Ambic Doorsets DOORSETS
WelcomeWe manufacture a wide range of highest quality products using a combination of state of the art technology and the specialist expertise of our professionalcraftsmen. Working on projects ranging from schools to hospitals, local authority buildings to places of worship, hotels to science laboratories and residentialproperties we provide a full range of internal doorsets including fire and acoustic doorsets and specialist timber windows.Unlike most door suppliers in the UK, we assemble We check every single door to ensure it meets is, it will have the same features that we ensure inall of our doors at our own factory. This allows us the same Ambic quality of all our manufactured all our doorsets - the finest quality of materials,to manage stock supply while having a robust products. It also means we can make just about robustness and durability, with the appropriatequality control process to ensure every door that any bespoke style of door you can imagine. No certification and accreditation.leaves our factory is of the very highest standard. matter how unique or specialist your finished door [email protected] phone: 0191 389 1888 2
Our Mission StatementAt Ambic we pride ourselves on our service and relationships with clients, it’s why our customers come back to us time and time again for their projectrequirements. Our ability to deliver on projects to deadlines is a top priority for us and we’ll do so without compromising on quality or door integrity.Our product experts and designers have requirements and ever changing regulatory client project - share your vision with us and we’llcombined industry experience of over 60 years, standards in building safety. As a building do all the work from initial design concept drawingsthere isn’t anything they don’t know about doorset contractor or architect, you have enough to worry right through to the final specification documentmanufacture, fire and acoustic specification about when planning and delivering on your next complete with all regulatory requirements. We will never allow We’re the doorset experts, so you don’t have to be amendments to a designfor aesthetic reasons if the integrity of the doorset is compromised - othercompanies might agree to do so, we will not.3
START YOURNEXT PROJECT WITH [email protected] phone: 0191 389 1888 4
What we doWhile we can just about make any type or configuration of doorset, typically we produce doors in fully hung or knock-down frames, single or double swingaction, in flush or glazed door configurations, glazed screens & fanlight configurations. We supply sets with or without architrave extension sections, sidescreens and much more. We also regularly supply joinery-type panelled fire doors.Facing Options Veneer Paint Grade From straightforward crown or We can supply paint grade doors quarter cut through “rail and stile” either primed ready to finish on site effect to intricate inlay patterns, or pre-finished prior to delivery. the options are limited only by your imagination!5
Laminate BespokeWe can source a wide range of stylish Need an unusual or unique designlaminate finishes in contemporary for your door? If you can visualiseand modern styles, guaranteed to it, we can make it - and we love amatch perfectly into your existing challenge so the more unusual thedesigns better!Off the shelf doorsets vary hugely in terms of quality, longevity and reliability, if a door has been mass produced, it means high volumeproduction with minimal cost. All Ambic doorsets are assembled in our state of the art facility by master craftsmen using the best qualitymaterials available to your exact specification. We simply won’t compromise on quality because that’s how we’ve made our reputation, ourdoorsets leave our factory fully tested, quality assured and guaranteed to last a long, long time. [email protected] phone: 0191 389 1888 6
Technical & TestingFIRE RATED We supply doorsets in a range of styles and configurations. While other doorset providers will show you a range ofOur doorsets range doors to choose from, we offer an unlimited “range” based on various core configurations with various price rangesfrom non fire-rated to meet your project specification. We will manufacture the doorset to perfectly complement your existing building(NFR) to FD120 design and other existing furniture and fittings.ACOUSTIC Our doorset products are bespoke in each case unless of course you require the use of commercially availableAcoustic ratings up to elements to enable the integration with your wider aesthetics.RW44db Our CNC equipment, lamination and finishing processes all ensure the best possible quality of doors and relatedCONFIGURATION items and all our products come with the requisite performance specification backed up by extensive 3rd partyMultiple door con- testing and certification.figuration options7
FIRE RATING ACOUSTIC RATINGGDC CORE DOORSET FEATURES MULTIPLEOur GDC cores are available in a wide range of sizes and are backed • NFR, FD30, FD60 Fire Rating CONFIGURATIONSby a large quantity of testing and evidence for performance. GDC • Up to Rw34dB Acoustic ratingcores offer a strong and stable basis for general purpose doors • Single, Pair & Overpanel Configurationsand when faced can look spectacular • Premium price [email protected] phone: 0191 389 1888 8
FIRE RATING ACOUSTIC RATINGPERIMETER & CORE DOORSET FEATURES MULTIPLEOur P&C doorsets have similar flexiility in specification to the GDC • NFR, FD30, FD60 Fire Rating CONFIGURATIONSdoorsets but also offer very high durability and screw holding. • Up to Rw45dB Acoustic ratingWith flexibility in substrate particularly they can be specified to • Single, Pair & Overpanel Configurationscope with the rigours of heavy traffic areas but can look identical • High Durabilityto GDC cored doors at the same time.9
FIRE RATING ACOUSTIC RATINGSOLID TIMBER CORE DOORSET FEATURES MULTIPLEOur solid timber cored doorsets are made from a core containing • NFR, FD30, FD60 Fire Rating CONFIGURATIONSlamels of solid timber and are very stable. They are generally • Up to Rw34dB Acoustic ratingresistant to attack and can be suitable for higher humidity or • Single, Pair & Overpanel Configurationsmoisture content areas. They can also be specificed to a finish • HIgh Durability, High Strengththat matches GDC or P&C type doors. [email protected] phone: 0191 389 1888 10
RAIL AND STILE PANEL DOORSET SPECIALIST DOORSETS Decorative rail and stile panel doorsets allow for seasonal wood We produce a range of doorsets for specialist applications movement with a rigid frame housing free-floating panels including • NFR, FD30, FD60 Fire Rating • Lead lined doorsets • Single, Pair Configurations • Acoustic doorsets (to RW44dB) • HIgh Durability, High Strength • FD120 doorsets • Flat or raised & fielded panels11
COMPLIANCEAll our doorsets are fully tested to meet with your exact project specification and existingregulations FIRE PERFORMANCE Our Fire doorsets are all manufactured in compliance with the relevant Field of Application (FOA) document produced by accredited bodies to evaluate the fire performance of the assembly when tested in accordance with BS 476: Part 22 (1987) and based on extensive actual product fire testing carried out at UKAS accredited furnaces in accordance with BS476:part22 (1987) and/or BS EN 1634-1:2014 and BS EN 1363-1:2012. We have a comprehensive in-house doorset specification and quality system that ensures fire doorsets are quoted, acknowledged and manufactured only in accordance with the stipulations of the relevant FOA document. ACOUSTIC PERFORMANCE Our acoustic doorset assemblies are tested at UKAS accredited laboratories in accordance with BS EN ISO 10140-2:2010 and rated in accordance with BS EN ISO 717-1:1997. [email protected] phone: 0191 389 1888 12
Ironmongery We are partnered with ironmongery manufacturer HOPPE in the UK and this enables us to offer a full ironmongery service to accompany our doorset offer. Whatever your requirement from basic lock and latch installation leaving you to source the other hardware, through to a full architectural Ironmongery schedule, specification and supply, we can help you with this. In addition to AI specification to your requirements as discussed above, we have developed with HOPPE two standard ranges of ironmongery that complement our doorsets offer, ensure compliance with performance requirements and can either take all the work out of specifying ironmongery for you, or be used to give you a starting point to specify your own variations on the theme!13
Our Ambic-Pro and Ambic-Design ranges should between them cover most needs and they come with a basic choiceof handles but will also be compatible with many other handles if your requirement is for something very specific. Ifyou have a design in mind we can usually fit these in to our offer. All the products are European made and have beenchosen for their quality, performance compatibility and aesthetic. Because of our direct relationship with HOPPE wecan also usually be price competitive at the same time.One key issue in ensuring doorset assembly fire performance on site is the co-ordination between doorset evidenceand ironmongery evidence. Beware, not all ironmongery evidence is useable in conjunction with all doorset evidence,and if you separately source your doorsets and ironmongery the responsibility for compliance between the two fallsto you. Coming to Ambic for your doorsets and ironmongery means we can ensure that the ironmongery that goesonto your doorset assembly is both fit for purpose and fully compliant with (not contradictory to) both door andironmongery evidence. [email protected] phone: 0191 389 1888 14
Leave it to us...Specification & Design Help and AdviceWe can help with your L20 specification. A discussion with us about your requirements and designchoices/aspirations for your doorsets can provide valuable assistance with your project - from peaceof mind that you’re specifying a compliant product that can be manufactured, right through to helpwith, and examples of, L20 wording.Ultimately, we will ensure that your L20 specification leads to a compliant doorset that can be reliedupon to perform in accordance with your requirements. [email protected] phone: 0191 389 1888 15
AMBIC DOORSETS ALSO BY AMBICOffice: Ambic Ltd, Stella Industrial Est., Pelton,, Co. Durham Educational furniturePhone: 0191 389 1888E-mail: [email protected] manufacture & installation DOORSETS Bespoke furniture manufacture and installation for architects, contractors and designers
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