HOW TO INCREASE SALES WITH THE RESTAURANT VIP PROGRAM 1. SHARE tt&Ironraedccftarfueieycsna,twtsoisoeimatnhlfeeorso,t 3. DELIVER GIFT Ask customer if they would like Customer receives a reply to join your VIP rewards club. text and email containing You provide a compelling their free gift, via trackable offer: free drink, dessert, %off, coupons etc. 4. INCREASE 2. JOIN SALES Customer texts your You can now market to special keyword to join your customers whenever your club. you wish, and create business on demand. Instantly send special offers so you can drive more sales!
HAVE YOUR GUESTS JOIN THE VIP CLUB IN 1 OR 4 WAYS Manual Form Table Tent Social Media Your Website
A FULLY AUTOMATED LOYALTY REWARDS PROGRAM Why Are More and More Restaurants Using Our Restaurant VIP Program? ...Because Hands Down Our Automated Loyalty Rewards Program Is The Single Most Effective Restaurant Marketing Tool On The Planet! We believe that every restaurant, no matter their size, should have access to the same marketing tools that the big chains use. Our goal is to make customer loyalty & rewards programs affordable to help restaurants get the maximum return on their marketing expenditures
Check Out Restaurant VIP Program. If you are looking for the best Restaurant Loyalty Rewards Program on the planet... If it even sounds like something you might want to know more about you owe it to yourself to call me. It’s definitely worth a few minutes of your life to understand what a game changer this for restaurants and their owners. You can continue to read this, or you can simply give me a call at (919) 375-3754.
IMAGE IF YOU COULD INCREASE SALES ON DEMAND. • Imagine all of your data for one or more • Imagine you had a system that could capture bad restaurants was separated and neatly organized reviews before they ever get posted so you can in a fully automated customer management react or fix it and capture positive reviews and put system. them right where you want to on any social platform you desire and boost your ratings in a • Imagine an automated system that sends out matter of days. birthday and anniversaries certificates that are trackable • Imagine a system that sends out SMS, Email and Messengers on demand • Imagine Mailers done for you without you lifting a finger. • Imagine a life with FREE Time and plenty of cash to enjoy it! • Imagine Powerful Communication Tools All Neatly Tied Together (Email, SMS, Messenger • And Much More... details below Bots, Direct Mail). • Imagine Full Digital Marketing Integration - Plug and Play with the largest Social Media Platforms on the planet. FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter, and You Tube. • Imagine you had a program that could separate out catering customers and increase sales on
EXPLODE YOUR AUTOMATED MARKETING!. Everything you can think of to reward your loyal guests & clients and keep in touch with them through direct mail, email, voice broadcasts, text messaging and social media outlets like FaceBook, Instagram & Twitter! Welcome Post Card On Demand Email Sent after sign-up: a postcard Direct Customized emails is mailed giving the guest generated by us at our convenience double points on their next visit to communicate the message or or a customized offer. marketing offer of our choice. We recommend sending these between Recurring Email the radar emails with smaller Direct engaging customized emails specific promotions. sent with trivia question/fun facts and offer for the restaurants sent SMS Text Messaging out bi-monthly by brand. This email No need for a separate system, the also alerts the recipient of their system handles this as well. You can text directly to your members current point balance and distance any offer or message you desire. to the next award.
EXPLODE YOUR AUTOMATED MARKETING!. Birthday Mailers ½ Birthday Mailers The number one reason people go Knowing birthdays are a big draw we have a cute ½ to a restaurant – Their Birthday! birthday card that goes out and says we know it is not your birth- day but you are ½ way there so you should We send each member an offer for a FREE meal (up to $10) for their come in and celebrate with ½ off an entrée. birthday. The industry statistic on Anniversary Mailers this mailer is a high return with multiple diners, 3.2 people per The number two reason people go to a restaurant – discount, generating increased Their Anniversary! We send each member an offer for revenue of between $20 and $30 up to per offer redeemed. $10 off a multi course meal for two for their anniversary. Birthday diners do not dine alone. Lost Guest Mailers This is a mailer to guests that have not been in 30, 60 or 90 days with an offer that is sent notifying them of their current point balance and expressing our concern over where they have been. Headlines include – We Miss You! We Are Starting To Get Worried! We Are Prepared To Send Out A Team To Find You!
The Rockstar The Executive The A Lister Schedule A Demo Today Schedule A Demo Today Schedule A Demo Today ● Everything from our DIY Program PLUS!! ● Loyalty and Rewards Everything from our DWU Program PLUS!! ● Unique SMS Phone Number ● Up to 2000 SMS Message Per month ● Our Proprietary Automated Birthday and ● Monthly Industry Expert Interview Call ● Up to 3500 message per month. ● Monthly Successful Restauranteur Call ● We build and schedule all your Emails Anniversary system ● Monthly Training Call ● A Custom Dashboard SMS and Direct Mail Media. ● Up to 1000 SMS messages per month. Mailed to you monthly ● Unlimited Email Blasts per month. ● Swipe and Deploy Packet ● Monthly One on One Strategy Call. ● Provide customer capture forms. ● Book of the mail ● Invitation to a powerhouse mastermind ● Table Tents and Posters ● Massive Action Planner ● Website, Facebook, Blog Links to ● Private Master Mind Facebook Group of other D4U member ● First In Line Support ● Dedicated Account Advisor capture customer information ● Birthday and Anniversary Mailers at .99 each ● Facebook New Customer Messenger ● The Marketing Planner and call ● No Set Up Fee’s ● No contracts cancel any time campaign cold birthday and New mover
READY TO GET STARTED. You Must Think about what you are going to do to prevent your guests from going to your competitors The Simplest & Easiest Solution: Because all you need to do is Simply & Easily Sign up your customer up. Everything Else Is Automated Schedule A Demo of Our Premium and Exclusive One Of A Kind Technology CALL TODAY 919-375-3754
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