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Home Explore Volvo 2016 Katalog

Volvo 2016 Katalog

Published by Güngör Vardar, 2016-09-28 07:49:40

Description: Volvo 2016 Katalog

Keywords: volvo 2016 katalog


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VOLVO www.arygear.comPRİZDİREK ARY NOINPUT SHAFT 10020136ENGINE TYPER/1400-1700-1900OEM PART NO1668470 - 1656030PRİZDİREK ARY NOINPUT SHAFT 10020137ENGINE TYPESR/1700-1900OEM PART NO1656031ŞANZIMAN PİSTON YAĞ SEKMANI ARY NORING 10020138ENGINE TYPER-SR-VT-VTOOEM PART NO1652820 - 7401652820GERİ VİTES YILDIZ DİŞLİ ARY NOHUB 10020139ENGINE TYPER-SR/1400-1700-1900OEM PART NO20366731 - 1656265GERİ VİTES HALKASI ARY NOENGAGING SLEEVE 10020140ENGINE TYPER-SR/1400-1700-1900OEM PART NO1656266Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 29

VOLVOC VİTES DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR CRAWLING GEAR 10020141ENGINE TYPER-SR/1400-1700-1900OEM PART NO1673434ŞANZIMAN YAĞ POMPA DİŞLİ VE MİLİ ARY NOAXLE SHAFT 10020142ENGINE TYPER/1000-1500 VT/1708BOEM PART NO1667078 - 16555263.VİTES DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR 3 RD 10020143ENGINE TYPER/1000 (B-12)OEM PART NO1672238 - 1667137 - 15213373.VİTES DİŞLİ KARŞILIĞI ARY NOGEAR 10020144ENGINE TYPER/1000 (B-12)OEM PART NO1672239 - 1667138 - 1521338GERİ VİTES DİŞLİSİ ARY NOREVERSE GEAR 10020145ENGINE TYPER-SR/1400-1700-1900OEM PART NO167343230 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

VOLVO www.arygear.comGÜNEŞ DİŞLİ ARY NOSUN GEAR 10020146ENGINE TYPER-SR/1400-1700-1900OEM PART NO1656226DAMPER ŞANZIMAN MİLİ ARY NOSHAFT 10020147ENGINE TYPER-SR/1400-1700OEM PART NO1653840DAMPER ŞANZIMAN HALKASI ARY NOENGAGING SLEEVE 10020148ENGINE TYPER-SR/1400-1700OEM PART NO1667266 - 1653841ÇEMBER DİŞLİ ARY NORING GEAR 10020149ENGINE TYPER-SR-VT-VTOOEM PART NO1656209SENKROMENÇ HALKA ARY NOENGAGING SLEEVE 10020150ENGINE TYPESR/1400-1700OEM PART NO1668248 - 1653948Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 31

VOLVOSENKROMENÇ YAPRAK DİŞLİ (AĞIR) ARY NOENGAGING RING 10020151ENGINE TYPER-SR-VT-VTOOEM PART NO1668450SENKROMENÇ YAPRAK DİŞLİ (SERİ) ARY NOENGAGING RING 10020152ENGINE TYPER-SR-VT-VTOOEM PART NO1668452 - 7401668452AĞIR SERİ DİŞLİ ARY NOENGAGING SLEEVE 10020153ENGINE TYPER-SR-VT-VTOOEM PART NO1068946 - 16684583.VİTES SENKROMENÇ HALKA ARY NOENGAGING SLEEVE 10020154ENGINE TYPESR-1700-1900 SR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO16690321./2. VİTES SENKROMENÇ HALKA ARY NOENGAGING SLEEVE 10020155ENGINE TYPER/1000-1400-1700-1900OEM PART NO166903432 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

VOLVO www.arygear.com1./2. VİTES SENKROMENÇ HALKA ARY NOENGAGING SLEEVE 10020156ENGINE TYPESR-1700-1900OEM PART NO16690353.VİTES SENKROMENÇ YAPRAK DİŞLİ ARY NOENGAGING RING 10020157ENGINE TYPESR-1700-1900 SR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO16693511./2. VİTES SENKROMENÇ YAPRAK DİŞLİ ARY NOENGAGING RING 10020158ENGINE TYPESR/1700-1900OEM PART NO16693521./2. VİTES SENKROMENÇ YAPRAK DİŞLİ ARY NOENGAGING RING 10020159ENGINE TYPER/1000-1400-1500-1700-1900OEM PART NO1669353OVARDİRE DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR 10020160ENGINE TYPESR/1700-1900OEM PART NO1669803Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 33

VOLVOOVARDİRE DİŞLİ KARŞILIĞI ARY NOGEAR 10020161ENGINE TYPESR/1700-1900OEM PART NO1669804 - 1653093 - 16525343.VİTES SENKROMENÇ FRENLEME ARY NOSYNCHRONIZING CONE 10020162ENGINE TYPESR/1700-1900 SR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO16693553.VİTES SENKROMENÇ KİT ARY NOSYNCHRONIZING RING 10020163ENGINE TYPESR/1700-1900 SR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO16693581./2. VİTES SENKROMENÇ FRENLEME ARY NOSYNCHRONIZING CONE 10020164ENGINE TYPER/1000-1400-1500-1700-1900OEM PART NO16693561./2. VİTES SENKROMENÇ KİT ARY NOSYNCHRONIZING RING 10020165ENGINE TYPER/1000-1400-1500-1700-1900OEM PART NO166936034 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

VOLVO www.arygear.com1./2. VİTES SENKROMENÇ FRENLEME ARY NOSYNCHRONIZING CONE 10020166ENGINE TYPESR/1700-1900OEM PART NO16693571./2. VİTES SENKROMENÇ KİT ARY NOSYNCHRONIZING RING 10020167ENGINE TYPESR/1700-1900OEM PART NO1669359SENKROMENÇ FRENLEME ARY NOSYNCHRONIZING CONE 10020168ENGINE TYPER/1000-1400-1700 SR/1400-1700 SRSRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO1653956 - 1668202 - 1668263AĞIR SERİ SENKROMENÇ KİT ARY NOSYNCHRONIZING RING 10020169ENGINE TYPER/1000-1400-1700 SR/1400-1700OEM PART NO1668232 - 16539303./4. VİTES SENKROMENÇ FRENLEME ARY NOSYNCHRONIZING CONE 10020170ENGINE TYPER/1000-1400-1500-1700-1900OEM PART NO1653960 - 1653903Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 35

VOLVOOVARDİRE SENKROMENÇ FRENLEME ARY NOSYNCHRONIZING CONE 10020171ENGINE TYPER/1400-1700-1900 SR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO1653961 - 16539053.VİTES SENKROMENÇ FRENLEME ARY NOSYNCHRONIZING CONE 10020172ENGINE TYPESR/1400-1700 SR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO1653962 - 16539061./2. VİTES SENKROMENÇ FRENLEME ARY NOSYNCHRONIZING CONE 10020173ENGINE TYPER/1000-1400-1700OEM PART NO1653964 - 1653907AĞIR SERİ SENKROMENÇ FRENLEME ARY NOSYNCHRONIZING CONE 10020174ENGINE TYPER-SR-VT-VTO ALL SERIALSOEM PART NO1668456 - 7401668456GERİ VİTES DİŞLİSİ ARY NOREVERSE GEAR 10020175ENGINE TYPER/1000 (B-12)OEM PART NO1669450 - 165555836 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

VOLVO www.arygear.com1.VİTES DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR 1 ST 10020176ENGINE TYPEB-7R B-9R B-12B B-12M B-12BROEM PART NO1673853ALT GRUP MİLİ ARY NOCOUNTER SHAFT 10020177ENGINE TYPEB-7R B-9R B-12B B-12M B-12BRVT/1708B R/1500OEM PART NO20366930 - 20366691ALT GRUP MİLİ ARY NOCOUNTER SHAFT 10020178ENGINE TYPER/1000 (B-12)OEM PART NO1669415 - 1655552ALT GRUP MİLİ ARY NOCOUNTER SHAFT 10020179ENGINE TYPER/1400-1700OEM PART NO1653379 - 1652900ALT GRUP MİLİ ARY NOCOUNTER SHAFT 10020180ENGINE TYPESR/1400-1700OEM PART NO1652901 - 1652899 - 1656038Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 37

VOLVOALT GRUP MİLİ ARY NOCOUNTER SHAFT 10020181ENGINE TYPESR/1700-1900OEM PART NO1669652 - 1656038ALT GRUP MİLİ ARY NOCOUNTER SHAFT 10020182ENGINE TYPESR/1400-1700-1900OEM PART NO1673445ALT GRUP MİLİ ARY NOCOUNTER SHAFT 10020183ENGINE TYPER/1400-1700OEM PART NO1069314ALT GRUP MİLİ ARY NOCOUNTER SHAFT 10020184ENGINE TYPER/1400-1700OEM PART NO16696311.VİTES DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR 1 ST 10020185ENGINE TYPER/1400-1700OEM PART NO106931738 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

VOLVO www.arygear.com1.VİTES DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR 1 ST 10020186ENGINE TYPER/1900OEM PART NO1671996 - 1669629GERİ VİTES DİŞLİ KARŞILIĞI ARY NODRIVE GEAR 10020187ENGINE TYPER-SR/1400-1700-1900 VT/2014-2214-2514 VT-VTO/2814BOEM PART NO1521423 - 74015214231.VİTES DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR 1 ST 10020188ENGINE TYPESR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO1669329 - 1654033PRİZDİREK ARY NOINPUT SHAFT 10020189ENGINE TYPER-1400-1700OEM PART NO1653095 - 1652520PRİZDİREK ARY NOINPUT SHAFT 10020190ENGINE TYPESR/1400-1700OEM PART NO1652521Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 39

VOLVO1.VİTES DİŞLİ KARŞILIĞI ARY NOGEAR 10020191ENGINE TYPESR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO1669328 - 16540232.VİTES DİŞLİ KARŞILIĞI ARY NOGEAR 10020192ENGINE TYPESR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO1669498 - 16540263.VİTES DİŞLİ KARŞILIĞI ARY NOSR-SRO/2000-2400 10020193ENGINE TYPER/1400-1700OEM PART NO1669331 - 1654294OVARDİRE DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR 10020194ENGINE TYPESR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO1669496 - 1654290OVARDİRE DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR 10020195ENGINE TYPESR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO165436240 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

VOLVO www.arygear.comOVARDİRE DİŞLİ KARŞILIĞI ARY NOGEAR 10020196ENGINE TYPESR/2000-2400OEM PART NO1669497 - 1654293OVARDİRE DİŞLİ KARŞILIĞI ARY NOGEAR 10020197ENGINE TYPESRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO16543631./2.VİTES SENKROMENÇ KİT ARY NOSYNCHRONIZING RING 10020198ENGINE TYPESR/SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO16693613.VİTES YILDIZ DİŞLİ ARY NOGUIDE SLEEVE 10020199ENGINE TYPESR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO1668219 - 16539191./2. VİTES SENKROMENÇ HALKA ARY NOENGAGING SLEEVE 10020200ENGINE TYPESR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO1669033Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 41

VOLVO1./2. VİTES SENKROMENÇ HALKA ARY NOENGAGING SLEEVE 10020201ENGINE TYPESR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO1668243 - 1653943AĞIR SERİ HALKA ARY NOENGAGING SLEEVE 10020202ENGINE TYPESR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO16682471./2. VİTES SENKROMENÇ YAPRAK DİŞLİ ARY NOENGAGING RING 10020203ENGINE TYPESR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO16539232.VİTES DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR 2 ND 10020204ENGINE TYPESR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO16540373.VİTES DİŞLİSİ (BİLYALI) ARY NOGEAR 3 RD WITH BEARING 10020205ENGINE TYPESR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO1069518 - 1669330 - 165434042 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

VOLVO www.arygear.comALT GRUP MİLİ ARY NOCOUNTER SHAFT 10020206ENGINE TYPESR-SRO-2000-2400OEM PART NO1654038PRİZDİREK KEÇE KAPAĞI ARY NOCOVER 10020207ENGINE TYPER-SR/1400-1700-1900 VT/1708B-2009BOEM PART NO1656121 - 1653057GÜNEŞ DİŞLİSİ ARY NOSUN GEAR (28 T) 10020208ENGINE TYPESR-SRO-2000-2400OEM PART NO1669449 - 1654218PRİZDİREK ARY NOINPUT SHAFT 10020209ENGINE TYPESR-SRO-2000-2400OEM PART NO1654015GÜNEŞ DİŞLİ ARY NOSUN GEAR 10020210ENGINE TYPER/1000-1400-1700OEM PART NO1652550Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 43

VOLVOKAMALI MİL ARY NOMAIN SHAFT 10020211ENGINE TYPESR/1400-1700OEM PART NO1652524KAMALI MİL ARY NOMAIN SHAFT 10020212ENGINE TYPESR/1400-1700OEM PART NO1668148AĞIR SERİ YILDIZ DİŞLİ ARY NOGUIDE SLEEVE 10020213ENGINE TYPER-SR/1000-1400-1700OEM PART NO1668216AĞIR SERİ YILDIZ DİŞLİ ARY NOGUIDE SLEEVE 10020214ENGINE TYPESR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO1668217TAKVİYE SENKROMENÇ YAPRAK DİŞLİ ARY NOGUIDE SLEEVE 10020215ENGINE TYPESR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO165393744 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

VOLVO www.arygear.comSENKROMENÇ YAPRAK DİŞLİ (AĞIR) ARY NOGUIDE SLEEVE 10020216ENGINE TYPESR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO1653938SENKROMENÇ FERNLEME ORTA KONİK ARY NOSYNCHRONIZING CONE 10020217ENGINE TYPESR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO1653979AĞIR SERİ SENKROMENÇ FRENLEME KİTİ ARY NOSYNCHRONIZING CONE 10020218ENGINE TYPESR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO1668231KAMALI MİL SOMUNU ARY NONUT 10020219ENGINE TYPESR-1400-1700-1900OEM PART NO16528551./2. VİTES YILDIZ DİŞLİ YAY FİŞEK TAKIMI ARY NOREPAIR KIT 10020220ENGINE TYPESR-1400-1700-1900OEM PART NO30890Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 45

VOLVO3.VİTES YILDIZ DİŞLİ YAY FİŞEK TAKIMI ARY NOREPAIR KIT 10020221ENGINE TYPESR/1400-1700-1900 SR/2000-2400OEM PART NO308911./2.-3.VİTES YILDIZ DİŞLİ YAY FİŞEK TAKIMI ARY NOREPAIR KIT 10020222ENGINE TYPER/1000-1400-1700/1900OEM PART NO308921./2. VİTES YILDIZ DİŞLİ YAY FİŞEK TAKIMI ARY NOREPAIR KIT 10020223ENGINE TYPESR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO30893OVARDİRE YAY FİŞEK TAKIMI ARY NOREPAIR KIT 10020224ENGINE TYPESR/1400-1700-1900 SR/2000-2400OEM PART NO30894AĞIR SERİ YILDIZ DİŞLİ YAY FİŞEK TAKIMI (E.M) ARY NOREPAIR KIT 10020225ENGINE TYPER-SR/1400-1700OEM PART NO3089546 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

VOLVO www.arygear.comAĞIR SERİ SİLİNDİRİ ARY NORANGE CYLINDER 10020226ENGINE TYPESR-1400-1700-1900 R/1000-1400-1700-1900OEM PART NO1656239 - 1652857KAMALI MİL UÇ BİLYA ARY NOROLLER BEARING 10020227ENGINE TYPER/1400-1700 SR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO1652559KAMALI MİL UÇ BİLYA ARY NOROLLER BEARING 10020228ENGINE TYPER/1400-1700-1900 VT/1708 BOEM PART NO1656104ŞANZIMAN PRİZDİREK KEÇESİ ARY NOSEALING RING 10020229ENGINE TYPER-SR/62 R/63 R-SR/1400-1700-1900OEM PART NO2672683.VİTES DİŞLİ BİLYASI ARY NOROLLER BEARING 10020230ENGINE TYPESR-1400-1700-1900 SR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO1652611Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 47

VOLVO3.VİTES DİŞLİSİ BİLYA ARA MAŞONU ARY NOSPACER WASHER 10020231ENGINE TYPESR/1400-1700-1900 SR-SRO/2000-2400OEM PART NO1654167YÜRÜTÜCÜ POMPA ARY NOOIL PUMP 10020232ENGINE TYPEL-90 L-120 L-4400 L-4500OEM PART NO4720099YÜRÜTÜCÜ POMPA TAMİR TAKIMI ARY NOOIL PUMP REPAIR KIT 10020233ENGINE TYPEL-90 L-120 L-4400 L-4500OEM PART NO4720068ŞANZIMAN YÜRÜTÜCÜ YAĞ POMPASI ARY NOOIL PUMP 10020234ENGINE TYPEL/150 -150C L/160 L/180-180COEM PART NO4871871 - 11144004ŞANZIMAN YÜRÜTÜCÜ YAĞ POMPASI ARY NOOIL PUMP 10020235ENGINE TYPEL/120 L/150C L/180 -180COEM PART NO11144003 - 1103720548 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

VOLVO www.arygear.comİSTAVROZ DİŞLİ TAKIMI ARY NODIFFERENTIAL HOUSING 10020236ENGINE TYPEEV/90OEM PART NO273958İSTAVROZ DİŞLİ TAKIMI ARY NODIFFERENTIAL GEAR 10020237ENGINE TYPEEV/91OEM PART NO20524594 - 270581İSTAVROZ DİŞLİ TAKIMI ARY NODIFFERENTIAL GEAR KIT 10020238ENGINE TYPEEV/80-80C-87OEM PART NO20524595 - 3094269İSTAVROZ DİŞLİ TAKIMI ARY NODIFFERENTIAL GEAR KIT 10020239ENGINE TYPERS-1228 SV-1344SVOEM PART NO3095835İSTAVROZ DİŞLİ TAKIMI ARY NODIFFERENTIAL GEAR KIT 10020240ENGINE TYPEEV/80B-85B RAEV/85OEM PART NO3092071 - 273978Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 49

VOLVOİSTAVROZ DİŞLİ TAKIMI ARY NODIFFERENTIAL GEAR KIT 10020241ENGINE TYPEEV/80-80B-81-81B-81C-85B-87OEM PART NO3092071 - 273978İSTAVROZ ÇATALI ARY NOSPIDER 10020242ENGINE TYPEEV/80-80B-81-81B-81C-85B-87OEM PART NO311760BEYİN GRUP MİLİ ARY NOSHAFT 10020243ENGINE TYPEEV/87OEM PART NO1522358 - 383758ÇAMUR TAKVİYE HALKASI ARY NOENGINE TYPE 10020244EV/72-87-87C CTN/372 CTEV/87OEM PART NO1524306 - 383759BEYİN DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR 10020245ENGINE TYPEEV/72-87-87C CTN/372 CTEV/87OEM PART NO38377250 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

VOLVO www.arygear.comİSTAVROZ DİŞLİ TAKIMI ARY NODIFFERENTIAL GEAR KIT 10020246ENGINE TYPEL150/C-D L150/C LB L180/C-HL-C HL-CO-C-CO L180/D HLOEM PART NO401437İSTAVROZ DİŞLİ TAKIMI BURÇLU TİP ARY NODIFFERENTIAL GEAR KIT 10020247ENGINE TYPEL150/C-D L150/C LB L180/C-HL-C HL-CO-C-CO L180/D HLOEM PART NO401430İSTAVROZ DİŞLİ TAKIMI ARY NODIFFERENTIAL GEAR KIT SIDE GEAR (25T) 10020248ENGINE TYPEL150/C-D L150/C LB L180/C-HL-C HL-CO-C-CO L180/D HLOEM PART NO401438İSTAVROZ DİŞLİ TAKIMI (L150E) ARY NODIFFERENTIAL GEAR KIT SIDE GEAR(23 T) 10020249ENGINE TYPEL150/C-D L150/C LB L180/C-HL-C HL-CO-C-CO L180/D HLOEM PART NO401421İSTAVROZ DİŞLİ TAKIMI ARY NODIFFERENTIAL GEAR KIT 10020250ENGINE TYPEL90/C L90/COR L120/COEM PART NO401431Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 51

VOLVOİSTAVROZ PUL DİŞLİ TAKIMI ARY NOMOUNTING KIT 10020251ENGINE TYPEEV/72,RS/1352-1365-1370 /HV,RT/2610-3210/HV,RTH/2610- HV,2610 BOEM PART NO20580182AKS DİŞLİ PULU KONİK ARY NOTHRUST WASHER 10020252ENGINE TYPEL/150 L/180L/220 L/180 EHL FHL L/220OEM PART NO11102629 - 15071973İSTAVROZ DİŞLİ PULU ARY NOTHRUST WASHER 10020253ENGINE TYPEL150/C-D L/150/CLB L180/C-HL-C HL-CO-C CO L180/D HLOEM PART NO11102313 - 11035996İSTAVROZ DİŞLİSİ KONİK PUL ARY NOTHRUST WASHER 10020254ENGINE TYPEL/70 E-F L/90-E-F L/90C-E-F-OR L/110 E-F L/120 C-D-E-FOEM PART NO11102049BEYİN DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR 10020255ENGINE TYPEEV/72-87-87C CTN/372 CTEV/87OEM PART NO1524304 - 38376152 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

VOLVO www.arygear.comİSTAVROZ DİŞLİ TAKIMI ARY NODIFFERENTIAL GEAR KIT 10020256ENGINE TYPEEV/752-87-87COEM PART NO3094410BEYİN İSTAVROZ KUTUSU ARY NOCUP 10020257ENGINE TYPEEV/72-87 CTN/372 CTEV/87OEM PART NO1524580 - 1522364BEYİN DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR 10020258ENGINE TYPEEV/72-87-87C CTN/372 CTEV/87OEM PART NO383766İSTAVROZ DİŞLİ TAKIMI ARY NODIFFERENTIAL GEAR KIT 10020259ENGINE TYPEEV/72 RS/1352HV-1365HV-1370HV RT-2610HV-3210HVOEM PART NO20523491 - 273933CER KOZA DİŞLİ TAKIMI ARY NODIFFERENTIAL GEAR SET 10020260ENGINE TYPERTN/371-372 CTN/372-472 RAN/371- 471-490OEM PART NO273934Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 53

VOLVOGÜNEŞ DİŞLİ ARY NOSUN GEAR 10020261ENGINE TYPERTN/371-372 CTN/372-472 RAN/371- 471-490 RT/2610HV-3210HVOEM PART NO21249925 - 1522382 - 7401522382ÇEMBER DİŞLİ ARY NORING WHEEL 10020262ENGINE TYPERTN/371-372 CTN/372-472 RAN/371- 471-490 RT/2610HV-3210HVOEM PART NO1522380 - 7401522380CER GÖBEK DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR 10020263ENGINE TYPERTN/371-471 RAN/371-472 CTN/372- 472OEM PART NO3191997 - 1523422CER GÖBEK DİŞLİ KİT SOMUNU ARY NOKIT 10020264ENGINE TYPERT/2610HV-3210HV RS/1352HV- 1370HVOEM PART NO21912835 - 21007487 - 85104229İSTAVROZ DİŞLİ TAKIMI ARY NODIFFERENTIAL GEAR KIT 10020265ENGINE TYPERTH/2610B RTS/2370A RT/2610HV/3210HVOEM PART NO21302536 - 3092577 - 742130253654 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

VOLVO www.arygear.comBEYİN İSTAVROZ KUTUSU ARY NODIFFERENTIAL HOUSING CUP 10020266ENGINE TYPERTH/2610B RTS/2370A RT/2610HV/3210HVOEM PART NO1524888 - 7401524888BEYİN DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR 10020267ENGINE TYPERTH/2610B RT/2610HV-3210HV RTS- 2370A-RS-1365HVOEM PART NO8172930 - 7408172930ÇAMUR TAKVİYE HALKASI ARY NODOG CLUTCH 10020268ENGINE TYPERTH/2610B RT/2610HV-3210HV RTS- 2370A-RS-1365HVOEM PART NO3152714 - 7403152714BEYİN GRUP MİLİ ARY NOSHAFT 10020269ENGINE TYPERTH/2610B RTS/2370A RT/2610HV/3210HVOEM PART NO20480075 - 7420480075BEYİN DİŞLİ MASURA BİLYA ARY NOENGINE TYPE 10020270EV/72-87 CTN/372 CTEV/87OEM PART NO183788Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 55

VOLVOBEYİN DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR 10020271ENGINE TYPERT/2610B RT2610HV-3210HV RTS/2370A RS/1365HVOEM PART NO1524953 - 7401524953BEYİN DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR 10020272ENGINE TYPERTH/2610B RTS/2370A RT/2610HV- 3210HVOEM PART NO1524889 - 7401524889BEYİN BORU DİŞLİ MASURA BİLYA ARY NONEEDLE BEARIG 10020273ENGINE TYPEEV/72-87 RT/2610HV-3210HV RTH/2610B RTS/2370 A-B CTN/372OEM PART NO181632 - 183707 - 7400181632ÇAMUR TAKVİYE HİLAL VİDASI ARY NOPISTON 10020274ENGINE TYPERTH/2610B RT/2610HV-3210HV RTS- 2370A-RS-1365HVOEM PART NO20501456 - 7420501456BEYİN GRUP MİLİ ARY NOSHAFT 10020275ENGINE TYPEEV/72-87 CTN/372OEM PART NO1524667 - 152433356 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

VOLVO www.arygear.comDİFERANSİYEL ÇIKIŞ MİLİ ARY NOOUTPUT SHAFT 10020276ENGINE TYPEEV/72-87 RTEV-CTEV/87 RTN/287- 372 CTN/372-472OEM PART NO1069363 - 1523076DİFERANSİYEL ÇIKIŞ MİLİ ARY NOOUTPUT SHAFT 10020277ENGINE TYPERTS-2370 AOEM PART NO8172933 - 8172971DİFERANSİYEL ÇIKIŞ MİLİ ARY NOOUTPUT SHAFT 10020278ENGINE TYPERT-2610HV RT/3210HV RTH/2610BOEM PART NO1524837 - 7401524837İSTAVROZ DİŞLİSİ KONİK PUL ARY NOTHRUST WASHER 10020279ENGINE TYPEEV/72-87-87COEM PART NO1524668İSTAVROZ DİŞLİSİ KONİK PUL ARY NOTHRUST WASHER 10020280ENGINE TYPEEV/90OEM PART NO1523186Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 57

VOLVOAKS DİŞLİ PULU ARY NOTHRUST WASHER 10020281ENGINE TYPEEV/90OEM PART NO1523185İSTAVRUZ DİŞLİSİ KONİK PUL ARY NOTHRUST WASHER 10020282ENGINE TYPEEV/72 RT/2610HV RTH/2610HV-2610- BOEM PART NO1522347AKS DİŞLİ PULU ARY NOTHRUST WASHER 10020283ENGINE TYPEEV/72 RT/2610HV-3210HV RTH/2610HV-2610BOEM PART NO1524716PRİZDİREK ÖN BİLYA ARY NOTHRUST WASHER 10020284ENGINE TYPEG7-G8 R/1000-1500 VT/1708B - 2009BOEM PART NO18459 - 1652119İSTAVROZ DİŞLİSİ KONİK PUL ARY NOTHRUST WASHER 10020285ENGINE TYPEEV/80-80B-81-81B EV/81C-85B-87OEM PART NO12022658 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

VOLVO www.arygear.comAKS DİŞLİ PULU ARY NOTHRUST WASHER 10020286ENGINE TYPEEV/80-80B-81-81B EV/81C-85B-87OEM PART NO120228İSTAVROZ DİŞLİSİ KONİK PUL ARY NOTHRUST WASHER 10020287ENGINE TYPEEV/80B-85B RAEV/85OEM PART NO384098AKS DİŞLİ PULU ARY NOTHRUST WASHER 10020288ENGINE TYPEEV/80B-85B RAEV/85OEM PART NO384097İSTAVROZ DİŞLİSİ KONİK PUL ARY NOTHRUST WASHER 10020289ENGINE TYPERTH/2610B RTS/2370A RT/2610HV- 3210HVOEM PART NO1524887CER İSTAVROZ ÇATALI ARY NOSPIDER 10020290ENGINE TYPERAN/281B SPV1820 RTN/281 SPV1820BA RTN/287 SPV 1820FROEM PART NO384797Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 59

VOLVOCER AKİS DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR 10020291ENGINE TYPERAN/281B SPV1820 RTN/281 SPV1820BA RTN/287 SPV 1820FROEM PART NO384798CER AKİS DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR 10020292ENGINE TYPERAN/281B SPV1820 RTN/281 SPV1820BA RTN/287 SPV 1820FROEM PART NO384799CER AKİS DİŞLİSİ KONİK ARY NOGEAR 10020293ENGINE TYPERAN/281B SPV1820 RTN/281 SPV1820BA RTN/287 SPV 1820FROEM PART NO273231CER İSTAVROZ DİŞLİ PULU ARY NOTHRUST WASHER 10020294ENGINE TYPERAN/281B SPV1820 RTN/281 SPV1820BA RTN/287 SPV 1820FROEM PART NO1522983CER İSTAVROZ ÇATALI ARY NOSPIDER 10020295ENGINE TYPERAN/181SPV1820 RTN/180-187OEM PART NO33436860 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

VOLVO www.arygear.comCER AKİS DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR 10020296ENGINE TYPERAN/181SPV1820 RTN/180-187OEM PART NO340992CER AKİS DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR 10020297ENGINE TYPERAN/181SPV1820 RTN/180-187OEM PART NO342080CER AKİS DİŞLİSİ KONİK ARY NOGEAR 10020298ENGINE TYPERAN/181SPV1820 RTN/180-187OEM PART NO273170CER İSTAVROZ DİŞLİ PULU ARY NOTHRUST WASHER 10020299ENGINE TYPERAN/181SPV1820 RTN/180-187OEM PART NO1522984DİFERANSİYEL ARA FLANŞI ARY NOCOMPANION FLANGE 4 HOLES 10020300ENGINE TYPEFM/7-9-10-12 FH/12-16 NH/12-12BROEM PART NO1068226Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 61

VOLVOÖN DİFERANSİYEL BEYİN FLANŞI ARY NOCOMPANION FLANGE 4 HOLES (21T) 10020301ENGINE TYPEFM/7-9-10-12 FH/12-16 NH/12OEM PART NO20706812 - 1672275 - 3152328ÖN DİFERANSİYEL ARKA ÇIKIŞ FLANŞI ARY NOCOMPANION FLANGE 4 HOLES (19T) 10020302ENGINE TYPEFM/9-12 FH/12-16 NH/12OEM PART NO20706913 - 3152324 - 1524840ÖN DİFERANSİYEL BEYİN FLANŞI ARY NOCOMPANION FLANGE 4 HOLES (21T) 10020303ENGINE TYPEFM/7-9-12 FH/12-16 NH/12OEM PART NO20706810 - 3152322 - 1069140ÖN DİFERANSİYEL ARKA ÇIKIŞ FLANŞI ARY NOCOMPANION FLANGE 4 HOLES (19T) 10020304ENGINE TYPEFM/9-12 FH/12-16 NH/12OEM PART NO20801083 - 8172939ŞANZIMAN ARKA FLANŞI ARY NOCOMPANION FLANGE 4 HOLES (21T) 10020305ENGINE TYPEFM/7-9-10-12 FH/12-16 NH/12 B/7- 12OEM PART NO8172620 - 319215062 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

VOLVO www.arygear.comŞANZIMAN ARKA FLANŞI ARY NOCOMPANION FLANGE 4 HOLES (21T) 10020306ENGINE TYPEFM/9-12 FH/12-16 NH/12OEM PART NO8172622 - 3192151ŞANZIMAN FLANŞI ARY NOCOMPANION FLANGE (21T) 10020307ENGINE TYPER/1000 -1500 R-SR/1400-1700-1900VT/2412B-2214B AT/2412C-2512C- 2512C ATO/2512C-3112COEM PART NO8172618 - 3192149 - 7408172618DİFERANSİYEL ÇIKIŞ FLANŞI ARY NOCOMPANION FLANGE 8 HOLES (18T) 10020308ENGINE TYPETYPE/ALLOEM PART NO1522300DİFERANSİYEL MAHRUTİ FLANŞI ARY NOCOMPANION FLANGE 4 HOLES (38T) 10020309ENGINE TYPEFM/9, FM/12OEM PART NO3192883 - 3182886ŞAFT ASKI FLANŞI ARY NOCOMPANION FLANGE 4 HOLES (26T) 10020310ENGINE TYPETYPE/ALLOEM PART NO21081177Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 63

VOLVOOTOMATİK ŞANZIMAN FLANŞI ARY NOCOMPANION FLANGE 4 HOLES (21T) 10020311ENGINE TYPEFM/9 FM/12OEM PART NO8172642OTOMATİK ŞANZIMAN FLANŞI ARY NOCOMPANION FLANGE 4 HOLES (18T) 10020312ENGINE TYPEFM/9, FM/12OEM PART NO8171360 - 8171362BEYİN İSTAVROZ KUTUSU ARY NOCUP 10020313ENGINE TYPETYPE EV/87OEM PART NO383765DİFERANSİYEL ÇIKIŞ FLANŞI ARY NOCOMPANION FLANGE 8 HOLES (18T) 10020314ENGINE TYPETYPE/ALLOEM PART NO382992ŞANZIMAN VE ŞAFT FLANŞI ARY NOCOMPANION FLANGE 12 HOLES (18T) 10020315ENGINE TYPER/52B-R-SR/62 EV/71-85-85B NK/451OEM PART NO1523282 - 152328064 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

VOLVO www.arygear.comŞANZIMAN FLANŞI ARY NOCOMPANION FLANGE 12 HOLES (21T) 10020316ENGINE TYPER-SR/1400-1700-1900 SR-SRO/2000- 2400OEM PART NO1524358 - 1523262 - 1652597ŞANZIMAN VE BEYİN FLANŞI ARY NOCOMPANION FLANGE 8 HOLES (21T) 10020317ENGINE TYPEEV/72-87-90 RTN/187-372 RTEV/87 R-SR/70OEM PART NO1523272 - 1522297ŞANZIMAN VE BEYİN FLANŞI ARY NOCOMPANION FLANGE 12 HOLES (21T) 10020318ENGINE TYPEEV/72-87 R-SR/70 SR/71OEM PART NO1523263ŞANZIMAN FLANŞI ARY NOCOMPANION FLANGE 12 HOLES (21T) 10020319ENGINE TYPER-SR/1400-1700OEM PART NO1069391ŞANZIMAN VE DİFERANSİYEL FLANŞI ARY NOCOMPANION FLANGE 8HOLES (18T) 10020320ENGINE TYPER-SR/62 EV/71-80-81-85 NK/431-441OEM PART NO382990Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 65

VOLVOŞAFT FLANŞI ARY NOCOMPANION FLANGE 16 HOLES (18T) 10020321ENGINE TYPEL/120C-150-160 4600BOEM PART NO6212948ŞAFT UÇ FREZESİ (88,5mm) ARY NOSUPPORT BEARING SHAFT (21T) 10020322ENGINE TYPENK/541-551 THK-100OEM PART NO1651178 - 1651218ŞAFT UÇ FREZESİ (103,5mm) ARY NOSUPPORT BEARING SHAFT (21T) 10020323ENGINE TYPENK/651 THK/114 NK/2060 THK/130OEM PART NO1651177 - 1651199ŞAFT UÇ FREZESİ (77.5mm) ARY NOSLIP STUB SHAFT (18T) 10020324ENGINE TYPETYPE NK/431-441-451 THK/91OEM PART NO263089ŞAFT UÇ FREZESİ (82.5mm) ARY NOSLIP STUB SHAFT (18T) 10020325ENGINE TYPETYPE NK/431-441-451 THK/91OEM PART NO26308966 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

VOLVO www.arygear.comŞAFT MAFSAL İSTAVROZ TAKIMI 57mm -152.70mm ARY NOSPIDER KIT 10020326ENGINE TYPETYPE F/7-10-12 N/10-12 NL/10-12 FH/12-16OEM PART NO1067293 - 1651229ŞAFT MAFSAL İSTAVROZ TAKIMI 50mm - 152.70mm ARY NOSPIDER KIT 10020327ENGINE TYPETYPE F/7-10-12-16-88-89 FL/7-10-12 N-NL/10-12 FH/12-16 B/7-10-12OEM PART NO1651032ŞAFT MAFSAL İSTAVROZ TAKIMI 59mm -167.70mm ARY NOSPIDER KIT 10020328ENGINE TYPETYPE F/16 NH/12 FH/12-16 NL/10-12 FL/7-10-2OEM PART NO1068253 - 1651237 - 7401068253KISA ŞAFT MAFSAL İSTAVROZ TAKIMI 52mm - 147mm ARY NOSPIDER KIT 10020329ENGINE TYPEFM/7-9-10-12 FH/12-16 NH/12 NL/101-12 FL/7-10OEM PART NO1068247DEBRİYAJ BİLYASI UZUN ARY NORELEASE BEARING 10020330ENGINE TYPETYPE R-SR/1400-1700 R-SR-1900OEM PART NO3192223 - 20571928 - 1672946Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 67

VOLVODEBRİYAJ BİLYASI KISA ARY NORELEASE BEARING 10020331ENGINE TYPETYPE R-SR/1400-1700 R-SR/1900OEM PART NO3192222 - 20569157 - 1672944DEBRİYAJ BİLYASI ARY NORELEASE BEARING 10020332ENGINE TYPETYPE B-7 BR-BUSOEM PART NO3192224 - 20571941 - 1672948DEBRİYAJ BİLYASI UZUN ARY NORELEASE BEARING 10020333ENGINE TYPETYPE SR/1700-1900OEM PART NO20569153 - 3192216DEBRİYAJ BİLYASI KISA ARY NORELEASE BEARING 10020334ENGINE TYPETYPE VT/2214-2412-2514OEM PART NO20569151 - 3192218DEBRİYAJ BİLYASI UZUN ARY NORELEASE BEARING 10020335ENGINE TYPETYPE VT/2014-2214-2514OEM PART NO20569155 - 319222068 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

VOLVO www.arygear.comDEBRİYAJ BİLYASI UZUN ARY NORELEASE BEARING 10020336ENGINE TYPETYPE R/1400-1700OEM PART NO1655825DEBRİYAJ BİLYASI ARY NORELEASE BEARING 10020337ENGINE TYPETYPEOEM PART NO1655843DEBRİYAJ BİLYA PUL TAKIMI ARY NOENGINE TYPE 10020338TYPE F/12 FL/10 FH/12-16 NL/10-12OEM PART NO1655829 - 20571946DEBRİYAJ BİLYASI PUL TAKIMI ARY NOMOUNTING KIT 10020339ENGINE TYPETYPE SR/1700-1900 VT/2014-2214 VT/2412-2514OEM PART NO3180002103DEBRİYAJ BİLYA YAYI ARY NOENGINE TYPE 10020340TYPE FH/12-16 NL/10-12 FL/10OEM PART NO1655135Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 69

VOLVOŞAFT FLANŞ SOMUNU ARY NOSPRING BRACE 10020341ENGINE TYPETYPE/ALLOEM PART NO8171338 - 8171956 - 7408171338ŞAFT FLANŞ SOMUNU ARY NOLOCK NUT 10020342ENGINE TYPETYPE FM/7-9-10-12 FH/12-16 NH/12 FL/6OEM PART NO8171336ŞAFT FLANŞ SOMUNU ARY NONUT 10020343ENGINE TYPETYPE /9-12 FH/12-16 NH/12OEM PART NO1673393 - 7401673393ŞAFT FLANŞ SOMUNU ARY NONUT 10020344ENGINE TYPETYPE/ALLOEM PART NO8171334 - 1522293 - 7408171334ŞAFT FLANŞ SOMUNU ARY NONUT 10020345ENGINE TYPETYPE F-FL/6-7-10-12 N/10-12 NL/10 B/7-10-58OEM PART NO94832070 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

VOLVO www.arygear.comBEYİN PULU ARY NOTHRUST WASHER 10020346ENGINE TYPETYPE RT/2610HV-3210HV RTH/2610BOEM PART NO1524882 - 7401524882BEYİN PULU BÜYÜK ARY NOWASHER 10020347ENGINE TYPETYPE EV/72 EV/87OEM PART NO383760BEYİN PULU KÜÇÜK ARY NOWASHER 10020348ENGINE TYPETYPE EV/87OEM PART NO1522080BEYİN PULU İNCE ARY NOTHRUST WASHER 10020349ENGINE TYPETYPE EV/72 EV/87OEM PART NO1672221 - 1522079ŞAFT FLANŞ PULU ARY NOLOCK WASHER 10020350ENGINE TYPETYPE EV/71-72-87-87C EV/90-91- NK/651 R-SR/1700OEM PART NO1523317Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 71

VOLVOŞAFT FLANŞ PULU ARY NOWASHER 10020351ENGINE TYPETYPE NK/331- 431-441-451OEM PART NO948269DİFERANSİYEL YAĞ KEÇESİ ARY NOENGINE TYPE 10020352TYPE EV/90-91OEM PART NO1673701 - 1523239DİFERANSİYEL YAĞ KEÇESİ ARY NOENGINE TYPE 10020353TYPE EV/72-87-87C CTN/372OEM PART NO948642DEBRİYAJ ÇATAL BURCU VE PİMİ ARY NOCAM ROLLER 10020354ENGINE TYPETYPE VT/2214-2412-2514 VTO/2214- 2412-2514OEM PART NO3150188ŞAFT FLANŞ SOMUNU EMNİYET SACI ARY NOLOCK WASHER 10020355ENGINE TYPETYPE /ALLOEM PART NO152331872 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

VOLVO www.arygear.comŞAFT FLANŞ SOMUNU EMNİYET SACI ARY NOLOCK WASHER 10020356ENGINE TYPETYPE R-SR/62 NK/331-431-441-451RTN/287-372 RTEV-CTEV/87 EV/71- 80-81-85OEM PART NO382779 - 383992VİTES ROT GÖBEĞİ ARY NOENGINE TYPE 10020357TYPE FH/7-12-16 FM/10-12OEM PART NO20366968 - 31919391.VİTES DİŞLİSİ ARY NOENGINE TYPE 10020358VT/2014-2214B VT/2514-2514(OD) VT-VTO/2814BOEM PART NO1521413 - 15219162.VİTES DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR 2ND 10020359ENGINE TYPEVT/2009B VT/2014-2214BOEM PART NO15219172.VİTES DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR 2ND 10020360ENGINE TYPEVT/2514-2514(OD)OEM PART NO1521414Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 73

VOLVO3.VİTES DİŞLİ KARŞILIĞI ARY NOGEAR 3 RD 10020361ENGINE TYPEVT/2014-2214B VTO/2214BOEM PART NO20854435 - 1521914OVARDİRE DİŞLİ KARŞILIĞI ARY NOGEAR SPLİTTER 10020362ENGINE TYPEVT/2014-2214BOEM PART NO20854437 - 1521913 - 7420854437OVARDİRE DİŞLİ KARŞILIĞI ARY NOGEAR SPLİTTER 10020363ENGINE TYPEVT/2014(OD)-2514(OD) VT/2214B- 2514BOEM PART NO3152730 - 1521484OVARDİRE DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR SPLİTTER 10020364ENGINE TYPEVT/2014(OD)-2514(OD) VT/2214B- 2514BOEM PART NO20776785 - 3152728 - 1521483OVARDİRE DİŞLİ KARŞILIĞI ARY NOGEAR SPLİTTER 10020365ENGINE TYPEVT/2412B-2514BOEM PART NO1521422 - 740152142274 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

VOLVO www.arygear.com3.VİTES DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR 3 RD WITH BEARING 10020366ENGINE TYPEVT/2014B-2214B VTO/2214-2514(OD) VT2814 BOEM PART NO8172640 - 1521915 - 1521589 - 208544323.VİTES DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR 3 RD WITH BEARING 10020367ENGINE TYPEVT/2014B-2214B VTO/2214-2514(OD) VT2814 BOEM PART NO8172640 - 1521915 - 1521589 - 208544323.VİTES DİŞLİ KARŞILIĞI ARY NOGEAR 10020368ENGINE TYPEVT/2514(OD) VT/2814B VTVTO/ 2514BOEM PART NO1521421OVARDİRE DİŞLİSİ ARY NOCONSTANT GEAR 10020369ENGINE TYPEVT 2014-2214BOEM PART NO20854441 - 20761840 - 1521912OVARDİRE DİŞLİSİ ARY NOCONSTANT GEAR 10020370ENGINE TYPEVT/2412B-2514BOEM PART NO20776783 - 1521416 - 7420776783Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 75

VOLVOC VİTES DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR CRAWLING GEAR 10020371ENGINE TYPEVT/2514 VT/2514(OD)OEM PART NO1521907C VİTES DİŞLİSİ ARY NOGEAR CRAWLING GEAR 10020372ENGINE TYPEVT/2009-2014-2214OEM PART NO1521909PRİZDİREK (KALIN FREZE) ARY NOINPUT SHAFT 10020373ENGINE TYPEVT/2014B-2514 VT-2514(OD)OEM PART NO20781951 - 8171556 - 1673542PRİZDİREK (İNCE FREZE) ARY NOINPUT SHAFT 10020374ENGINE TYPEVT-VTO-2214B-2814B VT/2514BOEM PART NO20904803 - 20769602 - 10692391./2. VİTES YILDIZ DİŞLİ ARY NOGUIDE SLEEVE 10020375ENGINE TYPEVT-2009-2014-2214 VT/2514 VTVTO/ 2814BOEM PART NO20858492 - 20588772 - 1521920 - 8171944 - 817249776 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

VOLVO www.arygear.com3.VİTES YILDI DİŞLİ ARY NOGUIDE SLEEVE 10020376ENGINE TYPEVT/2014B-2214B VT/2514B VTVTO/ 2814BOEM PART NO1521979PRİZDİREK ÜST BİLYA ARY NOENGINE TYPE 10020377R-SR-VT- VTOOEM PART NO1656129KAMALI MİL ARY NOENGINE TYPE 10020378VT/2014-2214-2514 VT-VTO/2814BOEM PART NO1521406OVARDİRE SENKROMENÇ HALKA ARY NOENGAGING SLEEVE 10020379ENGINE TYPEVT/2014B-2214B VT/2512B-2514 VTVTO/ 2814BOEM PART NO20760512 - 1673540 - 7420760512OVARDİRE YAPRAK DİŞLİ ARY NOENGAGING SLEEVE 10020380ENGINE TYPEVT/2014B-2214B VT/2512B-2514 VTVTO/ 2814BOEM PART NO20760515 - 1673541 - 7420760515Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only. 77

VOLVO3.VİTES SENKROMENÇ HALKA ARY NOENGAGING SLEEVE 10020381ENGINE TYPEVT/2014-2214-2514 VT-VTO/2814BOEM PART NO20478729 - 8172416 - 10692571./2. VİTES SENKROMENÇ HALKA ARY NOENGAGING SLEEVE 10020382ENGINE TYPEVT/1708B-2009B VT/2014-2214-2514 VT-VTO/2814BOEM PART NO20588775 - 20478726 - 8172414 - 1069256GERİ VİTES HALKASI ARY NOENGAGING SLEEVE 10020383ENGINE TYPEVT/1708B-2009B VT/2014B-2214B- 2514B VT-VTO/2814BOEM PART NO20366826 - 3192251GERİ VİTES YILDIZ DİŞLİ ARY NOHUB 10020384ENGINE TYPEVT/2009B-2014B VTO/2214-2514 VTVTO/ 2814BOEM PART NO203667351./3. VİTES SENKROMENÇ YAPRAK DİŞLİ ARY NOENGAGING RING 10020385ENGINE TYPEVT/1708B-2009B-2014B VT/2214B- 2514 VT-VTO/2814BOEM PART NO152187878 Our Parts are not original but perfectly interchangable with the O.E.M ones. All original equipment manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference purposes only.

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