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Home Explore journal (1)

journal (1)

Published by aulani.cuttino, 2016-01-12 09:38:44

Description: journal (1)


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Some things that I find interest in is baking. I like to bake with my momand sister. I’m really good at baking cookies, cupcakes, and cakes. Iusually bake something new every week. I love to bake because it’ssomething I’m good at and I love to eat it afterwards. I also love itbecause it gives something for my mom and I to do together.           

My greatest achievement is playing 1st chair for the second violin sectionlast year in the end of the year concert for my school’s orchestra. To playin this chair you have to audition in front of the orchestra teacher andthe choir teacher. This is probably my greatest achievement because Ihave really bad stage fright and no confidence so playing in front of anaudience alone and playing well is a huge accomplishment for me. I had alot of fun playing in the front. I think it was a huge change from being theworst player at the beginning of the year to playing 1st chair for mysection.                     

 someone I admire is Rosa Parks. I admire her because she was not afraidto stand up for her rights and what she believed was right even after itgot her put in jail. I really admire her because she did it in a peacefulway. I think this is great because in the past most people in the past toshow what they believe in and what they want changed they do violentthings and that ends up getting them nowhere. This is why i admire RosaParks because she brought major change without any violence simply byrefusing to give up her seat on the bus because she was tired. Shechanged the nation and in the end she was a driving force in bringingchange to the United States and giving all African Americans the samerights and treatment as any person in this country.      

I would describe myself as unpredictable. I never make up my mind andmost people think i’m quit but once I get to know you I can be loud andmost people think i’m quit but in once I get to know you i’m loud, crazy,and really sarcastic. I like to joke around alike and even though i don’talways say what i’m thinking, there's always something on my mind.Sometimes it is hard to tell what i’m thinking and most people think i’marrogant because i don’t talk much. I’m really shy so I don’t talk muchand people take that as me not wanting to talk to them even when theystart a conversation.    

This thanksgiving holiday was fun because my family went out of town tosee family in North Carolina. It was fun because I haven't seen my cousinssince I moved to South Carolina. We spent the break catching up andeating. We had turkey, ham, yams, corn, macaroni and cheese, and a lotof other different things. the food was great and I had fun talking to myfamily and eating. the best part was watching the football game andwatching the Panthers dominate      

It really gets on my nerves when couples stand in the middle of thehallway and kiss while I’m trying to get to class. I think it is reallyannoying because they insist of having a full out conversation and most ofthe time it is like in front of the class I need to get to. I especially hatewhen they kiss like right in front of my face, and I ask them to move overa little bit nicely but most of the time they tell me to go away or goaround them. I don’t have a problem with the couples in this school I justwish they would not stand in the middle of the hallway or in front ofclasses.     

My favorite game show is Family Feud because the show is funny and Ilike Steve Harvey. I enjoy the show because the answers differentpeople give are hilarious and I like to see the answers that people givefrom around the world. I think Steve Harvey is really funny, and he makesthe best comments and jokes. the families on the show make some weirdanswers but I usually agree with them. I really like the lightning roundwhere they answer like 6 questions in 25 seconds.    

I like to spend my free time playing with my two dogs. Their names are Spongeboband Nyla. Nyla is really energetic and loves to jump on you and run, and Spongeboblikes to eat and sleep. Nyla is a Rottweiler, and Spongebob is a Rat Terrier. They bothare really fast runners and will chase each other around the yard for hours or untilSpongebob tries to bite Nyla. We also go on long walks around the neighborhood, and Ispray them with water sometimes because they like it.                                 

My dream house has at least 8 stories and maybe 10 rooms with 5 full bathrooms. Onthe first floor there would be a huge swimming pool with a hot tub to the side. On thesecond floor there is a huge arcade with an indoor go kart track, and a room filledwith pillows and beanbags and a wall that has a built in book shelf with all my books.on the third floor I would put in a shoe store where all the shoes are my size and allbelong to me. There will also be a room that is a practice room for me to study andpractice my violin and other instruments I play. The fourth floor has 5 of the rooms,and the 3 of the bathrooms. The kitchen is also on this floor and a ice cream station isthere with a freezer of different kinds of ice cream. On the fifth floor is just my roomwith is the biggest room in the house. there is also a bathroom and a trampoline andswing set in my room. There is also a huge closet that takes up one third of the room.On that floor there is also a room for my dogs Spongebob and Nyla to play, sleep, andeat in. On the sixth floor is where I will have 3 more of the rooms that are guestrooms for my mom, dad, sister, and grandmother sleep if they decide to come andvisit, and 1 of the bathrooms. On the seventh floor is the home theater with a hugeflat screen t.v. that takes up an entire wall. There is also a concession stand whereyou get popcorn and drinks. On the last floor there will be a huge water slide thatleads to all the other floors in the house. there is also an elevator if you don’t want toget wet.       

My favourite pet is my dog Spongebob. He is a rat terrier corgi/chihuahuamix. He got the name Spongebob after he heard it on the tv one day, andthat's all he would respond to even though is registered name issandwich. Spongebob got the name Sandwich because we had two guineapigs and their names were peanut butter and Jelly so we named himsandwich. He is sort of lazy but he likes to play but only for about 10minutes before he gets tired. he hates to get wet,and will only eat acertain kind of food. He likes to sleep in his crate or under the bed or inmy bed. His favorite thing to do is sit outside on the porch and sit in arocking chair and watch the cars go by. He is sorta of old because he is 9but pretty energetic to be a senior citizen.     

This holiday i would like to sleep in for the first couple of days. I’mlooking forward to sleeping past 6:15 and not waking up till the sun is up.I’m also looking forward to not having to get dressed and being able tostay in my pajamas all day. That's probably the best part to me nothaving to get dressed then stand outside in the cold till my mom is readyto go. We are also going to the mountains and going hiking. We are alsogoing to have a family movie night and drink hot chocolate. That's whati'm doing over the break.                                                 

My holiday break was very interesting. I had fun visiting family andspending time at home, but it was interesting because my dog got injuredand sick. He went into the yard and ten minutes later he came back witha broken knee, a cut foot, and something bit his tail and it got infectedbecause he kept licking it. We had to take him to the vet and they put acone on his head so he couldn’t lick his tail. Other than that my breakwas great. My aunt had a baby on December 31, and her name is NiaAayon Cuttino. I also went to visit my mom's side of the family, and wentto see my dad’s side to. For new years we shot fireworks, and held thetradition of shooting 6 rounds of blanks in the river beside my grandma'shouse every hour until 12:00. Then we went to church where they bring inthe new year with a prayer and a lighting of candles to remember thosewho passed away during 2015.      

My new year's resolution is to be more productive and to workout more. Iused to do a lot of activities like gymnastics, dance and soccer. Know I sitat home and watch netflix like a bum. I also plan to workout more andeat healthier. I also have a resolution to practice my instrument at homemore often and really work hard..    

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