Your Kingdom Come Blueprint
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint IntroductionTransformation is the key word that the Church - In essence, in general and specific: Holy Spirit has been searing in the hearts of Christian Leaders. As a steward of this • In Essence - the people of Godword, we have been diligently studying what trans- • In General - the communities of faithformation look like or maybe a better thought, which have gathered togetherwhat does the Kingdom on Earth look like prac- • Specifically - North Palm (This is wheretically. Having studied the transformation series, you insert your specific community of faith)which included Almolonga, Guatemala, Canadaand the Philippians, all had some sort of chang- The church is not the Kingdom but an agency ofes or demonstrations that attracted the attention the Kingdom. In the old paradigm, the success ofof researchers much on a journey like ourselves. the church was measured in numbers- members,We believe that we are all “on to something” but attendance, finances, net worth, and the beginning stages of the revelation, which In this new paradigm, the success of the churchonly a relationship with the Holy Spirit will bring to will be measured in the effective release of disci-fruition. In our journey, we are looking at how the ples into the seven mountains, the measureablelocal church can serve as a catalyst of city trans- transformation in the region of influence and theformation. We have been laboring to put into a ability to create resources to transfer/steward inblueprint that which has been revealed to us as completing Kingdom assignments.directional movements for this time, for bothchurches and regions. Knowing that our genera- This manual serves as a blueprint for the localtion has been entrusted to steward the greatest apostolic church and regional apostolic center.harvest of all time, we walk in the fear of the Lord Measuring success looks different in this new par-as one who will stand before God to give an ac- adigm. This is a new and exciting journey. We arecount. The blueprint is dimensional: honored to share it with you. Blessings, Mark and Patricia Estes Sr. Leaders 2
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint Apostolic Blueprint for Making DisciplesLeadership Development - Apostolic Blueprint for making DisciplesStep One: - Create an environment of stewardshipFirst, begin with the people that you presently have in your fellowship. After mindset teaching, you will cat-egorize the people that you have in an effort to serve them and to know where to invest your time.We carry this thought process on with our newcomers for the same reason, to find out how to serve eachperson and where to invest our time. In this paradigm, church services, community outreaches, commu-nity of faith partnerships, conferences, concerts, social media all serve to point people to engage in a cate-gory. We love them all but invest the majority of our time in the “ARMY”.We define our categories and put them on our website, visitor packets and video promotions. Be clear withthe path. Throw the net and invest in creating an army.1.2. 3. 3
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint Apostolic Blueprint for Making DisciplesThe third category is the driving force for an apostolic church to transform society. One of the reasonsthe church has not influenced society is because the church is largely made up of converts and notdisciples. Our passion is to create world changing disciples. After the person has indicated that theydesire to be in our leadership development track, they receive this letter so they see the path beforethem: Location: 7138 Cross County Road North Charleston, SC 29418 Phone: (843)-225-4324 Mailing Address: PO Box 40655 North Charleston, SC 29423 www.northpalm.orgHello and Welcome to the North Palm Community!Thank you for inquiring about our invitation to participate in the Greatest of all Journeys! We arehonored by your interest and intrigued by your request. We believe that all who discover ourcommunity are in search of something great. It is our privilege to help you tap into that greatnesswhich is inside of you and accompany you as you encounter opportunities in which to put thatgreatness to its best use.Here at North Palm you will find a warm friendly family environment and an atmosphere conducivefor personal growth and development. Your life is an amazing journey and the path that you arecurrently walking has lead you to this place. We take your Journey seriously. As participants in thewonderful things God is doing in you, here are some tools that we offer for your continued growthand spiritual experience.The Encounter Experience:The Encounter is designed to escort you through a reflection of your life from past to present.During your Encounter experience you will come to a revelation of the Cross and the value that hasbeen placed on you as a son or daughter whom God loves more than life itself.Our Encounters are designed to serve both languages of English and Spanish. Please see languagerotations below. We also invite you to the North Palm website for a schedule of the dates and times.English- Sunday, April 29th from 9 am to 11am in The Warehouse -7167 Bryhawke Circle Suite ESpanish- Sunday, April 29th from 10 am to 12 noon in The Chapel -7138 Cross County Suite CSozo:The Sozo is a personal ministry to the soul. It is designed to bring healing and deliverance to themind, will and emotions. Personal caring counselors are trained and prepared to reach out to you andoffer relief from spiritual and emotional suffering and bring clarity to some issues that you may stillcarry from your past personal journey experience. To set up a personal one or two hours Sozo sessionplease contact the offices at (843)-225-4324. 4
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint Apostolic Blueprint for Marking DisciplesPersonal Prophetic Journey:Your life was not just meant to be lived or endured. You were meant to have an abundant life filledwith joy and fulfillment. This journey is designed by our prophetic ministry team, UPLIFTMINISTRIES, to uplift you in the three areas of body, soul, and spirit as you discover the treasurethat is in you. During this time, you will be set on a divine path that leads to your purpose and destinystarting from where you are in the present and enabling you to see where you want to be in the future.You will be accompanied by a Personal Prophetic Mentor who will speak into your life during this 4weeks Adventure. A customized Personal Prophetic Profile, Workbook Manual, and Journal amongother assessments are among the many tools used to equip you as you embark on your journeyexperience. Three Excursion Outings with your Prophetic Mentor are also included in this lifedefining opportunity.For more information, we invite you to view our prophetic website at of Discipleship:The School of Discipleship is designed to challenge you in your spiritual understanding of God’s Wordand invoke you on a quest to discover your spiritual gifts and calling. This is a training that consistsof 4 classes offered quarterly following The Encounter Experience.Classes are held on Sundays from 10:00 am - 11:00 am and on Wednesdays from 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm onthe main campus in the School of Leaders building. Please refer to the North Palm website for dates.Discovery:This is an individual scheduled session with a North Palm Leader. The session includes a GiftAssessment and Five Fold Assessment. These are tools that will enable you to find your place in thelocal community of believers as well as be a positive societal influence. You must complete the Schoolof Discipleship to advance to Discovery. You may reach out to our offices at (843)-225-4324 in orderto schedule your session.Invitation to Join a Leadership Group:Our Leadership Groups are a discipleship opportunity. These small groups are an intense training inthe area of leadership within the fellowship of North Palm as well as in society. We call these SmallGroups Columns and distinguish them by number. In order to join a group, you must have completedSchool of Discipleship and Discovery.Invitation to Join a Fivefold Group:The Fivefold Group enables you to find your “tribe” among the offices of service in the communityof North Palm as well as society. You will be trained on how to use your gifts and sharpen your skillsas you participate advancing the Kingdom of God on earth. Advanced Group- This is available aftercompleting the School of Discipleship, Discovery and Joining a Leadership Group.Again, we are honored at your desire and search. For more information on these and otheropportunities, please reach out to our offices at (843)-225-4324.Blessings,Apostles Mark and Patricia Estes 5
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint Army Mindset Training MindsetThese teachings are to be implemented as you are organizing your current congregation and maintainedas the new members of your army are enlisting. Find the best time to begin this mindset training so you canget your current participants in their categories and then add this training to your School of Discipleship.Army Mindset Training One: PillarsAs an individual we are building a home in which to live, to raise our families and from which to influencesociety. This is not a physical building but a structure. This structure either provides health and happinesswhere everyone wants to be in your home or it delivers destruction and disease. No one wants to live in ahouse of horrors. Being intentional with our Pillars will produce the Home of our dreams.Imagine a structure of four pillars which holds up a roof (a covering). This is where our attention must beto build a proper structure. All four pillars are necessary. The absence of any of them causes weakness inthe structure that leads to the collapse of the entire structure. One strong, higher pillar will also cause adistortion and eventual collapse our intended plan of success. 6
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint Army Mindest TrainingThe Pillars we must use to build success are:God - Our personal relationshipFamily - The design of GodWork - Career or SchoolMinistry - The outflowBelow is a brief description that allows our minds to begin organizing our lives for success. Many times inour endeavor for success in one area, others are left unattended and the collapse of the structure bringsdestruction.God Pillar:We are created to have a personal relationship with God. Most people intend to pray, intend to worship,and intend to read the bible - but life. We teach the stewardship of cultivating a personal DAILY time withGod. For success, we give this pillar a Time Value of 7 hours weekly and emphasize One hour a day. Ofcourse this is a model and not a yoke but the essence is with intentionally having a personal time with Goddaily.(There are many resources available to teach this Pillar as well as devotionals for the individual toimplement this time successfully)Family Pillar:Family is important to God and therefore should be so important to us that we intentionally plan and stew-ard our family pillar. We use various teachings throughout the year to reinforce the healthy family pillar.We teach in this pillar there should be intentionality with regards to family meals (sitting around the tableis important), cleaning, chores such as laundry and taking out the trash are planned so that the small foxesdo not distract and destroy. Date nights and family nights along with individual recreation and exercise areplanned in this pillar with detail for execution. Money management and stewardship of resources alongwith a plan for future seasons of life is included in this pillar. The various family structures such as singleyoung adults or those that lost their partners should also be intentionally planned to maximize life on earthand steward well our invaluable resource called time. We give this pillar a Time Value of 23 hours a week. 7
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint Army Mindset TrainingWork Pillar:Conquest, work and achievement are in the DNA of man because it is in the DNA of God. Weintentionally strive to build structures to help disciples realize that all of our life is worship unto the Lord.This area should be stewarded with excellence and the fear of the Lord. Finding their passion and monetiz-ing that passion as a job will bring great success to the individuals’ life. This pillar includes school, jobs andtraveling to and from home to work/school with a weekly time value of 60 hours.Ministry Pillar:We are made to be the flow of the Kingdom of heaven to earth. Helping each individual find their “giveback” in the body of Christ and giving the mindset of a being part of an army instead of a contributorchanges the 20 percent doing the work paradigm drastically. Teaching the importance of servantleadership and accountability with the passion to see Jesus glorified on earth produces an army committedto a common goal. The Time Value for this column is 10 hours a week and includes Sunday services andleadership training classes.Notes: The argument of not having enough time is eliminated with this mindset shift. Furthermore,stewardship of resources, especially time differentiates the life of disciples and gets the attention of theearth. We teach to measure every activity and discard the time wasters. More details in time managementare given in Army Mindset Training Two. 8
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint Army Mindset Training MindsetArmy Mindset Training Two- Time:This is an important teaching because of the lie that people believe. That lie is “There is not enough time todo everything”. In all actuality, the only problem is organization and execution. We introduce this mindsetin the School of Discipleship and on a consistent basis reinforce the teaching in our leadership training. Wealso offer personal coaching through our fivefold pastors.Although our time division in itself is not set in stone, it gives a good model for individuals to begin to con-quer time management. Beginning with the knowledge that everyone has the same time allotment of 168hours, we begin to teach the responsibility to steward these hours.Truths:• You can make more money• You can find new friends• You CANNOT get more time…make it count 9
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint Army Mindset TrainingBreakdown details:168 hours in a week..make them count!56 Hours of sleep- planned by God/demanded by the body (8 Hours a day) 7 Hours of Personal Hygiene – Appreciated by society (1 hour a day) 5 Hours for Personal appointments (dentist, doctor, hairdresser, etc) (Weekly)Everyone has 168 hours in a week. How do you steward yours? 56 Hours Sleep 100 Hours Pillar 33% Development 60%7 Hours Personal Grooming 4% 5 Hours Personal Appointments 3% 10
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint Army Mindset TrainingThis leaves 100 hours for Pillar Development.God Pillar - A specific and daily planned time is optimal for success. This time can include worship, biblereading, intercession. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT HOUR OF THE DAY.Family Pillar - Each family unit looks entirely different. But being intentional with date nights, family nights,chores, financial management, meal planning, vacation times give a success dimension to the family unit.Sometimes the schedule of a family can be a set schedule or it has to adjust weekly because of their workor school schedules.Work Pillar - This pillar includes school, work, studying and travel to and from home.Since so much time is dedicated to this pillar, we teach the importance of makingsure the purpose of producing wealth is achieved.Ministry Pillar - We teach the importance of being part of the body and moving as anarmy instead of a mob or an individual. Two hours are set aside for Sunday serviceand two hours are set aside for leadership development on Wednesday. The othersix hours are used for the ministry specific which will be discovered in each person. 100 Weekly Hours of Pillar Development Ministry Career/School God 10% 60% 7%Family 23% 11
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint Leadership DevelopmentLeadership Development Step 5 Step 4 Servant Leadership Step 3 Column Participation Step 2 Discovery Session Step 1 School of DiscipleshipEncounter 12
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint Encounter EncounterThe Encounter is part of the Leadership Development process and everyone isasked to go through the process. This is for new Christians as well as for people whohave been serving God for decades. The idea is to have everyone on the same pathso we create an army.Suggestion: Begin by taking all of your present leaders through an encounter andthen on to progress in the process so they are ready to lead others through theprocess.We host encounters quarterly and use invitations and announcements for people toregister.Note: Fivefold Evangelists are the hosts of the encounter.This is a suggested schedule for the encounter. We host ours on Sundays so that wehave childcare available.9:00-9:15 Welcome with light refreshments9:15-9:30 Worship9:30-9:50 Session One9:50-10:35 Session Two10:35-11:05 Session Three11:05-11:20 Session FourAt this time, there is a formal dismissal and the guests are encouraged to sign up forthe Sozo session, prophetic journey and School of Discipleship. The evangelists andApostles are encouraged to mingle and answer any questions the guests may haveconcerning the process.13
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint Encounter Encounter Sample InvitationNORTH PALM PRESENTS THE ENCOUNTER IS DESIGNED TO ESCORT YOUR THROUGH A REFLECTION OF YOUR LIFE FROM PAST TO PRESENT. DURING YOUR ENCOUNTER EXPERIENCE, YOU WILL COME TO A REVELATION OF THE CROSS AND THE VALUE THAT GOD HAS PLACED ON YOU AS A SON OR DAUGHTER. Our hope is to see you carry out the calling that God has placed on your life as we faithfully serve our God, our community and our circle of influence. THE WAREHOUSE FEBRUARY 18, 20187167 BRYHAWKE CIR. SUITE E 9:00AM TO 11:00AM NORTH CHARLESTON, SCFor more information, visit northpalm.orgor contact Denisse Mogollon 843-754-7802 14
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint Encounter What is an “Encounter” with God? Session 1Session Objective: To welcome each participant as a special guest and encourage them to anticipate avisitation from God into their lives during this encounterAction Point: Teaching time- 15 minutes Activation: 5 minutes(Activation after the teaching is a prayer for each person to have an open heart to receive from God duringthis encounter)Although the Lord usually communicates with us through prayer, the Bible, and quiet nudges from theHoly Spirit, sometimes He comes to us in a more dramatic way, as He did with the prophet Isaiah (see Isa-iah 6). Such moments are:UnexpectedThe word “encounter” conveys the idea of an unforeseen meeting. When Isaiah went to the temple oneday, he had no idea that something life changing was about to happen. It was just an ordinary day—untilthe Lord showed up with a dazzling display of His glory.Initiated by GodWe cannot manipulate this kind of experience. Our responsibility is simply to keep our spiritual ears openand be receptive. Then, when God has something to tell us, we’ll be ready to listen.Still happening todayBible accounts describe God having unexpected and life-changing interactions with people. Since the Lordnever changes, He continues to deal with humanity in powerful, unanticipated ways.What can you expect in an encounter with God?Although the Lord wants to talk with you every day in constant fellowship, sometimes He has something soimportant to convey that He’ll step into your life in a more dramatic way. Isaiah’s experience shows what toexpect when the Lord pays us an unannounced visit (Isaiah 6:1-9). 15
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint EncounterAn encounter with God can happen anywhere—at home, in church, during a walk, or while driving—butwherever He shows up, you’ll always feel an awesome sense of His presence. Isaiah “saw the Lord sittingon a throne, lofty and exalted, with the train of His robe filling the temple” (Isa. 6:1). Although your experi-ence will probably not be this dramatic, anytime God wants to grab your attention, He’ll make His presenceobviousWhen the Lord appeared to Isaiah, He was accompanied by angelic beings who covered their faces in utterreverence for His absolute purity and perfection as they cried out, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts”(Isa. 6:3). This glimpse into the spiritual realm overwhelmed Isaiah with an awareness of God’s glory andholiness.Living in a fallen world keeps us from truly comprehending how vast the difference is between the Lordand us. Too often we attempt to bring Him down to our level. But an encounter with God opens our eyesto recognize His unapproachable superiority.A sense of our own unworthinessOne result of an encounter with God is an immediate awareness of our own sinful condition. That’s whyIsaiah cried out, “Woe is me, for I am ruined!” (Isa. 6:5). In God’s presence the contrast between His holi-ness and our sin is magnified—not to condemn or produce feelings of self-loathing, but to help us see ourwrongdoing from His perspective so we’ll confess and repent.The sight of the Lord immediately reminded Isaiah of his own area of weakness: “I am a man of uncleanlips” (Isa. 6:5). Although believers have full forgiveness through Christ, our lives should never be dominatedby sin. As we grow in our faith, the Spirit progressively reveals behaviors and attitudes that don’t fit ournew identity in Christ.An awareness of God’s gracious forgivenessAfter encountering the Lord and facing our sins, we need to know that we’re forgiven. To cleanse Isaiah’slips, one of the seraphim touched his mouth with a burning coal from the altar. The hot coal symbolizedthe sacrificial system of atonement through which God granted His people forgiveness. For believers today,forgiveness has been accomplished once for all time by Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. 16
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint EncounterThis was the greatest act in human history, but sometimes we don’t truly appreciate His sacrifice. We’veheard about it and sung about it, but have we wept over it in gratitude? If the thought of God the Son hang-ing on a cross doesn’t move you, something’s wrong in your relationship with Him. When familiarity hasmade our hearts grow cold, an encounter with Jesus re-awakens our love and gratefulness for the magni-tude of His sacrifice.A call for ActionWhen the Lord appeared to Isaiah, He asked, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” (Isa. 6:8). He hada job for Isaiah, just as He has assignments for each of us. And sometimes, in order to move us in the rightdirection, God has to interrupt our lives with an overwhelming sense of His presence. That’s what hap-pened to Moses when he was tending sheep in the desert. Suddenly the Lord appeared to him in a burningbush and turned his life in an entirely different direction.Welcome to your Encounter. The next few hours will be hours that will mark your life forever. Welcome toNorth Palm - Encounter God Center. REVELATION OF THE CROSS Encounter Session 2For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it isthe power of God (I Corinthians 1:18 NIV).Session Objective: To lead the participant to remember the sacrifice of Jesus and to understand the lovefor them that is demonstrated on the cross.Action Point: Teaching time- 30 minutes Activation: 15 minutes(Activation after the teaching is a time of prayer, ministry and commitment or recommitment to Christ)Introduction: It is imperative that we truly grasp the significance of what Jesus accomplished by His deathon the cross. Sometimes we have heard the story of the crucifixion so often that we fail to realize what 17
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint Encounteractually took place. But when the Holy Spirit reveals to us the depth of Jesus’ sufferings on the cross andthe spiritual significance of His death, we will experience freedom in a new way in our lives.For far too many people, the cross is nothing more than a decorative piece of jewelry to hang around theirnecks. For others, it is simply a part of the scenery in the local church. But the cross is the central piece ofall Christendom. Without it, there is no forgiveness, cleansing or healing. With it, there is total freedom,peace and joy.Matthew 16:13-19Isaiah 53 – (The suffering of Christ)For centuries Israel waited for the Messiah. Seven hundred and fifty years before Christ, Isaiah saw thecross. He saw everything that happened. The Scribes and Pharisees had this great knowledge, yet they didnot recognize Him. They were obeying the commands of the Lord. They celebrated every feast day…everyreligious tradition. But they did not recognize their own Messiah because of their religious spirit.Isaiah 1:5-6Why do you continue to invite punishment? Must you rebel forever? Your head is injured, and your heartis sick. You are battered from head to foot—covered with bruises, welts, and infected wounds—withoutany soothing ointments or bandages.Isaiah 1:10-18God told Israel that what they were doing was an abomination to the Lord. Their religion was sickening tothe Lord. Being religious does not please God. God looks at the heart.Seven hundred years later Jesus looked over the city of Jerusalem and wept because they still were boundby religion and were not recognizing Him as Messiah.I want to take you to the cross. God wants you to desire the cross. 18
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint EncounterThe Last SupperThe last meal before the time of suffering begins for Christ. He felt the stress and pain of the occasion.Jesus is aware of the coming betrayal and warns the disciples that one who dines with Him will betray Him(Jn. 13:21, 26. Judas leaves to complete his arrangements to lead the authorities to Jesus. This moment hadto produce inner stress that caused Jesus to feel emotional pain. It is a painful emotion when a loved onedeserts/betrays us. It is no easy thing to deal with the failure of a friend. His pain begins at the beginningof the night (Jn. 13:30).GethsemeneThis is a very important part of the physical suffering of Christ. He entered this garden to offer prayer.It was a very painful time of prayer. Matthew reads, He was “sorrowful” (Mt. 26:37). Matthew and Markuse “very heavy” (Mt. 26:38; Mk 14:33). Gethsemane means an “olive/oil press” and this was exactly whathappened to Christ as He prayed -Isaiah 53“Crushed for our iniquities” - “embedded sin that becomes habitual – a lifestyle”The beloved physician, in the Gospel of Luke states “ And being in an agony, He prayed more earnestly: andHis sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground” (Luke 22:44).Although this is a very rare phenomenon, bloody sweat (hematidrosisor hemohidrosis) may occur in highly emotional states or in persons with bleeding disorders. As a resultof hemorrhage into the sweat glands, the skin becomes fragile and tender.The Betrayal and ArrestAs Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane, the sound and clamor of soldiers interrupts the night silence.Judas is with the temple police and leads them to the intended criminal. Judas has told them the one hekisses is the one they are to confront. In Matthew 26:49 the word translated “kiss” means “ to kiss fervent-ly”. The disciple was not to greet the master first. This was a sign of insubordination.” Judas seems to becontinuing to kiss the Lord in a kiss of deception and error.The soldiers were somewhat moved by this moment – They went backward and fell to the ground” (Jn. 18:6)this binding has been portrayed by some as tying the hands and running the rope around the neck. Theyled Jesus away like an animal. Jesus is the Lamb of God being led to be slaughtered. 19
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint EncounterThe Various TrialsAfter His arrest, Jesus faced trials with Anna’s (father in law to the High Priest) Caiaphas (high priest). Pilate,Herod, Pilate and finally Pilate pronounced judgment on Jesus.Jesus encountered physical suffering at these trials. He was subjected to being blindfolded, spat upon andbeing struck on the face.The ScourgingPilate offered the people the option of releasing Jesus or Barabbas, murderer – leader of a rebellion (aninsurrection leader). The crowd called for Barabbas and for Jesus to be crucified, “ Then Pilate thereforetook Jesus scourged Him” (Jn. 19:1)Scourging was a cruel and violent form of punishment. Some would actually die from the pain/damageof scourging. Usually the victim was tied to a whipping post. The large post causes the victim’s back tostretch the skin tightly as the arms extended around the post. The Law allowed the Jews to whip a person39 times. The Romans did not have such a law, and it is unknown exactly how many lashes Jesus received.One might could hypothetically calculate if the whip and 9 strands (the whip was nicknamed, cat-of-nine-tails) and Jesus was struck the legal number of times allowed for Jews, which would be 39, then Jesus hadapproximately 351 deep, furrow-like stripes placed on His back.Spiritual ImplicationsThe spiritual implications of this act are prophetic and real.Psalm 129:3“The plowers plowed upon my back: they made long their furrows.”Isaiah 50:6“I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair.”Isaiah 53:5“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of ourpeace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.”This act of scourging was in fact a prophetic event that was part of the spiritual and physical healing ofmankind. Some even suggest that with each lash that the soldier was striking Jesus, he was assuring thehealing of God’s people. 20
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint EncounterThe Crown of Thorns and the Purple Robe“The crown of thorns has been regarded as an instrument of torture. They placed this purple robe onan already wounded back from the scourging. The crown of thorns produced more pain and blood loss.When the robe was jerked from the back of Jesus it had adhered to the blood and serum and this causedmore pain and recurring bleeding.Medical ImplicationsUp to this point Jesus and been subjected to betrayal, hematidrosis (bloody sweat), false accusations, Hisface had been slapped, He had been spat upon, scourged, a crown of thorns placed on His head, a purplerobe ripped off His wounded back, and physical exhaustion caused Jesus to deal with severe pain. Beforethe actual crucifixion, Jesus’ physical condition was at least serious and possibly critical.The Journey to GolgothaPilate ordered Jesus to be crucified. From Pilate’s hall to Golgotha was a journey of approximately 650yards. The street was crowded along the way. Enemies of Jesus were snarling additional insults as Jesuscarried His cross.Isaiah says that His appearance was so disfiguring that He was not even recognizable (Isa. 52:14). Finallyarriving at Calvary, the spotless Lamb of God was nailed to the rough wooden cross, bearing the sins of allmankind.Hanging naked on the cross, Jesus bore further humiliation and had to endure the mocking of the crowd,who said, “He saved others, but He can’t save Himself” (Mark 15:31). Little did they know that the Son ofGod hung willingly from that cross, bearing the penalty for their sins and the sins of all to come. He wastotally alone, forsaken by God and man. But we must never forget that it was God’s plan for Jesus to die onthe cross in payment for our sins. Jesus gave His life willingly for us; it was not taken from Him. Considerthe cost of what Jesus did for you. Radically renounce and turn from all known sin in your life. Receiveforgiveness for every wrongdoing that you have ever committed. Embrace God’s forgiveness as a gift. Youcannot earn it; it has already been paid in full. They took Jesus to Calvary and nailed Him to the cross. 21
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint Encounter Forgiveness is the Key Session 3Session Objective: To lead the participant to walk in freedom with the key of forgivenss.Action Point: Teaching time- 20 minutes Activation: 10 minutes(Activation after the is a lead experience to activate forgiveness. See conclusion at the end of the teaching )Escape the enemy’s deadly trap of un-forgiveness. This is one of the most deceptive snares that Satan usesto get believers out of the will of God. Most people, who are ensnared by it, don’t even realize it. Don’t befooled! You will encounter offense, and it’s up to you how it will affect your relationship with God. Yourresponse will determine your future. If offense is handled correctly, you will become stronger rather thanbitter. It is important that we stay free from offense and escape the victim mentality.You may think:• Why am I compelled to tell “my side” of the story?• How can I fight thoughts of suspicion or distrust?• What can I do to stop rehearsing past hurts?• How can I regain trust after someone deeply offends me?This teaching will help you escape the enemy’s “offensive trap” as well as empower you to stay free of of-fense, enabling you to have an unhindered relationship with God. 22
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint EncounterBible Verses and Key Points:Luke 17:1It is impossible that no offenses should come.” Jesus Himself said we are going to be offended at somepoint in our life; there’s no getting around it.Psalm 55:12-14In this verse, King David cried out that the sting of betrayal from someone he was especially close to wasunbearable for him. The truth is “The closer the relationship, the more severe the offense.” How true thatis!2 Timothy 3:2In the last days, Christians will become selfish and self-centered.2 Timothy 2:24-26Pride can cloud our minds and harden our hearts. It prevents us from seeing and dealing with the truth andkeeps us trapped. Pride causes us to view ourselves as victims and to justify our actions.The fruit of offense• Hurt• Anger• Bitterness• Resentment• Hatred• Critical spirit• Fear of relationships• Numbness• Rejection• Isolation• Depression.Can you identify any of these in your life? 23
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint EncounterHow God purifies us:1 Peter 1:6-7• He purifies us by allowing us to go through trials and tribulations that test our faith.• God desires for our character to reflect Him.• As a Christian, we must be willing to forgive even if the person has not asked for forgiveness or if theperson has not even changed their behavior.ConclusionAsk the Holy Spirit to help you forgive:• Holy Spirit show me who has hurt me that I have not forgive• Holy Spirit takes all roots of un-forgiveness out of my heart.• Remove bitterness, offense, hatred, and rejection from my life.• I leave from your altar changed and free of all offenses. Celebrate Life Session 4We would like to take this opportunity to invite you on the greatest journey of your life – to discover youand your great purpose on earth. Today, you can sign up to be part of a great family and experience addi-tional keys that God has for you to walk in your fullness.Sign up:• Sozo Session (individual)• Prophetic Journey (individual)• School of Discipleship (group)Dismissal 24
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint SOZO & Prophetic Journey Sozos and Prophetic JourneysWe use these tools to help catapult individuals into their destinies. In the beginningpart of the discipleship process, we concentrate on forgiveness, inner healing anddestiny. By large, these are the areas that Satan has worked to hook the individualinto cycles, which prevent a person from walking in the fullness of destiny. Anyinner healing, deliverance and prophetic word based component can be placed inthis part of the journey.Sozos - Ministry of the Fivefold PastorsThe Sozo is a personal ministry to the soul. It is designed to bring healing and deliverance to the mind, willand emotions. Personal caring counselors are trained and prepared to reach out to you and offer relieffrom spiritual and emotional suffering and bring clarity to some issues that you may still carry from yourpast personal journey experience. To set up a personal one or two hours Sozo session please contact theoffices at (843)-225-4324.Prophetic Journeys- Ministry of Fivefold ProphetsA Personal Prophetic Journey is a 4 week uniquely customized journey with only you in mind. During thisintense personal adventure, you will follow a Biblical based growth plan developed specifically for you byyour own prophetic mentor. Together you and your mentor will engage in a discovery excursion threetimes during your journey . For more information, please contact us. We look forward to making yourreservation for our next adventure. Personal Investment of: $125.00 (Includes materials and excursions). 25
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint School of Discipleship School of DiscipleshipEach step of the discipleship process incorporates the need to decide to move forward. This processproduces the best fruit “that remains”. We are intentional of having sons and daughters and not slaves.So when the Encounter experiences ends, each person has the opportunity to sign up for the School ofDiscipleship (SOD). This is a four-week course offered on either Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings.The guest decides which works best for their schedule. This is a ministry of the Apostles and the fivefoldteacher.During sessions 3 and 4, the last 15 minutes of the class is reserved for an assessment. One is a spiritual giftassessment and the other is a fivefold assessment. The results of these are given at the Discovery Session,which follows the SOD.Session Syllabus (Level 1)Meeting Place: SOL BuildingOffice Phone: (843) 225-4324E-mail Address: [email protected] Page: http://northpalm.orgSession hours: 10:00AM -11:00AM Sundays or 7:00PM - 8:00PM WednesdaysDescriptionNorth Palm School of Discipleship (SOD) is designed for individuals that areready to take the next step in their relationship with God. SOD is aimed to equipthe students with the necessary tools for efficient growth as a person, believer,and as a leader. The focus is not only on the context of faith but also on a varietyof important matters. An emphasis is on development of basic leadership skillsalong with basic Bible and Kingdom knowledge.OrganizationThese sessions involve lecture, presentation and group interaction, using tactical toolsand methods integrated through the Bible. Students will be given assignments to becompleted both during class and outside of the classroom and a final test. 26
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint School of DiscipleshipSession Objectives1. To introduce the student to basic Biblical and Kingdom knowledge2. To introduce the student to basic leadership skills and knowledge3. To introduce the student to basic inter-relational skills and knowledge4. To introduce the student to the Apostolic Church Structure5. To introduce the student to the supernatural power of God.6. To introduce the students to the Kingdom of God and its unlimited resources. Session Syllabus1. Session I• North Palm: Who and What We Are!• Foundations – Learn How to Enjoy a Life of Peace, Healing, Victory, Freedom and Joy(Salvation, Repentance, Forgiveness, New birth, Battle of the Mind)Material: North Palm Manual, Dr. Randy Clark: Ministry Team Training Manual2. Session II• The Head and Not the Tail: Learn How Average People Become Great Leaders(Servant as a Leader, Traditional Models of Leadership Jesus, A Model of Leadership)Material: Servant First by John Sullivan3. Session III• Living Supernaturally/Learn to Live in an Atmosphere of Transformation and Miracles(Prayer, Praise, The Bible, Hosting the Presence)Material: Dr. Randy Clark: Ministry Team Training Manual, Hosting The Presence by Pastor Bill Johnson4. Session IV• Kingdom’s Strength: Learn How to Overcome Every Obstacle by Accessing the Kingdom’sUnlimited Power.(The Apostolic structure)Material: Apostolic School by Dr. David McDonald 27
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint Discovery Session Discovery SessionThis is an scheduled individual session with a North Palm Apostle. The session includes a Gift Assessmentand Fivefold Assessment. These are tools that will enable each person to find their place in the local com-munity of believers as well as be a positive societal influence. The individual must complete the School ofDiscipleship to advance to Discovery.Notes:• Prior to the session, a folder is prepared with the individuals name and included in the folder is the Discovery Session Control Sheet, graded assessments, and Column Assignment form• The session is in an office setting and is scheduled for one hour (couples are encouraged to attend a Discovery Session together and it is best to schedule them for 1.5 hours)• Session outline - Welcome/ Prayer - Ask them to share about their life and conversion story. (This brings an immediate connection and makes the person feel valued) - Use the control sheet to gauge what areas the person needs to be encouraged to plan in their lives-such as being filled with the Spirit or baptized in water - Go over assessments - Offer the next step- for them to begin attending weekly Leadership Development Sessions on Wednesdays from 7-9pm. Once they commit, assign them to a Column (discipleship group) and the correct fivefold (we do not assign to fivefold apostles) - Pray blessings and end the session• After Session, send the name of the new disciple to the column leader and to the fivefold leader along with their contact information. The leaders will then in return contact them and make sure they under- stand all details and logistics for the sessions. 28
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint Discovery SessionDiscovery Session Control Sheet School of Discipleship Discovery SessionDate: ____________________________Name(s): _________________________________________________________________Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Email: _____________________________________________________________________Phone number: ___________________________________________Senior Leader hosting session: ____________________________________ Church verse the Kingdom_____ Membership verses Covenant_____Parts of Covenant – Attendance, tithe and offering, accountability_____ Discovery Analysis- Gift and fivefold_____ Sozo_____ Prophetic Journey_____ Baptized in Water_____ Discipleship Group OpportunityNotes:Column Assignment: ____________ Fivefold Assignment: __________ 29
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint Weekly Leadership Development Weekly Leadership DevelopmentAfter completing the process, the disciple now enters into the LeadershipDevelopment track. The training is held weekly on Wednesdays from 7-9 pm. Weoffer childcare and children’s ministry on this evening as well.Format:1 st hour: Assembly in the sanctuary- consists of testimony, worship, leadershipupdates.2 nd hour: Breakout- Discipleship Columns, Fivefold Teams, Specialty ClassesDefinitions:Discipleship Columns:Our Leadership Groups are a discipleship opportunity. These small groups are anintense training in the area of leadership within the fellowship of North Palm as wellas in society. We designate “Primary Leaders” to lead each group. In the beginning,one person served as the Primary Leader of a group of up to 12 people. We now usea team of 2 or 3 primary leaders per a group of 12. Discipleship groups are assignedfor natural synergy. For example: Youth Girls ages 12-14, Yg. Men 18-20,Intercessors.Notes:• We use 12 as the maximum number of disciples per group as a “government”.• Beginning with 6 groups, we multiplied the first year to 12 groups, we now have 17 groups. The 17 groups have an average of 2 primary leaders in each group for a total of 34 primary leaders. With 17 groups of 12, we have 204 in the regular leadership training level plus the 34 so that gives 238 attend- ing discipleship training. In the next two years, we are projecting to double the discipleship groups to 34. With the same averages, the projection would be 68 primary leaders, 408 leaders for a total of 476 strong, committed disciples. Healthy groups can double within 2 years.• Objective- The groups provide a close bond of family and support each other in the process of growth.• Primary Leaders receive a discipleship lesson with activation guidelines for each meeting. 30
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint Weekly Leadership DevelopmentFivefold Teams:The Five Fold Group enables each disciple to find their “tribe” among the offices of service in the commu-nity of North Palm as well as society. They are trained on how to use their gifts and walk in their offices tosharpen their skills to participate advancing the Kingdom of God on earth. Our groups at this time includeProphets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers. Our apostles meet at different times but assist in the trainingof the other four offices. The objective is to mature the fivefold to have as many 4 and 5 level in each team.North Palm Fivefold Responsibilities:Apostles:• Guidance to Leadership Columns• Administration and Goal Setting• Enlarging physical facilities• City care launch• People group and Nations Discipleship• Launch 7m Economic Development Group• Launch 7m-Costa RicaProphets:• School of the Prophets• Monthly Declarations• Cherith- Adult and Children• Prophetic Journey• Hosting Prophetic Website for Words for the Region• 1 Annual Conference• Support to Apostles• Support to Levites• Prophetic Art 31
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint Weekly Leadership DevelopmentEvangelists:• Treasure Hunts• Fire Starter School• Encounters• Water Baptism• Prayer Sets• Social Media Testimonies• Cell Groups• 1 Annual ConferencePastors:• Life Celebrations- Weddings, baby showers, bridal showers,• Life Supports- Funerals, hospital visits, shut-ins, emergencies• SOZO• Deliverance• Men’s/Women’s/Children’s Ministries• Special Day Celebrations- Easter/July 4 th /Thanksgiving/Christmas• Family Day• 1 Annual ConferenceTeachers:• School of Discipleship• School of Leadership• Blogs/Devotionals• Communion• Financial/Stewardship Teaching• Seven Mountain Training• Emerging Truths• Emerging Strategies• 1 Annual Conference32
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint Weekly Leadership DevelopmentSpecialty Classes:On occasion, we use this leadership development to teach emerging topics or rhematopics to the entire leadership. These topics have included: January AnnualLeadership Launch, Courts of Heaven teaching, Financial Stewardship, andCommunity Stewardship.Sample Quarterly ScheduleMonth 1 Hour One- Assembly Week 1: Hour Two: Discipleship Columns Week 2: Hour One- Assembly Hour Two: Discipleship Columns Week 3: Hour One- Assembly Hour Two: Discipleship Columns Week 4: Hour One- Assembly Hour Two: Discipleship ColumnsMonth 2 Hour One- Assembly Week 1: Hour Two: Fivefold Breakout Teams Week 2: Hour One- Assembly Hour Two: Fivefold Breakout Teams Week 3: Hour One- Assembly Hour Two: Fivefold Breakout Teams Week 4: Hour One- Assembly Hour Two: Fivefold Breakout Teams 33
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint Weekly Leadership DevelopmentMonth 3 Hour One- Assembly Week 1: Hour Two: Specialty Teaching Week 2: Hour One- Assembly Hour Two: Specialty Teaching Week 3: Hour One- Assembly Hour Two: Discipleship Columns Week 4: Hour One- Assembly Hour Two: Discipleship Columns 34
Mark & Patricia Estes, Your Kingdom Come Blueprint 35
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