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Home Explore Class VIII Holiday Homework

Class VIII Holiday Homework

Published by nandini bhattacharya, 2022-05-17 15:42:47

Description: Holiday Homework


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Green was the silence, wet was the light, the month of June trembled like a butterfly. Summer vacation is a great chance that can cheer up our souls and refresh our minds. It’s a time that we all keep on waiting the whole year impatiently. After several working days, we all need a break. And summer vacation is the best break of the year. As parents are the first and the most important teacher for a child, we can encourage our child to participate in many educational activities at home and promote his/her quest to learn. Working together will not only help your child to build, learn and develop his/her skills but also strengthen your bond with him/her. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS  H.W has to be done in a very presentable way.  More usage of digital mode e.g. ppts, word documents etc.  Subjects have been allotted roll no. wise, so check your roll no. and submit accordingly.  H.W of third language is to be done by all the students as per the language opted.  Students need to submit the work on MS Teams to their respective subject teachers

Father’s Day is celebrated every year on the third Sunday of June in most parts of the world. This year Father’s Day will be observed on 19 June 2022. The day is observed annually to recognise the contribution of fathers and their importance in the lives of their children. International Father’s Day is all about honouring the joys of fatherhood and the bond shared. In the light of above occasion, we would appreciate if the students send some pictures or videos \"SPENDING QUALITY TIME WITH YOUR FATHERS.\" YOGA AND MEDITATION Practicing yoga can provide kids with physical benefits such as strength and flexibility, but also improved emotional control and a boost of self-confidence. We would also love to see if the students of our school spare 10- 15minutes of their day doing some Yogasanas at home. Also share some pictures of the same with their class incharges

ENGLISH Prepare a Factual description of your favorite Tourist Spot in Haryana and Telangana each on MS Word. You can record a video for the same.

HINDI आप तिलंगाना और हररयाणा के मनपसंद पययटक स्थल के बारे मंे वणयन करिे हुए वहां की प्रतसद्ध खान-पान, वस्तुएँ , मौसम, त्योहार आतद की जानकारी तित्र व फोटोग्राफ के द्वारा देिे हुए पी.पी.टी. िैयार करंे |  आप इन गतमययों की छु तियों मंे जहाँ भी घूमने जािे है वहां िक पहुँिने और वहां की फोटोग्राफ के साथ अपना एक लेख िैयार करंे |

MATHEMATICS Do you know that great geometric combinations and mathematical reasoning has gone into the construction of Charminar. How the number ‘char (four) and its multiples figures in the designing of the structure. In at least 22 spots the magic of four dazzles.  Compose a song, rap or a poem which includes the mathematical facts of any of the monuments in Haryana or Telangana. Prepare Chapter:Comparing quantities for class presentation.

SCIENCE ECO-FRIENDLY TOUR ‘’Traveling-it leaves you speechless, then it turns you into a storyteller.’’-Ibn Battuta  Compare the Eco Friendly areas of Telangana and Haryana. Make an Instagram reel on the eco-friendliness of these places in terms of area, fabric and the material used. Reference Link:

SOCIAL SCIENCE Let’s escort everyone to give a sneak peek by recording an audio tour which enables one to discover historical and cultural lavishness of Haryana / Telangana (any one) virtually. Assimilate the following points while recording the same- ❖ Famous tourist attractions ❖ History of the location ❖ Famous delicacies ❖ Nostalgic gallery ❖ Choose unique, meaningful images or illustrations to magnify it more ❖ Content shared needs to be fact based ❖ Testimonials of visitors can be included ❖ Decency of language needs to be maintained ❖ Shouldn’t exceed more than 3 mins Reference link:

SANSKRIT  तवद्याथी भारिीय संस्कृ ति व संस्कृ ि महत्त्व को दर्ायिे हुए कोई एक संस्कृ ि गीि िलतित्र के रूप मंे प्रस्तुि करें गें।  िलतित्र -अवति 3 4 तमनट होनी िातहए। तवर्ेष - पररिय , हाव -भाव, वेर्भूषा िथा उच्चारण पर तवर्ेष ध्यान तदया जाएगा । Reference Link:

FRENCH  Prepare a PPT of French chocolate and cheese. Make research on how India’s cheese is different from cheese of France. Use good French vocabulary to make it creative.  Revise the lessons done in class.

LIBRARY Read the book and write its Review. (Kindly refer the format given below) WRITING A BOOK REVIEW (FORMAT) S. No.: Name : Date of issue: Class: Author: Roll No: Title of the book: Session: I. FICTION (Imaginary events and people (stories, novels, etc) ) Summary of the story/book  What was the story/book about?  Who were the main characters?  Who was your favorite character and why? Your personal experience  Could you relate to any of the characters of the story/book?

Your opinion  Did you like the book? If yes/no, why?  What was your favorite part of the book?  If you could change something in the book, what would it be? Your recommendation  Would you recommend this book to another person?  What type of reader would enjoy this book? I. NON-FICTION (Eg: Biographies, history, facts, events, narrations, essays, etc)  What was the book about?  What was the tone of the book (easy/dry/formal/informal/serious/humorous)? How many stars does this book deserve? (Out of Five) (*You do not need to answer each and every question. Write in your own words .Maximum 2 pages only. These are only suggestions to guide your writing).

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