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Home Explore On the Table Issue 3

On the Table Issue 3

Published by andrew.christo, 2019-05-10 02:22:22

Description: On the Table Issue 3

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On FEATHEROOM 03 | | 2019 03 ISSUE: the Table

| | 03 TUROSI 2018 | BRINGING EXCELLENCE TO THE TABLE Contents HEAD OF THE TABLE: OUR SITES: 03: Our CEO Report 30: The Road To Sustainability 04: From GM – FP 05: Thomastown OUR BRANDS: 06: Geelong 34: Marketing Update 07: Broadmeadows OUR PARTNERS: 08: Eagle Farm 38: QSR Travels 09: Farming OUR PEOPLE: OUR CULTURE: 40: Turosi Community 10: Welcome Notice Board 11: Vision, Mission, Values 43: Four Ways To Increase 12: Not On My Watch Happiness On and Off The Job. 44: Years Of Service OUR COMMUNITY: 46: Tense Times 16: Turosi Giving Update 48: A Well Oiled Machine 20: Golf Day 50: The Copper Whisperer 24: Bring In The Cllowns 52: Meet The Farmer 26: Broadmeadows Takes 54: Save The Date Us To Hawaii 27: Smith Family Thank You Geelong Pink Hairnet Day RECIPE: St Mary’s Golf Day La Ionica Chicken and Leek 28: Another Day In Victory Vol-au-vents 29: Kids Day Out With Diversitat

| FEATHEROOM 03 | WELCOME Well here we are, already at edition should remind us all of the part Over the next month or so, I intend to three and well into 2019; it seems we each need to play in biosecurity. visit all locations to provide an update like Christmas was only yesterday. We have a strong commitment to on where we are at and where we see a food safety culture and it is the future. I look forward to meeting Since I last wrote to you all, the business has continued to be imperative that each of us fulfill our with you all over this time. challenged by the impact of the obligations when it comes to the In the meantime, why don’t you drop drought in Eastern Australia. Our safety of our products. Our business me a line and let me how you are feed price has continued to increase relies on each of us doing our part going, and what you think needs to and there are reports of a continuing to ensure our products are safe be done to assist our business to El Niño weather event, which may to consume. move forward. My email address continue to affect feed prices Hand in hand with our commitment is [email protected] well into 2020. As feed constitutes to food safety, are our commitments Until next time, my regards 35 percent of our cost, the current to all other areas of the business. and continuing drought remains a We recently launched our ‘Not On My significant concern for us. Watch’ campaign, which is a personal commitment by all of us to do our Our farming division continues to improve across all areas, with broiler part. We have also engaged the performance being at levels not seen services of an independent third party before. Well done to all concerned. to handle any employee complaints and concerns on our behalf. You can Our business has continued to learn more about this program on perform at a level that I know we page 12 of this magazine. are capable of, as we continue to work through integration issues. Our recent golf day was a great CHRIS TURNER The management group understand success. Many thanks to our Turosi CEO that whilst these issues may be team for their slick organization, frustrating for individuals and and to our trading partners for their departments, we are now moving support and participation. It is forward and I see a bright future for particularly pleasing to see the the Turosi group. increasing number of employees generously contributing to Turosi Recent food poisoning issues with Giving. With the company’s dollar listeria and salmonella in the media for dollar matching, we will be able regarding eggs and prepared meals to continue ‘to make a difference’.

| | 04 HEAD OF THE TABLE FROM GM – FP We are fast approaching the first ever compromising our quality and anniversary of the merger between standards, we will reap the rewards Turi Foods and OSI. It has been a that this merger identified early in challenging year, but we continue planning. We all need to be focussed to make progress as we work through on the same goal of becoming one of these challenges to achieve the Australia’s leading and most reliable best outcomes for our people and food manufacturers. our customers. I had the pleasure of joining the Turosi I spend my time between Eagle Farm Giving team for dinner at the recent and Broadmeadows and things are golf day. It was a wonderful opportunity extremely busy at both plants. There is to meet and thank our supporters, and a great deal of collaboration between to witness how engaged our guests all of the teams at these locations, with were with the event. It is heart-warm- a great deal of support and sharing of ing to hear the stories and to be in a ideas and skills moving between them. position to support a cause, such as the Clown Doctors, who work directly with It is amazing to see the growth which has occurred at Broadmeadows over children in hospitals. This goes hand in the last 12 months. The site, which hand with our ongoing support of many previously employed approximately other children’s charities, including 70 people, now has in excess of 200 Ronald McDonald House Charities. employees. The breadth and depth of Turosi Giving does a wonderful job of the team has had to change to enable supporting children’s charities, one the teams to expand production. we can all be proud of. For those of you who celebrate Rising commodity costs are putting increased pressure on profitability Easter, I wish you all a happy time due to the significant drought being with your families. experienced across all sectors of I hope you enjoy reading this edition agriculture – our operation like all of our magazine. sectors is feeling the impact of Until next time, these cost pressures. I am confident however, that if we continue to focus John Flynn on becoming more efficient, without General Manager, Further Processed

| HEAD OF THE TABLE 05 | THOMASTOWN Welcome to a new year! We have had audits, which I am proud to say that a great start to 2019. It was terrific to we pass with flying colours. see all employees back and refreshed All of our plants undergo quite intensive to take on yet another exciting year. external audits from governing bodies We have successfully made it through and major customers. This should give another summer and now look forward comfort to the Australian public that to welcoming the cooler temperatures. our food is of a very high standard. It Hot days and nights provide for some is important that our employees take tense times in our industry. Farmers this responsibility very seriously, and work hard to keep birds as cool as we urge them all to let us know if they possible, and this extends to the see something they believe should be transportation and arrival at the brought to our attention. processing plants. All endeavours Our success as a company very much are made to ensure we are taking depends on team work and on each of the best care of our birds. us working towards the same goal. Things continue to go smoothly here With regards to the plant, there has not at Thomastown. Whilst the rest of the been a lot of change at Thomastown. business deals with the challenges of We continue to make small alterations integrating the two businesses, our in order to achieve the best outcomes. focus is on refining processes and We are currently in the planning phase consolidating procedures to ensure of another capital upgrade, which I hope we are efficient and producing the to share with you in a future edition. highest quality products we can. I take this opportunity to welcome Dick The teams here take enormous pride de Jonge to the team at Thomastown in knowing they are responsible who has recently joined us in the role for producing food. With that, they of Senior Production Manager. We understand why it is so important for wish him well as he settles into his us to have such a strong focus on food new position. safety. Our Quality Assurance team keep us all in check to ensure we Until next time, comply with all regulations, and this shows when it comes to external Robert Peterson Operations Manager, Thomastown

| | 06 HEAD OF THE TABLE GEELONG As we commenced 2019, the Geelong Since then, the site has completed workforce have shown their compassion Woolworths Supplier Excellence and and generosity and experienced first Coles CFMSR audits, along with hand how their small contribution can McDonalds Supplier Workplace make a real difference when supporting Accountability audits. people in genuine need of help. Turosi’s primary processing sites On the 8th January, and with the hosted John Wise, Vice President of coordination skills of Fiona Wilkins Operations for Amick Farms, an (Supervisor) and ably assisted by American Poultry Processing company Leanne Shanks and Kathy Williams, owned by OSI. Also, Andrew Wheeler, our second Pink Hairnet Day in support McDonalds ANZ Supply Chain Manager of the McGrath Foundation was held. visited Geelong for an overview and All employees were invited to make plant tour. Recently, Lindsay Beukes a gold coin donation, resulting in (Technical Manager) and Renee $1032.40 being raised to help fund Parsons (Supply Chain Analyst) from McGrath Breast Care Nurses. KFC visited to observe our production trial of KFC Boneless Hot & Spicy Less than a week later, the employees came together again to support, both which starts Easter Week. emotionally and financially, the partner Our workforce has continued to grow, and young children of a workmate who adding to the already considerable and had unexpectedly passed away. His experienced teams across all areas of workmates, in sending their deepest the Geelong Region. Since the merger, sympathy, also raised $3530 to ease many employees have achieved service some of the financial burden for the milestones which are acknowledged family. Turosi Giving contributed an later in this edition. Of note, Turosi additional $2000 to support this cause. Geelong now has 51 employees with greater than 20 years of service and The months of January and February have seen Turosi Geelong hosting of those, 14 have 30 plus years. several audits and visitors. In early A warm welcome to all new employees January, the site hosted Australia’s and a thank you to all our workforce “first Global Nando’s Food Safety and for their support. Quality Audit closely followed by a Halal Certification Audit. Don Heath Operations Manager, Geelong

| HEAD OF THE TABLE 07 | BROADMEADOWS It had been a busy first quarter of the Planning is well underway for the year at Broadmeadows. Average weekly Cook Line upgrade, with a number volume has risen substantially, with of equipment suppliers engaged and continued growth predicted for the rest orders placed. We are planning to of the year. There have been challenges complete the project in August, which along the way and I would like to thank is an aggressive timeline, but I am Eagle Farm for their volume support, confident that we will deliver. allowing the Broadmeadows team to I would like to welcome our newest work through and rectify a number members to the management team. of equipment issues. Zjelka Maric has joined the team as The team has been working hard the site Afternoon Shift Manager, Mark to get the site to the next stage of Lindfield as Maintenance Supervisor, performance, delivery and culture. Walid Douar as Site Finance Manager. A focussed effort from all managers Welcome also to all site staff who have in various team training and update recently joined the Broadmeadow steam. meetings has seen team engagement We have had our second site fundraising rise to the next level. We have also effort for Turosi Giving, with our facilitated a number of high level Hawaiian themed morning tea. Well customer visits, which have given the done to Moe Khan for organising the teams the opportunity to showcase event. The morning was great fun and the site in a positive light. Feedback a great opportunity for the team to has been very positive and I would like share a few laughs to thank all department managers and their teams for a great effort in There are still many challenges to ensuring the site looks at its best, face as we move the site to the next inside and out. step from a productivity, quality and cost perspective, however the We have a large capital agenda to Broadmeadows team are driven complete this year with approvals for a and committed to deliver. new inspection X-ray and an upgrade to our Cook Line. The X ray has been I look forward to reporting site progress installed/commissioned and has in the next edition of On the Table. already made a significant improvement Scott Perry to the poultry inspection process. Operations Manager, Broadmeadows

| | 08 HEAD OF THE TABLE EAGLE FARM Turosi’s Eagle Farm site continues New quality compliance standards to grow steadily, with a great start come into effect in 2019 for Global Food to this new year. We continue to Safety Initiative (GFSI) and other key transfer part of our chicken production customer quality certifications. The to Broadmeadows as we work together Eagle Farm BRC audit is scheduled to achieve the best outcomes for the for July this year. business and for our customers. From December 2018, the nuggets The Eagle Farm facility is now able produced on the Eagle Farm site will be to source its electricity usage needs produced on the fully cook line. Up until on the open market. This is possible this time, Eagle Farm was producing because of Queensland Government par fry nuggets. An upgrade is planned legislative changes which came into for the Eagle Farm cook line pack off effect in late 2018, allowing companies area in the second quarter of 2019. on embedded electricity networks the Eagle Farm staff were lucky enough freedom to source their own electricity. to participate in a Turosi corporate The ability to buy electricity on the open photoshoot in November 2018, and we market will provide Eagle Farm with also had the opportunity to hear about significant electricity cost savings all the great work being done by the in 2019. Turosi Giving. I was extremely proud In March this year, a new disc separator of how our staff embraced this part of will be installed in the waste water the business and took the opportunity treatment plant. This replaces a high to become involved in our Workplace speed single phase centrifuge which Giving Program. was previously used to separate solid waste. The new disc separator will Greg Rich greatly reduce the level of solid waste Operations Manager generated and removed from the Eagle Eagle Farm, QLD Farm waste water treatment plant.

| HEAD OF THE TABLE 09 | FARMING Summer has been a challenge for systems, or misted air cooling the Farming Department, as it is every systems, and of course to supply year, and as I write this, we are hoping critical drinker water. As such, there the worst is over and look forward must be various alarms on the water to some beautiful temperate supply to ensure a manager/grower Autumn days. is notified immediately if there is an interruption to supply, so they can Summer involves managers and staff working longer than normal hours to address it. ensure all of the birds are cool in the Our Nagambie and Stewarton sites are sheds, and that everything is running sometimes challenged by water supply optimally. Sometimes it may involve and this year we have had to transport checking the sheds a few times a several loads to the sites to ensure we night during the hottest periods, had ample supply to avoid running out. just to ensure they are running Our hatcheries are also challenged smoothly. Even the slightest hiccup by the hot weather and they really with an environmental controller or the need to monitor their environmental sheds mechanisms can create havoc. systems very closely so that all of the All of the sheds require multiple eggs hatch, and it doesn’t interrupt the alarm systems to alert the managers supply of chicken to the growers and /growers of any little issue that then on to the consumers. may impact a shed. They monitor: I take this opportunity to thank all staff temperature, humidity, water flow, for their extra commitment and care fan operations, feeders, silos, shown over the warmer months. electrical components and so on. Some sheds even have cameras On a different note, we have had some filming the birds so that a manager site visits and presentations from the can check on the birds at any time Turosi Giving group and I am pleased to from their phone. say that farming teams have had some of the highest rates of giving from all of Sheds that house breeder and broiler the site presentations. Well done team! (birds for processing) birds, are totally reliant on water, either for Joel Kopanica sophisticated evaporative cooling Farming Operations Manager

| | 10 OUR CULTURE WELCOME We would like to welcome our newest board member. MARK RICHARDSON Mark joined OSI in 2001 as Director of Supply Chain for the company’s Asia Pacific zone. After relocating from Australia to the U.S. in 2009, he has held a series of senior positions within the company. He currently serves as Senior Vice President of OSI’s Global Supply Chain and Managing Director of the company’s businesses in Australia and India. Mark received his MBA from Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management in Chicago and his Undergraduate Degree in Meat Science from the Victorian University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia. Mark has also recently established an International Programs Advisory Committee for the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES) at the University of Illinois.


| | 12 OUR CULTURE COMPANY WIDE LAUNCH RECENTLY, TUROSI LAUNCHED THE ‘NOT ON MY WATCH CAMPAIGN’, WHICH INCLUDES AN INDEPENDENT HOTLINE TO HANDLE EMPLOYEE COMPLAINTS. YOU WILL BEGIN TO SEE A SERIES OF POSTERS FEATURING TUROSI STAFF MEMBERS, ACROSS ALL SITES. Turosi is a team made up of many From the farm to the boardroom table, parts and it takes all of those parts it aims to develop a culture within the to function and be effective. Just like business of empowerment, ownership, the machinery in all of our plants, influence and teamwork, where each if one piece breaks down, the whole employee takes responsibility for their process is affected. own environment and is vigilant when NOT it comes to safety, wellbeing, animal “ Each one of us has an important part to play. From staff who collect welfare, and how we interact with the eggs on our breeder farms to our environment and our community. I am responsible for the wellbeing passionate farmers, from those ‘Not on My Watch’ is a personal of my flocks. I will take all necessary N MY hanging chickens in our processing commitment by all Turosi employees precautions to ensure the animals plant to those packaging our further to use the tools they have been given processed products, from those through training to uphold the values, in my care are treated humanely ensuring the numbers are accurate policies, and procedures of the and with respect. The mistreatment WATCH to those ensuring products reach business, because it is the right thing of animals will not be tolerated on their ultimate destination; each and to do and because everyone benefits every person uniquely contributes from doing so. my watch.” to the success of the business. To further reinforce this commitment, This campaign is designed to Turosi has engaged the services of an create a sense of belonging and independent, third party, Stopline, to Brian Hepburn, Owner Hepburn Farm If you see something you wish to report, please send an email to [email protected] ownership among Turosi staff. receive complaints and investigate Mount Moriac , Victoria or call the hotline on 1300 30 45 50. You can choose to remain anonymous. All complaints are them where appropriate. received by an independent third party, and are investigated confidentially and impartially.

| FEATHEROOM 03 | “ NOT I am responsible for the wellbeing of my flocks. I will take all necessary N MY precautions to ensure the animals in my care are treated humanely and with respect. The mistreatment WATCH of animals will not be tolerated on my watch.” Brian Hepburn, Owner Hepburn Farm If you see something you wish to report, please send an email to [email protected] Mount Moriac , Victoria or call the hotline on 1300 30 45 50. You can choose to remain anonymous. All complaints are received by an independent third party, and are investigated confidentially and impartially.

| | 03 FEATHEROOM “ NOT MY N The safety and wellbeing of our employees is one of my highest priorities. It is my responsibility to ensure all staff are trained appropriately and that our workplace is a place where everyone WATCH feels safe, welcomed and appreciated. Discrimination or harassment of any form will not be tolerated on my watch.” STOPLINE Chris Turner, Chief Executive Officer If you see something you wish to report, please send an email to [email protected] or call the hotline on 1300 30 45 50. You can choose to remain anonymous. All complaints are received by an independent third party, and are investigated confidentially and impartially. “ Stopline is an independent, confidential whistleblower hotline service for the receipt of concerns and complaints relating to inappropriate behaviour in the workplace. The service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This toll-free service is available to all staff of Turosi and can be accessed by calling the hotline number or sending an email. “ NOT standards, independence, Stopline is proud of its ethical confidentiality and integrity. To find our more, visit: N MY I will take responsibility to ensure my work area is safe at all times. My colleagues and I will carry out our duties diligently, with care, and according to safety procedures and policies. Unsafe practices will not WATCH be tolerated on my watch.” Marie Branch, OH&S Co-ordinator If you see something you wish to report, please send an email to [email protected] Eagle Farm, QLD or call the hotline on 1300 30 45 50. You can choose to remain anonymous. All complaints are received by an independent third party, and are investigated confidentially and impartially.

| FEATHEROOM 03 | NOT N MY WATCH STOPLINE Our vision is to provide food solutions worthy of a place at every Australian table. In aspiring to achieve this vision, we empower all team ‘Not on My Watch’ is a personal commitment by all Turosi members of Turosi to take personal responsibility for employees to use the tools they have been given through carrying out their duties; not only in the duty to their own training to uphold the values, policies and procedures of the role, but their duty to the company and its brands, to company, because it is the right thing to do and because their fellow employees, to our customers and business everyone benefits from doing so. partners, to our animals, and to the communities in Turosi has engaged the services of a third party, independent which we operate. service to receive complaints on the company’s behalf and By working together and taking responsibility for the to investigate any claims being made. Employees can make important part we play in the overall business, we will a complaint by calling or emailing the hotline. They can ensure that what we bring to the table is nothing short choose to remain anonymous if they wish. The third party of excellence. has the resources and technology to investigate the claims in a confidential and impartial manner. 1300 30 45 50 [email protected]


OUR COMMUNITY | 17 || FEATHEROOM | 03 Since 2011, we have worked with more power to have a very signifi cant than 65 different charities, donating in impact, one we can all be proud of. excess of $1M. It is humbling to know The response from each of our that we have the capacity to touch so worksites has been extremely many lives. I am so proud to represent pleasing and I must make special an organisation which cares so much mention of the team at Fiveways about giving back to the community Hatchery, Victoria. I was overwhelmed in a way that is both meaningful and by their response, their enthusiasm, practical. and their generous spirit. Fiveways As mentioned in my last update, I have now leads the way with 50 percent of had the pleasure of working my way their workforce having signed up as around the business to talk to many of workplace givers. This is a you about Turosi Giving. You have all tremendous effort and I can’t thank given me your time, and you have Ross and the team enough for their watched a presentation where you warm welcome and rewarding result. heard directly from your colleagues If you would like to become a about their experiences with Turosi workplace giver, please send us an Giving. Many of you didn’t hesitate to email at [email protected] sign up to our workplace giving or talk to your supervisor to fi nd program, quite happy to give from out more. your salary so that we can collectively help others; understanding that our As a business, we continue to support employer will dollar match anything the charity efforts of our major we contribute. business partners. We were proud sponsors of Woolworths Gala Ball in It is sometimes diffi cult to imagine support of the RCH Good Friday how our small, personal contribution Appeal. The event was an entertaining to charity can make any difference at spectacle themed around ‘The all. The aim of our presentation is to Greatest Showman’ and a great night show what happens when we add was enjoyed by those who those individual contributions represented Turosi. together and the company dollar matches them. It then becomes very Since our last newsletter, we have obvious that our power comes from hosted three ‘Kids Days Out’ together working together towards a common with our partners Melbourne Victory goal. A small contribution from a and KFC. large number of people has the

| | 18 OUR COMMUNITY On February 10th, the families from Thank you to all staff who continue River Nile Support and Relief Group to organise fundraisers at their attended the match against Perth workplace. It is wonderful to see so Glory at AAMI Park. many of you wanting to get involved in raising money. On March 2nd, it was Diversitat’s turn to attend the match between We now have our gala ball in sight, Melbourne Victory and Newcastle with just over six months to go until Jets at Geelong’s Skilled Stadium. the big day on October 12. Thank you to the Hosking Group We will shortly be in touch to speak (KFC) for providing the meals on with you all about our next round of this occasion. charity donations. We want you all to On March 20th, we held our ninth be a part of deciding where our funds charity golf day in support of the will go. Keep an eye out on you emails Clown Doctors. As always it was a and company noticeboards. fun fi lled and rewarding day. I take We will be asking you to nominate a this opportunity to thank all of the charity that is important to you and businesses who contributed to this could use a helping hand. We will then event. We just couldn’t do this work choose the charities which best fi t without the support of our sponsors. with Turosi Giving and organise a Special mention to our major golf special visit to meet them and make sponsor GPS Electrical, who has a donation. been the major sponsor of all nine of our golf days. We also thank I look forward to keeping you updated Aviagen for coming on board this on our progress in the next edition year as the major sponsor of our of this magazine. celebratory dinner. Enjoy the Easter Break… You can read more about the Clown Doctors in a special story on page 24. Pina Di Donato Board Chair Turosi Giving


| | 20 OUR COMMUNITY HEALTHIER TO LIVE laughter is contagious ON THE GREEN OUR ANNUAL CHARITY Over the years, we have built a GOLF DAY HAS BECOME A wonderful relationship with the Clown Doctors and our golfi ng PERMANENT FIXTURE ON THE guests are more than happy to put TUROSI GIVING FUNDRAISING their hands in their pockets for a good cause. In our travels around the CALENDAR. EACH YEAR, course, we did hear whispers of some THIS EVENT ATTRACTS underhanded tactics of teams willing AROUND 100 PEOPLE MADE UP to ‘donate’ in order to gain an advantage over the competition. OF SUPPLIERS, CUSTOMERS, Normally, we would not turn a blind AND BUSINESS PARTNERS, idea to such ideas, but when it’s all in the name of charity, who are we WHO COME TOGETHER to intervene? WITH VOLUNTEERS FROM Congratulations to the winning team TUROSI TO SUPPORT THE from De Luca Partners who took out CLOWN DOCTORS. top honours, followed by the boys at Blue Box IT, believed to have been boosted by our very own Andrew Christo – National IT Manager (that’s according to Andrew, of course).

| FEATHEROOM 03 | HEALTHIER TO LIVE laughter is contagious ON THE GREEN The encouragement award went to so many like-minded people who are Oz Staff Team 2, who took it all in so willing to support important their stride. It was pleasing to see causes, without expectation of more women on the course this year, anything in return. Sure, they get to in particular the ‘Turosi Ladies’ led by play a good round of golf and enjoy a Yvette Turner in their vibrant attire, fun-filled day, but the impact of this bringing lots of class to the event. goes far deeper. The generosity of our sponsors means that the Clown The atmosphere at our golf days is always a great thing to be a part of. Doctors can do even more of what It is a sentiment echoed by many they do best, that is, they are able to throughout the day and is made even conduct more visits to more children more colourful by the good cheer in more hospitals. That is their goal provided by the Clown Doctors. This and we are extremely proud to be in a year we had the privilege of having position to help them to achieve it. Doctor Fizzy Wizzy and Doctor Popoff The day was an overwhelming on duty. Our golfers were checked success with a donation of $28,700 over and treated with doses of humour being handed over to the Clown by these very talented doctors. Doctors. This brings our tally to over $160,000 since 2011, from this event It is a privilege to organise events such as these, that bring together alone. That is something we at Turosi can all be proud of.


| FEATHEROOM 03 | donation $28,700 Our golf day is just one of the ways in Many thanks to all of our hole and PHOTOGRAPHY: HISYLVIA PHOTOGRAPHY which we make a difference and it’s team sponsors, we are extremely a great event to be a part of. I take grateful for your support. this opportunity to thank those who I would also like to make special have assisted in planning the day mention of Lee Ryan (National QSR/ and all of our volunteers who helped FCD Sales Manager) for sharing his to make the day such a success; an personal story about his experience awesome display of teamwork and with the Clown Doctors when his people working together towards son Fletcher was in hospital. This a common goal. heartfelt presentation reinforced Of course, days like this are only the reason we support the Clown possible because of our sponsors. Doctors, and to have it told by one Our sincerest gratitude to Phil Schols of our own really drove that home. and the team at GPS Electrical for We look forward to welcoming all being our major sponsor, together of our supporters back to the green with Aviagen for sponsoring our around the same time next year. dinner, and Grant Thornton for sponsoring the golf balls. Pina Di Donato Turosi Giving Board Chair

| | 24 OUR COMMUNITY Send in the Clowns All of our charities are important Which hospitals and states do you to us and we have been fortunate to operate in? create some wonderful, longstanding We have Clown Doctor programs relationships, such as the one we have in 23 hospitals and one hospice with the Clown Doctors. Proceeds throughout Australia, including all the from our golf days have always been major paediatric hospitals and many dedicated to the Clown Doctors, and regional hospitals. We have programs to date we have donated over $160K in every state and territory. to them. How do you recruit the Clown We recently sat down with David Doctors? Symons. David has been the Artistic Anyone who wants to be a Clown Director of ‘The Humour Foundation’ Doctor must have lots of professional since 2011. He is responsible for the performance experience before they auditioning, training, and ‘quality apply. We only accept highly skilled control’ of Clown Doctors throughout performers! To become a Clown Australia. He also plays another Doctor apprentice – or intern (what we special role; he has been performing call a Clowntern), you need to pass a as Dr Tickle since 1998! series of auditions, both outside and inside the hospital. Next is induction How many Clown Doctors are there around Australia? training before commencing your There are 75 Clown Doctors visiting ‘Clownternship’ under the mentorship hospitals around Australia. of two experienced Clown Doctors. After six to twelve months you then Do Clown Doctors get paid by have the chance to become a fully- the hospitals? fledged Clown Doctor. The Humour Foundation provides the To make it to the “Royal College of Clown Doctor service free of charge to Clown Doctors” you have to be highly the hospitals. We rely on the generous skilled at performing in the complex donations of people like yourselves to and sensitive environment of a offer this wonderful service. hospital, and have an impeccable attitude towards the work you do and the people you work with and for.

PHOTOGRAPHY: HISYLVIA PHOTOGRAPHY What particular skills are you When we first floated the idea of Who comes up with names for looking for? clowns in hospitals we got lots of the Clown Doctors? Clown Doctors need a mix of lessons in rejection. That was over Each performer comes up with performance skills and human 20 years ago. Now, instead of being their own name. Sometimes people qualities. You need to be a fine asked “Why do you want to put try out lots of different names before improviser, a skilled mover, a good clowns in hospitals?” we are asked settling on one. Often the clowns will musician, an accomplished story “Why aren’t you here more often?” road test their names with kids in teller, a curious clown. You need to Twenty years of laughter have the hospitals who will always have be sensitive, empathetic, playful convinced people that laughter is strong opinions! The main limitation and funny. good medicine, and that it’s not on a name is that it must be different just good for the kids, but also the to all the other Clown Doctor names How emotionally draining is families and staff. One mum told in Australia. the job? us that “hospitals would be like a Clown Doctors perform “open heart desert without the Clown Doctors”. Are they real doctors? surgery” – they open their hearts to One of our founders, Dr Peter Spitzer vulnerable people in traumatic How do you fundraise? was an actual GP but all our other circumstances. They meet children The Humour Foundation relies on Clown Doctors are professional and families whose worlds have the support of corporate companies, performers. collapsed. And so the work can be trusts and foundations, bequests, very emotionally draining. Clown giving programs, and general pubic How have the donations from Doctors receive psychological fundraising. Clown Doctors do Turi Trust / Turosi Giving made support from the Humour not receive any money from the a difference? Foundation as well their Clown government. A recent study on Your donations make it possible Doctor partners, but they are also the impact of Clown Doctors in for us to bring smiles to places of uplifted by the remarkable people hospitals has shown that for every sadness. As a sibling once told they meet and the joyful connection dollar invested in these programs, us, “the doctors fixed his heart, they make with them. there is a social return to the the Clown Doctors fixed his smile”. community of $4.20. Your donations fix many, Do the hospitals you visit embrace many smiles! the Clown Doctors’ philosophy that ‘laughter is the best medicine’?

| | 26 OUR COMMUNITY BROADMEADOWS TAKES US ADMEADOWS TAKES US ADMEADOWS TAKES US BRO BRO TO HAWAII FOR A GREAT CAUSE O HAWAII FOR A GREAT CAUSE T On Friday, 22nd February, the n Friday, 22nd February, the O rolls (crowd favourite), mini danish Broadmeadows team held their Broadmeadows team held their & fruit platters followed by a quick second fundraiser for the ‘Fight second fundraiser for the ‘Fight game of cricket, a Hawaiian quiz Cancer Foundation’. Cancer Foundation’. and Pictionary. Every year, more than 950 children Every year, more than 950 children Congratulations to ‘Team Nugget’ and young people aged 0-19 are and young people aged 0-19 are who took the honours in the quiz diagnosed with cancer in Australia. diagnosed with cancer in Australia. and Pictionary, and to South Africa Children with cancer are absent Children with cancer are absent who won the cricket……again. from school for long periods during from school for long periods during Together we raised $410 on the treatment and recovery, often treatment and recovery, often day, pushing our total funds raised becoming isolated from their school becoming isolated from their school to $760 for the Fight Cancer and friends. Many drop class levels and friends. Many drop class levels Foundation so far. when they return to school and fi nd when they return to school and fi nd it diffi cult to engage with schooling. it diffi cult to engage with schooling. Special thanks to Chris Turner and Allem Elsheihk for their generous The Fight Cancer Foundation helps The Fight Cancer Foundation helps donations, Jade Foote (Quiz Master fund educational support programs fund educational support programs Extraordinaire), Karina Katsalas, for kids living with cancer. These for kids living with cancer. These Christine Eldaief, Queen Loh and support programs enable kids support programs enable kids Amanda Neill for their ongoing to maintain their education and to maintain their education and assistance with fundraising connection with their school connection with their school activities at Broadmeadows. and school friends. and school friends. Lastly, thank you to everyone who They are also supported by a contributed to another successful fl exible, individually tailored fundraiser at Broadmeadows. We education program that works hope you enjoyed the morning tea, around their illness and treatment, fun and games, and look forward allowing them to resume their to your continuous support. lives as quickly as possible. Our morning tea started off with Moe Khan spinach ricotta triangles, sausage Assistant Accountant – Broadmeadows

FEATHEROOM | 03 | Thank you PINK HAIRNET DAY In January, Geelong hosted “Pink Hairnet Day” in support of Breast Cancer awareness. As PINK is the colour associated with Breast cancer, participating employees of Turosi Geelong made a gold coin donation to wear a Pink Hairnet for the day and raised $1032.40 for the Foundation. Thank you to all who supported this day. Last Christmas, all Turosi sites You were a part of a tremendous ST MARY’S GOLF DAY took part in ‘The Smith Family’s Toy team of gift collectors who donated & Book Appeal’. We had a great 44,729 toys and 25,560 books In conjunction with the Hosking response by staff, with many across the country. Group (KFC), Turosi proudly boxes being shipped off in time With the additional kind support of supported the annual St Mary’s for Christmas. corporate partners, toy suppliers, FC Golf Day fundraiser, side by side Sadly, thousands of Australian and online gift catalogue, The Smith with the Blood Group and many kids go without receiving gifts at Family were able to reach 23,126 other fantastic supporters. A great Christmas time simply because Australian children, helping them day was had by all. A big thank you their families can’t afford it. This acquire the skills and knowledge to Shaun Blood, Craig and Scott was an opportunity to help bring they need to build a better future. Hosking for putting on such a a smile to a disadvantaged child’s Well down to all Turosi staff who great event, particularly the big face at this special time of the year. KFC bucket, to which all took part contributed to this initiative. Because of people like you, and trying to kick, throw or handball your generous donations, The Smith Best wishes, a footy into. family received a record- breaking The Toy & Book Team Good work Jason Fry, one of many amount of gift collections from The Smith Family talents from our QA department. the community. Sadly, the team let me down this year so positions vacant for any decent players next year? Alex how’s that elbow? Lee Ryan National QSR/FCD Sales Manager

| | 28 OUR COMMUNITY ANOTHER DAY IN VICTORY TUROSI GIVING, FORMERLY Once again, the giving wing of the needed kick start to their new KNOWN AS TURI TRUST, company has chosen to invest in school year experience with a the positives of disadvantaged favourable story to tell. It is indeed, CONTINUE TO CHAMPION communities by offering the River a considerate deed from a friend, THE ART OF MAKING Nile Relief and Support Group (a in a time of need. community based organisation) an A DIFFERENCE IN opportunity to co-entertain South The day started with the assembly COMMUNITIES IN NEED, Sudanese kids with an incredible of kids and their parents at Lyndale Secondary College Football Fields, AS EXEMPLIFIED IN day out at the soccer for the second at Dandenong North. Kids and season in a row. THE SOUTH SUDANESE parents boarded the shuttle bus After the successful completion of with a great deal of joy and COMMUNITY. the last year’s Kids Day Out, this happiness. The bus arrived at time the taste of the relationship AAMI stadium in forty minutes. with Turosi, as experienced by the On arrival, the group was met and South Sudanese youngsters’ soccer welcomed by Melbourne Victory team (Lyndale Soccer Club), took a organiser Mr. Chris, who then turn for the better. This is because guided the team to the designated it featured an unwavering continuity spots in the stadium. of support. The cheering, chanting, and singing For many of the participating kids, for Melbourne Victory started with the school holidays season would the fi rst whistle. Only the generous have passed without a meaningful meal, which was part of the Day story to tell. The surfacing of such Out package, separated the an event in the kids’ world of cheering kids from their favourite imaginations, injected a much players before it started again.

OUR COMMUNITY | 29 | KIDS DAY OUT WITH DIVERSITAT If there is one thing cheering fans On March 2nd, some of Geelong’s The Victory cheer squad and the can’t have too much of, it’s cheers. newest community members were halftime entertainment added to The kids had plenty of fun cheering treated to a fantastic night out through the experience. and chanting for the Victory team, the opportunity provided through the Diversitat is grateful to Turosi for including great ways to fi re up their Kids Day Out Program. providing these kinds of opportunities own crowd. Families from a refugee background that support goals and outcomes Despite Victory’s loss to Perth Glory who have recently arrived from around settlement for new arrivals by 2 goals to 1, the cheers continued Malawi, Syria and Burma, came from a refugee background. Diversitat to be so exciting to the extent of together to be treated to dinner looks for opportunities like the Kids drawing the attention of Fox News at the local KFC, before hitting Day Out to promote social cohesion commentator who approached me Kardinia Park to enjoy the pre-game and community engagement. enthusiastically wanting to know warm up and to cheer on the Thanks for your continued support. more about our group! Melbourne Victory. The participants were keen By Marcelle Renkin At River Nile, we are privileged and Community Development - therefore, grateful to share with to get behind the team and get Diversitat Turosi the gift of giving. It is often involved in the experience, putting incredibly rewarding to leave a on their Victory scarves and stickers. positively memorable experience in the minds of the young. This one was certainly not an exception. Banydhuro Samson Oyay Turosi Farming Veterinarian

| | 30 OUR SITES The Road to Sustainabilty The term sustainability means out opportunities and processes something different to each of us, which enable us to deliver even and in fact when one looks closely, better outcomes; outcomes which there are many different defi nitions will allow us to be in the business of this term. of producing quality food products well into the future. Put quite simply, sustainability is the ability to continue (or sustain) By prioritising sustainability, we a defi ned behaviour indefi nitely. are reinforcing our commitment to Most commonly, defi ned keep responding to issues that are behaviours fall under the pillars important to our key stakeholders: of environmental sustainability, our employees, our customers, economic sustainability, and and consumers. social sustainability. Turosi is part of a global initiative In recent years, the topic of of the OSI Group in relation to sustainability has come to the sustainability. In its Global forefront in our business, Sustainability Report 2018/19, OSI impacting almost every area of it. have identifi ed key sustainability Our commitment to sustainability priorities which fall under the means that we will continue to seek categories of:

FEATHEROOM | 03 | The Road to Sustainabilty BY PINA DI DONATO 1. Sustainable Supply – Animal things to do but because it ensures 5. Freedom to express (most) Welfare | Antibiotic Stewardship the best quality product. normal patterns of behaviour 2. Environment – Conservation | Turosi seeks to maintain the highest These ‘freedoms’ provide a Climate Change standards of animal welfare in every comprehensive framework for the stage of production; hatchery, breeder assessment of animal welfare on farm, 3. Social Responsibility – Workplace | Communities rearing, breeder laying, growing, during transport and at slaughter. pick-up, transport and processing. In the next few editions of this Through training and education, we magazine, we intend to explore these Turosi respects OIE’s Five Freedoms ensure that our staff understand priority areas in more detail, and of Animal Welfare, which standardises their responsibility to the animals there is no more appropriate place primary animal needs under human and apply appropriate procedures to start than with Animal Welfare. control: and techniques as needed to ensure 1. Freedom from hunger, the animals are healthy and treated Animal Welfare has been identifi ed malnutrition and thirst with respect. worldwide as one of the highest priorities in terms of its importance 2. Freedom from fear and distress Legislative requirements for animal to business and its importance to 3. Freedom from physical and welfare will be the minimum standard stakeholders. The welfare of our thermal discomfort Turosi will meet. To ensure our high animals is of paramount importance standards are maintained, our animal here at Turosi. We insist on the highest 4. Freedom from pain, injury welfare practices are incorporated standards of animal care, not only and disease into our quality systems including because it is the ethical and humane performance measurement, internal and external auditing.

| | 03 FEATHEROOM Stringent Biosecurity Standards

OUR SITES | 29 FEATHEROOM | 03 || Turosi also insists on the maintenance of very high company standards when it comes to biosecurity. These standards are among the most stringent in the world. The aim of these measures is to prevent the spread of diseases on and between farms and include: • On farm quarantine and visitor’s disinfectant precautions • An effective hygiene regime in order to maintain a healthy fl ock • Clean drinking water, no untreated dam or river water can be used • The use of antibiotics is strictly controlled. They are administered under veterinary supervision only in the event of a threat to fl ock health.

| | 34 OUR BRANDS MARKETING UPDATE It’s hard to believe that we are more to meet all of our requirements, than a quarter through another year. including corporate videos, which The time between newsletters sure are close to completion. does fly. No sooner does one edition Recently, the film crew and I had the go to print before it’s time to start pleasure of spending time with Ross planning for the next one. Thomas, Joel Kopanica and Alan We continue to be busy in the Mair from our Farming Division. Marketing Department, which is As you will see from Ross’s photo no different to any other part of the on the front cover, he is passionate business. Our focus has been on about leading the team at Fiveways rolling out new window signage for Hatchery. Joel and Alan accompanied our customers and managing our us out to visit some farms where we brand sponsorship agreements with met Daniel Vanovac, a free range Melbourne Victory and Everyday farmer, and Slobadan and Sasha Gourmet with Justine Schofield, Kuzmanovic, who own an RSPCA which is due to go to air in June. Approved Farm. We continue to move around We continue to be humbled by the the business with our film and work ethic and the pride of the people photography crew, banking footage who work in our organisation.


| | 36 OUR BRANDS The Turosi website launched in Thank you to those who continue to February and we will soon have our contribute stories and ideas to the new corporate booklet delivered to magazine. This is your magazine and complement the site. Work will now we want to make sure it makes for commence on refreshing all of our an interesting read. We are always websites, starting with La Ionica looking for content, so please and Bannockburn Free Range. continue to share your stories with us. You can send suggestions, In this edition, we have launched the ‘Not On My Watch’ campaign, which feedback or submissions to is being rolled out across the [email protected]. business. You will start to see posters I hope you enjoy reading this around the sites featuring some of magazine as much as we enjoy our people. In the next edition, we keeping you informed on all will have some exciting news to things Turosi. share about our Golden Farms brand which will undergo a significant Pina Di Donato change in identity. Marketing Manager We have been overwhelmed with positive feedback to our first two editions of On The Table.


| | 38 OUR PARTNERS QSR Travels BY LEE RYAN NANDO’S SOCCER GAME Great night had by all on Saturday night at the annual TUROSI/Nando’s soccer night, with plenty of action! A great game as our Melbourne Victory defeated the Brisbane Roar 2 – 1. Always great to catch up with the Nando’s team. Thank you to Justin and Lindsay for getting the crew together. CRAIGIEBURN Congratulations to The Retzos Group on the opening of the new KFC Craigieburn on 6th March, 2019. Located in the heart of the Craigieburn Town Centre, 20 km from the Melbourne CBD, this restaurant is a freestanding dual lane drive thru facility. Step inside and see how cool and modern this latest KFC is. Congratulations again to the Retzos team on another truly fantastic accomplishment! If you’re in the area make sure you call in and see all the team at KFC Craigieburn for the very some finger lickin good chicken.

| OUR PARTNERS 39 | TEST KITCHEN Absolute privilege to be amongst such legends, Iron chef’s!!! Lindsay Sacks and Mario Manabe cutting up the RATIONAL test kitchen, cooking some of the Peri Best chicken ever tasted – what a day! ST KILDA Congratulations to the Dimas If you are in the area or hey, Family on the opening of their why not make it a day out; new KFC in St Kilda. What a either way be sure to call in fantastic location and a very and see Spiro and all the great cool looking KFC to hit the team down at St Kilda KFC for coast just down the road from some of the very best finger the iconic Luna Park. lickin good chicken. CRANBOURNE NORTH Congratulations to the Southern Restaurants Group on the opening of the new Cranbourne North KFC store. It looks awesome; a very cool and sophisticated modern urban look. Wow! I must say the whole smiling team at Cranbourne North really do make everyone feel welcome; keep up the good work. A big shout out to Adrienne, Bridget and all the wonderful team at KFC Cranbourne North. If you’re in the area or just passing through, be sure to call in for some of the very best “finger lickin’ good” chicken, proudly supplied by Turosi.

| | | | 03 FEATHEROOM40 OUR PEOPLE Turosi Community Notice Board It’s a Boy! Verpreet Kaur (Day Shift Trainer – Thomastown) gave birth to a baby boy, Iktaj on 25th February, 2019, It’s a Boy! weighing 2.86kg. Kenny Pham (Night Shift Packing Supervisor – Thomastown) welcomed son Hunter Pham on 21st February, 2019, weighing 3.14kg.

FEATHEROOM | 03 | COMMUNITY NOTICES In January this year, the staff at Geelong received the tragic news of the passing of their colleague Justin Henriksen. Justin was 32 years old and had worked in the boning area of Our Sincere Condolences to: the Geelong plant since 2006. - Steve Burns (Master Production Scheduler – Broadmeadows) Justin leaves behind his partner on the loss of his Mother. and three children under the age of seven. The staff at Geelong generously - Saleem Ablahad (Cleaning pitched in with donations, and together Contractor - Thomastown) with a contribution from Turosi Giving, on the passing of his father have been able to provide a little - Bill Stavretis (Assistant fi nancial assistance to the family. Accountant - Thomastown) who lost his father Please take the time to check on your - Greg Rich (Operations fellow staff members and ask if they Manager - Eagle Farm) are ok. If you or someone close to you on the loss of his father in law needs support, please make use of the free counselling service provided by Lifeworks, or talk to one your supervisors at Turosi about how you can access this service.

| | | | 03 FEATHEROOM42 OUR PEOPLE COMMUNITY NOTICES Congratulations! Congratulations to Sam and Maria Cuteri (Owners and Founders of Turi Foods) who celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on March 20th. Sam and Maria were married in Italy in 1969 before migrating to Australia to begin their new life. On behalf of everyone at Turosi, we sincerely congratulate them on achieving such an impressive milestone.

| FEATHEROOM 03 | by Morneau Shepell FOUR WAYS TO INCREASE HAPPINESS ON AND OFF THE JOB DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN TAKE A PROACTIVE APPROACH TO INCREASE HAPPINESS AND RESILIENCY THROUGH POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY? THIS FIELD OF SCIENCE RECOGNISES THE POWER OF A HEALTHY SENSE OF CONTROL OVER ALL AREAS OF YOUR LIFE, INCLUDING WORK AND PRIVATE LIFE. NOT ONLY IS THIS SENSE OF CONTROL VALUED FOR ITS EFFECT ON YOUR WELL-BEING, ITS ABSENCE IS ASSOCIATED WITH POOR PERFORMANCE, DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY. BUT HOW DO YOU ACHIEVE THAT ALL-SO-IMPORTANT SENSE OF CONTROL? FOCUS ON YOUR STRENGTHS BANISH THE PESSIMIST AND ADOPT Do you want to brood about it or If you’re constantly beating yourself A MORE OPTIMISTIC VIEW can you adapt? Which choice do you up over your shortcomings, it’s hard Pessimism is negative. If you’re think will make you a happier, more to be happy. Turn this around by constantly expecting negative resilient person? focusing on what you’re good at. outcomes, how do you think that will affect your happiness? In contrast, Boosting your self-esteem, managing MANAGE OR REMOVE STRESS optimism is positive. How do you think stress, becoming more optimistic Do you have strategies in place to your happiness will be affected if and being flexible are four steps cope with stress? Whether you need you expect good things? that you can take to increase your a few moments to catch your breath, happiness and resiliency on and off the occasional massage, regular BECOME MORE FLEXIBLE the job. Take advantage of positive exercise or a completely new No matter how talented you are, psychology and make your life environment, recognising what’s how well you prepared for something more fulfilling – now! causing stress and taking steps to and how optimistic you may be, life alleviate it can make you happier happens and it doesn’t always go both mentally and physically. as planned. LET US HELP. ACCESS YOUR EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 24/7 BY PHONE (1300 361 008) OR WEB.

| 03 FEATHEROOM OUR PEOPLE | 44 | | Years of Service We would like to congratulate the below employees who have reached milestones from March 2018-March 2019 30 YEARS 15 YEARS: Loza Sokolovska – Thomastown Celia Williams – Broadmeadows Kaye Hill – Geelong Processing Processing Processing Judith Zamayla – Geelong Processing Anand Kumar – Eagle Farm Maintenance Terrie Ryan - Geelong Farming Admin Julie Beaton – Geelong Processing Shane Wilson – Eagle Farm Logistics William Eden – Geelong Processing Sally Huici – Geelong Processing Lee Julie – Eagle Farm Production Bettina Forte – Thomastown Processing Cheryl Jensch – Geelong Processing Andrew Stones – Geelong Processing Richard Budd – Geelong Processing 10 YEARS: Wendy Cogger – Geelong Processing Barbara Holding – Geelong Telesales Christine Gardner – Bannockburn Hatchery Antonio Puliafito –Geelong Despatch Cheryl Simon – Myers Farm 25 YEARS: Gregory Chiller – Geelong Processing Joel Dormido – Broadmeadows Thi Kim Yen Pham – Thomastown Maintenance Kathleen Williams – Geelong Processing Processing Nada Naumovski – Thomastown Dean Jewell – Geelong Despatch Glenda Heinrich – Geelong Processing Processing Rainel Gaite – Geelong Processing Geoffrey Stokes – Myers Farm Walter Kaintz – Broadmeadows Todd Mclean – Geelong Processing Elaine Bruce - Nagambie Hatchery Processing Elizabeth Bennett – Bannockburn Susan Chalton – Bannockburn Hatchery Sommy Somlith – Geelong Processing Hatchery Quyen Pham – Thomastown Processing Cosimo Fontana – Broadmeadows Phillip Pevitt – Nagambie Maintenance 20 YEARS: Processing Susan Farey – Bannockburn Farming Elias Koj – Devon Meadows Production Patricia Marini – Thomastown Telesales Karen Lawrie – Geelong Processing Bong Van Nguyen – Thomastown Hollie Ingwersen – Broadmeadows Finance Novelyn Lantano – Broadmeadows Processing Christene Oconnor – Nagambie Hatchery Processing Huong Truong – Thomastown Processing Ilija Kacar – Geelong Processing Thanh Mai Nguyen – Thomastown Giacinta Sugars – Bannockburn Hatchery Nida Dormido – Broadmeadows Processing Lee Ryan – Geelong Sales Processing Anthony Foord – Geelong Processing Jared Stowe-Winder – Geelong Despatch Terry Morrow – Geelong Processing Elizabeth Vanderwel – Geelong Simon Anderson - Nagambie Farming Suza Ivanovska – Thomastown Processing Processing David White – Nagambie Farming Edward Holt – Geelong Processing Jennine Tucker – Geelong Processing Raquel Suares – Broadmeadows Processing Russell Martin – Nagambie Maintenance Huong Thanh Thi Tran – Thomastown Corrie Devries-Lyons – Geelong Processing Gerald Malanyaon - Geelong Admin Processing Jason Fisher – Geelong Processing Paul Sager – Geelong Despatch Stephen Muir – Geelong Despatch Mark Gaite – Geelong Processing Kelwin Ang –Geelong Despatch Andrzej Drzewiecki – Geelong Processing Zoran Petkov – Geelong Despatch Edmund Mercado – Broadmeadows Processing Michael Balaz – Geelong Processing Heath Hooke – Thomastown Processing

FEATHEROOM | 03 | COMMUNITY NOTICES CONGRATULATIONS TO BETTINA FORTE - THOMASTOWN PROCESSING ON 30 YEARS OF SERVICE! Stephen Doherty – Broadmeadows Trinh Thi Le – Thomastown Processing Lisa Shortcliffe – Eagle Farm Production Maintenance Joel Kopanica – Geelong Farming Anita Cooper – Eagle Farm Production Christopher Turner - CEO Ruksana Ali – Geelong QA Joseph Maddren – Eagle Farm Production Kristie Matthews – Geelong Processing Mark Hansen – Geelong Processing Fale Tito – Eagle Farm Production Angelika Schwenke – Eagle Farm Edward Easterbrook – Thomastown Daniel Ward – Eagle Farm Production Production Processing Gavin Hill – Eagle Farm Payroll Kerri Menelaws – Eagle Farm QA Kevin Bombardier – Thomastown Ryo Ikeda – Eagle Farm QA Steven Eastman – Eagle Farm Purchasing Maintenance Sharelle Smith – Eagle Farm QA Heta Raymond – Eagle Farm Logistics Van Ngoc Luong – Thomastown Paul Major – Eagle Farm Production Rangi Simmonds – Eagle Farm Production Processing Manager Colleen Ackfun – Eagle Farm Accounts Gurjeet Chopra – Geelong Processing Stephen Hemmings – Eagle Farm Payable Stacey Norrish – Geelong Processing Logistics Gregory Moss – Eagle Farm Production Bindiya Suneja – Thomastown Processing Kilisama Rokocoko – Eagle Farm Debbie Albrecht – Eagle Farm Production Arnel Jr Tiburcio – Devon Meadows Logistics Hatchery Benjamin Morgan – Eagle Farm 5 YEARS: Jennifer Hopper – Bannockburn Farming Production Melanie Wilson – Bannockburn Farming Harold Juab – Devon Meadows Hatchery Giselle Salcedo – Eagle Farm Production Mark Wightman – Geelong Processing Christian Stewart – Myers Farm Leanne Bowker – Geelong Processing Justin Lewin – Nagambie Tyrone Paatsch – Geelong Processing Gurpreet Rai – Nagambie Russel David Quilty – Nagambie Hatchery Prema Balage – Devon Meadows Hatchery Anabella Daza Rueda – Devon Meadows Sean Moran – Geelong Despatch Hatchery Adam Oconnor - Nagambie Paul Forde – Geelong Engineering Rajiv Kumar Sharma – Thomastown Munaf Pijwala – Broadmeadows Processing Processing Tien Thanh Le – Thomastown Processing Emil Jun Mandalones – Devon Meadows Rowena Davies – Bannockburn Ghulam Sakhi Haidari – Geelong Van Tuan Vo – Thomastown Processing Processing Yujing Xu – Eagle Farm QA Mohammad Ali Haidari – Geelong Processing Sean Subritzky – Eagle Farm Production Kirk Mcdonald – Geelong QA Nickitta Robertson – Eagle Farm Production Vincenzo Scamporlino – Geelong QA Paul Newby – Eagle Farm Maintenance Roza Ludongi – Geelong Processing Diane Jury – Eagle Farm Production Amanda Riley – Geelong Processing Sohil Paresh – Eagle Farm Production


| OUR PEOPLE 47 | TENSE TIMES BY VICTORIA OLARENSHAW A total fire ban was issued for Sunday I told him to leave on the Friday night, access on Monday morning and across the whole of Victoria, with 300 but he wanted to stay as long as he confirmed the farm and chickens firefighters and emergency services could”. On Friday evening, the fires were unharmed. Robert and Hadlee fighting the fire as well as six water were 4km from the farm, and Hadlee were able to return on Monday bombing aircraft. The fires reached felt comfortable staying to make evening, “we drove in together, quite 3,400 hectares in size and were sure the chickens were safe and nervous but were relieved to see it devastating for many communities. had access to food and water. looked as if we had never left, we were very fortunate the winds blew In amongst all the rush was Robert By Saturday morning, the fires had Vojtkiv’s chicken farm in Tynong spread further and reached 1.5km the other way”. North, housing Farm Manager from the farm and Hadlee was From Friday to Sunday, several Hadlee Swetman and his family. forced to evacuate. Hadlee recalls homes were lost causing devastation his feelings when he was told to for many communities. Turosi would Originally, Robert bought the family farm 18 years ago as a 24-year-old evacuate, “it was scary for the family, like to thank all our farming staff for plumbing contractor, “the farm but also frustrating because I didn’t their dedication to our farmers and provided me more of a stable income, want to leave the birds, but I didn’t livestock. Our thoughts go out to and I liked the idea of working within want to get in the way of any everyone affected by the fires. agriculture and feeding people”. The emergency services, so we evacuated Robert added “I also wanted to take farm grew sentimental to Robert and I left the farm on automatic so this opportunity to say thank you to throughout the years, watching his the birds had access to food and Turosi for their support. We had three children grow up, before hiring water”. After the evacuation, Hadlee constant communication, multiple Hadlee in 2012 to take on managing and Robert monitored the farm from times a day and were fully supported. the farm. a distance and tried to gain access every morning and evening, “the Thankfully it all turned out great.” Robert, who no longer lives on the emergency services wouldn’t let farm explained “when I heard about us in, but finally Alan Mair (Broiler the fires, my biggest concern was for Manager – Turosi) was able to get Hadlee and his family’s safety.

| | 48 OUR PEOPLE A WELL OILED MACHINE IN THE LAST EDITION Turosi is made up of many teams, all The team is committed to ensuring focussed on the same ultimate goal: Turosi has the best quality birds OF THIS MAGAZINE, WE to ensure that what we bring to the delivered to the plants, for least cost, INTRODUCED YOU TO OUR table is the best it can possibly be. while meeting animal welfare and PLANNING TEAM LED BY In this business, it all begins with production targets. ALEX LATTER AND MICHAEL the egg, or perhaps it begins with the With approximately 8.5 million birds chicken; we haven’t quite fi gured that in the fi eld at any given time, and COUCH, WHO DO AN out yet. Nevertheless, we do know a lot 1.1 million being sent to processing EXTRAORDINARY JOB about breeding and raising chickens, each week, it goes without saying TO KEEP THE BUSINESS and how to take great care of them. that planning is crucial. Forward Turosi has an extensive Farming projections of anticipated sales are FLOWING FROM ONE AREA Department covering everything from fed back to farming, who translate TO THE NEXT. breeder operations and hatching to this information into live bird numbers broiler growing. That’s where the after considering the many factors IN THIS EDITION, WE Turosi process begins. that may impact the growth of birds CONTINUE THROUGH The Farming team is led by Joel along the way. THE PROCESS, FOCUSSING Kopanica (Farming Operations Animal welfare and biosecurity are Manager), and employs approximately the highest of priorities for the THE SPOTLIGHT ON 200 people from those collecting and Farming Department. We have OUR FARMING TEAM. grading eggs, hatchery workers, broiler dedicated personnel to ensure that service personnel, administration and bird nutrition is optimised, and we planning staff, veterinarians, farm have two veterinarians, Liam Morrisroe managers, and of course, a whole and Banydhuro Oyay, whose focus contingent of contract broiler growers. is on bird health and wellbeing.

FEATHEROOM | 03 | FROM LEFT: JOEL KOPANICA (FARMING BY PINA DI DONATO OPERATIONS MANAGER AND ALAN MAIR (BROILER MANAGER) “We have the utmost respect for our Alan’s team consists of two planners to understand that we are dealing animals and know that well raised, who manage chick placement and live with live animals that deserve the healthy and happy birds produce the bird pick up schedules, three technical fi ve freedoms. best quality” says Robert Gorgievski, service staff who visit farms to check A great farmer needs to be progressive Turosi’s Animal Welfare Manager. birds are receiving the best care and and to see where we are going in the “All existing commercial farms are support from our contract growers, future as well as having an eye for currently being transitioned to the two Geelong hand pick up crews, the fi ner detail”. RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme four contract pick up harvesters and (a higher welfare system). It is contract live haul for both plants. Farming is a fast-paced, dynamic, anticipated that this transition will According to Alan, “it is important and challenging part of Turosi. No be complete by the end of the year”. two days are ever quite the same. It is to have the right people in place to an area of the business which has so The Farming Department recently grow in the future; people who will many dedicated and passionate people. welcomed Alan Mair to the team in work with us in such a demanding The rest of the business relies heavily the role of Broiler Manager. Alan is industry with a focus on achieving on the effectiveness and effi ciency a second generation poultry farmer, the right outcomes”. of farming. Good results in farming following in his father’s footsteps, and We asked Alan what separates a translate across the entire process. has worked in the industry for almost good broiler farmer from a great 30 years. His role is to oversee broiler one. “A good farmer is one with that We congratulate Joel and his team placements and planning live bird attention to detail and understands for the outstanding results we are pick-ups, dealing with contract broiler what our birds need in a constantly currently seeing coming out of the farms, providing technical services changing environment; they have Farming Department. Well done! to farms and live bird pick-ups to plants and live sales.


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