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Home Explore AMBA Annual Report 2015 - 2016

AMBA Annual Report 2015 - 2016

Published by shyam.coutinho, 2016-08-24 05:23:56

Description: AMBA Annual Report 2015 - 2016


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ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016EMPOWERING AN EVOLUTION AMBA Core Center Supported by Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust (Under Civil Society & Governance Initiative)

FOREWORDEvery single day we evolve.We learn something new.About people. About care.About delivering excellence.And we are inspired to do more.Inspired by your support.Inspired by the families who find us.Inspired by the people who make AMBA,AMBA for life.Because that’s what makes all the difference.That’s what gives us the courage to reach out.To go beyond. Growing, nurturing, evolving.Empowering a community that rises to the task.Empowering a people, who need as much loveas understanding.Empowering the intellectually disabled with apurpose, peers and positivity.Thank you for being with us.Thank you for empowering an evolution.


7FOUNDER’S MESSAGEIt’s been over a decade, and every single day, I only feel more inspired. Inspiredby how a small little idea, a small solution has grown so much. This small ideanow has the potential to change lives, empowering the intellectually disabledcommunity to learn, grow and connect to the mainstream world.More than ever before, this year we have grown exponentially, yet at every stagewe are pushing harder, reaching out opening new centers, training new leaders,establishing new collaborations. Truth be told, sometimes it feels we need tomove faster. The hyper-connected world is ever-changing, and we recognize that— evolving our training and our methodologies. Evolving how we do business,how we network, build new connections and facilitate the smooth running of whatwe have already built. Yes, we are young. But with your gracious support, wehave taken our story out of the nation and to the world. Presenting at GlobalConferences, winning accolades, and ensuring ICT can touch and empower acommunity with hope, ownership, integrity and respect.Our vision to create a paradigm shift is slowly but surely gaining momentum.Every day, we up the ante, opening our hearts and minds to the future. And thefuture is promising.A million thanks to our Patron, Advisors, Trustees, Volunteers and so manyIndividuals who have collectively enabled a more empowered future for theIntellectually Disabled in India.Team AMBA, you are the Best!With Love,Sugandha SukrutarajANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016

9 PATRON : Air Marshall Denzil Keeler “I’m very proud to learn that under the leadership & guidance of Ms. Sugandha Sukrutaraj ,AMBA has been recognised by the United Nations and has also been awarded the Helen Kellar Award in t he year 2015. One of t he ma in o bject ives of the social sector is to provide employment for our growing disabled population, especially Intellectually disabled. In this regard AMBA has developed the most ingenious process through which the specially challenged children in the lower ability group are able to take on data handling and other related activities, carrying them out with precision and reliability. The wor ld is still to wake up to this great opportunity of employment that she’s developed and to put in place all over the country. I have no doubt that in the years ahead more and more will hear this great success story and its profound contribution towards mainstreaming of special people. God Bless AMBA for this!”ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016TRUSTEESMRS. INDIRA SRINIVASAN With over 38 years of work experience, she now dedicates her precious time to consult for AMBA. “AMBA is a per fect umbrella for the children with moderate to severe intellectually challenged adults.” “Their first reaction is often one of welcome and not of rejection or cr it ic ism.” “AMBA creates confidence in dif ferently abled children & make them self esteemed.” “AMBA is where Adversity is Molded to get Best Achievement.”DR. POORNIMA RAMESH “My disability has opened my eyes to see my true abilities that is AMBA.”MRS. NASREEN SAMAD “AMBA transitioned to its new location with dignity & pride in a seamless manner , and created an invigorating environment for AMBAites - while sustaining the core initiatives & expanding its network of associates through its hub & spoke model. Another milestone year !!”MRS. SARINA SINGH

11BOARD OF ADVISORS “It’s marvelous to witness the superlative energy levels and dedication with which team AMBA and its community of peers works on client projects. Whoever said ‘you can’t teach Heart’ need only visit AMBA once!”ARJUN NOHWAR “AMBA is an impressive example of creativity, determination, entrepreneurship and inclusion in the truest sense.” “AMBA is showing the way is what it truly means to recognize and nurture human potential. “IRA SNISSAR “AMBA is about changing paradigms and mindsets. It challenges ones preconceived notions about the intellectually challenged and gives one a glimpse into infinite possibilities.”VISHAL TALREJAANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016Becauseinspirationgoes a longway...

13 Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust - We thank Tata Trust for its support under civil society and governance initiative in 2015 – 16 for capacity building and technology at the AMBA Core Center. Raman Research Institute - We thank Raman Research Institute for housing the AMBA Core Center and covering basic overhead costs for eight years. BHEL - We thank BHEL for housing over 100 AMBA Certified Partner Centers from 17 states in India during the 6 day training in Bangalore. Infosys Foundation - We Thank Infosys Foundation for Support towards Technology. Sitaram Jindal Foundation - We thank Sitaram Jindal Foundation – for their technology support to the first phase of training to 24 AMBA Certified Partner Centers. Mindtree Foundation - We thank Mindtree Foundation – for it’s continued Support since 2008 and for adopting 8 hubs in AP and Telangana. Mc Afee for supporting our AMBA Certified Partner Centers at Nelamangala. AMBA Volunteers! Accenture, Microsoft, COLT Technololgy Services, HCL, Exide Life Insurance, INTEL, Thomson Reuters, Tech Mahindra, Mindtree, Seagate, Cognizant, DellANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016INSPIRING AN INTELLECTUALDISABILITY MOVEMENTACROSS THE NATION AMBA now has over 247 AMBA Certified Partner Centers going into 24 states with 7000+ peer data operators, trainers, supervisors and trainees in addition to 284 mainstream monitoring staff across india. We have completed orientation for 400 partner institutions who are awaiting collaboration. AMBA Core Center AMBA CertifiedPartner Center

15The process of empowerment never stopsSince inception in 2004, AMBA has evolved a scalable model. Learning Each AMBA Partnerthat is adaptive, functional and completely visual (the reverse of Montessori Center starts with 20 adultslearning) to enable accurate data entry in the new automated world of data with moderate to severeentry and audit. Since this community does not have the acumen and social Intellectual Disability (IQ < 65)skills to work in the mainstream, AMBA partners with special institutions and in just three to five yearsto help them become hubs for learning and earning, thereby enabling an can scale up to 100 to 150empowered society. adults at each ACPC. MILESTONES OF 2015-2016• 108 Centers in 19 States open up to the AMBA Concept• 108 Trainers & 216 Assistant Peer Trainers successfully complete training• 49 new staf f from the mainstream join the AMBA family to help monitor and handhold ACPCs through training, simulation and live work.• 3 AMBA Core Center Youngsters get employed in the Mainstream industr y.• Direct & Indirect Orientation is done for Heads of Institutions from 400+ Special Institutions Pan India. Possible AMBA Cer tified Par tner Centers.• Smooth transition from Sir CV Raman’s residence to New AMBA Core Center in September 2016• Creating a roadmap for Business Development in the automated scenario of data entry and audit.ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016


1715• Empanelled under United Nations Development Program 2016.• Associate Member, CoNGO ( The Conference of NGO’s in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations)-2016.• Helen Keller Awards – 2015• Global Sourcing Council 3S Awards under Impact Sourcing category presented at the United Nations Headquarters, New York-2015.• CII Woman’s Exemplar Award 2013 for Education• NIMHANS Felicitation-2012• DeRozio Award-2008• Ashoka Fellowship-2007ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016


19AMBA does a lot more than provide employment.AMBA is a way of life.Intellectual Disability is a developmental disorder with The intellectually challenged community is theextremely delayed milestones and very low cognitive most marginalized section of society in India. Mostability. The challenge manifests in impaired ability government schools accept and patronize thisto reason or recall, behavioral problems and very community up until the age of 14, following whichoften results in all the associated challenges such as they are entertained through non-earning vocationalphysical disability, seizures, speech and visual defects. practices only until the age of 16. Aside of the years of ridicule that AMBA has to offset, the challenge weIntellectual Disability is seldom genetic, and for this face lies in assuring that this community has the abilityreason it remains largely ‘invisible’ as appearances to independently ensure that their future is secure.rarely show the disability. Most importantly they donot have the social skills to go out and work withinMainstream jobs. Our vision is to change paradigms and mindsets about adults with moderate to severe Intellectual Disability while discovering infinite possibilities for a life of dignity for them through economic empowerment.ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016


21DETAILS OF WORK AT OUR AMBA CORE CENTRE AND OUR ACPC’S:• Tata Tele Services through their vendors Cameo & Karve in Mumbai, Chennai and Bangalore (2004 – 2012).• Airtel, Idea through their vendor iData and CPG in Bangalore (2011 – 2013).• Dinshaw Ice Cream in Nagpur (2007 - 2015).• Sarva Shiksha Abhyan in Rajkot (2008 - Present).• Market Research Companies in Mandya & Bangalore ( 2012 - Present).• Intel Mail-merging and Dispatch, Bangalore (2008 - 2011).• Ing Vysya - Welcome Kit & ID Card Generation (2012 - 2014).• CMIE in Bangalore (2014 - 2015).• Accenture - Bangalore 2015.• Special Olympics Bharat -Bangalore (2007 - 2010).• Proton Sports (Post It) - Bangalore 2016.• BESCOM within the AMBA Core center and 4 AMBA Certified Partner Centers-2016.• Work through the BESCOM NETWORK for scanning and data entry.• One time TNT Consignment with a potential for continuity with Rural Shores. We are negotiating the possibility of doing the Worldwide Invoicing for Microsof t. More work from BESCOM and Rural shores for scanning of documents and data entry for HEAT (emission testing related data entry), CISCO, HSBC, Blue Dar t and Uber is in the pipeline. In 2015 January, the AMBA Core Center temporarily discontinued doing LIVE work and was supported for salaries and training at the AMBA Core Center by the Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust, to have a better understanding of how to maximize SLAs and build more business for AMBA in scale and growth. We stressed on exploring, piloting, enabling software and simulation and developing business within the capacity of the data operators to match the scale. With the onset of data entry going obsolete worldwide we have resourced and completed pilots for ECLAT, Reliance (in the automated phase) and are awaiting Live work. We are very shortly starting pilot and Live work for Tata AIA, Rural Shores, Dukes University, Reliance 4G and Telenor.ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016


23 30 million intellectually challenged adults in India with IQs below 80 live without the hope or capability of developing as professional, earning adults. Theirs is a life of existential dependence. AMBA aims to empower this community and their families, enabling them to enter the mainstream.ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016AMBA ORGANISATIONALCHART 2015 - 2018Governing Body Tr u s t e e s Peer Trustees Deepak Naidu Bharathi Srinivasan Indira Srinivasan Cegeo Thekkal Nasreen Samad Dr. Poornima Ramesh Sarina S. Singh Rekha Nadhkarni

27 Founder Trustee Patron PillarsSugandha Sukrutaraj Air Marshal Denzil Keelor Late Rajan George Late Dr. RadakrishnanAdvisory Board Acting CEO Sugandha Sukrutaraj Ajit Patil Arjun Nohwar Deepak Sukrutraj Ira Snissar Indriyajit SethiKrishnamani BalalRamesh Nuggehalli Shereen Bhan Vishal Talreja Honorary Suppor t Area Directors AMBA Cer tified Special Olympics Par tner Center Bharat AMBA Fellows/ Corporate VolunteersANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016 CEO 2016Head – Business Head – Training* Director – Operations Development 2018 Excellence 2018Director Business Director – Training Manager – Business Development 2015 Processing 2015 Consultant 2017 Manager – Research Peer Director Branding and and Documentation TrainingCommunication 2016 (Non- Computer) 2015 Managers (2) Manager – Training Peer DirectorMarketing and Sales/ 2015 Sup er v ision (Computer) 4 Fund-Raising 2016 2015/16 Monitoring Supervisors Peer Managers (15 in 2015, 12 in 2016 Training (12) and 10 in 2017 2015/16 2015/17Peers (people will moderate to severeIntellectual Disability)

29 Manager – Research Head – Operations and Documentation 2016 Peer Director Director – ADMN Director Director – Business Sup er v isor and Finance Te c hn o l o g y Processing 2015 (Ops)/ADMN 2015 2015 2015 Peer Associate Managers- Manager – Admin Manager Training (15) 2015 and Finance Te c hn o l o g yLive work 2015 2015 training Suppor t Staf f Peer Manager 2015 Te c hn o l o g y 2015 Manager – Quality Control 5 in 2016,10 in 2017 and 10 in 2018) 2015 /17 Peer Manager- Logistics 2015ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016MAKING INROADSCREATING NEWCONNECTIONS2004-2013-The Evolution of the AMBA Concept: the 2013-2016-We have shared the AMBA concept atprocess of research; understanding this community; no cost with over 200+ ACPCs to date who are inmanaging stigma and denials; evolving the curriculum; different stages of training and their efficiency istesting out work within pilots; maximizing efficiency, tracked by monitoring staff from AMBA Core Center.achieving SLA driven processes, has been a long We have impacted 7000+ families to date. Wejourney of development and understanding for AMBA. target to reach 1500 ACPCs by 2025. With 100% employability achieved by 2030.

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a mb a f o r li f e.o r g

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