Hitachi ID Systems, Inc.Identity and Access ManagementA Case StudyNCR Corporation Uses Hitachi ID Suite to ManagePartner AccessBackground transactions daily across retail, “Providing our customers financial, travel, hospitality, with the ability to manageHeadquartered in Duluth, telecom and technology and their users was a crucialGeorgia, NCR Corporation small businesses. need, this way we could(NYSE: NCR) is a global better focus on othercompany in consumer NCR needed a system to value-added activities fortransaction technologies with administer and delegate access our customers andover 30,000 employees and across thousands of customers partners,”does business in 180 countries. and to empower users toNCR Corporation was founded self-manage their own J.R. Zimmer,in 1884 as the first manufacturer passwords, replacing calls to an IT Senior Managerof mechanical cash registers. NCR help desk. NCR CorporationToday, their software, hardware,and portfolio of services enablemore than 550 million
“The capabilities of Hitachi ID’s application, the ease of implementation and cost were the biggestfactors influencing our decision to choose Hitachi ID Systems,” J.R. Zimmer, IT Senior Manager NCR CorporationBusiness Needs Management Suite as the best quickly and is used to manage fit for secure and efficient 100% of identities, entitlementsHundreds of thousands of administration of accounts, and passwords for NCRusers, working at thousands group memberships and customers. This automationof companies, need access to passwords, across all NCR has reduced NCR IT service callcustomer-facing applications customers and partners, volume allowed NCR to focushosted by NCR. NCR adds globally. on high value work to serve its1000 to 3000 users monthly. customers better.Due to the sheer volume, NCR Solutionfaces serious challenges in Hitachi ID’s solution deliverymaintaining up to date NCR replaced an existing, team helped NCR in thecustomer and user records home-grown system with off deployment process,NCR identified identity the shelf Hitachi ID Identity implementing a complex ADsynchronization, Manager (HiIM) and Password integration and scaling theauto-provisioning, access Manager (HiPM) to manage system up to supportcertification and security policy identities, entitlements and thousands of customers. Theenforcement as critical to credentials across systems and system “… met and exceededmitigating these challenges. applications. With HiIM, NCR our expectations” said Zimmer. customers delegateNCR already used Hitachi ID administrative users, who “We are quite satisfied withPassword Manager (HiPM) manage other users within their our purchase and continueto manage credentials for its own organization. With HiPM, to expand our licensing tointernal users. They needed to users can manage their own include additional userfind an additional solution to passwords, and get password accounts. It is a greatmanage identities, entitlements assistance from their local partnership with Hitachi IDand passwords for external administrator without calling Systems and we look forwardusers. NCR initiated a review NCR IT support. The solution to continued success”of ten IAM software vendors provides isolation, so users atand shortlisted four vendors for one customer cannot see data J.R. Zimmer,closer and detailed examination relating to another. IT Senior Managerthrough proof of concept and NCR Corporationreferences before selecting the The Hitachi ID solution wasHitachi ID Identity and Access deployed successfully andAbout Hitachi ID SystemsHitachi ID Systems delivers access governance and identityadministration solutions to organizations globally. Hitachi IDsolutions are used by Fortune 500 companies to secure access tosystems in the enterprise and in the cloud.To learn more about Hitachi ID Systems, visit,e-mail [email protected], call 1.403.233.0740 or follow@Hitachi_ID on Twitter. © Hitachi ID Systems, Inc. 2016. All rights reserved.
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