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Home Explore Cosmetic Surgery An Improvement For The Body And For The Psyche

Cosmetic Surgery An Improvement For The Body And For The Psyche

Published by Mufamedi Tourism, 2023-04-17 10:48:59

Description: Plastic surgery is essentially divided into two main branches: reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery. In particular, cosmetic surgery deals both with modifying the parts of the face and body that people do not like (eyes, nose, mouth, breasts, abdomen, hips, legs, arms, etc.) and with intervening in the aging phenomena caused by age and gravity, implementing a real rejuvenation. Cosmetic and reconstructive surgery are always two sides of the same coin; reconstructive techniques are used in the correction of malformations, and vice versa, and aesthetic techniques are always present in the field of reconstruction.


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Cosmetic Surgery: An Improvement For The Body And For The Psyche Cosmetic surgery is a branch of medicine that deals with improving face and body imperfections, which is more or less serious. It is a specialization that aims at similar but, at the same time, different objectives compared to traditional plastic surgery. Let’s explore everything about cosmetic surgery in India in this blog. What is Cosmetic Surgery? Plastic surgery is essentially divided into two main branches: reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery. In particular, cosmetic surgery deals both with modifying the parts of the face and body that people do not like (eyes, nose, mouth, breasts, abdomen, hips, legs, arms, etc.) and with intervening in the aging phenomena caused by age and gravity, implementing a real rejuvenation. Cosmetic and reconstructive surgery are always two sides of the same coin; reconstructive techniques are used in the correction of malformations, and vice versa, and aesthetic techniques are always present in the field of reconstruction.

What is cosmetic surgery for? Cosmetic surgery is aimed at two categories of people: those who see a “defect” in some anatomical variants, something they don’t like, which causes personal or public discomfort, and who find psychological and physical benefit in the correction of the imperfection; those who want to stay young and improve the physical alterations due to the passage of time. Let’s not forget that all aesthetic techniques are also applicable in malformation conditions in which reconstructive and aesthetic surgery merge. What is the difference between reconstructive plastic surgery? Reconstructive and aesthetic surgery is actually indivisible and interpenetrating in its techniques. Imagine intervening in the case of breast reconstruction: it is inevitable to consider that it is a reconstruction and therefore can never be like a natural or “aesthetic” breast, but at the same time it is inevitable that all the principles that govern the aesthetics of a beautiful breast must be applied, where possible, to ensure a result that is both functional and highly aesthetic. Conversely, in a case of a breast malformation, the surgeons will have to apply reconstructive techniques to restore the correct shape of the breast before intervening in the aesthetic component. What does cosmetic surgery do? Cosmetic surgery deals with improving, correcting, and, in some situations, solving bodily alterations due to the passage of time or small and large defects due to congenital malformations or variants of what is considered “normal” anatomy. In reality, the most important thing is not asking what is normal and what is not, but what people like and what makes them feel good about themselves and others, maximizing and enhancing our way of being and living. Even what seems to them an imperceptible or negligible “defect” can be a huge burden for those who experience it badly? What does cosmetic surgery offer? Cosmetic surgery is a branch of medicine and surgery that has made great strides lately. Nowadays, it can propose many solutions to deal with the most varied physical defects. For example:

• Breast augmentation or reduction to reshape the shape of the breast and give it tone and symmetry; • Liposculpture, which acts on the entire silhouette, redesigning its shapes and lines; • Abdominoplasty, which corrects abdominal muscle sagging; • Blepharoplasty, which consists in lifting the eyelids to restore youth to the eyes; • The facelift, which rejuvenates the entire oval of the face; • Less invasive treatments, such as botox and filler implants. They are used to reduce wrinkles and recreate a young face’s typical volume. What should be expected from cosmetic surgery? A well-done cosmetic surgery in india gives a natural result. The surgeon will take into account the patient’s wishes, the structure of his face, and his confirmation. It’s not just a question of “correcting the defect” but of obtaining a harmonious, proportionate look that does not seem artificial and does not distort the features. After cosmetic surgery, patients will notice a clear improvement in quality of life. This is because physically liking each other, they will tend to feel more satisfied and secure and recover their self-esteem. How does the first visit take place? During the first “aesthetic” visit, it is essential to understand the patient’s desire for correction, if it is feasible if the surgical possibilities have been understood, and, finally, to ascertain the effective presence of a psychophysical benefit from the treatment. The surgeon will proceed with the collection of the anamnesis, the visit of the patient, and the discussion with him of the corrective possibilities, the desired result, the possible complications, and of the controls and recovery times necessary after the intervention. Cosmetic surgery and safety By relying on a qualified surgeon for cosmetic surgery in India, the risks of plastic surgery are almost non-existent. In fact, all the variables are evaluated before undergoing any type of intervention. Cosmetic surgery is granted only to patients deemed suitable, therefore in good health and with no risk margins. The type of intervention, and anesthesia, is scrupulously evaluated on the basis of the subjectivity of the patient. In this way, treating yourself to a new body and face is possible and safe.

Referenced By: improvement-for-the-body-and-for-the-psyche/

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