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Home Explore Yearbook (2)

Yearbook (2)

Published by skyne, 2020-05-26 16:55:49

Description: Yearbook (2)


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Inside Cover This Edition of the Yearbook marks a new chapter for I know for me, I have a new appreciation for Bray the school. and its surrounds. How lucky we are to have a school situated so close to the Bray Seafront and The move to an online edition along with a hardback Wicklow Mountains, the wonderful walks we have edition, mirrors the events of this School Year. in Kilruddery House and Bray head. Working through the medium of Google classroom the Team held frequent Online meetings, collating Although the School year was cut short, a huge interviews and creating content throughout the last array of events, meetings, teams, groups and number of months. games have occurred throughout the year and continued to take part during the school closure. This student-led Yearbook has been developed by a hardworking team, who along with taking online As always we were unable to include all of the classes and sitting exams, have put tremendous wonderful efforts of the School community effort into developing the 2020 Yearbook. They have throughout the year, The demands of Teaching connected with people in numerous different and Learning from home made it difficult for countries, counties and continents. everyone to find the time, energy, equipment, space to submit articles and pictures. The 6th year students submitted their own profiles and for the first time they have also taken their own My profile photos, which I hope you enjoy. assistant, All students were given the Harper opportunity to submit works helping me for the cover of the yearbook, some of whom with a took the opportunity to have picture of some fun. her, Every cloud has a silver Lining and hopefully this “helping”, new version of the Yearbook is one of them. with the yearbook I would like to thank all of the students, teachers (past and present), staff, and the wider school community who were able to submit articles. I would like to give special thanks to those who helped behind the scenes, gathering the articles, sending reminders, naming and digging up photos, and to Mr Gregory who gave the Yearbook team the resources and support it needed to complete this year edition.

Welcome to the unexpected 20th anniversary of the Pres Bray yearbook. In this platinum edition, the now famous (or perhaps infamous) yearbook, the team have put in many hours to ensure the survival of this key institution of Pres. The yearbook is one of the most hotly anticipated events every year and we wouldn’t want to disappoint. Past editorial teams have talked of the challenges they faced, the lessons learned, and the beneficial experience of partaking in the creation of the yearbook, but it’s hard to argue that any had a more challenging experience than this year’s team. When schools closed way back in March, what feels like two years rather than two months at this stage, we worried what would become of the beloved yearbook. Fortunately, Mr Kyne stepped up to the helm to stir us through a daunting voyage. The herculean task involved countless Google Meets, innumerable hours spent on Google sheets, untold amounts of correspondence through Google classroom, and an incalculable number of Google docs. Suffice to say, thank god for Google. In all seriousness, this yearbook would not exist if not for the hard work of Mr Kyne. Even through pestilence and plague, he worked tirelessly to make this yearbook a reality and we all owe him a huge debt. We couldn’t have done this without him. Special thanks should also be given to Mr Gantly and Mr Kiely, who helped protect this Pres tradition. Our thanks as well to the teachers and students who contributed articles and photographs. It goes to show the sense of community that pervades all aspects of life in Pres; From pitch to the classroom and beyond. In tough times such as these, when we seem so distant from on another,, it’s incredibly uplifting to see a community such as ours come together and remember that we’re all here for each other. This is a yearbook like no other, quite literally, as we take the Pres Bray yearbook to the digital realm to reach out across the country to the current school group, and all over the world to former teachers and pupils. At times it was uncertain as to whether we would be able to have anything to show. This yearbook was a labour of love, as I think we all at the editorial team can agree. We have had an experience like no other, all of us learning lessons we will certainly carry with us long after we have left Pres. The sense of teamwork and camaraderie among the editorial team was integral to this yearbook’s creation, I would reckon more so than any previous edition. In summary, if you ever need a roughly eighty page local yearbook during a global pandemic and you’re looking for a group of sixteen to eighteen year old boys to make it, you know who to call. Stay safe!

It was September 1968 In the meantime, our 1971 school was demolished and when I first stepped into a new school and sports hall was built. This is the Presentation College fabulous school we now inhabit (well we did!) Bray. It seems a long time ago now, maybe Throughout my time in Pres. Bray, despite numerous, because it was! Little inevitable changes, humanity and community have did I know then that I underpinned everything that has gone on. In would spend the best September 2021, Pres. will celebrate its centenary – a part of fifty years in the huge occasion, and the building blocks of this College, wonderful institution, laid down by the Presentation I was a student, Brothers almost a hundred years ago, have always student-teacher, teacher, been the Gospel values of dignity, respect, humanity, deputy principal and now forgiveness and love. This remains the case to the principal. present day. My first steps into Pres. were nervous ones. The place was The Pres. Bray of today is a place of great community. huge and everything was so different to the small country Witness the incredible response by our staff, students rural school and community I had come from. Pres. was a and parents to the unprecedented Covid-19 situation place of Brothers, boarders and blazers and so much more. we are currently enduring. It has been wonderful to see Memories come flooding back of playing fields, prefabs, old the Pres. community responding and working together buildings, broken windows, cold classrooms, boarders’ to ensure that our students have been supported and meals, a vegetable garden, long hair, corporal punishment, cared for in these most stressful of times. At this point I Saturday classes, Junior School, Loreto girls, Cup matches, must thank our amazing teachers and other staff, who friends. All slightly chaotic and feral-wonderful times! have risen to whatever challenges this pandemic has thrown at them. We had little warning of what lay The new school arrived when I was in Third Year. It was ahead and I must thank and congratulate all our staff state of the art at the time and had such luxuries as a for the courage, care, professionalism and persistence geography room, a woodwork room, an audio-visual room they have demonstrated throughout this unparalleled (we honestly didn’t know what that meant!!) and of course time. The levels of collaboration, collegiality and an indoor swimming pool. We really had arrived and the support among our staff have been fantastic. We had contrast with the old school buildings was immense. little or no time to get organised but we still managed to However, we quickly realised that as most classrooms had a have classes up and running the day after our school southerly aspect and contained much glass, we all boiled closed. This was down to a genuine determination to from March to June!! Not that we cared, Pres. was a great put things in place, the selfless sharing of knowledge place to be! I did my Leaving Certificate in 1973 and and experience around remote learning and the headed for UCD. commitment that our students would not lose out. We suddenly entered the world of virtual classrooms, When I returned to Pres in 1976 as a student teacher, much meetings, assemblies and a myriad of challenges. remained the same but there were some changes. The boarders had gone – we always knew they would escape at Our students have been amazing. We all wondered some stage!; fewer Pres Brothers roamed the corridors and and worried how our students, each one with different fields and there were female teachers on the staff! Some personal circumstances, would cope with online teachers still wore gowns to protect their clothes from the teaching and learning. For the most part, they have chalk used on blackboards and corporal punishment was coped remarkably well and some have actually thrived! still favoured by many to control classes. The students who have struggled have been supported by our teachers, our SEN team, our Care Team and of I was lucky enough to be offered a job at the end of 1977, course their families. This has been a team effort and is and thus started my life proper as a teacher of Geography a living testament to the mission laid down by the and Irish. I loved being a teacher but when the opportunity Presentation Brothers all those years ago. Pres. has arose in 2002 to apply for the position of Deputy Principal, I gone through many changes but what makes Pres. a threw my hat into the ring and was appointed. I remained in special place has not changed. that position until 2016 when I was appointed Principal.

People make Pres! The Presentation Brothers have The Past Pupils Union is another group of people who play always advocated the very best of human and Gospel a key role in promoting the college and its traditions. values. This was the Pres. I entered a long time ago. Although small in number, I have been so impressed with Despite many changes, the core values have never their drive, resilience, determination and sheer love of changed. Pres. is very much a caring, inclusive, Pres. The members are heavily involved in the planning positive place where trust and respect are to the fore. and organisation of the college centenary, that will We should never expect less of Pres. Tradition and commence in September 2021. We are indeed fortunate ethos must be maintained and enshrined, always to have such a committed group of people in our acknowledging and accepting that we must change and community. adapt to modern realities and demands. A special thank you to Tony Bellew and the members of My list of people to thank is endless and probably not our Board of Management. Being a member of a Board of achievable! Where to start? To all our fantastic staff, I Management of a school is an extremely onerous position say a heartfelt thank you and well done. I don’t want to and one that carries ever-increasing responsibilities. We name names but you all know who you are and you are indebted to the work and dedication of the Board in know the respect I have for the work you all do. I have Pres. Bray, as the members go about their business in a been extremely fortunate to have worked with so many very caring, humane manner. Tony is an inspirational wonderful people over the years. The levels of Chairperson and his fairness, calmness and sense of what professionalism and volunteerism are staggering in is right, mark him out as a huge asset to the college. Pres. This certainly helps to create and maintain the incredible bond that exists between students and Similarly, I would like to express my gratitude to Mick teachers. Sexton, PBST, for his support, advice and guidance. Mick A special message for Doris who retired in October. is a true advocate of the Presentation ethos and traditions Doris epitomised all that is good in Pres. and was at all and has boundless energy in the promotion of the times caring, kind and generous with her time and her Presentation family. encouragement. She has a special place in all our hearts. I know I will be forgiven at this point in I wish our students every success in the upcoming mentioning our core team of Bernie, Linda, Eugene, summer exams. All the hard work, including online John Jnr. and Marie. We all rely so heavily on their classes, will be worth it. For our third years in particular, it day-to-day work – the contribution and support they will bring to an end the uncertain journey they have give to us all is greatly appreciated. travelled during the last few months. To our sixth years I extend my sympathy for all they have A big thank you to our Deputy Principal, Martin Locke. I experienced since March 13th, in particular. No other sixth have thoroughly enjoyed working with Martin and I have year cohort has ever endured such confusion, uncertainty been hugely impressed with his work ethic, energy, and indeed cruelty! However, I do believe that the compassion, attention to detail and ability to juggle upcoming assessments will be fair and objective and that several challenges at the same time. Martin carries out the students will find a suitable path to the next stage of his daily responsibilities with great care, respect and their careers. I wish them every success for the future and humour. I hope they follow their dreams. We will hold a virtual graduation on the last day of term to mark this very special I would like to thank the Parents Association for the occasion. work they do in supporting our students and the college. The members of the Association are very Time to sign off! I will miss so much about Pres. Bray. much partners in our community and play key roles in The warmth and welcome of Pres. will stay with me policy formation, fund-raising and organisation of big forever. It has always been a happy place for me – a events in the college. I will certainly miss our lively home from home. Most of the significant events in my life meetings and our never less than interesting have been played out in Pres. I even had the incredible exchanges! There is real passion and commitment in fortune to meet my lovely wife Lisa in Pres! I will leave the group and a genuine interest in what is best for the with so many happy memories. It has been an absolute college and our students. pleasure and a privilege to have spent my career in Pres. Bray and I will retire as a very proud Pres. boy!

It is that time again where I everyone’s immense credit and professionalism that reflect on another year in the remote Teaching and Learning was “Live” almost busy world of Pres Bray!! I am immediately!! Teachers demonstrated their flexibility, sure you will agree that we innovation and improvisation in abundance, while all won’t forget 2020 in a hurry!! the time juggling their own life circumstances, so a These are indeed strange and huge thank you to all. Special mention here must go to surreal times for us all, and Mr. Conroy, for his guidance and expertise over the even as I pen these words, past two months in the whole area of remote and digital my mind is drifting towards learning, it has been a steep learning curve for many of what I would normally be us!! Credit to Mr. Kyne also for producing this digital doing in the school at this version of the yearbook, which again, is a new one for busy end of year. us! Working remotely from home is still keeping me I now to wish to turn my attention to a true lady, who occupied, even if I have swapped wearing a suit for a was an integral member of staff until her retirement in tracksuit, and if these times prove anything, it is that our October. Normally I am thanking Doris at this time of school is an absolute vibrant hive of activity. There is the year for all that she does for us but not anymore!! I still so much work going on and the school isn’t even have no doubt she is enjoying her well-earned open!! retirement, and suffice to say she is missed by us one and all. We can nonetheless count ourselves fortunate On a more serious note, I sincerely hope and pray that that we had Marie to step into the breach, and although all members of our school community are safe and well Doris the person couldn’t ever be replaced, her at this present time. I appreciate that this isn’t the case commitment and loyalty to the school are certainly for everybody, so to those who have endured a more matched by Marie’s work ethic and approach to her difficult time in terms of loved ones becoming ill, I wish duties. to extend my sincere thoughts and prayers to you and your families. I must admit that in these challenging A big thank you to the entire student body for their times I have never been more proud to be a member of efforts all year---- Pres is what it is largely due to your the wider Pres Bray community. It is so often the case contribution. You have been excellently represented that in times of adversity and difficulty you see people’s again by this year’s respective Student Councils. From strength emerge. This is certainly evident within our chairing meetings with such impressive, articulate, community during this pandemic. I have been amazed thoughtful and proud young men I am constantly at the resilience and maturity demonstrated by our reminded of what makes our school the joy it is to work student body, and to all our parents/guardians during in. Well done lads, you are true ambassadors of your this period, I can only admire and commend you on the school and a source of inspiration to us all. support, patience and understanding you have shown at a time when there may be uncertainty in your own I have previously thanked all teachers for their help but lives, and in those of your families’. I appreciate that a special mention must go to the teachers of the Maths school is an important part of the life of a teenager, with Department this year, and in particular Mr. Bradley. Due the educational, emotional and social benefits it to a sudden teacher shortage during the year we provides, but it is important for us to remind ourselves recruited Ms Jeffers, Ms Donne and Mr Hayes, who all that occasionally, there may be more pressing concerns came to our aid at short notice. In fact, they all went for us to contend with. above and beyond what was expected of them in terms of their flexibility and willingness to help at a critical To that end, I would like to especially thank my teaching juncture in the school year. colleagues for all their efforts this year, in particular for their commitment to their students in recent months. We received very little notice regarding the school closures in March, so it was to

Their commitment didn’t waver during the school Pat continues to be the consummate professional in all closure and I wish to thank them sincerely for helping that he does, handling all situations and people he us out at a time of need. The entire Maths Department meets with the respect and sensitivity that is required. were very supportive, but like previously mentioned, it I’m sure Pat himself thought he had seen it all was Mr Bradley who pulled it all together to make it throughout his career when he entered his final year, work as efficiently as it did. Apologies if this makes you but lo and behold he was presented with one more blush Gav!! challenge to sign off on!! He had to run a school using only a mobile phone and a laptop!! Up to the plate To Bernie, Linda, Eugene, John Jr, Alison, Daphne and stepped our very own resident Mr McGyver to guide us Jackie, what can I say to you that hasn’t been said by all to safety!! all of us by now? Many thanks for the huge expertise you all individually bring to your roles in the school. You Pat’s leadership has never been stronger than it has provide us all with such diligent support every day, been since the school closed. His due diligence, his which make our days that little bit more normal in the care, compassion and understanding of the realities of process!! I genuinely can’t thank you enough. life for families during such unprecedented circumstances have been a comfort and a source of I’d like to wish all our students the best of luck in their inspiration to all who serve under him. He has guided upcoming in- house assessments, including this year, us as a community through a tumultuous and turbulent our 3rd Year group. Well done for staying the course time, particularly for our 6th Year students, teachers and lads, I know it wasn’t easy on you but you showed parents, who have in recent droves, commended him admirable perseverance. on his timely, sensible and comforting communication throughout the recent period. It has cemented my view To our 6th Years, you have been a credit to yourselves of how fortunate I feel that my own career has crossed and your families all year, and I genuinely hope that you paths with that of a great leader and of a great human all progress happily to the next stage of your lives. You being. had an abrupt end to your secondary school days but we promise to have you back for your Graduation The four years spent sharing an office with Pat have sometime soon when it is safe to do so. been without a shadow of a doubt the most enjoyable of my working career, (I’m not entirely sure Pat would This year brings to a close the remarkable career in share the same feeling) and that is a statement indeed, Pres of Pat Gregory, our esteemed Principal. When I considering I loved the classroom interaction with my say remarkable, it is with respect to both his longevity students over the years. Pat’s wit and humour often tied and contribution made to so many people’s lives over me up in knots, and our shared passion for two football the duration of his career. It is for Pat himself to chart clubs who never actually win anything kept us going his many rises through the ranks of the Pres tradition, through many a dark winter morning. Pat Gregory is my but be warned, it’s no short story!! To apply just a little boss and my friend, and I am proud to call him both. context at this point, he began his teaching career in Nobody deserves happiness in retirement more. Pres the year I was born and his association with the Presentation Brothers predates even that!! Martin Locke

Sixth Year Student Council Meanwhile, the nitty gritty of student life continued to be discussed at normal council meetings with Mr. This has been a year like no other. In September 2019, as Fleming, our Year Head, and in Umbrella Council we set out on our final year in Presentation College, the meetings with Mr. Locke, the Deputy Principal. Sixth Year Student Council was full of good intentions and Unfortunately this all came to an abrupt end with the we anticipated high endeavours in the months ahead. We closure of the schools by the Department of Education were conscious that our final year would be demanding, and Skills. Despite the onset of social distancing as a busy, and challenging, in terms of both the study and result of Covid-19, the Sixth Year Student Council commitment involved. Yet we had no idea that the greatest continued to communicate with the school, conducting challenge we would face in 2020 would simply be to a number of virtual meetings at which the concerns of complete our time in the school. students were made known and the possibility of improving online classes were discussed. Covid -19 will forever define the manner in which we, as Leaving Certificate students, said goodbye to school life. It is fair to say that some things were definitely lost this However, a year is a long time and the work of the Sixth year as a result of the unprecedented events, such as Year Student Council in the months preceding the crisis organising a Sports Day and, to date, the Sixth Year cannot be underestimated. In fact, much was achieved Graduation. However, in retrospect, it was the simple before the arrival of the virus. things that we now remember most: the opportunity to meet up with others, the rivalry and thrill of The work of the council is determined by the seasons. From competitive sports, the banter at lunchtime and of the initiation of incoming students, to the preparations for course, our friends; furthermore, it is these that we now the Sixth Year Graduation, the months roll by in a miss the most. We often underestimate the importance whirlwind. Welcoming the First Years, a task undertaken by of the small things in life. A school is just a building the council, and later helping them to settle in, is a without the people who inhabit it. But as Cicero said: cornerstone when creating a sense of belonging in Pres. “Where there is life there’s hope” Building on a great tradition, “Spirit of Pres Week” was particularly busy for the council. The week was a great And we will meet again before too long. success and this year, in addition to organising numerous activities which afforded us opportunities to wipe the floor It remains for me to thank my fellow Sixth Year with our esteemed teachers, the focus was on helping others, Student Council members Sam Kearney, Darpan on setting an example for younger students and, most Dhingra, Gavin O’Shea and of course, the Deputy Head importantly, on reinforcing the principle that Pres is a great Prefect, Ryan Hanley. school. I thank Mr. Fleming, our Year Head for all his help and support. Thanks also to Mr. Locke for his dedication and the cups of tea. We wish Mr. Gregory health and happiness in his retirement and in the years ahead; truly, nobody has deserved it more. Finally, the best advice that I was given when I started in Pres, I give to all of you going forward: Give your best and always be kind. Tom Mooney, Head Prefect, Sixth Year Student Council

1st Year Class Photos

Class 1.3 Class 1.4 1st Year Students Back row: Robert Owens, Daniel Jordan, Owen Bayliss, Aaron Mooney, Alex Matthews, Luke

Spirit of Pres Bake Sale 2019 Every year I am amazed at the energy, buzz and generosity of students, parents and teachers on this final day of \"Spirit of Pres\", the Annual Charity Bake Sale. Cakes and goodies stream in from early morning, dropped off, sometimes too quickly for us to have time to express our gratitude. Some wonderful creations! Then the fun of pricing, labelling and laying out begins. A serious team of 20-30 lads, selected largely by the 2nd and 3rd year Student Council members, with some guidance from experienced TY students, get the marketplace underway. Trying to ensure that there's enough for all the year groups, and that all the \"good stuff\" doesn't go in first period is always tricky. 6th years linger over coffees and try to dodge next class. 5th years hope they'll get coffee next year! Students at the raffle desk and \"Guess the Number of Sweets in the jar\" do stellar work and our cake sellers get into their stride. By Noon, all our merchandise is gone and some of the Council Members start counting the money. We raised €1,336 for \"The Five Loaves\" this year. Thank you very much to all those who supported us. So much appreciated! A special thanks to all the workers on the day, the bakers, the buyers, the coffee makers and finally to Nestlé who yet again donated so generously.

I’d like to be under the Sea A message from SEA-SEIS The following is a message from Serge the Chief Scientist on the vessel.Dear Friends of SEA-SEIS, Last year 2.1 (now 3.1) were treated to a live video meeting with the crew of the RV Celtic Explorer a We are sending you this email because you participated scientific exploration vessel recording seismic in one of the SEA-SEIS competitions or live video activity on the sea bed in the Atlantic ocean off the link-ups with our ship in 2018. west coast of Ireland. This came on the back of having named one of the We hope you and your families are all well. seismometers in an open schools competition.There are eighteen submersibles all given names by We just wanted to let you know of the start of our 2020 science students from different schools around the SEA-SEIS Expedition. It will retrieve from the seafloor the country. We named our submersible Wilson after the seismometers that we deployed in 2018. It is essential to Beach Boy (I’m picking up good vibrations…) and recover these instruments now, so as not to risk losing incidentally after Tom Hanks’s coconut (quiz them and the unique data they have recorded. We have question) set sail yesterday and are in the N Atlantic for the next 19 days. Unable to video-link with classes full of students this time, we'll be making an effort to put information online at and Twitter: @SEA_SEIS Instagram: SEA-SEIS We are developing our digital platform and hope we can present content and events that are of interest and useful. We'll be working on that along with our technical and scientific work and, as always, very much appreciate ideas and suggestions from teachers and principals. Best regards, Sergei ----------------------- Dr Sergei Lebedev Chief Scientist The SEA-SEIS Expedition

Winning song in the Sea-Seis competition Lyrics by James Moore/Sensi class 3.1 Lyrics I love my mother Earth she means the world to me The earth is so alive inside it's always movin I can feel the beat of her heart like it beats inside of me 'Neath the sound of the sea always rockin always I'll draw you a map groovin Some Seismography Inside of me is the need to be improvin Gonna find out more gonna listen for a moment Tell me where we're going tell me where we've been Tell me if Atlantis was nothing but a dream Now here I am on the bottom of the sea Shout out to Wilson A yellow submarine and it's not just me That boy's picking up traces I've got friends down here listening just like me Listening to the waves beneath the waves beneath of Act-ivity Could tell us about the Eathquakes the sea and their buddy Tsu-nami Let me introduce you Yo Wilson There's Grainne Gill and Quakey He's watchin out for me he's watchin out for us Tom Allod and Maude He don't need no praise he don't make no fuss Brian Wilson Eve Sebastian Charles Nemo and the Dude He's sittin there in the dark Harry Loch Nessmometer in our dawn to dusk Ligea Luigi and Nemor on the bottom of the sea All listening for vibrations from the ocean floor He don't ask for much Just a little battery power and a song from us I love my mother Earth She means the world to me

3rd Year Bouldering by Brian Conway On the 16th and 18th of December 2019 a cohort of The aptitude for climbing was very high among the students from 3rd Year went bouldering to the Wall students, as the athleticism gained from participating in climbing gym in Sandyford. Bouldering is a form of sport both inside and outside school shone through. indoor rock climbing where there are no ropes but a Colin O’Shea may have completed a couple of Yurple padded floor if you fall. problems that some staff members hadn’t gotten, well that I hadn’t gotten anyway. Christoph managed to This trip was a reward for working hard and behaving have the most destroyed hands I’ve seen after a during the first term. Sadly with those restrictions, not climbing session, over gripping is an issue. all students were allowed to attend. But the majority of classes 3.1, 3.2 and 3.5 did go. These classes A big thank you to the staff at the Wall for coming in benefitted from having a Conway teaching them as we and looking after us, especially since they had their organised the trip. (Some lads, despite being allowed Christmas Party the night before. to attend the trip, stayed home to play video games; according to the word on the street). Big thanks to Mr. Michael Conway for helping organise, and proving to be coach par excellence on The climbing session was an hour and an half long and the day. As big a thanks to Ms. Jessica Gilhooly for was done before the general public were allowed into providing both technical climbing advice during the the Wall. So we had the run of the place and could get session and being less grumpy than either of the a lot of climbing in. Conways on display. Finally thanks to the lads and parents, the lads for doing what they needed to do in school so you could go and the parents for, yet again, coughing up the money to let the lads go.

Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence is the science and Many AI machines and cars use a method called engineering of making intelligent machines and ‘machine learning’ which means that they use data computer programmes patterns and their own mistakes to make correct decisions in the future. Driverless cars use this Nowadays AI (Artificial Intelligence) is very machine learning in a special way. To make the complex and can do many things, but when it was perfect driverless car using machine learning the first devised in the early 20th century it had little to car has to stop at thousand’s of traffic lights and no purpose It wasn't good enough to do useful junctions, go over thousands of speed bumps and things until the 1950’s when scientists started to potentially drive over thousands of cliffs before it experiment on driverless cars. will start making perfect decisions. Self-driving cars have been a concept since the As Tesla, Audi and Mercedes continue to develop 1920s but it wasn’t until the 1950s that the concept AI driverless cars they are also developing a new started to stray from science fiction when RCA form of machine learning where they learn from Cars successfully built a miniature driverless car each others’ mistakes and decisions.Therefore the guided by wires. more driverless cars are developed the safer and more reliable they will become. There was further progress and in 1982 a vision-guided Mercedes Benz robotic van reached Apart from driverless cars AI has many other uses a speed of 63 km per hour on empty streets. and implications. In 1965 Carl Djerassi developed a program that could develop its own never seen Nowadays the driverless car market is being before medicine. Billionaire Dimitry Itskor set up a spear-headed by companies such as Elon Musk’s non-profit organisation with the goal of making Tesla. The company’s widely popular “Tesla Model people immortal by merging human and AI T” is semi-autonomous and has some fully intelligence. In 2015 Stephen Hawking, Elon autonomous capabilities. Musk and other AI experts signed a petition to stop the creation of uncontrollable AI. In conclusion, AI should be embraced rather than feared. With enough investment and control AI can massively benefit the world.

Nicholas Winton Recently, a man by the name of Tom Moore has made Eventually he had registered 900 children and left two of his headlines by walking 100 laps of his garden. This may seem friends in charge of the business in Prague whilst he went back like a simple feat but at the age of 100 it has inspired the world to London to try to find foster homes, raise funds and to arrange and raised £32 million for the NHS. transport. It’s not always true that the good die young. The first train full of Jewish children set off from Prague on March 14th 1939. Mr. Winton and his colleagues later arranged for eight In 2015, a man by the name Sir Nicholas Winton died aged more trains to get the rest of the children out, crossing the Third 106. Reich through Nuremberg and Cologne to the Hook of Holland, then across the North Sea by boat to Harwich, Essex, and on by Many of our older people have remarkable life stories, many British rail to the Liverpool Street Station in London. There, he related to events in times of difficulty. Some are well-known and the host families met the children. and have been celebrated but others have taken us by surprise like the story of Nicholas Winton. But only seven of the eight trains made it through, the last train in early August. About 250 children, the largest group, were on He was a silent hero and for almost 50 years his story was board the last train out, on Sept. 1, 1939. On that day, however, unknown. Hitler invaded Poland, all borders controlled by Germany were closed and Mr. Winton’s rescue efforts came to an end. None of His story is one of altruism and bravery, changing the lives of the 250 on board the final train were ever seen again and are all many people and risking his own. thought to have perished in concentration camps. In early 1938, many European countries refused to open their After the outbreak of the war, Mr. Winton became an ambulance borders to receive Jewish immigrants fleeing the Nazi regime. driver in Normandy and had to be evacuated from Dunkirk. However, following the events of Kristallnacht in November Afterwards he became a member of the RAF until the end of the 1938, Britain opened its borders to allow Jewish refugees war. under the age of 17 to seek asylum there on condition that they had a foster family. The Refugee Children’s Movement in Mr. Winton never spoke of his actions and if it weren’t for his wife Britain sent representatives to Germany and Austria, and stumbling upon a notebook of his, maybe the world would never 10,000 Jewish children were saved before the war began. know his story. The notebook contained the details and pictures of all the children that he saved during the war, 50 years after his But there was no comparable mass-rescue effort in actions took place. His wife gave this information to the BBC who Czechoslovakia. Mr. Winton created one. tracked down all the surviving children. Mr. Winton was invited to a T.V show where everyone in the audience owed their life to At this time Winton was preparing to go on a skiing holiday to him. the Alps but a phone call from his friend in Czechoslovakia changed his plans and the lives of many people subsequently. The total number of children who were saved by the actions of He went to Prague and met his friend and together they began Sir Nicholas Winton amounted to 669. to organise the evacuation of Jewish children. This was highly dangerous. Mr Winton received many honours including becoming an MBE for other charitable work he carried out prior to the It involved: bribing members of the gestapo, forgery of discovery of his efforts during the war. He was knighted in important documents and 9 long railroad journeys across 4 2003 and was nominated for a nobel peace prize. Sir countries. Nicholas Winton died on the 1st of July 2015 aged 106. He first started taking names and details of children in his hotel This was the story of one of the world’s, almost, unsung room in Prague but due to the growing demand he was forced heroes. to open a storefront office. As the lines grew this gained attention from members of the gestapo who demanded money in return for allowing them to continue.

TY Musical By Evan Donnelly, I decided to take part in the musical as soon as I heard about it. I decided it would be a fun experience and a chance to practice working in productions involving singing. We started rehearsals in September and had a short deadline of about 3 months which we worked with well in my opinion. Most of the rehearsals were focused on the bigger dance numbers and getting the choreography and singing up to scratch for each number respectively. The other rehearsals were focused on the leads where we would go through some of the solos and dialogue and of course we did entire runs of the whole length of the musical, back to the 80s. This musical follows the awkward teenage life of one Corey Palmer and his small gang of inbetweeners. His relative innocence and good will is juxtaposed to the nature of his antagonist, Michael Feldman. Michael and his gang are the essence of the American High school jocks, charismatic yet also unaffected and crass. The story centres around Corey’s pursuit of his love interest, Tiffany, who is stolen from beneath him by Michael. Later on, the drama that unfolds with Michael’s teasing of another girl leads Tiffany to go to Corey which concludes the arc with a high school dance. In the Musical I played Corey Senior, Corey around 18 years in the future. I served the role as narrator and had the privilege of singing the song ‘you give love a bad name’ and ‘the final countdown’, accompanied by Peter O’ Toole. I am very glad I took place in this years musical.

TY Musical

Ty Water Activities

TY Hiking

TY Jujustu

TY Work experience By David Tominiyi-Dunne By Eimhin Morgan - Fennessy, I decided that I would go back to my roots and go I did my work experience in a physiotherapy clinic. back to Bosnia to do my work experience. I was At the start of the day, I learned about the different doing work experience in the capital, Sarajevo. I muscles in the body and answered questions on went to a school and I did English lessons with them with the help of the physiotherapist. Once I refugees that came from Iraq, Syria and had a general idea of the names, I was allowed to Afghanistan. I learned countless things from the observe a physiotherapy session with one of her multicultural surrounding atmosphere.I also helped clients. After that, I was shown how to identify the out in a school called Bloom. Bloom is a Sarajevo potential problem clients were facing, such as based Preschool, Primary School, and tendinitis. I was given acupuncture by the physio International High School. I was assisting a youth to show how it works. I really enjoyed the worker that was an employee of the school. I experience as the job was extremely interesting. learned how to important time management was Physiotherapy would definitely be a job I would be when others depended on you. interested in in the future. By Nathan Prunty By Alwin Biju, My favourite work experience I did was the one I On the 14th of October on my first week of work did with the head coach in Bray emmets. As a club experience from pres I went to the Open Day member and fan of the sport I knew I’d like to Centre which is on the same grounds as Loreto, complete a week of my work experience module at here I was working with Acuphysio on the Raven my second home. I went to the schools in Bray hill they are a company that provides treatment to and taught kids from 1st to 6th class.I learned that sports injuries and any other sort of physical patience is key when working with kids. My treatment from acupuncture and others and help favourite bit of it was the interactions with loads of to disable patients to improve their health. I felt I different people. I would definitely recommend learned a lot from my work here and was very doing as many work experiences as possible just enjoyable. I’m really happy I got the opportunity to to meet new people and get a feel of what you like experience this. Moving forward I know what I’d and what career path to choose. like to pursue in my career.

A Word From Ms. Kelly... As 5th Yearhead-Myself and Mr Kiely would like to Mr. Mac express huge thanks to the following 5th Year Mentors . A Google Classroom Poem by Ms. Kelly. They gave up innumerable lunch times to mentor all the 1st year classes . They were helpful & Mr Mac is still Intact .. Making his videos day by day humorous resulting in very happy & contented 1st Sad not to be in his lab, to hide away Years - particularly on rainy days .. ������ Lots of household chores to be done Also acknowledgement to Mr Brown & ������ Mr Fitzpatrick who allowed use of their rooms at Learning Inferential Statistics (he thinks ) was much more fun ������ lunchtimes. A happy happy teacher he will be, THE MENTORS (BIG Apologies if I have forgotten When back in Pres and Covid free !! anyone ) Áindréas Fallon Verbruggen Alex Andrew Byrne Jamie Ryan Jamie Ward Cathal Eddy Sean Duffin Conor Crawford Drysdale David Mount Simon O'Rourke Harry Eaves Rory Mulcahy Samuel Ferrie Dylan Downes Ross Downes Jason Stevens Daniel Rashid

Letter from our 5th Year German Exchange Student, Leon Schwab Dear students and than in Germany. Examining a sheep heart was the most teachers, interesting part in Biology. English was very different compared to Germany, because English speaking people My name is Leon Schwab already know all the grammar. So it doesn’t have to be taught. and I am 17 years old. I In Germany teachers teach us different grammar topics like did an exchange year in the different tenses. I chose German instead of French to Ireland from August 2019 have at least one subject where I could relax. I was happy to to March 2020. I am so help Mrs Dillane and Mrs Farren with their classes and I think sad that I had to break up I was a good asset to Mrs Dillane’s class. Economics was my exchange year very interesting for me, because we don’t have that subject in because of Covid 19. I German schools. So it was new for me, which was great. We went to Pres Bray and covered plenty of different topics. All very interesting. was one of the students in 5th year. For me such an Thanks to the principal Mr Gregory for letting me go to Pres, exchange year means a lot. You are in another country to Mr Locke for being there for me, to all my teachers and to without your family for almost a whole year. But you get used all my fantastic classmates. I am going to miss you all and I to it after a few months with all the support from teachers, hope I‘ll see some of you one day again! host family and new friends. In this article I want to share my experiences and my impressions with you all, because I Kind regards, heard that I’m the first exchange student that you’ve ever had. Leon Schwab Before I started my exchange year I only had a little information about the school. I knew that it is going to be a Catholic, all-boys school with students who have to wear school uniforms. I always wanted to wear a school uniform, so I was very happy that I had to buy one. You don’t have to wear school uniforms in Germany, only in specific private schools. I only went to mixed schools before so I didn’t know what I should think about that. It was a wonderful experience to go to an all-boys school. Everyone got along well with each other. I also had to get used to the whole day school system, because schools normally end at 1 pm or sometimes at 3 pm in Germany, but not at 4 pm! On my first school day I was very nervous. I didn't know where to go and whom I could ask, but I got it sorted with all my classmates. The first week was exciting and hard. It was hard because of the whole day school system and exciting because every subject, except German was in English. I met lots of new friends and I am proud of that, because I didn’t know how I could talk to them. Maths, English, German, Biology, Economics and Chemistry were my subjects. In every subject I had awesome teachers. They’ve answered all my questions, gave me tips with study skills and supported me whenever I needed their help. Maths, Chemistry and Biology are quite the same compared to Germany. But we did much more practical work in Biology

Rugby 1st Year “A” Team by Tadgh Treacy Our season got off to a good start with us winning all of the half pitch matches. It wasn’t until we got into the full pitch matches where things started to go downhill. We then realised that we had to improve certain areas of our game in order to become better and win more matches. We knew it wasn’t going to be easy and it would take time. As the season went on we started to see an improvement. We came close against Michaels and Roscrea but didn’t end up winning. We trained twice a week and played a match every Wednesday. The last match we played before the schools closed was against Temple Carrig, this match was probably the highlight of the year. We started well getting a try from the kick off. It was a draw going into half time and we knew we had to come out strong in the second half. We got a try in the first 5 minutes of the second half and that really got us going as we powered on getting try after try. We ended up winning the game by a good margin. Overall we had a good season and improved a lot. On behalf of all the players I would like to thank all the coaches Mr Ó Braonáin, Mr Kiely, Mick, Conor and Mr Conroy for all of the work they put in over the year.

1st Year “B”s by Tiarnán Whelan 1.4 Zur season started off really well with us winning all of our half pitch matches. But then we quickly realised that things needed to change after playing our first full pitch match against Blackrock. Let’s just say it did not go down well.Then the coaches realised that if we wanted to start winning games we needed to work on making low tackles, coming up from the line and hitting our rucks. It was not easy perfecting our defence and we still need to improve more but over time we started to see improvements with some very good games. One of those games was against Roscrea. It did not start off well with Roscrea scoring 2 tries right after kick off but we fired back and scored one of our own and when it came to half-time they couldn’t get out of their own half and we were turning that ball over almost every minute. It was great stuff from the whole of the team. The year ended with a well deserved win over Temple Carrig. I must say it felt good putting them back in their place. I and all the other boys would like to thank Mr Kiely, Mr O’Braonain, Mr Conroy, Mick and Connor for all the time and work they put in to make our rugby season one to remember. Looking forward to next year.

1st Year “C”s By Eoin Macaleer It all began in September 2019. Sixty three excited and nervous first year lads headed up to the Pres rugby pitches, wearing a colourful array of jerseys, some even had the nerve to wear a Munster jersey all of things! Our lucky, lucky coaches were Mr..Kiely, Mr. O’Braonain, Mick O’ Gara and Conor Byrne. Our first few weeks of training were physically exhausting for us but mentally exhausting for our coaches, as they began to realise the enormity of their task for the year. Three weeks in and we played our first match, a blitz against Kings Hospital at home, amazingly we won 8 out of the 10 games. Our season was cut short, however, we managed to play 14 matches. Mr. Kiely enjoyed christening us with nicknames such as Ebbsy, Chaps and Draco. Many of our matches resulted in our traditional white jerseys turning brown as rain turned green rugby pitches into mud filled swamps, much to our mothers delight. Highlights of our season include wins against High School and TempleCarrig, when Sean, Josh and I won all 29 first half scrums and Bradley had a great game not missing any of his kicks. We also had our fair share of defeats, losing to our old rivals the hard hitting Blackrock. We were guilty of slow starts but the New Year saw a New Us and a trip to Roscrea, Tipperary resulted in the B/C team narrowly losing 21-30 to a strong Roscrea team. The best scrum of the day, however, was in the Roscrea canteen when the hot bread rolls were brought out. Sadly, our much anticipated tour to Manchester had to be postponed along with the rest of our season. But it has been reschedule for October so it will be a good way to reboot our new season. It was a great year for the 1st year rugby lads in Pres even if it was a short one.

2nd year rugby 2020 By Cathal Ryan On paper this year has been a tough We went on tour to Galway (2020, year with some results not going our Capital of Culture) with Dave the rave way but we have learnt a lot which will and we met Mr King at the Connacht vs stand to us next year. Leinster match. We started the year off strong hammering of CBC and a good win On our way back from Galway we against Kings Hos’, we then lost a destroyed Clongowes and the last game against CUS and lost a few of match before Christmas we had our our stronger players to the JCT but that best performance of the season beating didn’t stop us. Saint Gerards again in a tight game - winning by two tries. Highschool,Blackrock,Michaels,Temple Cairrig and Marys were some of the teams we came across after Christmas. We had some good performances in the second half of the season but were unlucky to lose several games by tight margins before the season ended prematurely, ending all hope of a second tour !! Can’t wait for next season and the Junior cup. Thanks to: Mr Gantly,Mr Kelly,Sam O’Dowd and Mr Savage

JCT 2020 Our year kicked off in late July with some training the pouring rain which turned the Pres Bray junior sessions, following our summer conditioning pitch into a mud bath. Our parents were rueing the program. Shortly after was our pre-season trip to decision of Pres to play in white that day!! the University of Limerick at the beginning of August, where we used the UL pitches to train and On to the quarter finals where we had a home for other team building exercises. Overall, this trip quarter final against St Andrew’s which was played created a strong foundation for what was to be a in a strong wind which made it a real game of two great season. halves. With us playing into the wind in the first half the scores were level 0-0 at half time. We The season got going with two friendlies - an away came out in the second half with the wind and ran win against CBC Monkstown at the beginning of in a number of tries to finish the game with a September followed by a fine home win against strong win of 27-0. Terenure. Our next stop was the league semi-final in October saw the start of our much anticipated Donnybrook against Newbridge College. We had league campaign, where two groups of eight big crowds that came to support us. We came out teams played a league format, with the top four in on top of the match despite coming from behind, each pushing through to the quarter finals. with a final score of Pres 24 Newbridge 8. Our first league match saw us coming from behind With this victory, we were in the final of the league to beat a tough Roscrea side by a single point for the first time since 2010. (18-17) on home turf. This was followed up by a more comfortable league victory away to Wesley. On the 11th of December 2019, we played Gonzaga in in the Leinster Junior league final. Up We continued our winning run with another win until that day both Pres and Gonzaga were away to a strong Castleknock side winning 27-7. unbeaten in the league. We had a huge Pres We then completed 5 from 5, securing our place in crowd behind us on this day, with past pupils, the quarter final, with a 19-0 win over Kilkenny in parents and many people from the Pres community roaring us on. This match was extremely tight in an end-to-end game. We were behind coming into the closing stages of the match, but we showed great Pres spirit to wear down the Gonzaga defence with a brilliant try to level things just as time was up. Jack Murphy excellently slotted over the conversion in front of the Pres stand to win it. The final whistle blew, and we became the first Pres Junior league winners in 10 years. We were welcomed back to Pres by Mr. Gregory and Mr. Locke with much appreciated pizzas organised by the parent’s association.

With the league trophy in the bag the coaches We were then put into the Junior plate semi-final gave us a few days off to celebrate and reflect against CUS, which we came out victorious in before it was time for us to start preparing for the hard conditions. We were to play our old friends Junior Cup. Training had picked up again and we Gonzaga in the Plate final but due to Coronavirus, had a few friendlies including a fine win against a the match was unable to be played and we shared Rockwell side in Pres on a frosty Saturday in the plate. January. The match was meant to be played in Cill Dara RFC but as the pitches were frozen we Overall, this has been an amazing year, we all travelled back to Pres to play the match! finished the season the League Champions and joint plate winners. All our achievements this year At this point, our Junior cup draw was in and we certainly would not have been possible without our were going to be playing Roscrea in the first coaches. A huge thank you to our head coach Joe round, who we narrowly beat at the start of the Duffy along with Adam Philpot and Mr. Conroy, league campaign. This match took place on the 4th who were with us every step of the way. Another of February in Donnybrook where once again we huge thank you to Mr. Savage and Stewie who had huge support. We were very well matched to were with us in the gym. Our coaches work Roscrea and with 10 minutes remaining we had throughout the season to make us a better team. them pinned back against their own 5-meter line, We would also like to thank the great support from but unfortunately could not repeat our league final the parents on the side-lines. heroics. The score ended Pres 12 -17 Roscrea. This was a match that could have gone either way This has been a season to remember, knowing but we congratulated Roscrea on their win and that we made history! wished them well in the next round.

Junior B and C Rugby The Junior B and C teams did very well this year. There was hard work put in for the whole season and some great performances from both teams came from the work. Three teams represented our year, which is the first time in a long time this happened. One game from the B team that stood out was early in the year against Kilkenny. The weather was terrible but everyone held out that day and we were rewarded with the win. This squad we played against were unbeaten that season so to pull out the win regardless of the weather was a real representation of hard work and great coaches. A trophy for the C team looked likely after big bonus point wins over Blackrock and CBC Monkstown and would have been a great achievement but the coronavirus forced an early end to the season. A big thanks to Mr. Conroy, Joe, Adam, Mr. Savage, Stewart and everyone who helped the Junior Bs and Cs have a successful year. By ikey Doyle

SCT RUGBY 2019/20 After coming off a memorable season the sixth Writing on behalf of all the sixth years, I would like years had high hopes for the year ahead and were to say thank you our coaches , Maurice ,.Eoin , Mr confident going into pre-season along-side the Savage and Stewie for their commitments this fourth and fifth years. Frustratingly the team never year and their determination to really got going and never showed their full potential on the field. help us strive. I would also like to thank Mr Fitzpatrick the team manager and especially Mr Although things did not work out for the seniors this year , the sixth years leave Pres with some Conroy who put in countless hours on and off the great memories and hopes for the future. The field ,constantly reminding Mick Mccarthy, that he fourth and fifth years showed some real heart and isn’t right determination and I have no doubt they will excel in the coming years . By Chris Lawless Training under Maurice Logue and Eoin Sheriff progressed everyone’s skill set on the team. I have no doubt that in years to come some outstanding plays will take place on the front pitch and in donnybrook.

Like Father, Like Son: Ben Murphy Treading His Own Career Path 29th April 2020 By Ryan Bailey Despite surrendering an early 15-0 lead to Blackrock, who had future Ireland Under-20 There are always whispers and murmurs. ‘Watch this internationals Niall Comerford, Joe McCarthy and kid, the next big thing.’ ‘An exciting young talent.’ ‘He Sean O’Brien in their ranks, the Wicklow school has a big future in the game.’ Word can spread quickly mounted an impressive second-half comeback led on the sidelines of a player with prodigious potential. by Murphy – the son of Ireland skills and kicking coach Richie – in the number nine jersey to run in For three years, Ben Murphy was a standout performer three tries and give their opponents a real scare. for Presentation College Bray at Leinster Schools level, consistently impressing in his role as Le Petite After the game, Pres Bray Director of Rugby, Kevin Générale for the Wicklow school. Conroy, enthused that it was the best performance from the school at Senior Cup level in two decades, Anyone who saw Murphy in action at Energia Park or even accounting for the underlying disappointment on his home patch in Bray, knew he was the player of the 25-19 scoreline. And anyone in attendance people were talking about. The scrum-half kicked, that day watching Murphy buzzing around the pitch, passed, created, scored and marshalled, earning passing sharply off both sides, and pulling the Leinster and Ireland underage representative honours strings would have been similarly encouraged. Like throughout his time in school. Even as one of the father, like son. smallest players on the pitch, Murphy regularly stood head and shoulders above. Yet, here’s the thing. Murphy, having coming up through the Leinster underage and national There are too many examples to go through here, but development pathway to feature in the Under-20 one of Murphy’s most impressive performances in the Six Nations for Ireland this season, is indeed white of Pres Bray was a Senior Cup first round tie following in his father’s footsteps, but is very much against defending champions Blackrock College at treading his own path in the game too. So far, his Energia Park two Januarys ago now. The result went as journey to the green jersey with Noel McNamara‘s expected, Blackrock advancing through to the second young side hasn’t been without it’s hurdles, but is round as they kick-started their quest for a 70th title, but testament to the 19-year-old’s tenacity, Pres Bray pushed them all the way in an entertaining self-motivation and inner drive. Monday afternoon contest at Donnybrook. There have been notable setbacks along the way for Murphy – being told he was too small to play rugby, not making the ‘A’ team during his first year at Pres Bray and then suffering a serious injury at the end of second year – but he rebounded on every occasion, firstly to stay in the game he loved when others would have been deterred and then work even harder to get to the level required. In third year, he was the starting scrum-half in the Junior Cup team and, in many ways, he hasn’t looked back since.

For the entire Murphy family, it was a special moment “Since then, I’ve just loved playing and being when Ben came off the bench to win his first Ireland involved in rugby and that’s been the big thing. Under-20 cap against Scotland in the Championship There has been no pressure from anyone to play and opener at Irish Independent Park back in February, and that has kind of helped me just find my own way.” he would go on to feature in the wins against Wales and England before the outbreak of Covid-19 halted Ireland’s Leaning on the experience and expertise of his Grand Slam tilt. father has no doubt been an invaluable learning and development tool for Murphy as his own career has “It was an incredible experience to play at that level and in progressed, firstly in school and then along the front of big crowds in Cork,” he tells “The underage ladder, but simply being Dad and level of support was just so new and the step up in providing that unconditional parental support has intensity was huge. You’re always told every step on the been just as important for Richie as he’s watched ladder is a step up in intensity but you don’t really know Ben develop and mature on the pitch. what it’s going to be like until you’re out on the pitch in that green jersey. It was a great dressing room to be in “Ben would have been running around the sidelines and overall a huge learning experience for sure.” chasing balls when I was player/coach with Old Belvo,” the Ireland skills and kicking coach recalls. Earning his Ireland Under-20 cap was a significant “He would have been four or five at that stage so it milestone for Murphy, having progressed through the gives you an idea of how much he has been around underage systems and after gaining exposure and the game. To see him come from the minis all the experience with Leinster at Under-18 and Under-19 way up through and play for his country at Under-20 inter-provincial level, while also representing the Ireland level was obviously a very proud day for myself and Under-18 Schools squad, sponsored by PwC, at last Stephanie, his Mum. year’s Under-18 Six Nations Festival in England under Peter Smyth, the IRFU’s Head of Elite Player “I think what has been important all along, and it’s Development. the same for my other son Jack who is 15 now, is that I’m there as a sounding board for them or there It was, however, the endless hours of work and practice as someone who can give them advice but it’s up to sessions on the pitch at Pres Bray, just a stone’s throw them to ask. It would be very much up to from the family home, that helped really drive Murphy’s themselves what they’re doing and what they want development in his formative years. In addition to training to do. And if they ask for advice or want my opinion with his team, Ben was relentless in his pursuit of on something, they always get the truth. If they betterment. On any given Saturday, he and his younger were good, you tell them they were good but if they brother, Jack, could be seen kicking, passing and weren’t, you help them learn, find solutions and throwing balls, while being guided through different drills become better players.” by their father. “Rugby has always been in our house,” Ben explains. “I vaguely remember being at games when my Dad was coming towards the end of his playing career with Old Belvedere and I started playing myself when I was five with the Seapoint minis.

Ben adds: “I think it was important that before anything It is that application, discipline and work-ethic that has else and before all the coaching and advice, it was just contributed massively to getting Murphy to this important that he was a Dad. He’d come up and collect juncture. Having witnessed first-hand the sacrifices and kick the balls back for me and help me wash my boots required and meticulous demands of playing at the after games. There’s that balance there I suppose and he very highest-level through his Dad’s day-to-day role on has always been very good at managing it and helping me Andy Farrell‘s management team, Ben has been able learn rather than forcing me to learn from him.” to shape his own mindset around those insights. He knows this is only the start and there is much work to Much of that learning process has taken place on the pitch do. at Pres Bray, a school the Murphys have a strong affiliation to given Richie’s father, uncles and cousins went there, “He has kind of got me to the stage now where I just with Ben and Jack now continuing that tradition through the get on with my own business and my own training and generations. Although it’s not considered as one of the if there’s anything I need it’s up to me to ask him,” the province’s traditional rugby powerhouses, Ben – who also young scrum-half says. followed in his father’s footsteps by making his Energia All-Ireland League debut for Clontarf before Christmas – “My Dad’s knowledge of the game is obviously recognises the enormous contribution the school and extremely helpful and I’m blessed really to almost be coaches have played in his personal development. his guinea pig in terms of the detail we can go into around box-kicking and passing, for example. He’ll “I didn’t get on the first team in first year,” he remembers. also help me review games too which is a big help “And then I got a bad injury at the end of second year but because he sees things I won’t.” the coaches really looked after me and helped me get back. Olan Savage really helped me get to a stage where I In addition to the sessions on the pitch, the Murphys was physically able to play and I would still have a great use an underground carpark near their house to get in relationship with Kevin Conroy, Maurice Logue and Joe extra skills work. Duffy. They all just helped me in whatever way they could and got me whatever I needed, whether it was just getting “We do get a few weird looks from people coming the grass cut on the pitch so I could go out and practice home from work though,” Ben laughs. “But it’s very kicking. useful, just being able to get those reps in whether it’s passing off both sides or doing some other technical Richie, who memorably guided Pres Bray to Leinster work.” Junior Schools Cup success in 1990 when he kicked all their points in the final against Wesley College, adds: Richie continues: “For Ben at scrum-half and it being a “There are a lot of good people in the school and they’ve technical position, I would have been able to give him helped Ben along the way. The facility is literally a good technical feedback at the start in order to make kilometre up the road from where we live so Ben has spent him technically sound but a lot of his drive has come a lot of time up there practicing and still does. If he’s going from within rather than coming from myself or to do his running or a bit of kicking he can just head up and Stephanie from the outside. they’ve looked after him really well. Even now, he’s out of school a year, but he still has full access to the place and teachers going by would know who he is because he’s always out on the pitch doing his bit of work.”

“If he asks for advice I’ll give it to him but the big thing In addition to the sessions on the pitch, the Murphys for me now is having been involved in high use an underground carpark near their house to get in performance environments, you have to show that extra skills work. you’re progressing and moving forward. So when I’m asked for advice, I’d always be encouraging him to “We do get a few weird looks from people coming add something to his game or add something to home from work though,” Ben laughs. “But it’s very himself as a person that is going to make him better useful, just being able to get those reps in whether it’s going forward.” passing off both sides or doing some other technical work.” Currently in the Leinster sub-academy, Ben’s immediate focus during this indefinite break from Richie continues: “For Ben at scrum-half and it being a rugby has been on his upcoming first year college technical position, I would have been able to give him exams from UCD, where he is studying Economics good technical feedback at the start in order to make and History, while this window has also presented him him technically sound but a lot of his drive has come with the opportunity to make incremental gains across from within rather than coming from myself or areas of his game he wouldn’t ordinarily get the Stephanie from the outside. chance to during the season. Not content to dwell on how far he has come, the teenager is determined to “If he asks for advice I’ll give it to him but the big thing continue improving. for me now is having been involved in high performance environments, you have to show that “I think the big thing for me is just to make sure I’m a you’re progressing and moving forward. So when I’m better player than I was when we finished the Six asked for advice, I’d always be encouraging him to Nations,” he adds. “I’m underage again next year for add something to his game or add something to the Under-20s and I’d love to be involved with that and himself as a person that is going to make him better hopefully things fall into place elsewhere. I can’t going forward.” control what happens with the Leinster Academy or if I’ll get picked for this and that but I know I can keep Currently in the Leinster sub-academy, Ben’s getting better.” immediate focus during this indefinite break from rugby has been on his upcoming first year college As for Richie, like any parent, all he wants is for Ben exams from UCD, where he is studying Economics to continue enjoying the game through whatever and History, while this window has also presented him career path he takes. with the opportunity to make incremental gains across areas of his game he wouldn’t ordinarily get the “The one thing that has always stood out is how hard chance to during the season. Not content to dwell on Ben works,” the former Leinster out-half concludes. how far he has come, the teenager is determined to “He has had to work very hard to get to where he is continue improving. and sometimes that is what’s required. There would be guys out there who might have more X-Factor than Ben has but what he has managed to do is be very diligent in everything he does to try and get the best out of himself. That’s what has driven him to where he is now and will probably be the driver for him going forward as well.”

“I think the big thing for me is just to make sure I’m a “The one thing that has always stood out is how better player than I was when we finished the Six hard Ben works,” the former Leinster out-half Nations,” he adds. “I’m underage again next year for the concludes. “He has had to work very hard to get to Under-20s and I’d love to be involved with that and where he is and sometimes that is what’s required. hopefully things fall into place elsewhere. I can’t control There would be guys out there who might have what happens with the Leinster Academy or if I’ll get more X-Factor than Ben has but what he has picked for this and that but I know I can keep getting managed to do is be very diligent in everything he better.” does to try and get the best out of himself. That’s what has driven him to where he is now and will As for Richie, like any parent, all he wants is for Ben to probably be the driver for him going forward as continue enjoying the game through whatever career well.” path he takes. Ben Murphy celebrates Ireland's Under-20 Six Nations win Original Article can be found at over England at Franklin's Gardens. ©INPHO/James Crombie -ben-murphy-treading-his-own-career-path/

Presentation College Bray U17 Football 2019/2020 By Ben Mitchell Pres is not known for its footballing history or Having lost our first match 2-1 to CCA in a closely success. A team was born at a thrown together contested game where we didnt take our chances meeting in 217 at the typical time of 1.05 following we faced Teampaill Carraig next. This was our final an unexpected, yet apprehended announcement group game that would ensure our qualification to over the intercom which surely sparked interest the knockout rounds through victory. On a day and got the ball rolling. where the color of the sky matched the pavement, we participated in a game that shared traits with Our U17 football journey began on a typical late both the pavement and the sky, its dullness. The Autumn day in Ballywaltrim. Our first opponents lads all shared the same opinion as we narrowly were local neighbours St Killians. There was a scraped a 3-2 victory over a team we had the slight sense of confidence coupled with the eager potential to comfortably defeat. However, every wait of 3 years to represent our school, and this cloud has a silver lining and this game proved to us formula proved successful. After going 1-0 up all that while the football we had been playing was through Kevin Kelly, Killians replied with a goal of glamorous and effective, the team also had the their own, just before Kevin Kelly replied with ability to play with grit and determination in order to another to put the second nail in the St Killians force a victory. A trait that would prove vital soon coffin. Goals from Billy Vance, Evan Barry, Kevin after. Kelly and a superb overhead kick from Oscar Maloney sealed a 9-2 win in our first game as a Before the whistle blew against most teams, Pres team. We, along with our coach Mr O’Donovan were at a disadvantage. Due to the age old began to realise our potential. reputation as a rugby school, football is given a back seat here and as a result a ball isnt kicked until 4th Following our success in the first game, naturally year. Contrary to that almost all other schools we there was a desire for more. CCA were the next came up against had assembled their squads way obstacle that stood in our way. This was our first back in first year, and that was true for our next game on what turned out to be the commonplace opponents, Templeogue. A school with a good for Pres Bray football, Greystones astro. A shared footballing reputation, they came at us like a steam disliking of the venue was evident from the off, train from the off. A freak goal that the elements put possibly, in fact, definitely due to the consistent in the back of the net added to their lead making it driving wind coupled with its proximity to the sea, 2-0. For a brief moment, it felt like all was lost. but we made it our own. After a tight and evenly Although after a siege of their goal we pulled one contested first half we went in at 1-1. However a back through Paul Byrne, we were not done yet. combination of Mr O’Donovans ability to deliver Minutes later from a goal kick the ball was flicked on passionate speeches, always containing the before Kevin Kelly was brought down. Penalty. I put important reminder ‘lads this is knock out’ with our the ball on the spot and placed it into the bottom left tendency as a team to wake up, gave us a 6-1 corner, 2-2. The momentum was with us and surely victory over our close rivals. Our attacking force of enough our youngest player Alex Nolan scored an Billy Vance, Evan Barry and Alex Nolan ruthlessly excellent winner right at the end to finish 3-2 Pres dispatched the chances provided. Bray. Of all the games we played together, this was our greatest display of desire, teamwork and not giving up.

In our first away trip, we were drawn against Personally, I always enjoyed the time spent in the CBC Monkstown. Facing the probability of a dressing rooms where we would discuss all sorts place in the last 16, this game was important in and the humor was always quality. The most formal many ways. Standing in our way was yet and serious these discussions got was whenever another well established side with various we discussed opposition or the teams we would talented players. Early on Daniel Murphy saw a potentially face. Always mentioned in these lot of the ball,taking on his man with pace and conversations was Wexford CBS and their array of skill. We were missing key players like Jack talent, the team were nervous. As luck would have Ross, Paul Byrne and Billy Vance, but Finn it, they were next. Their talent was evident Treacy and Darragh O’Sullivan fit right in and immediately, but we matched it. Constantly played superb. A shock goal gave them the lead harassing and taking-on was Evan Barry, his before we replied through the ever present and fearlessness and determination is inspiring. Add to diligent Evan Barry. that Billy Vance and his immense talent and ability to score and dribble through mazes of players. Alex Another unbelievable goal handed them the Nolan always seemed to show up when we needed edge before loyal supporter Eoin Kelly was him and bagged plenty of vital goals in the process. brought on, and in a moment almost movie-like Behind them sat myself and Oscar Maloney in he scored the equaliser off a rebound. Constant central midfield, I would not be surprised if Oscar chances and misses brought us all the way to contended for the most distance penalties, our first shootout. Jack Ross was called upon despite his forthcoming Irish duties. covered on the team because he combined talent Putting away the first penalty led me to be with athletic ability and was everywhere. Kevin relieved, until I realised I had to watch 4 more, it Kelly was ever present out wide, always winning was then I confessed that I would rather take a the ball in those situations where you don't expect penalty in this circumstance than watch one. him to and then delivering accurately. Last and Following admirable displays of courage and most definitely not least is our back 5, at the heart skill by Finn Treacy, Alex Nolan and Cian of that sat David Tominyi-Dunne and Paul Byrne Gilmore, Michael Healy, our solid who provided the entire team with reassurance and right-back stepped up. He broke one of the absolute quality. Both could be relied on and won non-existent rules of taking a penalty. Do not 99% of their aerial battles performing brilliantly in look back at your teammates, he did exactly every game. Either side of the two lads sat Sam that, and the keeper saved it. Hearts sank all Nolan and Michael Healy. Sams sheer will to get to round until the safe hands of Jack Ross saw the ball proved vital, he was always there and their next taker miss, Pres were through! After outworked his man always. Michael displayed his the celebrations there was discussion and defensive capabilities, winning tackle upon tackle slagging, although I believe anyone who and provided pace along with versatility as it proved volunteers to take a penalty deserves massive against CBS where he ended up in net. respect. It was this game that represented our depth as a squad along with our camaraderie.

Tim Harrington is another excellent example of I would avoid being repeatedly clicheic, but I versatility as he played pretty much believe the phrase was invented out of everywhere, and played excellently each time moments like this. That is life. So we got on with with passion and quality. Keeping the goal safe it as we always did and fought back from 2-0 was Jack Ross, whose experience and down. Evan Barry scoring yet again. A complete expertise we could always rely on, Rossa Mc siege of their goal that even the Romans would Loughlin featured when called upon and be jealous of proved unsuccessful as their performed. We had strength in depth, and talented strike force put 2 more past us ending players like Daniel Murphy, Conor Fee, Josh the game 4-2, and ultimately our existence as Kenny and Cian Gilmore provided this while Pres Bray U17 football team. performing and bagging goals aswell. After 3 goals and halftime we realised we did not need However that existence lives on in memories to be nervous, Billy and Alex scoring before we and conversations. While we brought back no all got involved to finish the game 7-2, and silverware as we so expected to, I believe dispose of a really excellent side. that the conduct and performance of the lads Friday the 24th of January saw the end of our who represented Presentation College Bray Leinster championship journey. Facing the well is worth far more than an empty cup and a renowned Selecian College, we had a hill to couple of medals on the end of a lanyard. I climb, and as always we did, and did so with hope that our efforts and contribution will not pride, effort and passion, although today was be in vain and that the school will pay more not to be. The first game we were ever kept out attention to football and the positive impact it in, an impressive stat nonetheless. A common has upon students even if they miss a few theme in our games was our tendency to periods here and there. I learned so much pummel the goal with shots and wear down the from my time playing with these lads and goalkeeper with chances, not resulting in any would like to thank them for it as well as Mr goals, and this game proved that that tendency O’Donovan who went out of his way, on his would be our downfall. An extremely well drilled own to make this all possible for us. side faced us, and won 2-0 somewhat undeservingly, however that's football. A unique Over to the next group of students who want cloud of disappointment mixed with pride hung to continue what we have started. over us as we faced the prospect of a semi final 2 days later. Bridgewater was the venue for our Semi-final clash with Arklow. A delayed kick off which would be our final one as a team began proceedings. I have never been so certain of refereeing bias in my life, in what was one of the greatest displays of it I have ever seen,

GAA By Sam Kearney Going into this season we knew that it would be a tough For our second game we took to the pitch with confidence. one, having lost 10/11 of the players from last year's We had beaten CCA last year and were hoping to make it team. Gaelic players were coming from all sorts of places two in a row. We dominated proceedings in the first half to play for the team this year, some of whom had not with Oisín Hayde breaking all of CCA’s attacks from centre played since u10s, but they were welcomed additions to back they found it difficult to put points on the board. We the team. We had some sixth years fall back in love with on the other hand had the likes of Danny Delaney and the the sport this year and I have no doubt they will be Fee brothers (Daragh and Conor) causing damage in making waves in Wicklow football in years to come. attack. It was touch and go for a minute when Ben Daniel Gavin was one man that really stepped up to the Robinson decided to reinvent the sideline ball. The ref plate this year. He is of course from Aughrim so football kindly put Ben back in his place and taught him how to runs in his blood. Ryan Hanley and Jamie Baguley also kick a sideline ball. Although we still had Gavin O’Shea came out to play this year and put in some fine causing serious damage when on the ball, our defence performances. was seriously lacklustre. The team were hung out to dry when Jack Tracey decided not to defend for fifteen We kicked off our double-header of a season in some minutes leaving poor Gavin Rochford exposed in the goal. awful conditions in Rathnew. It was always going to be a There was also some questionable tracking in the second challenge going up against CCM in the first game of the from the likes of David Martin and Oisín Hayde. Again, you season. Playing into the wind in the first half and Sam would have to question what the management were Kearney leaving his head in the changing room we had a thinking only bringing on Daniel Gavin when the game was tough old thirty minutes.. We found some form in the lost. Even in his short stint on the pitch he raised some second half, when top scorer (3 points) David Martin took serious questions of the CCA defence. He is one to watch over the free kick duties. Once we got a few scores on the for the future, keep an eye out for him in Joule Park. board some of our players came into their own, with Kilmac star Jamie Nally running the half forward line and Overall, it was a very enjoyable season and I feel that this Sean Mcdonagh putting in a serious shift in at corner team would have shined in the Leinster D. Unfortunately, forward. The Pres team were given a lift when the we will never get that chance as there were some management team realised the star power they still had questionable decisions made by the men in power, on the sideline and used it to full effect. Sean Mcdonagh meaning we were pulled from the competition. Again, a was given the signal and Daniel Gavin took to the field. All massive thank you to Mr. O’Braonain and Mr. Kyne for all in all, this wasn’t the result we wanted but the the work they put in this year. There are some promising performance was a solid building block. players still going and I am sure next year’s teams will be more successful but I doubt it will be as enjoyable.

Golf 2019-2020 A young, but very promising field of golfers And so, the curtain came down on a mixed represented Pres in School’s Golf this year. In the season, marred by harsh winter weather. only competition available to Junior golfers, our Unfortunately, the annual Hayes Trophy which boys unfortunately didn’t manage to qualify from was slated for April couldn’t go ahead so Gavin the opening stage of the competition which was Rochford gets to keep his crown for another year! held in Delgany Golf Club in October. The team was very well represented by Barra Lupton-Smith, Thanks to all the lads for their efforts this year. As Zach Kirby and Greg Healy. All good golfers, restrictions ease and golf courses begin to open however, things just didn’t go their way on the up again, I hope all golfing students, staff and day. parents get out on the fairways and enjoy many rounds of golf this summer. The Senior team had more success. They kicked off their campaign with the Senior Championship I look forward to walking the fairways with you Qualifying tournament in Greystones Golf Club in again in the near future. In the meantime, stay September. Greg Healy, Gavin Rochford and Barra safe and stay well. Lupton Smith lined out. Unfortunately, the lads came up short and didn’t manage to qualify for G. Fleming the next stage of the competition. We added the services of Alex Horan to our Senior team for the Leinster League, in which we were pitted against Clonkeen College (Mr. Kelly’s former stomping ground!) and local rivals, St. Gerard’s. The lads got the better of Clonkeen in their first outing in Delgany. A win against St. Gerard’s would qualify us for the next stage of the competition. Winter weather wreaked havoc with this fixture, however. When we eventually got the match completed, Pres emerged victorious, ensuring qualification for the last 16. East Glendalough (current stomping ground of Dr. King!) lay in wait for us in Blainroe Golf Club in January. After another weather delay, the seniors eventually fell to a very strong Wicklow team.

Spirit of Pres The Bray Emmets Senior hurlers & 2019 county Our current pupils on the panel mentioned how champions were invited to the college to speak during important they felt being active and staying healthy the Spirit of Pres celebrations in November. had a positive impact on their studies, those who had left recently spoke of how much both Pres & The theme of the week was community & the important the GAA club had set them up well for their next place Pres plays in Bray and the wider community.Pres chapters and the \"slightly\" older members has a long tradition of being an important institution in remembered how important Pres still was in their Bray and the wider community and plays a role in sport, lives to. societies & clubs of all kinds in the town. Not just there to speak about achievements or the There were no less than 20 Pres pupils past(very past) reminisce,each speaker made reference to the on the 2019 Bray squad and were delighted that 10 were overall importance of being an active participant in able to take up the invitation to speak. their own communities and how they had a responsibility to be a positive role model whether it After being welcomed and congratulated by Mr.Locke, was sport, volunteering, clubs or societies of any Mr.Kiely opened the speeches thanking the school for nature. the invitation and welcoming the past pupils but as is the norm, the students quickly drifted and Mr.Henderson We were delighted to have been invited and hope took over. some of the words spoken hit home with the students. I think given the current situation we find Each member of the team had their own few words for ourselves in,the messages delivered of hard work, the students in the audience with an overall agreement resilience, staying active and being a positive that they all felt the skills they had learned in Pres had contributor to your town or area are more important had huge impacts on their lives since leaving the school. than ever.

Spirit of Pres

NAME: BEST BABY NAME: JAMIE BAGULEY NAME: JOSH BARNETT NICKNAME: Baby Besto NICKNAME: JamBag / NICKNAME: JayBar10 FAVOURITE poo-monster FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: Playing chess in FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: Having soup for study/ Sleeping PAST-TIME: Training to beat S.K study MOST EMBARRASSING in accounting MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Not being able to add MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: MOMENT: Walk of shame off the MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Can't come out bus before the senior match MOST LIKELY TO SAY: I can’t be arsed for this/Might just do LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: I'll come out a Tom WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Getting MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Something negative/Slag bRyan LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: I’m Buzzin for a bit of French overtaken by Darpan in academics LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: \"I was wrong, you were right\" WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Being WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Still trying to get into WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Living in Dylan Barnett’s little brother America S.K shadow the whole time / Never winning anything at the WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: The Manager of Centra MOST RESEMBLES: BL awards MOST RESEMBLES: McDonald’s curly fries/Jonah Hill GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Not getting deported WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Evading Tax / Corporate Pig GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Finally winning a trophy accountant for Ardmore NAME: KEANAN BRADLEY MOST RESEMBLES: The Thing from Fantastic 4 NICKNAME: The king, Keano GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: NAME: MARK FAVOURITE CLANCY SUTTON PAST-TIME: Listening to Taylor NAME: CIAN NICKNAME: Sutto Swift/talking to foreign guys BUTLER-SHORTT FAVOURITE MOST EMBARRASSING NICKNAME: Bean, Beano, PAST-TIME: Being allergic to the MOMENT: Announcing to half his Biggie-Cheese, Chiggie-Beese, outdoors maths class the cats movie, loose skin MOST EMBARRASSING cineworld incident FAVOURITE MOMENT: Forget how to use my PAST-TIME: Gym legs at S gaff MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Look what this guy just sent me on MOST EMBARRASSING grindr MOMENT: Getting a piece of MOST LIKELY TO SAY: I don't think so/ Something LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: I passed an exam this year/I love plastic stuck in his ear then completely wrong but completely believes it biology having to go to the office to get LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: You're right WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Meeting Bernie and Linda to get it out WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Getting girls to deflect that he's gay hogtied in the field WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: On Rupaul's drag race/still MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Something about Yeezy’s or WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Trying to take over the waiting for lady gaga's albums to drop Gymshark tri-state area MOST RESEMBLES: A toothpick, a twig, his brother LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: Something bad about Apple MOST RESEMBLES: His brothers he wishes he was GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: C in JC Irish WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Crying GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Drinking a 1l bottle of after falling into a puddle in first year and having to spend the Jameson at S gaff NAME: BEN COLLINS rest of the day in a tracksuit from lost and found NICKNAME: Bollins WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Still copying Behzinga NAME: CRAIG CONROY FAVOURITE MOST RESEMBLES: Mikey Blumberg or Biggie-Cheese NICKNAME: Craigo PAST-TIME: FaceTiming JS + AP GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Losing nearly 6 stone in FAVOURITE MOST EMBARRASSING 2019 PAST-TIME: Complaining about MOMENT: Ripping his trousers on the lc/Spelling things wrong every night out / Giving out to GH NAME: ROSS CONNOLLY MOST EMBARRASSING at predebs. NICKNAME: MOMENT: Ballywaltrim incident FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: Getting Tattooed MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Getting turned down at the dart station MOST LIKELY TO SAY: I was on broadway / none stop waffling in MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Sorry I’m late MOST LIKELY TO SAY: This is painful/Conor can u collect LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: I'm going to call it an early night me? English class tonight lads LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: I actually like school WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Nothing WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES:That LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: Something relevant / CATS the musical is dump tackle vs CUS because he never came in WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Still looking for a lift off shit Conor WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Living in the log cabin in MOST RESEMBLES: The baby from \"Ice Age\" WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Tucking his back garden GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Predebs/passing the MOST RESEMBLES: A less successful Seth Rogen mocks. in his jumper and rolling up his trousers / the punani mobile GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Doing a full week of school NAME: JAMES CROCKER WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Dance teacher in BIFE / washed NICKNAME: Tomas NAME: SAMUEL COSTER FAVOURITE up actor in London NICKNAME: Coster PAST-TIME: Standing still FAVOURITE MOST EMBARRASSING MOST RESEMBLES: Sinead O’Connor / Shmuel / Sam Smith PAST-TIME: Following Mr. MOMENT:1st-3rd Year GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Being on Broadway / Browne MOST EMBARRASSING MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Nothing teaching SMcD that the LGBQ+ (still working on the T) community is MOMENT: Falling over a bin LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: Anything bearable while taking cover following WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Mr. Browne Something to do with a bin or my old hair NAME:STEPHEN WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Doing something medical CORRY MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Wanna go Centra in the middle of nowhere NICKNAME: Ste, VonCoz jr, LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: I don't feel like going to Centra MOST RESEMBLES: Mr Crocker on a good day, Nigel Lilcorry420, Lightening McQueen, WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Thornberry on a bad one Blubber Unhealthy relationship with Mr. Browne GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Getting the hypotenuse FAVOURITE WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Nowhere of my nose measured PAST-TIME: Trappin out the MOST RESEMBLES: A pepperoni pizza bando, Catching opps, running GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Not paying the the streets of Delgany school year fee for 6 years MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Having Joe’s family bring him home while he cried MOST LIKELY TO SAY: My t shirt kept falling off me at longi LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: I’m staying off the sauce tonight lads WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Carrying Pres to two Mickey Mouse cups WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Arguing with roscrea lads in dicey's, still waiting for that special blonde MOST RESEMBLES: Brick from the middle GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Yawen

NAME: ANDREW NAME: JAMIE NAME: KANE CROCKER CRONIN CULLEN NICKNAME: Andy NICKNAME: Conor McGregor NICKNAME: Baba K, mink, K FAVOURITE FAVOURITE drizzle PAST-TIME: Gym PAST-TIME: Shadow boxing in FAVOURITE MOST EMBARRASSING the mirror/ Not being 18 PAST-TIME: Playing for BTFC, MOMENT: MOST EMBARRASSING Dyls shed, kebab palace, MOMENT: Champs-Elysees on moaning MOST LIKELY TO SAY: I’m not arsed, that was shite the French trip MOST EMBARRASSING LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: More than one sentence, I really MOMENT: The bus incident, enjoyed that class MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Something in French falling on his face PE, slapping WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: His LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: “I dislike peppers” mullo George best esque lifestyle WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Eating MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Keith any money?, something can either be a WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Gym 17 eggs a day at lunch MOST RESEMBLES: Robbie, Chuck Norris WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: France diss or flex, GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Swan diving down the MOST RESEMBLES: Getting a girlfriend stairs of a double decker bus GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: A smaller version of his LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: Here is free money brother WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Defeating NAME: BEN DE LUCA NICKNAME: Bern NAME: DANIEL DELANEY Brutus/ Oisin, bobble head incident, beef with miiiike, his brother FAVOURITE NICKNAME: Danny/ Dan PAST-TIME: Napping in FAVOURITE WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Dyls shed, working in Kennedy’s, Wexford/Wearing TA's pjs PAST-TIME: Talking about MOST EMBARRASSING matches I reffed on the getting a haircut off raff MOMENT: The 4th year who kept weekend/ Taking Tom’s work staring him out/Being 5'2 MOST EMBARRASSING MOST RESEMBLES: Any ginger ever, Blake Griffin, burger bite, MOMENT: Split my pants 4 MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Me and ----- are back times in Pres basketball, zack together/Anyone want my sandwiches LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: I'm passing the LC/Anything MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Switch/ Bro that was funny you GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Wolftone player of the year, respectful should say it again WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Getting LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: I hate Enniskerry/ I'm going to BTFC 18/19 top goal scorer mistaken for a first year/All his women Tesco WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: House WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Being a NAME: RONAN arrest/Deported/Re-marrying TA father in TY (in the musical) DEMPSEY MOST RESEMBLES: A darker Aitch/Any other Italian WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Bog Meadow, Enniskerry NICKNAME: Crowbar/Ro/Roballz GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Missing Ben's happy MOST RESEMBLES: Ellen DeGeneres/ Prince Charming FAVOURITE birthday/NYE castle GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Being the smallest PAST-TIME: Drinking espressos player in 1st year and still captaining the basketball team and making clothes in his NAME: DARPAN sweatshop with mandy DHINGRA NAME: DARRAGH MOST EMBARRASSING NICKNAME: Dingboo / DOMICAN-BOYLAN MOMENT: Making the girl pay on Darpanurag NICKNAME: Daz the first date. FAVOURITE FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: Playing his ps4 and PAST-TIME: Art MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Beep bop booop/you're a baaad arguing with Besto MOST EMBARRASSING maaaaan. MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Robert dislocating my LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: Nah I don't think there's any meaing MOMENT: Getting proven wrong toe behind that art/I think I'll dress normally tomorrow. by Besto WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Being on MOST LIKELY TO SAY: I'm going to the art room the spectrum. MOST LIKELY TO SAY: \"Ah here that's bull...\" / \"Cringe\" / LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: I'm studying maths today WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Groupie for Rejjie \"n=3\" / \"I can't see the board\" WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: snow/NCAD reunion in some basement LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: \"Dyl's actually right\" Skipping 4th year classes to write a blog MOST RESEMBLES: A computer hard drive/ chabuddy G WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: His WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: In another school GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Listening in religion class intelligence MOST RESEMBLES: According to teachers, Alex O'T WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Being a scientist for an GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: The blog I wrote NAME: TODD alien race DOWNER MOST RESEMBLES: Anurag / Raj Koothrappali NICKNAME: TDX,t-o,Tweeb GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Getting 625 in the FAVOURITE leaving before even doing it PAST-TIME: Sleeping MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Wearing his mums ug into school MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Literally,what did you say? LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: Oh I’m wrong WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Getting Kane suspended WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Dyls shed,in the studio with drake MOST RESEMBLES: The rock,Bubble bass GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Getting 100% in the orals NAME: ODHRAN NAME: LEE NAME: CHARLIE DOYLE DOYLE DUNNE NICKNAME: Doyler NICKNAME: Dad NICKNAME: Part of “The FAVOURITE FAVOURITE Dunnes” PAST-TIME: Watching Liverpool PAST-TIME: DCG And the Sesh FAVOURITE Barcelona highlights MOST EMBARRASSING PAST-TIME: Football MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Let's not talk about it. MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Doing the \"Take the L\" MOMENT: 1st year dance up the front of German MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Say I'm going DCG, Cans? class for losing a bet LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: I don't drink whatcha mean? MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Martial>Firmino WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Being LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: Firmino>Martial MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Ja sweet/Can't be bothered. called Dad, captaining the greatest rugby team in history. WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: My LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: I understand Biology WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Áras an Uachtaráin hatred of referees WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Goal MOST RESEMBLES: Mac Miller or Donald Cerrone? WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Still being mistaken for my against the teachers. GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Captaining The greatest twin brother... WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Anfield/Still studying general rugby team in history, Dragging a TY project on to 6th year. MOST RESEMBLES: Luke Dunne business GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Scoring against MOST RESEMBLES: Myself Brendan’s in the school cup GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Causing constant echoes on Google Meet

NAME: LUKE NAME: LIAM FARRELL NAME: KANE DUNNE NICKNAME: Scottish Baby, FINNIE NICKNAME: Other part of “The Troggy, Scottish Midget, Clamp NICKNAME: VXNNIE Dunnes” God FAVOURITE FAVOURITE FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: Making bangers in PAST-TIME: Football PAST-TIME: Annoying Kenny, his bedroom MOST EMBARRASSING Being Injured, Getting MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Getting sent off for the suspended on Twitter MOMENTS: Thinking a man bun school football team for shouting MOST EMBARRASSING was cool at a ref. MOMENT: Having a metal hip at 12, Stopped growing at 14 MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Die Lit was the album of 2018 MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Something aggressive MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Something completely irrelevant to the LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: Something nice about someone LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: Good decision ref WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Being conversation, An unnecessary history fact Accounting for 30% of the canteen profits, having exquisite the greatest left back the school has ever seen music & clothing taste WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Polishing my spirit of Pres LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: Something useful in a convo, I like Russell WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: In da studio awards MOST RESEMBLES: Dr Disrespect, Ed Kemper, Playboi MOST RESEMBLES: Charlie Westbrook, Greenwood>Martinelli Carti, Jewish Builder GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Bagging a brace on my GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: school football debut WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Being a NAME: DYLAN NAME: CONN midget, Supporting Arsenal FOX MURPHY FITZGERALD NICKNAME: Dyl/Dylo NICKNAME: Dyslexic boy WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Living in a cave, In a museum, FAVOURITE FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: Mr.Bradley's Birthday PAST-TIME: Spending money Still annoying Kenny Bash on thing he doesn't need and MOST EMBARRASSING then not be able to afford to go MOST RESEMBLES: A Troglodyte, William Wallace, Firequeen60, MOMENT: Getting 5% in two on nights out mocks MOST EMBARRASSING Kelly Oubre Jr MOMENT: Y O L O MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Not going study today, there's parent GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Growing above 5’0, Passing MOST LIKELY TO SAY: nah shu up teacher meetings LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: a complement Ordinary Maths WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: taking 6 LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: I have the French homework done today year to get exempts form German NAME: PETER WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: my attic FORD lads MOST RESEMBLES: MC NICKNAME: Pete/P GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: getting a turkey in 4th FAVOURITE WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: That one year PAST-TIME: Rugby/Driving MOST EMBARRASSING joke that almost killed Ms.Rossiter NAME: DANIEL MOMENT: Dropping the ball/ 14 GAVIN grade 2s WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: The middle of the Kop with NICKNAME: Dangav/ John FAVOURITE MOST LIKELY TO SAY: The ref was a joke/Something about the Stephen R. And Conor H. PAST-TIME: Taking BDL's Sandwiches/ Getting abuse from squishy/fluent french MOST RESEMBLES: Lewis Robinson from 'The Robinsons' SK GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Finishing school/Not wanting MOST EMBARRASSING LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: The up! Is better/ Glenealy is a good place MOMENT: BC's gaf in 4th year/ WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Lineouts to leave a french class one time (teacher wasn't in that day) Bus to Pre Debs in 5th year/ Getting hopped at Longitude in DL/Being top of the table/ Squatting almost twice his body weight NAME: CONOR HARDIMAN MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Any spare beds for tonight?/ Ponsa Fund is WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Hopefully out of Glenealy/ Still NICKNAME: Conagh/ Drico/ Caoimhe down the toilet applying for UCD FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: Driving the Twingo/ LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: Don't worry lads I've got this round/ Think I MOST RESEMBLES: B tech Ringrose/ CV Listening to Juice in the car on GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Breaking multiple fingers/ max volume/ 50 metre penalties will take it easy tonight with Pete Drinking beet juice MOST EMBARRASSING WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Photo in MOMENT: Getting run over by JR NAME: RYAN in Wales/ SK incident Briarwood in 4th year/ Being a star Economics student/ Eating his lunch HANLEY MOST LIKELY TO SAY: I’ll start studying tomorrow/ Something in first class everyday NICKNAME: Bryan/ Wyan FAVOURITE about driving WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Operation Transformation/ PAST-TIME: Dressing and LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: I hate rugby/ Owen Farrell is a good player/ Blackrock Park acting like a 50 year old man MOST EMBARRASSING I’m enjoying Chemistry MOST RESEMBLES: Peter Kay/ Jonah Hill/ James Corden MOMENTS: Refusing to do GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Paying his debt off with DM/ science exam papers WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Pulling Scamming his way into the Senior Cup squad twice MOST LIKELY TO SAY: J’adore ma mère OM’s chair out/ SK and JR incidents LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: No, I’m not from mars NAME: OISÍN WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Having WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Still playing for Enniskerry/ HAYDE to bring his mum on the French trip/ bringing his mommy to NICKNAME: Ois / Big Head school every day Flying around the world/ Re-doing the LC FAVOURITE WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Working in Farrens bar PAST-TIME: Being injured MOST RESEMBLES: Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Bobby sands’ MOST RESEMBLES: Btech BOD/ Caoimhe MOST EMBARRASSING love child GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Getting a Japan rwc jersey/ MOMENT: Rejoining the Bulmers GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Speaking with his gang unborn grandchildren Passing chemistry/ First person in the year to drive MOST LIKELY TO SAY: My hairline isn't that bad / Dan you NAME: GAVIN NAME: JACK have a big head too HENDERSON HOGAN LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: My hamstrings are fine / I'm playing NICKNAME: Gav/gavlar NICKNAME: Jogan / The Hoginator today FAVOURITE FAVOURITE WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: The C.F PAST-TIME: Chilling with pat and PAST-TIME: Shaking Ste's hand / Not incident Mandy/writing on walls going to class / Getting under Ms F's WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Nursing the hamstrings MOST EMBARRASSING skin back to health MOMENT: McGregor fight MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: MOST RESEMBLES: Megamind The Hotwheels incident GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Founding member of the MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Some form of abuse/ a conspiracy 30% theory MOST LIKELY TO SAY: That handshake was CLEAN / I woke up LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: 5g is completely safe WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Getting late escorted out of class in 5th year WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Down the goose beer LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: I made good decisions at predebs / I love garden with a bottle of bulmers MOST RESEMBLES: Dale doback from step brothers economics GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Getting an instakill up in lockies WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Going to more chemistry than eoin / Calling Mr F a sexologist during a debate WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Lost in the Alps / Married to Greta Thuneberg MOST RESEMBLES: A yeti / Chewbacca / Emily Dickinson GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Never getting in trouble for his homework

NAME: Zak Jenciragic NAME: Ben Jones NAME: Anurag Kannujiya NICKNAME: Bubbles NICKNAME: Bones NICKNAME: Baljeet / FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: Giving FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: Anugoo / Darpanurag out,Buying defected/discounted Football FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: cans,claiming he’s the best driver MOST EMBARRASSING Having cheeky conversations in the group,Beefing S.R MOMENT: Falling asleep in with Besto / Playing MOST EMBARRASSING english and being made dodgeball with Jack Walsh at MOMENT: Eating the ground on stand by the window as lunch the first day of 1st year,Nearly punishment, only to fall MOST EMBARRASSING killing J.N after 2 weeks of asleep on the windowsill MOMENT: Getting roasted driving,”Well maybe if you taught again by Mr.Locke / Walking into a us”-business incident MOST LIKELY TO SAY: That’s mad pole LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: Anything that makes sense MOST LIKELY TO SAY: \"n=3\" / \"How can I help you?\" / Saying MOST LIKELY TO SAY: A non-factual statement about someone,No one WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Being asked,P.F is a bad driver the first student to win a middle distance national athletics anything in an Indian accent LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: S.R you’re right, I love biology, I should’ve been medal given out to by that teacher WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Managing Chelsea LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: \"I’m not going to do that for you, Brian\" WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Passing his driving MOST RESEMBLES: A mexican WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Making test first try,constantly being given out to by non-teaching staff members GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Skipped an entire school WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Spoons,CEO of Iarnrod year to do a project in 4th year Bradley laugh every day in chemistry Eireann,Getting another liver transplant,Kelly Recovery MOST RESEMBLES: The Milky Bar Kid NAME: Tomás Kehoe WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Being the CEO of Tech Support GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Getting full mark in the Irish oral NICKNAME: James without studying,beating S.R in the business mock,going a day without FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: Worldwide starting an argument Sleeping MOST EMBARRASSING MOST RESEMBLES: Baljeet from Phineas and Ferb / Raj NAME: Sam Kearney MOMENT: 1st to 3rd year NICKNAME: Kearney junior/ Koothrappali / Darpan / Every other Indian Skearndog MOST LIKELY TO SAY: \"Where's James gone?\" FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: \"That makes sense\" GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Celebrating Bradley’s Being a mum/ worrying about WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Dans future WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: 37°14′0″N 115°48′30″W Birthday / Still being the Captain of the B-team MOST EMBARRASSING MOST RESEMBLES: Myself in the mirror MOMENT: Diamond at GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Measuring the NAME: Michael Kenny longitude/ not getting head hypotenuse of somone's nose NICKNAME: Kenny/ boy K-Drizzle FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Something big headed/ just moaning Talking LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: I didn’t mean to do it in front of him MOST EMBARRASSING WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Getting MOMENT: Brain licker booed when winning student of the year incident WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Dead end office job/ getting a hair transplant MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Something loud/ stream of nonsense MOST RESEMBLES: Jack Kearney LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: Nothing at all GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Getting served at 15 WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Stealing food/ squares bars NAME: Ruarí Kilcullen NAME: Alex Knight WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Meeting Kane Cullen at NICKNAME: Roar NICKNAME: Al centra for slushies FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: MOST RESEMBLES:Dr. Seuss/ Pole Reading/Chess Playing X's and O's in GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Managing to T pose in MOST EMBARRASSING biology / gym the middle of an exam without being caught MOMENT: Almost leaving all MOST EMBARRASSING his luggage in an airport MOMENT: Locking all his NAME: Ethan Lacey keys on his lock on the first NICKNAME: Efin , e drizzle MOST LIKELY TO SAY: \"It's hard to explain\"/Something day of 1st year. FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: unintelligable Snapping ankles in LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: \"Geography is my favourite science\" MOST LIKELY TO SAY: \"No miss i didn't do the Irish work\" / \"I Ballywaltrim park WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Losing MOST EMBARRASSING things on trips should probably do more work in chemistry\" / \"Why did i pick chemistry\". MOMENT: Getting jocked by WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Creating a machine that a.o.s in first year does physicsy stuff which no one else will be able to LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: \"Ye lads ill play rugby again\"/ \"The correct understand MOST LIKELY TO SAY: You're wrong MOST RESEMBLES: Kylo Ren answer in class\"/ \"I actually like chemistry\" LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: You're right GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Human interaction WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Being WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Asking every teachers favorite student WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Looking for a job , doing ms McCarron to just photocopy dremire / \"Do you guys have a website\" burnouts in Tesco carpark MOST RESEMBLES: Jeb Kerman , Roblox character, prime WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: God knows / Gym d rose MOST RESEMBLES: Tye ideal Aryan GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Getting 100% in his oral GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Getting 100% in both oral exams exams in the LC / Finishing a full sraith picture NAME: Christopher Lawless NAME: Eoin Mahony NAME: David Martin NICKNAME: Flawless NICKNAME: Spleen NICKNAME: Dave / the wrist lawless/ Peli McQueen FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: Cinema dates/ Taking care of Nippin out in the merc with Dossing study with ste Dan the oul lad MOST EMBARRASSING MOST EMBARRASSING MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Mikey’s gaff MOMENT: Bathroom door MOMENT: Skipping pre incident / Orchard court NYE season to focus on golf MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Something sarcastic / Tying shoelaces LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: Something meaningful MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Just nippin down to spar in the jag to WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Having MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Spent 80 quid last night get a bag of choccy peanuts New Zealand blood but none of the rugby qualities LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: Yes, I did get my jumper back LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: I’m not training arms today WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Still searching for his WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Eating spleen Crying at TY ball / Drinking lattes 20 kilos of pasta a day MOST RESEMBLES: Skinny Sage Northcutt / the Once-ler WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Trying to do 12 pubs WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Finalising business deals GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Having both more and / Redoing BESS on the golf course less then the average number of spleens MOST RESEMBLES: His cousins MOST RESEMBLES: A Pelican GREATEST EVER ACHIEVMENT: Junior B player of GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Playing senior cup the year / No.1 barman in Duffs without front teeth

NAME: Michael McCarthy NAME: Sean McDonagh NAME: Zach McErlane NICKNAME: Mick/Karty NICKNAME: NICKNAME: Maxi Pad FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: Seanie/roundy/football FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: Crusing in the unmarked FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: Photography, Bullying squad car Hurling/Slagging DG Keanan, Being late MOST EMBARRASSING MOST EMBARRASSING MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Any night out ever MOMENT: JCT Career/MA MOMENT: Ongoing. starting ahead of me MOST LIKELY TO SAY: I think I got spiked MOST LIKELY TO SAY: \"Shut up Keanan\" LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: Something funny MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Something about SK/Inaudible LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: \"I did all my homework and WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Winning attended today\" the spirit of pres rugby award 6 years in a row Waffle/Something over the line WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Being WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Visiting D.O in the joy the OG gay kid , Long hair MOST RESEMBLES: An undercover guard LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: A Full Sentence/I Hate Bray Emmets/I WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Celebrity Photographer in GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: 40K views on Eiretv New York or Berlin. Identify as MOST RESEMBLES: Zack/Cody from The Suite Life of Zack and Cody WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Not going GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Surviving 6 years at Pres, getting 550 points in an arts portfolio on a night out/Being skippy's son/Losing the battle to AC NAME: Ben Mooney WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Houseparty/Doing the line with NICKNAME: Booney / Boon / Don Booney / Il Duce Skippy FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: Taking corners quickly MOST RESEMBLES:An O'Neills football/egg/Peter Dinklage MOST EMBARRASSING GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Scamming a champo medal MOMENT: Getting kicked out of a state exam NAME: Adam Meaney NAME: Oscar Miller NICKNAME: Meaney NICKNAME: Pro miller/ MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Can't bro, family dinner FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: oscardinhio LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: HUHUHUHUH.....JOURNALS! Saying he understands FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Still biology/DCG when in reality Blasting early 2000’s pop using a lunch box as an 18 year old he doesn't music WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Within 2km that's for sure! MOST EMBARRASSING MOST EMBARRASSING MOST RESEMBLES: Marie during Movember MOMENT: Scoring in my MOMENT: Clearing the ball GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Never walking to or from own net in basketball in 1st off the line in a 2nd year school everyday for 6 years, despite living less than 200m year rugby match and it going away. backwards MOST LIKELY TO SAY: ‘grand grand' NAME: Kevin Morley LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: I can't wait for biology MOST LIKELY TO SAY: You afraid to play me then yeah? NICKNAME: Kev/Kevlar WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Not LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: I’ll have drinks/ not out tonight FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: having a clue on what's happening in DCG WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Getting Fighting the power/Waiting WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Manager in Star Leisure on great with all staff. for SAT results MOST RESEMBLES: Mike Wazowski WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Still buying fifa coins off MOST EMBARRASSING GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Getting a H1 in some the darkweb/ tesco off license MOMENT: He does not feel type of a biology test/report MOST RESEMBLES: Pat Flynn shame/Minevention GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Beating Stephen Corry NAME: Tom Mooney 6-1 with a bronze team on fifa MOST LIKELY TO SAY: \"Did you hear about the coup in NICKNAME: Tombo Zimbabwe\"/I've already won FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: NAME: Robert Moran LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: \"I won't do that, it could be Making outrageously NICKNAME: Roberto embarrassing.\"/The prices in Centra are fair inappropriate statements FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Making MOST EMBARRASSING Being good at everything Pres Even Greater/Telling dad jokes to the whole year MOMENT: AT’s 18th... MOST EMBARRASSING WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS:President of a federalised MOMENT: Losing a game of EU/Crashing into the moon for NASA MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Bit locked meself xx bowling against drunk Ross MOST RESEMBLES: The Baby Driver LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: It’s not a day for the goose / I’m by 1 point GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Getting Mullo to pass JC staying in this weekend maths/Making MorloMagnets turn a profit WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Being a MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Something wise or mean full grown man by 5th class LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: Let’s not go out tonight NAME: Jamie Nally WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: The bookies / The Goose / WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Arguing NICKNAME: Nally/New giving fake taxi rides with Ms.R Kid/Childish Nalbino MOST RESEMBLES: The Hormone Monster WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Still trying to ditch Conn FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Hitting puberty at 11 and Ross Subscribing to Tinder Gold MOST RESEMBLES: Leslie Chow MOST EMBARRASSING GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Forever being best MOMENT: Spoons/ New dressed Years 2018/ Losing to Oscar in Fifa NAME: David Murphy NAME: Conor Murray NICKNAME: Davo NICKNAME: Murrdog MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Something about 5th years girls/ FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: FAVOURITE PAST-TIME: really funny kilmac jokes that everyone understands Looking at cars he'll never Buying Centra rolls LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: These shoes cost less than €200/ buy MOST EMBARRASSING Brays nicer than Kilmac MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: 1st - 3rd Year WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: 1st-3rd MOMENT: Anything and Year everything MOST LIKELY TO SAY: What do you mean? WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Brown Thomas/ LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: Mbappe is better than Rashford Cornelscourt MOST LIKELY TO SAY: Whatcha mean WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Nothing MOST RESEMBLES: Hunchback of Notre Dame LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: I've done my homework WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: In the pub watching United GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: 2nd Year Colaiste WHAT HE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IN PRES: Being MOST RESEMBLES: A football Raithin Irish Class \"unique\" GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Not failing the Junior WHERE HE’LL BE IN 20 YEARS: Leeching off his family Cert MOST RESEMBLES: The moon GREATEST EVER ACHIEVEMENT: Finishing school

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