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Home Explore How-to-Draw-Anything-Anytime


Published by dieulamduong02, 2022-03-26 06:12:26


Keywords: Art


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ghten up enjoyable events and ore fun by adding sparkle effects! C reunion A N D Y Children's celebration cherry blossom festival picnic dinner party visiting hometown ape of the hen blowing dles is key Put the birthday person and cake in the very middle! Key points for birthday illustrations

Everyday activities For appointments, your lunch and so o supermarket department store water bill is due electric bill is due Fill in the return date library bank doctor Œ doctor  pack a lunch drinks after work hairdresser dry cleaning

Characters & Icons with All Kinds of Uses Part 2 returning items, payment days, days you need to take on, it’s handy to be able to use icons as reminders. garbage day PLASTIC recyclables day meal date post office government building pay day payment due Monthly credit card fee payment k monthly fee dog grooming vet  75

Illustrated essay  Kamo the illustrator’s work journal in p Work appointment in Shib Let’s meet and Sounds The publish discuss things great company is in When you think of Shibuya, …young people you think of tall buildings and the Hachiko statue… They’re quite big Ffaematouurse: the Shibuya Scramble crossing See if you can find Kamo! 76 

pictures Usually I work from my home on the buya outskirts of Tokyo hing *artist’s impression Shibuya artist’s impression flap, flap flap, flap *Actually I go by train and on foot and fashion… …an energetic, vibrant metropolis… wow! So cool! They say you crash into people when you walk through a city swish swish But I’ve never crashed into anyone here Probably because everyone’s good at dodging each other! swiiiish

Glancing at the sparkling display windows You have a lesson Checking out t to suffer to from my popular song be beautiful student days Aren’t you cold School You have to suffer nod Kamo wearing that? friend: to be beautiful! no Arriving at the publishing company At the meeting... How t *The I’ve heard Really? 1. Dis meeting is that it’s Is it? 2. D is about this good for very book dieting (ta 3. Dis Returning Fancy seeing WcShohoaiblt’uisnya home you here! How … this didn’t are you? happen bumping Kvaimsiot’sonbetshte3wapylahc into someone … this didn’t happen It was all quite mundane Book shop Art s

Characters & Icons with All Kinds of Uses Part 2 Gaining courage from Feeling sorry familiar stores for the mailbox (that I can go into) the covered gs od click! Taking a keepsake photo The “I love my hobby” text was displayed so I wanted a photo the meeting runs nod nod scuss plans scuss content of illustrations arget audience, overall look etc) I’ll do my best scuss schedule I’m working Finish very hard Hi! Vox Excuse me! Do you have Pops a moment? interview Oh hi… … this didn’t happen … this didn’t happen hcoems teo supply shop Taiyaki (fish-shaped The pancake filled with end bean jam) shop  77

??? Making Cards Part 3 Decorative Le ??? Here, we look at designs f other cards that incorpor handy to master decorati Use illustrations Business cards A business card determines the kind of first impression you make. Use illustrations to good effect to promote yourself! Try using the back, folding the card in half. Em School: N Girls’ School On the back… My Favorite Draw something Food: grapes you like or make Animal: Dog cute decorations for a memorable Nice to meet you! business card. 78 

s and Notes Using ettering for business cards, postcards, and rate decorative lettering. It’s ive lettering. mail: Tel: Fax: Or opened up… This design resembles a book. A folded business card is handy when introducing yourself or publicizing an event. @ Shiori I run a book club on the second Saturday of every month Hobbies: reading At N Café See page 81 for instructions

S Use illustrations Notes of appreciation and celebr For birthdays, weddings, births and other celebrations or for of thanks, use bright color schemes and celebratory illustra your designs. Dear Ai, Happy birthday Yu

Small & Cute Drawings (and Some Easy Ones) Part 1 ration r messages ations in ui  79

Use illustrations Invitations For event invitations, alter t delight the recipient. Add a c a card in the shape of a cake Date Time Place: My house Address Looking forward to seeing you! See page 81 for instructions Place it in the envelope… Folding a fan-shaped piece of paper creates a card resembling a piece of cake. Put it into a semi-transparent envelope to make it seem as if a cake is inside. 80 

the shape of the card to cute fork when sending e.

Making How to create a book-shape @ Shiori I run a book club on the second Saturday of every month This is a business card folded Hobbies: reading At N Café in half. Write your name on the outside and your details and a little introduction on the inside. How to create a cake-sha 1 Fold the paper as per the 2 Sketch the cake s photograph. it out. pizza Make variations! Use the same method to make any kind of round food that can be cut into slices. These are perfect for parties!

g Cards and Notes Using Decorative Lettering Part 3 ed business card (page 78) 1 Stick striped masking tape to the right hand side of the card. 2 Fold the card in half so that the masking tape is visible. aped invitation (page 80) shape and cut 3 Draw the cake on the outside and details for the invitation on the inside. cheese  81

Learn the principles fo decorative lettering Once you learn the simple principles, you lettering that will instantly dress up note Hiragana Here, we look at an approach known short bars, a style where the vertica and short lines or bars are placed at Thick verticals & short bars Partially draw the あ character. Thicken the ve 50 characters 82 

or Make sure to master this! can create cute es and cards. as thick verticals & al lines are thickened t the ends of lines. ertical line Draw the remainder, thickening the curved section and adding short bars at the ends of lines Thicken the areas that are basically vertical

Making Let’s try variations on the basic font Once you can make characters in the thick verticals & short style, try altering them to make various types of character Variation 1 Variation 2 Completely color the centers Add a pa Sample hiragana phrases These are exampl bars style and its patterns to creat Change colors at certain points for a stylish look Than Happy New Year Using circles add a charming touch too I’m so pleased! Happy birt

g Cards and Notes Using Decorative Lettering Part 3 t bars rs. Variation 3 attern Change the bars for dots les of the thick verticals & short s variations. Try different colors and te your own original characters. Use different patterns for a fun effect nk you Please! Filling in color & Hello varying pattern Good job Sorry Filling in color & using circles Alternate pink, blue and orange thday  83

Katakana Adding circles to the ends of lines i look. All kinds of variations can be m Add a circle to the end Draw the ア character Add circles at How to add circles lines and col For characters where the It’s not necessary to a circles are close together… circles on the corner 50 katakana characters 84 

in katakana characters makes for a flamboyant made without using any particular techniques. t the ends of Look at the overall balance and lor them in add a circle to the corner too These techniques can be applied to letters and numbers too add For characters with Look at the overall rs lots of circles… balance and remove some

Making Let’s try variations on the basic font Using triangles or thick lines instead of circles changes the characters to correspond with the meaning of the phrase or Variation 1 Variation 2 Use triangles instead of circles Use thick lines in Sample katakana phrases Here are some ph ends, along with v shape you like on Characters whose colors reflect the meaning of the phrase Thickening the Halloween party strokes creates Happy bi more impact Key point Thank you Lunch Dinner Using double lines creates a different look

g Cards and Notes Using Decorative Lettering Part 3 e overall look. Try altering the r the image you want to convey. Variation 3 nstead of circles Use different colors for the character and circles hrases using characters with circles at the variations on that style. You can use whatever n the ends so try using your favorites. Merry Christmas Triangles irthday instead of circles on the ends Please check Stars and hearts look cute Date Morning  85

Alphabet When making letters of the alphabet, effective yet simple technique for cr Double lines Write the letter A Double the Tips for creating letters Make the letter slightly tall when you first write it… Capital letters Lowercase letters 86 

, using double lines is an reating a stylish result. e long lines Check the overall balance and double the short line too …in order to achieve good balance when you double the lines. For detailed lowercase letters, it’s fine to just double the line of one section.

Making Create variations Using triple lines, dotted line on basic lettering different looks. Create variat or the meaning of the word in Variation 1 Variation 2 Change the color of the lines Create tr Examples of the alphabet in use These a double l Triple lines make a strong impact, so they’re best used for the initial letter or in short words. Drawing a face inside letter creat a cute look Move the letters around to create a sense of motion or add illustrations in

g Cards and Notes Using Decorative Lettering Part 3 es and so on makes for completely tions to suit the shape of the letter n which the letters appear. Variation 3 riple lines Use dots for the outer lines are examples of letters using lines and other variations. Alternating colors makes for a flamboyant look. a ea tes k.  87

Decorative lines Adding decorative lines for an attractive result sticky notes and so on t 88 

to letters and characters in small doses makes t. They can also be added to plain notepaper, to create original pieces. Layer two differently colored wavy lines over each other Place different sized circles over a wavy line Combine zigzag lines Add circles to a crenelated pattern Place short lines next to one another in a rhythmical fashion Line up squares with variations of squares inside them Make loose zigzags resemble mountains Combine squiggles and a face for a jack in the box look Use crisscrossing ovals for an embroidered look. Line up flowers and leaves to look like decorative ribbon

Making Frames Adding a frame to messages and notes re Try adding them to notes, greeting cards Cat and paw prints Leaves and red berries Tree and birds ribbon

g Cards and Notes Using Decorative Lettering Part 3 eally sets them apart! s and business cards. Mouse with exercise wheel Phone and cord bicycle and tire tread Flag blowing in the wind  89

Use illustrations Summer greetings The ability to create decorative l easy to dash off summer greetin up with fun designs that will mak momentarily forget the heat. I hope you are well in this summer he I 90 

s lettering makes it ngs. Try to come ke the recipient eat. I hope you are well in this summer heat.

Use illustrations Making Christmas cards When plac There are plenty of adorable When the ca motifs for Christmas, such as the cityscap the tree, Santa Claus, candles starry sky, and so on. Use decorative of enjoymen letters too for a stylish result. envelope is See the instructions on page 93

g Cards and Notes Using Decorative Lettering Part 3 ced in the envelope… ard is folded in two, pe lines up with the creating a moment nt when the opened. At YamaCdah’rs1ihs2ot/u2ms5eas5pPmarty See the instructions on page 93  91

Use illustrations New Year's cards It’s always tricky to come up with designs for Year's cards, so it’s handy to be able to draw zodiac animal for that year. Individuality to y card and really set it apart. 92 

r New See the instructions on page 93 the your

Making How to make a Santa Clau How to make a Christmas car At YamaCdah’rs1ihs2ot/u2ms5eas5pPmarty 2 How to make a paperweig 1 Stick silver masking tape onto 2 Use a 3mm holep paper. Here, we’ve used pasteboard a hole in the cent to make it easier to work with the near the edge. masking tape, but you can use whatever paper you like.

g Cards and Notes Using Decorative Lettering Part 3 us Christmas card (page 91) Draw Santa Claus and use glue to stick a red felt ball to his nose. Decorative felt balls can be found at craft shops and dollar stores. ard with a cityscape (page 91) 1 Sketch in the cityscape along the edge of the card (when open, this is the lower edge of the card) Cut out with a blade and draw illustrations on the inside. ight decoration (page 92) punch to make 3 Cut the tape and paper together ter of the tape into a paperweight shape. Remove the tape from the pasteboard and stick it to the card.  93

Illustrated essay Ž ??? K??a? mo’s Chronicles Daily life edition The delivery man I’m remembers me by Oh, Number xx, my apartment number your package has arrived Thank Pe you I like listening to the radio while I work It’s a normal radio, not internet based The static zzzzzzz zzz is terrible Good zzmorning! It’s more like an old-fashioned wireless, actually I pretty much follow a company employee’s daily rhythm Sleep at night I don’t h naps or Wake up in durin the morning I 94  Thank you for re

s As things are, this room is barely 10 square feet m devoted to my special PC glasses They cut 50% of color But because I want to see colors, they usually end up sitting on the end of my nose I’m thinking of getting clear ones instead eople I’ve known for a long time are so kind Are you Yes, I am They always eating treat me like properly? I’m still new to the game Showing humility to my PC frozen I hsaavveend’t ms have daytime my r snooze work! ng the day I’m sorry! I’m sorry! pat Please pat work! Once it starts working I say so many nice things to it hate waking up so I try And that’s my to limit the pain to typical day only once a day! eading! I hope you enjoy drawing!

Abou Kamo Supersta designer before be focusing before ex products in Japan author of for Kids Every Da releases: to Doodle Instagra

ut the Artist o ar illustrator Kamo worked as a r at an advertising production house ecoming a freelance illustrator, g on characters and advertisements xpanding into videos and consumer s. She teaches illustration courses and internationally. Kamo is co- f How to Draw Almost Everything and author of How to Draw Almost ay, as well as two recent Tuttle : How to Doodle Everywhere and How e Year-Round. You can find her on am @illustratorkamo.

\"Books to Span th Tuttle Publishing was founded in 1832 in the small New values remain as strong today as they were then—to pu one page at a time. In 1948, we established a publishing English-language books about the arts, languages and c place today and Asia’s economic and cultural influence and information about this diverse region has never bee published thousands of books on subjects ranging from literature—and our talented authors, illustrators, desig awards. We welcome you to explore the wealth of inform Published by Tuttle Publishing, an imprint of Periplus Editions (H DAREDEMO KANTAN & KAWAIKU KAKERU! KAMO SAN NO BALL-P © 2015 Kamo English translation rights arranged with NHK Publishing, Inc. through Japan UNI Agency, Inc., Tokyo Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data in process ISBN 978-0-8048-5380-4; ISBN 978-1-4629-2234-5 (ebook) ISBN 978-4-8053-1669-6 (for sale in Japan only) English Translation © 2021 Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd. The original Japanese edition contains handwritten characters wi these handwritten Japanese characters have been replaced, wher All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduce by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission f Distributed by Japan Tuttle North America, Latin America & Europe Yaekari Tuttle Publishing 5-4-12 364 Innovation Drive Shinaga North Clarendon, VT 05759-9436 U.S.A. Tokyo 1 Tel: 1 (802) 773-8930 Tel: (81 Fax: 1 (802) 773-6993 Fax: (81 [email protected] tuttle-s 24 23 22 21   10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1   2103TP Printed in Singapore TUTTLE PUBLISHING® is a registered trademark of Tuttle Publis

the East and West\" w England town of Rutland, Vermont [USA]. Our core ublish best-in-class books which bring people together office in Japan—and Tuttle is now a leader in publishing cultures of Asia. The world has become a much smaller has grown. Yet the need for meaningful dialogue en greater. Over the past seven decades, Tuttle has martial arts and paper crafts to language learning and gners and photographers have won many prestigious mation available on Asia at HK) Ltd. PEN ILLUST ithin the illustrations. In the English edition, re necessary, with standard fonts and typefaces. ed or utilized in any form or , recording, or by any information from the publisher. Publishing Asia Pacific i Building, 3rd Floor Berkeley Books Pte. Ltd. Osaki 3 Kallang Sector, #04-01 awa-ku Singapore 349278 141 0032 Tel: (65) 67412178 1) 3 5437-0171 Fax: (65) 67412179 1) 3 5437-0755 [email protected] [email protected] shing, a division of Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd.

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