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Home Explore BC Punmia SURVEYING Vol 1 - By

BC Punmia SURVEYING Vol 1 - By

Published by namdevp598, 2020-11-03 18:29:50

Description: BC Punmia SURVEYING Vol 1 - By


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Downloaded From : SURVEYING 532 c Contouring, methods of, 260 Contours, characlel'istics of, 259 . Capacity of reservoirs, 269 interpolation of, 264 Capstan nuts, 366 uses of, 267 Centring error of, Conventional signs, 106 . 159 Coordinates, area from, 302 theodolite, 169 plane table, 287 consecutive, 169 Chain, independent, adjustment of,42 Correction, for absolute length, 60 41 for .alignment, 66 wengineer's, 41 for curvature, 226 39 for refraction, 226 Gunter's, 41 for reduction to m.s.l., 85 for sag, §7 wmetre, 94 for slope, 98 for temperature, 62 revenue, 85 for tension or pull, 64 49 60 wChain angle, 54 pris~idal. 61 214 322 Chain surveying, field work,259 Cross hairs, 207 problems in, 85 Cross-staff st..:vey 105 167 .principles of, 308 D 195 EChaining a ·nne, 308 125 aon sloping ground, 138 Darum, 209 Declination, magnetic, 209 Change point, 3 Defecls, of lenses, 152 196 Definition of teiescope, 341 sCharacteristic of contours,338 Deflection angles, 179 yCbeek lines, 167 De Lisle's Clinometer, 110 240 Depanure, 1D6 Cbecks on closed traverse, Designation o f bearing, 207 \"\" '' Diagonal eyepiece, 117 ECircle of correction, Diaphragm 151 area of, 204 Dip of compass needle, 260 216 Direct angles, 227 nClamp and tangent screw. 226 Direct method · of coniOuring, 172 118 Distance co visible horizon, 127 Classification of surveys, 120 Distribution of aogular error, 54 o f levelling,162 · Diurnal variation, 197 138 Drop arrow, . Clinometers 172 Dumpy level, Closed traverse 291 Closing error, in levelling in tr.wers1ng. Collimation, line o f llltlhod of reducing levels, Combined correction Compass, prismatic, surveyo{'S, traverse, trough, Compass rule, Compuwioo o f u e a , of volume. m E Contour drawing, 264 grodieot, 266 Eanh work cakulallom, 315 immal 257 from cross-s«tioD, 315' . from borrow. pits, 327 Downloaded From :

Downloaded From : 533 INDEX from contour~, 332 H Easting and Westings, 169 Hachures, levels, 257 Eccentricity of circles, 158 Half breadths, 315 158 Hand level, 337 1 195 Height of instrument. 214 321 216 of verniers, 344 method of reducing 144 195 Elevation 27 Horizonlal angle, •J95 End areas, . volume by 28· line, 252 28 Enlarging plans, 171 plane, 55 Errors, 171 Hypsometry, Hypotenusal allowance, 211 accidenta1, 164 348 probable, 158 Error Of closure, 340 relative, 48 Error due to incorrect ranging, 57 I 109 Error, sources of, in chaining, 57 95 in compass observation 133 .Diwn.ination, 264 214 in levelling 240 Included angles, traversing by, 208 in plane tabling 2~ lode~ error, bo~ sextant,. 38 125 in theodolite work 156 theodolite, 46 Eye piece, 205 Indian Panem cliooroeter •. 179 154 erecting, 1D6 Iodirect nnging, 154 Ramsden, 206 Instruments, 282 n Fast needle method, 338 gField ,book, F 142 for measuring angles, 195 Field work,· 162 for setting out right angles, 200 iFocusing of telescope, Interpolation of contours, 197 nFolded staff, 92 Intermediate sight. 195 94 Internal focusing relescope, 215 Folded vernier, 142 Invar tape, 238 202 Isogonic lines, 377 eFoot :de ~H~C'M~e-r 15 233 Face left and right, 342 L 230 112 eFore 214 Laths. rFore 212 Latimdes :iild departUreS. 162 Laying off borizorual angle, Four 95 inFree needle method, by repetition, 3 Lebmann'·'s rUles, French cross-staff, 343 Level, Abney, bearing, gG 266 suifaee, sight, 173 tilting, types of, screw levelling 1!!7 Levelling, differential difficulties, ,precise, profile,. .nGeodetic surveying, head, eGbat ttacer, Grade contollf, tGraphical adjustment o( ttavC!liC, Gravatt 1~, GUIIICr'S ciJiio. 41 reciprocal Downloaded From :

Downloaded From : 534 SURVE~G staff, 201 Obstacles in cbaining, 100 trigonometrical, 349 Odomeler, 38 204 Offset rod, Line of coUimation. 204 Offsets. 45 of sight, 87 36 limiting leogth of, ·Linen tape, 38 oblique, 89 127 swing, 88 Links 87 Optical s q - . 88 260 Orientation in plane tabling, 96 Local attraction. 87 Omitted measuremenl, 273 94 179 wLocaling buildings, 233 p contours, 162 38 wddails, Pacing, 344 Location slcetcb, 125 Pintagrapb, 212 117 Parallax, wLongillldinal section, 211 Parallel, seuing out, 99 117 . . PassOmeter, 38 Loose needle melbod, 110 Permissible error, 30 126 7Q .M 291 in chaining, 371 EMagnetic declination, in geodetic levelling, 243 aneedle, in ordinary levelling, 177 sMagnification, in ttaversing, Magnetic dip, 271 ymeridian, Estonns, nMeasurement, of area, offsets, 87 ~table, volume, 315 Plane tabling, 271 Meridian, arbit.raJY, 110 advantages of, 289 magnetic, 110 disadvantages of, 289 true, 110 method of, 275 Melallic rape, 43 Planimeter 1 305 ' Micrometer Microscope, 18 Plumb bub, 46 Mid-ordi.oq~,e ru1e, 292 Plumbing fOrk, 271 ill' Poles, ranging, 1+-j Mistakes in chaining! 57 Precise levelling, 45 compass surveyi~. 133 '\"Principle, of sextant, 377 ':!li 243 345 lev~lling, 287 or reversal, 365 'I:,,'I, !56 of surveying. ·~biie -tabling, 4 1. \"i: ·theodolite observations, 97 Prism square, N Prismatic comp~. 118 Needie, magnetic, 117 Prismoid, 319 Normal teruion, 62 Prismoidal correction, 320 Nonhings, and southings, 320 North, magnetic, 169 fonnula, !52 110 Prolonging a line, Pull, correction for, 61 0 Q I 205 QJ.p.drantal bearing, 110 Object glass, :1 Observation with box sextam, 347 h IDownloaded From :

Downloaded From : SJS INDEX 315 32! Quantities of eanhwork. 315 . Side widlhs, Simpson's rule,· tn R Size of field, 54 slope, cbaining on. 64 197 Radiation, 275 correction for, 206 Solid- type dumpy level, ~- Ramsden eye piece !53 lOg Random- line, Sopwitb staff, 169 Ranging direct, 46 Spherical aberration, for 1 indirect. t poles. 47 Soutbing, reciprocal. 45 202 rods, 47 specdo..-. 20! 45 Rcciproci>l ranging 47 Stadia ~. 60 Rccoonaissanee. sr.aff. cross. 42 94 8S Reduced bearing, 109 folding. 41 Reduction of bearings, levelling, 38 109 standardising. correction 43 54 SW>dard~ing cbains, 38 Reducing and enlarging maps, 344 Stations, selection of, 4 Reference sketch, 94 Steel band, 1 RefractiOn,oeedle 226 Cbain. 271 Reiteration, 148 Repetition, method of, 145 tape, s Representative fraction, Stepping Resection, 8 204 Reservoir capacity, 278 Surve)'ing, chains 106 332 classification of, n Rdrograde vernier, geodetic. 27 gReversible level, 14 plane. 200 plane !able 44 Reversal, principle of 365 principles of 43 118 telescope 43 iRequirements of magnetic 43 nRight angles, sdting out 95 Symbols, conventional 60 eRise and fall method 217 . Systematic errors, 207. Rods, offsets 45 T 394 204 eranging 45 Tapes, invar, ris linen, 208 62 208 8 steel. 210 237 Tape corrections, 271 233• Target staff, 125 Tavistoek theodolite 201 Telescope, 60 85 201 external focussing, nSag, correction for; gBeales, Sections, cross, .longirudioal, nSecuJar variation, eSelection of Survey tSelf reading staff, station, Sensitive_gess of level rube, 244 inrernal focussing, Setting out grade con10ur, 266 charactt:ristics of, perpendicular, 95 Telescopic, alidade, Selling up plarie table, 273 staff, Shifting head, 271 Temperarure. correction for. Downloaded From :

Downloaded From : .. ,. ,36 SURVEYING Temporal)' adjustm<DIS, u o f level, 211 or lbeodolire, 142 U-ftame, 271 Tension, correction for, 61 Unclosed· ttaversc, ·!lii Terms used in leveUing, 195 Tesling of Abney level, 338 field cbeob on. .168 345 49 of box sexwn, Unfolding chain, 7 of cbain, 38 Units of angular measure, 6 Theodolite, transit. 137 5 394 area, wTavislock, 392 linear m~. 125 392' Wans microptic, 279 v 12 12 wWild T-2, 86 Variation o f magoetic;:. declination 257 Verniers, IS Three point problem, 169 137 direct, 14 wTie line, double folded, 14 292 extended, ISO Topographical swvey, 321 141 Total. latitude, 161 re<rognde. 298 Vertical, angle, 195 .ETransit 172 315 169 axis, 332 Trapezoidal rule, line, 315 afor area, Volume of eanh Worlc, 327 from cootour lines, for volume, from cross-sections, from spot levels, sTraverse surveying, yarea of closed, 161 EbalaJ>::ing, ncalculations, closed, of reservo!rs, 332 computations, l72 ~rror o f closure, 171 w open, 161 Well conditioned triangles 169, 85 Traversing, by chain 161 Westings and eastings 179 162 Wbites fast needle method, 162 Whok ;.:ircl.: [A;.A.i\"lil£..> 46 free needle method; .162. Wild T-2 theodolite ivo;:;c ;~k. m..:i.hvU, 279 Wye level. 110 Triangle, o f error, 393 weU conditioned, 85 199 Trigonometrica.l levelling, 349 y Trough compass, 273 True meridian, 1!0 Y-level 199 213 Turning, poim, 368 z Two peg method, Two point problem, 285 308 Zero circle Downloaded From :

Downloaded From : FIG. 5.17. PRISMATiC COMPASS nl~ FIG. 5.18. WILD BJ TRIPOD COMPASS --- Downloaded From :

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