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Home Explore My Perspectives Grade 12 Student Edition-Unit 1

My Perspectives Grade 12 Student Edition-Unit 1

Published by dhalahharara, 2021-06-21 07:15:32

Description: My Perspectives Grade 12 Student Edition-Unit 1


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performance-based assessment PART 2 Speaking and Listening: Speech Assignment After completing the final draft of your argument, prepare to read it as a speech. You will deliver your speech as if you were speaking to one of these audiences: Cadets at West Point Graduating High School Seniors A Political Convention Peace Corps Volunteers  Standards Follow these steps to make your speech lively and targeted to a specific Speaking and Listening audience. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence, conveying a • Make a clean copy of your argument. Read your text aloud, keeping in clear and distinct perspective, such mind the audience you chose. Highlight the material you would most that listeners can follow the line of want to emphasize for that audience. Should you change any words or reasoning, alternative or opposing sentences to make the speech more appropriate for your audience? If so, perspectives are addressed, and use editing marks to make those changes. the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate • Practice your delivery, keeping your audience in mind. Remember to look to purpose, audience, and a range of up regularly rather than staring at your paper. formal and informal tasks. • Tell your classmates what audience you are imagining them to be. Deliver your speech, letting your voice and gestures provide interest and energy. Review the Rubric  The criteria by which your speech will be evaluated appear in the rubric below. Review the criteria before delivering your speech to ensure that you are prepared. Content Presentation Techniques My delivery is obviously meant for a specific I speak clearly and at an appropriate volume. audience. I vary my tone and pace to maintain interest. 3 My speech is clearly organized and easy to follow. I make eye contact and use gestures to engage the audience. © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. My delivery is consistent, although the I speak clearly most of the time and usually use an intended audience may not be obvious. appropriate volume. 2 My speech is organized and fairly easy I try to vary tone and pace, but I may be inconsistent. to follow. I make occasional eye contact and use some gestures. My delivery is generic, with no specific I mumble occasionally, speak too quickly, and/or do not audience in mind. speak loudly enough. 1 My speech is disorganized and may be I use filler words such as like and um. difficult to follow. I fail to make eye contact or to use gestures to add interest. 110  UNIT 1 • FORGING A HERO

1unit reflection Reflect on the Unit Now that you’ve completed the unit, take a few moments to reflect on your learning. Reflect on the Unit Goals Look back at the goals at the beginning of the unit. Use a different colored pen to rate yourself again. Then, think about readings and activities that contributed the most to the growth of your understanding. Record your thoughts. Reflect on the Learning Strategies Discuss It  Write a reflection on whether you were able to improve your learning based on your Action Plans. Think about what worked, what didn’t, and what you might do to keep working on these strategies. Record your ideas before joining a class discussion. © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Reflect on the Text Choose a selection that you found challenging, and explain what made it difficult. Describe something that surprised you about a text in the unit.  Standards Speaking and Listening Which activity taught you the most about heroes, warriors, and leaders? • Initiate and participate effectively in What did you learn? a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on grades 11–12 topics, texts, and issues building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. • Come to discussions prepared, having read and researched material under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence from texts and other research on the topic or issue to stimulate a thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange of ideas. SCAN FOR Performance-Based Assessment  111 MULTIMEDIA

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