2/12/18HISTORICAL HIROSHIMA & CONTINUITY ANDSIGNIFICANCE NAGASAKI CHANGEWhat and who should be How are lives and conditionsremembered in history? alike overtime and how have they changed?This is the process that we use to evaluatewhat makes an event or person in history When analyzing history, we use this to seesignificant. how culture, lifestyle and land has1) How notable was the event developed and advanced.2) How widespread and lasting are/were 1) How have things stayed the same 2) How have things changed the consequences3) Did it become symbolic or representativeNOTE: what is historically significant to oneperson, may not be to another. EVIDENCE AND INTERPRETATION Is the evidence adequate to support the conclusion reached? This is what we use to find reliable evidence from the past in both primary and secondary sources. 1) Can we trust the sources of information 2) Do the sources provide relevant evidence 3) Does the evidence support the interpretation offeredTHE BERLIN WALL THE GREAT DEPRESSION
2/12/18 9/11 HISTORICAL KENT STATE SHOOTING PERSPECTIVE Are we using the values and beliefs existing at that time to interpret people and events? This involves viewing the past through social, intellectual and emotional lenses of the time. 1) Consider what you know from present perspective 2) Identify the values and beliefs from when the event took place 3) Determine whether your views of the past were influenced by present evidence CAUSE AND ETHICAL JUDGEMENT CONSEQUENCE Is what happened right and fair? What are the range of factors that contributed to the event? This is whether something is ethical or unethical and right or wrong. This is the action of events leading up to 1) Are ethical judgements included in historical events and everything that happened afterwards. the historical accounts you are 1) What are the range of factors that studying, and if so do you agree with the judgements that are already made contributed to the event 2) Are the ethical judgements 2) Would this event still have happened reasonable or justifiable NOTE: you should consider other opinions if these factors hadn’t occurred of people from the past and the present. 3) What were the intended and INCOME TAX unintended consequences of the event
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