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Home Explore Career Exploration Flyer

Career Exploration Flyer

Published by 7suelee, 2017-09-10 13:11:50

Description: how Birkman occupational and personality data can help people find the right career match for their unique strengths and passions.

Keywords: occupation,career,personality,job,strengths,passion


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CAREER EXPLORATIONDISCOVER the Right CAREER FIT. Seek Meaningful Start the Career Enhance Career Search with and Challenging Work Search from Within Personality & Professional DataWe are all wired to seek purposeful Being in tune with personality and Birkman combines behavioral andwork and experiences that resonate passions is important when occupational data, enabling individualswith who we are and our unique exploring different career avenues. to better understand the careers bestinterests. Whether it’s choosing a Self-assessment is a valuable way suited for them based on theircollege major or transitioning into a to clarify career directions and personality and Interests. Thesenew role, everyone wants to be in a capitalize on the innate preferences insights can be used as a guide forposition where they are performing that contribute to job satisfaction. exploring the career options that holdmeaningful and satisfying work. When empowered by this the highest potential for satisfaction. knowledge, individuals can betterPeople are more likely to achieve navigate towards their best fitting Birkman ranks 18 professional jobsuccess and see advancement if workplace. families and the associated jobthey are engaged in and enjoy the titles based on the similarities andwork they do. People in the workforce Birkman gives individuals a deeper differences of an individual’s uniqueare continually putting in more hours, understanding of themselves, the profile. These job titles are linkedso it is critical that individuals enjoy career options that align to one’s natural online to O*Net, the United States’their job and feel challenged. strengths, how they are motivated, and primary source of occupational what interests them in a career. information.

Insights from Birkman Enhances the Career SearchThe Birkman Methodhelp individuals find Birkman provides insights that: • Validate the career decisions and seek alternative career choices more meaningful • Build personal awareness of the strengths and motivators that and satisfying increase success careers that are • Find a working environment that feels both comfortable and tailored to challenging their personality. About The Birkman Method With more than 65 years of proven reliability and validity, The Birkman Method is a scientifically developed, multi-dimensional assessment that combines behavioral and occupational data to better understand oneself and others — both in and out of the workplace. The Birkman Basics Suite and Birkman Signature Suite are two product options that can help individuals throughout their career search: Birkman Basics is our self-interpretive report set that individuals can use to discover the most fitting jobs for their personality and interests. Birkman Signature Suite is a Birkman certified product with 40+ reporting options. In addition to career data, it includes more in-depth information about specific workplace needs and motivators that are key to employee satisfaction. Contact Birkman for Career Exploration: Birkman empowers people with a wide variety of applications. Leadership Team Career Talent Sales andDevelopment Building Exploration Selection Negotiation3040 Post Oak Blvd., Ste. 1425 | Houston, TX 77056 | (800) 215-2760

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