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Altior By 9A 2021 - 22

Altior Venturing into the world above…

AL SAAD INDIAN SCHOOL ALAIN MAGAZINE BY GRADE 9A 2021 - 22 CLASS TEACHER : Bhadra Pavithran EDITORIAL BOARD : Fa t hi ma Na r mi n Ma l a v i k a Ni s ha d Me l v i n Ma t he ws Ni dhi Re ddy Ri s hi t ha Ha r i s h Shaf a Shani b

THE EDITORIAL BOARD “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much” – Helen Keller MAIN EDITORS Fathima Rishitha Harish Narmin ASSISSTANT EDITORS Ellin Mary Thomas Melvin Nidhi Reddy Mathews Malavika Nishad Shafa Shanib

MESSAGE BY CLASS TEACHER Bhadra Pavithran Department Of Science I feel both proud and thrilled as I see the amazing hard work put together by all of you. You all have set an example of great hard work even in this difficult time. I am so lucky to have been your class teacher. All the work put together for the magazine shows a great deal of motivation and togetherness. From the core of my heart, I congratulate all the contributors and editorial group for the sincere effort in bringing out the class magazine for the academic session 2021-22. Through this magazine I would like to give a message to all my dear children that “The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team’’ Thank you

SCHOOL MAGAZINE EDITOR Rishitha Harish It gives me immense pleasure to pen a few words to facilitate our class magazine, an integral part of our school life. I am glad to know that our class is bringing out an online magazine for the academic year 2021-2022. I am sure this magazine is a platform for the students to showcase their creative skills as well as their linguistic skills. I hope the students make the best use of magazine and the readers will benefit from the content. I congratulate every person who acted as a catalyst making this magazine a mirror which reflects the attitude and ideas of the students which is worth and inspiring. Thank you

MAIN EDITORS We, on behalf of the entire team of grade 9A are extremely delighted to publish our class magazine “ALTIOR” for the academic year 2021 – 2022. The past one and half year was a tough time for all of us. But staying united we are fighting this pandemic. We would like to express our gratitude in the form of words to the school management of AL SAAD INDIAN SCHOOL, ALAIN for giving us this opportunity to showcase our editing skills and talents in the class magazine 2021- 22. We would also like to extend our thanks to our class teacher Ms. Bhadra Pavithran for her continuous support for this class magazine, Last but not the least we are extremely thankful to our parents who were a pillar of support and helped us bring the best out of us. From the core of our heart, we would like to thank all our classmates who worked very hard the past one and half month to make this a huge success. We hope that you will enjoy the articles prepared by the students of grade 9A in English, Arabic, Hindi and Malayalam THANK YOU Fathima Narmin & Rishitha Harish


THE MESMERIZING JOURNEY OF LIFE.. Fathima Narmin Life is a journey, a very long one. A journey we travel seeking no destination. Everyone takes this path, in fact each one of us is travelling through it, right now. We may have or will experience a lot of ups and downs during our journey. Sometimes it can be as high as a mountain or as low as a pit. Our character and attitude resemble the steering wheel of our journey, the steadier we steer, the smoother our journey goes... In my viewpoint as a teenager, at this part of my journey, I get molded in various aspects of life. It’s the time I improvise myself to face future’s unexpected miracles. During this journey, we have to face numerous circumstances. The way we deal with them matters a lot. Sometimes it’s very simple, but at times it’s really tough. But, if we maintain a disciplined and organized life, then it’s no big deal to overcome these circumstances Firstly, one of the most important factors we need for a relaxing journey, is TIME MANAGEMENT. We gain a lot of duties and responsibilities as we go further in this journey. But the increase in duties doesn’t increase the hours of the day. We need to split our time and manage very systematically to catch up with our duties. We need to utilize our time productively, because each second during our journey is really precious. We need to complete our duties on a daily basis. Because, the more we bundle up the more intense our work pressure becomes. In addition, we need to IMPROVISE AND UPDATE OURSELVES always. We have many dreams and aims. As we attain our goal, it doesn’t mean that we don’t have to go any further, As mentioned above, this is a journey seeking no destination. We need to always improve our talents and capabilities. The more, the merrier. All of us are gifted with some talents, we definitely have to utilize those credits and develop us in that particular fields. Thirdly, to continue smoothly on this journey, we need to ensure that we TAKE THE RIGHT PATH, we may come across a lot of turning points where we have different paths to travel and we go into a confusion and misery of which to choose. I know it’s really hard to determine which is the right path leading to the next step of our life, before travelling it. Sometimes we are prompted too much to travel through certain paths, even though it’s the wrong one. This might be due to our age and the generation we live in. but always remember, the decision once taken cannot be redone. The only way to overcome these regrets are seeking our travel guides, our parents and elders, who have come through the paths we travel right now, and they are absolutely the right people to seek upon at the turning points of our journey when we are in a confusion. They have a lot experiences by the path they chose. So, ensure that you take proper and thoughtful decisions throughout your journey. Never waste your time on things that don’t benefit your travel, NEVER GO ENTANGLE YOURSELF with people who don’t value you, because that can create a major impact on our mental health. Instead, maintain good relationships with people who you know wishes for your good will. Because that will be a booster force to reach great heights in your life….

TELEVISION AGE V/S INTERNET AGE “You never know how important something is, until you almost lost it”, as once said by one of our great leaders. One of the most clamorous issue we are going to face soon, is the death of television. The television has lost importance when the ongoing and one of our favourites, and indeed a very helpful age of internet emerged. Today, instead of watching a movie casted by a channel on TV, we have addicted to apps that offer streaming services such as Netflix. Today we have our own devices to watch any entertainment shows or movies with just few swipes. Internet has many features that bring lots of change in our lives. But there are some salient features only present in the use of Television. They are: - Builds social surrogacy, less strain, reduced cyber- bullying Television can help you feel less lonely. We feel we have people around us both physically and mentally when watching our favourite shows on television. Firstly, when we are watching on TVs , we have our family members around, watching the show with us. On internet, it is just us alone, sitting in a corner with headphones plugged in. Secondly, watching on television creates and maintains a bond between families. We all sit together and enjoy. On internet everyone sits at different corners with their gadgets and has no interaction with each other. Lastly, watching shows with a group on TV , helps you to enjoy the humor in it and to enjoy our leisure time A medical issue mostly reported by doctors and specialists today is Spondylosis. It is caused due to the wrong posture of neck. Most importantly, internet is mostly available in smart phones and other easy to handle, we take too much of strain to watch shows in it. This wrong position causes many medical issues. Whereas, in television you always keep a distance and also sit in a straight or relaxed posture on the couch. Finally, the eye is also affected by giving more strain and focusing more on screen. Hence, we should always take care of our health. In order, more preferrable is television Last but not the least, Cyber - bullying in a reduced form is seen in the use of television. Today, there are many cases about cyber-bullying. All these are caused just because of the use of Internet. Firstly, when we watch on televisions, we are aware that the broadcasting company is in the other side. But on internet, the sites we use, might be a trap and we aren’t aware of who is watching our actions. In addition, TVs are placed in a public area where everyone can take a sight. But on internet, we are in a corner where everything is hidden. In conclusion, we don’t have that much personal data on the Tv for strangers to hack. But on internet, we have all our personal info ranging from Name to account passwords One major thing we have to remember is that, a switch from one item is not something that happens overnight. There has been deep research on Internet before releasing it to the public. They have found that internet is accessible everywhere and on all gadgets. We can watch whatever we want anywhere, anytime. We can watch while sleeping, eating, at office, at school etc. But apart from all these uses, as tomorrow's future leaders, we have to bring back our television age at the same time maintain the internet era Joann Sarah Lenord

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Fathima Narmin

WHAT IS ASTRONOMY? Astronomy is the study of everything in the universe beyond Earth’s atmosphere. That includes objects we can see with our naked eyes, like the Sun, the Moon, the planets, and the stars. It also includes objects we can only see with telescopes or other instruments, like faraway galaxies and tiny particles. And it even includes questions about things we can't see at all, like dark matter and dark energy ELLIN MARY THOMAS

AMAZING SPACE When you look into the blackness of the night sky, you are peering into the fathomless depth of the universe. Stars, planets, galaxies stretch into space, not just farther than you can see, but farther than you can even imagine. That world is entirely different from what you think it is. light takes time to travel, when we look into space, we are looking back in time. The world that is simply amazing. The most distant objects visible, are in the perceives images of galaxies. We see them as they were created 13 billion years ago. The universe extends beyond these, but it’s impossible to see objects much farther because their light dint have enough time to reach us. So, you must find time to look at it, and you will see THE WORLD AS YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE……. The endless universe Fathima Narmin

 KalpanaChaKwallpaawnaascthhaewfliarswt Iansdtihaen fwirostminadniaton wspoamcea.nSthoespwaacseb. oShrne on march 17 1962, Kanwaal,sInbdoiran. on march 17 1962 ,kanal , india.  She  to1Suh9ne8i4vw.eernsittytoouf nTievxearssiatyt oAfrltienxgatos natfarorlming1t9o8n2ftroom1918948. 2 to went  She firstflewShoenfisrpstacfleewshounttlsepaCcoelusmhubtitaleinco1l9u9m7baias ainm19is9s7ioanssapmeciisasliiostnand primaryrobSsophteieccswiaaalrissmtinaonsppdeaprcareitmofora.rr3y1rodbaoytsic1s4ahrmouorspaenradto5r4. minutes.  She wasin sHpearcseefcoorn3d1fdligahyst w14ashostucr–s a1n0d7 w54himchinwuatesst.he final flight of space shuttle columbia in 2003. But unfortunately she was  Her secondoflnigehotfwthaes sSeTvCen– c1r0e7wwmhiecmh bwearss twhheofidniaeldflignhttheofspspaacece shuttle Columbia insh2u0t0t3le. Bcoultuumnbfoiartduinsaastteelyr,. she was one of the seven crew members wEhvoedniethdoiungthhsehsepdaiceedsahtuattvleerCyoylouumnbgiaagdeissahseteirs.regarded and remembered as a national hero in india. KALPANA CHAWLA  Even though she died at a very young age she is regarded and remembered 1962 - 2003 as a national hero in India.  In 1984 Rakesh Sharma became the first Indian citizen to travel in space.  He was born on 13th January 1949, Punjab, India.  He joined Indian air force as a test pilot in 1970, he was later promoted in 1984 as the squadron leader.  He was selected on 20th September 1982 to become a cosmonaut and go onto space.  He spent 7 days 21 hours and 40 minutes aboard the Salyut 7.  After his achievement, India became the 14th nation to send a man to outer space.  His achievement made Indians proud and encouraged many to join the space research centers. RAKESH SHARMA 1949 AGATHA SHARMA PAUDEL


THE CAMPING TRIP Lily and her brother Ryan went camping with their mom and dad. Ryan and Dad set up the tent while Lily and Mom collected sticks to start a bonfire. Once the tent was set up, they started a fire in the bonfire pit. Lily and Ryan looked for long pointy sticks to use for cooking hot dogs over the fire while the fire was heating up. They found four pointy sticks. One for each of them Lily and Ryan and their mom and dad, each placed two hot dogs on their sticks slowly so every side of each hot dog was cooked. Then they put the hot dogs into buns and added ketchup and mustard. The hot dogs were delicious. They had a lovely time together VANIA JOHN

TRUE LOVE It was dark, too dark. Lightening flashed and thunder roared, It was dangerous to fly out, But more dangerous to stay in. The cozy nest flared in flames, And the friends I valued most flew away Leaving me alone. My mom was right, I was wrong, I chose the wrong friends Who loved my treasures, rather than me. I cried aloud amidst the fire. If I had chosen good friends I would have been safe right now. I wished for my mom, though I flew away from her. And there came a bird, wings spread. Love, bright, on her face. It was none other than my mom, Here to save me. She looked at my broken wings Carried me away to safety. Then I realized The meaning to true love. SHARMILA SWAMINATHAN

THE TELESCOPE I steady myself On the eyepiece. Take a deep breath. And, with my eye Staring down the Illuminated crosshairs, I step off the boat That is my planet, And swim in to the infinite Starry home. MELVIN MATHEWS DAVIS

SOLAR ECLIPSE:  A solar eclipse occurs when the New Moon moves between the Sun and Earth, fully or partially blocking out the Sun’s rays and casting a shadow on parts of the Earth. This can only happen when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are nearly aligned on a straight line.  There are around 2 to 4 solar eclipse a year LUNAR ECLIPSE:  A lunar eclipse happens when Earth gets in the way of the light from the sun hitting the moon. The moon looks red during a lunar eclipse because of the Earth’s atmosphere, which scatters blue light and only allows red to pass through.  There are around 2 lunar Eclipse in a year IMPORTANT DATES In 2022 we can observe solar and lunar eclipse on the following dates: Solar Eclipse Tuesday, October 25, 2022 Lunar Eclipse Monday, May 16, 2022 Tuesday, November 8, 2022 NIDHI REDDY MARRI

MY EXISTENCE… Waiting and waiting For whom I wait Far away were My eyes meet no land nowhere. My father and his brother Who were fishers? Once went to hunt a Treasure deep-a treasure hunt He – a layman had dreams Except two meals in his dreams. For my sister and mother A great dream of a sailor. I don’t frustrate For his mission id great He has a great wish A wish to embellish. My mother burning kerosine lamp Seeks her lover beneath the lamp Cuddles me and sister Beneath her tears. Oh father, I do wait Oh Lord, he be never late again For I am waiting My existence too awaits. RISHITHA HARISH

1- A star of which colour can be said to be the coolest? 1. Red 2. Sunita Williams 3. Mercury 4. Pluto 5. Solar Eclipse a. Yellow b. Blue c. Red d. Black 2- Which female astronaut spent the maximum time in space? a. Lisa Norwak b. Kalpana Chawla c. Sunita Williams d. None of these 3- Which planet has the fastest revolution time? a. Mercury b. Uranus c. Neptune d. Jupiter 4- ‘New Horizons’ spacecraft was launched by NASA to study which of the following planets? a. Mars b. Pluto c. Jupiter d. Mercury 5- Storms of gases are visible in the chromospheres of the Sun during a. Cyclones b. Anticyclones c. Lunar eclipse d. Solar eclipse NIDHI REDDY MARRI

1. photosphere, 2. Mars, 3. Four, 4. Alpha Centauri, 5. Ceres, 6. Eugene Cernan, 7. Milky CROSS-WORD PUZZLE way, 8. Venus, 9. Galileo Galilei, 10. Asteroid belt AGATHA SHARMA PAUDEL ACR0SS DOWN 3. How many terrestrial planets 1. It is the visible part of the Sun. are there in Solar system. 2. It is a planet with no moon. 6. He was the last man on moon. 4. It is the nearest star to Sun. 9. He is known as the father of 5. It is the biggest asteroid. astronomy. 7. It is home to our solar system. 10. Vesta is this type of heavenly 8. It is known as the twin planet of body. Earth.

JOKES ON ASTRONOMY 8. Why was the star arrested? 1.Why did the sun go to school? - To get brighter - It was a shooting star. 2.How do you organize a space party? - You plan - et 9. Why do aliens always spill their 3.How did the solar system hold up its tea? pants? - With asteroid belt - They have flying saucers. 4.How do astronauts serve dinner? - On flying saucers 10. How do you know when the moon is almost broke? - When it’s down to its last quarter. 11.Why did the alien have a bad time at his birthday party? 5.Why couldn’t the star stay focused? - It had no atmosphere. - He kept spacing out. 6. Why is the moon constantly moody? - She’s just going through a phase 7. What do you say if you want to start a fight in space? - “Comet me, bro!” MELVIN MATHEWS


X THANK YOU… Dear Readers, We are extremely delighted, to present our class magazine for the academic year 2021 -22. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the school management for giving us this was with the guidance of our beloved teachers and parents, we were able to release this year’s class magazine. Our classmates have put forward thought provoking essays, inspirational poems and motivational stories along with general knowledge sources. We would also like to thank you, the readers for spending your valuable time reading our magazine. We would like to extend our thanks to the subject teachers of various subjects who helped in verifying various articles. Hats off to all the members of the editorial committee who worked very hard to make this venture a successful one. “Astrology completes the soul to look upwards and leads us from this world to another.”- PLATO