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Home Explore infographic poster childhood obesity

infographic poster childhood obesity

Published by aqilahamirah01, 2021-09-29 12:46:46

Description: infographic poster childhood obesity


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CCHHIILoLDbDeHHsOOitOyOD FACTORS DEFINITION unhealty no activity Childhood obesity is a complex health issue. It occurs food when a child is well above the normal or healthy weight for his or her age and height. The causes of excess genetic weight gain in young people are similar to those in predisposition adults, including behavior and genetics. Obesity is also influenced by a person s community as it can affect the CONSEQUENCE ability to make healthy choices. heart diseases HOW TO TREAT fatty liver OBESITY OBESITY? 92 diabetes stomach ulcer Increase in physical activity Adequate sleep QUOTE Eat 5 or more servings of fruits The rise of childhood and vegetables obesity has placed the each day. health of an entire ADD FOOD LESSEN FOOD generation at risk. INTAKE INTAKE - Tom Vilsack Chocolate HOSPITAL PAKAR SPECIALIST HOSPITAL

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