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Home Explore Pods Brochure3 2020

Pods Brochure3 2020

Published by randy, 2020-07-30 13:07:42

Description: Pods Brochure3 2020


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SAFETY FIRST Since our founding in 2000 by 30-year tutoring Learning Linkz veteran Lynn Guyton, Learning Linkz has been Student learning pods at Learning Linkz dedicated to providing students from pre-k tutoring organizational skills test prep are being created with careful detail through high school with the educational tools to health and safety. Our teachers and to succeed, including academic subject tutoring, SMALL GROUP staff are committed to following all standardized test preparation, Orton-Gillingham- LEARNING guidelines for health and safety as based tutoring, organizational skills and more. recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Academy 2790 Bert Adams Road, Suite 310 of Pediatrics (AAP). Atlanta, Georgia 30339 (404) 836-0225 SAFETY PROTOCOLS [email protected] Daily Screening Questions Daily Temperature Checks Icons made by Freepik from Physically Distanced CLEANING PROTOCOLS Daily detailed cleaning of our classrooms using substances effective on COVID -19 Frequent handwashing and individual materials will stop the spread

SMALL POD LEARNING SOCIAL CONNECTIONS DAILY SCHEDULES Virtual learning does not work for every Student pods at Learning Linkz will Flexible daily schedules that include student. Joining our small pod learning be created according to grade level academic mornings and afternoon groups ensures your child will not only and the home school of each student enrichment. Extending a student’s day receive all of the curricular content provided so students can connect socially with allows exploration of interests in the by their teacher, but our certified tutors will friends during virtual learning. Students areas of STEM, Spanish, Fine Arts and help extend student learning beyond what can not only stay connected to existing even individual tutoring to catch up in is provided by their schools. Students will friends but can make new friends that will academic content. More opportunities for ultimately benefit from a deeper, more help ease the transition back to school. fun and imagination are still being added! comprehensive understanding of their academic subjects and a fun application SESSIONS of core concepts. Lower Elementary (K - 2nd Grade)* “What has meant the most is the 4-day academic week relationship my daughter has with 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. the [Learning Linkz] tutors…I know we wouldn’t have received this kind Upper Elementary (3rd Grade - 5th Grade)* of love and care somewhere else.” 4-day academic week 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Michelle Additional 5th Day* Parent of a 5th -grade Morris Brandon Student Enrichment, Specials, Extension and Remediation opportunities 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m * All sessions are subject to change, depending on decisions of schools and school districts SESSION PRICING For up-to-date pricing, please visit “[Our Learning Linkz tutor] has become a part of our support team. We are grateful to Learning Linkz for taking great care of our daughter and for providing us with such a wonderful experience. We look forward to many more successful years ahead! Dominique Parent of a 9th-Grade Westminster Student

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