William Patrick Leslie - Auckland JAMES, Martin - AucklandABAS, Norhayati - Pahang BENTLEY, Nicholas Charles - Wellington JEFFERIES, Richard William -AB-GHANI, Zuryati - Kubang Kerian BERESFORD, Jack Stuart - Auckland ChristchurchAHMED, Ahmed Mahmood - Kuala BLACK, Clifford Graham - Auckland KAN, Michael Paul Reginald - AucklandLumpur BOOTH, Jeffery James - Wellington KASSIR, Francis - AucklandAL KADHIM, Aws Hashim Ali - Pandan BRIDGMAN, John Barry - TaurangaIndah BUCHANAN, Ross Davidson -BAHAROM, Marissa - Kubang KerianBEN HMIDA, Sarra - Kubang KerianBUNYARIT, Safar Sumit - Petaling JayaCHE’AZMI, Aida Shafiza - KubangKerianHALIM, Mohamad Syahrizal - Kubang38 RACDS Yearbook 2013
RACDS FellowsKNOWSLEY, Harley George - STALLWORTHY, Robert Arthur - BAU, Dennis John - CammerayChristchurch Wellington BEATH, Paul - MerewetherLAMONT, Janet Louise - Queenstown SULLIVAN, Kerry Oral - Christchurch BENSON, Peter Ernest - IngleburnLANG, Elliott Thomas - New Plymouth SWINBURN, Paul Frewen - Auckland BERTRAM, Anthony Robert - BellvueLAWS, Alan John - Dunedin SYMES, Graham Charles - Wellington HillLEE, Jean - Auckland TAN, Dawn Wei Wen - Auckland BEVAN, Eric Mervyn - DuralLEWIS, Cameron - Auckland THYNE, Gerard - Wellington BHOLE, Sameer - West Pennant HillsLIM, Christopher Geok-Teh - TRENGROVE, Hugh Gourlay - Auckland BILSKI, Arthur Georg - LismoreChristchurch VALENTINE, Henry Blair - Lower Hutt BILSKI, Wojciech Marek - LismoreLIMBRICK, Michael John - Auckland VASAN, Nina Thakor - Auckland BLACK, Emma Victoria - Lane CoveLOU, Simon - Hamilton WALKER, Elwyn Peter - Christchurch BLACKLER, Stephen Michael - SydneyLOVE, Robert Matthew - Dunedin WEST, Lance Mackworth - Auckland BOA, John Thomas - OrangeLOVEGROVE, Joanne Margaret - WHILLANS, Andrew Waugh - Auckland BOLAND, Thomas William - SydneyChristchurch WHITLEY, Brian David - Hamilton BOND, Emma Louise - PenrithLUSH, Andrew Martin - Nelson WHYMAN, Robin Andrew - Hastings BORLASE, Geoffrey - SydneyLUYK, Neil - Auckland WILLIAMS, Matthew John Tobias - BRADLEY, Denis John - OatleyLYONS, Karl Michael - Dunedin Wellington BRANDSON, Steven John - ManlyMACKAY, Timothy David - Invercargill WILLIS, Lloyd Everette - Auckland BRENT, Suzanne Faye - SydneyMACKIE, Tasha Alison - Hamilton WILSON, Iain - Nelson BROADBENT, Brian Gordon - TamworthMAHONEY, Erin Kathleen - Wellington WRIGHT, John Andrew Gordon - BRYANT, Roland Warwick - Castle HillMANNING, Stephen Anthony - Auckland BUCHANAN, Gordon - OrangeChristchurch YOUNG, Edmund - Auckland BUCHANAN, Susan - GreenwichMARTIN, Francis King - Paraparaumu BURKITT, Harold George - CopmanhurstMCALISTER, Randal William - Manukau NSW BURTON, Colin Ernest - BerowraMELDRUM, Ross Ronald - Alexandra HeightsMOHAMMED, Hamid Shareef - Putaruru ABBOTT, Richard Henry - St Ives CAMERON, Angus Crawford -MORRIS, William Max - Auckland ABDIOGLU, Hannah Hanife - Rozelle WestmeadO’LOUGHLIN, Ian Howard - Timaru ABOUELENEIN, Mahmoud - Raymond CAMERON, Heather Margaret - OrangePARTON, Andrew Lee - Dunedin Terrace CANNON, Peter Douglas - MalabarPATEL, Manish Jayanti Vallabh C - ADAIR, Peter Harold - Turramurra CAPPER, Brian - Merewether HtsWellington ADDISON, Michael John - Cronulla CARTER, Eric Francis - Hunters HillPATEL, Suresh Kanji - Remuera ADEY, Alfred - Berrilee CASTRISOS, Timothy Victor - RosevillePEAT, John Humphrey - Auckland AHMED, Kamal - Razorback CHAN, Ambrose Kwok Leung -PURTON, David Graham - Dunedin AHUJA, Rajiv - Castle Hill StrathfieldRICH, Alison Mary - Dunedin AITKEN, James Alexander - Avalon CHAN, Richard Wainin - Linley PointRODDA, John Charles - Mosgiel Beach CHAPMAN, John Henry - BellingenRODRICKS, Rohan - Royal Oak AITKEN, Malcolm John - E. Lindfield CHARLESWORTH, Gregory - SydneyROSS, Clive Bentley - Auckland ALCAINO, Eduardo Augusto - Burwood CHARLTON, Douglas Edward -ROY, Rajneesh - Hamilton ALEXANDER, Sherene - Oatlands AnnangroveSAYERS, Peter - Auckland ALLCOCK, Brian Grant - Cherrybrook CHEUNG, Monique Charlene -SCHULZE, Michael - Auckland AMDITIS, Constantine - Punchbowl NaremburnSCOTT, Barry - Auckland AMJADI, Mahyar - Randwick CHEW, Kong Eng - WoollahraSCOTT, James Murray - Coromandel AN, Qian - Allawah CHI, Jonathan Yi-Shao - Castle HillPeninsula ANDREWS, Nectarios - Marrickville CHOO, Soo Bin - Beverly HillsSCOTT, John Macintosh - Havelock ANKER, Anthony Harris - Miranda CHOW, Allan Wilfrid King Yee - EastNorth ANKER, John Harris - Mangerton KillaraSCOTT, Paul Macintosh - Havelock ANTONIOU, Chrysostomos - Kangaroo CHOW, Yvonne Yuen-Fai - Milsons PointNorth Point CHRONIS, Nicholas James - StanmoreSEALEY, Christopher - Auckland AQUILINA, Peter Joseph - Rozelle CHURCHIN, John Anthony - SydneySEYMOUR, Gregory John - Dunedin AU, Anthony Raymond - Warrawee COCEANCIG, Paul Lloyd Getty -SHORT, Aubrey Gordon - Wellington AUSTIN, Bruce William - Mosman NewcastleSIDDHANTA, Dhrupad - Auckland AZIZI, Milad - Macquarie Links COLLINS, Ann Page - WestmeadSINCLAIR, John Hugh - Whangaparaoa BAHL, Adit - West Pennant Hills COLLINS, Catherine Jane - CheltenhamSMEDLEY, Paul - Auckland BANNON, Michael John Benedict - CONNELL, George Russell - SydneySNAPE, Leslie - Christchurch Miranda CONWAY, Richard - DrummoyneSOO, Ling Feng - Auckland BARNARD, Peter Deane - Lindfield COOLICAN, John Edward - Chatswood BARRATT, Alexandra Brandusa - Killara RACDS Yearbook 2013 39
RACDS FellowsCORNWELL, Helen Louise - GERZINA, Tania Maria - Killara JOLLY, Mark - KillaraBroadmeadow GIBLIN, John Patrick - Hornsby JONES, Alexandra Mary Reid -COULTER, Peta - Mosman GILLINGS, Barrie Roderick D’Arcy - NashdaleCOUTINHO, Ajay - West Ballina Turramurra KAFALIAS, Michael Constantine -COX, Stephen Clive - Epping GLUHIN, Elizabeth - Longueville ArtarmonCRAIG, Graham George - Balgowlah GOSWELL, Anthony Clyde - Sydney KAH, Melissa - SydneyCREEDY, Brian Edward - Collins Creek GREGG, Francis Alexander - Gordon KALAS, Michael - Beverley ParkCROCKER, Philip Cameron - Berry GUAZZATO, Massimiliano - Pyrmont KALOS, Alex Peter - Darling PointCUMMING, Richard - Lugarno GUIRGUIS, Sam Adel - Boronia Park KANG, Hyun Beth - CamperdownCURTIN, Paul - Eastwood GUNARATNAM, Kogulan - Concord KARTIKO, Yudith - WoodcroftCURTIS, Nigel - Gosford HADDAD, Sami - Castle Hill KARVE, Avanti Parul - Strathfield SouthDAGG, Keith Miles - Casino HAFIZ, Saher - Guilford KATHIRGAMATHAMBY, Sri - StrathfieldDALE, John William - Bellevue Hill HAGLEY, Paul Christopher - Tamworth KEATS, Matthew Pittman - Lane CoveDALY, Christopher George - Sydney HANSON, Warwick Wellesley - Orange KHAREL, Kamal - New LambtonDAVIS, Scott Murray - Woolgoolga HAPANGAMA, Narada - Wagga Wagga KHOO, Swee Lan - North RocksDAWES, William L. - Mt Kuring-Gai HARDWICK, James Lyndon - St Ives KIM, James Hyun - WollongongDAWSON, Kenneth Henry - Port HARDWICK, Nigel John - St Ives KIM, Ryan Woongki - LidcombeMacquarie HARGREAVES, Warren Scott - Rozelle KING, Shalinie - GlebeDAYMOND, Stephen Cunynghame - HARRIS, Geoffrey Stephen - Epping KINGON, Angus Mackenzie -Sydney HARTY, Warwick John - Surry Hills WahroongaDEANE, Sheryn Ann - Pymble HARVEY, William John - Wahroonga KINGSFORD SMITH, Elisabeth Dell -DEANE, Stuart - Pymble HASTIE, Peter - Warwick Farm North SydneyDENNEY, John Kinley - Goulburn HAWKINS, James Kell - Mosman KINSELLA, Philip - KillaraDHANRAJANI, Parmanand Jashandas HAY, Richard Henderson - Mittagong KIRKWOOD, John - Northbridge- Strathfield HEAP, Keith Leonard - Malabar KLINE, Patrick Wilfred - EastwoodDORNEY, Alan Brett - Pymble HEARD, Fiona Margaret - Eastwood KLINEBERG, Iven - WestmeadD’ROZARIO, Robin Henry John - West HEE, Winston - Baulkham Hills KTENAS, Paul - ConistonWollongong HELLSTROM, David Roger - Lindfield KWAN, Deborah Wai Ling - ChatswoodDUCKMANTON, Norton Archie - Surry HENRY, Robert Gordon - Pymble KWONG, Davina - Bellevue HillHills HERRIOTT, Stephen Eric - Tweed Heads KYAW, Emily Amarcho - MerrylandsDUCKMANTON, Peter Michael - HESSION, Reginald William - Pymble LAI, Kittie Kit Yuk - Baulkham HillsPennant Hills HEWITT, George Henry - Pennant Hills LAN, Jennifer - TurrellaDUNN, Adrian Arthur - Vaucluse HICKS, Stephen Montagu - Bowral LAPARDIN, Pavel - StrathfieldDUNN, David Brenton - Sydney HING, Desmond Alexander - Vaucluse LAU, Joyce Wing Suet - KillaraEDWARDS, Iain Greig - Woollahra HO, Cheung-Tak Gareth - Burwood LAW, Amanda Wing Har - MosmanEGGERS, Rebecca - Strathfield HO, Teresa Yuen-Ting - Marsfield LECHNER, Sybille Katherine - FairlightELLAKWA, Ayman - Seven Hills HOANG, Peter Duc - Bankstown LEE, Alexander - HornsbyELSEYOUFI, Mohamed Gamal El Din - HOFFMAN, Gary Russell - LEE, Joseph Cho-Yan - KingsdeneFletcher Broadmeadow LEE, Kok Beng - EppingFATOURIS, Peter Nicholas - Waverley HOGAN, Louise Margaret Ermina - LEE, Paulina - East RydeFEATHERSTONE, John Lawrence - South Coogee LEE, Steven Moi Hing - Castle HillBraidwood HOGAN, Paul Francis John - Sydney LEHMANN, Gerald - VaucluseFELL, Robert Allan - Westmead HONG, Jae-Man Zhuzhong - St Ives LEINKRAM, David Zachary - BondiFITZSIMONS, Robert Claude - Coogee HOWE, Andrew Macdonald - Birchgrove LESTER, Keith Simon - GerringongFOO, Eugene Mun Hoe - Chatswood HOWLE, Peter Creswell - Tamworth LESTER, Kerry Joseph - WoollahraFREEMAN, Colin David - Como HUANG, Lincoln Luen-Keung - Seaforth LEUNG, Alec Ching Lik - PeakhurstFREEMAN, Derek David - Potts Point HUQ, Shazia - Castle Hill HeightsFRYER, Frederic Shane - Wollongong HUTCHINSON, Leone June - Birchgrove LEUNG, Luke Ho Pan - CarlingfordGALLAGHER, Fiona Elizabeth - HYDE, Peter Frederick - West Pennant LEWIS, Harris Keith - BondiBrighton-Le-Sands Hills LIEW, Vincent - Bondi JunctionGAN, Robert - Parramatta IKRAM, Omar Hamid - Crows Nest LIM, Lydia - ChatswoodGANTASALA, Mahesh Veera - Glenwood IRVING, Mark Allan - North Parramatta LITTLE, Fiona Patricia Margaret -GATES, Robert Edward - Wyong Creek ITSKOVICH, Yana - Albury PetershamGEDDES, Christopher John - JARVIS, Ross Geoffrey - Royal LIU, Frank Ting-Pang - WestleighHelensburgh Exchange LIU, Rex - DundasGEORGIOU, Anastasia Fotini - Glebe JAY, Emma Elizabeth - Lane Cove LVOFF, Gregory Owen - Centennial ParkGERSHENFELD, Leon - World Square40 RACDS Yearbook 2013
RACDS FellowsLYTTLE, Malcolm Newton Bridges - NGUYEN, Chinh Xuan - Cabarita SMITH, Graydon Charles - PymblePenrith Bc NICHOLS, Paul Vincent - Sydney SMITH, Neville Henry Hedges - KillaraMA, Matthew Paul - Kotara NIKOLOVSKI, Jana - Figtree SMYTH, James - SeaforthMA, Serina Yok Ling - Harris Park NIP, Catherine Ga Ying - Parramatta SMYTHE, John Davidson - Double BayMACCULLOCH, Reginald Douglas - NORMAN, John Edgar deBurgh - SOLIMAN, Ghada - ParramattaGoulburn Strathfield SOMERS, Nihill Henry - NaremburnMACKIE, (Robert) Colin - Warilla OLIVIER, Jodie Louise - Kellyville Ridge SONG, Jin-Seon - Milsons PointMACKIE, William James - Killara OMAR, Haitham - Yagoona SOULOS, Evan - KirribilliMADDEN, Tristan Paul - Sydney OMAR, Mohamed Abd Elmoniem SOUTHWICK, John Havelock - PymbleMADUKURI, Suman Prakash - Elsayed - Wallsend SPENCER, Mark Norman - BoambeeWentworthville O’NEILL, Jessica Elizabeth - Neutral STACY, Geoffrey Colman - KillaraMALEK, Sameh - Turramurra Bay STEPHEN, Soni - Surry HillsMALHI, Simrit - Pymble ONG, Yuli - Jindabyne STEVENSON, Alastair Rowan Louis -MALOOF, Frances Rita - Homebush O’SULLIVAN, Mark Alan - Charlestown North SydneySouth PAGNI, Max - Chatswood STIMPSON, Melita Mary - RozelleMANSOUR, Peter - Kirribilli PALFREEMAN, Vera - Broadway SUKUMAR, Smitha - St PetersMARTIN, Anthony Peter - Mortdale PEPPITT, Neil John Joseph - Sydney SUKUMAR, Suma - BalmainMARTIN, Fjelda Elizabeth - Oatlands POGSON, Kenneth Erle - Moss Vale SURGEON, Geoffrey Ralph - Mona ValeMASHEN, Zhen Yu - Kirrawee POLYCARPOU, Nonie Caroline - North SUTHERS, Martin Dixon - St IvesMASON-COX, Joseph - Wagga Wagga Parramatta SUTHERS, William Dixon - CliftonMASSON, Ronald James - Blakehurst POURSOLTAN, Payam - Castle Hill GardensMAYNE, John Ross - Coal Point POWELL, Keith Robert - Burwood SVED, Anthony Mark - SydneyMCALOON, Janis Anne - St Leonards PRABHU, Anand Padmanabh - SWEENEY, Ian Patrick - TurramurraMCCARTHY, John Joseph - Sydney Marrickville SYKES, David - SydneyMCEWEN, Alexander Bruce - North PRABHU, Neeta Taranath - Oatlands TAN, Daniel Chiang Hun - StrathfieldSydney PRINEAS, Catherine - Caringbah TAN, Franciskus Bengsiang -MCGOLDRICK, Peter Francis - Lindfield RAO, Anupam Canchi Arun - ParramattaMCHUGH, Anthony Thomas - Normanhurst TANG, Teck Huah - MeadowbankMcmahons Point RAPHAEL, Sarah Louise - Balgowlah TAUB, David - North BondiMCLACHLAN, Mark Douglas - Heights TAYLOR, Barbara Anne - CoolamonBatemans Bay RASEKHI, Mansoor - Mt Warrigal TEMPLEMAN, Elspeth Anne - OrangeMCNAUGHT, Andrew James - RASHDAN, Tarek - Port Macquarie THOMAS, Graham Arthur - MoruyaBlacktown RATCLIFFE, Peter Harry - Alexandria TODES, Kevin Brian - Double BayMEDAGO, Duminda - East Albury RATHSAM, Leander - Lane Cove TRAN, Aden Lu-Huy Khanh - MosmanMEDAGO, Inoka Jayathree - Albury REED, Barry Edwin - Charlestown TRUONG, Nga Ngoc Yen - FairfieldMEHANNA, Patrick - Newcastle East REED, Maria Alexandra - Merewether HeightsMEKERTICHIAN, Kareen - Chatswood RIX, Leesa - Chatswood TSAI, George Ming-Chou - TurramurraMERRICK, Alistair McClelland - Welby ROBERTS, Kevin Joseph - Figtree TSANG, Suet Wai - MascotMERSINIA, Dimitra - Neutral Bay ROESSLER, David Mark - Hunters Hill TSENG, Thomas Nathaniel - KincumberMILLS, Arthur Anthony - Orange ROSEN, Ernest Martin - Waverley TUMULURI, Vijay - Mt ColahMITCHELL, Brian Newton - Cronulla ROSSITER, Cheng-Yee - Beecroft VANGALA, Raghunadh - TamworthMITCHELL, Robert Donald - Kogarah RUSS, Bradley John - Drummoyne VELLORE LOGANATHAN, NaveenMOBBS, William Robert - Edgecliffe RYAN, Edward Henry - Wollstonecraft Kumar - Surry HillsMOREL, Geoffrey James - Roseville SALAMEH, Peter - Panania VERMA, Rajiv - MosmanMORGAN, Gary John - Chiswick SCHIFTER, Mark - Pennant Hills VICKERS, Richard Anthony - McmahonsMORRIS, Craig Robert - Neutral Bay SCOTT, Juliette Maree - Drummoyne PointMOUNTAIN, Keith John - Queanbeyan SEEMANN, John - Rose Bay VYAGURUNATHAR, Anura - StrathfieldMURPHY, Anthony Michael - Maroubra SELVARAJ, Anthony Patrick Prabhaker WALKER, Andrew - TorontoMURRAY, Gregory Michael - Killara - Lake Haven WALLACE, Christine Jane - Lane CoveMYLVAGANAM-DELILLO, Vasuki - SHAHIDI, Saleh - Turramurra WALTERS, Ian Paterson - SydneyCabarita SHARMA, Vikas - East Gosford WALTON, Terry Richard - SydneyNAIM, Anthony Paul - Baulkham Hills SHEORAYAN, Ajay - Hornsby WANG, Andrew Gin-Shien - PyrmontNALBANDIAN, Sarkis - Cremorne SHERRING, David - Miranda WANG, Monica Yi Wen - MosmanNG, Lai Poh - Maroubra Junction SIBRAA, Paul Douglas - Liverpool WATTERS, Allan Robert - West PymbleNG, Terry Man-Fai - Eastwood SIM, May Kuen - North Strathfield WEBB, Mary Louise - TurramurraNGU, Katherine Phuong My - Castle Hill SINGH, Jasvir - Little Bay WEBSTER, David John - Turramurra RACDS Yearbook 2013 41
RACDS FellowsWELLS, Neville Brian - Mona Vale ANDERSON, Paul Joseph - Goondiwindi WestWENDON, Kenneth Howard - Dorrigo BARKER, Christopher William Durban - ERZETIC, Benjamin - GreenslopesWHEATLEY, David James - Sydney Newmarket FARAH, Camile Selim - HerstonWIDMER, Richard Philip - Eastwood BARNES, Peter Byron - Greenbank FINDLAY, Geoffrey James - Camp HillWIGNES-WARAN, Mathini - Eastwood BATES, Christopher William - FINN, Brian Peter - CairnsWILKINS, Maree Frances - Gladesville Chermside FISHER, Anthony George - The GapWILSON, David John - Edgecliff BATSTONE, Martin - Taringa FITZPATRICK, Brendan Douglas -WILSON, Ian Robert - Broadmeadow BEHAN, Mark Christopher - Ashmore Dutton ParkWING, David Anthony - Maroubra BLEAKLEY, Joseph Eric - Biggera FITZPATRICK, Brian John - BrisbaneWING, George - Turramurra Waters FOGARTY, William - New FarmWINSPEAR, William James - Sydney BOASE, Robyn Margaret - Yorkeys Knob FORD, Daniel - AlderleyWITHERSPOON, Robert James - BOHNSTEDT, Sven Edgar - Cannon Hill FRANKLIN, Anthony Allan - BrendaleGateshead West BOLTON, George Henry Philip - New FRANKS, Simon James - BrisbaneWOODCOCK, Karen Louise - Hornsby Farm FULCHER, Ross Craig - WoodridgeWOODS, Robin George - Newport Beach BOULTON, Justin Leonard - Brisbane GAME, Robert Leon - Parramatta ParkWU, Julie Yi-Chieh - Rhodes BOWDEN, Petrina - Windsor GANNON, Siobhan Catherine - BiggeraYAN, Marcus Ting-Pong - Sydney BRUCE, William Liddell - Brisbane WatersYAU, Audrey Siu Ping - Roseville BURGESS, Robert Kirkwood - Southport GIBSON, Horace James - IpswichYEN, Linda - Cremorne BUSHELL GUTHRIE, Phillip - GILCHRIST, Donald Richard - YorkeysYEOH, Sue-Ching - Baulkham Hills Indooroopilly KnobYEUNG, Stephen Chung Hon - Sydney CALDWELL, Patrick Michael - GRAINGER, James Keith - CurrumbinYIP, Kevin Hak Kong - Chatswood Coorparoo GRANT, Alan Archie - Daisy HillYOUNG, Geoffrey - Wahroonga CARR, Peter John - Samford GRANT-THOMSON, Richard John -YU, Wendy Hsiao Wen - Epping CHAHOUD, Christopher - Brisbane ChermsideYUEN, Kent - Epping CHAI, Eva - Coopers Plains GRUNDY, Geoffrey Esmond - LittleZHU, Lena Lian Bi - Rockdale CHANG, Yvonne Yu-Ying - Brisbane MountainZOUD, Khaled - Burwood CHESTER, Ian Colin - Ascot HAMILTON-RITCHIE, Grant Duncan - CHU, George - Carindale IpswichNT CLARK RYAN, Peter - Chermside HANNAN, Patrick John - Buddina CLAYDEN, Arabelle Madonna - Anstead HARRIS, Richard Ian - NewmarketBADLANI, James Sukhu - Darwin COATES, Peter James - Yeronga HARVEY, Geoffrey Peter - Red HillFREEMAN, Ashley David - Nightcliff COHEN, Maurice John - Benowa HAWTHORNE, Matthew - HerstonPHAM, Thien Vien Minh - Darwin COLLUM, Justin Graeme - Nambour HAWTHORNE, Warwick Stephan -RYAN, Helena - Bayview COLTMAN, Richard Donald - Burleigh IpswichSCOTT, Cameron R. - Casuarina Bc HAZLEWOOD, Robert John - Sherwood COOK, Steven Ross - Bundaberg HILL, Geoffrey William - KenmoreOMAN COSSON, John - Burleigh Waters HIRST, Julian - New Farm COSTELLO, Maurice - Ashgrove East HISLOP, Jeffrey Paul - NundahAL-HABSI, Salwa Abdullah - Al Harthy COWLISHAW, Vivienne Margaret - HO, Christopher Thean Chye - MountComplex Burleigh Heads OmmaneyNAIR, Shylesh - Muscat COYNE, Rhonda Marie - Cairns HOFFMAN, Adrian Colin - Tugun CRASTA, Kenneth - Aitkenvale Bc HSU, Edward - StrettonPAKISTAN CREAGH, Julie Louise - St Lucia HSU, Wade - Molendinar CREAGH, Patrick Gerard - Toombul HUGHES, Andrew John - SouthportBAIG, Moghees Ahmad - Lahore CROMBIE, Anthony - Mitchelton JACKMAN, Michael Patrick - MitcheltonKHAN, Salman Ashraf - Lahore CURTIN, Justin - Currumbin JEST, Martin Grant - Chermside DANCE, Geoffrey - North Ward JOHNSON, Newell Walter - Gold CoastQATAR DARVENIZA, Charles Michael - Brisbane Mc DAS, Ram Shankar - Nundah JONES, Robert Hillary - Castle HillAL-MANNAI, Aisha Ahmed - Doha DJAMSHIDI, Mehran - Mackay JOYCE, Kevin Peter - Paddington DOONAN, Keith Edward - Witta JUNNER, Robert Edward - BrisbaneQLD DRAPER, Andrew John - Karalee KAHLER, William Andrew - St Lucia DUNCAN, Roy Graham - Clear Is. Waters KELLAWAY, Richard Wallys - ClevelandABUSSI, Anthony Angelo - Manly ELFEKY, Hossam - Mooloolaba DcACTON, Caroline - Bardon ELLIS, Donald Hedley - Robina KUMAR, Kiran - RockhamptonADKINS, Ken Francis - Birkdale ELVERY, Dwight Stuart - Chermside LAI, Poon-Yuin - BrisbaneAGNEW, Peter James - Toowong LAW, Vicky Wai-Kee - Bracken RidgeAKBIYIK, Kemal Musa - PaddingtonAKERS, Harry Francis - IndooroopillyALAYAN, Jamil - Brisbane42 RACDS Yearbook 2013
RACDS FellowsLUND, Patrick George - Cleveland SEOW, Wan Kim - Jindalee BURGESS, Peter Tilbury - BurnsideLYNHAM, Anthony - Chandler SHAH, Amitkumar Vinodrai - CAMERON, John - Torrens ParkMACGIBBON, David John - Bannockburn CARTER, Glen David - AdelaideIndooroopilly SHAILENDRAN, Arun Vels - CHAN, Yu-Hong - RostrevorMACMILLAN, Andrew - Brisbane Rockhampton CHANDLER, Donald Kenneth - AdelaideMAHER, Nigel Gordon - Tewantin SHAM, Eric Hiu Fung - Kuraby CHEN, Shin Chyuan Samuel - HeathpoolMANDIKOS, Michael Nicholas - SHASTRI, Shaneel - Clifton Beach CHENG, Andrew Hua-an - ParksideGraceville SMITH, Christopher David - Cleveland CHOU, Patty Peng-Chun - NorthMANNING, Michael Francis - SMITH, Neil Francis - Kenmore AdelaideRockhampton SMYTH, Jennifer Mary - Figtree Pocket COATES, Anthony John - SemaphoreMANSOUR, Mohammed - Tanah Merah SMYTH, Jonathon MacLeod - Figtree ParkMARSHALL, Roderick Ian - Brisbane Pocket CRISP, Brian Correlle - SpringfieldMAYNE, Lewis Harper - Ipswich SNYMAN, Charles Philip - Labrador CZERNEZKYJ, Ronald - Mile EndMCGOWN, James - Warana STRINGER, Graeme John - Port DAENKE, Lachlan Lewis - FrewvilleMCMAHON, Peter Edward - Albany Douglas DANG, Hung Quoc - HampsteadCreek STRONG, Russell Walker - Mt Ommaney GardensMCMAUGH, David Russell - Bunjurgen SUTTON, Anthony John - Blacks Beach DODDRIDGE, Miles Edward - AdelaideMEYERS, Ian A - Brookfield THOMSON, Andrew David - Brisbane DREYER, Craig William - TusmoreMILES, Raymond Arthur - Main Beach THOMSON, David Henry - Brisbane DRUMMOND, Paul William - AdelaideMOLONEY, Francis - Brisbane THURNWALD, Gerald - Southport DU BOIS, Alexandre Hermann -MONK, Roger Donald - Twin Waters TING, Sarah Rachel Yi Jiin - Spring Hill ParksideMONSOUR, Francis - Windsor TITE, Darren John - Broadbeach Waters DUKE, Paul - Unley ParkMOR, Gordon James - Norman Park TOD, Marcus Alexander - Upper Mount EARL, Mark Stephen Alfred - AdelaideMUIR, Christopher Brian - Kelvin Grove Gravatt FARMER, Daniel Swithin - AdelaideMULLER, John Henry - Albany Creek TRAN, Albert Tri - Boondall GERKE, Dale - St PetersMULLINS, David John - Toowoomba VINCENT, Peter Fitzgerald - Brisbane GOSS, Alastair Norman - AdelaideNGUYEN, Trang Thuy Tu - Manly West VOLTZ, Mathew Joseph - Auchenflower GRAVE, Benjamin Gerard - St GeorgesNIKOLARAKOS, Dimitrios - Mermaid WAGNER, Graeme George - Brookfield GRAVE, Keith Cyril - St GeorgesBeach WARREN, Tamara Elizabeth - Buddina GRYST, Mark Edward Ingram - GilbertonOBERDAN, William - Cairns WEBBER, Shannon John - Sorrento GUE, Sumant - LeabrookO’DONOGHUE, Donald James - WEERAKOON, Arosha Tania - Noosa HANCOCK, Rory Angus Richard - NorthBrookfield Heads AdelaideO’HARE, John Francis - Ashgrove WILLIAMSON, John Joseph - Figtree HARRY, Michael Romilly - AdelaideOHLRICH, Edward James - Grange Pocket HEARN, Brenton Maurice Wilshire -OROZCO, Andres - Indooroopilly WILSON, Ian Brownlie - Redland Bay North AdelaideO’SULLIVAN, Brenda Sally - WINZAR, Clyde Francis - Corinda HEAVER, Helen Joanne - MountIndooroopilly WOLTER, Glen David - Kenilworth GambierPALIWAL, Sweta Jyoti - Stretton WOODHOUSE, Barbara Monica - HEIJKOOP, Paul Simon - AdelaidePAPAS, Stephen Leslie - Brisbane Brisbane HEITHERSAY, Geoffrey Sinclair - NorthPATON, Gregory - Gold Coast YAP, Chin Heung - Mitchelton AdelaidePAUL, Stanley Peter - Brookfield YEADON, Marion - Hermit HELL, Peter George - AdelaidePEARCE, Kylie Maree - Buderim HO, Danny Sai-Wah - Rundle MallPEEK, Gregory Joseph - Holland Park SA HRIBAR, Davor Ante Lovro - AdelaideWest JAUNAY, Thomas Cameron - AdelaidePOON, Agnes Wing Man - Algester AMAILUK, Paul - Glandore JENSEN, Olaf Christian - CrafersRAMALINGAM, Lakshmi - Annandale ANASTASSIADIS, Poppy Marcella - KAUR, Sushil - AdelaideREID, Alistair - Newmarket Croydon KHOURI, Zahi Ramsay - BelairRENDELL, Colin Ray - Victoria Point ANDRITSAKIS, Tom - Prospect East KOBAYASHI, Kere - AdelaideROBERTSON, Benjamin Ronald - Ferny BARBER, Anthony Francis - Adelaide KOUTSIKAS, Peter - NorwoodGrove BARTOLD, P. Mark - Adelaide KOUTSONIKOS, Anna - Henley BeachROBINSON, Michael Glenn - Herston BENDYK, Andre - Adelaide SouthROMANIUK, Kornel - Chapel Hill BEREKALLY, Thomas Louis - St Agnes KUNCHUR, Ranjit - Plympton ParkROPER, Mervyn Goldsmith - Aspley BILLS, Andrew Charles - Netherby LANGFORD, Stephen Roderick -ROVEDA, Sidney Ivor Luigi - Townsville BILLS, Ian Gregory - Joslin SpringfieldSACHDEVA, Amrita - Charleville BOAST, Charles Christopher St John - LAO, Martin - Crafers WestSAINSBURY, Andrew Leith - Cabarlah Kensington Park LENEHAN, Hugh James - Mount BROUGHTON, Alan Mark - Adelaide Gambier BROWN, Tasman - Linden Park RACDS Yearbook 2013 43
RACDS FellowsLIBERALI, Sharon Andrea Corinne - CHONG, Canon Daniel - TEOH, Khim Hean -Athelstone CHONG, Chian Ee - Bukit Timah WANG, Wendy Chia Wei -MACDONALD, Malcolm Ross - Leabrook CHONG, Kai Chuan Phillip - Bukit Timah WEE, Eugene Chun Kheng Eugene -MALANDRIS, Michael - Myrtle Bank CHONG, Ker Shin - Clementi WEE, Tze Haur -MARIN, Paul David - Adelaide CHONG, William Lai-Leong - WIN, Kaung Myat -MILLER, Greg James - Norwood CHU, Sandra Aye Aye Han - WONG, Clement Wei Pang -MOUNT, Graham Jaunay - North CHUA, Chee Haow - WONG, Hon Syn Kenny -Adelaide CHYE, Chuan Hee Kelvin - WONG, Vicpearly Hwei Pink -NAICKER, Deon - Payneham CO, Hao Ming Kevin - WONG, Wai Yee -NAJEE, Saniyya - Prospect DE SILVA, Priyanjani Sajeeva - YANG, Terh Yiau George -NUGENT, Michael Anthony Caroi - GOH, Anthony Sze Chern - YAP, Kin Wai -Kensington Garden GOH, Siak Shyong - YAP, Yi-Roon -OLESCHENKO, Stephen Victor - Para HENG, Jee Kuan - YONG, Loong Tee -Hills HO, Chew Han Gwen - YUE, Weng Cheu - SingaporePARKER, David Alan Scott - Burnside HO, Kok Sen - ZHENG, Hongyan Cecilia -PARKER, Ines - Burnside KOH, Holy -PHILLIPS, Basil Wright - Adelaide KOH, Kelvin Poh Leong - SRI LANKAPIERCE, Angela Mary - Walkerville LAI, Juen Bin -PLUTZER, Barbara - Adelaide LAI, Tze Fong - FAROOK, Fathima Fazrina - AruppolaREINERS, John Alexander - Prospect LEE, Kek Gee Francis -ROGERS, Jonathan Percy Howard - LEE, Kwee Jin - TASNorth Adelaide LEE, Wai Han -SAMBROOK, Paul - Adelaide LEONG, Elvin Woei Jian - AHMED, Mahmoud Ahmed Mohamed AlSCHUURMANS, Angela - Kingswood LEONG, Se Mean - Sai - DevonportSCOPACASA, Bronwyn Heather - LEONG, Yoon Hee - Singapore CHAMBERS, Ian George - HobartGilberton LIM, Ah Tong Asher - CHAN, Raymond Chun Wai - HobartSCOTT, Janet - Belair LIM, Eng Yong - COOPER, Stephanie - HobartSMART, Lawrence Maxwell - Adelaide LIM, Janee - GARG, Ankit - Sandy BayTEO, Kho-Wei Alan - Royal Park LIM, Wee Sang - GRENNESS, Malcolm James - HobartTHONARD, John Charles - Mount LIN, Gengfeng Duanli - GUPTA, Ashwani Kumar - HobartCompass LOH, Sharon Jia Huey - HALL, Graham - HobartVANCO, Con - Klemzig LYE, Clement Poh Wah - HINRICHSEN, Colin Frederick - HobartVARTULI, Angelo Ralph - St Morris LYE, Kok Weng - MEGSON, Emma Dominique - HobartWADDELL-SMITH, Iain Kenneth - MOK, Tong Bee - MOUNT, Jeffrey Douglas - HobartSpringfield NEO, Tee-Khin - PANG, Theodore Yeow Chon - NewsteadWONG, Lisa Ming Ling - Rundle Mall NG, Chee Hon - SMITH, Ian Scott - NewsteadYELEGIN, Orhan - Netherby NG, Keng Howe - Singapore TANN, Fiona Jane - HobartYONG, Robin Chi-Weng - Woodville OH, Chih Min Edwin - WALSH, Jeremiah Finbar (Barry) -South ONG, Keat Siong - GrindelwaldYUEN, Wai - Toorak Gardens OW, Andrew Tjin-Chiew - WIJAY, Dilshan Mevan - Rosny ParkZAW, Cherry - Adelaide QUEK, Christopher Eng Yew - ROBINSON, Narendran Andrew - THAILANDSAUDI ARABIA SEAH, Tian Ee - SEOW, Yian San - LUEVESWANIJ, Somyot - NakhonABD-ELKAREEM, Hassan Mohamed - SIVARAJAH, Sathyendran - PathomA1-Gassim SOONG, Poh Luon - PONGNARISORN, Nuchjaree - BangkokALATAL, Abdullah I A - Riyadh TAN, Ben Poon Danny -ALHEJALI, Abdulmoeen E D H - Medina TAN, Chuan Sien - UNITED ARAB EMIRATESJAWMAR, Issam Mustafa - Riyadh TAN, Gerald Teck Siang - TAN, Kok Siang Russell - AL-AMAD, Suhail H - SharjahSINGAPORE TAN, Kwong Shen Winston - HANNAWI, Haifa - Dubai TAN, Sok Fun Edelweis -ABDUL LATIFF, Nijamuddeen - Bedok TAN, Wah Ching - UNITED KINGDOMALI, Ashraf - Woodlands TAN, Wah Lay -CHAN, Siew Luen - ALAM, Shahid - CornwallCHANG, Fu Gui - Singapore ANWAR, Shahid - LeedsCHEN, Gerard Yun Chee - Jurong West AVERY, Brian - MordonCHENG, Ansgar Chi-Chung - BELL, John Arnaud - Thame OxonCHEW, Bertrand Shen Hui - Bukit Merah BELLIGOI, Michael Enzo - Channel Islands BRAMLEY, Paul Anthony - Hope Valley44 RACDS Yearbook 2013
RACDS FellowsBROCKLEBANK, Laetitia Mary - VIC CHAN, Kar Mun - Moonee PondsEdinburgh CHAN, Shun Chi Elias - East DoncasterBURRELL, Nicola Jane - ABDEL HAFETH, Samah Murshid Moh’d CHAN, Tsun Hin Matthew - BurwoodCambridgeshire - South Morang CHANDU, Arun - Moonee PondsCOLE, Russell - London ADHIKARI, Ashim Nath - North CHAPMAN, Jolene Gay - KewCRISP, John Cunningham - Essex Melbourne CHEN, Adam Kyen - ThornburyDAVEY, Alan Linton - Oxford ALBARBARI, Naser Faisal - Southbank CHEN, Stephen Teck Hau - BalwynDOWNES, Arthur Maxwell - Isle Of Man ALEXANDER, George - Bendigo CHEUNG, Peter Kwok Kuen - ClaytonESLER, David George - London ALLAN, Peter Grahame - Melbourne CHIN, Sarah Mei Yee - CarltonFAHEY, Nicholas Grant Charles - AMERENA, Vincent Conrad - Elwood CHING, Martin - GeelongBerkshire AMIN, Alan - Epping CHOO, Audrey - DonvaleFOSTER, Louise Valerie - Bristol ANG KHAW, Chun Min - Doncaster East CHRYSTIE, John Alfred - ViewbankGARDINER, Gavin Thomas - Middlesex ANGEL, Christopher Michael - Essendon CHUA, David Soon Meng - WilliamstownGOUNDAR, Satyanand Narainan - Herts ATTEYA, Wessam Ahmed Fouad CLAUSEN, Gerard Francis - MelbourneGREEN, Roger Michael - Kent Abdulgha - Coburg COAKLEY, Michael John - SorrentoGREGORY, Garry Francis - North BADCOCK, Mark Edwin - Brighton COCKS, Tahlia Maree - ToorakLincolnshire BARIT, Mark - Kew East COOK, Robert Malcolm - Middle ParkHEMPHILL, Barry Francis - Surrey BARTON, Gregory John - Brighton CRIGHTON, Lisa - Albert ParkHUGHES, Ceri Wyn - Bristol BASTIAAN, Ross - Merricks North CROMBIE, William David - BeaumarisJOYSTON-BECHAL, Sally - London BEHREND, Donald Albert - Toorak CURTIN, John William - KewKRAMER, Ivor Robert Horton - BELOBROV, Simone Helene - Armadale CUTLER, Timothy - BalwynBeaconsfield BERRY, Robert William - Moorabbin DARBY, Ivan Bernard - ParkvilleLEOW, Natalie Mui Suan - London BESLY, William John - Richmond DAWKINS, John - CamberwellL’ESTRANGE, Peter - London BHIDE, Aditi - Wantirna South DE POI, Robert Paul - AbbotsfordMCDONALD, James Peter - Edinburgh BISCHOF, Werner Hans - Geelong DEAN, Allison Kim - TemplestoweMCDONOGH, Timothy Patrick - BLACK, Owen Philip - Indented Head DICKINSON, Anthony John Grano -Clapham BLOCH, Harry Martin - Melbourne Glen IrisMEIKLE, Murray - Cambridge BLOOD, Michael David - Hawthorn DIMITROULIS, George - MelbourneMESSER, Louise Brearley - Middlesex BLOOM, Jason - Armadale DOOLEY, Francis Xavier - ToorakNASEEM, Shahzad - Milton Keynes BOBINSKAS, Alexander Michael - DOWLING, Melissa Gwendoline -PLUNKETT, David John - Mollington Melbourne Hawthorn EastRABEY, Graham Peter - Cambridge BORDBAR, Patrishia - Melbourne DUTHY, Lester Milton - WarrnamboolRAY, Kenneth Richard - Berkshire BORROMEO, Gelsomina Lucia - Mt EVANS, Diana Melanie - BrightonRICHARDSON, Sophia Shuk Yui - Albert FARMER, Mark William - DonvaleHeadington BOUCHER, John Sydney - FEDOROVA, Ksenia - North MelbourneSANDERS, Kevin John - Bolton Greensbourough FELMAN, Daniel Eli - MelbourneSAWYER, John - Wimbledon BOWDEN, Boyce Darryle - Cape FENNELL, Lloyd Harold - Balwyn NorthSHEPHARD, Martina Kate - London Schanck FENWICK, David Norman - WallingtonSPECULAND, Bernard - Birmingham BOWELL, Geoffrey Reginald - Brighton FIGDOR, David - ArmadaleTREASURE, Elizabeth Tulip - Cardiff BRIDGEMAN, Andrew Morgan - Kew FILEI, Matthew Maurice - CamberwellWILLIAMSON, Raymond - Belfast BROWNBILL, John William - Malvern FITZ-WALTER, Paul Bernard - East CamberwellUNITED STATES BURKE, Anthony John - Ringwood FLOOD, Andrew Malcolm - Melbourne BURT, Gordon Stephen Oliver - FOSTER, Ross Ormiston - ToorakALMAS, Khalid - West Hartford Melbourne FOWLER, Scott Colin - East MelbourneBOULOUX, Gary Francis - Atlanta CALLAHAN, Christopher Murray - FRANCO, Eda - MelbourneBROWN, John Paul - Austin Abbotsford FRENCH, Robert Hamilton - MelbourneHUME, Wyatt Roderic - Alameda CAMPBELL, Edward - Glen Iris GALE, Martin Stuart - Ivanhoe EastKENNEY, Ernest Barrie - Los Angeles CAMPBELL, John Pritchard Stewart - GARG, Krati - GlenwaverlyMOA, Antonia Elenor - Oxnard Highett GIBBONS, Stephen - MelbournePIRGOUSIS, Phillip - Jacksonville CANESTRA, John - Albert Park GIBSON, Nova - KewSCARFE, William Charles - Louisville CANNON, Jean - Toorak GILLIES, Robert Ian - MelbourneSCHWARZ KOD, Eli - Portland Oregon CANTILLON, David Peter - Camberwell GODFREY, John Lewis - DromanaSEDGLEY, Christine Margaret - Portland CARTER, Jeffrey Leonard - Mont Albert GRUBOR, Dragan - FitzroySUGERMAN, Philip Bernard - Boston CASE, Richard Cornelius - Kooyong HAIG, Donald Andrew - SandringhamWAN, Kwok-Kuen William - Chicago CATTERMOLE, Andrew Edward - Malvern CHAN, Andrew Jonathan - Prahran RACDS Yearbook 2013 45
RACDS FellowsHALL, Roger Kingsley - Hawthorn LOCKE, Andrei Gibbs - Glen Iris PANDE, Anupama - Glen WaverleyHALL, Sheena Mary - Albert Park LOH, Alexander Yi Hun - Lower PARASHOS, Peter - KeilorHALLETT, Kerrod Bruce - North Templestowe PATEL, Kush Janardhan - CarltonMelbourne LOO, Siew-May - Brunswick PATIL, Manjeet - RingwoodHARCOURT, John Kenneth - Glen Iris LUCAS, Douglas Russell - Box Hill PEARSON, John Rupert - HarkawayHARDHAM, Richard George - Red Hill LUCAS, James Ormand - Malvern PENMETCHA, Sirisha - Point CookHASE, Michael - Melbourne MAMOOTIL, Kurien - Geelong PHATOUROS, Andriana - HightonHASSAN, Zahin - Edithvale MANTON, David John - Melbourne PLEUNIK, Peter Rudolf - MacleodHEAPHY, Nicole Lesley - Ascot Vale MARCHANT, Helen Louise - PLUNKETT, Giles Andrew Jonathan -HEATH, John Robert - Balwyn Williamstown CheltenhamHEGGIE, Andrew Alastair - Melbourne MARK, Alan Ting Shu - Camberwell POKER, Ian Dwight - BendigoHEILBERG, Anthony - Black Rock MCCULLOUGH, Michael John - Mt Eliza POON, Christopher Chi-Hao - KewHEWSON, Drew Robert - Newtown MCDONALD, Dennis John Hugh - POON, Mack Ming Hai - Doncaster EastHEWSON, Ian Donald - East Kew Balwyn PRICE, Peter Alejzy Szwajcer - EastHIGHFIELD, Don Henry - Mont Albert MCGLADE, Robert James - Moonee BrightonHINRICHSEN, Gordon John - Main Ponds PROBERT, Timothy - MelbourneRidge MCGRATH, Christopher - Geelong PULLEN, Geoffrey John - KooyongHOGAN, Sean Patrick - Blackburn North MCLEAN, Andrew Timothy - Abbotsford PUNSHON, Kerrilee - Forest HillHOMEWOOD, Christopher Ian - Berwick MCMAHON, Paul Joseph - Essendon QUINN, Neville William - EastHOOKEY, Beverley Jane - Sale MCMILLAN, Brian David - Mornington MelbourneHOOKEY, Stephen Rodney - Sale MENG, Jane Yan - Warrandyte RAJ, Jyotsna - BerwickHUNTLEY, Tracey - Werribee MIGLIC, Kurt Karl - Toorak RALPH, William James - MorningtonHURLEY, Daniel John - Drysdale MILLER, Kevin Francis - Ringwood RAMALINGAM, Lochana - ParkvilleJAYASEKERA, Tissa Ranjan - Bendigo MITCHELL, Katie Louise - Bulla RASMUSSEN, John Vincent -JING, Rongsheng Sophia - Keysborough MOK, Steven - Doncaster East BeaumarisKAN, Karen Christina Yen Hwa - Kew MOLLENHAUER, Barry - Ivanhoe RATHER, Mohammed Naseem - BerwickKATARIA, Nupur Grover - Hawthorn MOLONEY, Luke Gerard - Camberwell RATTRAY, Susan Frances - NorthKAUR, Jaspreet - Hoppers Crossing MONTAG, Raymond Ira - South BawlynKESTENBERG, Jeffrey Meir - Coburg Melbourne REYNOLDS, Eric Charles - MelbourneKEYES-TILLEY, Adam - Melbourne MORRIS, Kevin - Balwyn North RICHARDSON, John Bennett -KILPATRICK, Nicola Mary - Melbourne MOVVA, Leela Ramkumar - Point Cook MelbourneKING, Ross William - Hawthorn MURRAY, Christopher Graeme - ROBERTS, Graeme Lindsay - SurreyKINGS, Eric William - Somers Melbourne HillsKITTEL, Paul William - Ballarat NASH, Leonard Austin - Black Rock ROBERTS, Mira Jemima - SaleKIVEN, Victor Ian - Melbourne NASTRI, Alf - Melbourne ROBERTSON, James Alastair McLean -KOSALRAM, Kirthi - Lower NAVANI, Hitesh Anil - Parkville West FootscrayTemplestowe NEEDHAM, Susan Clare - Brighton ROBSON, James Stanley - HawthornKRITHARIDES, Paris Steven - Malvern NELSON, Eugene Horatio - Melbourne ROSE, Adam Darren - Caulfield SouthKUMAR, Ricky - Doncaster NERVO, Garry Joseph - Ivanhoe ROSENGARTEN, Gary Neil - HamptonLACY, Michael Francis - Melbourne NEWLAND, Stuart Andrew - Kew RUSSO, Patrick John - BrightonLADAKIS, John - Melbourne NEWNHAM, Melinda Narelle - RUTHERFORD, Nicholas John -LAI, Anna Yuk Yan - Blackburn South Templestowe Lower MelbourneLAM, Swann - Ringwood NGO, Luan Hoang - Kew SAHHAR, Stan Costandy - MalvernLANGFORD, Anthony - Caulfield NGUYEN, Cindy Ngoc-Bao - Carlton SALIKIN, Zulfikri - MelbourneJunction South SCARFF, Anthony William - KooyongLAWRENTSCHUK, Leon - Black Rock NICHOLSON, Fleur Diane - Geelong SCHENBERG, Michael - DandenongLAWRY, Denise Maree - Camberwell OAKLEY, Gavan Ray - Yarra Glen SCOTT, Peter Alexander - MelbourneLEE, Kai Hsiang - Malvem O’BRIEN, Lloyd George - Melbourne SHAND, Jocelyn Maree - MelbourneLESKE, Amanda Margareta - East O’GRADY, John Frederick - SHEAHAN, John Michael - BrightonBendigo Williamstown SHEARER, Michael Watson - KewLEUNG, Wing Ming - Toorak OLSEN, Christopher Bruce - Brunswick SHEARN, Brittany Narelle - Albert ParkLEWIN, Barry - Caulfield Junction East SHELDON, William Ronald - RichmondLIM, Bernard Leng Kee - Mont Albert O’REILLY, Karol Joseph - Mornington SHNIDER, Warren Henry - AbbotsfordNorth PAGONIS, Leigh - Glen Iris SHRIMPTON, Blair Alan - BalnarringLIPSHATZ, Jeffrey - Caulfield PAKDEETHAI, Sasaluck - North SIM, Felix Wiyanto - Moonee PondsLIU, Vivian - Mount Waverley Melbourne SOLOMON, Alan Roderick - Glen Iris PALFREYMAN, Nicholas - Carlton46 RACDS Yearbook 2013
RACDS FellowsSOUTER, Nigel Joseph - Kew WRIGHT, Graeme - Moonee Ponds HENRY, Patrick Joseph - West PerthSPENCER, Kevin - Melbourne WRIGHT, Paul Robert Wollaston - East HENZE, Franc - BalcattaSQUIRE, Bruce Edward - Melbourne Kew HERBERT, John Edward - East VictoriaSTADDON, Lee - St Kilda WYLIE, Simon Guthrie - Geelong ParkSTARR, Samuel Alexander - Glen Iris WYMOND, Geoffrey Michael - Sorrento HOPE, Amy Louise - BalcattaSTEELE, Basil Ian - Ormond YAP, Jason - Balwyn JOHNSTON, Timothy - West PerthSTERNSON, Jeremy Kevin - Melbourne YAP, Tami Su-Ping - Camberwell KAKULAS, Evan George - West PerthSTEVENSON, Tom Campbell - Carlton YEO, Vivien Gek-Ying - Glen Waverley KERRISK, Peter William - LeemingNorth YEUNG, Peter Man-Fong - Tullamarine KINSELLA, Matthew Quain - West PerthSTEWART, Barry Leonard - North YOON, Michael Sung Kyun - Bundoora KNOEPEL, Sven - ClarksonRingwood YUNG, Claudia Ching-Wah - Lilydale LAM, Patsandra Pui San - NedlandsSTORY, Rowan Darroch - Hawthorn ZETTL, John Frederick - Hawthorn East LAM, Raymond Yue Fai - DianellaSTRAUCH, David - Armadale ZHANG, William Tian Ye - Hawthorn LAM, Suanne - MorleySTUBBS, Michael Anthony - Ballarat East LAM, Timothy Yat-Wah - South PerthSUDJALIM, Theresia Rini - Kew ZIMET, Phillippe Oliver - Dandenong LAMATTINA, Ian Ignazio - LeedervilleSUNDERLAND, Thomas - Melbourne LE TAT, Thuc-An - MorleyTAN, Seong-Seng - Bentleigh East WA LEE, Derrick Zhi-Jie - West PerthTAYLOR, Bruce Emery - Hawthorn LEWIS, Emma Louise - Mt. ClaremontTILLEY, Gregory Lawrence - Hawthorn ABBOTT, Paul Vincent - Nedlands LIDDELOW, Glen James - West PerthEast ADLER, Edmond Arthur - Mt Lawley LYONS, Michael John - AlbanyTIMMERMAN, Aovana Yi Ting - ALFORD, Catherine Margaret - MARTIN, Dean Anthony - DianellaHughesdale Hammersly MCDONALD, David Francis - BusseltonTRAN, Binh Le Tuan - Brighton ALLAN, Brent Paterson - City Beach MCGEACHIE, John Kerridge - CrawleyTSAI, Alice Hsin Yi - Essendon BABA, Ramon Starke - Dianella MCKERRACHER, Peter Willoughby - MtTUCKER, Andrew Raymond - Black BENNET, Kim Roydon - West Perth ClaremontRock BENTLEY, Scott Daniel - Applecross MEARA, Paul Garrett - FremantleTVERSKY, Jonathan - Melbourne BISHOP, Roger Geoffrey - Swanbourne MORELLI, Emma Lynne - StrathamTYAS, Martin John - Ivanhoe BOCHENEK, Andrew - Perth MORGAN, John Henry - NarroginTYEDIN, Brian Vincent - Doncaster BOOTH, David Robert - Murdoch MORLET-BROWN, Karen Elisabeth -VADIVELOO, Victor Kandiah - Ashwood BROGAN, William Francis - City Beach North FremantleVALIANATOS, Felicia - Vermont South CARDACI, Santo Claudio - Subiaco MOUGOS, Sophie - WembleyVERCO, Samuel Joseph - Port CARMICHAEL, Graham Iain - South MOUSSA, Michael - City BeachMelbourne Perth NEUMANN, George - BunburyVUDINIABOLA, Sunia - Mornington CHIN, Kevin Chen Seong - East Perth NEWNHAM, Ian Arthur - NedlandsWALSH-BUCKLEY, James - Aspendale CHOO, Tina Sheng Lynn - Perth OAKLEY, Zahida - CottesloeWALTON, Dudley Frank - Portsea CHRISTOFOROU, Janina - Lathlain OLSSON-WHITE, Victor Justin - SouthWARDLAW, David Alexander - North COCKERILL, Philip Anthony - PerthBalwyn Swanbourne PAPAS, Dina - Osborne ParkWARNEKE, Sydney Charles - CONNOR, James Norman Esson - City PURCELL, Clive Alan Hall - South PerthCamberwell Beach RAI, Pooja - West LeedervilleWATKINS, Keith - Kooyong COOK, Richard Graeme - South Perth READMAN, Peter Mark - BictonWEI, Jessica Jing - Lower Templestowe COSGROVE, Denis James - Nedlands REDDY, Rahul - Osborne ParkWENIG, Shmuli Laib - North Caulfield CREEPER, Fleur Louise - Perth RICCIARDO, Peter Virgil - DoubleviewWEXLER, Geoffrey - Caulfield East CULLEN, Josephine Anne - Applecross ROSENBERG, Ian - Tuart HillWIDDOP, Fred Talbot - Sandringham DANIELS, Ernest Crofton - Menora SAMNAKAY, Sidrah Aslam - StirlingWIESENFELD, David - Melbourne DE LOOZE, Jacob Ferdinandus - Stirling SAVUNDRA, Andrew Wijeyan - SouthWILKIE, Gary John - Korumburra FRYDRYCH, Agnieszka - Dalkeith PerthWILLIAMS, John F H - Ballarat GEBAUER, Dieter Paul - Perth West SHEPHERD, Bradley Gordon - WestWONG, Edward Kum Foo - Doncaster GEE, Gregory Damian - Mt Claremont PerthEast GILL, Gwendolynn Shireen - West Perth SILLIFANT, Paul Mark - Shenton ParkWONG, Rebecca - Blackburn North GILLIES, Raad Christian - Mosman Park SMITH, Andrew Clive Havard - WillettonWONG, Timothy Seong Chee - Glen Iris GOTJAMANOS, Theo - City Beach STULNER-KARTHIGASU, Carolyn -WOOD, Richard Craig - Geelong GRAIEG, Joshua P. - Leederville DalkeithWOODHOUSE, Anthony Dillon - Balwyn GREGORY, Dennis John - Leederville SUTHERLAND, Kenneth Joseph GeorgeNorth GREGORY, Peter John - Dalkeith - Gooseberry HillWOODS, Michael Geoffrey - Malvern HAMILTON, Adam - Trigg TAYLOR, Ross Lawton - ClaremontWOOTTON, Raymond Olney - Heyfield HAMILTON, Robert - Trigg RACDS Yearbook 2013 47
RACDS membersTENNANT, Marc - Nedlands LAU, Kin Kwan Kenny - Mongkok AL-AMLEH, Basil - DunedinTING, Magdalene Soo - May - Murdoch LAW, Chi Hin - Wong Tai Sin ANDERSON, Heather Kaye -TROTTER, Lloyd Alfred - Merriwa LAW, Kwok Tung - Shatin ChristchurchTURNER, Robert Bruce - Peppermint LEE, Cheuk Kit - N.T AYERS, Kathryn Marina Sherwood -Grove LEE, Dae Hyun - Central HamiltonVU, Jacinta - Ocean Reef LEE, Gillian Hiu Man - Shatin CAUTLEY, Andrew John - NelsonVUJCICH, Nathan John - Churchlands LEE, Kit Yee - Ho Man Tin CHANDLER, Nicholas Paul - DunedinWATSON, Donald Charles - Mindarie LEE, Wilson - Central COURTNEY, Michael David - PalmerstonWATSON, John Stuart - Subiaco LEUNG, Fiona Yuen-Chong - Central NorthWHOLLEY, Christopher John - Mt LEUNG, Sau Kuen - Kwai Chung DANESH-MEYER, Michael Joseph -Claremont LEUNG, Wing Keung - Kowloon AucklandWILLIAM, Vanessa Asirvadam - LI, Kin Hong - Tai Po, N.T GOGA, Radu - Palmerston NorthLeederville LUK, Ka Chun - Tsuen Wan GORDON, Michael Paul Joseph -WONG, Clement - Dalkeith MA, Tsun - Midlevels Central HamiltonWONG, Desmond - Aveley MOK, Chung Wai William - Central GRACIA, Todd Barry - NelsonYANG, Danny Shun Kai - Nedlands NG, Daniel Kwok Chi - To Kwa Wan HASZARD, Julian M Hamilton - NewYOUNG, Jeffrey Kym - Secret Harbour PANG, Chung Wai - Siu Sai Wan PlymouthYUEN, Timothy Weng Hoong - Bunbury POON, Sui Lun - Tuen Mun HEALEY, David Lawrence - Kaiapoi TAN, Siow Wah Rachel - Taikoo Shing JACK, Hannah Carolyne - KumeuMEMBERS TONG, Siu Keung Kenny - Mong Kok JOLLY, Brooke Hunter - New Plymouth TSANG, Yuen Chi Augustine - Tseung KANAGARATNAM, Sathananthan -ACT Kwan O Auckland TSUI, Wing Kei Vicky - Apleichau KENG, Feng Yi - New PlymouthELFAR, Mohamed - Belconnen WAI, Tak Shun Dustin - Tuen Mun KENNEDY, Daniel Lloyd - GisborneELHOUFY, Shareif - Belconnen WEI, Willis Lok Lum - Central LALA, Harish Chandra - AucklandLAM, Tran Vinh - Canberra WONG, Hai Ming - Sai Ying Pun LEWIS, George Robert - HamiltonMADSEN, David Peter - Manuka WONG, Hok Ling - Wan Chai MACKIE, Andrew David - HamiltonMATHEW, Rachael - Forrest WONG, Tak Ying Anita - Mong Kok MARRIOTT, Andrew Blair - NelsonPATEL, Bobby - Forrest WONG, Wing Wah - Siu Sai Wan NEWSOM, Andrew Lloyd - TaurangaTE MOANANUI, Raymond Samuel - YU, Chun - Causeway Bay PINKERTON, Mark Neil - AucklandCanberra QUICK, Andrew Noel - Hamilton INDIA RANIGA, Nitin - AucklandCANADA REANEY, Philip John Richard - VARMA, Balagopal - Kochi Havelock NorthHIEAWY, Ahmed Tarik - Vancouver SALIS, Sergio Gian - Dunedin JORDAN SINGH, Bhavia - AucklandHONG KONG TIMMINS, Kimberley Ann - Auckland ALMOHAMMED, Saleh Naser Issa - Irbid TOBIN, Neil Michael - Palmerston NorthAU YEUNG, Chi On - TURNER, Scott Robertson - WellingtonAU YEUNG, King Sang - N.T KUWAIT VIOLICH, Darryl Ray - TaurangaCHAN, Sze Kuen - Tai Wai WAALKENS, Christopher Charles -CHEONG, Meika - North Point OUNSI, Hani Fouad - Dasman AucklandCHEUNG, Ho Ming Lisa - Kowloon Tong WALVEKAR, Ambarish Sudhir - Hawally WATERS, Douglas Alexander - AucklandCHEUNG, Ning Hoi - Ap Lei Chau WESCOTT, David Clark - AucklandCHEUNG, Yuen Man - Hong Kong MACAU WHELAN, John Robert King - AucklandCHOW, Hin Chung - North Point WONG, Morris - WellingtonCHOW, Ming Chung - Central LEI, Wai Yip -CHUNG, Chiu Wing - NSWEKAMBARAM, Manikandan - Sai Ying MALAYSIAPun ADAMS, Ross Stuart - Baulkham HillsFUNG, Kin Yue - Causeway Bay ABLLAH, Zurainie - Pahang AL-MOZANY, Saad - PaddingtonHO, Fu Tak - Sham Shui Po LOW, Bernard Kah Meng - Petaling Jaya ARMSTRONG, David - Coffs HarbourHO, Kam Yuen Simon - Yau Yat Chuen MOHAMAD ZAINI, Zuraiza - Kuala AYOUB, Fady Riad - PadstowJAIN, Sandeep - Central Lumpur BARRY, Andrew John - WollongongKO, Cora Hiu Wan - Sai Wan Ho NG, Mei Ching - Penang BHATT, Reena - South HurstvilleKWOK, Man Shan Evelyn - Cheung Sha SANUSI, Sarliza Yasmin Binti - Kubang BONIC, Anita Bozica - LiverpoolWan Kerian BOWER, Paola - ArmidaleKWOK, Wing Yue - Quarry Bay TAN, Wee Han - Melaka BOYATZIS, Stan - Pymble TOM, Kishor - Kedah Darul Aman NEW ZEALAND48 RACDS Yearbook 2013