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Home Explore April 2014

April 2014

Published by nepabsavoa, 2017-03-24 19:54:53

Description: VOA-Newsletter-04-2014


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Leader INSIDE THIS ISSUE April 2014 1 Hello NEPA Venturing Volume 1 Issue 4 2 Lock In Recap 2 Revenge Save the DateNEPA Council Venturing Officers Association 2 Crew 1066 72 Montage Mountain Road 3 MUSE Recap Moosic, PA 18507-1776 3 Summer Camp in NEPA 4 Who’s who in venturing [email protected] 570-207-1227 Every month we will feature a NEPA Council Crew. Drop off your crew bio at the next VOA meeting.Hello NEPA Venturing! By Ryan Clarkson Hello fellow Venturers! My name is Insomniacs Revenge Ryan Clarkson and I’ll be serving as your Our biggest fall event will be here before you 2014- 2015 Venturing Officer’s Association know it! President. I look forward to an amazing year with you all. Full Article on Page 4 As well as being the Council Summer Camp Venturing President, I am the President of News on NEPA’s Venturing Summer Camp! Venturing Crew 1600 in Scranton, Pennsylvania. I am also an active Scouter in Full Article on Page 3 the Boy Scouts of America. I am an Eagle Scout from Boy Scout Troop 42 also in Scranton,Pennsylvania. I serve in our council’s Order of the Arrow LodgeLowwapaneu 191 as the Service Chairman as well. Outside of Scouting I am an active member in my community. Iorchestrate service projects on a regular basis and volunteer at differentevents quite frequently.I am currently a Junior at West Scranton High School where I am Vice-President of the German Club. I also participate in the school’s outdoorsclub, technology club, and chess club. I am a member of the National HonorSociety and am Vice- President of Student Council as well. After highschool, I plan to attend either Cornell University or The University ofScranton where I plan to major in Political Science and Law. My main goal as Council President is to promote and extend theknowledge of the Venturing program throughout our council. I believe withthe strong will and drive of myself and my Vice- Presidents, this goal willbe easily reachable and the Venturing program in our council will bestronger and more active than ever before! Thank you very much for reading! I hope to see you all throughoutthe council and Venturing!

Venturing Leader Page 2Winter Lock-In RecapBy Drew MagdaOn the weekend of March 28th-29th, the Northeastern PennsylvaniaVenturing Officers Association held their annual winter Lock-In atQueen of the Apostles Church in Avoca. Participants arrived Fridayevening to find themselves as part in a night of jam-packed program.Activities included cake decorating contest, karaoke sing-off, humanChinese checkers, and Minute-To-Win-It games. Later that eveningorigami lessons and paper lanterns where released into the sky to end thenight of exciting program. The Venturing Officers Association plans onmaking next year’s event even greater and will definitely not be one youwant to miss! Keep an eye out for any save-the-date flyers so you don'tmiss this opportunity next year. Save the Date for Insomniacs Revenge! By Drew Magda Is it that time of year again, the time when Insomniacs Revenge is only around the corner? This year's Revenge will be at Goose Pond Scout Reservation on the weekend of September 26th-28th. Just like the years prior, program activities will run from the time you arrive on Friday to the minute you leave on Sunday. The activities and sessions make it a one of a kind experience. These include C.O.P.E. courses, gaga ball and S.T.E.M.(Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) oriented program. Also continued from last year will be the Venture Race, an exciting race around the pond to determine the most knowledgeable and competitive crew. See if your crew has what it takes! If any of these activities interest you, remember to sign-up for the event so that you can participate in this unique camping experience.“Crew 1066 focuses on Featured Crew - Crew 1066Medieval Reenactment.” By Joe Piela The focus of Crew 1066 is Medieval Reenactment. This is a hobby where the participants study life in the Middle Ages. We re- create medieval clothing, armour, and other such equipment and use these items in various activities. The most notable, fun and exciting activity that we do is medieval combat using safe weapons padded with foam. We treat this combat as part martial art, and part sport, just as you might take fencing or go to Judo lessons. The scouts learn a bit of what it was like to fight in a knightly duel, or group combat ranging from a few participants up to the size of small armies at some events. Safety, good sportsmanship, and teamwork are emphasized. Other Crew activities include blacksmithing, armour making, hiking and camping.

Page 3 Venturing LeaderMUSE NEPA Summer Camp Page 3Recap By Matt GromalaBy Sarah Gromala This summer marks the fifth annual Venturing summer camp at Goose PondDuring the first weekend in April, Scout Reservation in the Northeastern Pennsylvania Council. This is theThe outgoing area officers along only Nationally-Accredited Venturing Camp in Area 5, for the past fivewith our council president attended years, to our knowledge. We at Area 5 believe that every Venturer that canMUSE the spring 2014 region attend this innovative camping program.conference. All of us had awonderful weekend, it was planned There are six treks being offered for Venturers to choose from. There is thewith games, presentations and group Shooting Sports Trek, where NRA (National Rifle Association) and NAAdiscussions. We started the night (National Archery Association) instructors will take you through severalout with playing cards and board different types of shooting sports. They offer pistol, rifle, muzzle loading,games while watching inception. archery and shotgun shooting. During this trek, the Winchester Marksmanship program as well as the Venturing Shooting Sports Awards. There is an extra $40 charge for this trek to cover the cost of ammunition. Another trek being offered is the Out Island Adventure Trek. On this trek, participants will canoe to their campsite on an island on an island in Lake Wallenpaupack. Later, powerboats will take you snorkeling, tubing, water skiing and fishing on selected days. After a few days on the island, the group will return to Goose Pond do some night-climbing at COPE, then scuba diving in the Pond.There were presentations like Biking and Rafting is another trek being offered. Participants will be biking\"Planning and event to remember\", and rafting along the Lehigh River between Carbon, and Luzerne counties.which was presented by our Area 5 The town of Jim Thorpe will be base camp for three days of this trek. Thepresident Tyler Sepcoski and a bike portion is a 20-40 mile portion of beginner to advanced trails. You willpresentation called\" Advisor bike through some of the nicest scenery NEPA has to offer. Climbing &Advice\", which was presented by Hiking Trek is another exciting trek the camp will be offering. Venturersour Council president Donnie will be instructed in basic safety and rope work. As the climbing skillsStephens. Participants took a develop, a hiking adventure where a Kodiak style day 2 trek will take youbeautiful hike to a waterfall and through some beautiful scenery. The trek will also serve to instruct thethen played Barrel tag. Then there participants in Wilderness Survival. Again, to close the week, there will be awas another amazing photo day of shooting.scavenger hunt. We had an intensesession of \"circle time\". On Sunday, The Council Camps Adventure Trek will take you to both of Northeasternwe had a small interfaith service, Pennsylvania’s council camps, Goose Pond and Camp Acahela. Participantsgreat breakfast, and a court of honor will participate in events such as advanced shooting sports, canoeing thefor Allie Frownfelter, current region pond and Lake Wallenpaupack, as well as tubing, climbing Acahela Rocks!,president who received her Region Backpacking basics, and many other fun things.Venturing Leadership Award.MUSE ended with filling out There is also a Kodiak Trek going on. The Kodiak challenge is a leadershipevaluations for the past weekend skills experience where leadership is not just talked about, it is practiced inand goodbye to all the friendships everyday of the trek. Kodiak is a unique growth opportunity for Crews andthat were made. Troops (Yes this trek is also open to troops!) as well as individuals. Completion of the Venturing Leadership Skills Course (VLSC) or Troop Leadership Training (TLT) is not required but recommended. An important note is that all Treks can be a Kodiak Trek or work with your staff guide to design your own Kodiak trek. Fees for Venturing Week will be, 330.00 if paid by 7/12/2014 or 350.00 after 7/12/2014

Venturing Leader Page 4Who’s Who in VenturingOn June 1st, a new batch of young venturing youth leaders will take office. Get to know who everyonein relation to NEPA via this chart. A few of our current NEPA VOA embers also hold positions of office on other VOA tiers. If an individual is from NEPA, their picture is highlighted in green. NEPA VOARyan Clarkson Matt Gromala Claudia Shandra T.B.A Emily AndersonVOA President Program Communications Admin Membership NER Area 5 VOASarah Gromala T.B.A Annie Shevlin Tyler SepcoskiVOA President Program Communications Admin NER VOABrenna Leary Donnie Stephens Chris Soundis Anthony CesariniVOA President Program Communications Admin National VOA Maddie Culwell Jillian Infusino Allie FrownfelterNational VOA President National VP National VP

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