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Home Explore VETRO_Coffee Table

VETRO_Coffee Table

Published by modernform.pmo, 2020-09-15 00:08:56

Description: VETRO_Coffee Table


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VETRO 3 COFFEE TABLE & SIDE TABLE F-GW519 : W35 X D55 X H110 CM. F-117-M : W48 X D50 X H63 CM. F-GW606 : W35 X D55 X H110 CM. F-006K : W35 X D55 X H110 CM. F-117 : W48 X D50 X H63 CM. F-T003R : W40 X D60 X H120 CM. F-NT003 : W37,32,27 X D30 X H41,36,31 CM. FEATURE SPECIFICATION SAFETY F-GW519 , F-117-M TOP : Tempered bent glass. Thick 12 mm. ปลอดภัยดวยกระจกนิรภัยเทมเปอร เมื่อกระจกแตกจะแตกเปนช�้น BASE : Tempered bent glass. Thick 12 mm. เล็กๆคลายเม็ดขาวโพดทั�วทั�งแผน ไมเปนปากฉลามหร�อแหลมคม SHELF : MDF with paperfoil. When it does break, tempered glass disperses into blunt, F-GW606 pebble-like pieces, rather than the sharp shards of traditional TOP : Tempered bent glass. Thick 12 mm. glass. BASE : Tempered bent glass. Thick 12 mm. SHELF : MDF with paperfoil. STRENGTH CASTOR : Polyurethane. ทนทานตอแรงกระแทกไดดีกวากระจกทั�วไปถึง 3 เทา นิยมใชใน F-006K , F-117, F-T003R อุตสาหกรรมยานยนต TOP : Tempered bent glass. Thick 12 mm. BASE : Tempered bent glass. Thick 12 mm. Tempered glass is much stronger than regular glass. The glass can be used in applications that require a F-NT003 stronger surface that is see-through, like windshields TOP : Tempered bent glass with black printing . Thick 12 mm. in cars and trains, windows in laboratories and glass BASE : Tempered bent glass with black printing . Thick 12 mm. walkways. Modernform Group Public Company Limited 699 Srinakarindr Road, Suanluang, Bangkok, Thailand 10250 0-2094-9999 [email protected] w w w. m o d e r n f o r m . c o . t h modernform furniture

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