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Home Explore On the Table Issue 2 Final

On the Table Issue 2 Final

Published by andrew.christo, 2018-12-20 22:45:13

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On ON THE TABLE 03 | | 2018 02 ISSUE: the Table

| | 03 ON THE TABLE Contents HEAD OF THE TABLE: OUR SITES: 03: Our CEO Report 24: Our Sites 04: From GM – FP 27: Australian Veterinary 05: Thomastown Antimicrobial Stewardship 06: Geelong Conference 07: Broadmeadows 28: New Live Haul Fleet 08: Eagle Farm 29: Driving Innovation 09: Farming 30: Food Safety Week 10: Message from the Board OUR BRANDS: 32: Marketing Update OUR CULTURE: 11: Our Sites Christmas Pics 34: Match Day 13: Vision, Mission, Values OUR PARTNERS: 36: International KFC India Visit OUR COMMUNITY: 14: Turosi Giving Update 37: Out and About with KFC 16: The Great Victorian 38: A Well Oiled Machine Car Rally 39: New Kebab Range 18: Watoto Choir 40: QSR Travels 20: Supporting the Grass Roots OUR PEOPLE: 21: Melbourne Victory Visit 41: Employee Assistance Program our Local Hospitals 42: Turosi Community 22: Blue Hairnet Day Notice Board 23: Smith Family Toy and 46: Our People in Geelong Book Appeal 48: Meet the Farmer 50: Save the Date RECIPE: Roast Chicken Seasoned with Almonds, Lemon & Ricotta

| ON THE TABLE 03 | WELCOME I hope you enjoyed the first edition The creation of Turosi has meant, I have seen lots of donated toys of “ON THE TABLE”. We have had on many levels, that we have needed around the business and it warms my some great feedback; our second to rethink the way we do things. heart to know that as a company we edition should enable us all to get We need to reinvent or reaffirm will be responsible for putting a smile a good sense of where we are at our approach to many issues in the on the faces of some disadvantaged with Turosi. business and as this process children this Christmas. continues, we need to remain focused The business has had a particularly This year is almost over and what tough period as we struggle with on our customers, our product, and a journey it has been; a year with rapidly rising grain prices as a result service delivery; these remain our so many changes and challenges. of the effects of the drought. We key issues. The coming year will be one where purchase thousands of tonnes Recently, you would have received we focus on what we can individually per week and wheat prices have a communication from David bring to the table as we continue on increased in excess of $150 per tonne. McDonald, President and C00 of the journey that is Turosi. Whilst this has had a major impact OSI International. He wrote about I take this opportunity to thank all on our business, spare a thought for food safety and his and OSI’s of you for your input and effort in farmers in those drought affected commitment to food safety worldwide. 2018 and wish you all the best for areas and the impact this drought This message is one that we at Turosi the New Year. To our customers and is having on them and the lives of support and are very much committed suppliers: I sincerely thank you for their families. Much has been said to. It is a key factor that will set us your support and loyalty throughout and written about the drought but apart from our competitors. Safe 2018 and I look forward to working when you visit those areas, as I have food should always be our number with you all in 2019. recently, and you see the landscape, one priority, without compromise. you realise what a devastating effect As the holiday season, and Christmas Stay safe and I will see you all in the drought has had on the land and for some of us, draws near, spare a the New Year. those living in those impacted areas. Regards thought for those in the community Regards Our new company, Turosi, continues that need our help. Imagine the joy upon the journey set for us in May as that you can bring to someone with we bring the two companies together. your generosity. Recent surveys Some of you have felt this impact have indicated that we get more more than others as we work towards enjoyment and pleasure from giving building a strong culture which unites than receiving. Turosi Giving, and the two businesses. I can see some those involved, are a testament growth in the understanding of a new to this. I would urge you all to business culture, with each party get involved and work for your CHRIS TURNER CHRIS TURNER bringing to the table their unique communities, and reap the rewards CEO ideas and solutions. The strength of that this brings. chris.turner the business relies on us all being focussed on the same vision and working together to achieve this.

| | 04 HEAD OF THE TABLE FROM GM – FP What a busy year we have had at Turosi; During the last quarter, we have a year that will be etched into the history welcomed many new staff members of this company as the beginning of this to the FP teams. It is great to have so new merger. many people on board who bring a wealth of experience to the table, adding Since May, when the merger became effective, we have all been working to the considerable knowledge base hard to bring together the best of among existing staff. There is a positive both companies and to optimise our vibe around the business as staff processes in order to become more embrace the opportunities that come efficient and competitive. This has with change. particularly been the case on the FP As always, food safety and the integrity side of the business between our plants of our products continue to be a major at Eagle Farm and Broadmeadows. focus for the business. We have a responsibility to our customers and The groundwork however, was laid well before this time, and I would like the ultimate consumer to ensure the to take this opportunity to acknowledge food we produce is safe. We have a large all management, staff, and contractors team of people in Quality Assurance who contributed to a successful who are committed to ensuring we transition from Turi Foods and OSI meet the standards at all times. to Turosi. As this year draws to a rapid close, I take this opportunity to thank our We are now beginning to see the changes take effect across all areas of customers for their support and staff the business. I have been pleased to see for all of their hard work throughout the new signage rolled out over the sites, past year. I wish each and every one of along with new uniforms, new company you, the very best for a safe and happy policies, procedures, statements and of festive season ahead. course this magazine. I have personally I look forward to working with you all participated in the filming of company in the coming year, to build on what we videos for Turosi and Turosi Giving, have achieved thus far and make Turosi which was a great experience. All of a company that stands for excellence in these things combine to create a unified every aspect. culture and the feeling of belonging as part of a team. John Flynn General Manager, Further Processed

| HEAD OF THE TABLE 05 | THOMASTOWN It’s that time of the year again as We are all fortunate to be working prepare to head into the festive for a company that provides us with a season. As you can see by the photos job, regular pay and at the same time, on the following pages, the staff at a company that cares about our Thomastown are excited and ready community and those less fortunate… to go for Christmas and the New Year. and who are doing something about it. We are all just as ready for the I would like to thank all of you for upcoming busy period of Christmas your hard work over this past year. processing. We at Thomastown are It has been a challenging year so your kind of like Santa and his elves, support and patience is very much working around the clock, ensuring valued and appreciated. that all of our customers get their I wish all of you, your families and your orders and deliveries on-time for a extended families, all the very best for successful Christmas trading period. the upcoming festive season, a great It’s also the time of year that start to the New Year, and luck/fortune reminds us of how fortunate we for the Lunar New Year. are. This makes it the perfect time But most of all, be safe over the to take action to help those less holidays because we want to see all of fortunate and who may be going your smiling faces after the holidays. without, not just during this Christmas period, but an everyday Robert Peterson struggle, all year round. Our people Operations Manager, Thomastown have big hearts and have always given generously and we will continue to support our company charity, Turosi Giving.

| | 06 HEAD OF THE TABLE GEELONG As we head into the busy Christmas/ As BLUE is the colour associated New year period, we look back on with Prostate Cancer, participating what has taken place in Geelong employees of Turosi Geelong made since the publication of the first a gold coin donation to wear a blue issue of “On the Table”. hairnet for the day and raised $674.60 for the Foundation. Thank you to all We must acknowledge the efforts of all staff as we have progressed who supported this day. through peak demand periods around We have nearly completed taking AFL/NFL Grand Finals and then into delivery of a new fleet of semi-trailers the Spring Racing Carnival and the to be part of our live haul transport Melbourne Cup. Particular mention fleet. Our trailers have been upgraded must be given to Alex Latter, Planning from dual-axle to tri-axle trailers & Systems Manager and Michael to meet the increasing processing Couch, Production Planner Primary. requirements of the Geelong plant. Alex and Michael have been fine Thank you to PANUS Oceania tuning customer demand for the Semi-trailers for meeting our Christmas/New Year period for the requirements in a timely manner. Thomastown and Geelong Primary In closing, I would like to thank all Plants whilst also providing resources Geelong Region staff for their to assist the Further Processing contribution and efforts in 2018. Facilities with their raw material It has been a particularly busy few demands, not only in chicken but months and the Geelong plant has other proteins as well. welcomed 34 new employees to On September 21st, the Geelong the site in the last quarter of 2018. Plant participated in ‘Blue Hairnet As we continue to work through the Day’. September was Prostate Cancer Christmas/New Year period, your Awareness Month and the Prostate support is appreciated. To all, a Cancer Foundation of Australia seeks Happy Festive Season. support in helping create awareness and in raising funds against Don Heath prostate cancer. Operations Manager, Geelong

| HEAD OF THE TABLE 07 | BROADMEADOWS Whilst volumes at Broadmeadows I would like to welcome Antoss Rawiri continue to grow, our focus remains and Daniel Phillips to the management on improving quality throughout, team. Antoss is our Supply Chain and meeting cost targets. The newly Manager, with an extensive background installed beef line is now driving a in warehousing and logistics. Daniel significant amount of the site’s volume, has recently started in the newly with the line now producing on double created Manufacturing Manager role. shifts and Saturday to meet demand. Both have embraced the challenges each role presents and are focussed The Par Line has also seen steady volume growth with KFC nugget on delivering improvements. manufacture increasing on top of I would also like to extend a warm established volume. Trials of new welcome to Steve Burns, Carly Dobe, products will also move the Par line Suresh Iynegar and all of the new to two shifts before Christmas. factory/warehousing staff to the site team. We also welcome back our NPD The Cook Line will also begin producing a significant amount of volume from Manager, Amanda Neill back from mid-November to support McDonalds maternity leave. nugget demand. All departments are I would like to take this opportunity to working hard to prepare the line for thank all of the Turosi sites who have the increased demand. assisted Broadmeadows with key staff over the last four months. All have been The site is focussing on matching systems, training, and infrastructure a significant help to the team and their with volume demand. The site team help has been invaluable. is working hard to manage the Finally, I acknowledge and thank the challenges of maintaining and Broadmeadows management and site improving on, a site culture of people teams who have worked extremely hard and food safety, a commitment of over the last four months in meeting product and supply quality excellence. every challenge head on. The site has seen a number of new I wish all of you the very best for the team members start with the business upcoming festive season. over the last two months. Scott Perry Operations Manager, Broadmeadows

| | 08 HEAD OF THE TABLE EAGLE FARM Eagle Farm continues to enjoy strong week of November, meaning that ected both Queensland sites have fullflsales performance and this is re in the fact that we have had an Turosi signage. extremely busy and productive year. ow through racking in the EagleflAll the nished goods freezer will befiFood Safety Week was held in Farm September with great employee replaced over the Christmas period. lled with This will involve replacing four baysfiinvolvement. The week was activities and one point lessons to of two high 19 deep pallet racking. e inflcelebrate all things food safety. November will see a reshuf The purpose of the activities was to responsibilities for some of the reinforce the importance of food safety Production Co-ordinators. Daniel and the businesses commitment Gudenkauf is moving from day shift to ensuring it remains central to production to the supply chain team. everything we do. The result was an David Lamb is moving from night shift to increased awareness, focus and drive oversee the raw material inspection and for food safety and quality improvement MAP packing operation at the Lavarack for our facility. Ave site. Greg Moss is moving from the The annual four day BRC/SQMS audit Lavarack site to day shift production was conducted from 20th to 23rd of on the Eagle Farm site. Daniel Ward is August with an A grade BRC rating moving from afternoon shift to supervise being achieved and an SQMS audit the night shift cleaning and production score of 97%. A great effort by all the crew. We wish them all every success in team at Eagle Farm. these new roles. Eagle Farm staff continue to After a very hectic year with a lot of provide start up assistance to the weekend work, Eagle Farm is planning Broadmeadows site. Support has to shut down from December 24th and been provided to commission the new re-start production on 2nd January 2019. beef line and obtain the necessary On behalf of the entire Queensland customer approvals, as well as assisting Turosi team, we wish you all a very the Broadmeadows warehouse and Happy Festive Season. supply chain team. New Turosi signage was installed on Greg Rich rst Operations Manager, Eagle Farmfithe Lavarack cold store site in the

| HEAD OF THE TABLE 09 | FARMING Turosi Farming extends right throughout There are ten production farms in total At two kilos some of these birds are Victoria, from breeder operations in the where the birds start the production ready to be transported to one of our north of the state to broiler farms and phase of their life. two processing facilities located in Hatcheries in the south. We are a very At approximately twenty four weeks of Thomastown and Geelong. Some large, diverse and expansive operation age they begin to lay eggs in the various birds are left on the farms to grow larger that encompass all aspects of poultry automatic and manual nesting systems. for different products or customers. production. Staff are on hand to encourage the birds Planners work hard to coordinate where In this edition of the new ‘On the Table’ into the nesting systems and to collect the eggs and chicks are transported to magazine I wanted to give a brief any eggs that are laid on the floor. on a daily basis and also when the birds rundown of our livestock operations These eggs are then graded to ensure are ready to deliver to the processing and some of the people spread out only the best make it to one of our facilities. They utilise complex across the state. two broiler hatcheries, located in databases that predict bird growth rates Bannockburn and Cranbourne. from different inputs into the system. Let’s start at the beginning of our livestock process with the breeder These hatcheries store the eggs We have a strong technical and rearing farms. We have five farms and then incubate them for twenty one veterinary team that work hard to in total, located in Nagambie, days, resulting in a day old chick. The provide technical advice to farmers Bannockburn, Anakie, and Pakenham. Hatcheries need to be very clean and and identify, prevent and treat any These farms receive day old breeder sterile environments, and we maintain issues that may arise. chicks from our breeding company, several specialised cleaning teams We have two new Agricultural Science Aviagen, and raise and tend to the that ensure these standards are met. graduates commencing in December birds for approximately twenty weeks. The chicks that are hatched at these to learn and add value to various teams. During this time, the birds are vaccinated, facilities are vaccinated and then sent graded into different sizes, trained out to one of our 90 contract broiler Our farming systems operate every day to jump up on nesting systems and farms located across Victoria. of the year, so please spare a thought prepared for egg production. this Christmas for the various farming The broiler farms, either Free Range staff collecting eggs, or feeding the birds These birds are then moved to our or conventional style barns, raise so that we can all enjoy chicken over the production facilities, located in these birds that grow on a well holiday period. Nagambie, Benalla, and Bannockburn. balanced diet of mostly wheat. Joel Kopanica Farming Operations Manager

| | 10 OUR CULTURE MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD S E A SONS GREE T INGS On behalf of the Turosi Board, I take this opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of everyone at Turosi, from the management team to the teams in production and on our farms. This past year has been a challenging and exciting one as we brought together two like-minded businesses to form a new entity. The coming year will be one where we build on the what has been achieved thus far with a renewed focus on product development, food integrity, and the strengthening of relationships with our customers. We look forward to working with you to create a culture and a company we can all be proud to work for. As the festive season approaches, we take this opportunity to wish all of our staff, our customers, and the wider Turosi business community, the warmest of wishes for happy and safe holidays. Chris Turner CEO On behalf Turosi Board of Directors





\"#$#%\"!!!! \"#$#%\" \"#$#%\" \"#$#%\" OUR COMMUNITY | | || ON THE TABLE 03 15 As a team, we have had the pleasure We also attended two fundraising I would like to extend my sincere of supporting many fundraising events for the Northern Hospital and I gratitude to Jackie Rivas (Accounts initiatives outside of our own Turosi wish to thank the staff members who Receivable – Geelong) who is a member Giving. We attended a gala ball in joined me on these occasions. And on of our Turosi Giving Committee. She Sydney for Ronald McDonald House the topic of our local hospitals, players has been instrumental in planning Charities, and the following weekend from Melbourne Victory visited the many of our site fundraisers, including we were in Shepparton to support children’s wards of both the Northern the current Toy and Book Appeal. our KFC Franchisees with their and Geelong Hospitals on Nov 13th. Jackie commenced her maternity Rally4Youth charity. Both of these These visits are always well received leave in November in preparation were a wonderful opportunity to and we thank the players and the club for the arrival of her baby boy. Best take part in the fundraising efforts for their commitment to helping us wishes to Jackie, Sherwin and their of some of our major partners, as give back to our community. beautiful children on the impending well as to share quality time with A few months ago, we produced a arrival. Jackie is keen to work with colleagues from different video for Turosi Giving which features Turosi Giving while she is away, an company sites. offer we are only too happy to accept. staff members from different areas It is important to us that we support of the business. I have been pleased We continue to work with children’s the efforts of our staff, so mid-October to visit the different sites to share charities and our networks to find saw us attending a fundraising event this video and talk to our staff about the stories and the places where our in support of a community in Uganda our workplace giving and volunteer donations can have the most impact. organised by the Sydenham Baptist program, and to highlight the rewards These conversations highlight to me Church, of which Christine Eldaief that come from participating. just how many people are doing it (HR/Production Assistant – It was an absolute pleasure to visit tough and are in need of help. We are Broadmeadows, Turosi Giving the Eagle Farm and Lavarack sites; extremely privileged to be in a position Committee) is a member. We were to meet many of the staff and to gain where we can help some of them. inspired by the Watoto Children’s a better understanding of the plant Next year will be a huge year as we Choir who shared with us music and processes. I am particularly pleased commence planning for our Golf Day stories from their homeland. During with how many people have so in March and our Gala Ball in October. the evening, Chris Turner saw an enthusiastically signed up to take I look forward to sharing more opportunity to treat the children to part in our workplace giving program. updates with you in future editions. a special lunch and our partners at KFC were only too willing to oblige, It’s great to see our sites looking so I take this opportunity to wish you donating all of the meals. We sincerely festive with so many toys donated as and your loved ones all the blessings thank Chris Retzos and his team for part of the Smith Family’s Toy and that come with the festive season. this incredible gift. Book Appeal. It’s pleasing to know that as a team we can provide gifts Pina Di Donato for children who would not otherwise Board Chair receive Christmas gifts. Thank you Turosi Giving to all of you who have left gifts in the Christmas boxes.

| | 03 ON THE TABLE THE GREAT VICTORIAN It started with an idea by the Retzos Lined up for a kilometre and being Group to hold a car rally to raise chased by a KFC bucket, we drove for money for the KFC youth charities. about 10 minutes before it was time We were fortunate to be invited along for our first stop; coffee and a visit to as a supplier partner and welcomed the auto museum. The ‘What’s App the opportunity to be involved with Group’ created for the event was in such a great initiative. overdrive with comments from all participants streaming in. We received our program and were required to report to base in We travelled onward like a well-oiled Shepparton at 7.30am on the first freight train snaking through the day. We and 100 others descended on countryside; it’s amazing how many ‘Chris’s Garage’. Let me tell you, it’s trucks you can hold up with a convoy! not like an ordinary garage, this place Our first night was in Echuca and is huge; full of KFC memorabilia and as we had come to expect, all was cars like you have never seen before: organised perfectly; security to look Chevys, Corvettes, Mustangs, Minis, after the cars, mechanics at the ready petrol pumps. Our cars were badged to ensure that all was running well. and checked in as we were briefed The Retzos group had thought about the days to come. The cry of of everything. ‘start your engines’ went out and a haze of blue smoke and raw engine Off to dinner we went, and this is noise ensued. We were off! where our indiscretions of the day were explained to us with police

Car Rally superintendent Nikki Lawson We all chanted the only Greek song We heard stories of the great work (Managing Director- KFC South we knew, Souvlaki! We visited lots of being done to assist young people in Pacific) handing out ‘fines’. Those places along the way before eventually need. We laughed a lot and in the of us that had not met the standard arriving in Albury where, once again, process raised in excess of $240,000. were given uniforms to wear on the massive fines were distributed for all Chris and Sue Retzos, their team and next day: Elvis, Superman and other of the unacceptable things we had the greater Yum Family need to be action heroes. done over the course of the day. congratulated for running such a slick The next morning, 7.30am came and Day three came; once again it was event. It was perfectly organised to the off we went to the second day’s briefing. time to fill up with petrol, fill in the tee; it was a great deal of fun, with lots A reminder to all to fill the cars up; log book and away we went: one of long term memories created. We boy do those classic cars drink some couple wearing pyjamas as penance can’t wait for the next one! fuel! We had a slight problem at the for an indiscretion, closely followed Thank you from all of us at TUROSI. petrol station when six action heroes by Elvis again. It was an absolute privilege to have went into pay and the service station We arrived back at Shepparton, our the opportunity to spend quality time owner thought we were dressed up original starting point; cars returned with such a generous bunch of people. to rob the joint! We were away again, and ready for a rest before we were with the bucket chasing us all. The joined by other Turosi team members Chris Turner wedding car, driven by George and who drove in for a special fundraising CEO Kathy; a luscious green 54 Chevy was ball to conclude the three-day event. about to attend a Greek wedding. The organisers thought it would be a great It was here that the really important idea for George and Kathy to reaffirm work was done, with money being their wedding vows, Greek style. raised for YUM youth charities.


| OUR COMMUNITY 19 | Watoto Choir ON OCTOBER 12TH, At the gala, the Watoto Children’s families to host a few kids and a Choir performed for the enjoyment leader for a night or two; there they SYDENHAM BAPTIST of the guests and to share their will be provided with meals also. CHURCH HELD A stories through song and dance. In the week following the gala, the FUNDRAISER TO RAISE They were magnificent and it was choir were staying at the Sydenham a very successful night. We raised MONEY TO BUILD $15,401, which is awesome! Baptist church to wind down before A HOUSE IN GULU, Watoto means ‘Children’ in Swahili heading back home. Families were asked to donate mattresses and UGANDA FOR language. The choir is made up of meals if they could. ORPHANED KIDS, AS children who have lost one or both Chris Turner generously organised for parents to AIDS or the war, or who are the kids to have a KFC lunch provided PART OF THE WATATO unable to be cared for by their family. during that week and it just so ORGANISATION. The choir travels extensively to raise happened that, for that day, we didn’t awareness of and raise funds for the have anyone organised to provide a work of Watoto globally. meal. We thank God for his provision I would like to sincerely thank my and for the opportunity provided by work friends who came and supported Chris Turner’s and ‘Turosi Giving’. the event and also those who couldn’t I also take this opportunity to thank come but supported financially. KFC Franchisee Chris Retzos and his I would like to thank Pina Di Donato team for being so willing to donate the and Chris Turner for being so food for the children. The generosity encouraging and for sponsoring of this group is truly heart-warming. people to attend the event. As you will see from the photos, the Thank you to Jackie Rivas (Account kids thoroughly enjoyed the lunch Receivable – Geelong) for coming and I believe it is a highlight they will along with her family and for inviting always remember. friends. Thank you to one of our labour Once again, I thank everyone at Turosi hire providers APG who generously for their support of initiatives that are donated and also attended the event. important to me personally, my family, During the evening, Chris Turner and my wider community. asked about who provides shelter and food for the choir whilst they are Christine Eldaief touring. In organising the tour, the HR/Production Assistant - host church or organisations will ask Broadmeadows

| | 20 OUR COMMUNITY SUPPORTING THE GRASS ROOTS It all started on Australia Day 2018 played for the GV SUNS and League. As this was the first time in Murchinson; the Under 12’s another player who had come many of the players had played soccer team had won an award back from England to play together, it has taken a little time for ‘Best Sporting Team’ at the during the holidays. for the team to find their chemistry. local Australia Day event. Despite The team was set, but the next Many of the opposition thought this success, four players from issue was that we didn’t have Murchison would finish last. Coach the Under 12’s team would enough money for team jerseys. Williams brought the team together unfortunately be too old to play The S.J.S.A helped us out by finding and gave them belief in each other. again in the following season. us spare Jerseys to wear in the After 15 Rounds, the team finished That’s when a decision was made interim whilst we looked for a team second in their League with 10 to form the very first Under 15’s sponsor. The call was put out for Wins, 1 Draw & 4 Losses. soccer team. help and Turosi put their hand up. Thank you to Turosi for helping us Recruitment started and by March By round four our new jerseys had establish a team for our players 2018 a team was formed. Sixteen arrived with the Turosi logo on and for giving back to sport in players had been recruited from the front and the team suddenly regional communities. many different areas including felt complete. Murchison, Nagambie, Euroa, The Under 15 team was coached Shane Peterson Tatura & Shepparton. The team by Neale (Willie) Williams, with the Manager, Nagambie Farm 1 was made up of a wide variety of help of the Team Manager Helen *Photo courtesy of Renate Abra experience; some players were Brook & assistants Jeremy Burr playing for the first time, others & Shane Peterson. had not played due to there being no local team available, a couple After three rounds the team had of experienced players from the one win & two losses, sitting Under 12’s, one player who also second last in Division 2 Under 15

| OUR COMMUNITY 19 | MELBOURNE VICTORY VISIT OUR LOCAL HOSPITALS ON NOVEMBER 13TH, Over the years, we have seen how There was a similar feeling over at OUR LOCAL HOSPITALS well received these visits are by Geelong Hospital with players Nick both patients and hospital staff. Ansell, Archie Thompson & Josh IN EPPING AND GEELONG Hope in attendance. Sara Bonnici Katrina Burke, Nurse Unit Manager RECEIVED VISITS FROM of Northern Hospital’s Children’s of Barwon Health Foundation also MELBOURNE VICTORY Ward, thanked the players and commented on the benefits of the visits. organisers for donating their time. PLAYERS. “The recent visit of the Melbourne “These visits really raise the spirits WE AT TUROSI ARE of not only patients and their families, Victory players to the children’s ward at University Hospital Geelong made THRILLED TO BE ABLE TO but also staff members, volunteers such a difference to our patients. and the broader community. We FACILITATE THESE SPECIAL really appreciate the players taking Many patients enjoyed chatting to VISITS AS A RESULT OF the time out of their busy schedules the players and were pleasantly distracted during their hospital stay to bring smiles to so many faces at OUR VERY SUCCESSFUL with this wonderful visit with lots our hospital.” PARTNERSHIP WITH of laughs. Our patients on the The kids and players exchanged chemotherapy day ward at Barwon MELBOURNE VICTORY. soccer tips and laughs, and received Health’s Andrew Love Cancer Centre signed posters, Melbourne Victory were also thrilled with the players scarves and photos. Northern Health visiting and loved having the chance staff and visitors also enjoyed the to chat about football and sport. opportunity for a photo and a chat Thank you to Melbourne Victory for with their favourite soccer team. arranging this visit.” We sincerely thank Melbourne Victory for working with us to give back to our local communities.

BLUE HAIRNET DAY Prostate Cancer affects more and more men each year. It is estimated than 17,729 new cases will be diagnosed by the end of 2018, with the median age at diagnosis of 67.6 years. With this increasing number of people affected, it is likely that some of us may know someone who is going through treatment for this condition. On September 21st, the Geelong Plant participated in ‘Blue Hairnet Day’, where all staff wore blue hairnets to raise funds for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia. This foundation aims to create awareness about prostate cancer and raise funds to find a cure. A sea of blue nets could be seen throughout the Geelong Plant, with staff donating a gold coin for the privilege. A total of $674.60 was raised, many conversations were had, and most importantly, by shining the spotlight on this cause, staff gained more awareness of symptoms associated with the disease and the importance of getting checked regularly. For more information about Prostate Cancer please visit

| OUR COMMUNITY 23 | SMITH FAMILY !\"#$%&'$(\"\")$*++,%- This year Turosi is supporting The Smith Family Toy & Book Appeal to help bring smiles to the faces of disadvantaged kids. The story of The Smith Family started in 1922 when five businessmen decided to take gifts to a local orphanage on Christmas Eve and were heartened by the joy it brought to the children. When the matron asked who they could thank, the first man replied “Smith.” She then asked “What about the others?” and they replied “Smith. We’re all Smiths. We’re The Smith Family”. And the rest, as they say, is history. What a great story; the impact of which continues to benefit disadvantaged people all over the country well beyond Christmas time. Our employees have been extremely generous with their gifts and as a result, The Toy & Book Appeal has been a huge success with multiple gift giving boxes filled at each site. Thank you to all staff who contributed to making this Christmas a little happier for some children who may not have otherwise received gifts.




| OUR SITES 27 | AUSTRALIAN the Australian Veterinary sector prescribed by a certified health The conference was a reaction of • Only use antibiotics when VETERINARY to the ever increasing worldwide professional and strictly follow their advice. threats to global health, food ANTIMICROBIAL security, and development today; • Never twist your GP’s arm STEWARDSHIP the “Antimicrobial Resistant”. to prescribe you an antibiotic Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) against their will, whether for CONFERENCE is the ability of a microorganism yourself or your dependent. (like bacteria, viruses, and some parasites) to stop an antimicrobial • Never share or use leftover (WORLD ANTIBIOTIC (such as antibiotics, antivirals and antibiotics. antimalarials) from working against AWARENESS WEEK it. As a result, standard treatments • Prevent infections by regularly washing hands, preparing 12 – 18 NOVEMBER 2018) may become ineffective, infections food hygienically, avoiding may persist and may spread close contact with sick people, to others. practising safer sex, and ON THE 11TH NOVEMBER The theme of the Conference keeping vaccinations up to date. was ‘One Health’. The One Health • Prepare food hygienically; i.e. 2018, I HAD THE PRIVILEGE concept recognises that the health keep clean, separate raw and OF REPRESENTING TUROSI of people is connected to the health cooked, cook thoroughly, keep FARMING DEPARTMENT of animals and the environment. food at safe temperatures, use AT THE AUSTRALIAN Antimicrobials are medical products safe water and raw materials) or compounds which are capable At policy level, Turosi, through the VETERINARY ANTIMICROBIAL of killing or inhibiting the growth of work of Australian Chicken Meat STEWARDSHIP CONFERENCE. a multispecies of microorganisms, Federation, is a proud partner in such as bacteria, fungi and the national strategies to prevent parasites. Antibiotics are a and control the spread of antibiotic sub-group of antimicrobials, with resistance. We practice due specific activity against bacteria diligence preventative health that cause disease in humans or medicine, responsible husbandry animals. Thus, they are medicines and good manufacturing practices. used to prevent and treat bacterial These include vaccinations, infections. Antibiotic resistance parasites control, appropriate occurs when bacteria change in nutrition, optimum housing response to the use of these conditions, animal welfare, animal medicines. Bacteria, not humans welfare friendly transportation, or animals, become antibiotic- and strict biosecurity practices. resistant. Antibiotic resistance These policies and procedures occurs naturally, but misuse of are all aimed at reducing disease antibiotics in humans and animals incidence to a level next to zero could accelerate the process. and subsequently, reducing the Prevention and control of antibiotic need for antibiotic intervention. resistance is not exclusive to doctors (animal or human) but a shared Dr. Banydhuro Oyay community responsibility. Individuals Farming Veterinarian may contribute to prevention and control of spread of antibiotic resistance by:


| OUR SITES 29 | DRIVING INNOVATION Our Processing Plant in Geelong In October, we had Nandos and has recently completed taking CHEP visit our plant in Geelong as delivery of a new fleet of part of ‘Project Collapsible Crate’. semi-trailers to be part of our It’s always great to have industry live haul transport fleet. Our leaders bringing innovative ideas trailers have been upgraded to the table in conjunction with long from dual-axle to tri-axle trailers term partners like our friends at to meet the increasing processing Nando’s Australia. An informative requirements of the Geelong Plant. and productive day was had by all. Thank you to PANUS Oceania Semi-trailers for meeting our Pictured above (left to right): requirements in a timely manner. Jason McGregor, Karin Freeman, Anthony Foord, Lindsay Sacks, Marina Kazachkov, Dean Parsons.

| | 30 OUR SITES !\"#$%&'()*#)\"#)(#'%&## The manufacturing of food is a huge responsibility; one we take very +&)'&)\",#\"'#-'(\".&## seriously. Our vision is to provide food solutions WORTHY of a place /#0%1\"%&.#'-#-''2# at every Australian table. In order to be worthy, not only does our (/-.\",#3)\"4)5#\"4.# food need to taste great, it must be of the highest possible standard 3'&6+1/0.7#8''2# and integrity. (/-.\",#)(#/\"#\"4.#0'&.# As part of the drive to reinforce this culture, our site at Eagle Farm '-#.9.&,\"4)5:#3.#2'7 participated in Food Safety Week, an OSI Initiative. During this week in September, there was great employee involvement and enthusiasm. The week was filled with activities and one point lessons to celebrate all things food safety. Activities included: Opening Day with a site management presentation, AIB inspection training with 20 site representatives, hand washing games with bioluminescent lights, foreign material focus groups, recognition awards and an iPad giveaway for the best food safety idea submitted. The week closed with all departments having an increased awareness, focus and drive for Food Safety and Quality improvement for our facility.

| ON THE TABLE 03 | .\"\"'$/%.,0#$1,,) We received some great >):4\"#<4)-\"#=## F5:)5..&(#=## Food Safety Ideas from E/,'#8/2.,) G)&/5#E/4/2)6 our staff. Here are the winning submissions: 1. Use of colour coded Electrical switches, tower uniform for different lights, flashing lights above ;/,#<4)-\"#=## section, and use of the conveyor are possible >)06)\"\"/#?'@.&\"('5 different entry/access for contaminators of plastic, each section to prevent water etc. For example – Change quality of the paper cross contamination. junction box above towel, blue paper towel 2. Issuing of gloves after opti-coater, tower light always rips above opti –flour, flashing hand wash or entry into lights above opti-dipper. the factory, because when you issue gloves prior to The solution – lights can be !-\".&5''5#<4)-\"#A## the hand wash and access installed on side and below B/C).A#D..#E/&1.& to the factory, the same the conveyor belt. contaminated hands hold Automatic soap and sanitiser the gloves. Though the Sharelle Smith dispensers throughout the hands get washed later, QA Manager - Eagle Farm factory floor. Less bacteria. they have still come into contact with the contaminated gloves.

| | 32 OUR BRANDS MARKETING UPDATE These are rewarding times for The purpose of our visit was to Let’s say it was an interesting the marketing team as we start conduct interviews with some of experience, and I had the pleasure to see our work rolled out across the staff and obtain footage and of riding in the cabin of the truck the business. professional images for our website alongside Shane the driver. and corporate videos. As we go to print, the new Turosi website is ready to be launched. It Thank you to Greg Rich and his team I also had the opportunity to spend showcases the extensive capabilities for organising the visit and to staff some time with Michael and Luke of the business as well as the who so enthusiastically participated who manage our distribution centre human side and care that goes in presentations and filming. in Prestons, which is also looking into producing our food. great with its new signage. It was great to see all of the new I had the pleasure of visiting our sites Turosi signage in person and hear As the year draws to a rapid close, in Eagle Farm last month. I was so such positive feedback. Our staff I take this opportunity to extend to impressed by the attention to detail are also looking great in their new all staff, contractors, customers and when it comes to health and safety, Turosi shirts. business partners all the very best and food safety. It was great to meet After Brisbane, the film crew and for the festive season. the teams and learn more about the I headed to Sydney to film Don May your table be surrounded by the processes involved in manufacturing Watson’s Trailer which now has people you care about and filled with our FP products. all the trimmings that come with this Turosi branding on it. special time of the year. Pina Di Donato Marketing Manager

| ON THE TABLE 03 | :;#+/0+/0$(<,(33(/,($ -.$-7($-&13(6 BE GIN SCROL L ING VISION 01 ABOUT US 3\"-( OSI Foods began its story as a humble butcher shop (Otto & Sons) in Chicago, Illinois in 1909. Founded by German Immigrant Otto Kolschowsky, the business quickly developed a reputation for the quality of its products 4*\"-.0'( and service. Having been successful in supplying meat to the locals, the small company soon opened new branches in the surrounding areas. In a similar fashion, Sam Cuteri, founder of Turi Foods, left his home in Italy in 1967 in search of opportunity. As a 19 year old, with all his worldly ,*()#- possessions packed into his suitcase, he travelled to Australia by ship. Not long after arriving in Melbourne, Sam landed his first job with a small chicken processor. LEARN MORE Sam Cuteri on his journey to Australia,1967 !\"#$%&'()**+( ,&#-&,(*.(&/0( )#-1222 02 OUR PEOPLE <67=6:;>?@ 5678 97:86:; =?A6:;?5B ABOVE: GREG RICH (OPERATIONS MANAGER - EAGLE FARM) WITH PINA DI DONATO (MARKETING MANAGER) BELOW: INTERVIEW WITH DAVID LAMB - LAVARACK SITE - LEARN MORE WITH PINA DI DONATO AND ALEX LOURIE (ALFILM) FAR RIGHT: SNEAK PEAK OF NEW TUROSI WEBSITE 03 OUR BRANDS F ;1#$$(*CC*-&\".%&%0,(#-0(*)&0.(&/0(( D0E%..%.E(*)(E-0#&(0.&0-C-%,0,2 LEARN MORE MEET THE FARMERS 04 OUR CAPABIITIES !\"#$%&#'(#)$&#($*(*+,&-(*$-.$$ (/)\"#+/0$1+#*)$&#($2(33$3..4(*$$ &%-(#5$!\"#$1+#*)6$2(3%&#($+)$.\"#$$ 7+07()-$8#+.#+-95 =&#'(#$/&'(>$?((3./0$@3&/- LEARN MORE 05 OUR COMMITMENTS G%H%.E(D#IJ(%,(( Our vision is an organisation where ‘giving’ is firmly embedded into its culture. At the heart of our organisation, and in line with our core values, is the desire to do our part for the community. We consider our community and its residents %.(*\"-(I\"$&\"-0 to be an integral part of our business. The purpose of our charity work is to relieve the burden resulting from sickness, poverty, disability and other misfortune, with a particular focus on children. LEARN MORE ABOUT US TUROSI GIVING OUR BRANDS INDUSTRY LINKS FACEBOOK OUR PEOPLE WORK WITH US BANNOCKBURN POLICIES & PROCEDURES LINKEDIN OUR CAPABILITIES EMPLOYEE PORTAL LA IONICA TERMS & CONDITIONS OUR COMMITMENTS FAQ GOLDEN FARMS PRIVACY TWITTER OUR FEED CONTACT PREPARED FOOD SOLUTIONS INSTAGRAM TUROSI © 2018. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


| OUR BRANDS 03 | La Ionica’s partnership with are instrumental in working with On November 11th, it was La Ionica’s Melbourne Victory is into its us to give back to our local turn to be the Match Day sponsor. It thirteenth year. It has been an communities. This is something was a great day which culminated in extremely successful partnership we are extremely proud of. the team experiencing its first win of which has yielded a considerable The new season kicked off in style the season. We were extremely happy amount of brand exposure as the once again with a season launch at to provide an opportunity for Claire, back of shirt sponsor. Olivia and Patrick Montalti (children Crown Palladium on October 10th. On and off the field, Melbourne The first match of the season, the of Stephanie Montalti – Retail Store Victory; its board, administration and much anticipated Melbourne Derby, Manager – Thomastown) to take part playing group, have been a pleasure was held at the newly branded Marvel in the coin toss and walk out with the to deal with. Together we have built Stadium in front of a crowd of more players, something we are sure they a relationship based on a set of than 40,000 people. Unfortunately, will never forget. shared values and mutual respect Victory succumbed to Melbourne City We look forward to a successful and it is a privilege for us to share on this occasion but the crowd was season ahead and continuing our in their victory. still enthusiastic and hopeful of a wonderful partnership with successful season for the reigning Melbourne Victory. It is a well-known fact that apart from our commercial sponsorship champions. arrangements, Melbourne Victory

| | 36 OUR PARTNERS International KFC India Visit In October, Turosi received a visit from a group of International KFC partners from India. It was wonderful to share our knowledge and have an insight on our business and KFC partnership from a global view. The team spent the day visiting farming, primary & further processing operations and meeting with all management to discuss areas of interest. Everyone learned a lot from the day’s activities and discussions, and from recent communication, we have no doubt it will be ongoing. A big thank you to Michael Aungle and Scott Richards for bringing us together, to Ravinder Kumar Bajaj for leading the team from India, and to our international guests Shrinivas Biradar, Uday Swawant, and Ravikumar Sivanandam. We look forward to ongoing talks, and who knows, perhaps that visit to India.

| OUR PARTNERS 37 | Out and About with KFC ! The KFC Food Innovation Team (FIT), consisting of their Product Development, QA & Nutrition Managers, schedule visits to their major supply partners to build their team’s knowledge and understanding of the manufacture of their products and the capability available to support future menu development. In early October, we welcomed the FIT Team to Eagle Farm where a fun, informative and valuable day was had by all. The team’s visit included a tour through our facilities at Lavarack and Qantas Drive, where they experienced firsthand our impressive raw material inspection process and broad capability in further processing. Thank you to the team at Eagle Farm who hosted a well-planned and successful day. The KFC team had great day with the Turosi team and gained valuable insights into our business. Jodie Nelson FP Account Development Manager - Broadmeadows

| | 03 ON THE TABLE FROM LEFT: ALEX LATTER (PLANNING & SYSTEMS MANAGER) AND MICHAEL COUCH (SALES PRODUCTION PLANNER – PRIMARY) , A WELL OILED MACHINE TUROSI IS A TEAM Just like the machinery in all of our ensure that our customers’ MADE UP OF MANY plants, if one piece breaks down, the requirements translate into what PARTS. THE whole process fails to operate as each of the plants produce. it should. BUSINESS RELIES It is for this reason that what each But it goes even further than that. All of this information then needs to ON ALL OF THOSE of us brings to the table is a valuable feed back through to the Farming PARTS TO FUNCTION contribution to the overall success Department who uses it to determine EFFECTIVELY AND of the business. The part each of us how many eggs and chicks we need EFFICIENTLY. plays is as important as the next part. to set for. At the very core of this business, we Alex and Michael, together with have a small team of two people, who their support team, are the conduit do a very big job. They work tirelessly between all parts of the business, to ensure this machine is well oiled ensuring that all departments are and functioning to its highest and in effective communication with most effective capacity. Alex Latter one another. (Planning & Systems Manager) and We take this opportunity Michael Couch (Sales Production to thank them for the excellence Planner – Primary) are responsible they bring to the Turosi table. We for the planning systems of the whole acknowledge the hard work they business from Farming to Further do all year round, and even more Processing. Their role is to work so at this festive time of the year. between sales and production to

| OUR PARTNERS 39 | FROM LEFT: ALEX LATTER (PLANNING & SYSTEMS MANAGER) AND MICHAEL COUCH (SALES PRODUCTION PLANNER – PRIMARY) , A WELL OILED MACHINE NEW KEBAB RANGE In July this year, Woolworths awarded Alexandra Schepis, visited Geelong Turosi five new product lines into the to inspect the new line and our meat department to be produced in processes, giving the final approval Geelong for distribution throughout for the kebabs and teriyaki leg steaks Victoria and New South Wales. The to be released into Woolworths products include 375g tray packed supermarkets. lemon and garlic, honey soy, and The new products, which look satay style chicken kebabs, as well fantastic, have been in store since as 500g tray pack plain and teriyaki the AFL Grand Final long weekend chicken leg steaks. and are selling well. To be able to meet the increase in Well done to all involved. This was volume and the new kebab coating a huge project completed in only process, a new packing line was a few short weeks and we are commissioned in September. proud to have delivered on our Production of the plain chicken customers’ expectations. leg steaks started on the 17th of September. The following week, Kate Couch Woolworths Quality Specialist, Quality Systems Coordinator

| | 40 OUR PARTNERS !\"#$%&\"'(%')*+\"!%,-. 234$!5%6,-/ by Morneau Shepell l We congratulate KFC on the opening of their magnificent new store at Marsden Park, NSW. The store officially opened on December 4th. As you can see from the photos, it looks amazing. The new KFC store at Spring Farm, NSW officially opened on November 27th. Congratulations to all the staff, including Store Manager Shira and Assistant Manager Maz. The store looks amazing! EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Michael Coomber Distribution Manager NSW TUROSI HAS JOINED Anything discussed between you and If you are aware of any Turosi staff WITH A THIRD PARTY LifeWorks is completely member who may be struggling with This week I visited the newly CONFIDENTIAL. As part of the issues, encourage them to contact refurbished Nandos Restaurant in ORGANISATION program, you can access up to the LifeWorks organisation. Footscray where I caught up with CALLED LIFEWORKS six sessions free of charge. These Justin Tuddenham; the Regional TO PROVIDE sessions can be over the phone or LifeWorks will help you to identify, General Manager (VIC/TAS) of face to face. In order to access the explore and manage any issues Nandos Australia. Wow, the team ASSISTANCE TO ALL service, all you need to do is call and impacting your life, which can at Nandos sure know how to make TUROSI STAFF AND let them know you’re from Turosi and include: trendy pop; the restaurant looks THEIR IMMEDIATE the site you work at. LifeWorks is • Conflict and communication fantastic! Top that with the ‘peri’ FAMILY MEMBERS IN staffed with professionally qualified • Maximising performance best service with a smile from Andy, A NUMBER OF counsellors, psychologists and social • Depression, anxiety and stress Radhika and the team and some workers who can assist you with your • Relationship and marital problems serious master grilling! AREAS. questions. • Children or family member concerns So, if you’re in the area be sure to This is a fantastic initiative and • Grief and bereavement call in and see the team at Nandos, resource provided by Turosi so • Elder care issues Addictions Footscray and get some of the peri Call us: 1300 361 008 feel free to utilise it any time. It is • Career path issues Retirement peri best flame grilled chicken! available 24/7 and 365 days a year. • Work life balance • Work stress Lee Ryan National QSR/FCD Sales Manager Primary

Welcome to LifeWorks by Morneau Shepell l EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM TUROSI HAS JOINED Anything discussed between you and If you are aware of any Turosi staff WITH A THIRD PARTY LifeWorks is completely member who may be struggling with ORGANISATION CONFIDENTIAL. As part of the issues, encourage them to contact program, you can access up to the LifeWorks organisation. CALLED LIFEWORKS six sessions free of charge. These TO PROVIDE sessions can be over the phone or LifeWorks will help you to identify, explore and manage any issues ASSISTANCE TO ALL face to face. In order to access the impacting your life, which can TUROSI STAFF AND service, all you need to do is call and include: let them know you’re from Turosi and THEIR IMMEDIATE the site you work at. LifeWorks is • Conflict and communication FAMILY MEMBERS IN staffed with professionally qualified • Maximising performance • Depression, anxiety and stress A NUMBER OF counsellors, psychologists and social • Relationship and marital problems AREAS. workers who can assist you with your • Children or family member questions. concerns This is a fantastic initiative and • Grief and bereavement Call us: 1300 361 008 resource provided by Turosi so • Elder care issues Addictions • Career path issues Retirement feel free to utilise it any time. It is available 24/7 and 365 days a year. • Work life balance • Work stress

| | 42 OUR PEOPLE !75\"/8$9\"::7&80#$;\"08<,$(\"%5' H\"I(#/#T)&1K H\"I(#/#J',K T%&U..\"##P4'+&/##/52##V1%##W)5## L4)11##E)04).1)5##A##M!## V\"/,##N@'\"4##'-##34'C##3'&6##)5## E/5/:.&##NJ&'/2C./2'3(O## T..1'5:##L&'0.(()5:O##+&'%21,### /52##4)(##3)-.##&.0.5\"1,##3.10'C.2## 3.10'C.2##\"4.)&##2/%:4\".&##>/)5/## \"4.)&##(.0'52##04)12##P4/&1.(## @'&5##'5##Q0\"'@.&##SX\"4##/\"## ?/,C'52##E)04).1)5##@'&5### RS7YZ/C*##3.):4)5:##Y7YYZ6:7# '5##Q0\"'@.&##RS\"47

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| | 44 OUR PEOPLE 8/&.3.11#\"'#B/06).#?)9/(*#-'&#5'3K## 8/&.3.11#\"'#B/06).#?)9/(*#-'&#5'3K## E/5,#'-#,'%#C/,#5'\"#@.#/3/&.#\"4/\"## our gorgeous “Jackie” is about to go on C/\".&5)\",#1./9.#/(#'-#X\"4#>'9.C@.&*#S^R_7## B/06).#3'&6(#)5#!00'%5\"(#?.0.)9/@1.#/\"## our Geelong of￿￿ce and has been with $%&'()#-'&#/++&'[)C/\".1,#X#,./&(*#\"3'#'-# \"4'(.#3'&6)5:#3)\"4#?/04.11.#/52##P4/2#)5## !00'%5\"(#?.0.)9/@1.7##B/06).*#4.&#4%(@/52*# <4.&3)5#/52##\"4.)&#\"3'#/2'&/@1.#6)2(*## H\"I(#/#@',K B/06#`#B)11*#/&.#./:.&1,#/3/)\")5:#\"4.## B%(\"#+&)'&#\"'#:')5:#\"'#+&)5\"#3.## /&&)9/1#'-#\"4.)&#@/@,#@',7#B/06).#(/)2*### &.0.)9.2#\"4.#5.3(#\"4/\"#B/0a%.1)5.# ]\"4.#@/@,#3/(5I\"#+1/55.2#@%\"#)(#/#@1.(()5:## ?)9/(#N!00'%5\"(#?.0.)9/@1.A## for all of us”. T..1'5:O/52#4.&#4%(@/52### B/06).#)(#\"/6)5:#RS#C'5\"4(#1./9.#\"'#1''6## <4.&3)5#3.10'C.2#\"4.)&#+&.0)'%(## /-\".&#4.&#,'%5:#-/C)1,#/52#3.#/11#3)(4## ('5#B'&2/5#!(4.&#?)9/(*#@'&5### 4.&#\"4.#(/-.#/&&)9/1#'-#\"4.)&#5.3#/22)\")'57## /#1)\"\"1.#./&1).&#\"4/5#.[+.0\".2*#'5## W.#0/55'\"#3/)\"#\"'#4/9.#/#9)()\"#-&'C## ;.0.C@.&#R(\"#/\"#S7bY+C#3.):4)5:# @'\"4#B/06).#/52#4.&#5.3#@/@,#@',7# Y7YX^6:7#!#@./%\")-%1#@&'\"4.&#-'&# !11#'%&#1'9.#/52#(+.0)/1#3)(4.(#\"'#B/06).# B/06#/52##B)117#E%C#/52##@%@(## @'\"4#2')5:#3.117 /52#4.&#-/C)1,*#8&'C#4.&#-&).52(#/52## 0'11./:%.(#/\"#T..1'5:7

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| OUR PEOPLE 47 | FROM LEFT: WENDY COGGER, PRODUCTION, GEELONG INSET: TERRIE RYAN - FARMING ADMINISTRATION BELOW: WILLIAM EDEN, PRODUCTION, GEELONG =75$>,\"+-,$?&$@,,-\"&A There are four Geelong Region staff This plant was shut down six • Wendy Cogger walked into the who will achieve 30 years’ service in months later, and Bill transferred Geelong plant on March 20, 1989 the first quarter of 2019 and join the into the main packing room. The with an employment application other 11 staff in our 30 Year Service site was running a single day shift in her pocket, already dressed in Group mentioned in the first issue and his tasks were many and her PPE and after a three-minute of this magazine. varied. Bill went on to be trained interview with the Production as a handsaw operator and, along Manager started work in Traypack, • Terrie Ryan works in Farming Administration and is based in with three other operators, cut all where she worked for the next ten Geelong. Terrie started as a KFC 9-cut orders on the handsaw. years. She also met her husband “temp” for two weeks in October With the automation of KFC cut-up, Craig, a Production Supervisor. 1988 – and is still here! Terrie Bill went on to working in Auto-Cut Wendy moved to Whole Bird commenced with the then and Whole Bird Areas of the Packing before taking 12 months’ Australia Poultry P/L on the packing room. On a personal note maternity leave to have their first January 9th, 1989, starting in the Bill likes to keep himself fit and child Taylah, after which she job Administration Office and then healthy and has been a member at shared as a Digi Operator. Four working in Accounts Payable, the Geelong Gym for 30 plus years. years later, Wendy took maternity Reception, as Cashier, Payroll Bill is also a workplace giver in the leave for the arrival of their son, Data Entry and other General Turosi Workplace Giving Program. Matt. Wendy resumed work in a Admin tasks. Terrie then moved • Andrew Stones commenced on part-time capacity for the next 10 to Farming Administration in 1997 the February 14th, 1989 in the years working in all areas before where she continues to work. auto-cut as a casual. After a returning to full-time position and During that time, she had a short time, he was appointed to is now a Team Leader in Whole five-year stint as Livestock the position of Team Leader in Bird area. Wendy has participated Planner. Terrie is a participant the Traypack. He was then trained in the Turosi Volunteering Program in the Turosi Workplace Giving as a machine setter in the at the Royal Children’s Hospital. Program. evisceration room, a position he held until 2005 before being • William Eden started on February 10th, 1989. When Bill started, the transferred to the crate wash area Geelong site was still operating a of the plant. In 2014, Andy went Rendering Plant which is where to the Live Bay area and works he commenced duties, assisting a rotating 4-hour roster which in the production of poultry includes monitoring animal welfare offal meal. at the GP Live Bird unloader.

| | 48 OUR PEOPLE meet the farmer On a cold winter’s day, we took a drive It all started when Bryan’s family time that his father asked for a to meet Bryan Hepburn and his son moved from Parwan near Bacchus helping hand on the family farm and James. When we arrived, we were Marsh to Mount Moriac where his they sat down to earnestly discuss greeted with a picturesque view over grandfather bought the family the future of the farm. There were a the valley; in the line of sight were farm. Following his grandfather’s few options they could go with; one a couple of dams, an old fashioned retirement five years later, his father was that his father would cut off 100 water pump, and some sheep grazing and uncle took over the daily running acres for Bryan to build on and sell in a paddock. Despite the cold, the of the farm whilst Bryan attended the remaining acreage. This did not feeling was warm and welcoming, high school in Geelong. Once finished, appeal to Bryan though, as he was precisely what you would expect Bryan then completed a two-and-a- seriously pondering his future as he from a family farm. half-year Wool Classing course, “had met a young lass and marriage which led him to seek out and was in the air”. At the same time, Bryan Hepburn has been growing chickens for Turi Foods/Turosi for broaden his experience with other Bryan had been purchasing manure the past eight years. His farm is an sheering contractors in sheds within from a local chicken farm which had RSPCA Approved Farm. His passion the western district. His father sparked an interest in chickens and for his work is obvious. He is a great continued his efforts on the family was becoming more appealing. example of the quality of our contract farm and hired labourers to help Prior to Bryan managing the farm, growers and the commitment they him when needed. the chickens were a sideline, taking make to looking after our chickens. Bryan then went on to try his hand at up a small portion of space and time, Share-farming (cropping on other sheep were the main priority and Born and raised on the very same farm he works on today, Bryan is neighbours’ land) for five to six years. took the bulk of their energy. Over very proud to have contributed to the He found cropping to be “up and the years, the chickens grew into a success of his farm which has been down, with some years wet and big part of the farm. family owned for over 100 years. getting the crop in late, while other years were too dry”. It was at this

| ON THE TABLE 03 | FROM LEFT BRYAN AND JAMES HEPBURN Initially starting with two sheds, they When asked about his passions, Bryan and his wife Barb, are currently liked the idea as they took up only a Bryan says proudly “easy answer; my working through a succession plan small piece of the farm. “I enjoyed the family and their children, the farm for when they retire and hope their growing of chickens because over a that we have here, the animals and son, James, will take control of the year we would have five batches being able to get up every day and farm in the future. “He is a very big compared to sheep only having one know that each day is different. I give help now in the day to day running of lamb. Chickens gave us the chance to thanks to my father and mother for our business.” change something and you would see having the farm and allowing Barb We thank Bryan and his family for very quickly whether the change was and myself to go to the bank and put taking the time to show us around good or bad. I will say the mix of up a case to build again”. their farm and for the contribution both animals being on Grandview “The farm has enabled me and my they make to Turosi and the overall worked out well”. wife Barbara, with three daughters farming community. “I always knew that at some stage I and one son, to have a lifestyle that would be a farmer, but would have was rewarding and it was a family Victoria Olarenshaw never dreamt of having six sheds with affair. The children, as they got older, Marketing Department 225,000 chickens here at Grandview. would help with sheep or chickens. Now the sheep are a sideline for the As they are now all adults, they will rest of the farm” often tell stories of life growing up on the farm. Our grandchildren come out and we love to take them around and see all animals we have.”

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