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Home Explore Master thesis

Master thesis

Published by songserm312201, 2020-02-07 02:12:32

Description: The relationship between the trough modes of the Bay of Bengal and rainfall over Indochina Peninsula after South Asia Monsoon onset were studied. The climatological monsoon onset over ICP is on 28 or 29 April, with standard deviation of 10 days. Monsoon onset is characterized by abruptly increased in amount of rainfall coincides with pronounced northeastward progression of low-level southwesterly wind over IO and also BoB.

Keywords: Bay of Bengal,Monsoon Onset,Indochina Peninsula


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The understanding of factors associated with regional extreme climate events is a central step towards production better skillful prediction and more informed decisions in precipitation related disaster mitigation. This study contributes to new knowledge that can be helpful for future study. The findings can also help local authorities to enhance the monitoring and prediction skills of precipitation variability and thus can be applied in short-term to long-term adaptation strategies to mitigate losses due to precipitation-related disasters. 6.5 Suggestion for Future Research This work focused mainly on the use of statistical and diagnostic methods to achieve its objectives. Though the outcomes are satisfying, there are still some challenges that can be addressed for future research: 1) In-situ data or reanalysis data at higher spatial and temporal resolution can be employed to increase the accuracy and significance of the results. 2) More methods can be used in future works to confirm the significance and accuracy of the results obtained in the present study. 3) Scrutiny analyze in hand data, in order to define study domain, reading to suitable finding. 84

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my thesis supervisor Professor Wang Jianhong. The scholarly advice, motivation and guidance she provided helped me through my study program and complete my Master thesis. I fully acknowledge her enormous contributions in this work. I wish also to express my sincere appreciation to IMSA and non-IMSA facilitators: Dr. Wido Hanggoro (Indonesia), MD. Jalal Uddin, Kabelo Lebohang Donald, Dr. Gnitou Tchalim Gnim (Togo), Dr. Asher Samuel Bhatti (Pakistan) and Peter Tuju (Tanzania). These facilitators have been a real blessing in my academic journey, with innumerable enlightening and inspiring practical class. They have also been a very big support in my personal life here in NUIST. I might not be able to list all the ways in which this family helped me but your role and all unmentioned contributions during my 2 years of Master studies will be forever remembered and appreciated. I would like to acknowledge my seniors and mentors who, since the very early stage of this work, provided constructive comments and advises; Dr. Wido Hanggoro (Indonesia), Dr. AYUGI Brian (Kenya), Lim Kam Sian Kenny Thiam Choy (Mauritius) and Brandon J. Bethel (Bahamas). I began this journey with all your support and the successful completion of this thesis is the evidence. Deepest appreciation to Brandon J. Bethel who on countless occasions availed themselves to revised the current work. To all my lecturers, Prof. Zhi Xiefei, Prof. Tan Guirong, Prof. Zhu Weijun, Prof. Zhang Xiao, Prof. Xu Dongmei, Prof. Wang Suchun, Prof. Wang Wen, Prof. Shou Shaowen, Prof. Wei Ming, Prof. Wang Jianhong and Prof. Li Liping. I am grateful for the guidance, and great knowledge and insights shared during the courses taught, through which I am better equipped to do my research work here in NUIST. I take this opportunity to appreciate all the support coming from the entire administration body of the College of International Students (CIS); Dean Prof. Ma Tinghuai, Vice Dean Jing Yuanshu, Vice Dean Zhang Guanglei, Yang Wang (Ms. Kate), Ms. Chelsea, Yangyi Zhang (Ms. Caroline), 85

Meng Hu (Ms. Maggie), Wang Xiaogang (Mr. Felix), Yi Cai (Ms. Candy), Jialu Xu (Ms. Rose) and Xueli Yin (Ms. Shirley), for the support and guidance here at NUIST. To all my wonderful friends and classmates: Imbewae Felix (Zambia), Kabtih Abebe Kiflie (Ethiopia), Gebreslassie Tewelde Berihu (Ethiopia), Ceesay Abdoulie O (Gambia), Mohamed Awadallah Albadawi Alsheake (Sudan), Nwogbaga Bartholomew Ozoemenam (Nigeria), Ndeunyema Vilho Shadyohamba (Namibia), Somses Seiglinde (Namibia), Azongninhoun Jules (Benin), Diallo Alpha Mamadou Malaado (Senegal), Lawrence Nickson Faustino (South Sudan), Mogga Wani Nelson Amosa (South Sudan), Othoo Phinous Okoth (Kenya), Henry Philemon King’Usa (Tanzania), Kavishe Golden Melkiory (Tanzania), MD. Jalal Uddin, Kabelo Lebohang Donald, and all those whom I could not mention, for your encouragement, friendship and all forms of support you gave me during my study period in NUIST. Finally, I would also like to acknowledge the financial support for my Master studies granted to me by the Ministry of Commerce, China through the MOFCOM Scholarship, without which this would not have been a reality today. 86

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