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Home Explore ROEMAH BUMN


Published by Son Of Nation, 2022-08-23 09:57:40

Description: ROEMAH BUMN


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PTBA .......2 AP II .......9 PERURI .......61 PLN .......63 PIHC .......80 SIG .......91



BukitAsam Rumah Tajung Antiq UMKM Tenun Tajung & Blongket Kas Palembang Owner: Syarifuddin, S.Kom Brand: Rumah Tajung An q Product: Kain Tenun Product Category: Tenun ATBM and Fashion Produc on Qty: 150 meter – 200 meter / month Price Range: Rp. 135.000 – Rp. 3.000.000 Deskripsi Produk Tajung dan Blongket merupakan kain khas dari Palembang yang pembuatannya dikerjakan secara manual menggunakan Alat Tenun Bukan Mesin (ATBM). Usaha ini telah dirin s sejak tahun 1970-an oleh kakek kami. Kami merekrut ibu-ibu rumah tangga dan anak-anak putus sekolah untuk berkerja bersama kami. Kain tenun Tajung dan Blongket umumnya dipakai pada acara-acara resmi seper pernikahan, penyambutan tamu kehormatan serta acara-acara adat lainnya. Saat ini kami terus mengembangkan kain-kain tenun ini bahkan lebih fashionable dengan tujuan mempromosikan serta ikut melestarikan salah satu kebudayaan khas warisan Palembang. Kain tenun Tajung dan Blongket dapat dikreasikan menjadi apapun misalnya pakaian, dekorasi rumah, tren mode, dan lain-lain. Product Descrip on Tajung and Blongket are typical fabrics from Palembang which are made manually using Non-Machine Weaving Tools (ATBM). This business has been started since the 1970's by our grandfather. We recruit housewives and school dropouts to work with us. Tajung and Blongket woven fabrics are generally used on formal occasions such as weddings, welcoming guests of honor and other tradi onal events. Currently, we con nue to develop these woven fabrics to be even more fashionable with the aim of promo ng and preserving one of Palembang's dis nc ve cultural heritages. Tajung and Blongket woven fabrics can be created into anything, such as clothes, home decora ons, fashion trends, and so on.

BukitAsam Kemeja Blongket KNCE Rp1.000.000,- / €65 Nama mo f dari kemeja ini adalah Bebek Setaman, merupakan salah satu mo f khas warisan budaya Palembang yang memiliki makna keharmonisan. Bebek Setaman merupakan gambaran tentang kebudayaan Palembang yang dipengaruhi oleh kebudayaan Arab yang dilambangkan dengan gambar Mawar dan Tionghoa yang dilambangkan dengan gambar Bebek (Angsa_bhs. Indonesia). The name of the mo f of this shirt is Duck Setaman, which is one of the typical mo fs of Palembang's cultural heritage which has the meaning of harmony. Duck Setaman is a picture of Palembang culture which is influenced by Arabic culture which is symbolized by the image of Roses and the Chinese symbolized by the image of Duck (Angsa_bhs. Indonesia). Kemeja Blongket KT.NGCE-STD Rp1.000.000,- / €65 Nama mo f dari kemeja ini adalah Gajah Mada, merupakan mo f yang paling terkenal dari mo f khas Palembang yang memiliki makna integritas, keberanian dan kebijaksanaan. Gajah Mada melambangkan tekad yang sangat kuat berdasarkan prinsip: “Di mana Bumi dipijak, di situ Langit dijunjung nggi.” The name of the mo f of this shirt is Gajah Mada, which is the most famous mo f of the typical Palembang mo f which has the meaning of integrity, courage and wisdom. Gajah Mada symbolizes a very strong determina on based on the principle: \"Where the earth is stepped on, there the sky is upheld.\"

BukitAsam Kemeja Blongket KT.NGCE-KRP Rp1.000.000,- / €65 Nama mo f dari kemeja ini adalah Gajah Mada, merupakan mo f yang paling terkenal dari mo f khas Palembang yang memiliki makna integritas, keberanian dan kebijaksanaan. Gajah Mada melambangkan tekad yang sangat kuat berdasarkan prinsip: “Di mana Bumi dipijak, di situ Langit dijunjung nggi.” The name of the mo f of this shirt is Gajah Mada, which is the most famous mo f of the typical Palembang mo f which has the meaning of integrity, courage and wisdom. Gajah Mada symbolizes a very strong determina on based on the principle: \"Where the earth is stepped on, there the sky is upheld.\" Kemeja Blongket KT.GCE Rp1.000.000,- / €65 Di dalam kemeja ini ada hiasan Gandik, merupakan gambaran mo f-mo f Palembang yang diukir dengan emas, melambangkan Palembang adalah daerah yang subur tempat emas intan permata bertabur. Mo f Gandik bermacam-macam diantaranya: Gandik Nampan Perak, Gandik Tretes, Gandik Kuto, dll. Inside this shirt there is a Gandik decora on, a picture of Palembang mo fs engraved with gold, symbolizing that Palembang is a fer le area where gold is studded with gems. Gandik mo fs vary, including: Gandik Tray Silver, Gandik Tretes, Gandik Kuto, etc.

BukitAsam Kemeja Blongket Sutra Rp1.000.000,- / €65 Nama mo f dari kemeja ini adalah Bebek Setaman, merupakan salah satu mo f khas warisan budaya Palembang yang memiliki makna keharmonisan. Bebek Setaman merupakan gambaran tentang kebudayaan Palembang yang dipengaruhi oleh kebudayaan Arab yang dilambangkan dengan gambar Mawar dan Tionghoa yang dilambangkan dengan gambar Bebek (Angsa_bhs. Indonesia). The name of the mo f of this shirt is Duck Setaman, which is one of the typical mo fs of Palembang's cultural heritage which has the meaning of harmony. Duck Setaman is a picture of Palembang culture which is influenced by Arab culture which is symbolized by the image of Roses and the Chinese symbolized by the image of Duck (Angsa_bhs. Indonesia) Jas Pria Rp1.000.000,- / €65 Bahan Baku Benang Lusi: Katun CSM 80/2 Bahan Baku Benang Pakan: Katun CSM 80/2 Zat Warna: Synthe c Reac ve Dye ------------------------------------------------------------------ Warp Yarn Raw Material: CSM 80/2 . Co on We Yarn Raw Material: CSM 80/2 . Co on Dyes: Synthe c Reac ve Dye

BukitAsam Teh Rosella Kotak ------------------------------------- Rp75.000,- / €5 Tanaman rosella dengan nama la n Hibiscus Sabdariffa L, tumbuh liar di Kabupaten Muara Enim dengan nama Bahan Baku : Bunga Rosella Asam Kesuh atau Bunga Rejang, digunakan sebagai bumbu masakan seper pepes, sayur asem dan sambal dadakan sebagai penggan asam tomat. SIBA (Sentra Industri Bukit Asam) mengembangkan bunga rosella menjadi produk olahan seper teh celup dan sirup. Tergabung dalam SIBA Rosella, pengembangan dilakukan baik di hulu maupun di hilir. Petani rosella binaan CSR PT Bukit Asam Tbk melalui SIBA Rosella terdapat di Kec. Gelumbang, Desa Ujan Mas, Desa Tanjung Karangan, Desa Muara Emil, Desa Datar Lebar Semendo dll. Kebun- kebun petani rosella ini sedang dalam proses Ser fikasi Prima oleh Dinas Ketahanan Pangan menuju Ser fikasi Organik. Produk Rosella Cap Bukit Asam sudah memiliki izin PIRT, Ser fikasi Halal dan dalam proses e-Reg dari BPOM. Selain itu, juga sedang dalam proses persiapan Ser fikasi ISO 22000 bekerjasama dengan Baristan Palembang dan Kementerian Perindus an. Rosella selalu dijadikan souvenir khas PT Bukit Asam Tbk. Rosella with the La n name Hibiscus Sabdariffa L, grows wild in Muara Enim Regency under the name Asam Kesuh or Bunga Rejang, used as a cooking spice such as pepes, vegetable tamarind and impromptu chili sauce as a subs tute for tomato acid. SIBA (Sentra Industri Bukit Asam) develops rosella into processed products such as teabags and syrup. Joined in SIBA Rosella, development is carried out both upstream and downstream. Rosella farmers assisted by PT Bukit Asam Tbk Sustainability Unit through SIBA Rosella are located in Kec. Gelumbang, Ujan Mas Village, Tanjung Karangan Village, Muara Emil Village, Semendo Datar Lebar Village, etc. These rosella farmers' gardens are in the process of Prima Cer fica on by Dinas Ketahanan Pangan (the Food Security Service) towards Organic Cer fica on. Rosella Cap Bukit Asam products already have a PIRT permit, Halal Cer fica on and are in the e-Reg process from BPOM. In addi on, it is also in the process of preparing for ISO 22000 cer fica on in collabora on with the Palembang Baristan and the Ministry of Industry. Rosella is always used as a typical souvenir of PT Bukit Asam Tbk.


PICNIC OUTDOOR SET A practical set of picnic baskets and contains a lot of picnic equipment in it. In addition to using strong rattan, the presence of a cotton cloth cover prevents food or equipment from being exposed to dust. Contains 4 napkins, 4 cutlery, 4 covers + glasses, 1 Thermos, 4 Coasters, 1 Travel Tissue Holder, 1 Rattan Basket + Cover, 1 Bread Basket size L. UPCYCLE ZERO SAVE WASTE ENVIRONMENT +62 821 1093 2903 @craftallana [email protected]

HANGING TISSUE Hangable tissue holder such as behind the car seat, in the kitchen, living room, bedroom, etc. The straps can be adjusted in length as needed. Size : 22 x 23 x 9cm UPCYCLE ZERO SAVE WASTE ENVIRONMENT +62 821 1093 2903 @craftallana [email protected]

BREAD BASKET made of a patchwork cotton combination with hard cotton , and washable. available in 3 sizes, S, M, and L. Size : 22 x 23 x 9cm UPCYCLE ZERO SAVE WASTE ENVIRONMENT +62 821 1093 2903 @craftallana [email protected]

PIN CUSHION stuffed cushion which is used in sewing to store pins or needles with their heads protruding to take hold of them easily, collect them, and keep them organized. Size : 13 x 7 cm UPCYCLE ZERO SAVE WASTE ENVIRONMENT +62 821 1093 2903 @craftallana [email protected]

HANGING TOWEL This hanging towel is commonly used in the toilet, sink, and kitchen area. Size : 50 x 12 cm UPCYCLE ZERO SAVE WASTE ENVIRONMENT +62 821 1093 2903 @craftallana [email protected]

TISSUE HOLDER Use this tissue holder to store your tissue supplies. Aside from being a storage container, this tissue holder also keeps the tissue dry and protected from dust and dirt. Made of velvet material with a minimalist design. It is suitable to decorate your living room or dining table. UPCYCLE ZERO SAVE WASTE ENVIRONMENT +62 821 1093 2903 @craftallana [email protected]

TISU TRAVEL This tissue holder is made of cotton patchwork with an interesting motif, which makes your tissue refill more beautiful. This tissue holder can be carried anywhere in the your bag. UPCYCLE ZERO SAVE WASTE ENVIRONMENT +62 821 1093 2903 @craftallana [email protected]

TABLE RUNNER This table runner made from waste cloth. Can help to define seating arrangements whilst also connecting placemats, and giving a symmeterical finish of decorations. UPCYCLE ZERO SAVE WASTE ENVIRONMENT +62 821 1093 2903 @craftallana [email protected]

APRON A piece of clothing that you put on over the front of your normal clothes and tie round your waist, especially when you are cooking, in order to prevent your clothes from getting dirty. Size : all size UPCYCLE ZERO SAVE WASTE ENVIRONMENT +62 821 1093 2903 @craftallana [email protected]

SARUNG BANTAL KURSI A cushion cover is a fabric case that covers cushions, like a pillowcase does. Cushion covers function primarily as decoration, providing an inexpensive way for consumers to express personal styles in the living room. Size : 40 x 40 cm UPCYCLE ZERO SAVE WASTE ENVIRONMENT +62 821 1093 2903 @craftallana [email protected]

MASKER TOPI & SYAL SHIBORI Made of leftover cloth that is processed using a paste of leaves called shibori. The motifs gets a modern update with the abstract shibori. It is made with a small brim. UPCYCLE ZERO SAVE WASTE ENVIRONMENT +62 821 1093 2903 @craftallana [email protected]


. Kaywood is a brand engaged in handicrafts. We make products ma from wood and wood waste to be used as fashion accessories, prem souvenirs and home decor. Starting from creative activities, hobbie really admiring the beauty of the style and strength of Indonesian tropical wood, with a long history of Indonesian people as wood craftsmen who are well known to foreign countries. Seeing the wor trend that is returning to nature, we try to make products that have artistic value, are unique but also functional. After a series of trial an error processes, it turns out that this hobby opens up other ways no only for business opportunities, but more than that, we can collabo with other craftsmen, so that it becomes an activity that is not only economically valuable but also has a social impact. Through a series complex creative processes, by combining techniques and a touch taste, detail and good focus, it is ensured that the resulting product have aesthetic value and marketability. Trying to provide benefits a explore other potentials, such as local wisdom in Banten, as well as regions in Indonesia which are rich and diverse. Synergize, Collabor and be creative is our way of life today. Indonesia is cool, will always inspire our small works.

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The Process



WOODEN @ISDWRo3o0d0eKn Sunglasses Kill sung

SUNGLASESS Kalla man sunglasess TEAKWOOD la woman glasess MAPLEWOOD

ETHNIC SERIES The Baduy/Bedouin tribe is also known as Urang Kanekes, the Kanekes people are an ethnic group of the indigenous people of the Banten tribe in the Lebak Regency, Banten. The population of Urang Kanekes is estimated at 26,000 people, and they are one of the tribes that isolate themselves from the outside world. This Baduy tribe has a woven cloth called Baduy Weaving. This Baduy woven cloth has meanings that are closely related to their traditions and beliefs. This cloth is not just to meet the needs of clothing. This cloth, for the Kanekes people, is also an identity, especially for traditional values w​ hich also symbolize their presence. This woven fabric is very close to life, especially the family environment. Baduy woven fabric is unique in that the material is a bit rough and the color tends to be dominant. The cotton specks of the traditional spinning process have resulted in the distinctive texture of Baduy weaving. Tools for spinning from cotton into yarn, are tools that they invented themselves hundreds of years ago. Urang Kanekes calls the spinning tool gedogan/raraga. To produce this Baduy woven cloth, the process is quite long. It even takes months. The length of this process is due to the size and complexity of making fabric motifs. Usually Baduy fabric motifs are in the form of colorful lines and motifs inspired by nature. source

Sawarna Material : Kayu Maple Strap Tenun Baduy Diameter Case : 40 mm (Unisex) Bandwidth : 22 mm Band Length : 24 mm Thickness : 15 mm Sawa@rInDaRTe4n0u0nKBaduy

a Maple Tenun Baduy

Sawa Material : Kayu Jati Strap Tenun Baduy Diameter Case : 40 mm (Unisex) Bandwidth : 22 mm Band Length : 24 mm Thickness : 15 mm Sawa@rInDaRTe4n0u0nKBaduy

arna Jati Tenun Baduy

Sawarna Sono Tenun Bad Sawa@rInDaRTe4n0u0nKBaduy

duy Material : Kayu Sonokeling Strap Tenun Baduy Diameter Case : 40 mm (Unisex) Bandwidth : 22 mm Band Length : 24 mm Thickness : 15 mm

Dhatu Series Dhat Dimensi : Strap Tenun ATBM Lebak Diameter Case : 50x44x14mm (Unisex) Diameter Face : 30 mm Bandwidth : 22 mm Band Length : 24 mm Thickness : 15 mm @IDDhRatu5S0e0rKies Tenun Atbm

Dhatu Maple tu Jati

Kinas Series Dimensi : Strap Tenun Baduy Lebak Diameter Case : 50x40x14mm (Unisex) Diameter Face : 30 mm Bandwidth : 22 mm Band Length : 24 mm Thickness : 15 mm @IKDinRna5s0S0eKries Tenun Atbm

Nal Nala Jati Dimensi : @INDaRla S6e0ri0eKs Tenun Atbm Strap Tenun ATBM Leba Diameter Case : 50x Diameter Face : 30 Bandwidth : 22 m Band Length : 24 m Thickness : 15 m

la Series Nala Sono ak x40x14mm (Unisex) mm mm mm mm

Leather Series Oar Maple Oar Jati Baduy Maple Leather Sawarna Maple Leather Baduy Sono Leather Sawarna Sono Leather

Oar Sono Oar Jati Saruni Sono Lea@tIhDerRS5e0ri0eKs

Kaibon Series @IKDaRib7o0n0SKeries Case Diameter : 41 x 52 mm Face Diameter : 34 mm Bandwidth : 16 mm Wrist : 200 mm Thickness : 1 cm Weight :300 gram Water Resistant :3 atm Warranty :12 Months

Caraka Jati Couple S Caraka Son Balin Jati Balin Sono @ICDaRra7k0a0-KBalin Series Dimensi Balin : Diameter Case : 36 mm Diameter Face : 27 mm Bandwidth : 18 mm Wrist : 180 mm Thickness : 10 mm Water resistant 3 atm Warranty : 12 months

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