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Home Explore Leadership Development Flyer

Leadership Development Flyer

Published by 7suelee, 2017-09-10 13:26:10

Description: Leadership Development Flyer - How Birkman reports can help leaders become more self-aware, strategic, and effective at communicating with others.

Keywords: Leadership,career,self-aware,effective


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LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENTDevelop LEADERS who DRIVE GROWTH. Foster Leadership Empower through Extensive Data for that Inspires Self-Assessment In-Depth FeedbackLeading is about connecting with When aware of themselves and The Birkman Method measurespeople, not just setting the strategic others, leaders can have lasting four core aspects of personality,direction of a team. True connection impacts on those looking up to them, including Interests, Usual Behavior,and understanding allow leaders to far beyond their organizational roles. Stress Behavior, and underlyingmotivate and empower the human Accurate awareness of one’s own Needs. By reaching further intocapital within their organizations. personality is the cornerstone for more complex behavioral successful leadership development. Components, Birkman shines aLeaders must develop astute light on the unique leadership stylesawareness of their behavior and how When leaders can consistently among is received by others. leverage their own strengths and mitigate negative and reactive Birkman offers individual reports behaviors, they are empowered to as well as comparative reporting become better leaders of others. options. Comparative reporting enables leaders to see and become Birkman provides deeper self- attuned to the similarities and awareness and others-awareness, differences between themselves giving leaders insights into what their and their team and allows them to team members need to be at their best. better connect, communicate, and lead.

Insights from Birkman Develops Better LeadersThe Birkman Methodhelp leaders discover Birkman Leadership Development is not only a competitive advantage for executives, but also for the team and organization as the personality a whole.strengths that enable Birkman provides insights that help leaders: them to thrive. • Leverage their natural leadership style • Know how to stay recharged • Remain effective in high pressure moments • Lead others in ways that will meet their needs About The Birkman Method With more than 65 years of proven reliability and validity, The Birkman Method is a scientifically developed, multi-dimensional assessment that combines behavioral and occupational data to better understand oneself and others — both in and out of the work- place. Birkman’s Signature Suite is our product offering that is best suited for Leadership Development. The Birkman Signature Suite is a Birkman certified product that includes 40+ reports for growth and development. The advanced reports provide in-depth analysis and insights into personality and unique styles of leadership, including goals, approach, and motivations. Contact Birkman to Develop Your Leaders: Birkman empowers people with a wide variety of applications. Leadership Team Career Talent Sales andDevelopment Building Exploration Selection Negotiation3040 Post Oak Blvd., Ste. 1425 | Houston, TX 77056 | (800) 215-2760

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