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Home Explore Low Cost Housing RoadPacker Group

Low Cost Housing RoadPacker Group

Published by neil, 2018-12-12 01:54:29

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RoadPacker GroupLow Cost Housing UsingStabilised Earth BricksProduct Information& Technical ManualsIf you’re interested in our range of chemical Canada Officesoil stablisation products please get in touch. Phone: +1-403-273-8657Email: [email protected] Philippines OfficeWeb: Phone: +63-046-483-5038 Cell: +63 (0) 017 534 1200 or 1300

Low Cost Housing UsingStabilised Earth BricksProduct Information& Technical ManualsContentsThe Company 3Technology 6Stabilised Earth Brick (SEB) Machine Specifications 7Frequently Asked Questions 8RoadPacker Clay Brick Stabiliser 10Construction Gallery 12

The CompanyRoadPacker Group’s Low Cost Housing but also total infrastructure design and construction.Using Stabilised Earth BricksOur business unit has been providing Products and Technologyproducts and services to the housing RoadPacker Group brings both theindustry for decades including special construction expertise and practicalcommunity redevelopment projects, chemical and mechanical products toincorporating environmental management support low cost redevelopment projects.with effective social and community Our products include ionic soil bindingsustainable modelling. chemicals, the RoadPacker Clay Brick Stabiliser and the technology of theOther areas of activity are environmental Stabilised Earth Brick Machine (SEB). Bothsoil reclamation consulting, with components of the technology are veryenvironmental, social and community effective in providing low cost housing.planning, products and field servicesto governments, institutions, aboriginal We have an ongoing product andgroups, and the petroleum, forestry technology assessment program toand mining industries. We maintain a identify, license and market Canadian andphilosophy that combines low cost housing international products and technologiesand infrastructure together with modern for low cost community redevelopmentchemical stabilisation, thereby further projects.supporting community sustainabilitywithin low cost community redevelopment Sustainable Communitiesprojects. RoadPacker Group have developed a management and field team ofProject Management knowledgeable personnel who understandRoadPacker Group has recognised a that the total success of a communityunique project management market redevelopment project, depends onniche within international housing and the ability of the community to becommunity development projects sustainable. That successful planningassociated with an increasing demand involves the people who will live and workfor low cost housing. The need is greatest within the community. As a result of thisfor community redevelopment projects understanding to design for successfulas a result of environmental disasters sustainability, we have developed a socialor as a component of economic reform and community affairs assessment andprogrammes. The expertise of our auditing model, which is utilised as bothcompany personnel in providing project a planning and monitoring component forplanning and management, allows us to community redevelopment projects.provide complete project managementservices for not only housing construction,To learn more about chemical soil stabilisation 3visit

Integrated Team Approach land are the key to household economicWe have developed a planning process survival.that understands the benefits of a conceptreferred to as social engineering. Social, Corporate Management Teamenvironmental and community affairs RoadPacker Group obviously does notexperts, form a strong component of the maintain offices around the world. Weplanning and master plan development have however, through many years ofteam. Utilising assessment models, the experience and operations throughoutplanning team integrates various 25 year the world, built up a vast network of highlyregional land use scenarios into the master experienced individuals of uncommonplan. This process allows for a higher level talent and achievement, working togetherof confidence in the design of a master smoothly and quietly in well disciplinedplan. teams.Capital Budget Forecasting This allows us to work quickly andRoadPacker Group provides the expertise efficiently on behalf of a client, to bringand database systems for accurate capital about a satisfactory and profitablebudget forecasting. To support these conclusion to any venture they may decidebudget programs we have personnel to pursue.experienced with international productand service contract negotiations. Our key management team consists of senior personnel who represent anPride of Ownership integrated team with capabilities inWe recognise the benefits, both in environmental planning, design andlowering costs and successful community engineering. The variability within theirdevelopment, of utilising future home professional backgrounds and also theirowners and community members in collective expertise, provides a strongconstructing their own homes and team for community redevelopmentcommunities. A viable asset in providing projects. The talents of the expertslow cost community redevelopment available to discharge a client’shousing, is the utilisation of this labour requirements are evidenced in theirforce. CVs that detail their recent and past engagements.Viability of Micro-EnterprisesThe success of community redevelopmentis the capability of the planning teamto integrate small businesses or micro-enterprises into the master plan. Toprovide a sustainable community bothbusiness and work needs must beconsidered. This is especially true inagricultural areas where small plots ofTo learn more about chemical soil stabilisation 4visit

International Partnerships and Financing Environment, Health and Safety TrainingOur management team’s capabilitiesinclude the ability to find and Programsdevelop international partnerships. We integrate environmental, health andThis management team is currently safety programmes into all communityconcentrating on partnerships in the redevelopment projects. All supervisors,Philippines, China, India, Venezuela, contractors and personnel are providedMexico, Nigeria and other countries with environmental, health andwhere their knowledge of these safety training programmes prior togovernments, construction industries and commencement of any construction work.redevelopment programmes, provide theformulae for successful business ventures.The type of financing for redevelopmentprojects is the key to the successfulcompletion of a redevelopment project.Our management team providesthe expertise to utilise appropriategovernment financial assistance and,acquire contracts funded by internationalaid and banking institutions.To learn more about chemical soil stabilisation 5visit

TechnologyThe primary purpose of the RoadPackerGroup’s low cost housing technology is toproduce affordable housing for the poorof any country where there is a distinctlack of conventional housing. Its biggestadvantage is that it is immediate. The benefits of this system people can immediately begin to produce of home building is that homes, schools and even hospitals to a disaster rescue unit accommodate the homeless population. does not need many raw All that is required, is a SEB machine, materials to immediately RoadPacker Clay Brick Stabiliser product move into a declared and the local ‘in situ’ soil from the side of disaster area and begin to the road or near-by fields. provide the rudimentary requirements for a If there is already a machine in place and community to return to a an adequate supply of RoadPacker Clay position of normalcy. Brick Stabiliser, then reconstruction of the country’s housing infrastructure can beginNot only can this procedure be used in immediately.creating new communities of a permanentnature, it can be used in the event of a Should the equipment not be in place,disaster being declared due to typhoons, then the SEB machine and the RoadPackerflooding, earthquakes and any other Clay Brick Stabiliser can be brought intodisaster that renders people homeless. the area as emergency relief equipment. Another option is to move in the finishedThe benefits of this system of home material from an off-site location.building is that a disaster rescue unitdoes not need many raw materials toimmediately move into a declared disasterarea and begin to provide the rudimentaryrequirements for a community to return toa position of normalcy.By the simple movement of severalmobile SEB making machines into adisaster area, the local governmentTo learn more about chemical soil stabilisation 6visit

Stabilised Earth Brick (SEB) Machine SpecificationsThe SEB machine is easily transported onto Capacity: The SEB can manufacture 200a construction site and can immediately blocks per hour. If the length of the workingproduce high quality, interlocking blocks day is 10 hours, a total of 2,000 RoadPackermade from the ‘in situ’ (local) soil. By using SEBs can be made each day.the unique interlocking features, SEBsallow “dry construction”, i.e. no mortar is Engine: Diesel air-cooled 10 kW hand-start,required to hold the blocks together. Made or electrically powered 13 kW.from soil treated with RoadPacker ClayBrick Stabiliser products, the SEBs can be Size: 1,300 cm ( length) x 1,200 cm ( width ) xused almost immediately after production. 1,300 cm ( height)The fast, reliable and easy to handle, Weight: 850 kg (1,000 kgs with trailer)SEB machine, will allow for low costconstruction of high quality houses with Hydraulic oil: S A E 40unskilled labour. Qty/Blocks m3: 100 to 110 blocksThe construction of a 50 square metre Qty/Blocks/ RP Clay Bricks Stabiliser:house requiring 5,000 SEBs, can be 110 blocksachieved in two or three (2 or 3) days andwill be of the highest standard. The home Qty/Blocks/Per Bag of Cement: 65 - 70will also be heat resistant, sound proof and blockscompletely stable. Fuel consumption: +/- 1 litre per hourThe following details serve to give you anidea as to the effectiveness and versatility Option: Mobile, integrated roadworthyof such a machine. trailerTo learn more about chemical soil stabilisation 7visit

FAQCan I use any soil with RoadPacker Group will produce very good results. If a higher output is required, we recommend theStabilised Earth Brick Machines ? use of a crusher that will reduce the lumpsAlmost! We use a prescribed dosage and stones and give a very high consistentof RoadPacker Clay Brick Stabiliser to quality of the final product.bind the soil. To achieve the compactionnecessary for the strength to produce a Can we be sure that these walls are notstrong brick, we need a clay soil of 10%>.Pure sand cannot be used as we must going to fall down?compact the mixture. If the ‘in situ’ soil This the most commonly asked questionis too sandy, then some clayey soil will and where people who have not yet seendefinitely have to be mixed in with the a RoadPacker Group Stabilised Earthexisting ‘in situ’ soil. A compaction test will Brick building have the most concern.give you a clear idea of the proper mix to The answer is simple. Our Stabilised Earthwork with. Bricks have a patented shape that gives them the most solid interlocking featureCan I mix water with the soil? ever. The walls are made from bricks thatOur Stabilised Earth Bricks use what is are interlocked with each other. It is totallycalled a “dry mix” which in fact uses a impossible to remove one brick from a wallminimum of (10 to 15 %) water. Most often unless a pick is used to break through it.the soil is wet enough to be used as is. If There is no more solid wall available on theneed be, a small amount of water can be market today.added. The mixture must not be over wet,otherwise compaction will not be achieved If there is soil movement, will the wallDo I need a mixer ? crack and fall down?For small projects, mixers are not used at Here again is the very basis of the strengthall (but can be if so desired). We emphasise of the Stabilised Earth Brick concept,the labour intensive possibilities of each and every brick in the building isStabilised Earth Bricks. If the project needsa high output of bricks, we recommend theuse of a pan mixer (supplied by RoadPackerGroup) to improve productivity.Do I have to prepare the soil before mixingin the RoadPacker Clay Brick Stabiliser?Once again, for small projects, there isno need for mechanisation of the soilpreparation. A good grid trough (intowhich the soil is shovelled) will eliminatestones and other big components andTo learn more about chemical soil stabilisation 8visit

interlocked to the others, but is not construction method). In this case, we canbonded to the them as with cement very simply make a supporting column withmortared bricks. With traditional mortar, Stabilised Earth Bricks only. You still won’tonce there is a soil movement, the bricks have to buy and transport reinforcing barscome under such strong tension that and mix concrete.the bond eventually cracks and the wallstarts a cracking process that never ends How can you fit the trusses for the roofs?and is most difficult to correct. With If simplicity and low cost is required, weour Stabilised Earth Bricks, each brick can do it very easily indeed. Once theundergoes a minimal amount of movement building has reached a height where thereand the whole wall will adjust progressively is only 3 to 4 rows of bricks to be added,without damage or cracking. then fit a flexible strapping steel and keep laying the bricks. Once the roof trussesHow can you avoid the top bricks from have to be fitted, link the strapping steel with the trusses to hold them all together.being removed on a roofless structure?If you build a wall with no top structure, How do you build the corner walls?then it is recommended to seal the two Stabilised Earth Bricks have a top shouldertop layers of bricks with mortar or, better that has to be manually removed (verystill, put a firmly fixed topping on the wall simply with the trowel) up to a length to(such as a pre-cast shaped beam, or wood allow the bricks to be cross fitted together.trusses). Alternatively, corner moulds are used.For a perimeter wall, how can you avoidreinforced columns?RoadPacker Group Stabilised Earth Brickshave no magic formula. Walls of long lengthhave to be supported (as with any otherTo learn more about chemical soil stabilisation 9visit

RoadPacker Clay Brick StabiliserMade of ‘in situ’ soil plus RoadPacker CBS Cubic Metre ( m3) of material/soil isand compressed at over 6000 lbs PSI, recommended.the block size is consistently +/- 200 mm(length) x 200 mm (width) x 100mm (height) • Adjust the hydraulic pressure from theweight +/_ 12kg and the MPA is > 8 mpa. SEB machine to the type of soil and moisture used.When using the RoadPacker Group SEBtechnology, the following procedures must Then, the treated material is placed intobe adhered to: the machine and compaction begins.• The soil used must contain 15% of clay The lever that activates compaction is or more (pure sand will not work nor will then operated and the process begins. lahar). If inferior soil/clay/lahar is to be The technology involved in this process used, then a clayee material will have is of the simplest type requiring no to be imported and properly mixed with highly specialised labour to operate the the ‘in situ’ material. equipment.• Mix the soil with 0.2 of a litre of The application for this type of technology RoadPacker Clay Brick Stabiliser per is endless. Not only is it suitable for the Cubic Metre (m3) of material/soil. emergency disaster low cost housing For foundations, 0 .3 of a litre per projects, it can also be used to construct quality type homes for the middle toTo learn more about chemical soil stabilisation 10visit

upper cost bracket. The unique isothermicfeatures of the RoadPacker Clay BrickStabilised home allows for whole villagesand sub-divisions to be constructed.RoadPacker SEBs are firmly interlocked onthe top, bottom and sides. A wall built withRoadPacker SEBs is extremely strong andhighly isothermic. Each block is perfectlyextruded and all blocks are of the highestquality. There is no available technologythat will allow you to build as fast, as withRoadPacker SEBs at such a competitiveprice.Reasons to Use Our Technology builders do not plaster or paint the externalRoadPacker SEBs allow you to use the most walls. Furthermore, the majority of the lowabundant raw material on earth - soil. The cost housing, because of the high standardSEB uses only 0 .2 litres of RoadPacker Clay and finish, can be left with the internalBrick Stabiliser per m3 to be mixed with the walls not painted.soil to stabilise it . The blocks being strongand highly compacted, are of the highest A RoadPacker SEB house is totallyresistance (>8mpa) and do not require isothermic to the extent that neither thethe use of any reinforcing bars to build a heat nor the cold will affect the comfortcompletely strong durable dwelling of up of the occupants. Should the occupantto 2 floors. decide that they wish to install air conditioning, then their electricity bill willRoadPacker SEBs can be produced on the be to a minimal due to site, which negates the needfor transporting the blocks and therebyreduces the risk of damaging the already“paid for” blocks. This technology utilisesunskilled labour to manufacture theblocks, therefore employment is providedfor the indigenous population and costsare kept to a minimum. These housesrequire a minimum of skilled labour tobuild. A professional bricklayer supervisingthe job will be sufficient, all other workerscan be unskilled from the surrounding area.RoadPacker SEBs are of a quality so highand a finish so good, that most of theTo learn more about chemical soil stabilisation 11visit

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