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Home Explore marble catalogue DESIGN3

marble catalogue DESIGN3

Published by arpita, 2016-01-21 08:48:59

Description: marble catalogue DESIGN3


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Indian design catalogue

About UsWe are a fast growing Granite supplier and are in the business from last three years. Thecompany has emerged from a Family business that is in existence from three decades meaningwe have expertise of three decades with us. With heavy expertise and ownership in all the facetsof value chain, starting from owning mines to delivering goods and after sales service we havealso optimized our operations and quality management systems tremendously.We have grown by leaps and bounds in the domestic markets and are approached by variousbuyers internationally from Middle East and China due to our quality, variety and pricecompetitiveness. After successful stint in the domestic markets and with the new management inplace the company further plans to expand its wings globally in 2016 and years to come.The proof of our quality and price competitiveness can be figured out from the fact that we have98% customer retention ratio in the last three years and we are growing with a CAGR of around32%. With growing demand of Granite globally due to heavy construction and infrastructureactivities the company aims to further bridge the gap between demand and supply and createvalue for all the stakeholders.Infrastructure facilitiesSupply Capacity: 100000 to 300000 Sq. Feet per monthThickness: 16mm, 18mm, 20mm, 20+ mm(on demand)Slab Sizes: Multiple Sizes, Height maximum 3.5 fts. (Specific Sizes available ondemand)Customized Granite We have established world class ‘state of art’ facility and machineries tocustomize the color of granite as per the requirements and specifications of theend user, creating a distinct opportunity for enhancement and beautification ofthe structure.Contact us:





Absolute_Black Apple Green Ash greyBala Flower Bala_Flower Baltic Brown Baltic Red Black_Galaxy Black_Pearl5

Cats_Eye Chiku pearl Chima blueChima Pink Chima_Pink Chima-BlueChina_White Coffee_Brown Colombo_Juparana 6

Copper_Silk Corel_Red Crystal Browncrystal yellow Desert Brown Forest_Green Gem Red Ghibli Golden_Juprana7

Hassan_Green Himalyan_Blue Imperial_PinkImperial_White Indian_Black Indian_JupranaIvory_Brown Jhansi Red Jirawal White 8

Kashmir_Gold Kashmir_White Kuppam_GreenLady_Dream lakha red Lekha_Red Levender_Blue Merry_Gold Mokalser_Green9

Multi_Color ndian_Mahogany Newimperial_RedP White Paradios_Pash ParadiscoPlatinum_White Pmperial_Red Rakhi_Green 10

Raniwara green Raniwara_Yellow Raniya_GreenRaw_Silk Raymond Blue Raymonds_Blue Redmulti_Color Rossy_Pink Rosy Pink10

Royal Cream Royal green Royal_CreamRoyal_Gold Royal_Green Royal_RedRuby Red Samantha_Blue Saphire_Blue 11

Saphire_Brown Seaweed_Green Seble_BrownShivaskasi_Yellow Silver_Pearl Silver_Red Sindoori Sira_Grey Sondoori_Red12

Summer_Pink Tan_Brown Tiger SkinTropical_Green Violet_Blue Viscon_WhiteVizag_Blue White_Galaxy 13

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